How to use jsFallback method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:lsloader_sync.js Github


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1/**2 * lsloader 同步版本 所有资源阻塞加载,无需其他配置3 * codestartv1 ls版本号,改动这个版本号 所有ls作废.4 * lsloader.load(name,path)5 * name 根据路径生成的唯一localStorage key6 * path 线上的打包后文件路径7 */8(function(){9 window.lsloader = {10 jsFallbacks:[], //js xhr请求失败队列,按顺序加载执行js11 jsnamemap:{}, //js name map 防fallback 重复请求资源12 cssnamemap:{} //css name map 防fallback 重复请求资源13 };14 //读取资源到模板中15 lsloader.load = function(jsname,jspath){16 var code17 try{18 code = localStorage.getItem(jsname);19 }catch(e){20 this.requestResource(jsname,jspath);21 return;22 }23 if(!/\/\*codestartv1\*\//.test(code)){ //ls 版本 codestartv1 每次换这个版本 所有ls作废24 this.removeLS(jsname);25 this.requestResource(jsname,jspath);26 return27 }28 //取出对应文件名下的code29 if(code){30 var versionNumber = code.split('/*codestartv1*/')[0]; //取出路径版本号 如果要加载的和ls里的不同,清理,重写31 if(versionNumber!=jspath){32 this.removeLS(jsname);33 this.requestResource(jsname,jspath);34 return35 }36 code = code.split('/*codestartv1*/')[1];37 document.getElementById(jsname).appendChild(document.createTextNode(code))38 }else{39 //null xhr获取资源40 this.requestResource(jsname,jspath);41 }42 };43 //卸载storage中的资源44 lsloader.removeLS = function(key){45 localStorage.removeItem(key)46 };47 lsloader.requestResource = function(jsname,jspath){48,jsname,function(code){49 document.getElementById(jsname).appendChild(document.createTextNode(code));50 try{51 localStorage.setItem(jsname,jspath+'/*codestartv1*/'+code);52 }catch(e){53 }54 })55 };56 //ajax 请求资源57 = function(path,jsname,callback){58 var that = this;59 try{60 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();61"get",path,false);62 xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){63 if (xhr.readyState == 4){64 if((xhr.status >=200 && xhr.status < 300 ) || xhr.status == 304){65 if(xhr.response!=''){66 callback(xhr.response);67 return;68 }69 }70 }71 if(/\.js$/.test(path)) {72 that.jsfallback(path,jsname);73 }else if(/\.css$/.test(path)){74 that.cssfallback(path,jsname);75 }76 };77 xhr.send(null);78 }catch(e){79 if(/\.js$/.test(path)) {80 that.jsfallback(path,jsname);81 }else if(/\.css$/.test(path)){82 that.cssfallback(path,jsname);83 }84 }85 };86 //js回退加载 this.jsnamemap[name] 存在 证明已经在队列中 放弃87 //如果 path name 都为空 为来自上个任务js加载完成的回调 直接从加载队列中处理88 lsloader.jsfallback = function(path,name){89 if(path!=null && name!=null){90 if(!!this.jsnamemap[name]){91 return;92 }else{93 this.jsnamemap[name]=name;94 }95 if(path){96 this.jsFallbacks.push(path);97 }98 }99 var that = this;100 if(this.jsFallbacks.length==1 || (path==null && name==null)){ //只有一个等待加载的js 或者是上个js回调这里 直接异步加载 否则队列中等待101 var script = document.createElement('script');102 script.src = this.jsFallbacks[0];103 script.onload=function(){104 that.jsFallbacks.shift();105 if(that.jsFallbacks.length>0){106 that.jsfallback(null,null); //如果还有js等待,加载他107 }108 };109 var root = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];110 root.parentNode.insertBefore(script, root);111 }112 };113 lsloader.cssfallback =function(path,name){114 if(!!this.cssnamemap[name]){115 return;116 }else{117 this.cssnamemap[name]=1;118 }119 var link= document.createElement('link');120 link.type='text/css';121 link.href=path;122 link.rel='stylesheet';123 var root = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];124 root.parentNode.insertBefore(link, root)125 }126})()/**127 * Created by yanghuanyu on 16/3/19....

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Source:module-types.js Github


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1/*2 * Loads JSON, CSS, Wasm module types based on file extensions3 * Supports application/javascript falling back to JS eval4 */5(function(global) {6 const systemJSPrototype = global.System.constructor.prototype;7 const instantiate = systemJSPrototype.instantiate;89 systemJSPrototype.instantiate = function (url, parent) {10 const loader = this;11 const ext = url.slice(url.lastIndexOf('.'));12 switch (ext) {13 case '.css':14 return loadDynamicModule(function (_export, source) {15 // Relies on a Constructable Stylesheet polyfill16 const stylesheet = new CSSStyleSheet();17 stylesheet.replaceSync(source);18 _export('default', stylesheet);19 });20 case '.html':21 return getSourceRes().then(function (res) {22 return maybeJSFallback(res) || loadError("'.html' modules not implemented");23 });24 case '.json':25 return loadDynamicModule(function (_export, source) {26 _export('default', JSON.parse(source));27 });28 case '.wasm':29 return getSourceRes().then(function (res) {30 return maybeJSFallback(res) ||31 (WebAssembly.compileStreaming ? WebAssembly.compileStreaming(res) : res.arrayBuffer().then(WebAssembly.compile));32 })33 .then(function (module) {34 const deps = [];35 const setters = [];36 const importObj = {};37 38 // we can only set imports if supported (eg early Safari doesnt support)39 if (WebAssembly.Module.imports)40 WebAssembly.Module.imports(module).forEach(function (impt) {41 const key = impt.module;42 if (deps.indexOf(key) === -1) {43 deps.push(key);44 setters.push(function (m) {45 importObj[key] = m;46 });47 }48 });49 50 return [deps, function (_export) {51 return {52 setters: setters,53 execute: function () {54 return WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObj)55 .then(function (instance) {56 _export(instance.exports);57 });58 }59 };60 }];61 });62 }63 return instantiate.apply(this, arguments);6465 function getSourceRes () {66 return fetch(url).then(function (res) {67 if (!res.ok)68 loadError(res.status + ' ' + res.statusText);69 return res;70 });71 }72 function maybeJSFallback (res) {73 const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type');74 // if the resource is sent as application/javascript, support eval-based execution75 if (contentType && contentType.match(/^application\/javascript(;|$)/)) {76 return res.text().then(function (source) {77 (0, eval)(source);78 return loader.getRegister();79 });80 }81 }82 function loadDynamicModule (createExec) {83 return getSourceRes().then(function (res) {84 return maybeJSFallback(res) || res.text().then(function (source) {85 return [[], function (_export) {86 return { execute: createExec(_export, source) };87 }];88 });89 });90 }91 function loadError (msg) {92 throw Error(msg + ', loading ' + url + (parent ? ' from ' + parent : ''));93 }94 }; ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsFallback } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';4import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';5import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';6storiesOf('Test', module)7 .addDecorator(withKnobs)8 .addDecorator(withInfo)9 .addDecorator(withA11y)10 .addDecorator(jsFallback)11 .add('test', () => {12 return <div>Test</div>;13 });14import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';15import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';16import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';17import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';18import { jsFallback } from 'storybook-root-decorator';19addDecorator(withKnobs);20addDecorator(withInfo);21addDecorator(withA11y);22addDecorator(jsFallback);23configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);24import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';25import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';26addDecorator(withInfo);27configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsFallback } from 'storybook-root-decorator'2export default {3}4export const test = () => {5}6import { Meta, Story, Preview } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks'7import 'core-js/stable'8import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsFallback } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2const Component = () => <div>Component</div>;3export default {4};5export const Default = () => <Component />;6Default.story = {7 parameters: {8 jsFallback: {9 },10 },11};12export const WithProps = () => <Component />;13WithProps.story = {14 parameters: {15 jsFallback: {16 props: {17 },18 },19 },20};21export const WithPropsAndTheme = () => <Component />;22WithPropsAndTheme.story = {23 parameters: {24 jsFallback: {25 props: {26 },27 theme: {28 },29 },30 },31};32export const WithPropsAndThemeAndContext = () => <Component />;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsFallback } from 'storybook-root';2jsFallback();3import 'storybook-root/register';4import 'storybook-root/config';5import 'storybook-root/preview';6import 'storybook-root/webpack';7import 'storybook-root/manager';8MIT © [sanchit3b](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsFallback } from 'storybook-root';2const { defineParameterType } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');3defineParameterType({4 regexp: /jsFallback\((.*)\)/,5});6const { Given } = require('cucumber');7const { jsFallback } = require('storybook-root');8Given('I have {jsFallback} in my wallet', function (jsFallback) {9 return 'pending';10});11const { Given } = require('cucumber');12const { jsFallback } = require('storybook-root');13Given('I have {jsFallback} in my wallet', function (jsFallback) {14 return 'pending';15});16const { Given } = require('cucumber');17const { jsFallback } = require('storybook-root');18Given('I have {jsFallback} in my wallet', function (jsFallback) {19 return 'pending';20});21const { Given } = require('cucumber');22const { jsFallback } = require('storybook-root');23Given('I have {jsFallback} in my wallet', function (jsFallback) {24 return 'pending';25});26const { Given } = require('cucumber');27const { jsFallback } = require('storybook-root');28Given('I have {jsFallback} in my wallet', function (jsFallback) {29 return 'pending';30});31const { Given } = require('cucumber');32const { jsFallback } = require('storybook-root');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsFallback } from "storybook-root";2const Test = () => {3 jsFallback("test", () => {4 });5 return <div>Test</div>;6};7export default Test;8import { jsFallback } from "storybook-addon-js-fallback";9import Test from "./test";10export default {11 decorators: [jsFallback("test")],12};13export const Default = () => <Test />;14import { Meta } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks";15import { jsFallback } from "storybook-addon-js-fallback";16import Test from "./test";17export default {18 decorators: [jsFallback("test")],19 parameters: {20 docs: {21 page: () => <Meta title="Test" />,22 },23 },24};25export const Default = () => <Test />;

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