Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
Source: build.js
1const path = require('path');2const fs = require('fs');3const ast = require('ast-types').builders;4const esprima = require('esprima');5const escodegen = require('escodegen');6const doctrine = require('doctrine');7const lodash = require('lodash');8const lodashCLI = require('lodash-cli');9const methods = require('../methods');10const BUNDLE_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'vendor', 'lodash.js');11const EXTERNS_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'externs', 'lodash.js');12const README_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '');13const README_TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'templates', '');14const TAB = '\t';15const NEW_LINE = '\n';16const JSDOC_LINE_STARTER = `${TAB} * `;17const JSDOC_TAGS_RENAMING = {18 'returns': 'return'19};20const JSDOC_TAGS_BLACKLIST = [21 'category',22 'memberOf',23 'static',24 'example',25 'see'26];27const {28 ExpressionStatement,29 CallExpression,30 VariableDeclaration,31 FunctionDeclaration32} = esprima.Syntax;33let lodashPath;34try {35 lodashPath = require.resolve('lodash');36} catch (e) {37 throw new Error('Can\'t resolve lodash path');38}39const lodashAST = esprima.parse(fs.readFileSync(lodashPath, 'utf-8'), {40 attachComment: true41});42const lodashIIFE = lodashAST.body.find((node) =>43 node.type === ExpressionStatement &&44 node.expression.type === CallExpression45);46if (!lodashIIFE) {47 throw new Error('Lodash source code is not wrapped to IIFE');48}49const lodashIIFEBody = lodashIIFE.expression.callee.object.body.body;50fs.writeFileSync(EXTERNS_FILE_PATH, generateExterns(lodashIIFEBody), 'utf-8');51console.log(`Externs written at ${EXTERNS_FILE_PATH}`);52fs.writeFileSync(README_FILE_PATH, generateReadme(lodashIIFEBody), 'utf-8');53console.log(`Readme written at ${README_FILE_PATH}`);54lodashCLI([55 `include=${methods.join(',')}`,56 'iife=;(function() {%output%}).call(this); window.lodash=window._; delete window._;',57 '--output', BUNDLE_FILE_PATH,58 '--production'59], (data) => {60 // Remove line with build command from JSDoc61 data.source = data.source.replace(/(\* Build:(.*)\n) /, '');62 fs.writeFileSync(data.outputPath, data.source);63 console.log(`Bundle written at ${BUNDLE_FILE_PATH}`);64});65function generateExterns(lodashIIFEBody) {66 const contextRunnerVariable = lodashIIFEBody.find((node) =>67 node.type === VariableDeclaration &&68 node.declarations.find((declaration) => === 'runInContext')69 );70 if (!contextRunnerVariable) {71 throw new Error('Expected presence of runInContext variable in lodash source code');72 }73 const contextRunnerBody = contextRunnerVariable.declarations[0].init.body.body;74 const externsMethods = => {75 const declaration = contextRunnerBody.find((node) =>76 (node.type === FunctionDeclaration && === methodName) ||77 (node.type === VariableDeclaration && node.declarations.find((declaration) =>78 === methodName79 ))80 );81 if (!declaration) {82 throw new Error(`Can't find declaration of method ${methodName}`);83 }84 const JSDocBlock = declaration.leadingComments.find((node) =>85 node.type === 'Block' &&86 node.value.startsWith('*') // Guard for lodash's positional markers87 );88 if (!JSDocBlock) {89 throw new Error(`Method ${methodName} has no JSDoc`);90 }91 // Lodash uses proprietary tag "@param-" to describe internally used parameters92 const value = JSDocBlock.value.replace(/@param-.+/g, '');93 const JSDocAST = doctrine.parse(value, {94 sloppy: true,95 unwrap: true96 });97 modifyJSDoc(JSDocAST);98 const params = JSDocAST.tags.filter((tag) => tag.title === 'param')99 .map((tag) => ast.identifier(;100 const func = ast.functionExpression(null, params, ast.blockStatement([]));101 const property = ast.methodDefinition('method', ast.identifier(methodName), func);102 const block = ast.block(renderJSDoc(JSDocAST));103 // Assign to leadingComments for sake of escodegen104 property.leadingComments = [block];105 return property;106 });107 const lodashClass = ast.classDeclaration(108 ast.identifier('Lodash'),109 ast.classBody(externsMethods)110 );111 lodashClass.leadingComments = [ast.block(`*${NEW_LINE} `)];112 const lodashInstance = ast.expressionStatement(113 ast.memberExpression(114 ast.identifier('window'),115 ast.identifier('lodash')116 )117 );118 lodashInstance.leadingComments = [ast.block(`*${NEW_LINE} * @type {Lodash}${NEW_LINE} `)];119 const externsAST = ast.program([120 lodashClass,121 lodashInstance122 ]);123 return escodegen.generate(externsAST, {124 comment: true,125 format: {126 indent: {127 style: TAB128 }129 }130 }) + NEW_LINE;131}132function generateReadme(lodashIIFEBody) {133 const lodashVersionVariable = lodashIIFEBody.find((node) =>134 node.type === VariableDeclaration &&135 node.declarations.find((declaration) => === 'VERSION')136 );137 if (!lodashVersionVariable) {138 throw new Error('Expected presence of VERSION variable in lodash source code');139 }140 const lodashVersion = lodashVersionVariable.declarations[0].init.value;141 return lodash.template(fs.readFileSync(README_TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH, 'utf-8'))({142 version: lodashVersion,143 methods: => `* [${name}](${lodashVersion}#${name})`)144 .join(NEW_LINE)145 });146}147function modifyJSDoc(JSDocAST) {148 const {149 OptionalType,150 RestType,151 RecordType,152 FieldType,153 UnionType,154 UndefinedLiteral155 } = doctrine.Syntax;156 // Add @nosideeffects tag for Closure Compiler optimisation157 JSDocAST.tags.unshift({158 title: 'nosideeffects',159 description: null160 });161 // Discard some tags162 JSDocAST.tags = JSDocAST.tags.filter((tag) => !JSDOC_TAGS_BLACKLIST.includes(tag.title));163 // Rename some tags164 JSDocAST.tags.forEach((tag) => {165 if (JSDOC_TAGS_RENAMING[tag.title]) {166 tag.title = JSDOC_TAGS_RENAMING[tag.title];167 }168 });169 const params = JSDocAST.tags.filter((tag) => tag.title === 'param');170 /*171 * Don't allow rest param that not in the end, e.g.:172 *173 * @param {...Array} arrays174 * @param {Function=} comparator175 *176 * will be translated to177 *178 * @param {Array} arrays179 * @param {Array=} arraysSup180 * @param {Function=} comparator181 */182 params.forEach((tag, index) => {183 const previousParam = params[index - 1];184 const nextParam = params[index + 1];185 const isPlainRest = tag.type && tag.type.type === RestType;186 const isOptionalRest = tag.type && tag.type.type === OptionalType && tag.type.expression.type === RestType;187 if (nextParam) {188 let expression;189 if (isPlainRest) {190 tag.type = expression = tag.type.expression;191 }192 if (isOptionalRest) {193 tag.type.expression = expression = tag.type.expression.expression;194 }195 /*196 * Add supplementary param when rest param is the first,197 * e.g. "xorBy" method has the next params signature:198 *199 * @param {...Array=} arrays The arrays to inspect.200 * @param {Function=} iteratee The iteratee invoked per element.201 *202 * To be able to compile such method we have to insert supplementary param and restrict arity203 */204 if (expression && !previousParam) {205 const tagName =;206 = `${tagName}0`;207 // Add supplementary param tag208 JSDocAST.tags.splice(JSDocAST.tags.indexOf(tag) + 1, 0, {209 title: 'param',210 name: `${tagName}1`,211 description: tag.description,212 type: {213 type: OptionalType,214 expression215 }216 });217 }218 }219 });220 /*221 * Don't allow optional params that not at the end, e.g.:222 *223 * @param {Array=} array224 * @param {Function} comparator225 *226 * will be translated to227 *228 * @param {Array} array229 * @param {Function} comparator230 */231 params.forEach((tag, index) => {232 const isOptional = tag.type && tag.type.type === OptionalType;233 const nextParam = params[index + 1];234 const isNextOptional = (235 nextParam &&236 nextParam.type &&237 nextParam.type.type === OptionalType238 );239 if (isOptional && nextParam && !isNextOptional) {240 tag.type = tag.type.expression;241 }242 });243 /*244 * Change notation for optional rest params, e.g.:245 *246 * @param {...Array} [array]247 *248 * will be translated to249 *250 * @param {...Array|undefined) array251 *252 * instead of253 *254 * @param {...Array=) array255 *256 * by default, which is invalid notation for Closure Compiler257 */258 params.forEach((tag) => {259 const isOptionalRest = tag.type.type === OptionalType && tag.type.expression.type === RestType;260 // Replace "=" notation to "|undefined" notation261 if (isOptionalRest) {262 tag.type = {263 type: UnionType,264 elements: [265 tag.type.expression,266 {type: UndefinedLiteral}267 ]268 };269 }270 });271 /*272 * Collapse object properties to record, e.g.:273 *274 * @param {Object} [options]275 * @param {number} [options.wait]276 *277 * will be translated to278 *279 * @param {{wait: number|undefined}=} options280 */281 JSDocAST.tags = JSDocAST.tags.reduce((handledTags, tag) => {282 if ( &&'.') !== -1) {283 const masterTag = handledTags.find((candidateTag) =>284 && );286 if (masterTag) {287 let masterType;288 if (masterTag.type.type === OptionalType) {289 if (masterTag.type.expression.type !== RecordType) {290 masterTag.type.expression = {291 type: RecordType,292 fields: []293 };294 }295 masterType = masterTag.type.expression;296 } else {297 if (masterTag.type !== RecordType) {298 masterTag.type = {299 type: RecordType,300 fields: []301 };302 }303 masterType = masterTag.type;304 }305 // Replace "=" notation to "|undefined" notation306 let tagType = tag.type;307 if (tagType.type === OptionalType) {308 tagType = {309 type: UnionType,310 elements: [311 tagType.expression,312 {type: UndefinedLiteral}313 ]314 };315 }316 masterType.fields.push({317 type: FieldType,318 key:'.')[1],319 value: tagType320 });321 return handledTags;322 }323 }324 return handledTags.concat([tag]);325 }, []);326}327function renderJSDoc(JSDocAST) {328 let description = '';329 if (JSDocAST.description) {330 description = JSDocAST.description.replace(new RegExp(NEW_LINE, 'g'), `${NEW_LINE}${JSDOC_LINE_STARTER}`);331 description = `${JSDOC_LINE_STARTER}${description}${NEW_LINE}${JSDOC_LINE_STARTER}${NEW_LINE}`;332 }333 const renderedTags = => {334 const chunks = [335 `${JSDOC_LINE_STARTER}@${tag.title}`336 ];337 if (tag.type) {338 chunks.push(`{${doctrine.type.stringify(tag.type, {339 compact: true,340 topLevel: true341 })}}`);342 }343 if ( {344 chunks.push(;345 }346 if (tag.description) {347 // Replace new line characters to inline description text348 chunks.push(tag.description.replace(new RegExp(NEW_LINE, 'g'), ''));349 }350 return chunks.join(' ');351 });352 return `*${NEW_LINE}${description}${renderedTags.join(NEW_LINE)}${NEW_LINE}${TAB} `;...
Source: transform-file.ts
1import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';2import { explainSync } from 'jsdoc-api';3import { sync as mkdirp } from 'mkdirp';4import * as path from 'path';5import { createPrinter, createSourceFile, ListFormat, Printer, ScriptKind, ScriptTarget, SourceFile } from 'typescript';6import { preprocess } from './preprocess';7import { transformContent } from './transform-content';8export function transformFile(srcFile: string, destFile: string, dts: boolean): void {9 destFile = destFile.replace(/\.js$/, dts ? '.d.ts' : '.ts');10 const printer: Printer = createPrinter();11 const sourceFile: SourceFile = createSourceFile(12 destFile, '', ScriptTarget.ES2015, true, ScriptKind.TS,13 );14 const jsDocAst = explainSync({ files: srcFile });15 const fileContent = readFileSync(srcFile, 'utf-8');16 preprocess(jsDocAst, fileContent);17 const statements = transformContent(jsDocAst, dts);18 const content = printer.printList(ListFormat.MultiLine, statements, sourceFile);19 mkdirp(path.dirname(destFile));20 writeFileSync(destFile, content, 'utf-8');...
Source: export-json.ts
1import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';2import { explainSync } from 'jsdoc-api';3import { sync as mkdirp } from 'mkdirp';4import * as path from 'path';5import { preprocess } from './preprocess';6export function exportJson(srcFile: string, destFile: string): void {7 destFile = destFile.replace(/\.js$/, '.json');8 const jsDocAst = explainSync({ files: srcFile });9 const fileContent = readFileSync(srcFile, 'utf-8');10 preprocess(jsDocAst, fileContent);11 mkdirp(path.dirname(destFile));12 writeFileSync(destFile, JSON.stringify(jsDocAst, null, 2), 'utf-8');...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { jsDocAst } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';2export default {3 parameters: {4 docs: {5 page: () => {6 const mdast = jsDocAst(MyComponent);7 return <Markdown ast={mdast} />;8 },9 },10 },11};12import { DocsPage } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';13export default {14 parameters: {15 docs: {16 },17 },18};19import { DocsPage } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';20export default {21 parameters: {22 docs: {23 },24 },25};26import { DocsPage } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';27export default {28 parameters: {29 docs: {30 },31 },32};33import { DocsPage } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';34export default {35 parameters: {36 docs: {37 },38 },39};40import { DocsPage } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';41export default {
Using AI Code Generation
1const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");2const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;3const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");4const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;5const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");6const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;7const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");8const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;9const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");10const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;11const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");12const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;13const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");14const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;15const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");16const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;17const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");18const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;19const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");20const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;21const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");22const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;23const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");24const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;25const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");26const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;27const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root");28const jsDocAst = storybookRoot.jsDocAst;29const storybookRoot = require("storybook-root
Using AI Code Generation
1import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';2import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';3import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';4import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';5import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';6import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';7import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';8import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';9import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';10import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';11import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';12import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';13import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';14import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';15import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';16import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root-alias';17import
Using AI Code Generation
1const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");2const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");3const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");4const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");5const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");6const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");7const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");8const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");9const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");10const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");11const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");12const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");13const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");14const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");15const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");16const jsDocAst = require("storybook-root/lib/utils/jsDocAst");
Using AI Code Generation
1const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;2const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');3const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;4const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');5const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;6const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');7const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;8const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');9const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;10const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');11const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;12const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');13const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;14const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');15const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;16const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');17const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;18const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');19const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;20const ast = jsDocAst('path/to/file.js');
Using AI Code Generation
1var jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;2var path = require('path');3var ast = jsDocAst(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'));4console.log(ast);5{ description: 'Path: test.js6 returns: { type: 'Object', description: '' },7 [ { title: 'method',8 lineNumber: 5 } ],9 code: 'var jsDocAst = require(\'storybook-root\').jsDocAst;\nvar path = require(\'path\');\n\nvar ast = jsDocAst(path.join(__dirname, \'test.js\'));\n\nconsole.log(ast);',10 file: '/Users/eshwar/Projects/storybook-root/test/test.js' }11var React = require('react');12var JsDocAst = React.createClass({13 render: function() {14 return (15 {JSON.stringify(this.props.ast, null, 4)}16 );17 }18});19module.exports = JsDocAst;20var React = require('react');21var storiesOf = require('storybook-root').storiesOf;22var JsDocAst = require('./JsDocAst');23var ast = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst(__filename);24storiesOf('JsDocAst', module)25 .add('with ast', () => (26 <JsDocAst ast={ast} />27 ));28var React = require('react');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { jsDocAst } = require('storybook-root');2const path = require('path');3const jsdocAst = jsDocAst(path.join(__dirname, 'index.js'));4const jsdoc = jsdocAst.getJsDocAst();5console.log(jsdoc);6 * @param {String} name - name of the person7 * @param {String} address - address of the person8 * @returns {String} - returns the name of the person9function getName(name, address) {10 return name;11}12module.exports = {13};
Using AI Code Generation
1const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;2storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");3const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;4storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");5const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;6storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");7const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;8storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");9const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;10storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");11const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;12storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");13const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;14storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");15const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;16storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");17const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;18storybookAst("./path/to/file.js");19const storybookAst = require("storybook-root").jsDocAst;
Using AI Code Generation
1const jsDocAst = require('storybook-root').jsDocAst;2const ast = jsDocAst('./src/components/MyComponent.js');3console.log(ast);4import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';5import { jsDocAst } from 'storybook-root';6const req = require.context('../src/components', true, /\.stories\.js$/);7function loadStories() {8 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));9}10addDecorator((story, context) => {11 const { kind, story: storyName } = context;12 const ast = jsDocAst(`../src/components/${kind}/${storyName}.js`);13 console.log(ast);14 return story(context);15});16configure(loadStories, module);17jsDocAst(filePath)18jsDocAst(filePath, options)19jsDocAst('./src/components/MyComponent.js', {20});21MIT © [Chaitanya Joshi](
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