Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
...128 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _open: spy })129 const test = new Test('foobar')130 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _open() call')132 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _open() was correct')133 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 2, 'got two arguments')134 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedOptions, 'got default options argument')135{ options: 1 }, expectedCb)136 expectedOptions.options = 1137 t.equal(spy.callCount, 2, 'got _open() call')138 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).thisValue, test, '`this` on _open() was correct')139 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args.length, 2, 'got two arguments')140 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[0], expectedOptions, 'got expected options argument')141 t.end()142})143test('test close() extensibility', function (t) {144 const spy = sinon.spy()145 const expectedCb = function () {}146 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _close: spy })147 const test = new Test('foobar')148 test.close(expectedCb)149 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _close() call')150 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _close() was correct')151 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 1, 'got one arguments')152 t.end()153})154test('test get() extensibility', function (t) {155 const spy = sinon.spy()156 const expectedCb = function () {}157 const expectedOptions = { asBuffer: true }158 const expectedKey = 'a key'159 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _get: spy })160 const test = new Test('foobar')161 test.get(expectedKey, expectedCb)162 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _get() call')163 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _get() was correct')164 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')165 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')166 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[1], expectedOptions, 'got default options argument')167 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected cb argument')168 test.get(expectedKey, { options: 1 }, expectedCb)169 expectedOptions.options = 1170 t.equal(spy.callCount, 2, 'got _get() call')171 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).thisValue, test, '`this` on _get() was correct')172 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')173 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')174 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[1], expectedOptions, 'got expected options argument')175 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected cb argument')176 t.end()177})178test('test del() extensibility', function (t) {179 const spy = sinon.spy()180 const expectedCb = function () {}181 const expectedOptions = { options: 1 }182 const expectedKey = 'a key'183 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _del: spy })184 const test = new Test('foobar')185 test.del(expectedKey, expectedCb)186 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _del() call')187 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _del() was correct')188 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')189 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')190 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[1], {}, 'got blank options argument')191 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected cb argument')192 test.del(expectedKey, expectedOptions, expectedCb)193 t.equal(spy.callCount, 2, 'got _del() call')194 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).thisValue, test, '`this` on _del() was correct')195 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')196 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')197 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[1], expectedOptions, 'got expected options argument')198 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected cb argument')199 t.end()200})201test('test put() extensibility', function (t) {202 const spy = sinon.spy()203 const expectedCb = function () {}204 const expectedOptions = { options: 1 }205 const expectedKey = 'a key'206 const expectedValue = 'a value'207 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _put: spy })208 const test = new Test('foobar')209 test.put(expectedKey, expectedValue, expectedCb)210 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _put() call')211 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _put() was correct')212 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 4, 'got four arguments')213 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')214 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[1], expectedValue, 'got expected value argument')215 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[2], {}, 'got blank options argument')216 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[3], expectedCb, 'got expected cb argument')217 test.put(expectedKey, expectedValue, expectedOptions, expectedCb)218 t.equal(spy.callCount, 2, 'got _put() call')219 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).thisValue, test, '`this` on _put() was correct')220 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args.length, 4, 'got four arguments')221 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')222 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[1], expectedValue, 'got expected value argument')223 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[2], expectedOptions, 'got blank options argument')224 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[3], expectedCb, 'got expected cb argument')225 t.end()226})227test('test batch([]) (array-form) extensibility', function (t) {228 const spy = sinon.spy()229 const expectedCb = function () {}230 const expectedOptions = { options: 1 }231 const expectedArray = [232 { type: 'put', key: '1', value: '1' },233 { type: 'del', key: '2' }234 ]235 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _batch: spy })236 const test = new Test('foobar')237 test.batch(expectedArray, expectedCb)238 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _batch() call')239 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _batch() was correct')240 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')241 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedArray, 'got expected array argument')242 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[1], {}, 'got expected options argument')243 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected callback argument')244 test.batch(expectedArray, expectedOptions, expectedCb)245 t.equal(spy.callCount, 2, 'got _batch() call')246 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).thisValue, test, '`this` on _batch() was correct')247 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')248 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[0], expectedArray, 'got expected array argument')249 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[1], expectedOptions, 'got expected options argument')250 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected callback argument')251 test.batch(expectedArray, null, expectedCb)252 t.equal(spy.callCount, 3, 'got _batch() call')253 t.equal(spy.getCall(2).thisValue, test, '`this` on _batch() was correct')254 t.equal(spy.getCall(2).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')255 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(2).args[0], expectedArray, 'got expected array argument')256 t.ok(spy.getCall(2).args[1], 'options should not be null')257 t.equal(spy.getCall(2).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected callback argument')258 t.end()259})260test('test batch([]) (array-form) with empty array is asynchronous', function (t) {261 const spy = sinon.spy()262 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _batch: spy })263 const test = new Test()264 let async = false265 test.batch([], function (err) {266 t.ifError(err, 'no error')267 t.ok(async, 'callback is asynchronous')268 /β/β Assert that asynchronicity is provided by batch() rather than _batch()269, 0, '_batch() call was bypassed')270 t.end()271 })272 async = true273})274test('test chained batch() extensibility', function (t) {275 const spy = sinon.spy()276 const expectedCb = function () {}277 const expectedOptions = { options: 1 }278 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _batch: spy })279 const test = new Test('foobar')280 test.batch().put('foo', 'bar').del('bang').write(expectedCb)281 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _batch() call')282 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _batch() was correct')283 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')284 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0].length, 2, 'got expected array argument')285 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0], { type: 'put', key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, 'got expected array argument[0]')286 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[0][1], { type: 'del', key: 'bang' }, 'got expected array argument[1]')287 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[1], {}, 'got expected options argument')288 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected callback argument')289 test.batch().put('foo', 'bar', expectedOptions).del('bang', expectedOptions).write(expectedOptions, expectedCb)290 t.equal(spy.callCount, 2, 'got _batch() call')291 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).thisValue, test, '`this` on _batch() was correct')292 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args.length, 3, 'got three arguments')293 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[0].length, 2, 'got expected array argument')294 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[0][0], { type: 'put', key: 'foo', value: 'bar', options: 1 }, 'got expected array argument[0]')295 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[0][1], { type: 'del', key: 'bang', options: 1 }, 'got expected array argument[1]')296 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(1).args[1], expectedOptions, 'got expected options argument')297 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).args[2], expectedCb, 'got expected callback argument')298 t.end()299})300test('test chained batch() with no operations is asynchronous', function (t) {301 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {})302 const test = new Test()303 let async = false304 test.batch().write(function (err) {305 t.ifError(err, 'no error')306 t.ok(async, 'callback is asynchronous')307 t.end()308 })309 async = true310})311test('test chained batch() (custom _chainedBatch) extensibility', function (t) {312 const spy = sinon.spy()313 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _chainedBatch: spy })314 const test = new Test('foobar')315 test.batch()316 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _chainedBatch() call')317 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _chainedBatch() was correct')318 test.batch()319 t.equal(spy.callCount, 2, 'got _chainedBatch() call')320 t.equal(spy.getCall(1).thisValue, test, '`this` on _chainedBatch() was correct')321 t.end()322})323test('test AbstractChainedBatch extensibility', function (t) {324 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch)325 const db = {}326 const test = new Test(db)327 t.ok(test.db === db, 'instance has db reference')328 t.end()329})330test('test AbstractChainedBatch expects a db', function (t) {331 t.plan(1)332 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch)333 try {334 Test()335 } catch (err) {336, 'First argument must be an abstract-leveldown compliant store')337 }338})339test('test AbstractChainedBatch#write() extensibility', function (t) {340 const spy = sinon.spy()341 const spycb = sinon.spy()342 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch, { _write: spy })343 const test = new Test({ test: true })344 test.write(spycb)345 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _write() call')346 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _write() was correct')347 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 2, 'got two arguments')348 t.same(spy.getCall(0).args[0], {}, 'got options')349 /β/β awkward here cause of nextTick & an internal wrapped cb350 t.equal(typeof spy.getCall(0).args[1], 'function', 'got a callback function')351 t.equal(spycb.callCount, 0, 'spycb not called')352 spy.getCall(0).args[1]()353 t.equal(spycb.callCount, 1, 'spycb called, i.e. was our cb argument')354 t.end()355})356test('test AbstractChainedBatch#write() extensibility with null options', function (t) {357 const spy = sinon.spy()358 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch, { _write: spy })359 const test = new Test({ test: true })360 test.write(null, function () {})361 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _write() call')362 t.same(spy.getCall(0).args[0], {}, 'got options')363 t.end()364})365test('test AbstractChainedBatch#write() extensibility with options', function (t) {366 const spy = sinon.spy()367 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch, { _write: spy })368 const test = new Test({ test: true })369 test.write({ test: true }, function () {})370 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _write() call')371 t.same(spy.getCall(0).args[0], { test: true }, 'got options')372 t.end()373})374test('test AbstractChainedBatch#put() extensibility', function (t) {375 const spy = sinon.spy()376 const expectedKey = 'key'377 const expectedValue = 'value'378 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch, { _put: spy })379 const test = new Test(testCommon.factory())380 const returnValue = test.put(expectedKey, expectedValue)381 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _put call')382 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _put() was correct')383 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 3, 'got 3 arguments')384 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')385 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[1], expectedValue, 'got expected value argument')386 t.same(spy.getCall(0).args[2], {}, 'got expected options argument')387 t.equal(returnValue, test, 'get expected return value')388 t.end()389})390test('test AbstractChainedBatch#del() extensibility', function (t) {391 const spy = sinon.spy()392 const expectedKey = 'key'393 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch, { _del: spy })394 const test = new Test(testCommon.factory())395 const returnValue = test.del(expectedKey)396 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _del call')397 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _del() was correct')398 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 2, 'got 2 arguments')399 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedKey, 'got expected key argument')400 t.same(spy.getCall(0).args[1], {}, 'got expected options argument')401 t.equal(returnValue, test, 'get expected return value')402 t.end()403})404test('test AbstractChainedBatch#clear() extensibility', function (t) {405 const spy = sinon.spy()406 const Test = implement(AbstractChainedBatch, { _clear: spy })407 const test = new Test(testCommon.factory())408 const returnValue = test.clear()409 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _clear call')410 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _clear() was correct')411 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 0, 'got zero arguments')412 t.equal(returnValue, test, 'get expected return value')413 t.end()414})415test('test iterator() extensibility', function (t) {416 const spy = sinon.spy()417 const expectedOptions = {418 options: 1,419 reverse: false,420 keys: true,421 values: true,422 limit: -1,423 keyAsBuffer: true,424 valueAsBuffer: true425 }426 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _iterator: spy })427 const test = new Test('foobar')428 test.iterator({ options: 1 })429 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _iterator() call')430 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _iterator() was correct')431 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 1, 'got one arguments')432 t.deepEqual(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedOptions, 'got expected options argument')433 t.end()434})435test('test AbstractIterator extensibility', function (t) {436 const Test = implement(AbstractIterator)437 const db = {}438 const test = new Test(db)439 t.ok(test.db === db, 'instance has db reference')440 t.end()441})442test('test AbstractIterator#next() extensibility', function (t) {443 const spy = sinon.spy()444 const spycb = sinon.spy()445 const Test = implement(AbstractIterator, { _next: spy })446 const test = new Test({})447 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _next() call')449 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _next() was correct')450 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 1, 'got one arguments')451 /β/β awkward here cause of nextTick & an internal wrapped cb452 t.equal(typeof spy.getCall(0).args[0], 'function', 'got a callback function')453 t.equal(spycb.callCount, 0, 'spycb not called')454 spy.getCall(0).args[0]()455 t.equal(spycb.callCount, 1, 'spycb called, i.e. was our cb argument')456 t.end()457})458test('test AbstractIterator#end() extensibility', function (t) {459 const spy = sinon.spy()460 const expectedCb = function () {}461 const Test = implement(AbstractIterator, { _end: spy })462 const test = new Test({})463 test.end(expectedCb)464 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _end() call')465 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).thisValue, test, '`this` on _end() was correct')466 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args.length, 1, 'got one arguments')467 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedCb, 'got expected cb argument')468 t.end()469})470test('test clear() extensibility', function (t) {471 const spy = sinon.spy()472 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, { _clear: spy })473 const db = new Test()474 const callback = function () {}475 call([callback], { reverse: false, limit: -1 })476 call([null, callback], { reverse: false, limit: -1 })477 call([undefined, callback], { reverse: false, limit: -1 })478 call([{ custom: 1 }, callback], { custom: 1, reverse: false, limit: -1 })479 call([{ reverse: true, limit: 0 }, callback], { reverse: true, limit: 0 })480 call([{ reverse: 1 }, callback], { reverse: true, limit: -1 })481 call([{ reverse: null }, callback], { reverse: false, limit: -1 })482 function call (args, expectedOptions) {483 db.clear.apply(db, args)484, 1, 'got _clear() call')485, db, '`this` on _clear() was correct')486, 2, 'got two arguments')487 t.same(spy.getCall(0).args[0], expectedOptions, 'got expected options argument')488[1], callback, 'got expected callback argument')489 spy.resetHistory()490 }491 t.end()492})493test('test serialization extensibility (put)', function (t) {494 t.plan(5)495 const spy = sinon.spy()496 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {497 _put: spy,498 _serializeKey: function (key) {499 t.equal(key, 'no')500 return 'foo'501 },502 _serializeValue: function (value) {503 t.equal(value, 'nope')504 return 'bar'505 }506 })507 const test = new Test('foobar')508 test.put('no', 'nope', function () {})509 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _put() call')510 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], 'foo', 'got expected key argument')511 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[1], 'bar', 'got expected value argument')512})513test('test serialization extensibility (del)', function (t) {514 t.plan(3)515 const spy = sinon.spy()516 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {517 _del: spy,518 _serializeKey: function (key) {519 t.equal(key, 'no')520 return 'foo'521 },522 _serializeValue: function (value) {523'should not be called')524 }525 })526 const test = new Test('foobar')527 test.del('no', function () {})528 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _del() call')529 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], 'foo', 'got expected key argument')530 t.end()531})532test('test serialization extensibility (batch array put)', function (t) {533 t.plan(5)534 const spy = sinon.spy()535 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {536 _batch: spy,537 _serializeKey: function (key) {538 t.equal(key, 'no')539 return 'foo'540 },541 _serializeValue: function (value) {542 t.equal(value, 'nope')543 return 'bar'544 }545 })546 const test = new Test('foobar')547 test.batch([{ type: 'put', key: 'no', value: 'nope' }], function () {})548 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _batch() call')549 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].key, 'foo', 'got expected key')550 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].value, 'bar', 'got expected value')551})552test('test serialization extensibility (batch chain put)', function (t) {553 t.plan(5)554 const spy = sinon.spy()555 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {556 _batch: spy,557 _serializeKey: function (key) {558 t.equal(key, 'no')559 return 'foo'560 },561 _serializeValue: function (value) {562 t.equal(value, 'nope')563 return 'bar'564 }565 })566 const test = new Test('foobar')567 test.batch().put('no', 'nope').write(function () {})568 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _batch() call')569 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].key, 'foo', 'got expected key')570 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].value, 'bar', 'got expected value')571})572test('test serialization extensibility (batch array del)', function (t) {573 t.plan(3)574 const spy = sinon.spy()575 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {576 _batch: spy,577 _serializeKey: function (key) {578 t.equal(key, 'no')579 return 'foo'580 },581 _serializeValue: function (value) {582'should not be called')583 }584 })585 const test = new Test('foobar')586 test.batch([{ type: 'del', key: 'no' }], function () {})587 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _batch() call')588 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].key, 'foo', 'got expected key')589})590test('test serialization extensibility (batch chain del)', function (t) {591 t.plan(3)592 const spy = sinon.spy()593 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {594 _batch: spy,595 _serializeKey: function (key) {596 t.equal(key, 'no')597 return 'foo'598 },599 _serializeValue: function (value) {600'should not be called')601 }602 })603 const test = new Test('foobar')604 test.batch().del('no').write(function () {})605 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _batch() call')606 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].key, 'foo', 'got expected key')607})608test('test serialization extensibility (batch array is not mutated)', function (t) {609 t.plan(7)610 const spy = sinon.spy()611 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {612 _batch: spy,613 _serializeKey: function (key) {614 t.equal(key, 'no')615 return 'foo'616 },617 _serializeValue: function (value) {618 t.equal(value, 'nope')619 return 'bar'620 }621 })622 const test = new Test('foobar')623 const op = { type: 'put', key: 'no', value: 'nope' }624 test.batch([op], function () {})625 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _batch() call')626 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].key, 'foo', 'got expected key')627 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0][0].value, 'bar', 'got expected value')628 t.equal(op.key, 'no', 'did not mutate input key')629 t.equal(op.value, 'nope', 'did not mutate input value')630})631test('test serialization extensibility (iterator range options)', function (t) {632 t.plan(2)633 function Test () {634 }636 inherits(Test, AbstractLevelDOWN)637 Test.prototype._serializeKey = function (key) {638, 'input')639 return 'output'640 }641 Test.prototype._iterator = function (options) {642 return new Iterator(this, options)643 }644 function Iterator (db, options) {645, db)646, 'output')647 }648 inherits(Iterator, AbstractIterator)649 const test = new Test()650 test.iterator({ gt: 'input' })651})652test('test serialization extensibility (iterator seek)', function (t) {653 t.plan(3)654 const spy = sinon.spy()655 const TestIterator = implement(AbstractIterator, { _seek: spy })656 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {657 _iterator: function () {658 return new TestIterator(this)659 },660 _serializeKey: function (key) {661 t.equal(key, 'target')662 return 'serialized'663 }664 })665 const test = new Test('foobar')666 const it = test.iterator()667'target')668 t.equal(spy.callCount, 1, 'got _seek() call')669 t.equal(spy.getCall(0).args[0], 'serialized', 'got expected target argument')670})671test('test serialization extensibility (clear range options)', function (t) {672 t.plan(rangeOptions.length * 2)673 rangeOptions.forEach(function (key) {674 const Test = implement(AbstractLevelDOWN, {675 _serializeKey: function (key) {676, 'input')677 return 'output'678 },679 _clear: function (options, callback) {680[key], 'output')681 }682 })683 const db = new Test()...
...26 progress.init(1000);27 progress.progress(1000);28 progress.complete();29 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(22);30 expect(logger.log.getCall(0).args[0]).toMatch(/βtransfer/βi);31 expect(logger.log.getCall(1).args[0]).toBe('.');32 expect(logger.log.getCall(2).args[0]).toBe('.');33 expect(logger.log.getCall(3).args[0]).toBe('.');34 expect(logger.log.getCall(4).args[0]).toBe('.');35 expect(logger.log.getCall(5).args[0]).toBe('.');36 expect(logger.log.getCall(6).args[0]).toBe('.');37 expect(logger.log.getCall(7).args[0]).toBe('.');38 expect(logger.log.getCall(8).args[0]).toBe('.');39 expect(logger.log.getCall(9).args[0]).toBe('.');40 expect(logger.log.getCall(10).args[0]).toBe('.');41 expect(logger.log.getCall(11).args[0]).toBe('.');42 expect(logger.log.getCall(12).args[0]).toBe('.');43 expect(logger.log.getCall(13).args[0]).toBe('.');44 expect(logger.log.getCall(14).args[0]).toBe('.');45 expect(logger.log.getCall(15).args[0]).toBe('.');46 expect(logger.log.getCall(16).args[0]).toBe('.');47 expect(logger.log.getCall(17).args[0]).toBe('.');48 expect(logger.log.getCall(18).args[0]).toBe('.');49 expect(logger.log.getCall(19).args[0]).toBe('.');50 expect(logger.log.getCall(20).args[0]).toBe('.');51 expect(logger.log.getCall(21).args[0]).toMatch(/βcomplete/βi);52 });53 it('should show dot for each 5% of completion', function () {54 progress.init(1000);55 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(1);56 progress.progress(50); /β/β5%57 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(2);58 progress.progress(100); /β/β15%59 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(4);60 progress.progress(200); /β/β25%61 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(8);62 progress.progress(590); /β/β94%63 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(20);64 progress.progress(60); /β/β100%65 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(21);66 /β/βAny progress over 100% should be ignored.67 progress.progress(9999);68 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(21);69 progress.complete();70 expect(logger.log.callCount).toBe(22);71 expect(logger.log.getCall(0).args[0]).toMatch(/βtransfer/βi);72 expect(logger.log.getCall(21).args[0]).toMatch(/βcomplete/βi);73 });74 });75 });76 });...
...22 progress.init(1000);23 progress.progress(1000);24 progress.complete();25 expect(logger.log.callCount);26 expect(logger.log.getCall(0).args[0]).to.match(/βtransfer/βi);27 expect(logger.log.getCall(1).args[0])'.');28 expect(logger.log.getCall(2).args[0])'.');29 expect(logger.log.getCall(3).args[0])'.');30 expect(logger.log.getCall(4).args[0])'.');31 expect(logger.log.getCall(5).args[0])'.');32 expect(logger.log.getCall(6).args[0])'.');33 expect(logger.log.getCall(7).args[0])'.');34 expect(logger.log.getCall(8).args[0])'.');35 expect(logger.log.getCall(9).args[0])'.');36 expect(logger.log.getCall(10).args[0])'.');37 expect(logger.log.getCall(11).args[0])'.');38 expect(logger.log.getCall(12).args[0])'.');39 expect(logger.log.getCall(13).args[0])'.');40 expect(logger.log.getCall(14).args[0])'.');41 expect(logger.log.getCall(15).args[0])'.');42 expect(logger.log.getCall(16).args[0])'.');43 expect(logger.log.getCall(17).args[0])'.');44 expect(logger.log.getCall(18).args[0])'.');45 expect(logger.log.getCall(19).args[0])'.');46 expect(logger.log.getCall(20).args[0])'.');47 expect(logger.log.getCall(21).args[0]).to.match(/βcomplete/βi);48 });49 it('should show dot for each 5% of completion', function () {50 progress.init(1000);51 expect(logger.log.callCount);52 progress.progress(50); /β/β5%53 expect(logger.log.callCount);54 progress.progress(100); /β/β15%55 expect(logger.log.callCount);56 progress.progress(200); /β/β25%57 expect(logger.log.callCount);58 progress.progress(590); /β/β94%59 expect(logger.log.callCount);60 progress.progress(60); /β/β100%61 expect(logger.log.callCount);62 /β/βAny progress over 100% should be ignored.63 progress.progress(9999);64 expect(logger.log.callCount);65 progress.complete();66 expect(logger.log.callCount);67 expect(logger.log.getCall(0).args[0]).to.match(/βtransfer/βi);68 expect(logger.log.getCall(21).args[0]).to.match(/βcomplete/βi);69 });70 });71 });72 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from "react";2import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/βreact";3import { action } from "@storybook/βaddon-actions";4import Button from "./βButton";5storiesOf("Button", module)6 .add("with text", () => <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>Hello Button</βButton>)7 .add("with some emoji", () => (8 <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>π π π π―</βButton>9 ));10import React from "react";11import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/βreact";12import { action } from "@storybook/βaddon-actions";13import Button from "./βButton";14storiesOf("Button", module)15 .add("with text", () => <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>Hello Button</βButton>)16 .add("with some emoji", () => (17 <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>π π π π―</βButton>18 ));19import React from "react";20import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/βreact";21import { action } from "@storybook/βaddon-actions";22import Button from "./βButton";23storiesOf("Button", module)24 .add("with text", () => <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>Hello Button</βButton>)25 .add("with some emoji", () => (26 <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>π π π π―</βButton>27 ));28import React from "react";29import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/βreact";30import { action } from "@storybook/βaddon-actions";31import Button from "./βButton";32storiesOf("Button", module)33 .add("with text", () => <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>Hello Button</βButton>)34 .add("with some emoji", () => (35 <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>π π π π―</βButton>36 ));37import React from "react";38import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/βreact";39import { action } from "@storybook/βaddon-actions";40import Button from "./βButton";41storiesOf("Button", module)42 .add("with text", () => <Button onClick={action("clicked")}>Hello Button</βButton
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';2import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';3import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';4import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';5import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';6import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';7import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';8import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';9import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';10import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';11import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';12import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';13import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';14import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';15import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';16import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';17import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';18import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';19import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';20import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';2const getCall = require('storybook-root').getCall;3const { getCall } = require('storybook-root');4const getCall = require('storybook-root/βgetCall');5const { getCall } = require('storybook-root/βgetCall');6const getCall = require('storybook-root/βsrc/βgetCall');7const { getCall } = require('storybook-root/βsrc/βgetCall');8const getCall = require('storybook-root/βdist/βgetCall');9const { getCall } = require('storybook-root/βdist/βgetCall');10const getCall = require('storybook-root/βlib/βgetCall');11const { getCall } = require('storybook-root/βlib/βgetCall');12import getCall from 'storybook-root/βgetCall';13import { getCall } from 'storybook-root/βgetCall';14import getCall from 'storybook-root/βsrc/βgetCall';15import { getCall } from 'storybook-root/βsrc/βgetCall';16import getCall from 'storybook-root/βdist/βgetCall';17import { getCall } from 'storybook-root/βdist/βgetCall';18import getCall from 'storybook-root/βlib/βgetCall';19import { getCall } from 'storybook-root/βlib/βgetCall';20import getCall from 'storybook-root';21import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';2getCall('test').then((res) => {3 console.log(res);4});5import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';6getCall('test').then((res) => {7 console.log(res);8});9import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';10getCall('test').then((res) => {11 console.log(res);12});13import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';14getCall('test').then((res) => {15 console.log(res);16});17import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';18getCall('test').then((res) => {19 console.log(res);20});21import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';22getCall('test').then((res) => {23 console.log(res);24});25import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';26getCall('test').then((res) => {27 console.log(res);28});29import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';30getCall('test').then((res) => {31 console.log(res);32});33import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';34getCall('test').then((res) => {35 console.log(res);36});37import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';38getCall('test').then((res) => {39 console.log(res);40});41import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';42getCall('test').then((res) => {43 console.log(res);44});45import { getCall
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';2const myFunction = () => {3 getCall('myFunction', 'myFunction.js');4};5export default myFunction;6import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';7const myFunction = () => {8 getCall('myFunction', 'myFunction.js');9};10export default myFunction;11import { addons, makeDecorator } from '@storybook/βaddons';12import { STORY_RENDERED } from '@storybook/βcore-events';13const getCall = (functionName, fileName) => {14 const channel = addons.getChannel();15 channel.emit('storybook-root/βgetCall', {16 });17};18const withRoot = makeDecorator({19 wrapper: (getStory, context) => {20 const channel = addons.getChannel();21 channel.on('storybook-root/βgetCall', data => {22 console.log('getCall event called');23 console.log(data);24 });25 channel.emit(STORY_RENDERED,;26 return getStory(context);27 },28});29export { getCall, withRoot };30import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/βreact';31import { withRoot } from 'storybook-root';32addDecorator(withRoot);33import { configure } from '@storybook/βreact';34import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/βreact';35import { withRoot } from 'storybook-root';36addDecorator(withRoot);37module.exports = ({ config }) => {38 config.resolve.alias['storybook-root'] = path.resolve(__dirname, '../βstorybook-root');39 return config;40};
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';2const call = getCall('my-storybook');3call('my-action', { message: 'hello' });4import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';5export default (storyName, actionName, params) => {6 const call = getCall('my-storybook');7 return call('my-action', { message: 'hello' });8};9import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';10export default (storyName, actionName, params) => {11 const call = getCall('my-storybook');12 return call('my-action', { message: 'hello' });13};14import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';15export default (storyName, actionName, params) => {16 const call = getCall('my-storybook');17 return call('my-action', { message: 'hello' });18};19import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';20export default (storyName, actionName, params) => {21 const call = getCall('my-storybook');22 return call('my-action', { message: 'hello' });23};24import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';25export default (storyName, actionName, params) => {26 const call = getCall('my-storybook');27 return call('my-action', { message: 'hello' });28};29import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';30export default (storyName, actionName, params) => {31 const call = getCall('my-storybook');32 return call('my-action', { message: 'hello' });33};34import { getCall } from 'storybook-root';35export default (storyName, actionName, params) => {36 const call = getCall('my-storybook');37 return call('my-action
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