How to use fixedEntry method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:build-script.js Github


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1/* global document:true, window:true */2import fg from 'fast-glob';3import fs from 'fs';4import matter from 'gray-matter';5import path from 'path';6import * as Rx from 'rxjs/Rx';7import * as RxOp from 'rxjs/operators';8import yaml from 'js-yaml';9import _ from 'lodash';10import { tidy_html5 as tidy } from 'tidy-html5';11import { markdown, mdToText, mdToAscii } from './lib/markdown';12import {13 refsPath,14 refsPathYaml,15 sitemapPath,16 arrayToDictionary,17 getReference,18 normalizeLabel,19 Reference,20 sortDictionary21} from './lib/reference';22import {23 JSONStringify,24 isExternalUrl,25 urlRelative,26 urlResolve27} from './lib/util';28import settings from '../../yml/json/settings.json';29const root = '/';30const basePath = root; // script is expected to be executed from here31const referencesPath = refsPath(basePath);32const referencesPathYaml = refsPathYaml(basePath);33const sitemapPathYaml = sitemapPath(basePath);34// simple filename -> URL mapping35function location(file) {36 let addr = file.substr(0, file.length - path.basename(file).length);37 addr = addr.replace(/\\/g, '/');38 addr = '/' + addr;39 return addr.trim();40}41function url(file) {42 let addr = location(file);43 addr = addr.replace(/^\//g, '');44 addr = settings.url + addr;45 return addr;46}47function htmlfile(textfile) {48 const file = textfile.replace(/\.asc$/i, '');49 return file.substr(0, file.length - path.extname(file).length) + '.html';50}51function format(html) {52 // if (!tidy) {53 // return html;54 // }55 let newHtml = tidy(html, {56 'drop-empty-elements': false,57 indent: false,58 'indent-attributes': false,59 'input-encoding': 'utf8',60 'numeric-entities': true,61 'new-inline-tags':62 'math ' +63 'annotation ' +64 'merror ' +65 'mfrac ' +66 'mi ' +67 'mn ' +68 'mo ' +69 'mover ' +70 'mphantom ' +71 'mrow ' +72 'mspace ' +73 'msqrt ' +74 'mstyle ' +75 'msub ' +76 'msubsup ' +77 'msup ' +78 'mtable ' +79 'mtd ' +80 'mtext ' +81 'mtr ' +82 'munder ' +83 'semantics',84 'output-encoding': 'ascii',85 quiet: true,86 'show-info': false,87 'show-warnings': false,88 'sort-attributes': 'alpha',89 'tidy-mark': false,90 'vertical-space': true,91 wrap: 092 });93 // Since UTF-8 is a superset of raw ASCII, we can substitute 'utf-8'94 // for 'us-ascii' as the declared character encoding (a useful95 // safeguard if any non-ASCII characters should somehow make their96 // way into the page). In general, though, we try to keep things as97 // plain as possible by returning raw ASCII in the range 0-127 and98 // using numeric character references for the rest.99 newHtml = newHtml100 .replace(/\n<\/code>\n<\/pre>/g, '</code>\n</pre>')101 .replace(102 '<meta content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" http-equiv="Content-Type">',103 '<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">'104 );105 return newHtml;106}107function template(view) {108 return `<!DOCTYPE html>109<html>110<head>111<title></title>112<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">113${114 view.referrer115 ? `<meta content="${view.referrer}" name="referrer">`116 : '<meta content="no-referrer" name="referrer">'117}118${view.noindex ? '<meta content="noindex" name="robots">' : ''}119<meta content="text/css" http-equiv="Content-Style-Type">120<meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport">121<link href="${urlRelative(122 view.path,123 '/favicon.ico'124 )}" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">125<link href="${urlRelative(126 view.path,127 '/_assets/css/wiki.css'128 )}" rel="stylesheet">129<script src="${urlRelative(view.path, '/_assets/js/wiki.js')}"></script>130</head>131<body>132</body>133</html>`;134}135function convert(input, output) {136 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {137 fs.readFile(input, function(readErr, data) {138 if (readErr) {139 reject(readErr);140 } else {141 // if (settings.compile) {142 // data = data ? data.toString() : '';143 // } else {144 // data = '';145 // }146 const view = _.assign({}, settings, {147 content: '',148 path: location(input)149 });150 let html = template(view);151 if (settings.tidy) {152 html = format(html);153 }154 fs.writeFile(output, html, function(writeErr) {155 if (writeErr) {156 reject(writeErr);157 } else {158 console.log('Converted ' + input + ' to ' + output);159 resolve(input);160 }161 });162 }163 });164 });165}166function metadata(file) {167 // console.log('Reading metadata of ' + file)168 let str =169 fs170 .readFileSync(file)171 .toString()172 .trim() + '\n';173 const isYaml = file.match(/.ya?ml$/gi);174 const isIndex = file.match(/.?index(\.md|\.yml)$/i);175 if (isYaml && !str.match(/^---/)) {176 str = '---\n' + str + '\n---';177 }178 if (!str.match(/^---/) && str.match(/^([\s\S]*)[\r\n]+---/)) {179 str = '---\n' + str;180 }181 let view = {};182 try {183 view = matter(str);184 } catch (err) {185 return {};186 }187 if (typeof === 'string') {188 return {};189 }190 const data =;191 data.title = data.title || '';192 if (data.path) {193 // do nothing194 } else if (isYaml && !isIndex && !data.file && data.url) {195 data.path = data.url;196 } else if (data.file) {197 data.path = location(file) + encodeURIComponent(data.file);198 } else if (isIndex) {199 // FIXME: use settings.index200 data.path = location(file);201 } else {202 data.path = '/' + file.replace(/\.yml$/i, '');203 }204 return data;205}206function convertFile(file) {207 return convert(file, htmlfile(file));208}209function makeReferences(files) {210 const meta = {211 return entry && entry.path && entry.title;212 });213 let refs =;214 refs = [].concat.apply([], refs); // flatten215 refs = addPathReferences(refs);216 refs = arrayToDictionary(refs);217 refs = sortDictionary(refs);218 return refs;219}220function makeReferencesJSON(files) {221 const refs = makeReferences(files);222 const json = JSONStringify(refs, null, 2, true);223 return json.trim() + '\n';224}225function addPathReferences(refs) {226 let pathRefs = refs.filter(function(ref) {227 return ref.href.match(/\/$/) && !ref.href.match(/^https?:/i);228 });229 pathRefs = {230 return new Reference(231 referencePathName(ref.href),232 ref.href,233 ref.title,234 ref.hidden235 );236 });237 const newRefs = refs.concat(pathRefs);238 return newRefs;239}240function referencesEntries(entry) {241 const entryPath = entry.path;242 const title = entry.title;243 let summary =244 entry.title || entry.summary || entry.subtitle || entry.abstract;245 // summary = '';246 if (summary) {247 const render = true;248 // const render = false;249 summary = getSummary(entryPath, title, summary, render);250 }251 // extra properties252 const opts = {};253 if ( {254 =;255 }256 if (entry.tags) {257 opts.tags = entry.tags;258 }259 const ref = new Reference(title, entryPath, summary, entry.hidden, opts);260 const aliases = referencesAliasEntries(entry, summary);261 const files = referencesFileEntries(entry, summary);262 const bookmarks = referencesBookmarkEntries(entry, summary);263 const refs = [ref]264 .concat(aliases)265 .concat(files)266 .concat(bookmarks);267 console.log('Indexed ' + entry.path);268 return refs;269}270function getSummary(entryPath, title, summary, forceRender) {271 return (272 (!forceRender && getCachedSummary(title, entryPath)) ||273 renderSummary(summary)274 );275}276function renderSummary(summary) {277 return summary ? mdToText(summary) : '';278}279// FIXME: is caching still necessary now that the code is optimized?280function getCachedSummary(label, href) {281 const normLabel = normalizeLabel(label);282 const ref = getReference(function(r) {283 return r.label === normLabel && r.href === href;284 });285 return (ref && ref.title) || '';286}287function referencesBookmarkEntries(entry, summary) {288 const fixedEntry = entry || {};289 const refs = [];290 if (fixedEntry.export) {291 fixedEntry.references = fixedEntry.export;292 }293 if (fixedEntry.index) {294 fixedEntry.references = fixedEntry.index;295 }296 if (fixedEntry.url) {297 const href = fixedEntry.url;298 fixedEntry.references = fixedEntry.references || {};299 fixedEntry.references[href] = '.';300 }301 if (fixedEntry.urls) {302 fixedEntry.references = fixedEntry.references || {};303 fixedEntry.urls.forEach(href => {304 fixedEntry.references[href] = '.';305 });306 }307 if (fixedEntry.references) {308 if (!Array.isArray(fixedEntry.references)) {309 const refsArray = [];310 Object.keys(fixedEntry.references).forEach(function(title) {311 const refUrl = fixedEntry.references[title];312 const ref = {313 title: title,314 url: refUrl315 };316 refsArray.push(ref);317 });318 fixedEntry.references = refsArray;319 }320 fixedEntry.references.forEach(function(r) {321 const label = r.title;322 const href = urlResolve(fixedEntry.path, r.url);323 const title = isExternalUrl(r.url)324 ? r.title || summary || fixedEntry.title325 : summary || fixedEntry.title || r.title;326 const ref = new Reference(label, href, title, fixedEntry.hidden);327 refs.push(ref);328 });329 }330 return refs;331}332function referencesFileEntries(entry, summary) {333 const refSummary = summary || entry.summary;334 const files = [];335 if (entry.file) {336 const fileName = path.basename(entry.file);337 const withoutExt = fileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);338 const withoutDashes = fileNameWithoutDashes(withoutExt);339 files.push(new Reference(fileName, entry.path, refSummary, entry.hidden));340 files.push(new Reference(withoutExt, entry.path, refSummary, entry.hidden));341 files.push(342 new Reference(withoutDashes, entry.path, refSummary, entry.hidden)343 );344 }345 return files;346}347function referencePathName(pathStr) {348 const defaultSegment = 'Index';349 const pathSegments = pathStr.split('/');350 if (!pathSegments) {351 return defaultSegment;352 }353 if (pathStr.match(/\/$/)) {354 pathSegments.pop();355 }356 if (!pathSegments) {357 return defaultSegment;358 }359 let lastSegment = pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1];360 lastSegment = lastSegment || defaultSegment;361 lastSegment = _.capitalize(lastSegment);362 return lastSegment;363}364function fileNameWithoutExtension(file) {365 return path.basename(file, path.extname(file));366}367function fileNameWithoutDashes(file) {368 return file.replace(/[-_]+/g, ' ');369}370function forEachPromise(arr, fn) {371 const result = [];372 let ready = Promise.resolve(null);373 arr.forEach(function(entry) {374 ready = ready375 .then(function() {376 return fn(entry);377 })378 .then(function(value) {379 result.push(value);380 })381 .catch(function() {});382 });383 return ready.then(function() {384 return result;385 });386}387async function processFiles() {388 const [mdFiles, yamlFiles] = await Promise.all([389 iterateOverMarkdown('.', convertFile),390 iterateOverYaml('.')391 ]);392 const files = mdFiles.sort().concat(yamlFiles.sort());393 writeReferences(files);394}395function iterateOverMarkdown(dir, fn, options) {396 return iterateOverFiles(397 ['**/' + settings.index, '**/' + settings.index + '.asc'],398 dir,399 fn,400 options401 );402}403function iterateOverYaml(dir, fn, options) {404 return iterateOverFiles(['**/*.yml'], dir, fn, options);405}406async function iterateOverFiles(patterns, dir, fn, options) {407 const files$ = filesInDirectory(patterns, dir, options);408 return iterateOverStream(files$, fn, options);409}410function iterateOverStream(stream$, fn, options) {411 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {412 const files = [];413 const iterator = fn || (x => x);414 const iteratorPromise = (x, opts) => Promise.resolve(iterator(x, opts));415 const concurrent = (options && options.concurrent) || 10;416 const subscription = stream$417 .pipe(RxOp.mergeMap(entry => iteratorPromise(entry, options), concurrent))418 .subscribe(419 file => {420 files.push(file);421 },422 null,423 () => {424 subscription.unsubscribe();425 resolve(files);426 }427 );428 });429}430function filesInDirectory(patterns, dir, options) {431 const ignore = (options && options.ignore) || ['node_modules/**'];432 const stream$ = new Rx.Subject();433 const cwd = (options && options.cwd) || '.';434 const concurrentFiles = (options && options.concurrent) || 1;435 const directory = joinPaths(cwd, dir);436 const stream =, {437 dot: true,438 ignore: ignore,439 cwd: directory440 });441 stream.on('data', entry => {442 // const file = path.join(directory, entry);443 const file = entry;444 stream$.next(file);445 });446 stream.once('end', () => stream$.complete());447 return stream$;448}449function writeReferences(files) {450 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {451 const refs = makeReferences(files);452 const yml = '---\n' + yaml.safeDump(refs).trim();453 fs.writeFile(referencesPathYaml, yml, function(err) {454 if (err) {455 reject(err);456 } else {457 fs.writeFile(sitemapPathYaml, yml, function(err) {458 if (err) {459 reject(err);460 } else {461 resolve(refs);462 }463 });464 resolve(refs);465 }466 });467 // const json = JSONStringify(refs, null, 2, true).trim() + '\n';468 // fs.writeFile(referencesPath, json, function(err) {469 // if (err) {470 // reject(err);471 // } else {472 // resolve(refs);473 // }474 // });475 });476}477function referencesAliasEntries(entry, summary) {478 const refSummary = summary || entry.summary;479 const aliases = [];480 // const plainTextTitle = mdToAscii(entry.title);481 // if (plainTextTitle !== entry.title) {482 // const plainTextRef = new Reference(483 // plainTextTitle,484 // entry.path,485 // refSummary,486 // entry.hidden487 // );488 // aliases.push(plainTextRef);489 // }490 const punctuationRegexp = /[\s*[!?.;:]+$/i;491 const endsWithPunctuation = entry.title.match(punctuationRegexp);492 // if (endsWithPunctuation) {493 // let simpleTitle = entry.title.replace(punctuationRegexp, '')494 // let simpleRef = new Reference(simpleTitle, entry.path, refSummary, entry.hidden)495 // aliases.push(simpleRef)496 // }497 if (entry.subtitle) {498 const delimiter = endsWithPunctuation ? ' ' : ': ';499 const title = entry.title + delimiter + entry.subtitle;500 const extraRef = new Reference(title, entry.path, refSummary, entry.hidden);501 aliases.push(extraRef);502 }503 if (entry.aliases) {504 entry.aliases.forEach(function(alias) {505 const aliasRef = new Reference(506 alias,507 entry.path,508 refSummary,509 entry.hidden510 );511 aliases.push(aliasRef);512 });513 }514 if (entry.url && entry.url !== entry.path) {515 const urlRef = new Reference(516 entry.url,517 entry.path,518 refSummary,519 entry.hidden520 );521 aliases.push(urlRef);522 }523 if ( {524 const idRef = new Reference(525 'id:' +,526 entry.path,527 refSummary,528 entry.hidden529 );530 aliases.push(idRef);531 }532 return aliases;533}534function joinPaths(dir, file) {535 const directory = path.resolve(dir);536 let filePath = file;537 if (path.isAbsolute(filePath)) {538 filePath = path.relative(directory, filePath);539 }540 return path.join(directory, filePath);541}542function main() {543 if (process.argv.length > 2) {544 const input = process.argv[2] || settings.index;545 const output = process.argv[3] || htmlfile(input);546 convert(input, output);547 } else {548 processFiles();549 }550}...

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Source:tests.js Github


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1QUnit.test("Test computeMissingFieldWarning()", function (assert) {2 warnings.expectedFields = {book: ['title', 'author'], article: ['title']};3 assert.equal(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning().length, 0, 'missing argument returns empty list');4 assert.equal(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning().length, 0, 'empty entry returns empty list');5 assert.equal(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({id: 'a'}).length, 0, 'entry without type returns empty list');6 assert.equal(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({7 id: 'a',8 type: 'a'9 }).length, 0, 'typed entry without further fields returns empty list');10 assert.ok(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({11 id: 'a',12 type: 'book'13 }).length == 2, 'book entry without further fields returns two warnings (see expected fields)');14 assert.ok(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({15 type: 'article'16 }).length == 1, 'article entry without further fields returns one warning (see expected fields)');17 assert.ok(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({18 type: 'article',19 title: 'abc'20 }).length == 0, 'article entry with title returns no warnings (see expected fields)');21 assert.ok(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({22 type: 'article',23 title: ''24 }).length == 0, 'article entry with empty title returns no warnings (see expected fields)');25 assert.ok(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({26 type: 'article',27 bla: 'abc'28 })[0]['type'].indexOf('title') > 0, 'article without title returns one warning containing the word "title" (see expected fields)');29 assert.ok(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({30 type: 'article'31 })[0]['fix']['description'] != null, 'article entry without further fields returns one fix with description (see expected fields)');32 assert.ok(warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({33 type: 'article'34 })[0]['fix']['function']() != null, 'article entry without further fields returns one fix with a executable function (see expected fields)');35 var fixedEntry = warnings.computeMissingFieldWarning({36 type: 'article'37 })[0]['fix']['function']();38 assert.ok(fixedEntry['title'] === '', 'article entry without further fields returns one fix that, when applied, adds a new empty field (see expected fields)');39 assert.ok(fixedEntry['type'] === 'article', 'article entry without further fields returns one fix that, when applied, keeps the type (see expected fields)');40});41QUnit.test("Test computeTitleCapitalizationWarning()", function (assert) {42 assert.equal(warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning().length, 0, 'missing argument returns empty list');43 assert.equal(warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning().length, 0, 'empty entry returns empty list');44 assert.equal(warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning({id: 'a'}).length, 0, 'entry without type returns empty list');45 assert.equal(warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning({46 id: 'a',47 type: 'a'48 }).length, 0, 'typed entry without further fields returns empty list');49 assert.equal(warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning({50 journal: 'Bla in a Longword',51 booktitle: 'Blub in the Whole World'52 }).length, 0, 'correctly capitalized journal and booktitle field returns empty list');53 assert.equal(warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning({54 booktitle: '5th Blub in the Whole World'55 }).length, 0, 'correctly capitalized booktitle field starting with a number returns empty list');56 assert.equal(warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning({57 journal: 'bla in a Longword',58 booktitle: 'Blub in the Whole world'59 }).length, 2, 'incorrectly capitalized journal and booktitle field returns two wranings');60 var fixedEntry = warnings.computeTitleCapitalizationWarning({61 journal: 'bla in a longword'62 })[0]['fix']['function']();63 assert.equal(fixedEntry['journal'], 'Bla in a Longword', 'incorrectly capitalized journal returns a fix that, when applied, capitalizes the first word and a long word');64});65QUnit.test("Test computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning()", function (assert) {66 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning().length, 0, 'missing argument returns empty list');67 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning().length, 0, 'empty entry returns empty list');68 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({id: 'a'}).length, 0, 'entry without type returns empty list');69 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({70 id: 'a',71 type: 'a'72 }).length, 0, 'typed entry without further fields returns empty list');73 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({74 title: 'Bla in a Name'75 }).length, 0, 'non-camel-case title field returns empty list');76 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({77 title: 'Bla in a Special-Name'78 }).length, 0, 'hyphenated capitalized word in title field returns empty list');79 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({80 title: 'Bla in a Name/Identifier'81 }).length, 0, 'capitalized word with slash in title field returns empty list');82 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({83 title: 'Bla in a {SpecialName}'84 }).length, 0, 'protected camel-case identifier in field title returns no warning');85 assert.equal(warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({86 title: 'Bla in a SpecialName'87 }).length, 1, 'non-protected camel-case identifier in field title returns one warning');88 var fixedEntry = warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({89 title: 'BlaBlubb in a SpecialName'90 })[0]['fix']['function']();91 assert.equal(fixedEntry['title'], '{BlaBlubb} in a {SpecialName}', 'non-protected camel-case identifiers in field title returns a fix that, when applied, protects the identifiers');92 fixedEntry = warnings.computeProtectedIdentifierCapitalizationWarning({93 title: 'SpecialName in a SpecialName'94 })[0]['fix']['function']();95 assert.equal(fixedEntry['title'], '{SpecialName} in a {SpecialName}', 'non-protected camel-case identifiers (two times the same one) in field title returns a fix that, when applied, protects the identifiers');...

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Source:dataset.js Github


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1const fs = require("fs");2const helpers = require("./helpers.js");3const Title = require("./Title.js");4// Read in our dataset.5const data = fs.readFileSync("Hourly_Rates.csv", "utf-8");6// Split up the string into an Array, each array element holds an entry.7const dataArray = data.split("\n");8// Removed unecessary lines.9dataArray.shift();10dataArray.pop();11titleArray = [];12for (let i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {13 let entry = dataArray[i].split(",");14 let fixedEntry = helpers.checkTitleCommas(entry);15 let entryTitleObject = new Title(fixedEntry[1], fixedEntry[2], fixedEntry[3], fixedEntry[4], fixedEntry[5], parseInt(fixedEntry[7]), parseInt(fixedEntry[8]));16 titleArray.push(entryTitleObject);17}18// Figure out how to "fix" titles with commas in it, Using positive lookahead.19// Question 1 START20console.log("What Union has the most members?");21let unions = {};22titleArray.forEach(function (element) {23 let currentUnion = element.unionCode.toString();24 let currentYear = element.year;25 let currentYearArray = currentYear.split("/");26 if (currentYearArray[0] === "2018") {27 if (unions[currentUnion] === undefined) {28 unions[currentUnion] = 1;29 } else {30 unions[currentUnion] += 1;31 }32 } 33});34let highestUnionMemberCount = 0;35let highestUnionCode = null;36for (let i in unions) {37 if (unions[i] > highestUnionMemberCount) {38 highestUnionMemberCount = unions[i];39 highestUnionCode = i;40 }41}42console.log(`The Union with code ${highestUnionCode} has a member count of ${highestUnionMemberCount} for the year of 2018.`);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';4import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';5import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';6import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs/react';7import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';8import { withOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options';9import { withViewport } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';10import Button from './Button';11import Welcome from './Welcome';12storiesOf('Button', module)13 .addDecorator(withKnobs)14 .addDecorator(withInfo)15 .addDecorator(withNotes)16 .addDecorator(withOptions)17 .addDecorator(withViewport)18 .add('with text', () => (19 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'Hello Button')}</Button>20 .add('with some emoji', () => (21 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>😀 😎 👍 💯</Button>22 ));23storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />);24import { configure, addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/react';25import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';26import { withOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options';27import { withViewport } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';28addDecorator(withInfo);29addDecorator(withOptions);30addDecorator(withViewport);31addParameters({32 options: {33 },34});35const path = require('path');36module.exports = (baseConfig, env, config) => {37 config.module.rules.push({38 loaders: [require.resolve('@storybook/addon-storysource/loader')],39 });40 config.resolve.alias['storybook-root'] = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');41 return config;42};43{44 "scripts": {45 },46 "devDependencies": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';4import { withKnobs, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';5import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';6import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';7import Button from './Button';8storiesOf('Button', module)9 .addDecorator(withKnobs)10 .addDecorator(fixedEntry)11 .add('with text', withInfo('Some info')(() => (12 <Button>{text('Label', 'Hello Button')}</Button>13 .add('with some emoji', withNotes('Some notes')(() => (14 )));15MIT © [Shyam Seshadri](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';2import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';3import MyComponent from './MyComponent';4storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);5import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';6import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';7import MyComponent from './MyComponent';8storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);9import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';10import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';11import MyComponent from './MyComponent';12storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);13import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';14import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';15import MyComponent from './MyComponent';16storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);17import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';18import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';19import MyComponent from './MyComponent';20storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);21import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';22import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';23import MyComponent from './MyComponent';24storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);25import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';26import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';27import MyComponent from './MyComponent';28storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);29import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';30import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';31import MyComponent from './MyComponent';32storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('default', () => <MyComponent />);33import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';34import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';35import MyComponent from './MyComponent

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2export default {3};4export const test = () => {5 return <div>Hello</div>;6};7import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';8import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';9addDecorator(withRootDecorator);10import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';11export const decorators = [withRootDecorator];12import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';13export const managerEntries = [withRootDecorator];14 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {15 };16window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {17};18 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {19 };20window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {21};22import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';23export const decorators = [withRootDecorator];24import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';25export const managerEntries = [withRootDecorator];26 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {27 };28window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {29};30 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {31 };32window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {33};34import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';35export const decorators = [withRootDecorator];

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'2const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))3import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'4const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))5import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'6const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))7import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'8const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))9import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'10const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))11import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'12const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))13import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'14const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))15import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'16const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))17import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'18const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))19import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'20const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))21import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'22const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))23import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'24const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/))25import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root'26const entry = fixedEntry(require.context('./stories

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';2fixedEntry('test', () => {3 console.log('test');4});5"scripts": {6 "prettier": "prettier --write ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",7 "prettier:ci": "prettier --list-different ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",8 "prettier:fix": "prettier --write ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",9 "prettier:fix:ci": "prettier --list-different ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",10 "prettier:check": "prettier --check ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",11 "prettier:check:ci": "prettier --check ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",12 "prettier:check:fix": "prettier --write ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",13 "prettier:check:fix:ci": "prettier --check ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",14 "prettier:check:fix:quiet": "prettier --write ./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,scss,css}",

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';2const entry = fixedEntry(__dirname);3module.exports = {4 webpackFinal: config => {5 config.entry = entry;6 return config;7 },8};9const { fixedEntry } = require('storybook-root');10const entry = fixedEntry(__dirname);11module.exports = async ({ config, mode }) => {12 config.entry = entry;13 return config;14};15const { fixedEntry } = require('storybook-root');16const entry = fixedEntry(__dirname);17module.exports = {18 webpackFinal: config => {19 config.entry = entry;20 return config;21 },22};23const { fixedEntry } = require('storybook-root');24const entry = fixedEntry(__dirname);25module.exports = {26 webpackFinal: config => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';2const story = fixedEntry({3 entry: {4 props: { title: 'Hello' },5 },6});7export default story;8import { configure } from '@storybook/react';9import 'storybook-root/dist/index.css';10const req = require.context('../src', true, /.stories.js$/);11function loadStories() {12 req.keys().forEach((filename) => req(filename));13}14configure(loadStories, module);15const path = require('path');16module.exports = ({ config }) => {17 config.resolve.modules.push(path.join(__dirname, '../'));18 return config;19};20import 'storybook-root/dist/register';21import React from 'react';22import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';23import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';24addDecorator(withInfo);25import React from 'react';26import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';27import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';28import MyComponent from './MyComponent';29import story from '../test';30storiesOf('MyComponent', module)31 .addDecorator(withInfo)32 .add('with title', () => <MyComponent title="Hello" />)33 .add('with title from story', () => story.entry());34import React from 'react';35const MyComponent = ({ title }) => <div>{title}</div>;36export default MyComponent;37import React from 'react';38import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';39import MyComponent from './MyComponent';40import story from './test';41ReactDOM.render(story.entry(), document.getElementById('root'));42import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';43const story = fixedEntry({44 entry: {45 props: { title: 'Hello' },46 },47});48export default story;49const path = require('path');50module.exports = ({ config }) => {51 config.resolve.modules.push(path.join(__dirname, '../

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';2fixedEntry({3 assets: {},4});5import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';6fixedEntry({7 assets: {},8});9import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';10fixedEntry({11 assets: {},12});13import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';14fixedEntry({15 assets: {},16});17import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';18fixedEntry({19 assets: {},20});21import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';22fixedEntry({23 assets: {},24});25import { fixedEntry } from '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';2fixedEntry();3const storybookEntry = () => {4 return {5 };6};7storybookEntry();8const storybookEntry2 = () => {9 return {10 };11};12storybookEntry2();13import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';14import { withThemesProvider } from 'storybook-addon-styled-component-theme';15import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';16import { theme } from '../src/theme';17const themes = [theme];18addDecorator(withThemesProvider(themes));19fixedEntry();20import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';21import { withThemesProvider } from 'storybook-addon-styled-component-theme';22import { fixedEntry } from 'storybook-root';23import { theme } from '../src/theme';24const themes = [theme];25addDecorator(withThemesProvider(themes));26fixedEntry();27import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react

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