How to use exportSource method in storybook-root

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Source:main.js Github


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1"use strict";2Hooks.on('renderPlaylistDirectory', (app, html, data) => {3 if(game.user?.isGM || game.user?.can('SETTINGS_MODIFY'))4 {5 html.find('.directory-footer')[0].style.display = 'inherit';6 let container = $(`<div class="footer-actions action-buttons flexrow"></div>`);7 let importButton = $(`<button class="import-json"><i class="fas fa-file-import"></i>Import Playlists</button>`);8 let exportButton = $(`<button class="export-json"><i class="fas fa-file-export"></i>Export Playlists</button>`);9 container.append(importButton);10 container.append(exportButton);11 html.find('.directory-footer').append(container);12 importButton.on('click', PIJ.openImportDialog);13 exportButton.on('click', PIJ.exportData);14 }15});16let PIJ = {17 // This is based on ClientDocumentMixin.exportToJSON()18 exportData: function(event) {19 let allData = {20 exportSource: {21 world:,22 system:,23 coreVersion: game.version,24 systemVersion:,25 module: "playlist-import-json",26 moduleVersion: game.modules.get('playlist-import-json').data.version,27 },28 playlists: [],29 };30 for(let playlist of game.playlists)31 allData.playlists.push(playlist.toCompendium(null));32 saveDataToFile(JSON.stringify(allData, null, 2), "text/json", `fvtt-exported-playlists.json`);33 },34 35 openImportDialog: async function(event) {36 new Dialog({37 title: `Playlist Import JSON`,38 content: await renderTemplate("templates/apps/import-data.html",39 {40 hint1: `Select a JSON file from your computer to use as the playlist data to import.`,41 hint2: `Compatible with JSON files exported from this Foundry module or Roll20.`,42 }),43 buttons: {44 import: {45 icon: '<i class="fas fa-file-import"></i>',46 label: "Import",47 callback: PIJ.importJSON48 },49 no: {50 icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',51 label: "Cancel"52 }53 },54 default: "import"55 }, {56 width: 40057 }).render(true);58 },59 60 // This is mostly a copy of ClientDocumentMixin.importFromJSON()61 importJSON: function(html) {62 let form = html.find("form")[0];63 if ( ! ) return ui.notifications.error("You did not upload a data file!");64 readTextFromFile([0]).then(PIJ.parseJSON);65 },66 67 parseJSON: async function(json) {68 let data = JSON.parse(json);69 let fromRoll20 = (data.schema_version!==undefined);70 let playlistCount = 0;71 for(let playlistData of data.playlists)72 {73 try74 {75 let playlist = await PIJ.createPlaylist(playlistData, fromRoll20, data.exportSource);76 if(fromRoll20)77 {78 for(let sound of playlistData.songs)79 {80 await playlist.createEmbeddedDocuments(81 'PlaylistSound',82 [{83 name: sound.title,84 path: sound.track_id,85 repeat: sound.loop,86 volume: sound.volume/100,87 playing: sound.playing,88 //fade: sound.softstop, // idk how either of these work89 }],90 {},91 );92 }93 }94 playlistCount++;95 }96 catch(err)97 {98 if(typeof(err) == "string")99 ui.notifications.error(err);100 else101 ui.notifications.error("An exception occurred while importing playlists. Check the console.");102 console.error(err);103 }104 }105`${playlistCount} playlists imported.`);106 },107 108 createPlaylist: function(playlistData, fromRoll20, exportSource) {109 return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {110 let playlist = game.playlists?.contents.find((p) => ===;111 if(playlist)112 {113 if(playlist.getFlag('playlist-import-json', 'isImported'))114 await playlist.delete();115 else116 {117 reject(`Refused to import playlist "${}," because a playlist by that name already exists, which was not imported by this module.`);118 return;119 }120 }121 try {122 playlist = await Playlist.create({123 name:,124 mode: fromRoll20 ? PIJ.roll20Conv.mode[playlistData.mode] : playlistData.mode,125 playing: false,126 });127 if(!fromRoll20 && exportSource)128 await PIJ.reimportPlaylist(playlist, playlistData, exportSource);129 await playlist?.setFlag('playlist-import-json', 'isImported', true);130 resolve(playlist);131 } catch (error) {132 reject(error);133 }134 });135 },136 137 // This is based on ClientDocumentMixin.importFromJSON()138 reimportPlaylist: function(playlist, playlistData, exportSource) {139 playlistData._id =;140 playlistData = playlist.collection.fromCompendium(playlistData, {addFlags: false, keepId: true});141 let d = new playlist.constructor.schema(playlistData);142 // Preserve certain fields143 let {folder, sort, permission} =;144, {folder, sort, permission}), {recursive: false});145 return playlist.update(playlist.toObject(), {diff: false, recursive: false}).then(doc => {146 return doc;147 });148 },149 150 roll20Conv: {151 mode: {152 s: CONST.PLAYLIST_MODES.SHUFFLE,153 },154 },...

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Source:index.js Github


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1/**2 * External dependencies3 */4import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';5/**6 * WordPress dependencies7 */8import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';9import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';10import { useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element';11import {12 Button,13 Card,14 CardHeader,15 CardBody,16 Flex,17} from '@wordpress/components';18import { dateI18n } from '@wordpress/date';19/**20 * Internal dependencies21 */22import { STORE_NAME } from '@ithemes/';23import { PageHeader, useNavigation } from '@ithemes/security.pages.settings';24import {25 CheckboxGroupControl,26 FlexSpacer,27 ResultSummary,28} from '@ithemes/security-components';29import { withNavigate } from '@ithemes/security-hocs';30import {31 RoleMapping,32 UserMapping,33 WordPressConnectHeader,34} from '../../components';35import './style.scss';36export default function ImportSummary( { baseUrl } ) {37 const { goNext } = useNavigation();38 const { result, data, sources, exportSource, selectedSources } = useSelect(39 ( select ) => ( {40 result: select( STORE_NAME ).getImportExportValidationResult(),41 data: select( STORE_NAME ).getImportExportData(),42 sources: select( STORE_NAME ).getSources(),43 exportSource: select( STORE_NAME ).getImportExportSource(),44 selectedSources: select( STORE_NAME ).getImportSources(),45 } ),46 []47 );48 const {49 applyExportData,50 editImportSources: setSelectedSources,51 } = useDispatch( STORE_NAME );52 useEffect( () => {53 setSelectedSources( Object.keys( data?.sources || {} ) );54 }, [ data ] );55 const sourceOptions = sources56 .filter( ( source ) => data?.sources[ source.slug ] )57 .map( ( source ) => ( {58 value: source.slug,59 label: source.title,60 help: source.description,61 } ) );62 const [ isApplying, setIsApplying ] = useState( false );63 const onContinue = async () => {64 setIsApplying( true );65 await applyExportData();66 setIsApplying( false );67 goNext();68 };69 return (70 <>71 <PageHeader title={ __( 'Import Summary', 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro' ) } />72 <ResultSummary result={ result } />73 <Card>74 { exportSource === 'connect' && (75 <CardHeader>76 <WordPressConnectHeader isConnected />77 </CardHeader>78 ) }79 <ExportDetails data={ data } source={ exportSource } />80 </Card>81 { data && (82 <Card>83 <CardBody>84 <CheckboxGroupControl85 label={ __( 'Export Data', 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro' ) }86 help={ __(87 'Choose what iThemes Security info you’d like to import.',88 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro'89 ) }90 value={ selectedSources }91 onChange={ setSelectedSources }92 options={ sourceOptions }93 className="itsec-import-summary-select-data"94 />95 { selectedSources.length > 0 && (96 <>97 <UserMapping />98 <RoleMapping />99 </>100 ) }101 </CardBody>102 </Card>103 ) }104 <Flex>105 <Link106 to={ getBackLink( baseUrl, exportSource ) }107 isSecondary108 component={ withNavigate( Button ) }109 text={ __( 'Back', 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro' ) }110 />111 <FlexSpacer />112 <Button113 onClick={ onContinue }114 isPrimary115 isBusy={ isApplying }116 disabled={ isApplying || ! selectedSources.length }117 text={ __( 'Continue', 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro' ) }118 />119 </Flex>120 </>121 );122}123function ExportDetails( { data, source } ) {124 let title = data.metadata.title;125 if ( ! title && source !== 'connect' ) {126 title = sprintf(127 /* translators: 1. URL */128 __( 'Exported from %s', 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro' ),129 data.metadata.home_url130 );131 }132 return (133 <CardBody className="itsec-import-summary-export-details">134 { title && <h3>{ data.metadata.title }</h3> }135 <span>136 { sprintf(137 /* translators: 1. Date */138 __( 'Exported on %s', 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro' ),139 dateI18n( 'M j, Y', data.metadata.exported_at )140 ) }141 </span>142 <span>143 { sprintf(144 /* translators: 1. Version number */145 __( 'Version %s', 'it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro' ),146 data.metadata.version147 ) }148 </span>149 </CardBody>150 );151}152function getBackLink( baseUrl, source ) {153 switch ( source ) {154 case 'connect':155 return baseUrl + '/wordpress-select';156 default:157 return baseUrl;158 }...

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Source:gulpfile.js Github


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1/* Dependencies */2const gulp = require("gulp");3const sass = require("gulp-sass");4const cleanCSS = require("gulp-clean-css");5const concat = require("gulp-concat");6const uglify = require("gulp-uglify");7const ts = require("gulp-typescript");8const rename = require("gulp-rename");9const lineec = require("gulp-line-ending-corrector");10const clean = require("gulp-clean");11/* Directories */12const clientsource = "assets/client/";13const exportsource = "assets/export/";14const serversource = "assets/server/";15/* Tasks */16const directories = () => {17 return gulp.src("*.*", {read: false})18 .pipe(gulp.dest(exportsource))19 .pipe(gulp.dest(exportsource + "public"))20}21const copyViews = () => {22 return gulp.src(clientsource + "*.html")23 .pipe(lineec())24 .pipe(gulp.dest(exportsource));25}26const sassCompile = () => {27 return gulp.src(clientsource + "scss/*.scss")28 .pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError))29 .pipe(gulp.dest(clientsource + "css/"));30}31const concatCSS = () => {32 return gulp.src(clientsource + "css/*.css")33 .pipe(concat("styles.min.css"))34 .pipe(cleanCSS())35 .pipe(lineec())36 .pipe(gulp.dest(exportsource + "public/"));37}38const typescript = () => {39 const tsProject = ts.createProject("tsconfig.json");40 return tsProject.src()41 .pipe(tsProject())42 .js.pipe(uglify())43 .pipe(lineec())44 .pipe(rename({45 extname: ".min.js"46 }))47 .pipe(gulp.dest(exportsource));48}49const cleanup = () => {50 return gulp.src(clientsource + "css", {read: false})51 .pipe(clean());52}53const refactor = gulp.series(directories, copyViews, sassCompile, concatCSS, typescript, cleanup);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { exportSource } from 'storybook-root-exports';2export const story = () => <div>hello</div>;3export default {4 parameters: {5 docs: {6 page: () => {7 return exportSource('test.js', 'Test');8 },9 },10 },11};12import { addParameters } from '@storybook/react';13import { SourceDecorator } from 'storybook-root-exports';14addParameters({15 docs: {16 prepareForInline: (storyFn) => storyFn(),17 },18});19export const decorators = [SourceDecorator];20export const decorators = [SourceDecorator];21import { exportSource } from 'storybook-root-exports';22export const story = () => <div>hello</div>;23export default {24 parameters: {25 docs: {26 page: () => {27 return exportSource('test.js', 'Test');28 },29 },30 },31};32import { addParameters } from '@storybook/react';33import { SourceDecorator } from 'storybook-root-exports';34addParameters({35 docs: {36 prepareForInline: (storyFn) => storyFn(),37 },38});39export const decorators = [SourceDecorator];40export const decorators = [SourceDecorator];

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Using AI Code Generation


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1export { default } from 'storybook-root'2import Button from 'components/Button'3import Card from 'components/Card'4import Input from 'components/Input'5import Link from 'components/Link'6import Text from 'components/Text'7export {8}9import Button from './Button'10import React from 'react'11import PropTypes from 'prop-types'12import classNames from 'classnames'13import './Button.css'14const Button = ({ children, className, ...props }) => (15 className={classNames('Button', className)}16 {...props}17 {children}18Button.propTypes = {19}20Button.defaultProps = {21}22.Button {23 background-color: red;24}25import Card from './Card'26import React from 'react'27import PropTypes from 'prop-types'28import classNames from 'classnames'29import './Card.css'30const Card = ({ children, className, ...props }) => (31 className={classNames('Card', className)}32 {...props}33 {children}34Card.propTypes = {35}36Card.defaultProps = {37}38.Card {39 background-color: blue;40}41import Input from './Input'42import React from 'react'43import PropTypes from 'prop-types'44import classNames from 'classnames'45import './Input.css'46const Input = ({ children, className, ...props }) => (47 className={classNames('Input', className)}48 {...props}49 {children}50Input.propTypes = {51}52Input.defaultProps = {53}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { exportSource } = require('storybook-root');2const { Storybook } = require('storybook-root');3const path = require('path');4const storybook = new Storybook();5storybook.exportSource({6 sourceDir: path.join(__dirname, 'src'),7 outputDir: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),8});9import { Button } from 'storybook-root';10import { Button } from 'storybook-root/dist/components/Button/Button.js';11import { Button } from 'storybook-root';12import { Button } from 'storybook-root/components/Button/Button.js';13import { Button } from 'storybook-root';14import { Button } from 'storybook-root/components/Button/Button.js';15import { Button } from 'storybook-root';16import { Button } from 'storybook-root/dist/components/Button/Button.js';17import { Button } from 'storybook-root';18import { Button } from 'storybook-root/dist/components/Button/Button.js';19import { Button } from 'storybook-root';20import { Button } from 'storybook-root/components/Button/Button.js';21import { Button } from 'storybook-root';22import { Button } from 'storybook-root/dist/components/Button/Button.js';23import { Button } from 'storybook-root';24import { Button } from 'storybook-root/dist/components/Button/Button.js';25import { Button } from 'storybook-root';26import { Button } from 'storybook-root/components/Button/Button.js';27import { Button } from 'storybook-root';28import { Button } from 'storybook-root/dist/components/Button/Button.js';29import { Button } from 'storybook-root';30import { Button } from 'storybook-root/dist/components/Button/Button.js';31import { Button } from 'storybook-root

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { exportSource } = require('storybook-root-cause');2const { exportSource } = require('storybook-root-cause');3exportSource({4});5{6 "scripts": {7 }8}9import React from 'react';10import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';11import { Button } from '../src/Button';12test('renders Button', () => {13 render(<Button />);14 const buttonElement = screen.getByText(/Button/i);15 expect(buttonElement).toBeInTheDocument();16});17 ✓ renders Button (17 ms)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybook = require("storybook-root");2const copyDir = require("copy-dir");3const path = require("path");4storybook.exportSource("/path/to/server", {5})6 .then(() => {7 console.log("done");8 })9 .catch(err => {10 console.log(err);11 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { exportSource } from 'storybook-root-exports';2exportSource('storybook-react', 'react-component', 'ReactComponent');3import { ReactComponent } from 'storybook-react';4### exportSource(packageName, sourcePath, exportName)5| exportName | string | The name of the export. This is the name that will be used to import the module in the consumer app. |6| importSource | function | A function that takes the argument `packageName` and returns the exported module from the package. |

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { exportSource } from "storybook-root-exports"2exportSource({3})4{5 "scripts": {6 }7}8import { addDecorator } from "@storybook/react";9import { withInfo } from "@storybook/addon-info";10import { withA11y } from "@storybook/addon-a11y";11import { withKnobs } from "@storybook/addon-knobs";12import { withThemesProvider } from "storybook-addon-styled-component-theme";13import { withPerformance } from "storybook-addon-performance";14import { withTests } from "@storybook/addon-jest";15import { withConsole } from "@storybook/addon-console";16import { withViewport } from "@storybook/addon-viewport";17import { withRTL } from "storybook-addon-rtl";18import { withContexts } from "@storybook/addon-contexts/react";19import { withRedux } from "addon-redux/withRedux";20import { withState } from "@dump247/storybook-state";21import { withPropsTable } from "storybook-addon-react-docgen";22import { withCode } from "storybook-addon-code";23import { withNextRouter } from "storybook-addon-next-router";24import { withPolymer } from "storybook-addon-polymer";25import { withHTML } from "@whitespace/storybook-addon-html/react";26import { withA11y as withA11yReact } from "@storybook/addon-a11y/react";27import { withA11y as withA11yVue } from "@storybook/addon-a11y/vue";28import { withA11y as withA11yAngular } from "@storybook/addon-a11y/angular";29import { withA11y as withA11ySvelte } from "@storybook/addon-a11y/svelte";30import { withA11y as withA11yEmber } from "@storybook/addon-a11y/ember";31import { withA11y as withA11yMithril } from "@storybook/addon-a11y/mithril";

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