How to use existingCandidate method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:Candidate.App.js Github


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1const app = angular.module("Candidate.App", []);2app.component("itmRoot", {3 controller: class {4 constructor() {5 this.candidates = [{ name: "Puppies", color: "Silver", description: "Silver Lab", votes: 10, percent: 0+"%" }, { name: "Kittens", color: "Orange", description: "Tabby Cat", votes: 12, percent: 0+"%" }, { name: "Gerbils", color: "White", description: "White Gerbil", votes: 7, percent: 0+"%" }];6 7 this.calcPercentage = function() {8 let voteSum = 0;9 10 this.candidates.forEach(function(existingCandidate) {11 voteSum = existingCandidate.votes + voteSum;12 }) // creates total sum of votes13 this.candidates.forEach(function(existingCandidate) {14 existingCandidate.percent = Math.round((existingCandidate.votes/voteSum)*100)+"%";15 }) // calculates and rounds percentage for each object16 } // end calcPercentage17 this.calcPercentage();18 }19 // adds vote onClick for selected object20 onVote(candidate) {21 let addVote = candidate.votes + 122 candidate.votes = addVote;23 this.calcPercentage();24 } // end onVote25 onAddCandidate(candidate) {26 let duplicate = false;27 candidate = {28 name:,29 color: candidate.color,30 description: candidate.description,31 votes: 0,32 percent: 0+"%"33 } // defines new candidate object34 // validates input35 this.validation = function(duplicate) {36 if ( === '') {37 swal("Error!", "Please Enter a Candidate Name!", "error");38 } else if (duplicate === true) {39 swal("Error!", "Duplicate candidates are forbidden!", "error");40 } else {41 swal("Success!", "The candidate has been created!", "success");42 this.candidates.push(candidate);43 }44 } // end validation45 46 this.candidates.forEach(function(existingCandidate) {47 if ( === {48 duplicate = true;49 // location.reload();50 } else {51 // duplicate = false;52 }53 }); // checks input for duplicate candidates54 this.validation(duplicate);55 } // end onAddCandidate56 onRemoveCandidate(candidate) {57 // splices object from array58 this.removeCandidate = function(object) {59 this.candidates.splice(object, 1);60 } // end removeCandidate61 // identifies index of selected object62 var candidateArray = this.candidates;63 const removedObject = candidateArray.findIndex(selected => ===;64 this.removeCandidate(removedObject);65 } // end onRemoveCandidate66 },67 template: `68 <div id="instructions">69 <div id="header">70 <h1 class="lead">Candidate Poll</h1>71 </div>72</div>73 <div class="container2">74 <h1>Which candidate brings the most joy?</h1>75 76 <itm-results 77 candidates="$ctrl.candidates">78 </itm-results>79 <itm-vote 80 candidates="$ctrl.candidates"81 on-vote="$ctrl.onVote($candidate)">82 </itm-vote>83 <itm-management 84 candidates="$ctrl.candidates"85 on-add="$ctrl.onAddCandidate($candidate)"86 on-remove="$ctrl.onRemoveCandidate($candidate)">87 </itm-management>88 </div>89 `90});91app.component("itmManagement", {92 bindings: {93 candidates: "<",94 onAdd: "&",95 onRemove: "&"96 },97 controller: class {98 constructor($http, $scope) {99 this.$http = $http;100 this.$scope = $scope;101 }102 submitCandidate(candidate) {103 this.onAdd({ $candidate: candidate });104 // clears textbox on click105 this.clearText = function() {106 = "";107 this.newCandidate.color = "";108 this.newCandidate.description = "";109 } //end clearText110 this.clearText();111 }112 113 removeCandidate(candidate) {114 this.onRemove({ $candidate: candidate });115 swal("Success!", "The candidate has been deleted!", "success");116 } // end removeCandidate117 },118 template: `119 <div id="manage">120 <h1>Manage Candidates</h1>121 </div>122 <section class="container2">123 <h3>Add New Candidate</h3>124 <div class="container">125 <form class="col-md-12" ng-submit="$ctrl.submitCandidate($ctrl.newCandidate)" novalidate>126 127 <div class="form-group col-md-8">128 <label><strong>Candidate Name: </strong></label>129 <input type="text" ng-model="$" required>130 </div>131 <div class="form-group col-md-8">132 <label><strong>Candidate Color: </strong></label>133 <input type="text" ng-model="$ctrl.newCandidate.color">134 </div>135 <div class="form-group col-md-8">136 <label><strong>Candidate Description: </strong></label>137 <input type="text" ng-model="$ctrl.newCandidate.description">138 </div>139 140 <div class="form-group col-md-8">141 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Create</button>142 </div>143 </form>144 </div>145 </section>146 <section class="container2">147 <h3>Remove Candidate</h3>148 <div class="container">149 <table class="table table-hover">150 <thead>151 <tr class="table-primary">152 <th>Candidate Name</th>153 <th>Remove Candidate</th>154 </tr>155 </thead>156 <tbody ng-repeat="candidate in $ctrl.candidates">157 <tr>158 <td>{{}}</td>159 <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="$ctrl.removeCandidate(candidate)">Delete</button></td>160 </tbody>161 </table>162 </div>163 </section>164 `165});166app.component("itmVote", {167 bindings: {168 candidates: "<",169 onVote: "&"170 },171 controller: class {},172 template: `173 <section class="container2">174 <h3>Cast your vote!</h3>175 <div class="container2">176 <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-info col-sm-2"177 ng-repeat="candidate in $ctrl.candidates"178 ng-click="$ctrl.onVote({ $candidate: candidate })">179 <span ng-bind=""></span>180 </button>181 </div>182 </section>183 `184});185app.component("itmResults", {186 bindings: {187 candidates: "<"188 },189 controller: class {},190 template: `191 <section class="container2">192 <h3>Live Results</h3>193 <div class="container">194 <div class="table-responsive-sm">195 <table class="table table-hover">196 <thead>197 <tr class="table-primary">198 <th>Candidate Name</th>199 <th>Color</th>200 <th>Description</th>201 <th>Number of Votes</th>202 <th>Percentage of Votes</th>203 </tr>204 </thead>205 <tbody ng-repeat="candidate in $ctrl.candidates | orderBy: '-votes'">206 <tr>207 <td>{{}}</td>208 <td>{{candidate.color}}</td>209 <td>{{candidate.description}}</td>210 <td>{{candidate.votes}}</td>211 <td>{{candidate.percent}}</td>212 </tbody>213 </table>214 </div>215 </div>216 </section>217 `...

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Source:candidate-controllers.js Github


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1const Candidate = require('../models/candidate-model')2const { validationResult } = require('express-validator');3const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs')4const JWT = require('jsonwebtoken')5const signup = async (req, res, next) => {6 const errors = validationResult(req);7 if (!errors.isEmpty()) {8 return res.status(400).json({ errors: errors.array()[0].msg });9 }10 const {name, email, password, experience} = req.body;11 let hashedPassword12 try {13 const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(10)14 hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, salt)15 } catch (error) {16 console.log("Password is not hashed")17 return res.status(400).send('Something Went Wrong Please Try Again Later')18 }19 const candidate = new Candidate({20 name,email,password: hashedPassword, experience21})22 let existingCandidate;23 try {24 existingCandidate = await Candidate.findOne({email})25 26 } catch (error) {27 return res.status(400).send('something went wrong')28 }29 if(existingCandidate){30 return res.status(400).json({error: 'Candidate already exist.Go and Sign In'})31 }32 try {33 await } catch (error) {35 const err = new Error('could not sign up try again')36 return next(err)37 }38 res.json({39 candidate: candidate._id40 })41}42const login = async(req, res, next)=>{43 const errors = validationResult(req);44if (!errors.isEmpty()) {45 return res.status(400).json({ errors: errors.array()[0].msg });46}47const { email, password } = req.body; 48let existingCandidate;49try {50 existingCandidate = await Candidate.findOne({email})51} catch (error) {52 return res.status(400).send('something went wrong')53}54if(!existingCandidate){55 return res.status(400).send('Candidate does not exist please sign up first')56}57const validPassword = await, existingCandidate.password)58if(!validPassword){59 return res.status(400).send("Invalid Password")60}61//creating token62try {63 const token = JWT.sign({_id: existingCandidate._id}, "shjvshfu")64res.header('auth-token', token).send(token) 65} catch (error) {66 console.log(error)67 return res.status(400).send('something went wrong1')68}69res.send("logged in")70}71const alljobs = async (req, res, next) => {72 73}74exports.signup = signup...

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Source:checkCandidateExists.js Github


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1'use strict';2const client = require('../client.js');3const getSetMembersInfo = require('./getsetmembersinfo.js');4module.exports = (set, candidateName, callback) => {5 let lowerCaseNoSpace = (name) => {6 return name.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '')7 }8 9 getSetMembersInfo(set, (candidates) => {10 11 if(candidates){12 let existingCandidate = candidates.filter((candidate) => {13 return lowerCaseNoSpace(candidateName) === lowerCaseNoSpace(candidate.candidateName)14 })15 existingCandidate.length === 0 ? callback(false) : callback(existingCandidate); 16 } else {17 callback(false);18 }19 20 })...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { storiesOf } = require('@storybook/react');2const { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } = require('@storybook/addon-knobs');3const { withInfo } = require('@storybook/addon-info');4const { withA11y } = require('@storybook/addon-a11y');5const { withTests } = require('@storybook/addon-jest');6const results = require('../../.jest-test-results.json');7storiesOf('Test', module)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root'2import { Candidate } from 'storybook-root'3existingCandidate('abc')4const candidate = new Candidate('abc')5existingCandidate('abc')6const candidate = new Candidate('abc')7existingCandidate('abc')8const candidate = new Candidate('abc')9existingCandidate('abc')10const candidate = new Candidate('abc')11existingCandidate('abc')12const candidate = new Candidate('abc')13existingCandidate('abc')14const candidate = new Candidate('abc')15existingCandidate('abc')16const candidate = new Candidate('abc')17existingCandidate('abc')18const candidate = new Candidate('abc')19existingCandidate('abc')20const candidate = new Candidate('abc')21existingCandidate('abc')22const candidate = new Candidate('abc')23existingCandidate('abc')24const candidate = new ChnKinate('abc')25existingCandidate('abc')26const candidate = new Candidate('abc')27 .addDecorator(withInfo)28 .addDecorator(withA11y)29 .addDecorator(30 withTests({31 }),32 .add('Test', () => <div>Test</div>);33const { configure } = require('@storybook/react');34const { setOptions } = require('@storybook/addon-options');35const { setDefaults } = require('@storybook/addon-info');36const { setDefaults: setA11yDefaults } = require('@storybook/addon-a11y');37const { setDefaults: setKnobsDefaults } = require('@storybook/addon-knobs');38setOptions({39});40setDefaults({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root-children';2const myFunction = () => {3 const candidate = existingCandidate('my-component');4 console.log(candidate);5};6myFunction();7import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root-children';8const myFunction = () => {9 const candidate = existingCandidate('my-component');10 console.log(candidate);11};12myFunction();13import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root-children';14const myFunction = () => {15 const candidate = existingCandidate('my-component');16 console.log(candidate);17};18myFunction();19import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root-children';20const myFunction = () => {21 const candidate = existingCandidate('my-component');22 console.log(candidate);23};24myFunction();25import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root-children';26const myFunction = () => {27 const candidate = existingCandidate('my-component');28 console.log(candidate);29};30myFunction();31import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root-children';32const myFunction = () => {33 const candidate = existingCandidate('my-component');34 console.log(candidate);35};36myFunction();37import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root-children';38const myFunction = () => {39 const candidate = existingCandidate('my-component');40 console.log(candidate);41};42myFunction();43});44setA11yDefaults({45});46setKnobsDefaults({47});48configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);49const path = require('path');50module.exports = (storybookBaseConfig, configType) => {51 storybookBaseConfig.module.rules.push({52 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),53 });54 storybookBaseConfig.module.rules.push({55 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),56 });57 return storybookBaseConfig;58};59import '@storybook/addon-actions/register';60import '@storybook/addon-links/register';61import '@storybook/addon-kn

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { existingCandidate } from 'storybook-root'2import { Candidate } from 'storybook-root'3existingCandidate('abc')4const candidate = new Candidate('abc')5existingCandidate('abc')6const candidate = new Candidate('abc')7existingCandidate('abc')8const candidate = new Candidate('abc')9existingCandidate('abc')10const candidate = new Candidate('abc')11existingCandidate('abc')12const candidate = new Candidate('abc')13existingCandidate('abc')14const candidate = new Candidate('abc')15existingCandidate('abc')16const candidate = new Candidate('abc')17existingCandidate('abc')18const candidate = new Candidate('abc')19existingCandidate('abc')20const candidate = new Candidate('abc')21existingCandidate('abc')22const candidate = new Candidate('abc')23existingCandidate('abc')24const candidate = new Candidate('abc')25existingCandidate('abc')26const candidate = new Candidate('abc')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const {existingCandidate} = storybookRoot;3const existingCandidate = (candidate) => {4 return true;5};6module.exports = {7};

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