Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
1import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'2import debounce from 'debounce'3import axios from 'axios'4import LayoutDesktop from '../../bundles/common/components/LayoutDesktop'5import LayoutMobile from '../../bundles/common/components/LayoutMobile'6// TODO: Fix CoinList7import CoinList from '~/bundles/common/components/CoinList'8import CoinListDrawer from '~/bundles/common/components/CoinListDrawer'9// TODO: Fix CalendarList10import CalendarList from './CalendarList'11import CalendarListHeader from './CalendarListHeader'12import BodySection from './BodySection'13import BodySectionDrawer from '~/bundles/common/components/BodySectionDrawer'14import Immutable from 'immutable'15import * as _ from 'lodash'16import withDevice from '~/bundles/common/utils/withDevice'17import EventListener from 'react-event-listener'18class CalendarPage extends Component {19 state = {20 initialRenderTips: false,21 liveCoinArr: [],22 }23 handleWindowResize = debounce(() => this.forceUpdate(), 500)24 removeCoinsWatchlist(symbol) {25 const liveCoinArrAdd = this.state.liveCoinArr.filter(26 (item) => item.get('symbol') !== symbol,27 )28 this.setState({29 liveCoinArr: liveCoinArrAdd,30 })31 }32 addCoinsToWatchlist(symbol) {33 let req = `/api/coins.json?q[symbol_eq]=${symbol}`34 let liveCoinArrAdd = _.uniqBy(35 _.merge(this.state.liveCoinArr, this.props.coins),36 (value) => {37 return value.get('symbol')38 },39 )40 axios41 .get(req)42 .then((data) => {43 const str =[0]44 if (this.props.coins.length) {45 let newMap = Immutable.Map(str)46 liveCoinArrAdd.push(newMap)47 liveCoinArrAdd = _.uniqBy(liveCoinArrAdd, (value) => {48 return value.get('symbol')49 })50 }51 })52 .catch((error) => {53 console.log(error)54 })55 this.setState({56 liveCoinArr: liveCoinArrAdd,57 })58 }59 calendarTips() {60 this.setState((prevState) => ({61 initialRenderTips: !prevState.initialRenderTips,62 }))63 }64 render() {65 let coinsCollection66 if (this.state.liveCoinArr.length) {67 coinsCollection = this.state.liveCoinArr68 } else {69 coinsCollection = this.props.coins70 }71 let enhancedProps = {72 ...this.props,73 calendarTips: (event) => this.calendarTips(event),74 initialRenderTips: this.state.initialRenderTips,75 addCoinsToWatchlist: () => this.addCoinsToWatchlist.bind(this),76 removeCoinsWatchlist: () => this.removeCoinsWatchlist.bind(this),77 coins: coinsCollection,78 }79 if (this.props.isMobile) {80 return (81 <EventListener target="window" onResize={this.handleWindowResize}>82 <LayoutMobile83 {...enhancedProps}84 mainSection={85 <Fragment>86 <CalendarListHeader {...enhancedProps} />87 <CalendarList {...enhancedProps} />88 </Fragment>89 }90 modalName="calendarModal"91 modalSection={<BodySection {...enhancedProps} mobileLayout />}92 drawerSection={93 <Fragment>94 <CoinListDrawer {...enhancedProps} />95 <BodySectionDrawer96 {...enhancedProps}97 bodySection={<BodySection {...enhancedProps} />}98 />99 </Fragment>100 }101 />102 </EventListener>103 )104 } else {105 return (106 <EventListener target="window" onResize={this.handleWindowResize}>107 <LayoutDesktop108 {...enhancedProps}109 initialRenderTips={this.state.initialRenderTips}110 leftSection={<CoinList {...enhancedProps} />}111 centerSection={112 <Fragment>113 <CalendarListHeader {...enhancedProps} />114 <CalendarList {...enhancedProps} />115 </Fragment>116 }117 rightSection={<BodySection {...enhancedProps} />}118 />119 </EventListener>120 )121 }122 }123}124// TODO: Provide calendar context. currently disconnected from redux....
1/* @flow */2import * as React from 'react'3import { compose, withProps } from 'recompose'4import type { HOC } from 'recompose'5function mapProps<BaseProps: {}, EnhancedProps>(6 mapperFn: EnhancedProps => BaseProps7): (React.ComponentType<BaseProps>) => React.ComponentType<EnhancedProps> {8 return Component => props => <Component {...mapperFn(props)} />9}10type EnhancedProps = { hello: string }11const baseComponent = ({ hello, len }) =>12 <div>13 {(hello: string)}14 {15 // $ExpectError16 (hello: number)17 }18 {(len: number)}19 {20 // $ExpectError21 (len: string)22 }23 </div>24const enhancer: HOC<*, EnhancedProps> = compose(25 mapProps(({ hello }) => ({26 hello: `${hello} world`,27 len: hello.length,28 })),29 withProps(props => ({30 helloAndLen: `${props.hello} ${props.len}`,31 // $ExpectError32 lE: (props.len: string),33 }))34)...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';4import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';5import { withReadme } from 'storybook-readme';6import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';7import Readme from './';8import Component from './Component';9const stories = storiesOf('Component', module);10stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);11stories.addDecorator(withInfo);12stories.addDecorator(withReadme(Readme));13stories.addDecorator(withA11y);14stories.add('with enhancedProps', () => (15 <Component {...enhancedProps()} />16));17import React from 'react';18import PropTypes from 'prop-types';19const Component = ({ className }) => (20 <div className={className}>Component</div>21);22Component.propTypes = {23};24export default Component;25import Component from 'component';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { enhancedStories } from 'storybook-root-decorator';3import { enhancedStories } from 'storybook-root-decorator';4import MyComponent from '../src/MyComponent';5import { enhancedStories } from 'storybook-root-decorator';6const stories = enhancedStories('MyComponent', module);7stories.add('default', () => (8 {...enhancedProps()}9));10### `enhancedProps()`11### `enhancedStories(name, module)`
Using AI Code Generation
1import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';3const stories = storiesOf('Button', module)4 .addDecorator(withInfo)5 .add(6 () => <Button label="Hello" />,7 enhancedProps({8 })9 );10import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';11import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';12import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';13import
Using AI Code Generation
1import {enhancedProps} from 'storybook-root';2import {storiesOf} from '@storybook/react';3import {withKnobs, text} from '@storybook/addon-knobs';4import React from 'react';5import MyComponent from './index';6const stories = storiesOf('MyComponent', module);7stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);8stories.add('default', () => {9 const props = enhancedProps('MyComponent', MyComponent);10 return (11 {...props}12 name={text('name', 'World')}13 );14});15import React from 'react';16import PropTypes from 'prop-types';17const MyComponent = ({name}) => (18 <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>19);20MyComponent.propTypes = {21};22export default MyComponent;23import {configure, addDecorator} from '@storybook/react';24import {withInfo} from '@storybook/addon-info';25import {withKnobs} from '@storybook/addon-knobs';26import {setDefaults} from 'storybook-root';27import {setOptions} from '@storybook/addon-options';28setDefaults({29});30addDecorator(withInfo);31addDecorator(withKnobs);32setOptions({33});34const req = require.context('../src/stories', true, /.stories.js$/);35function loadStories() {36 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));37}38configure(loadStories, module);39const path = require('path');40module.exports = (storybookBaseConfig
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';4import Button from './Button';5storiesOf('Button', module)6 .add('with text', () => {7 const props = enhancedProps({text: 'Hello Button'});8 return <Button {...props} />;9 })10 .add('with some emoji', () => {11 const props = enhancedProps({text: '😀 😎 👍 💯'});12 return <Button {...props} />;13 });14import React from 'react';15import PropTypes from 'prop-types';16const Button = ({text}) => (17 <button>{text}</button>18);19Button.propTypes = {20}21export default Button;22import React from 'react';23import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';24import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';25import Button from './Button';26storiesOf('Button', module)27 .add('with text', () => {28 const props = enhancedProps({text: 'Hello Button'});29 return <Button {...props} />;30 })31 .add('with some emoji', () => {32 const props = enhancedProps({text: '😀 😎 👍 💯'});33 return <Button {...props} />;34 });35import React from 'react';36import PropTypes from 'prop-types';37const Button = ({text}) => (38 <button>{text}</button>39);40Button.propTypes = {41}42export default Button;43import React from 'react';44import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';45import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';46import Button from './Button';47storiesOf('Button', module)48 .add('with text', () => {49 const props = enhancedProps({text: 'Hello Button'});50 return <Button {...props}
Using AI Code Generation
1import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';3import MyComponent from '../components/MyComponent';4export default {5};6export const myComponent = () => (7 {...enhancedProps({8 })}9);10import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';11import { theme } from '../theme';12export const decorators = [withRootDecorator(theme)];13import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';14import { theme } from '../theme';15export const managerEntries = [withRootDecorator(theme)];16MIT © [gabrieldarezzo](
Using AI Code Generation
1import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator'2const props = {3}4storiesOf('MyComponent', module)5 .add('default', () => {6 return (7 <MyComponent {...enhancedProps(props)} />8 })9import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator'10const props = {11}12storiesOf('MyComponent', module)13 .add('default', () => {14 return (15 <MyComponent {...enhancedProps(props)} />16 })17import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator'18const props = {19}20storiesOf('MyComponent', module)21 .add('default', () => {22 return (23 <MyComponent {...enhancedProps(props)} />24 })25import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator'26const props = {27}28storiesOf('MyComponent', module)29 .add('default', () => {30 return (31 <MyComponent {...enhancedProps(props)} />32 })33import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator'34const props = {35}36storiesOf('MyComponent', module)37 .add('default', () => {38 return (39 <MyComponent {...enhancedProps(props)} />40 })
Using AI Code Generation
1import { enhancedProps } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2const props = enhancedProps();3const { theme, locale, direction } = props;4const App = () => (5 <p>Locale: {locale}</p>6 <p>Theme: {theme}</p>7 <p>Direction: {direction}</p>8);9export default App;10import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';11import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';12addDecorator(withRootDecorator);13export const parameters = {14 options: {15 },16};17import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';18import { themes } from '@storybook/theming';19addons.setConfig({20});21 {22 },23 {24 },25];26 {27 },28 {29 },30];31 {32 },33 {34 },35];36{37 "en": {38 },39 "ar": {40 }41}42import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';43import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';44import { withI18next } from 'storybook-addon-i18next';45import locales from './locales.json';46addDecorator(withRootDecorator);47addDecorator(withI18next(locales, { provider: 'react-i18next' }));48export const parameters = {49 options: {50 },51};52import { addons
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