How to use componentDidCatch method in storybook-root

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Source: componentDidCatch.test.js Github


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...20 let expectedError;21 /​** @type {typeof import('../​../​../​').Component} */​22 let ThrowErr;23 class Receiver extends Component {24 componentDidCatch(error) {25 this.setState({ error });26 }27 render() {28 return this.state.error29 ? String(this.state.error)30 : this.props.children;31 }32 }33 let thrower;34 sinon.spy(Receiver.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');35 sinon.spy(Receiver.prototype, 'render');36 function throwExpectedError() {37 throw (expectedError = new Error('Error!'));38 }39 beforeEach(() => {40 ThrowErr = class ThrowErr extends Component {41 constructor(props) {42 super(props);43 thrower = this;44 }45 componentDidCatch() {46"Throwing component should not catch it's own error.");47 }48 render() {49 return <div>ThrowErr: componentDidCatch</​div>;50 }51 };52 sinon.spy(ThrowErr.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');53 expectedError = undefined;54 Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch.resetHistory();55 Receiver.prototype.render.resetHistory();56 });57 afterEach(() => {58 expect(59 ThrowErr.prototype.componentDidCatch,60 "Throwing component should not catch it's own error."61 );62 thrower = undefined;63 });64 it('should be called when child fails in constructor', () => {65 class ThrowErr extends Component {66 constructor(props, context) {67 super(props, context);68 throwExpectedError();69 }70 componentDidCatch() {71"Throwing component should not catch it's own error");72 }73 render() {74 return <div /​>;75 }76 }77 render(78 <Receiver>79 <ThrowErr /​>80 </​Receiver>,81 scratch82 );83 rerender();84 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(85 expectedError86 );87 });88 /​/​ https:/​/​​preactjs/​preact/​issues/​157089 it('should handle double child throws', () => {90 const Child = ({ i }) => {91 throw new Error(`error! ${i}`);92 };93 const fn = () =>94 render(95 <Receiver>96 {[1, 2].map(i => (97 <Child key={i} i={i} /​>98 ))}99 </​Receiver>,100 scratch101 );102 expect(fn).to.not.throw();103 rerender();104 expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('Error: error! 2');105 });106 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillMount', () => {107 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillMount = throwExpectedError;108 render(109 <Receiver>110 <ThrowErr /​>111 </​Receiver>,112 scratch113 );114 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(115 expectedError116 );117 });118 it('should be called when child fails in render', () => {119 ThrowErr.prototype.render = throwExpectedError;120 render(121 <Receiver>122 <ThrowErr /​>123 </​Receiver>,124 scratch125 );126 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(127 expectedError128 );129 });130 it('should be called when child fails in componentDidMount', () => {131 ThrowErr.prototype.componentDidMount = throwExpectedError;132 render(133 <Receiver>134 <ThrowErr /​>135 </​Receiver>,136 scratch137 );138 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(139 expectedError140 );141 });142 it('should be called when child fails in getDerivedStateFromProps', () => {143 ThrowErr.getDerivedStateFromProps = throwExpectedError;144 sinon.spy(ThrowErr.prototype, 'render');145 render(146 <Receiver>147 <ThrowErr /​>148 </​Receiver>,149 scratch150 );151 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(152 expectedError153 );154 expect(ThrowErr.prototype.render);155 });156 it('should be called when child fails in getSnapshotBeforeUpdate', () => {157 ThrowErr.prototype.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = throwExpectedError;158 render(159 <Receiver>160 <ThrowErr /​>161 </​Receiver>,162 scratch163 );164 thrower.forceUpdate();165 rerender();166 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(167 expectedError168 );169 });170 it('should be called when child fails in componentDidUpdate', () => {171 ThrowErr.prototype.componentDidUpdate = throwExpectedError;172 render(173 <Receiver>174 <ThrowErr /​>175 </​Receiver>,176 scratch177 );178 thrower.forceUpdate();179 rerender();180 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(181 expectedError182 );183 });184 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillUpdate', () => {185 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillUpdate = throwExpectedError;186 render(187 <Receiver>188 <ThrowErr /​>189 </​Receiver>,190 scratch191 );192 thrower.forceUpdate();193 rerender();194 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(195 expectedError196 );197 });198 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillReceiveProps', () => {199 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = throwExpectedError;200 let receiver;201 class Receiver extends Component {202 constructor() {203 super();204 this.state = { foo: 'bar' };205 receiver = this;206 }207 componentDidCatch(error) {208 this.setState({ error });209 }210 render() {211 return this.state.error ? (212 String(this.state.error)213 ) : (214 <ThrowErr foo={} /​>215 );216 }217 }218 sinon.spy(Receiver.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');219 render(<Receiver /​>, scratch);220 receiver.setState({ foo: 'baz' });221 rerender();222 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(223 expectedError224 );225 });226 it('should be called when child fails in shouldComponentUpdate', () => {227 ThrowErr.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = throwExpectedError;228 let receiver;229 class Receiver extends Component {230 constructor() {231 super();232 this.state = { foo: 'bar' };233 receiver = this;234 }235 componentDidCatch(error) {236 this.setState({ error });237 }238 render() {239 return this.state.error ? (240 String(this.state.error)241 ) : (242 <ThrowErr foo={} /​>243 );244 }245 }246 sinon.spy(Receiver.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');247 render(<Receiver /​>, scratch);248 receiver.setState({ foo: 'baz' });249 rerender();250 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(251 expectedError252 );253 });254 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillUnmount', () => {255 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillUnmount = throwExpectedError;256 render(257 <Receiver>258 <ThrowErr /​>259 </​Receiver>,260 scratch261 );262 render(263 <Receiver>264 <div /​>265 </​Receiver>,266 scratch267 );268 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(269 expectedError270 );271 });272 it('should be called when applying a Component ref', () => {273 const Foo = () => <div /​>;274 const ref = value => {275 if (value) {276 throwExpectedError();277 }278 };279 /​/​ In React, an error boundary handles it's own refs:280 /​/​ https:/​/​​s/​react-throwing-refs-lk958281 class Receiver extends Component {282 componentDidCatch(error) {283 this.setState({ error });284 }285 render() {286 return this.state.error ? (287 String(this.state.error)288 ) : (289 <Foo ref={ref} /​>290 );291 }292 }293 sinon.spy(Receiver.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');294 render(<Receiver /​>, scratch);295 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(296 expectedError297 );298 });299 it('should be called when applying a DOM ref', () => {300 const ref = value => {301 if (value) {302 throwExpectedError();303 }304 };305 /​/​ In React, an error boundary handles it's own refs:306 /​/​ https:/​/​​s/​react-throwing-refs-lk958307 class Receiver extends Component {308 componentDidCatch(error) {309 this.setState({ error });310 }311 render() {312 return this.state.error ? (313 String(this.state.error)314 ) : (315 <div ref={ref} /​>316 );317 }318 }319 sinon.spy(Receiver.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');320 render(<Receiver /​>, scratch);321 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(322 expectedError323 );324 });325 it('should be called when unmounting a ref', () => {326 const ref = value => {327 if (value == null) {328 throwExpectedError();329 }330 };331 ThrowErr.prototype.render = () => <div ref={ref} /​>;332 render(333 <Receiver>334 <ThrowErr /​>335 </​Receiver>,336 scratch337 );338 render(339 <Receiver>340 <div /​>341 </​Receiver>,342 scratch343 );344 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledOnceWith(345 expectedError346 );347 });348 it('should be called when functional child fails', () => {349 function ThrowErr() {350 throwExpectedError();351 }352 render(353 <Receiver>354 <ThrowErr /​>355 </​Receiver>,356 scratch357 );358 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(359 expectedError360 );361 });362 it('should be called when child inside a Fragment fails', () => {363 function ThrowErr() {364 throwExpectedError();365 }366 render(367 <Receiver>368 <Fragment>369 <ThrowErr /​>370 </​Fragment>371 </​Receiver>,372 scratch373 );374 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(375 expectedError376 );377 });378 it('should re-render with new content', () => {379 class ThrowErr extends Component {380 componentWillMount() {381 throw new Error('Error contents');382 }383 render() {384 return 'No error!?!?';385 }386 }387 render(388 <Receiver>389 <ThrowErr /​>390 </​Receiver>,391 scratch392 );393 rerender();394 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Error contents');395 });396 it('should be able to adapt and rethrow errors', () => {397 let adaptedError;398 class Adapter extends Component {399 componentDidCatch(error) {400 throw (adaptedError = new Error(401 'Adapted ' +402 String(error && 'message' in error ? error.message : error)403 ));404 }405 render() {406 return <div>{this.props.children}</​div>;407 }408 }409 function ThrowErr() {410 throwExpectedError();411 }412 sinon.spy(Adapter.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');413 render(414 <Receiver>415 <Adapter>416 <ThrowErr /​>417 </​Adapter>418 </​Receiver>,419 scratch420 );421 expect(Adapter.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(422 expectedError423 );424 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(425 adaptedError426 );427 rerender();428 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Adapted Error!');429 });430 it('should bubble on repeated errors', () => {431 class Adapter extends Component {432 componentDidCatch(error) {433 /​/​ Try to handle the error434 this.setState({ error });435 }436 render() {437 /​/​ But fail at doing so438 if (this.state.error) {439 throw this.state.error;440 }441 return <div>{this.props.children}</​div>;442 }443 }444 function ThrowErr() {445 throwExpectedError();446 }447 sinon.spy(Adapter.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');448 render(449 <Receiver>450 <Adapter>451 <ThrowErr /​>452 </​Adapter>453 </​Receiver>,454 scratch455 );456 rerender();457 expect(Adapter.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(458 expectedError459 );460 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(461 expectedError462 );463 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Error!');464 });465 it('should bubble on ignored errors', () => {466 class Adapter extends Component {467 componentDidCatch() {468 /​/​ Ignore the error469 }470 render() {471 return <div>{this.props.children}</​div>;472 }473 }474 function ThrowErr() {475 throw new Error('Error!');476 }477 sinon.spy(Adapter.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');478 render(479 <Receiver>480 <Adapter>481 <ThrowErr /​>482 </​Adapter>483 </​Receiver>,484 scratch485 );486 rerender();487 expect(Adapter.prototype.componentDidCatch, 'Adapter').to.have.been488 .called;489 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch, 'Receiver').to.have.been490 .called;491 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Error!');492 });493 it('should not bubble on caught errors', () => {494 class TopReceiver extends Component {495 componentDidCatch(error) {496 this.setState({ error });497 }498 render() {499 return (500 <div>501 {this.state.error502 ? String(this.state.error)503 : this.props.children}504 </​div>505 );506 }507 }508 function ThrowErr() {509 throwExpectedError();510 }511 sinon.spy(TopReceiver.prototype, 'componentDidCatch');512 render(513 <TopReceiver>514 <Receiver>515 <ThrowErr /​>516 </​Receiver>517 </​TopReceiver>,518 scratch519 );520 rerender();521 expect(TopReceiver.prototype.componentDidCatch);522 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(523 expectedError524 );525 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Error!');526 });527 it('should be called through non-component parent elements', () => {528 ThrowErr.prototype.render = throwExpectedError;529 render(530 <Receiver>531 <div>532 <ThrowErr /​>533 </​div>534 </​Receiver>,535 scratch536 );537 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(538 expectedError539 );540 });541 it('should bubble up when ref throws on component that is not an error boundary', () => {542 const ref = value => {543 if (value) {544 throwExpectedError();545 }546 };547 function ThrowErr() {548 return <div ref={ref} /​>;549 }550 render(551 <Receiver>552 <ThrowErr /​>553 </​Receiver>,554 scratch555 );556 expect(Receiver.prototype.componentDidCatch).to.have.been.calledWith(557 expectedError558 );559 });560 it.skip('should successfully unmount constantly throwing ref', () => {561 const buggyRef = throwExpectedError;562 function ThrowErr() {563 return <div ref={buggyRef}>ThrowErr</​div>;564 }565 render(566 <Receiver>567 <ThrowErr /​>568 </​Receiver>,569 scratch570 );571 rerender();572 expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('<div>Error: Error!</​div>');573 });574 it('should pass errorInfo on render error', () => {575 let info;576 class Receiver extends Component {577 constructor(props) {578 super(props);579 this.state = { error: null };580 }581 componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {582 info = errorInfo;583 this.setState({ error });584 }585 render() {586 if (this.state.error) return <div /​>;587 return this.props.children;588 }589 }590 function ThrowErr() {591 throw new Error('fail');592 }593 render(594 <Receiver>595 <ThrowErr /​>...

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1import React from 'react';2import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';3import './​index.css';4import App from './​App';5import * as serviceWorker from './​serviceWorker';6import { Provider } from 'react-redux';7import { store } from './​redux/​store';8ReactDOM.render(9 <Provider store={store}>10 document.getElementById('root')11);12serviceWorker.unregister();13import React from 'react';14import logo from './​logo.svg';15import './​App.css';16import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';17import { Home } from './​pages/​Home';18import { About } from './​pages/​About';19import { NotFound } from './​pages/​NotFound';20import { Header } from './​components/​Header';21import { Footer } from './​components/​Footer';22import { GlobalProvider } from './​context/​GlobalState';23function App() {24 return (25 <Route exact path="/​" component={Home} /​>26 <Route exact path="/​about" component={About} /​>27 <Route component={NotFound} /​>28 );29}30export default App;31* {32 margin: 0;33 padding: 0;34 box-sizing: border-box;35}36body {37 background: #f4f4f4;38 font-size: 16px;39 font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;40}41import React, { Fragment, useContext } from 'react';42import { GlobalContext } from '../​context/​GlobalState';43export const Home = () => {44 const { transactions } = useContext(GlobalContext);45 console.log(transactions);46 return (47 );48};49import React, { Fragment } from 'react';50export const About = () => {51 return (52 );53};54import React, { Fragment } from 'react';55export const NotFound = () => {56 return (

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1import React from 'react';2import { render } from 'react-dom';3import { App } from './​App';4render(<App /​>, document.getElementById('root'));5import React from 'react';6import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';7import { ErrorBoundary } from './​ErrorBoundary';8import { Home } from './​Home';9import { NotFound } from './​NotFound';10export const App = () => (11 <Route exact path="/​" component={Home} /​>12 <Route component={NotFound} /​>13);14import React from 'react';15import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';16import { NotFound } from './​NotFound';17export class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {18 state = { hasError: false, error: null, info: null };19 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {20 return { hasError: true, error };21 }22 componentDidCatch(error, info) {23 this.setState({ info });24 }25 render() {26 const { hasError, error, info } = this.state;27 if (hasError) {28 return (29 error={error}30 info={info}31 );32 }33 return this.props.children;34 }35}36import React from 'react';37import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';38export const NotFound = ({ error, info }) => (39 {error && <pre>{error.toString()}</​pre>}40 {info && <pre>{info.componentStack}</​pre>}41);42import React from 'react';43import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';44export const Home = () => (45);

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1import React, { Component } from "react";2import { render } from "react-dom";3import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/​react";4import { withInfo } from "@storybook/​addon-info";5class Test extends Component {6 constructor(props) {7 super(props);8 this.state = { hasError: false };9 }10 componentDidCatch(error, info) {11 this.setState({ hasError: true });12 }13 render() {14 if (this.state.hasError) {15 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;16 }17 return this.props.children;18 }19}20storiesOf("Test", module)21 .addDecorator(story => <Test>{story()}</​Test>)22 .add("Test", withInfo("test")(() => <div>Test</​div>));23import { configure, addDecorator } from "@storybook/​react";24import { withInfo } from "@storybook/​addon-info";25import { withA11y } from "@storybook/​addon-a11y";26import { withKnobs } from "@storybook/​addon-knobs";27import { withOptions } from "@storybook/​addon-options";28import { withTests } from "@storybook/​addon-jest";29import { withBackgrounds } from "@storybook/​addon-backgrounds";30import { withViewport } from "@storybook/​addon-viewport";31import { withConsole } from "@storybook/​addon-console";32import { withPerformance } from "@storybook/​addon-performance";33import { withRedux } from "@storybook/​addon-redux";34import { withState } from "@dump247/​storybook-state";35import { withNotes } from "@storybook/​addon-notes";36import { withCSSResources } from "@storybook/​addon-cssresources";37import { withContexts } from "@storybook/​addon-contexts/​react";38import { withStorySource } from "@storybook/​addon-storysource";39import { withSmartKnobs } from "storybook-addon-smart-knobs";40import { withPropsTable } from "storybook-addon-react-docgen";41import { withCreevey } from "creevey";42import { withToggles } from "storybook-addon-toggles";43import { withSmartKnobs } from "storybook-addon-smart-knobs";44import { withPropsTable } from "storybook-addon-react-docgen";45import { withCreevey } from "creevey";46addDecorator(withInfo);47addDecorator(withA11y);

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1import { setCustomElements } from '@storybook/​web-components';2import customElements from '../​custom-elements.json';3import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from '@storybook/​components/​loader';4import { applyPolyfills as applyPolyfillsRoot, defineCustomElements as defineCustomElementsRoot } from '@storybook/​web-components/​loader';5applyPolyfills().then(() => {6 defineCustomElements(customElements);7});8applyPolyfillsRoot().then(() => {9 defineCustomElementsRoot(customElements);10});11setCustomElements(customElements);12import { setCustomElements } from '@storybook/​web-components';13import customElements from '../​custom-elements.json';14import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from '@storybook/​components/​loader';15import { applyPolyfills as applyPolyfillsRoot, defineCustomElements as defineCustomElementsRoot } from '@storybook/​web-components/​loader';16applyPolyfills().then(() => {17 defineCustomElements(customElements);18});19applyPolyfillsRoot().then(() => {20 defineCustomElementsRoot(customElements);21});22setCustomElements(customElements);

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