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Source: outputServices.ts
1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.3 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.4 *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/5import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';6import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';7import { IDisposable, dispose, Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';8import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';9import { IStorageService, StorageScope, StorageTarget } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage';10import { Registry } from 'vs/platform/registry/common/platform';11import { IOutputChannel, IOutputService, OUTPUT_VIEW_ID, OUTPUT_SCHEME, LOG_SCHEME, LOG_MIME, OUTPUT_MIME, OutputChannelUpdateMode, IOutputChannelDescriptor, Extensions, IOutputChannelRegistry } from 'vs/workbench/services/output/common/output';12import { OutputLinkProvider } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/output/browser/outputLinkProvider';13import { ITextModelService, ITextModelContentProvider } from 'vs/editor/common/services/resolverService';14import { ITextModel } from 'vs/editor/common/model';15import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';16import { ILifecycleService } from 'vs/workbench/services/lifecycle/common/lifecycle';17import { IOutputChannelModel } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/output/common/outputChannelModel';18import { IViewsService } from 'vs/workbench/common/views';19import { OutputViewPane } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/output/browser/outputView';20import { IOutputChannelModelService } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/output/common/outputChannelModelService';21import { ILanguageService } from 'vs/editor/common/languages/language';22const OUTPUT_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_KEY = 'output.activechannel';23class OutputChannel extends Disposable implements IOutputChannel {24 scrollLock: boolean = false;25 readonly model: IOutputChannelModel;26 readonly id: string;27 readonly label: string;28 readonly uri: URI;29 constructor(30 readonly outputChannelDescriptor: IOutputChannelDescriptor,31 @IOutputChannelModelService outputChannelModelService: IOutputChannelModelService,32 @ILanguageService languageService: ILanguageService,33 ) {34 super();35 =;36 this.label = outputChannelDescriptor.label;37 this.uri = URI.from({ scheme: OUTPUT_SCHEME, path: });38 this.model = this._register(outputChannelModelService.createOutputChannelModel(, this.uri, outputChannelDescriptor.languageId ? languageService.createById(outputChannelDescriptor.languageId) : languageService.createByMimeType(outputChannelDescriptor.log ? LOG_MIME : OUTPUT_MIME), outputChannelDescriptor.file));39 }40 append(output: string): void {41 this.model.append(output);42 }43 update(mode: OutputChannelUpdateMode, till?: number): void {44 this.model.update(mode, till, true);45 }46 clear(): void {47 this.model.clear();48 }49 replace(value: string): void {50 this.model.replace(value);51 }52}53export class OutputService extends Disposable implements IOutputService, ITextModelContentProvider {54 declare readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;55 private channels: Map<string, OutputChannel> = new Map<string, OutputChannel>();56 private activeChannelIdInStorage: string;57 private activeChannel?: OutputChannel;58 private readonly _onActiveOutputChannel = this._register(new Emitter<string>());59 readonly onActiveOutputChannel: Event<string> = this._onActiveOutputChannel.event;60 constructor(61 @IStorageService private readonly storageService: IStorageService,62 @IInstantiationService private readonly instantiationService: IInstantiationService,63 @ITextModelService textModelResolverService: ITextModelService,64 @ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService,65 @ILifecycleService private readonly lifecycleService: ILifecycleService,66 @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService,67 ) {68 super();69 this.activeChannelIdInStorage = this.storageService.get(OUTPUT_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, '');70 // Register as text model content provider for output71 textModelResolverService.registerTextModelContentProvider(OUTPUT_SCHEME, this);72 instantiationService.createInstance(OutputLinkProvider);73 // Create output channels for already registered channels74 const registry =<IOutputChannelRegistry>(Extensions.OutputChannels);75 for (const channelIdentifier of registry.getChannels()) {76 this.onDidRegisterChannel(;77 }78 this._register(registry.onDidRegisterChannel(this.onDidRegisterChannel, this));79 // Set active channel to first channel if not set80 if (!this.activeChannel) {81 const channels = this.getChannelDescriptors();82 this.setActiveChannel(channels && channels.length > 0 ? this.getChannel(channels[0].id) : undefined);83 }84 this._register(this.lifecycleService.onDidShutdown(() => this.dispose()));85 }86 provideTextContent(resource: URI): Promise<ITextModel> | null {87 const channel = <OutputChannel>this.getChannel(resource.path);88 if (channel) {89 return channel.model.loadModel();90 }91 return null;92 }93 async showChannel(id: string, preserveFocus?: boolean): Promise<void> {94 const channel = this.getChannel(id);95 if (this.activeChannel?.id !== channel?.id) {96 this.setActiveChannel(channel);97;98 }99 const outputView = await this.viewsService.openView<OutputViewPane>(OUTPUT_VIEW_ID, !preserveFocus);100 if (outputView && channel) {101 outputView.showChannel(channel, !!preserveFocus);102 }103 }104 getChannel(id: string): OutputChannel | undefined {105 return this.channels.get(id);106 }107 getChannelDescriptor(id: string): IOutputChannelDescriptor | undefined {108 return<IOutputChannelRegistry>(Extensions.OutputChannels).getChannel(id);109 }110 getChannelDescriptors(): IOutputChannelDescriptor[] {111 return<IOutputChannelRegistry>(Extensions.OutputChannels).getChannels();112 }113 getActiveChannel(): IOutputChannel | undefined {114 return this.activeChannel;115 }116 private async onDidRegisterChannel(channelId: string): Promise<void> {117 const channel = this.createChannel(channelId);118 this.channels.set(channelId, channel);119 if (!this.activeChannel || this.activeChannelIdInStorage === channelId) {120 this.setActiveChannel(channel);121;122 const outputView = this.viewsService.getActiveViewWithId<OutputViewPane>(OUTPUT_VIEW_ID);123 outputView?.showChannel(channel, true);124 }125 }126 private createChannel(id: string): OutputChannel {127 const channelDisposables: IDisposable[] = [];128 const channel = this.instantiateChannel(id);129 channel.model.onDispose(() => {130 if (this.activeChannel === channel) {131 const channels = this.getChannelDescriptors();132 const channel = channels.length ? this.getChannel(channels[0].id) : undefined;133 if (channel && this.viewsService.isViewVisible(OUTPUT_VIEW_ID)) {134 this.showChannel(;135 } else {136 this.setActiveChannel(undefined);137 }138 }139<IOutputChannelRegistry>(Extensions.OutputChannels).removeChannel(id);140 dispose(channelDisposables);141 }, channelDisposables);142 return channel;143 }144 private instantiateChannel(id: string): OutputChannel {145 const channelData =<IOutputChannelRegistry>(Extensions.OutputChannels).getChannel(id);146 if (!channelData) {147 this.logService.error(`Channel '${id}' is not registered yet`);148 throw new Error(`Channel '${id}' is not registered yet`);149 }150 return this.instantiationService.createInstance(OutputChannel, channelData);151 }152 private setActiveChannel(channel: OutputChannel | undefined): void {153 this.activeChannel = channel;154 if (this.activeChannel) {155,, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, StorageTarget.USER);156 } else {157 this.storageService.remove(OUTPUT_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE);158 }159 }160}161export class LogContentProvider {162 private channelModels: Map<string, IOutputChannelModel> = new Map<string, IOutputChannelModel>();163 constructor(164 @IOutputService private readonly outputService: IOutputService,165 @IOutputChannelModelService private readonly outputChannelModelService: IOutputChannelModelService,166 @ILanguageService private readonly languageService: ILanguageService167 ) {168 }169 provideTextContent(resource: URI): Promise<ITextModel> | null {170 if (resource.scheme === LOG_SCHEME) {171 const channelModel = this.getChannelModel(resource);172 if (channelModel) {173 return channelModel.loadModel();174 }175 }176 return null;177 }178 private getChannelModel(resource: URI): IOutputChannelModel | undefined {179 const channelId = resource.path;180 let channelModel = this.channelModels.get(channelId);181 if (!channelModel) {182 const channelDisposables: IDisposable[] = [];183 const outputChannelDescriptor = this.outputService.getChannelDescriptors().filter(({ id }) => id === channelId)[0];184 if (outputChannelDescriptor && outputChannelDescriptor.file) {185 channelModel = this.outputChannelModelService.createOutputChannelModel(channelId, resource, outputChannelDescriptor.languageId ? this.languageService.createById(outputChannelDescriptor.languageId) : this.languageService.createByMimeType(outputChannelDescriptor.log ? LOG_MIME : OUTPUT_MIME), outputChannelDescriptor.file);186 channelModel.onDispose(() => dispose(channelDisposables), channelDisposables);187 this.channelModels.set(channelId, channelModel);188 }189 }190 return channelModel;191 }...
Source: Channels.js
1import {2 ChannelsHamt,3 AddressesHamt,4 PulseLink,5 Channel,6 Address,7 Interpulse,8} from '.'9import assert from 'assert-fast'10import { IpldStruct } from './IpldStruct'11/**12type Channels struct {13 counter Int14 list HashMapRoot # Map of channelIds to Channels15 addresses HashMapRoot # reverse lookup of channels16 rxs [ Int ]17 txs [ Int ]18}19 */20const FIXED_CHANNEL_COUNT = 321export class Channels extends IpldStruct {22 static classMap = {23 list: ChannelsHamt,24 addresses: AddressesHamt,25 }26 static create() {27 const list = ChannelsHamt.create()28 const counter = FIXED_CHANNEL_COUNT29 const addresses = AddressesHamt.create()30 const rxs = []31 const txs = []32 return super.clone({ counter, list, addresses, rxs, txs })33 }34 assertLogic() {}35 async has(channelId) {36 assert(Number.isInteger(channelId))37 assert(channelId >= 0)38 assert(channelId < this.counter)39 return await this.list.has(channelId)40 }41 async hasAddress(address) {42 assert(address instanceof Address)43 assert(address.isRemote())44 return await this.addresses.has(address)45 }46 async getByAddress(address) {47 assert(address instanceof Address)48 const channelId = await this.addresses.get(address)49 return await this.getChannel(channelId)50 }51 async deleteChannel(channelId) {52 await this.#assertChannelIdValid(channelId)53 const list = this.list.delete(channelId)54 return this.setMap({ list })55 }56 async getChannel(channelId) {57 await this.#assertChannelIdValid(channelId)58 const channel = await this.list.get(channelId)59 assert.strictEqual(channelId, channel.channelId)60 return channel61 }62 async #assertChannelIdValid(channelId) {63 assert(Number.isInteger(channelId))64 assert(channelId >= 0)65 assert(channelId < this.counter)66 if (channelId >= FIXED_CHANNEL_COUNT) {67 assert(await this.list.has(channelId), `channelId not present`)68 }69 }70 async addChannel(channel) {71 assert(channel instanceof Channel)72 assert(Number.isInteger(this.counter))73 assert(this.counter >= FIXED_CHANNEL_COUNT)74 let { counter, addresses } = this75 const channelId = counter++76 assert.strictEqual(channelId, channel.channelId)77 const list = await this.list.set(channelId, channel)78 const { address } = channel79 if (address.isRemote()) {80 addresses = await this.addresses.set(address, channelId)81 }82 const next = this.setMap({ counter, list, addresses })83 return next.updateActives(channelId, channel)84 }85 async updateChannel(channel) {86 const { channelId } = channel87 await this.#assertChannelIdValid(channelId)88 let previous89 const isPrevious = await this.list.has(channelId)90 if (channelId >= FIXED_CHANNEL_COUNT || isPrevious) {91 previous = await this.list.get(channelId)92 assert(previous.isNext(channel))93 // TODO if channel is identical, return94 }95 const list = await this.list.set(channelId, channel)96 let { addresses } = this97 const isResolved = previous && !previous.isRemote() && channel.isRemote()98 const isNewResolved = !previous && channel.isRemote()99 if (isResolved || isNewResolved) {100 const { address } = channel101 addresses = await addresses.set(address, channelId)102 }103 const next = this.setMap({ list, addresses })104 return next.updateActives(channelId, channel)105 }106 updateActives(channelId, channel) {107 assert(Number.isInteger(channelId))108 assert(channelId >= 0)109 assert(channel instanceof Channel)110 const { address } = channel111 let { rxs, txs } = this112 if (!channel.rxIsEmpty()) {113 assert(!address.isRoot())114 if (!rxs.includes(channelId)) {115 rxs = [...rxs, channelId]116 }117 } else {118 if (rxs.includes(channelId)) {119 rxs = rxs.filter((id) => id !== channelId)120 if (address.isInvalid()) {121 // TODO delete the channel from the list and clean up aliases122 }123 }124 }125 if (rxs !== this.rxs) {126 // ensure loopback, parent, and io come before others127 rxs.sort((a, b) => a - b)128 }129 if (!channel.tx.isEmpty()) {130 assert(!address.isRoot())131 if (!txs.includes(channelId) && !address.isIo() && address.isResolved()) {132 txs = [...txs, channelId]133 }134 } else {135 if (txs.includes(channelId)) {136 txs = txs.filter((id) => id !== channelId)137 }138 }139 return this.setMap({ rxs, txs })140 }141 async getTx(channelId) {142 assert(Number.isInteger(channelId))143 assert(channelId >= 0)144 assert(this.txs.includes(channelId))145 const { tx } = await this.list.get(channelId)146 assert(!tx.isEmpty())147 return tx148 }149 async blankTxs(precedent) {150 assert(precedent instanceof PulseLink)151 let { list } = this152 for (const channelId of this.txs) {153 let channel = await list.get(channelId)154 assert(!channel.tx.isEmpty())155 const tx = channel.tx.blank(precedent)156 channel = channel.setMap({ tx })157 list = await list.set(channelId, channel)158 }159 return this.setMap({ list, txs: [] })160 }161 async ingestInterpulse(interpulse) {162 assert(interpulse instanceof Interpulse)163 const { source } = interpulse164 assert(await this.hasAddress(source), `No address: ${source}`)165 let channel = await this.getByAddress(source)166 channel = channel.ingestInterpulse(interpulse)167 return await this.updateChannel(channel)168 }169 async *rxChannels() {170 for (const channelId of this.rxs) {171 const channel = await this.getChannel(channelId)172 assert(!channel.rxIsEmpty())173 yield channel174 }175 }...
Source: channel.js
1import { csrfFetch } from "./csrf";2//add, edit, delete3//--------------------------------------------set channels-----------------------4const SET_USER_CHANNELS = "channels/SetUserChannels";5export const setUserChannels = (channels) => {6 return { type: SET_USER_CHANNELS, channels };7};8//------------------------------------add channel---------------------------------9const ADD_CHANNEL = "Channels/AddChannel";10export const addChannel = (channel) => ({11 type: ADD_CHANNEL,12 channel,13});14export const postChannel = (channel) => async (dispatch) => {15 const res = await csrfFetch("/api/channels/", {16 method: "POST",17 body: JSON.stringify(channel),18 });19 const new_channel = await res.json();20 dispatch(addChannel(new_channel));21 return new_channel;22};23//------------------------------------edit channel---------------------------------24const UPDATE_CHANNEL = "channels/UpdateChannel";25export const updateChannel = (channel) => ({26 type: UPDATE_CHANNEL,27 channel,28});29export const putChannel = (channel) => async (dispatch) => {30 const res = await csrfFetch(`/api/channels/${}`, {31 method: "PUT",32 headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },33 body: JSON.stringify(channel),34 });35 const updatedChannel = await res.json();36 dispatch(updateChannel(updatedChannel));37};38//------------------------------------delete channel---------------------------------39const DELETE_CHANNEL = "channels/deleteChannel";40export const removeChannel = (channel_id) => ({41 type: DELETE_CHANNEL,42 channel_id,43});44export const deleteChannel = (channel_id) => async (dispatch) => {45 const res = await fetch(`/api/channels/${channel_id}`, {46 method: "DELETE",47 });48 const channelNum = await res.json();49 dispatch(removeChannel(channelNum));50};51//------------------------------------delete channel---------------------------------52const ADD_CHANNEL_MEMBER = "channels/addChannelMember";53export const addChannelMember = payload => ({54 type: ADD_CHANNEL_MEMBER,55 payload56})57export const addNewChannelMember = (channel_id, username) => async dispatch => {58 const res = await fetch(`/api/channels/${channel_id}/new_member`, {59 method: "POST",60 headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },61 body: JSON.stringify(username)62 });63 const newMember = await res.json();64 dispatch(addChannelMember(newMember));65}66//-----------------------------------channel reducer---------------------------------67const channelReducer = (68 state = { currentChannel: {}, currentView: {}, userChannels: {} },69 action70) => {71 let newState = { ...state };72 switch (action.type) {73 case SET_USER_CHANNELS: {74 action.channels.forEach(75 (channel) => (newState.userChannels[channel.channel_id] = channel)76 );77 return newState;78 }79 case ADD_CHANNEL: {80 newState.userChannels[] = { };81 return newState;82 }83 case UPDATE_CHANNEL: {84 newState.userChannels[] =;85 return newState;86 }87 case DELETE_CHANNEL: {88 delete newState.userChannels[action.channel_id.channel_id];89 return newState;90 }91 case ADD_CHANNEL_MEMBER: {92 if (newState.userChannels[action.payload.channel_id]) {93 newState.userChannels[action.payload.channel_id].channel_data.members = [...newState.userChannels[action.payload.channel_id].channel_data.members, action.payload];94 } else {95 newState.userChannels[action.payload.channel_id] = action.payload;96 }97 return newState;98 }99 default:100 return state;101 }102};...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { channel } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';4const stories = storiesOf('Test', module);5stories.add('test', () => {6 channel.emit('storybook-root-decorator', {7 params: {8 options: {9 hierarchySeparator: {10 },11 },12 },13 });14 return <div>Test</div>;15});16MIT © [shilangyu](
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { withKnobs, boolean, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';4import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';5import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';6import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';7import { withTests } from '@storybook/addon-jest';8import results from '../../../.jest-test-results.json';9import { withBackgrounds } from '@storybook/addon-backgrounds';10import { withViewport } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';11import { withConsole } from '@storybook/addon-console';12import { withOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options';13import { withReadme } from 'storybook-readme';14import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';15import { Button } from '../src';16const readme = require('../');17const stories = storiesOf('Button', module);18stories.addDecorator(withInfo);19stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);20stories.addDecorator(withA11y);21stories.addDecorator(withTests({ results }));22stories.addDecorator(23 withRootDecorator({24 })25);26stories.addDecorator(27 withBackgrounds([28 { name: 'twitter', value: '#00aced', default: true },29 { name: 'facebook', value: '#3b5998' }30);31stories.addDecorator(32 withViewport({33 viewports: {34 iphone6: {35 styles: {36 },37 },38 ipad: {39 styles: {40 },41 }42 }43 })44);45stories.addDecorator((storyFn, context) => withConsole()(storyFn)(context));46stories.addDecorator(47 withOptions({
Using AI Code Generation
1const { setAddon } = require('@storybook/react');2const createChannel = require('@storybook/channel-postmessage');3const addons = require('@storybook/addons');4const channel = createChannel({ page: 'manager' });5setAddon({6});7addons.setChannel(channel);8const { setAddon } = require('@storybook/react');9const createChannel = require('@storybook/channel-postmessage');10const addons = require('@storybook/addons');11const channel = createChannel({ page: 'preview' });12setAddon({13});14addons.setChannel(channel);15MIT © [jaredpalmer](
Using AI Code Generation
1import { channel } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2channel.emit('storybook-root-decorator:change', {3});4{5 "compilerOptions": {6 }7}8If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to [open an issue](
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