How to use app method in storybook-root

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Source: ConfigLoader.js Github


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1/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​2/​/​ Copyright © 2014 - 2017 Esri. All Rights Reserved.3/​/​4/​/​ Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the "License");5/​/​ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6/​/​ You may obtain a copy of the License at7/​/​8/​/​ http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09/​/​10/​/​ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11/​/​ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12/​/​ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13/​/​ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14/​/​ limitations under the License.15/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​1617define([18 'dojo/​_base/​declare',19 'dojo/​_base/​lang',20 'dojo/​_base/​array',21 'dojo/​_base/​html',22 'dojo/​_base/​config',23 'dojo/​cookie',24 'dojo/​Deferred',25 'dojo/​promise/​all',26 'dojo/​request/​xhr',27 './​utils',28 './​WidgetManager',29 './​shared/​utils',30 './​tokenUtils',31 './​portalUtils',32 './​appConfigResourceUtils',33 './​portalUrlUtils',34 './​AppStateManager',35 'esri/​IdentityManager',36 'esri/​config',37 'esri/​urlUtils',38 'esri/​arcgis/​utils'39],40function (declare, lang, array, html, dojoConfig, cookie,41 Deferred, all, xhr, jimuUtils, WidgetManager, sharedUtils, tokenUtils,42 portalUtils, appConfigResourceUtils, portalUrlUtils, AppStateManager, IdentityManager, esriConfig, esriUrlUtils,43 arcgisUtils) {44 var instance = null, clazz;4546 clazz = declare(null, {47 urlParams: null,48 appConfig: null,49 rawAppConfig: null,50 configFile: null,51 _configLoaded: false,52 portalSelf: null,5354 constructor: function (urlParams, options) {55 this._removeHash(urlParams);56 this.urlParams = urlParams || {};57 this.widgetManager = WidgetManager.getInstance();58 lang.mixin(this, options);59 },6061 /​****************************************************62 * The app accept the following URL parameters:63 * ?config=<abc-config.json>, this is a config file url64 * ?id=<123>, the id is WAB app id, which is created from portal.65 URL has this parameter means open WAB app from portal.66 * ?appid=<123>, the appid is portal/​AGOL app id, which is created from portal/​AGOL template.67 The template is created from WAB's app.68 When URL has this parameter, we'll check whether the app is launched69 in portal/​AGOL, or not in portal/​AGOL.70 > IF in portal, we'll use the appid to get portal/​AGOL template id and app data,71 then get WAB app id, then get WAB app config, then merge config;72 > IF NOT in portal, we'll use the appid to get app data, then merge the data73 to WAB app config.74 How to check whether the app is in portal?75 When try to load config file, if URL has no config or id parameter, we'll load76 <app>/​config.json file. If the app is in XT, the portalUrl in config.json is not empty.77 If the app is in portal/​AGOL, the app is stemapp indeed, which portalUrl is empty.78 So, if portal url is empty, we consider the app is in portal. However, the exception is79 launch stemapp directly. The solution is the XT builder will write "wab_portalurl" cookie80 for stemapp. So, if we find this cookie, we know the app is not in portal.81 * ?itemid=<itemid>, this webmap item will override the itemid in app config82 * ?mode=<config|preview>, this is for internal using purpose83 * ?URL parameters that affect map extent84 ********************************************************/​85 loadConfig: function () {86 console.time('Load Config');87 return this._tryLoadConfig().then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {88 var err = this.checkConfig(appConfig);89 if (err) {90 throw Error(err);91 }92 this.rawAppConfig = lang.clone(appConfig);93 AppStateManager.getInstance().setRawAppConfig(this.rawAppConfig);94 appConfig = this._upgradeAppConfig(appConfig);95 this._processAfterTryLoad(appConfig);96 this.appConfig = appConfig;9798 if({99 return this.loadWidgetsManifest(appConfig).then(lang.hitch(this, function() {100 return this.loadAndUpgradeAllWidgetsConfig(appConfig);101 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {102 return this.insertAppIdtoResourceUrlofAppConfig(appConfig,;103 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function() {104 this._configLoaded = true;105 this._setDocumentTitle(appConfig);106107 this._readAndSetSharedTheme(appConfig);108 return this.getAppConfig();109 }));110 }else{111 tokenUtils.setPortalUrl(appConfig.portalUrl);112 arcgisUtils.arcgisUrl = portalUrlUtils.getBaseItemUrl(appConfig.portalUrl);113 return this._proesssWebTierAndSignin(appConfig).then(lang.hitch(this, function() {114 if(this.urlParams.appid){115 /​/​url has appid parameter means open app as an app created from AGOL template116 if(!window.appInfo.isRunInPortal){117 return this._processNotInPortalAppProtocol(appConfig).118 then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig){119 return this._getAppDataAddTemplateDataFromTemplateAppId120 (appConfig.portalUrl, this.urlParams.appid).121 then(lang.hitch(this, function(result){122 if(result.appData.appConfig){123 appConfig = result.appData.appConfig;124 }125 appConfig._appData = result.appData;126 appConfig.templateConfig = result.templateData;127 appConfig.isTemplateApp = true;128 return appConfig;129 }));130 }));131 }else{132 return this._getAppConfigFromTemplateAppId(appConfig.portalUrl,133 this.urlParams.appid).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig){134 this._tryUpdateAppConfigByLocationUrl(appConfig);135 return this._processInPortalAppProtocol(appConfig);136 }));137 }138 }else{139 return this._processNotInPortalAppProtocol(appConfig);140 }141 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {142 this._processAfterTryLoad(appConfig);143 this.appConfig = appConfig;144 if({145 return appConfig;146 }else{147 var webmapDef;148 if(["3D"]) {149 webmapDef = portalUtils.getDefaultWebScene(appConfig.portalUrl);150 } else {151 webmapDef = portalUtils.getDefaultWebMap(appConfig.portalUrl);152 }153154 return webmapDef.then(function(itemId){155 = itemId;156 return appConfig;157 });158 }159 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {160 return this.loadWidgetsManifest(appConfig);161 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {162 /​/​if it's an AGOL template app, the appConfig will have one property:_appData163 /​/​if it's an WAB template app, the appConfig will have one property:isTemplateApp164 if(appConfig._appData){165 if(appConfig._appData.values && appConfig._appData.values.webmap){166 return portalUtils.getPortal(appConfig.portalUrl)167 .getItemById(appConfig._appData.values.webmap)168 .then(lang.hitch(this, function(webmapInfo){169 return jimuUtils.template170 .mergeTemplateAppConfigToAppConfig(appConfig, appConfig._appData, webmapInfo);171 }));172 }else{173 return jimuUtils.template174 .mergeTemplateAppConfigToAppConfig(appConfig, appConfig._appData);175 }176 }else {177 return appConfig;178 }179 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {180 return this.loadAndUpgradeAllWidgetsConfig(appConfig);181 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {182 if(appConfig._wabAppId){/​/​for AGOL template183 return this.processResourceInAppConfigForConfigLoader(appConfig, this.urlParams);184 }else if(appConfig.appItemId && window.JSON.stringify(appConfig).indexOf('${itemId}') > -1){185 /​/​for app download from portal/​agol and deployed standalone186 return this.insertAppIdtoResourceUrlofAppConfig(appConfig, appConfig.appItemId);187 }else{188 return appConfig;189 }190 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig) {191 this.appConfig = appConfig;192 this._configLoaded = true;193 this._setDocumentTitle(appConfig);194 this._readAndSetSharedTheme(appConfig);195 return this.getAppConfig();196 }));197 }198 }), lang.hitch(this, function(err){199 this.showError(err);200 /​/​we still return a rejected deferred201 var def = new Deferred();202 def.reject(err);203 return def;204 }));205 },206 processResourceInAppConfigForConfigLoader:function(appConfig, urlParams){207 var portalUrl = appConfig.portalUrl;208 /​/​statement:The original app is app1, the template based app is app2209 var app1Id = appConfig.appItemId;210 var app2Id = urlParams.appid;211 var deferred = new Deferred();212 var cloneAppConfig = lang.clone(appConfig);213 /​/​1.Traverse appConfig of app1, get all the resources URL, replace its ${itemId} with app2Id214 this.insertAppIdtoResourceUrlofAppConfig(cloneAppConfig, app2Id).then(function(){215216 /​/​2.if in builder env, continue to handle resource of app1 and app2217 if(urlParams.mode === 'config'){218 /​/​3.get all resource url from app1, if app1's resource is not empty, continue219 var app1Resources = this.getResourceUrlsOfAppConfig(appConfig).result;220 if(app1Resources.length !== 0){221 portalUtils.getItemResources(portalUrl, app2Id).then(function(app2Resources){222 /​/​4.If the app2's resource is empty, this is the first time to open app2,so223 /​/​copy all app1's resources to the app2224 if(app2Resources.length === 0){225 app1Resources ={226 return {227 resUrl:item228 };229 });230 return appConfigResourceUtils.AddResourcesToItemForAppSave(portalUrl,231 app1Resources, app1Id, app2Id).then(function(){232 deferred.resolve(cloneAppConfig);233 },function(error){234 console.warn('Add resource to template based app error:' + error.message || error);235 deferred.resolve(cloneAppConfig);236 });237 }else{238 deferred.resolve(cloneAppConfig);239 }240 },function(error){241 console.warn('Get resource of template based item error:' + error.message || error);242 deferred.resolve(cloneAppConfig);243 });244 }else{245 deferred.resolve(cloneAppConfig);246 }247 }else{248 deferred.resolve(cloneAppConfig);249 }250 }.bind(this),function(error){251 console.warn('Insert appId to resource url of appConfig error:' + error.message || error);252 deferred.resolve(cloneAppConfig);253 });254 return deferred;255 },256 getResourceUrlsOfAppConfig: function(appConfig) {257 function isResources(value) {258 return /​^https?:\/​\/​(.)+\/​sharing\/​rest\/​content\/​items/​.test(value);259 }260 /​/​callback:func, switch resources to b64 string(import app to xt)261 function getResourceUrl(pendingObj) {262 return pendingObj.value;263 }264265 var cb = {266 test: isResources,267 func: lang.hitch(this, getResourceUrl)268 };269270 return jimuUtils.processItemResourceOfAppConfig(appConfig, cb);271 },272 insertAppIdtoResourceUrlofAppConfig: function(appConfig, appId) {273 /​/​Traverse appConfig, get all the resources URL, replace its ${itemId} and token274 var portalUrl = appConfig.portalUrl;275 var self = this;276277 function _updateAppConfigWithNewValue(updatingObj, newValue){278 var obj = updatingObj.obj;279 var key = updatingObj.key;280 if(typeof updatingObj.i === 'number'){281 obj[key][updatingObj.i] = newValue;282 } else {283 obj[key] = newValue;284 }285 }286 /​/​callback:test, is a resource url or not287 function isResources(value){288 return /​^https?:\/​\/​(.)+\/​sharing\/​rest\/​content\/​items/​.test(value);289 }290 /​/​callback:func, process the resource291 function updateItemIdAndTokenOfResources(args, pendingObj) {292 var retUrl = self.processItemIdAndTokenOfResources(pendingObj.value, args);293 _updateAppConfigWithNewValue(pendingObj, retUrl);294 return true;295 }296 return portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl).getItemById(appId).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appItemInfo) {297 var appInfo = {298 appId: appId,299 isPublic: appItemInfo.access === 'public',300 portalUrl: portalUrl301 };302 var cb = {303 test:isResources,304 func: lang.hitch(this, updateItemIdAndTokenOfResources, appInfo)305 };306 var result = jimuUtils.processItemResourceOfAppConfig(appConfig, cb);307 return result.appConfig;308 }));309 },310 processItemIdAndTokenOfResources:function(resUrl, appInfo){311 /​/​replace resUrl's ${itemId} and token312 if (resUrl.indexOf('${itemId}') > 0) {313 resUrl = resUrl.replace('${itemId}', appInfo.appId);314 }315 if (/​(\?|\&)token=.+/​.test(resUrl)) {316 resUrl = resUrl.replace(/​(\?|\&)token=.+/​, '');317 }318 if (!appInfo.isPublic) {319 var credential = tokenUtils.getPortalCredential(appInfo.portalUrl);320 if (credential) {321 resUrl += '?token=' + credential.token;322 }323 }324 return resUrl;325 },326 _setDocumentTitle: function(appConfig) {327 if(!window.isBuilder) {328 /​/​launch329 if (appConfig && appConfig.title) {330 document.title = jimuUtils.stripHTML(appConfig.title);331 }332 }333 /​/​startup\Plugin.js change doc.title when in config mode.334 },335336 getAppConfig: function(){337 var c = lang.clone(this.appConfig);338 c.getConfigElementById = function(id){339 return jimuUtils.getConfigElementById(this, id);340 };341342 c.getConfigElementsByName = function(name){343 return jimuUtils.getConfigElementsByName(this, name);344 };345346 c.visitElement = function(cb){347 jimuUtils.visitElement(this, cb);348 };349350 this._addAuthorizedCrossOriginDomains(this.portalSelf, c);351352 return c;353 },354355 _addAuthorizedCrossOriginDomains: function(portalSelf, appConfig){356 /​/​ we read withCredentials domains(mostly web-tier) and put them into corsEnabledServers357 /​/​ tokenUtils.addAuthorizedCrossOriginDomains will ignore duplicated values358 if(portalSelf && portalSelf.authorizedCrossOriginDomains){359 tokenUtils.addAuthorizedCrossOriginDomains(portalSelf.authorizedCrossOriginDomains);360 }361 if(appConfig && appConfig.authorizedCrossOriginDomains){362 tokenUtils.addAuthorizedCrossOriginDomains(appConfig.authorizedCrossOriginDomains);363 }364 },365366 checkConfig: function(){367 return false;368 },369370 processProxy: function(appConfig){371 = appConfig.httpProxy &&372 appConfig.httpProxy.useProxy && appConfig.httpProxy.alwaysUseProxy;373 = "";374 = [];375376 if (appConfig.httpProxy && appConfig.httpProxy.useProxy && appConfig.httpProxy.url) {377 = appConfig.httpProxy.url;378 }379 if (appConfig.httpProxy && appConfig.httpProxy.useProxy && appConfig.httpProxy.rules) {380 array.forEach(appConfig.httpProxy.rules, function(rule) {381 esriUrlUtils.addProxyRule(rule);382 });383 }384 },385386 addNeedValues: function(appConfig){387 this._processNoUriWidgets(appConfig);388 this._processEmptyGroups(appConfig);389 this._addElementId(appConfig);390391 /​/​do't know why repreated id is generated sometimes, so fix here.392 this._fixRepeatedId(appConfig);393 },394395 showError: function(err){396 if(err && err.message){397 html.create('div', {398 'class': 'app-error',399 innerHTML: jimuUtils.sanitizeHTML(err.message)400 }, document.body);401 }402 },403404 _tryLoadConfig: function() {405 if( === 'stemapp'){406 this.urlParams.config = window.appInfo.appPath + 'config.json';407 delete;408 }409 if(this.urlParams.config) {410 this.configFile = this.urlParams.config;411 return xhr(this.configFile, {412 handleAs: 'json',413 headers: {414 "X-Requested-With": null415 }416 }).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig){417 tokenUtils.setPortalUrl(appConfig.portalUrl);418 if(appConfig.portalUrl){419 window.portalUrl = appConfig.portalUrl;420 }421422 if(this.urlParams.token){423 return tokenUtils.registerToken(this.urlParams.token).then(function(){424 return appConfig;425 });426 }else{427 return appConfig;428 }429 }));430 }else if({431 /​/​app is hosted in portal432 window.appInfo.isRunInPortal = true;433 var portalUrl = portalUrlUtils.getPortalUrlFromLocation();434 var def = new Deferred();435 tokenUtils.setPortalUrl(portalUrl);436 window.portalUrl = portalUrl;437 arcgisUtils.arcgisUrl = portalUrlUtils.getBaseItemUrl(portalUrl);438439 var tokenDef;440 if(this.urlParams.token){441 tokenDef = tokenUtils.registerToken(this.urlParams.token);442 }else{443 tokenDef = new Deferred();444 tokenDef.resolve();445 }446447 tokenDef.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){448 /​/​we don't process webtier in portal because portal has processed.449 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl);450 portal.loadSelfInfo().then(lang.hitch(this, function(portalSelf){451 this.portalSelf = portalSelf;452 /​/​if the portal uses web-tier authorization, we can get allSSL info here453 if(portalSelf.allSSL && window.location.protocol === "http:"){454 console.log("redirect from http to https");455 window.location.href = portalUrlUtils.setHttpsProtocol(window.location.href);456 def.reject();457 return;458 }459 this._processSignIn(portalUrl).then(lang.hitch(this, function(){460 /​/​integrated in portal, open as a WAB app461 this._getAppConfigFromAppId(portalUrl, .then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig){463 this._tryUpdateAppConfigByLocationUrl(appConfig);464 return this._processInPortalAppProtocol(appConfig);465 })).then(function(appConfig){466 def.resolve(appConfig);467 }, function(err){468 def.reject(err);469 });470 }));471 }));472 }), lang.hitch(this, function(err){473 this.showError(err);474 }));475 return def;476 } else{477 this.configFile = "config.json";478 return xhr(this.configFile, {handleAs: 'json'}).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appConfig){479 tokenUtils.setPortalUrl(appConfig.portalUrl);480 if(appConfig.portalUrl){481 window.portalUrl = appConfig.portalUrl;482 }483 if(this.urlParams.token){484 return tokenUtils.registerToken(this.urlParams.token).then(function(){485 return appConfig;486 });487 }else{488 return appConfig;489 }490 }));491 }492 },493494 _upgradeAppConfig: function(appConfig){495 var appVersion = window.wabVersion;496 var configVersion = appConfig.wabVersion;497 var newConfig;498499 /​/​save wabVersion in app config json here500 appConfig.configWabVersion = appConfig.wabVersion;501502 if(appVersion === configVersion){503 return appConfig;504 }505 var configVersionIndex = this.versionManager.getVersionIndex(configVersion);506 var appVersionIndex = this.versionManager.getVersionIndex(appVersion);507 if(configVersionIndex > appVersionIndex){508 throw Error('Bad version number, ' + configVersion);509 }else{510 newConfig = this.versionManager.upgrade(appConfig, configVersion, appVersion);511 newConfig.wabVersion = appVersion;512 return newConfig;513 }514 },515516 loadAndUpgradeAllWidgetsConfig: function(appConfig){517 var def = new Deferred(), defs = [];518519 sharedUtils.visitElement(appConfig, lang.hitch(this, function(e){520 if(!e.uri){521 return;522 }523 var upgradeDef = this.widgetManager.tryLoadWidgetConfig(e);524 defs.push(upgradeDef);525 }));526 all(defs).then(lang.hitch(this, function(){527 def.resolve(appConfig);528 }), function(err){529 def.reject(err);530 });531 return def;532 },533534 _processAfterTryLoad: function(appConfig){535 this._setPortalUrl(appConfig);536 this._tryUpdateAppConfigByLocationUrl(appConfig);537 this._processUrlParams(appConfig);538539 this.addNeedValues(appConfig);540 this.processProxy(appConfig);541542 IdentityManager.tokenValidity = 60 * 24 * 7;/​/​token is valid in 7 days543 return appConfig;544 },545546 _readAndSetSharedTheme: function(appConfig){547 if(!appConfig.theme.sharedTheme){548 appConfig.theme.sharedTheme = {549 useHeader: false,550 useLogo: false551 };552 if(this.portalSelf.portalProperties && this.portalSelf.portalProperties.sharedTheme){553 appConfig.theme.sharedTheme.isPortalSupport = true;554 }else{555 appConfig.theme.sharedTheme.isPortalSupport = false;556 }557 }558559 if(appConfig.theme.sharedTheme.useHeader){560 if(appConfig.theme.sharedTheme.isPortalSupport && this.portalSelf.portalProperties){561 appConfig.theme.customStyles = {562 mainBackgroundColor: this.portalSelf.portalProperties.sharedTheme.header.background563 };564 appConfig.titleColor = this.portalSelf.portalProperties.sharedTheme.header.text;565 }else{566 console.error('Portal does not support sharedTheme.');567 }568 }569570 if(appConfig.theme.sharedTheme.useLogo){571 if(appConfig.theme.sharedTheme.isPortalSupport && this.portalSelf.portalProperties){572 if(this.portalSelf.portalProperties.sharedTheme.logo.small){573 appConfig.logo = this.portalSelf.portalProperties.sharedTheme.logo.small;574 }else{575 appConfig.logo = 'images/​app-logo.png';576 }577578 if(!appConfig.logoLink &&{579 appConfig.logoLink =;580 }581 }else{582 console.error('Portal does not support sharedTheme, use default logo.');583 appConfig.logo = 'images/​app-logo.png';584 }585 }586 },587588 _tryUpdateAppConfigByLocationUrl: function(appConfig){589 if(this.urlParams.config &&590 this.urlParams.config.indexOf('​sharing/​rest/​content/​items/​') > -1){591592 /​/​for load config from, for back compatibility test.593 return;594 }595596 /​/​app is hosted in portal597 /​/​we process protalUrl specially because user in a group owned by two orgs should598 /​/​open the app correctly if the app is shared to this kind of group.599 /​/​so we need to keep main protalUrl consistent with portalUrl browser location.600 var portalUrlFromLocation = portalUrlUtils.getPortalUrlFromLocation();601 var processedPortalUrl = portalUrlUtils.getStandardPortalUrl(portalUrlFromLocation);602603 if(portalUrlUtils.isOnline(processedPortalUrl)){604 processedPortalUrl = portalUrlUtils.updateUrlProtocolByOtherUrl(processedPortalUrl,605 appConfig.portalUrl);606 if({607 if(portalUrlUtils.isSamePortalUrl(appConfig.portalUrl,{608 = processedPortalUrl;609 }610 }611 appConfig.portalUrl = processedPortalUrl;612613 /​/​update proxy url614 if(appConfig.httpProxy && appConfig.httpProxy.url){615 appConfig.httpProxy.url = portalUrlUtils.getPortalProxyUrl(processedPortalUrl);616 }617 }618 },619620 _processWidgetJsons: function(appConfig){621 sharedUtils.visitElement(appConfig, function(e, info){622 if(info.isWidget && e.uri){623 jimuUtils.widgetJson.processWidgetJson(e);624 }625 });626 },627628 _processNoUriWidgets: function(appConfig){629 var i = 0;630 sharedUtils.visitElement(appConfig, function(e, info){631 if(info.isWidget && !e.uri){632 i ++;633 e.placeholderIndex = i;634 }635 });636 },637638 _processEmptyGroups: function(appConfig){639 var i = 0;640 if(!appConfig.widgetOnScreen.groups){641 return;642 }643 array.forEach(appConfig.widgetOnScreen.groups, function(g){644 if(!g.widgets || g.widgets && g.widgets.length === 0){645 i ++;646 g.placeholderIndex = i;647 }648 });649 },650651 _addElementId: function (appConfig){652 var maxId = 0, i;653654 sharedUtils.visitElement(appConfig, function(e){655 if(!{656 return;657 }658 /​/​fix element id659 =​\/​/​g, '_');660661 var li ='_');662 if(li > -1){663 i = + 1);664 maxId = Math.max(maxId, i);665 }666 });667668 sharedUtils.visitElement(appConfig, function(e){669 if(!{670 maxId ++;671 if(e.itemId){672 = e.itemId + '_' + maxId;673 }else if(e.uri){674 = e.uri.replace(/​\/​/​g, '_') + '_' + maxId;675 }else{676 = '' + '_' + maxId;677 }678 }679 });680 },681682 _setPortalUrl: function(appConfig){683 if(appConfig.portalUrl){684 /​/​we can judge the app is running in portal or not now.685 /​/​we should consider this case: the app is running in and the app is shared to686 /​/​an cross-org group and the member of another org of this group is opening this app.687 /​/​In this case, appConfig.portalUrl is different with portalUrlByLocation, but the app is688 /​/​running in portal( var portalUrlByLocation = portalUrlUtils.getPortalUrlFromLocation();690 var isOnline = portalUrlUtils.isOnline(portalUrlByLocation);691 if(!portalUrlUtils.isSamePortalUrl(appConfig.portalUrl, portalUrlByLocation) && !isOnline){692 /​/​app is deployed outside of portal693 window.appInfo.isRunInPortal = false;694 }695 return;696 }697 /​/​if there is no portalUrl in appConfig, try to check whether the app698 /​/​is launched from XT version builder699 if(window.isXT && cookie('wab_portalurl')){700 appConfig.portalUrl = cookie('wab_portalurl');701 return;702 }703704 /​/​if not launched from XT builder and has no portalUrl is set,705 /​/​let's assume it's hosted in portal, use the browser location706 window.appInfo.isRunInPortal = true;707 appConfig.portalUrl = portalUrlUtils.getPortalUrlFromLocation();708 return;709 },710711 _changePortalUrlProtocol: function(appConfig, protocol){712 /​/​if browser uses https protocol, portalUrl should also use https713 appConfig.portalUrl = portalUrlUtils.setProtocol(appConfig.portalUrl, protocol);714715 if({716 = portalUrlUtils.setProtocol(, protocol);717 }718719 if(appConfig.httpProxy){720 var httpProxyUrl = appConfig.httpProxy.url;721722 appConfig.httpProxy.url = portalUrlUtils.setProtocol(httpProxyUrl, protocol);723724 if(appConfig.httpProxy && appConfig.httpProxy.rules){725 array.forEach(appConfig.httpProxy.rules, lang.hitch(this, function(rule){726 rule.proxyUrl = portalUrlUtils.setProtocol(rule.proxyUrl, protocol);727 }));728 }729 }730 },731732 _processInPortalAppProtocol: function(appConfig){733 var def = new Deferred();734 var portalUrl = appConfig.portalUrl;735 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl);736737 /​/​for hosted app, we need to check allSSL property738 var handleAllSSL = lang.hitch(this, function(allSSL){739 if(window.location.protocol === 'https:'){740 this._changePortalUrlProtocol(appConfig, 'https');741 }else{742 if(allSSL){743 /​/​keep the protocol of browser honor allSSL property744 console.log("redirect from http to https");745 window.location.href = portalUrlUtils.setHttpsProtocol(window.location.href);746 def.reject();747 return;748 }else{749 this._changePortalUrlProtocol(appConfig, 'http');750 }751 }752 this._checkLocale();753 def.resolve(appConfig);754 });755756 /​/​we have called checkSignInStatus in _processSignIn before come here757 portal.loadSelfInfo().then(lang.hitch(this, function(portalSelf){758 this.portalSelf = portalSelf;759 /​/​we need to check anonymous property for orgnization first,760 if(portalSelf.access === 'private'){761 /​/​we do not force user to sign in,762 /​/​we just check protocol of portalUrl in appConfig as allSSL763 var isPortalHttps = appConfig.portalUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf('https:/​/​') === 0;764 handleAllSSL(isPortalHttps);765 }766 else{767 /​/​Allow anonymous access to portal.768 handleAllSSL(portalSelf.allSSL);769 }770 }), lang.hitch(this, function(err){771 def.reject(err);772 }));773 return def;774 },775776 _processNotInPortalAppProtocol: function(appConfig){777 var def = new Deferred();778 if(appConfig.portalUrl){779 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(appConfig.portalUrl);780 portal.loadSelfInfo().then(lang.hitch(this, function(portalSelf){781 this.portalSelf = portalSelf;782 var isBrowserHttps = window.location.protocol === 'https:';783 var allSSL = !!portalSelf.allSSL;784 if(allSSL || isBrowserHttps){785 this._changePortalUrlProtocol(appConfig, 'https');786 }787788 var isPortalHttps = appConfig.portalUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf('https:/​/​') === 0;789 if(isPortalHttps && !isBrowserHttps){790 /​/​for app in configWindow and previewWindow, we should not refresh url because there is791 /​/​a DOMException if protocol of iframe is not same as protocol of builder window792 /​/​such as:Blocked a frame with origin "https:/​/​***" from accessing a cross-origin frame.793 if(!tokenUtils.isInConfigOrPreviewWindow()){794 /​/​if portal uses https protocol, the browser must use https too795 console.log("redirect from http to https");796 window.location.href = portalUrlUtils.setHttpsProtocol(window.location.href);797 def.reject();798 return;799 }800 }801 def.resolve(appConfig);802 }), lang.hitch(this, function(err){803 def.reject(err);804 }));805 }806 else{807 def.resolve(appConfig);808 }809 return def;810 },811812 /​/​this function will be not called if app is in portal.813 _proesssWebTierAndSignin: function(appConfig){814 var def = new Deferred();815 var isWebTier = false;816 var portalUrl = appConfig.portalUrl;817 this._processWebTier(appConfig).then(lang.hitch(this, function(webTier){818 isWebTier = webTier;819 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl);820 return portal.loadSelfInfo();821 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function(portalSelf) {822 this.portalSelf = portalSelf;823 return this._processSignIn(portalUrl, isWebTier);824 })).then(lang.hitch(this, function() {825 def.resolve();826 }), function(err){827 def.reject(err);828 });829 return def;830 },831832 _processWebTier: function(appConfig){833 var def = new Deferred();834 var portalUrl = appConfig.portalUrl;835 if(appConfig.isWebTier){836 /​/​If appConfig.isWebTier is true, we should assume the portal uses web-tier authentication837 /​/​no matter what value tokenUtils.isWebTierPortal returns, because the portal maybe838 /​/​disable auto account registration. #4202839 tokenUtils.addAuthorizedCrossOriginDomains([portalUrl]);840 /​/​Although it is recommended to enable ssl for IWA/​PKI portal by Esri,841 /​/​there is no force on the client. They still can use http for IWA/​PKI.842 /​/​It is not correnct to assume web-tier authorization only works with https.843 tokenUtils.isWebTierPortal(portalUrl).then(lang.hitch(this, function() {844 var credential = tokenUtils.getPortalCredential(portalUrl);845 /​/​if portal uses web-tier but the user doesn't have an account in this portal,846 /​/​credential will be null847 if(credential && credential.ssl){848 /​/​if credential.ssl, it means that the portal is allSSL enabled849 if(window.location.protocol === 'http:' && !tokenUtils.isInConfigOrPreviewWindow()){850 console.log("redirect from http to https");851 window.location.href = portalUrlUtils.setHttpsProtocol(window.location.href);852 return;853 }854 }855 /​/​resolve appConfig.isWebTier, not the resoponse of tokenUtils.isWebTierPortal856 def.resolve(appConfig.isWebTier);857 }), lang.hitch(this, function(err) {858 def.reject(err);859 }));860 }else{861 def.resolve(false);862 }863 return def;864 },865866 _processSignIn: function(portalUrl, isWebTier){867 var def = new Deferred();868 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl);869 var sharingUrl = portalUrlUtils.getSharingUrl(portalUrl);870 var defSignIn;871872 if(window.appInfo.isRunInPortal){873 /​/​we don't register oauth info for app run in portal.874 defSignIn = IdentityManager.checkSignInStatus(sharingUrl);875 defSignIn.promise.always(lang.hitch(this, function(){876 def.resolve();877 }));878 }else{879 if (!tokenUtils.isInBuilderWindow() && !tokenUtils.isInConfigOrPreviewWindow() &&880 this.portalSelf.supportsOAuth && this.rawAppConfig && this.rawAppConfig.appId && !isWebTier) {881 tokenUtils.registerOAuthInfo(portalUrl, this.rawAppConfig.appId);882 }883 /​/​we call checkSignInStatus here because this is the first place where we can get portal url884 defSignIn = IdentityManager.checkSignInStatus(sharingUrl);885 defSignIn.promise.always(lang.hitch(this, function(){886 tokenUtils.xtGetCredentialFromCookie(portalUrl);887 /​/​call portal self again because the first call is not sign in,888 /​/​this call maybe have signed in.889 portal.loadSelfInfo().then(lang.hitch(this, function(portalSelf) {890 this.portalSelf = portalSelf;891 this._checkLocale();892 def.resolve();893 }));894 }));895 }896 return def;897 },898899 _checkLocale: function(){900 if(tokenUtils.isInConfigOrPreviewWindow()){901 /​/​in builder, app will use wab_locale902 return;903 }904905 var appLocale = this.portalSelf.user && this.portalSelf.user.culture ||906 dojoConfig.locale;907908 appLocale = appLocale.toLowerCase();909910 if(!this.urlParams.locale && jimuUtils.isLocaleChanged(dojoConfig.locale, appLocale)){911 cookie('wab_app_locale', appLocale);912 window.location.reload();913 }914 },915916 _getAppConfigFromTemplateAppId: function(portalUrl, appId){917 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl);918 /​/​the appid means: the app created by AGOL template.919 return this._getWabAppIdAndDataFromTemplateAppId(portalUrl, appId).920 then(lang.hitch(this, function(response){921 var wabAppId = response.appId;922 var appData = response.appData;923924 return all([this._getAppConfigFromAppId(portalUrl, wabAppId),925 portal.getItemData(appData.source)]).then(lang.hitch(this, function(results){926 var appConfig;927 if(appData.appConfig){/​/​appConfig is stored in template app928 appConfig = appData.appConfig;929 delete appData.appConfig;930 }else{/​/​appConfig is in template931 appConfig = results[0];932 }933934 appConfig = this._upgradeAppConfig(appConfig);935936 var templateConfig = results[1];937938 appConfig._appData = appData;939 appConfig._wabAppId = wabAppId;940 appConfig.templateConfig = templateConfig;941 appConfig.isTemplateApp = true;942 return appConfig;943 }));944 }));945 },946947 _getAppDataAddTemplateDataFromTemplateAppId: function(portalUrl, appId){948 /​/​the appid means: the app created by AGOL template.949 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl);950 return portal.getItemData(appId).then(function(appData){951 /​/​appData.source means template id952 return portal.getItemData(appData.source).then(function(templateData){953 return {954 appData: appData,955 templateData: templateData956 };957 });958 });959 },960961 _getWabAppIdAndDataFromTemplateAppId: function(portalUrl, appId){962 /​/​the appid means: the app created by AGOL template.963 var def = new Deferred();964 var portal = portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl);965 portal.getItemData(appId).then(lang.hitch(this, function(appData) {966 /​/​appData.source means template id967 portal.getItemById(appData.source).then(lang.hitch(this, function(item) {968 var urlObject = esriUrlUtils.urlToObject(item.url);969 def.resolve({970 appId:,971 appData: appData972 });973 }));974 }), function(err){975 def.reject(err);976 });977 return def;978 },979980 _getAppConfigFromAppId: function(portalUrl, appId){981 /​/​the appid means: the app created by app builder.982 return portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl).getItemData(appId);983 },984985 _removeHash: function(urlParams){986 for(var p in urlParams){987 if(urlParams[p]){988 urlParams[p] = urlParams[p].replace('#', '');989 }990 }991 },992993 loadWidgetsManifest: function(config){994 var defs = [], def = new Deferred();995 if(config._buildInfo && config._buildInfo.widgetManifestsMerged){996 this._loadMergedWidgetManifests().then(lang.hitch(this, function(manifests){997 sharedUtils.visitElement(config, lang.hitch(this, function(e){998 if(!e.widgets && (e.uri || e.itemId)){999 if(e.uri && manifests[e.uri]){1000 this._addNeedValuesForManifest(manifests[e.uri], e.uri);1001 jimuUtils.widgetJson.addManifest2WidgetJson(e, manifests[e.uri]);1002 }else{1003 defs.push(loadWidgetManifest(this.widgetManager, e, config.portalUrl));1004 }1005 }1006 }));1007 all(defs).then(function(){1008 def.resolve(config);1009 });1010 }));1011 }else{1012 sharedUtils.visitElement(config, lang.hitch(this, function(e){1013 if(!e.widgets && (e.uri || e.itemId)){1014 defs.push(loadWidgetManifest(this.widgetManager, e, config.portalUrl));1015 }1016 }));1017 all(defs).then(function(){1018 def.resolve(config);1019 });1020 }10211022 function loadWidgetManifest(widgetManager, e, portalUrl){1023 function _doLoadWidgetManifest(e){1024 return widgetManager.loadWidgetManifest(e).then(function(manifest){1025 return manifest;1026 }, function(err){1027 console.log('Widget failed to load, it is removed.',;10281029 if(err.stack){1030 console.error(err.stack);1031 }else{1032 /​/​TODO err.code === 400, err.code === 4031033 console.log(err);1034 }1035 deleteUnloadedWidgets(config, e);1036 });1037 }10381039 if(e.itemId){1040 return portalUtils.getPortal(portalUrl).getItemById(e.itemId).then(function(item){1041 if(isWidgetUsable(item.url)){1042 e.uri = jimuUtils.widgetJson.getUriFromItem(item);1043 return _doLoadWidgetManifest(e);1044 }else{1045 console.log('Widget is not useable, it is removed.',;1046 deleteUnloadedWidgets(config, e);1047 }1048 }, function(err){1049 console.log('Widget is not loaded, it is removed.',, err);1050 deleteUnloadedWidgets(config, e);1051 });1052 }else{1053 return _doLoadWidgetManifest(e);1054 }1055 }10561057 function isWidgetUsable(/​*widgetUrl*/​){1058 /​/​ if(jimuUtils.isEsriDomain(widgetUrl)){1059 /​/​ return true;1060 /​/​ }10611062 /​/​ var credential = tokenUtils.getPortalCredential(config.portalUrl);1063 /​/​ if(!credential){1064 /​/​ return false;1065 /​/​ }10661067 /​/​ /​/​if user has signed in, because we use the config.portalUrl to get credential, so the user MUST be in this org.1068 /​/​ return true;10691070 /​/​this is for portal only. in portal, as long as user can access the item, use can use the widget.1071 /​/​so return true here.1072 /​/​When online support custom widget, we'll review this code. 201709071073 return true;1074 }10751076 function deleteUnloadedWidgets(config, e){1077 /​/​if has e, delete a specific widget1078 /​/​if has no e, delete all unloaded widget1079 deleteInSection('widgetOnScreen');1080 deleteInSection('widgetPool');10811082 function deleteInSection(section){1083 if(config[section] && config[section].widgets){1084 config[section].widgets = config[section].widgets.filter(function(w){1085 if(e){1086 return !==;1087 }else{1088 if(w.uri && !w.manifest){1089 console.error('Widget is removed because it is not loaded successfully.', w.uri);1090 }1091 return w.manifest;1092 }1093 });1094 }1095 if(config[section] && config[section].groups){1096 config[section].groups.forEach(function(g){1097 if(g.widgets){1098 g.widgets = g.widgets.filter(function(w){1099 if(e){1100 return !==;1101 }else{1102 if(w.uri && !w.manifest){1103 console.error('Widget is removed because it is not loaded successfully.', w.uri);1104 }1105 return w.manifest;1106 }1107 });1108 }1109 });1110 }1111 }1112 }11131114 setTimeout(function(){1115 /​/​delete problem widgets to avoid one widget crash app1116 if(!def.isResolved()){1117 deleteUnloadedWidgets(config);1118 def.resolve(config);1119 }1120 }, 60 * 1000);1121 return def;1122 },11231124 _addNeedValuesForManifest: function(manifest, uri){1125 lang.mixin(manifest, jimuUtils.getUriInfo(uri));11261127 jimuUtils.manifest.addManifestProperies(manifest);1128 jimuUtils.manifest.processManifestLabel(manifest, dojoConfig.locale);1129 },11301131 _loadMergedWidgetManifests: function(){1132 var file = window.appInfo.appPath + 'widgets/​widgets-manifest.json';1133 return xhr(file, {1134 handleAs: 'json'1135 });1136 },11371138 _fixRepeatedId: function(appConfig){1139 var id = [];1140 sharedUtils.visitElement(appConfig, function(e){1141 if(id.indexOf( >= 0){1142 += '_';1143 }1144 id.push(;1145 });1146 },11471148 /​/​we use URL parameters for the first loading.1149 /​/​After loaded, if user changes app config through builder,1150 /​/​we'll use the configuration in builder.1151 _processUrlParams: function(appConfig){1152 var urlWebmap = this.urlParams.itemid || this.urlParams.webmap;1153 if(urlWebmap && !== urlWebmap){1154 if({1155 jimuUtils.deleteMapOptions(;1156 }1157 = urlWebmap;1158 }1159 if(this.urlParams.mode){1160 appConfig.mode = this.urlParams.mode;1161 }1162 if(!{1163 = {};1164 }11651166 if(this.urlParams.scale){1167 = this.urlParams.scale;1168 }1169 if(this.urlParams.level || this.urlParams.zoom){1170 = this.urlParams.level || this.urlParams.zoom;1171 }1172 }1173 });11741175 clazz.getInstance = function (urlParams, options) {1176 if(instance === null) {1177 instance = new clazz(urlParams, options);1178 }else{1179 instance.urlParams = urlParams;1180 instance.options = options;1181 }1182 return instance;1183 };11841185 return clazz; ...

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Full Screen


Source: pnp-ww.js Github


Full Screen

1'use strict';2/​/​ ===============3/​/​ Widget Wrangler4/​/​ ===============5/​/​6/​/​ This is a light-weight JavaScript library that loads "widgets" written in MV* style libraries such7/​/​ as AngularJS. It manages loading JS libraries efficiently and without conflict when they are used8/​/​ by multiple independent widgets on a page.9/​/​10/​/​ Widget Wrangler does not depend on any other Javascript libraries11/​/​12var ww = window.ww || function () {13 var ww = {14 version: "1.0.0", /​/​ Library verison number15 /​/​ *** SCRIPT MANAGEMENT ***16 /​/​ Each script library that's needed is tracked via a script object with the following properties:17 /​/​ index - index into the scriptLibraries[] array for this script18 /​/​ scriptSrc - source URL for the script19 /​/​ status - set to "Loading" or "Complete"20 scriptLibraries: [], /​/​ Array of scripts that have been loaded or in process of loading.21 22 /​/​ loadScript(scriptSrc)23 /​/​ This function gets called whenever a script needs to be loaded. It handles the possibility24 /​/​ that it has already been loaded, is in the progress of loading, or has never been loaded25 /​/​ at all, and notifies the appScriptLoaded when loading is complete.26 loadScript: function loadScript(scriptSrc) {27 var scriptLoading = {}; /​/​ Object found in - or to be added to - the scriptLibraries array28 /​/​ Check if script is already queued29 for (var i = 0; i < ww.scriptLibraries.length; i++) {30 if (ww.scriptLibraries[i].scriptSrc === scriptSrc) {31 scriptLoading = ww.scriptLibraries[i];32 break;33 }34 }35 /​/​ If script was not already queued, add it to the queue and start loading it36 if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(scriptLoading).length < 1) {37 /​/​ First add it to the scriptLibraries array38 var newScript = {39 index: ww.scriptLibraries.length,40 scriptSrc: scriptSrc,41 status: "Loading"42 };43 ww.scriptLibraries.push(newScript);44 scriptLoading = ww.scriptLibraries[ww.scriptLibraries.length - 1];45 /​/​ Now tell the browser to load the script46 var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];47 var script = document.createElement('script');48 script.type = 'text/​javascript';49 if (script.readyState) {50 script.onreadystatechange = function () {51 if (this.readyState == 'complete') ww.scriptLoaded(newScript.index);52 };53 }54 script.onload = function() {55 ww.scriptLoaded(newScript.index);56 };57 script.onerror = function() {58 newScript.status = "Error";59 ww.scriptError(newScript.index);60 };61 script.src = scriptSrc;62 head.appendChild(script);63 }64 return scriptLoading;65 },66 /​/​ scriptLoaded(index)67 /​/​ This function is called when a script has finished loading68 scriptLoaded: function scriptLoaded(index) {69 if (ww.scriptLibraries[index].status !== "Error") {70 /​/​ Mark the script as complete71 ww.scriptLibraries[index].status = "Complete";72 /​/​ Look through apps for any that are waiting for a script to load, and call73 /​/​ their appScriptLoaded with the index of the script that has completed74 for (var i = 0; i < ww.apps.length; i++) {75 if (ww.apps[i].appStatus === "Waiting") {76 ww.apps[i].appScriptLoaded(index);77 }78 }79 }80 },81 /​/​ scriptError(index)82 /​/​ This function handles script loading errors83 scriptError: function scriptError(index) {84 /​/​ Look through apps for any that are waiting for a script to load, and call85 /​/​ their appScriptError with the index of the script that has errored86 for (var i = 0; i < ww.apps.length; i++) {87 if (ww.apps[i].appStatus === "Waiting") {88 ww.apps[i].appScriptError(index);89 }90 }91 },92 /​/​ *** APP MANAGEMENT ***93 /​/​ Each instance of WW on a page, along with its parent HTML element, is considered an "app" and94 /​/​ is tracked using an appObj object.95 apps: [], /​/​ Array of all known apps on this page96 /​/​ appObj - prototype for an object that represents an app.97 appObj: function appObj() {98 var obj = {99 appId: "", /​/​ Unique string identifier for this app100 appName: "", /​/​ App name (also the Angular controller name)101 appType: "", /​/​ App type (set to "Angular" or "Self")102 appBind: null, /​/​ App binding function for "Self" app103 appElement: {}, /​/​ DOM element to bind to104 appStatus: "Not Started", /​/​ App Status is "Not Started", "Waiting", "Complete" or "Error"105 appScripts: [], /​/​ Array of appScriptObj objects for script this app requires106 appExecPriority: 0, /​/​ The app's current executing priorty.107 appMaxPriority: 0, /​/​ The app's highest priority.108 /​/​ startLoading()109 /​/​ This function initializes the apps scripts at priority 0 to be loaded.110 startLoading: function startLoading() {111 this.appMaxPriority = this.appScripts[this.appScripts.length-1].priority;112 for (var i = 0; i < this.appScripts.length; i++) {113 if (this.appScripts[i].priority === 0) {114 this.appStatus = "Waiting";115 var newScript = ww.loadScript(this.appScripts[i].src);116 this.appScripts[i].status = newScript.status;117 this.appScripts[i].index = newScript.index;118 if (newScript.status === "Complete") {119 /​/​If script is already loaded, notify appScriptLoaded for this app.120 this.appScriptLoaded(newScript.index);121 } else if (newScript.status === "Error") {122 /​/​If script is already loaded, but in error, call appScriptError for this app.123 this.appScriptError(newScript.index);124 }125 }126 }127 },128 /​/​ appScriptLoaded(index)129 /​/​ This function is called whenever an app needs to be notified that a script has loaded.130 /​/​ index is an index into the appScripts array131 appScriptLoaded: function appScriptLoaded(index) {132 var i = 0,133 appLoaded = false,134 priorityComplete = false,135 completedScript = null;136 /​/​ First, try to find the appScript corresponding to the script that finished loading137 for (i = 0; i < this.appScripts.length; i++) {138 if (this.appScripts[i].index === index) {139 completedScript = this.appScripts[i];140 }141 }142 if (completedScript !== null) {143 /​/​ If here, we found the appScript. Mark it complete. Could be a script that this app hasn't loaded yet.144 completedScript.status = "Complete";145 if (completedScript.priority === this.appExecPriority) {146 /​/​ Check if all the scripts we were waiting for are done. If so, we can infer that147 /​/​ we've finished loading all scripts at this priority and should either start loading148 /​/​ the next priority of scripts or bootstrap the app.149 priorityComplete = true;150 for (i = 0; i < this.appScripts.length; i++) {151 if (this.appScripts[i].priority === this.appExecPriority && this.appScripts[i].status !== "Complete")152 priorityComplete = false;153 }154 if (priorityComplete) {155 appLoaded = true;156 while (appLoaded && this.appExecPriority <= this.appMaxPriority) {157 appLoaded = true;158 /​/​ Look for additional scripts at the next priority and, if found, start them if they're not already complete.159 this.appExecPriority++;160 for (i = 0; i < this.appScripts.length; i++) {161 if (this.appScripts[i].priority === this.appExecPriority && this.appScripts[i].status !== "Complete") {162 var newScript = ww.loadScript(this.appScripts[i].src);163 this.appScripts[i].status = newScript.status;164 this.appScripts[i].index = newScript.index;165 if (newScript.status !== "Complete") {166 appLoaded = false;167 }168 if (newScript.status === "Error") {169 /​/​If script is already loaded, but in error, call appScriptError for this app.170 this.appScriptError(newScript.index);171 }172 }173 }174 }175 }176 if (appLoaded) {177 /​/​ If here, all the scripts needed by the app are loaded.178 this.appStatus = "Complete";179 /​/​ Bootstrap the Angular controller180 if (this.appType === "angular") {181 try {182 window.angular.bootstrap(this.appElement, [this.appName]);183 console.log(this.appName + "(" + this.appId + ")" + " loading complete.");184 } catch (e) {185 console.log("Error bootstrapping application: " + this.appName + "(" + this.appId + ")");186 console.log(e);187 }188 /​/​Self Binding Application189 } else if (this.appBind.length > 0) {190 /​/​Deal with namespaces or nesting of function.191 var fnElements = this.appBind.split(".");192 var bindFn = window;193 for (i = 0; i < fnElements.length; i++) {194 bindFn = bindFn[fnElements[i]];195 }196 if (typeof bindFn === 'function') {197 bindFn(this.appElement);198 console.log(this.appName + "(" + this.appId + ")" + " with function: " + this.appBind + " loading complete.");199 } else {200 console.log("Error bootstrapping application: " + this.appName + "(" + this.appId + ") with function: " + this.appBind);201 }202 }203 }204 }205 }206 },207 /​/​ appScriptError(index)208 /​/​ This script handles checking if a script the app depends on has errored.209 appScriptError: function appScriptError(index) {210 /​/​ Try to find the appScript corresponding to the script that finished loading211 for (var i = 0; i < this.appScripts.length; i++) {212 if (this.appScripts[i].index === index) {213 this.appStatus = "Error";214 console.log(this.appName + "(" + this.appId + ")" + " failed to load script: " + this.appScripts[i].src);215 }216 }217 }218 };219 return obj;220 },221 /​/​ appScriptObj222 /​/​ Prototype for an object that represents a script needed by an app223 appScriptObj: function appScriptObj() {224 var obj = {225 index: -1, /​/​ Index in the scriptLibraries array226 src: "", /​/​ Source URL227 priority: 0, /​/​ Priority where all priority 0 scripts are loaded first, then priority 1, etc.228 status: "NotLoaded", /​/​ Status is "NotLoaded", "Loading" or "Complete" 229 };230 return obj;231 }232 };233 return ww;234}();235(function () {236 /​/​ *** In-line execution begins here ***237 /​/​ We will bind to the parent of this script block, so find it now while the DOM is still loading238 /​/​ ie. before doing any async calls to load scripts! Right now, it will be the last, deepest child in the tree.239 try {240 var APP_TYPES = ["angular"];241 var validAppType = true;242 var element = document.documentElement; /​/​ This will hold the <script> tag's DOM element243 while (element.childNodes.length && element.lastChild.nodeType === 1) {244 element = element.lastChild;245 }246 var elementToBind = element.parentNode; /​/​ This is the parent of the script tag247 /​/​ Get the path of the script source so we can handle relative script URL's248 var scriptPath = element.src;249 scriptPath = scriptPath.substring(0, scriptPath.lastIndexOf('/​') + 1);250 /​/​ Get the app parameters from the <script> element251 var appName = element.getAttribute("ww-appName");252 var appType = element.getAttribute("ww-appType");253 if (appType === null) { appType = ""; }254 if (appType.length > 0) {255 appType = appType.toLowerCase();256 validAppType = (APP_TYPES.indexOf(appType) > -1);257 }258 var appBind = element.getAttribute("ww-appBind");259 if (appBind === null) { appBind = ""; }260 var appScripts = null;261 try {262 appScripts = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute("ww-appScripts"));263 } catch (e) {264 console.log("Error parsing ww-appScripts tag: " + e);265 }266 if (appScripts !== null && appName.length > 0 && (appType.length > 0 || appBind.length > 0) && validAppType) {267 /​/​ Create the app object268 var newApp = new ww.appObj();269 newApp.appId = appName + ww.apps.length;270 newApp.appName = appName;271 newApp.appType = appType;272 newApp.appBind = appBind;273 newApp.appElement = elementToBind;274 /​/​ Add an appScript object for each script the app requires 275 for (var i = 0; i < appScripts.length; i++) {276 var newScript = new ww.appScriptObj();277 if (appScripts[i].src.substring(0, 2) === "~/​") {278 appScripts[i].src = appScripts[i].src.replace("~/​", scriptPath);279 }280 newScript.src = appScripts[i].src;281 newScript.priority = appScripts[i].priority || 0;282 newApp.appScripts.push(newScript);283 }284 /​/​ Add the app to the apps collection and start loading285 ww.apps.push(newApp);286 newApp.startLoading();287 } else {288 console.log("Unable to load app: " + appName + ". Error in script tag.");289 }290 } catch (e) {291 console.log(e);292 }...

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Source: ProjectState.js Github


Full Screen

1import ProjectContext from "./​ProjectContext";2import {useState, useCallback} from "react";3const ProjectState = (props) => {4 const host = process.env.REACT_APP_SERVER_URL;5 const savedProjects = localStorage.getItem("projects");6 const [projects, setProjects] = useState( savedProjects ? JSON.parse(savedProjects) : [])7 const [alert,setAlert] = useState({error:false,message:""});8 const newAlert = (error,message)=>{9 setAlert({error,message});10 }11 const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);12 const getProjectById = (id) => {13 return projects.find((project) => { return project._id === id})14 /​/​ return await fetchSingleProjectById(id);15 }16 /​/​ const fetchSingleProjectById = async (id)=>{17 /​/​ try {18 /​/​ const response = await fetch(19 /​/​ `${host}/​api/​projects/​getProject/​${id}`,20 /​/​ {21 /​/​ method: 'GET',22 /​/​ headers: {23 /​/​ 'Content-Type': 'application/​json'24 /​/​ }25 /​/​ }26 /​/​ )27 /​/​28 /​/​ const result = await response.json();29 /​/​ console.log(result);30 /​/​31 /​/​ if(result.success){32 /​/​ return result.project;33 /​/​ } else {34 /​/​ console.log(result);35 /​/​ return null;36 /​/​ }37 /​/​ }catch (e){38 /​/​ console.log(e.message);39 /​/​ }40 /​/​ }41 const fetchProjects = useCallback(async ()=> {42 try {43 setIsLoading(true);44 const response = await fetch(45 `${host}/​api/​projects/​getAllProjects`,46 {47 method: 'GET',48 headers: {49 'Content-Type': 'application/​json'50 }51 }52 )53 const result = await response.json();54 /​/​ console.log(result);55 if(result.success){56 setProjects(result.projects);57 localStorage.setItem("projects",JSON.stringify(result.projects))58 } else {59 console.log(result);60 }61 setIsLoading(false);62 }catch (e){63 console.log(e.message);64 setIsLoading(false);65 }66 },[host])67 const setPros = (projs)=>{68 setProjects(projs);69 }70 return (71 <ProjectContext.Provider value = {{projects,getProjectById,fetchProjects,setPros,isLoading,alert,newAlert}}>72 {props.children}73 </​ProjectContext.Provider>74 )75}76export default ProjectState;77/​**78 * {79 "_id": "616ecce83683100e860",80 "name": "Meme's Magic",81 "logo": 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world app world appHello world appHello world appHello world app \n world appHello world appHello world appHello world app world appHello world appHello world appHello world app world appHello world appHello world appHello world app world appHello world appHello world appHello world app ",83 "technologies": [84 "Android",85 "Kotlin",86 "Hello",87 "Hi",88 "done",89 ],90 "photos": [91 {92 "photoUrl": "https:/​/​​img/​social/​social_signup.png",93 "description": "Sign up Screen",94 "_id": "616ecce84d0c36865100e861"95 },96 {97 "photoUrl": "https:/​/​​img/​social/​social_otp.png",98 "description": "Otp Screen",99 "_id": "616ecce84d0c36865100e861"100 },101 {102 "photoUrl": "https:/​/​​img/​social/​social_signup.png",103 "description": "Again SignUp Page",104 "_id": "616ecce84d0c36865100e861"105 },106 {107 "photoUrl": "https:/​/​​img/​social/​social_otp.png",108 "description": "Otp Screen",109 "_id": "616ecce84d0c36865100e861"110 }111 ],112 "__v": 0113 },114 {115 "_id": 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Source: class_app_resources.js Github


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Source: userCtrl.js Github


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1angular.module('userControllers',['userServices'])2.controller('regCtrl',['$scope','$location','$timeout','User',function ($scope,$location,$timeout,User) {3 var app = this;4 app.regUser = function (regData, valid, confirmed) {5 app.disabled = true;6 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });7 app.errorMsg = false;8 if(valid && confirmed) {9 = app.regData.firstName + " " + app.regData.lastName;10 User.create(app.regData).then(function (data) {11 if( {12 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });13 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-success';14 app.successMsg = + "...Redirecting";15 $timeout(function () {16 $location.path('/​login');17 },2000);18 } else {19 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });20 app.disabled = false;21 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';22 app.errorMsg =;23 }24 });25 } else {26 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });27 app.disabled = false;28 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';29 app.errorMsg = 'Please ensure form is filled out Properly'30 }31 };32 /​/​ Checking usename availability33 app.checkUsername = function (regData) {34 app.checkingUsername = true;35 app.usernameMsg = false;36 app.usernameInvalid = false;37 User.checkUsername(app.regData).then(function (data) {38 if( {39 app.checkingUsername = false;40 app.usernameMsg =;41 } else {42 app.checkingUsername = false;43 app.usernameInvalid = true;44 app.usernameMsg =;45 }46 });47 };48 app.checkEmail = function(regData) {49 app.checkingEmail = true;50 app.emailMsg = false;51 app.emailInvalid = false;52 User.checkEmail(app.regData).then(function(data) {53 if ( {54 app.checkingEmail = false;55 app.emailMsg =;56 } else {57 app.checkingEmail = false;58 app.emailInvalid = true;59 app.emailMsg =;60 }61 });62 };63}])64.controller('usersRegCtrl',['$scope','$location','$timeout','User',function ($scope,$location,$timeout,User) {65 var app = this;66 app.regUser = function (regData, valid, confirmed) {67 app.disabled = true;68 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });69 app.errorMsg = false;70 if(valid && confirmed) {71 = app.regData.firstName + " " + app.regData.lastName;72 User.create(app.regData).then(function (data) {73 if( {74 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });75 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-success';76 app.successMsg = + "...Redirecting";77 $timeout(function () {78 $location.path('/​login');79 },2000);80 } else {81 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });82 app.disabled = false;83 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';84 app.errorMsg =;85 }86 });87 } else {88 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });89 app.disabled = false;90 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';91 app.errorMsg = 'Please ensure form is filled out Properly'92 }93 };94 /​/​ Checking usename availability95 app.checkUsername = function (regData) {96 app.checkingUsername = true;97 app.usernameMsg = false;98 app.usernameInvalid = false;99 User.checkUsername(app.regData).then(function (data) {100 if( {101 app.checkingUsername = false;102 app.usernameMsg =;103 } else {104 app.checkingUsername = false;105 app.usernameInvalid = true;106 app.usernameMsg =;107 }108 });109 };110 app.checkEmail = function(regData) {111 app.checkingEmail = true;112 app.emailMsg = false;113 app.emailInvalid = false;114 User.checkEmail(app.regData).then(function(data) {115 if ( {116 app.checkingEmail = false;117 app.emailMsg =;118 } else {119 app.checkingEmail = false;120 app.emailInvalid = true;121 app.emailMsg =;122 }123 });124 };125}])126.controller('retailRegCtrl',['$scope','$location','$timeout','User',function ($scope,$location,$timeout,User) {127 var app = this;128 app.regUser = function (regData, valid, confirmed) {129 console.log(app.regData);130 app.disabled = true;131 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });132 app.errorMsg = false;133 if(valid && confirmed) {134 = app.regData.firstName + " " + app.regData.lastName;135 User.create(app.regData).then(function (data) {136 if( {137 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });138 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-success';139 app.successMsg = + "...Redirecting";140 $timeout(function () {141 $location.path('/​login');142 },2000);143 } else {144 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });145 app.disabled = false;146 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';147 app.errorMsg =;148 }149 });150 } else {151 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });152 app.disabled = false;153 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';154 app.errorMsg = 'Please ensure form is filled out Properly'155 }156 };157}])158.controller('usersRegCtrl',['$scope','$location','$timeout','User',function ($scope,$location,$timeout,User) {159 var app = this;160 app.regUser = function (regData, valid, confirmed) {161 console.log(app.regData);162 app.disabled = true;163 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });164 app.errorMsg = false;165 if(valid && confirmed) {166 = app.regData.firstName + " " + app.regData.lastName;167 User.create(app.regData).then(function (data) {168 if( {169 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });170 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-success';171 app.successMsg = + "...Redirecting";172 $timeout(function () {173 $location.path('/​login');174 },2000);175 } else {176 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });177 app.disabled = false;178 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';179 app.errorMsg =;180 }181 });182 } else {183 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });184 app.disabled = false;185 $scope.alert = 'alert alert-danger';186 app.errorMsg = 'Please ensure form is filled out Properly'187 }188 };189}])190.directive('match', function() {191 return {192 restrict: 'A',193 controller: function($scope) {194 $scope.confirmed = false;195 $scope.doConfirm = function(values) {196 values.forEach(function(ele) {197 if ($scope.confirm == ele) {198 $scope.confirmed = true;199 } else {200 $scope.confirmed = false;201 }202 });203 };204 },205 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {206 attrs.$observe('match', function() {207 scope.matches = JSON.parse(attrs.match);208 scope.doConfirm(scope.matches);209 });210 scope.$watch('confirm', function() {211 scope.matches = JSON.parse(attrs.match);212 scope.doConfirm(scope.matches);213 });214 }215 };...

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Source: managementCtrl.js Github


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1angular.module('managementController', [])2.controller('managementCtrl', ['User','$scope','$timeout',function(User, $scope, $timeout) {3 var app = this;4 app.loading = true;5 app.accessDenied = true;6 app.errorMsg = false;7 app.editAccess = false;8 app.deleteAccess = false;9 app.limit = 10;10 app.searchLimit = 0;11 app.options = [{value: 'admin',label: 'admin'},{value: 'user',label: 'user'},{value: 'retailer', label: 'retailer'}];12 function getUsers() {13 app.loading = true;14 User.getUsers().then(function(data) {15 if ( {16 if ( === 'admin') {17 app.users =;18 app.loading = false;19 app.accessDenied = false;20 } else {21 app.errorMsg = 'Insufficient Permissions';22 app.loading = false;23 }24 } else {25 app.errorMsg =;26 app.loading = false;27 }28 });29 }30 getUsers();31 app.showMore = function(number) {32 app.showMoreError = false;33 if (number > 0) {34 app.limit = number;35 } else {36 app.showMoreError = 'Please enter a valid number';37 }38 };39 app.showAll = function() {40 app.limit = undefined;41 app.showMoreError = false;42 };43 = function(searchKeyword, number) {44 if (searchKeyword) {45 if (searchKeyword.length > 0) {46 app.limit = 0;47 app.searchFilter = searchKeyword;48 app.limit = number;49 } else {50 app.searchFilter = undefined;51 app.limit = 0;52 }53 } else {54 app.searchFilter = undefined;55 app.limit = 0;56 }57 };58 app.clear = function() {59 app.number = undefined;60 app.limit = 0;61 app.searchKeyword = undefined;62 app.searchFilter = undefined;63 app.showMoreError = false;64 };65 app.saveChanges = function (details) {66 User.changePermission(details).then(function (data) {67 if ( {68 getUsers();69 } else {70 app.showMoreError =;71 }72 });73 }74 app.upload = function () {75 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });76 app.successMsg = undefined;77 app.errorMsg = undefined;78 app.alert = 'default';79 User.createusers(app.obj).then(function (data) {80 if ( {81 app.alert = 'alert alert-success';82 app.successMsg =;83 } else {84 app.alert = 'alert alert-danger';85 app.errorMsg =;86 }87 $timeout(function () {88 getUsers();89 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });90 app.successMsg = undefined;91 app.errorMsg = undefined;92 app.obj = undefined;93 },3000);94 });95 };96}])97.controller('viewCtrl',['User','$scope','$timeout',function (User,$scope,$timeout) {98 var app = this;99 app.loading = true;100 app.accessDenied = true;101 app.errorMsg = false;102 app.editAccess = false;103 app.deleteAccess = false;104 app.limit = 10;105 app.searchLimit = 0;106 function getItems() {107 app.loading = true;108 User.getitems().then(function(data) {109 if ( {110 console.log(;111;112 app.loading=false;113 } else {114 app.errorMsg =;115 app.loading = false;116 }117 });118 };119 getItems();120 app.showMore = function(number) {121 app.showMoreError = false;122 if (number > 0) {123 app.limit = number;124 } else {125 app.showMoreError = 'Please enter a valid number';126 }127 };128 app.showAll = function() {129 app.limit = undefined;130 app.showMoreError = false;131 };132 = function(searchKeyword, number) {133 if (searchKeyword) {134 if (searchKeyword.length > 0) {135 app.limit = 0;136 app.searchFilter = searchKeyword;137 app.limit = number;138 } else {139 app.searchFilter = undefined;140 app.limit = 0;141 }142 } else {143 app.searchFilter = undefined;144 app.limit = 0;145 }146 };147 app.clear = function() {148 app.number = undefined;149 app.limit = 0;150 app.searchKeyword = undefined;151 app.searchFilter = undefined;152 app.showMoreError = false;153 };154}])155.controller('influencerCtrl',['User','$scope','$timeout','$http',function (User,$scope,$timeout,$http) {156 var app=this;157 app.hash = " ";158app.cit = " ";159app.get_influencers = function(hash,cit){160 console.log(hash,cit);161app.influs= [];162app.profile_image = "http:/​/​​wp-content/​uploads/​2018/​06/​default-user-profile-picture-6.png";163 $http({164 url: '/​api/​get_influencers',165 method: 'post',166 data: {hashtag:hash,city:cit}167 }).then(function(data){168 if({169 /​/​ alert("Receieved influncers");170 app.influs =;171 }172 else {173 alert(;174 }175 },function(err){176 alert("Failed to add");177 })178}179}])180.controller('itemsCtrl', ['User','$scope','$timeout',function(User, $scope, $timeout) {181 var app = this;182 app.loading = true;183 app.accessDenied = true;184 app.errorMsg = false;185 app.editAccess = false;186 app.deleteAccess = false;187 app.limit = 10;188 app.searchLimit = 0;189 app.options = [{value: 'admin',label: 'admin'},{value: 'user',label: 'user'},{value: 'retailer', label: 'retailer'}];190 function getUsers() {191 app.loading = true;192 User.getUsers().then(function(data) {193 if ( {194 if ( === 'admin') {195 app.users =;196 app.loading = false;197 app.accessDenied = false;198 } else {199 app.errorMsg = 'Insufficient Permissions';200 app.loading = false;201 }202 } else {203 app.errorMsg =;204 app.loading = false;205 }206 });207 }208 app.createitem = function (itemdata,valid) {209 User.additems(app.itemData).then(function (data) {210 if ( {211 app.alert = 'alert alert-success';212 app.successMsg =;213 } else {214 app.alert = 'alert alert-danger';215 app.errorMsg =;216 }217 $timeout(function () {218 getUsers();219 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });220 app.successMsg = undefined;221 app.errorMsg = undefined;222 app.obj = undefined;223 },3000);224 })225 };...

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Source: teacherCtrl.js Github


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1angular.module('teacherController',['ngFileToJson','teacherServices'])2.controller('teacherCtrl',['Teacher','$location','$timeout',function (Teacher,$location,$timeout) {3 var app = this;4 app.disabled = false;5 app.successMsg = undefined;6 app.errorMsg = undefined;7 app.alert = 'default';8 app.createsubject = function (subjectData,valid) {9 app.disabled = true;10 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });11 if (valid) {12 Teacher.createsubject(app.subjectData).then(function (data) {13 if ( {14 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });15 app.successMsg =;16 app.alert = 'alert alert-success';17 app.disabled = false;18 $timeout(function () {19 $location.path('/​teacher');20 },2000);21 } else {22 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });23 app.errorMsg =;24 app.alert = 'alert alert-danger';25 app.disabled = false;26 }27 app.subjectData = null;28 });29 } else {30 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });31 app.errorMsg = "check all details are correct!";32 app.alert = 'alert alert-danger';33 app.disabled = false;34 }35 };36 function getsubjects() {37 Teacher.getsubjects().then(function (data) {38 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });39 if ( {40 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });41 app.subjects =;42 } else {43 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });44 app.alert = 'alert alert-danger';45 app.errorMsg =;46 }47 })48 };49 getsubjects();50 app.updatemarks = function (details, file) {51 app.disabled = true;52 $('.loading-manju').loading({ base: 0.2 });53 var payload = {};54 payload.details = app.details.selectedsubject;55 payload.file = file;56 payload.Cie = app.details.selectedCie;57 console.log(payload);58 Teacher.updatemarks(payload).then(function (data) {59 if ( {60 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });61 app.successMsg =;62 app.alert = 'alert alert-success';63 } else {64 $('.loading-manju').loading({ destroy: true });65 app.errorMsg =;66 app.alert = 'alert alert-danger';67 }68 $timeout(function () {69 app.disabled = false;70 app.successMsg = undefined;71 app.errorMsg = undefined;72 app.alert = 'default';73 app.details.selectedsubject = null;74 app.details.selectedCie = null;75 },1500);76 });77 };78}])79.controller('questionCtrl',['User','Teacher','$location','$scope','$timeout','$http',function (User,Teacher,$location,$timeout,$http) {80 var app=this;81 app.chatportal = {};82 app.ques = " ";83 app.answ = " ";84 app.question_object = {};85 app.answer_object = {};86 app.question_data = {};87 app.answer_data = {};88 function getQuestions() {89 User.getQuestion().then(function (data) {90 if( {92 console.log(;93;94 }95 else {96 console.log(;97 }98 })99 }100 getQuestions();101 app.add_question = function(ques) {102 User.addQuestion({question: ques}).then(function (data) {103 if(! {104 console.log(;105 getQuestions();106 }107 })108 };109 app.add_answer = function(answ,item) {110 User.ansQuestion({answer:answ}).then(function (data) {111 if(! {113 console.log(;114 getQuestions();115 }116 })117}118}])119.controller('getRetailCtrl',['User','Teacher','$location','$scope','$timeout',function (User,Teacher,$location,$timeout) {120 var app = this;121 app.loading = true;122 app.accessDenied = true;123 app.errorMsg = false;124 app.editAccess = false;125 app.deleteAccess = false;126 app.limit = 10;127 app.searchLimit = 0;128 app.showbutton=true;129 function getItems() {130 app.loading = true;131 User.getitems().then(function(data) {132 if ( {133 console.log(;134;135 app.loading=false;136 } else {137 app.errorMsg =;138 app.loading = false;139 }140 });141 };142 getItems();143 /​/​ getProds();144 /​/​TODO getProds145 app.showMore = function(number) {146 app.showMoreError = false;147 if (number > 0) {148 app.limit = number;149 } else {150 app.showMoreError = 'Please enter a valid number';151 }152 };153 app.showAll = function() {154 app.limit = undefined;155 app.showMoreError = false;156 };157 = function(searchKeyword, number) {158 if (searchKeyword) {159 if (searchKeyword.length > 0) {160 app.limit = 0;161 app.searchFilter = searchKeyword;162 app.limit = number;163 } else {164 app.searchFilter = undefined;165 app.limit = 0;166 }167 } else {168 app.searchFilter = undefined;169 app.limit = 0;170 }171 };172 app.clear = function() {173 app.number = undefined;174 app.limit = 0;175 app.searchKeyword = undefined;176 app.searchFilter = undefined;177 app.showMoreError = false;178 };179 app.saveChanges=function (data) {180 app.loading = true;181 Teacher.requestitems(data).then(function (data) {182 if ( {183 console.log(;184;185 app.loading=false;186 getItems();187 } else {188 app.errorMsg =;189 app.loading = false;190 }191 });192 }...

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Source: loader.js Github


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1var path = require('path'),2 _ = require('lodash'),3 Promise = require('bluebird'),4 config = require('../​../​config'),5 common = require('../​../​lib/​common'),6 AppProxy = require('./​proxy'),7 AppSandbox = require('./​sandbox'),8 AppDependencies = require('./​dependencies'),9 AppPermissions = require('./​permissions'),10 loader;11function isInternalApp(name) {12 return _.includes(config.get('apps:internal'), name);13}14/​/​ Get the full path to an app by name15function getAppAbsolutePath(name) {16 if (isInternalApp(name)) {17 return path.join(config.get('paths').internalAppPath, name);18 }19 return path.join(config.getContentPath('apps'), name);20}21/​/​ Get a relative path to the given apps root, defaults22/​/​ to be relative to __dirname23function getAppRelativePath(name, relativeTo) {24 relativeTo = relativeTo || __dirname;25 var relativePath = path.relative(relativeTo, getAppAbsolutePath(name));26 if (relativePath.charAt(0) !== '.') {27 relativePath = './​' + relativePath;28 }29 return relativePath;30}31/​/​ Load apps through a pseudo sandbox32function loadApp(appPath, isInternal) {33 var sandbox = new AppSandbox({internal: isInternal});34 return sandbox.loadApp(appPath);35}36function getAppByName(name, permissions) {37 /​/​ Grab the app class to instantiate38 var AppClass = loadApp(getAppRelativePath(name), isInternalApp(name)),39 appProxy = new AppProxy({40 name: name,41 permissions: permissions,42 internal: isInternalApp(name)43 }),44 app;45 /​/​ Check for an actual class, otherwise just use whatever was returned46 if (_.isFunction(AppClass)) {47 app = new AppClass(appProxy);48 } else {49 app = AppClass;50 }51 return {52 app: app,53 proxy: appProxy54 };55}56/​/​ The loader is responsible for loading apps57loader = {58 /​/​ Load a app and return the instantiated app59 installAppByName: function (name) {60 /​/​ Install the apps dependencies first61 var appPath = getAppAbsolutePath(name),62 deps = new AppDependencies(appPath);63 return deps.install()64 .then(function () {65 /​/​ Load app permissions66 var perms = new AppPermissions(appPath);67 return (err) {68 /​/​ Provide a helpful error about which app69 return Promise.reject(new Error(common.i18n.t('errors.apps.permissionsErrorLoadingApp.error', {70 name: name,71 message: err.message72 })));73 });74 })75 .then(function (appPerms) {76 var appInfo = getAppByName(name, appPerms),77 app =,78 appProxy = appInfo.proxy;79 /​/​ Check for an install() method on the app.80 if (!_.isFunction(app.install)) {81 return Promise.reject(new Error(common.i18n.t('errors.apps.noInstallMethodLoadingApp.error', {name: name})));82 }83 /​/​ Run the app.install() method84 /​/​ Wrapping the install() with a when because it's possible85 /​/​ to not return a promise from it.86 return Promise.resolve(app.install(appProxy)).return(app);87 });88 },89 /​/​ Activate a app and return it90 activateAppByName: function (name) {91 var perms = new AppPermissions(getAppAbsolutePath(name));92 return (appPerms) {93 var appInfo = getAppByName(name, appPerms),94 app =,95 appProxy = appInfo.proxy;96 /​/​ Check for an activate() method on the app.97 if (!_.isFunction(app.activate)) {98 return Promise.reject(new Error(common.i18n.t('errors.apps.noActivateMethodLoadingApp.error', {name: name})));99 }100 /​/​ Wrapping the activate() with a when because it's possible101 /​/​ to not return a promise from it.102 return Promise.resolve(app.activate(appProxy)).return(app);103 });104 }105};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { app } from 'storybook-root-config';2app();3 const { app } = require('storybook-root-config');4 app();5 const { webpack } = require('storybook-root-config');6 module.exports = async ({ config, mode }) => {7 return webpack({ config, mode });8 };9 const { addons } = require('storybook-root-config');10 addons();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { app } from 'storybook-root';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/​react';3import { withKnobs, text } from '@storybook/​addon-knobs';4import { withInfo } from '@storybook/​addon-info';5import { withA11y } from '@storybook/​addon-a11y';6import React from 'react';7import { Greeting } from './​Greeting';8storiesOf('Greeting', module)9 .addDecorator(withKnobs)10 .addDecorator(withInfo)11 .addDecorator(withA11y)12 .add('with text', () => {13 const name = text('Name', 'John');14 return <Greeting name={name} /​>;15 })16 .add('with some emoji', () => <Greeting name="😀 😎 👍 💯" /​>);17import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/​react';18import { withInfo } from '@storybook/​addon-info';19import { withA11y } from '@storybook/​addon-a11y';20import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/​addon-knobs';21addDecorator(withInfo);22addDecorator(withA11y);23addDecorator(withKnobs);24const req = require.context('../​src/​components', true, /​\.story\.js$/​);25function loadStories() {26 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));27}28configure(loadStories, module);29MIT © [Saurabh Gupta](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');;3### .app()4### .server()5### .port()6### .close()7### .run()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {app} from 'storybook-root-config';2app();3import React from 'react';4import {storiesOf} from '@storybook/​react';5import MyButton from '../​src/​MyButton';6storiesOf('MyButton', module).add('with text', () => <MyButton>Click me</​MyButton>);7MIT © [Dan Abramov](

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How To Handle Dynamic Dropdowns In Selenium WebDriver With Java

Joseph, who has been working as a Quality Engineer, was assigned to perform web automation for the company’s website.

Fault-Based Testing and the Pesticide Paradox

In some sense, testing can be more difficult than coding, as validating the efficiency of the test cases (i.e., the ‘goodness’ of your tests) can be much harder than validating code correctness. In practice, the tests are just executed without any validation beyond the pass/fail verdict. On the contrary, the code is (hopefully) always validated by testing. By designing and executing the test cases the result is that some tests have passed, and some others have failed. Testers do not know much about how many bugs remain in the code, nor about their bug-revealing efficiency.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.

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