Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
Source: setwelcome.js = async (client, message, args) => {2if(!args[0]) {3 var welcome = " ";4 welcome += " ** » -setwelcome embed** "5 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome embedstyle** ( 0, 1 , 2) \n ``-setwelcome embedstyle 0`` " 6 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome on **" 7 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome image (IMG link, x,y )** \n ``-setwelcome image https://img.png 450 480`` " 8 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome usertimg ( x,y, size ) **\n ``-setwelcome userimg 180 175 18 `` " 9 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome avatarimg ( x,y ) **\n ``-setwelcome avatarimg 180 175 `` " 10 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome preview** " 11 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome text** \n ``-setwelcome text Welcome [user] on [server] invited by [inviter]`` " 12 welcome += " \n** » -setwelcome chat** \n ``-setwelcome chat #welcome`` " 13 let embed = new discord.RichEmbed()14 .setColor( "GREEN" )15 .setAuthor('Join & Quit setup. ', message.guild.avatarURL)16 .setFooter( message.member.displayName, .addField(' » Welcome Setup ', welcome )18 .setTimestamp()19{embed})20}21var result = sql.query(`SELECT * FROM welcome WHERE guild = ${}`);22if(!result.length) {23 sql.query(`INSERT INTO welcome (guild) VALUES (${})`)24}25if(args[0] == "embed") {26if(result[0].embed == 0) {27 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET embed = 1 WHERE guild = ${}`);28':white_check_mark: ** Welcome embed is enabled.**')29} else {30 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET embed = 0 WHERE guild = ${}`);31':white_check_mark: ** Welcome embed is disabled.**')32}33}34if(args[0] == "embedstyle") {35if(args[1] == 0 ) {36 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET embedstyle = 0 WHERE guild = ${}`);37':white_check_mark: ** Embed style has changed to default style.**')38}39if(args[1] == 1 ) {40 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET embedstyle = 1 WHERE guild = ${}`);41':white_check_mark: ** Embed style has changed to advanced style.**')42}43}44if(args[0] == "on") {45 if(result[0].active == 0) {46 if(!result[0].chat) { 47':x: ** You need to set welcome chat before!** \n ``-setwelcome chat``')48 } else { 49 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET active = 1 WHERE guild = ${}`);50':white_check_mark: ** Welcome is enabled.**')51 }52 } else {53 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET active = 0 WHERE guild = ${}`);54':white_check_mark: ** Welcome is disabled now.**')55 }56}57if(args[0] == "text") {58 var msg = message.content.replace('-setwelcome text', '')59 if(!args[1]) return'Hah?!');60 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET text = "${msg}" WHERE guild = ${}`)61'**:writing_hand: Welcome text has changed to ' + msg + '** ');62}63if(args[0] == "chat") {64 var chat = message.mentions.channels.first()65 if(chat) {66 sql.query(`UPDATE welcome SET chat = ${} WHERE guild = ${}`)67'**Congratulations new chat **' + chat)68 } else {69'Hah?!')70 }71}72if(args[0] == "preview") {73 var chat =;74 if(result[0].chat) {75 chat = result[0].chat76 }77 if(result[0].embed == 1) {78 let embed = new discord.RichEmbed()79 .setThumbnail(message.member.user.displayAvatarURL)80 .setColor(0x36393f)81 .setAuthor(message.member.displayName,message.member.user.displayAvatarURL)82 83 .addField('» Ù
ض٠عÙ٠دخÙÙ٠اÙدÙسÙÙرد',getDays(message.member.user.createdTimestamp, + " ÙÙÙ
اÙ",true)84 .addField('» Ù
ض٠عÙ٠دخÙÙÙ ÙÙسÙرÙر',getDays(message.member.joinedTimestamp, + " ÙÙÙ
اÙ",true)85 .addField('» رÙÙ
Ù','0',true)86 .addField('» تÙ
دعÙت٠بÙاسطة',message.member,true)87 message.guild.channels.get(chat).send({embed})88 } else {89 if(!result[0].text) return'Hah?! **text before!**');90 message.guild.channels.get(chat).send(result[0].text.replace('[user]', message.member).replace('[inviter]', message.member))91 }92}93}94 95 96 97 exports.settings = {98 "name": "setwelcome",99 "sub-names": [ ],100 "server": true,101 "premium": false,102 "owneronly": false,103 "permissions": [ "MANAGE_GUILD" ],104 "perMsg": "",105 "description": "Ù٠اÙشاء ترØÙب . ",106 "group": 2...
Source: dashboard.js
1var ajaxWidgets, ajaxPopulateWidgets, quickPressLoad;2jQuery(document).ready( function($) {3 /* Dashboard Welcome Panel */4 var welcomePanel = $('#welcome-panel'),5 welcomePanelHide = $('#wp_welcome_panel-hide'),6 updateWelcomePanel = function( visible ) {7 $.post( ajaxurl, {8 action: 'update-welcome-panel',9 visible: visible,10 welcomepanelnonce: $('#welcomepanelnonce').val()11 });12 };13 if ( welcomePanel.hasClass('hidden') && welcomePanelHide.prop('checked') )14 welcomePanel.removeClass('hidden');15 $('.welcome-panel-close, .welcome-panel-dismiss a', welcomePanel).click( function(e) {16 e.preventDefault();17 welcomePanel.addClass('hidden');18 updateWelcomePanel( 0 );19 $('#wp_welcome_panel-hide').prop('checked', false);20 });21 function() {22 welcomePanel.toggleClass('hidden', ! this.checked );23 updateWelcomePanel( this.checked ? 1 : 0 );24 });25 // These widgets are sometimes populated via ajax26 ajaxWidgets = [27 'dashboard_incoming_links',28 'dashboard_primary',29 'dashboard_secondary',30 'dashboard_plugins'31 ];32 ajaxPopulateWidgets = function(el) {33 function show(i, id) {34 var p, e = $('#' + id + ' div.inside:visible').find('.widget-loading');35 if ( e.length ) {36 p = e.parent();37 setTimeout( function(){38 p.load( ajaxurl + '?action=dashboard-widgets&widget=' + id, '', function() {39 p.hide().slideDown('normal', function(){40 $(this).css('display', '');41 });42 });43 }, i * 500 );44 }45 }46 if ( el ) {47 el = el.toString();48 if ( $.inArray(el, ajaxWidgets) != -1 )49 show(0, el);50 } else {51 $.each( ajaxWidgets, show );52 }53 };54 ajaxPopulateWidgets();55 postboxes.add_postbox_toggles(pagenow, { pbshow: ajaxPopulateWidgets } );56 /* QuickPress */57 quickPressLoad = function() {58 var act = $('#quickpost-action'), t;59 t = $('#quick-press').submit( function() {60 $('#dashboard_quick_press #publishing-action .spinner').show();61 $('#quick-press .submit input[type="submit"], #quick-press .submit input[type="reset"]').prop('disabled', true);62 if ( 'post' == act.val() ) {63 act.val( 'post-quickpress-publish' );64 }65 $('#dashboard_quick_press div.inside').load( t.attr( 'action' ), t.serializeArray(), function() {66 $('#dashboard_quick_press #publishing-action .spinner').hide();67 $('#quick-press .submit input[type="submit"], #quick-press .submit input[type="reset"]').prop('disabled', false);68 $('#dashboard_quick_press ul').next('p').remove();69 $('#dashboard_quick_press ul').find('li').each( function() {70 $('#dashboard_recent_drafts ul').prepend( this );71 } ).end().remove();72 quickPressLoad();73 } );74 return false;75 } );76 $('#publish').click( function() { act.val( 'post-quickpress-publish' ); } );77 $('#title, #tags-input').each( function() {78 var input = $(this), prompt = $('#' + + '-prompt-text');79 if ( '' === this.value )80 prompt.removeClass('screen-reader-text');81 function() {82 $(this).addClass('screen-reader-text');83 input.focus();84 });85 input.blur( function() {86 if ( '' === this.value )87 prompt.removeClass('screen-reader-text');88 });89 input.focus( function() {90 prompt.addClass('screen-reader-text');91 });92 });93 $('#quick-press').on( 'click focusin', function() {94 wpActiveEditor = 'content';95 });96 };97 quickPressLoad();...
Source: SectionMessages.js
1import React, { useEffect } from 'react';2import PropTypes from 'prop-types';3import { WelcomeMessage, isKnownWelcomeMessage } from '_common';4import * as MESSAGES from '../../../constants/welcomeMessages';5import './SectionMessages.module.css';6import './SectionMessages.css';7/**8 * A list for section messages that supports:9 *10 * - manual messages11 * - manual welcome message12 * - automatic welcome message13 * - automatic welcome message with custom text14 *15 * @example16 * // an automatic welcome message (if found), no additional messages17 * <SectionMessages welcomeMessageName="DASHBOARD" />18 * @example19 * // overwrite text of an automatic welcome message, no additional messages20 * <SectionMessages21 * welcomeMessageName="DASHBOARD"22 * welcomeMessageText={`We welcome you to the dashboard, ${givenName}`} />23 * @example24 * // define text for a manual welcome message, no additional messages25 * <SectionMessages26 * welcomeMessageText={`We welcome you to this page, ${givenName}`}27 * />28 * @example29 * // an automatic welcome message (if found), some additional messages30 * <SectionMessages welcomeMessageName="DASHBOARD">31 * <Alert color="success">You win!</Alert>32 * <Alert color="secondary">33 * <button>Claim your prize.</button>34 * </Alert>35 * </SectionMessages>36 * @example37 * // no automatic welcome message, some additional messages38 * <SectionMessages>39 * <Alert color="success">You win!</Alert>40 * <Alert color="secondary">41 * <button>Claim your prize.</button>42 * </Alert>43 * </SectionMessages>44 */45function SectionMessages({46 children,47 className,48 welcomeMessageName,49 welcomeMessageText50}) {51 const welcomeMessageContent =52 welcomeMessageText || MESSAGES[welcomeMessageName];53 const welcomeMessage = welcomeMessageContent && (54 /* FAQ: Alternate message name allows tracking custom message dismissal */55 <WelcomeMessage messageName={welcomeMessageName || welcomeMessageText}>56 {welcomeMessageContent}57 </WelcomeMessage>58 );59 const hasMessage =60 isKnownWelcomeMessage(welcomeMessageName) || children.length > 0;61 const hasMessageClass = 'has-message';62 useEffect(() => {63 if (hasMessage) {64 document.body.classList.add(hasMessageClass);65 } else {66 document.body.classList.remove(hasMessageClass);67 }68 }, [hasMessage]);69 return (70 <aside styleName="root" className={className}>71 {welcomeMessage}72 {children}73 </aside>74 );75}76SectionMessages.propTypes = {77 /** Component-based message(s) (e.g. <Alert>, <Message>) (welcome message found automatically, given `welcomeMessageName`) */78 children: PropTypes.node,79 /** Any additional className(s) for the root element */80 className: PropTypes.string,81 /** The name of the route section (to search for required welcome message) */82 welcomeMessageName: PropTypes.string,83 /** Custom welcome text (can overwrite message from `welcomeMessageName`) */84 welcomeMessageText: PropTypes.string85};86SectionMessages.defaultProps = {87 children: '',88 className: '',89 welcomeMessageName: '',90 welcomeMessageText: ''91};...
Source: forumD-cv.js
1'use strict'2const header = document.querySelector('.main-header');3const menuButton = header.querySelector('.menu-hamburger');4const menu = header.querySelector('.nav');5if (header.offsetWidth < 431) {6 menuButton.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {7 evt.preventDefault();8 if (menu.classList.contains('nav--close')) {9 menu.classList.remove('nav--close');10 } else {11 menu.classList.add('nav--close');12 }13 });14}15const main = document.querySelector('.main');16const welcomeSwitcher = main.querySelector('.welcome__switcher');17const welcomeSwitcherThumb = main.querySelector('.welcome__switcher-thumb');18const welcomeAvatarReal = main.querySelector('.avatar--fake');19const welcomeAvatarFake = main.querySelector('.avatar--true');20const welcomeSpan = main.querySelectorAll('.welcome__switcher-span');21welcomeSwitcher.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {22 evt.preventDefault();23 if (welcomeAvatarReal.classList.contains('visually-hidden')) {24 welcomeAvatarReal.classList.remove('visually-hidden');25 welcomeAvatarFake.classList.add('visually-hidden');26 welcomeSwitcherThumb.classList.add('welcome__switcher-thumb--fake')27 welcomeSwitcherThumb.classList.remove('welcome__switcher-thumb--real');28 welcomeSpan[0].classList.add('welcome__switcher-span--active');29 welcomeSpan[1].classList.remove('welcome__switcher-span--active');30 } else {31 welcomeAvatarFake.classList.remove('visually-hidden');32 welcomeAvatarReal.classList.add('visually-hidden');33 welcomeSwitcherThumb.classList.remove('welcome__switcher-thumb--fake');34 welcomeSwitcherThumb.classList.add('welcome__switcher-thumb--real');35 welcomeSpan[0].classList.remove('welcome__switcher-span--active');36 welcomeSpan[1].classList.add('welcome__switcher-span--active');37 }38});39/*readmore*/40const portfolioList = main.querySelector('.porfolio__list');41const portfolioProjects = main.querySelectorAll('.project');42const seeMore = main.querySelector('.portfolio__readmore');43while (portfolioList.firstChild) {44 portfolioList.removeChild(portfolioList.firstChild);45}46for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {47 portfolioList.appendChild(portfolioProjects[i]);48}49seeMore.addEventListener('click', () => {50 for (let i = 4; i < portfolioProjects.length; i++) {51 if (portfolioProjects) {52 portfolioList.appendChild(portfolioProjects[i]);53 }54 }55 seeMore.classList.add('visually-hidden');56});...
Source: 2_currying.js
1let singleUserName = "Shriram";2let userNames = ["Shriram", "Gowtham", "Kaushik", "Praveen", "Manikandan"];3switch (process.env.CASE) {4 case "1":5 console.log('-------------------------------- Case 1 --------------------------------');6 //`//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7 // Case 18 // Wecome single user9 const welcomeUserCase1 = (welcomeText, userName) => {10 console.log(`${welcomeText}, ${userName}`);11 }12 welcomeUserCase1("Good Morning!", singleUserName);13 break;14 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////15 case "2":16 console.log('-------------------------------- Case 2 --------------------------------');17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////18 // Case 219 // Welcome multiple users20 const welcomeUserCase2 = (welcomeText, userName) => {21 console.log(`${welcomeText}, ${userName}`);22 }23 (userName) => welcomeUserCase2("Good Morning!", userName) );24 break;25 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////26 case "3":27 console.log('-------------------------------- Case 3 --------------------------------');28 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////29 // Case 330 // Welcome multiple users31 // Functional concepts32 // 1. Higher Order function.33 // 2. Closure.34 // 3. Currying.35 // 4. Partial Application36 const welcomeUserCase3 = (welcomeText) => {37 return (userName) => {38 console.log(`${welcomeText}, ${userName}`);39 }40 }41 let goodMorningGreetingCase3 = welcomeUserCase3("Good Morning!");42 console.log(goodMorningGreetingCase3);43 (userName) => goodMorningGreetingCase3(userName) );44 break;45 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////46 case "4":47 var curry = require("curry");48 const welcomeUserCase4 = (welcomeText, userName) => {49 console.log(`${welcomeText}, ${userName}`);50 }51 const welcomeUserCase4Curried = curry(welcomeUserCase4);52 console.log('--------- welcomeUserCase4Curried --------', welcomeUserCase4Curried);53 let goodMorningGreetingCase4 = welcomeUserCase4Curried("Good Morning!");54 console.log('--------- goodMorningGreetingCase4 --------', goodMorningGreetingCase4);55 (userName) => goodMorningGreetingCase4(userName) );56 break;...
Source: welcome.component.jsx
1import React from "react";2import { connect } from "react-redux";3import { createStructuredSelector } from "reselect";4import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";5import { ReactComponent as WavingHand } from "assets/icons/waving-hand.svg";6import WelcomeModal from "components/welcome-modal/welcome-modal.component";7import profileImage from "assets/images/profile_image.jpg";8import { selectTopicList } from "redux/topics/topics.selectors";9import {10 WelcomeWrapper,11 HandIconContainer,12 WelcomeSalutation,13 Text,14 Intro,15 TopicsContainer,16 InfoHeader,17 Info,18 StyledLink,19 StyledButton20} from "components/welcome/welcome.styles.jsx";21import {22 selectCurrentUser,23 selectShowWelcomeModal24} from "redux/user/user.selectors";25import useFetch from "effects/use-fetch.effect";26import Loader from "components/loader/loader.component";27import HelpSubject from "components/help-subject/help-subject.component";28const carePerson = { name: "Kaitlyn", image: profileImage };29const Welcome = ({ showWelcome, currentUser, history }) => {30 const [{ data: topics, loading }] = useFetch("/topics", []);31 return (32 <WelcomeWrapper>33 {showWelcome ? (34 <WelcomeModal newUser={currentUser} carePerson={carePerson} />35 ) : null}36 <HandIconContainer>37 <WavingHand />38 </HandIconContainer>39 <WelcomeSalutation>Hi, {currentUser.user.firstName}</WelcomeSalutation>40 <Text>41 Welcome to Vanillatots, the digital home for educational content.42 </Text>43 <Intro>What can we help you with?</Intro>44 {loading ? (45 <Loader />46 ) : (47 <TopicsContainer>48 { => (49 <HelpSubject50 subject={topic}51 key={topic._id}52 handleClick={() => history.push(`/dashboard/book/${}`)}53 />54 ))}55 </TopicsContainer>56 )}57 <InfoHeader>Just browsing?</InfoHeader>58 <Info>59 Check out our Community Forum. Ask anonymous questions, get answers from60 professionals and other learners who've been there.61 </Info>62 <StyledLink to="/">63 <StyledButton ghost>Visit the Forum</StyledButton>64 </StyledLink>65 </WelcomeWrapper>66 );67};68const mapStateTopProps = createStructuredSelector({69 topics: selectTopicList,70 currentUser: selectCurrentUser,71 showWelcome: selectShowWelcomeModal72});...
Source: browser_aboutwelcome_observer.js
1"use strict";2const { AboutWelcomeParent } = ChromeUtils.import(3 "resource:///actors/AboutWelcomeParent.jsm"4);5async function openAboutWelcomeTab() {6 await setAboutWelcomePref(true);7 let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(8 gBrowser,9 "about:welcome"10 );11 registerCleanupFunction(() => {12 BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);13 });14 return tab;15}16/**17 * Test simplified welcome UI tab closed terminate reason18 */19add_task(async function test_About_Welcome_Tab_Close() {20 await setAboutWelcomePref(true);21 let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(22 gBrowser,23 "about:welcome",24 false25 );26 Assert.ok(Services.focus.activeWindow, "Active window is not null");27 let AWP = new AboutWelcomeParent();28 Assert.ok(AWP.AboutWelcomeObserver, "AboutWelcomeObserver is not null");29 BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);30 Assert.equal(31 AWP.AboutWelcomeObserver.terminateReason,32 AWP.AboutWelcomeObserver.AWTerminate.TAB_CLOSED,33 "Terminated due to tab closed"34 );35});36/**37 * Test simplified welcome UI closed due to change in location uri38 */39add_task(async function test_About_Welcome_Location_Change() {40 await openAboutWelcomeTab();41 let windowGlobalParent =42 gBrowser.selectedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal;43 let aboutWelcomeActor = await windowGlobalParent.getActor("AboutWelcome");44 Assert.ok(45 aboutWelcomeActor.AboutWelcomeObserver,46 "AboutWelcomeObserver is not null"47 );48 BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "");49 await BrowserTestUtils.waitForLocationChange(50 gBrowser,51 ""52 );53 Assert.equal(54 aboutWelcomeActor.AboutWelcomeObserver.terminateReason,55 aboutWelcomeActor.AboutWelcomeObserver.AWTerminate.ADDRESS_BAR_NAVIGATED,56 "Terminated due to location uri changed"57 );...
Source: welcome.js
1/**2 * Loads the welcome page3 * 4 * @class * @extends MODx.Component6 * @param {Object} config An object of configuration options7 * @xtype page-welcome8 */ = function(config) {10 config = config || {};11 Ext.applyIf(config,{12 components: [{13 xtype: 'modx-panel-welcome'14 ,renderTo: 'modx-panel-welcome-div'15 ,dashboard: config.dashboard || {}16 }]17 });18,config);19};20Ext.extend(,MODx.Component);21Ext.reg('modx-page-welcome',;22MODx.loadWelcomePanel = function(url) {23 if (!url) return;24 MODx.helpWindow = new Ext.Window({25 title: _('welcome_title')26 ,width: 85027 ,height: 50028 ,modal: true29 ,layout: 'fit'30 ,html: '<iframe onload="parent.MODx.helpWindow.getEl().unmask();" src="' + url + '" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>'31 });32;...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root-component';2export default {3};4export const toStorybook = () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />;5toStorybook.story = {6};7import React from 'react';8import PropTypes from 'prop-types';9import { Row, Col, Button } from 'antd';10const Welcome = ({ showApp }) => (11 <Row type="flex" justify="center" align="middle" style={{ height: '100vh' }}>12 <Button type="primary" size="large" onClick={showApp}>13);14Welcome.propTypes = {15};16export default Welcome;
Using AI Code Generation
1import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root'2export default {3}4export const toStorybook = () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />5toStorybook.story = {6}7import { configure } from '@storybook/react'8configure(require.context('../', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module)9import '@storybook/addon-actions/register'10import '@storybook/addon-links/register'11import '@storybook/addon-knobs/register'12module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {13 defaultConfig.module.rules.push({14 test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,15 loader: require.resolve('awesome-typescript-loader')16 })17 defaultConfig.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx')18}19{20 "compilerOptions": {21 },22}23module.exports = {24}25{26 "scripts": {
Using AI Code Generation
1import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />);4import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';5<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />6import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';7<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />8import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';9<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />10import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';11<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />12import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';13<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />14import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';15<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />16import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';17<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />18import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';19<Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />
Using AI Code Generation
1import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';2import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';3import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';4import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';5import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';6import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';7import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';8import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';9import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';10import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';11import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';12import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';13import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';14import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';15import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';16import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';17import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';18import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';19import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';20import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';21import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';22import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';23import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';24import { Welcome } from 'storybook-root';
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In 2007, Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone, which revolutionized the world. But because of that, many businesses dealt with the problem of changing the layout of websites from desktop to mobile by delivering completely different mobile-compatible websites under the subdomain of ‘m’ (e.g., And we were all trying to figure out how to work in this new world of contending with mobile and desktop screen sizes.
One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.
When working on web automation with Selenium, I encountered scenarios where I needed to refresh pages from time to time. When does this happen? One scenario is that I needed to refresh the page to check that the data I expected to see was still available even after refreshing. Another possibility is to clear form data without going through each input individually.
When most firms employed a waterfall development model, it was widely joked about in the industry that Google kept its products in beta forever. Google has been a pioneer in making the case for in-production testing. Traditionally, before a build could go live, a tester was responsible for testing all scenarios, both defined and extempore, in a testing environment. However, this concept is evolving on multiple fronts today. For example, the tester is no longer testing alone. Developers, designers, build engineers, other stakeholders, and end users, both inside and outside the product team, are testing the product and providing feedback.
Have you ever visited a website that only has plain text and images? Most probably, no. It’s because such websites do not exist now. But there was a time when websites only had plain text and images with almost no styling. For the longest time, websites did not focus on user experience. For instance, this is how eBay’s homepage looked in 1999.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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