How to use Story1 method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source: ThreeStoryDialog.js Github


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1import React from "react";2import Button from "@material-ui/​core/​Button";3import TextField from "@material-ui/​core/​TextField";4import Dialog from "@material-ui/​core/​Dialog";5import DialogActions from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogActions";6import DialogContent from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogContent";7import DialogContentText from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogContentText";8import DialogTitle from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogTitle";9import Visibility from "@material-ui/​icons/​Visibility";10export default class ThreeStoryDialog extends React.Component {11 constructor(props) {12 super(props);13 this.state = {14 open: false,15 error: "",16 story1_ImgSRC: "",17 story1_ImgAlt: "",18 story1_Link: "",19 story1_CTA: "",20 story1_Headline_Text: "",21 story1_Paragraph_Text: "",22 story2_ImgSRC: "",23 story2_ImgAlt: "",24 story2_Link: "",25 story2_CTA: "",26 story2_Headline_Text: "",27 story2_Paragraph_Text: "",28 story3_ImgSRC: "",29 story3_ImgAlt: "",30 story3_Link: "",31 story3_CTA: "",32 story3_Headline_Text: "",33 story3_Paragraph_Text: ""34 };35 this.ErrorCheck = this.ErrorCheck.bind(this);36 this.sendStoryInfo = this.sendStoryInfo.bind(this);37 this.handleCancel = this.handleCancel.bind(this);38 }39 componentWillMount() {40 if (this.props.originalStory.length > 0) {41 const story1 = this.props.originalStory.filter(42 (story) => Object.keys(story)[0] === "Story_1"43 )[0].Story_1;44 const story2 = this.props.originalStory.filter(45 (story) => Object.keys(story)[0] === "Story_2"46 )[0].Story_2;47 const story3 = this.props.originalStory.filter(48 (story) => Object.keys(story)[0] === "Story_3"49 )[0].Story_3;50 this.setState({51 story1_ImgSRC: story1.story1_ImgSRC,52 story1_ImgAlt: story1.story1_ImgAlt,53 story1_Link: story1.story1_Link,54 story1_CTA: story1.story1_CTA,55 story1_Headline_Text: story1.story1_Headline_Text,56 story1_Paragraph_Text: story1.story1_Paragraph_Text,57 story2_ImgSRC: story2.story2_ImgSRC,58 story2_ImgAlt: story2.story2_ImgAlt,59 story2_Link: story2.story2_Link,60 story2_CTA: story2.story2_CTA,61 story2_Headline_Text: story2.story2_Headline_Text,62 story2_Paragraph_Text: story2.story2_Paragraph_Text,63 story3_ImgSRC: story3.story3_ImgSRC,64 story3_ImgAlt: story3.story3_ImgAlt,65 story3_Link: story3.story3_Link,66 story3_CTA: story3.story3_CTA,67 story3_Headline_Text: story3.story3_Headline_Text,68 story3_Paragraph_Text: story3.story3_Paragraph_Text69 });70 }71 }72 handleClickOpen = () => {73 this.setState({ open: true });74 };75 ErrorCheck = () => {76 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_1") {77 if (!this.state.story1_ImgSRC) {78 this.setState({79 error: "Story1's Img SRC is required*"80 });81 console.log(this.state.error, "ERROR");82 } else if (!this.state.story1_ImgAlt) {83 this.setState({84 error: "Story1's Img Alt Tag Text is required*"85 });86 } else if (!this.state.story1_Link) {87 this.setState({88 error: "Story1's Link is required*"89 });90 } else if (!this.state.story1_CTA) {91 this.setState({92 error: "Story1's CTA is required*"93 });94 } else if (!this.state.story1_Headline_Text) {95 this.setState({96 error: "Story1's Headline is required*"97 });98 } else if (!this.state.story1_Paragraph_Text) {99 this.setState({100 error: "Story1's Paragraph is required*"101 });102 } else {103 this.setState({104 error: ""105 });106 this.sendStoryInfo();107 }108 }109 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_2") {110 if (!this.state.story2_ImgSRC) {111 this.setState({112 error: "Story2's Img SRC is required*"113 });114 } else if (!this.state.story2_ImgAlt) {115 this.setState({116 error: "Story2's Img Alt Tag Text is required*"117 });118 } else if (!this.state.story2_Link) {119 this.setState({120 error: "Story2's Link is required*"121 });122 } else if (!this.state.story2_CTA) {123 this.setState({124 error: "Story2's CTA is required*"125 });126 } else if (!this.state.story2_Headline_Text) {127 this.setState({128 error: "Story2's Headline is required*"129 });130 } else if (!this.state.story2_Paragraph_Text) {131 this.setState({132 error: "Story2's Paragraph is required*"133 });134 } else {135 this.setState({136 error: ""137 });138 this.sendStoryInfo();139 }140 }141 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_3") {142 if (!this.state.story3_ImgSRC) {143 this.setState({144 error: "Story3's Img SRC is required*"145 });146 } else if (!this.state.story3_ImgAlt) {147 this.setState({148 error: "Story3's Img Alt Tag Text is required*"149 });150 } else if (!this.state.story3_Link) {151 this.setState({152 error: "Story3's Link is required*"153 });154 } else if (!this.state.story3_CTA) {155 this.setState({156 error: "Story3's CTA is required*"157 });158 } else if (!this.state.story3_Headline_Text) {159 this.setState({160 error: "Story3's Headline is required*"161 });162 } else if (!this.state.story3_Paragraph_Text) {163 this.setState({164 error: "Story3's Paragraph is required*"165 });166 } else {167 this.setState({168 error: ""169 });170 this.sendStoryInfo();171 }172 }173 };174 handleClose = () => {175 this.ErrorCheck();176 };177 handleCancel = () => {178 this.setState({179 open: false180 });181 };182 sendStoryInfo = () => {183 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_1") {184 let Story_1 = {185 story1_ImgSRC: this.state.story1_ImgSRC,186 story1_ImgAlt: this.state.story1_ImgAlt,187 story1_Link: this.state.story1_Link,188 story1_CTA: this.state.story1_CTA,189 story1_Headline_Text: this.state.story1_Headline_Text,190 story1_Paragraph_Text: this.state.story1_Paragraph_Text191 };192 this.props.retrieveStoryFormInput({ Story_1 });193 this.setState({194 open: false195 });196 }197 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_2") {198 let Story_2 = {199 story2_ImgSRC: this.state.story2_ImgSRC,200 story2_ImgAlt: this.state.story2_ImgAlt,201 story2_Link: this.state.story2_Link,202 story2_CTA: this.state.story2_CTA,203 story2_Headline_Text: this.state.story2_Headline_Text,204 story2_Paragraph_Text: this.state.story2_Paragraph_Text205 };206 this.props.retrieveStoryFormInput({ Story_2 });207 this.setState({208 open: false209 });210 }211 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_3") {212 let Story_3 = {213 story3_ImgSRC: this.state.story3_ImgSRC,214 story3_ImgAlt: this.state.story3_ImgAlt,215 story3_Link: this.state.story3_Link,216 story3_CTA: this.state.story3_CTA,217 story3_Headline_Text: this.state.story3_Headline_Text,218 story3_Paragraph_Text: this.state.story3_Paragraph_Text219 };220 this.props.retrieveStoryFormInput({ Story_3 });221 this.setState({222 open: false223 });224 }225 };226 handleChange = (name) => (event) => {227 this.setState({228 [name]: });230 };231 render() {232 let storyType = this.props.storyType;233 return (234 <div>235 <Button236 color="secondary"237 onClick={this.handleClickOpen}>238 <Visibility/​>239 </​Button>240 <Dialog241 open={}242 onClose={this.handleClose}243 aria-labelledby="form-dialog-title">244 <DialogTitle id="form-dialog-title">245 {this.props.storyType}246 </​DialogTitle>247 <DialogContent>248 <DialogContentText>249 <div>250 Please enter all of the information for {this.props.storyType}251 <br /​>252 <span className="error_text">{this.state.error}</​span>253 </​div>254 </​DialogContentText>255 <TextField256 autoFocus257 margin="dense"258 id="name"259 value={260 storyType === "Story_1"261 ? this.state.story1_ImgSRC262 : storyType === "Story_2"263 ? this.state.story2_ImgSRC264 : storyType === "Story_3"265 ? this.state.story3_ImgSRC266 : null267 }268 label={269 storyType === "Story_1"270 ? "Story1 Image SRC"271 : storyType === "Story_2"272 ? "Story2_Image SRC"273 : storyType === "Story_3"274 ? "Story3_Image SRC"275 : null276 }277 helperText={278 storyType === "Story_1"279 ? "Example : Story_Image_Platdform_Launch.jpg?$staticlink$"280 : storyType === "Story_2"281 ? "Example: Story_Image_Crocs_Cares_Traidsls.jpg?$staticlink$"282 : "Example : Story_Imwerage_Crocs_Mobile_Truck.jpg?$staticlink$"283 }284 type="image source"285 fullWidth286 onChange={287 storyType === "Story_1"288 ? this.handleChange("story1_ImgSRC")289 : storyType === "Story_2"290 ? this.handleChange("story2_ImgSRC")291 : storyType === "Story_3"292 ? this.handleChange("story3_ImgSRC")293 : null294 }295 /​>296 <TextField297 autoFocus298 margin="dense"299 id="alt"300 value={301 storyType === "Story_1"302 ? this.state.story1_ImgAlt303 : storyType === "Story_2"304 ? this.state.story2_ImgAlt305 : storyType === "Story_3"306 ? this.state.story3_ImgAlt307 : null308 }309 helperText={310 storyType === "Story_1"311 ? "Example : Crocband Platform Clog "312 : storyType === "Story_2"313 ? "Example : Crocs Cares"314 : "Example : Crocs Cares Mobile Store"315 }316 label={317 storyType === "Story_1"318 ? "Story1 Image Alt"319 : storyType === "Story_2"320 ? "Story2 Image Alt"321 : storyType === "Story_3"322 ? "Story3 Image Alt"323 : null324 }325 fullWidth326 onChange={327 storyType === "Story_1"328 ? this.handleChange("story1_ImgAlt")329 : storyType === "Story_2"330 ? this.handleChange("story2_ImgAlt")331 : storyType === "Story_3"332 ? this.handleChange("story3_ImgAlt")333 : null334 }335 /​>336 <TextField337 autoFocus338 margin="dense"339 helperText={340 storyType === "Story_1"341 ? "Example : $httpUrl('Page-Show','cid','crocs-launches-platform-clogs')$"342 : storyType === "Story_2"343 ? "Example : $httpUrl('Page-Show','cid','crocs-cares-rebuilding-trails-in-colorado')$"344 : "Example : $httpUrl('Page-Show','cid','crocs-mobile-store')$"345 }346 value={347 storyType === "Story_1"348 ? this.state.story1_Link349 : storyType === "Story_2"350 ? this.state.story2_Link351 : storyType === "Story_3"352 ? this.state.story3_Link353 : null354 }355 id="link"356 label={357 storyType === "Story_1"358 ? "Story1 Link"359 : storyType === "Story_2"360 ? "Story 2 Link"361 : storyType === "Story_3"362 ? "Story 3 Link"363 : null364 }365 fullWidth366 onChange={367 storyType === "Story_1"368 ? this.handleChange("story1_Link")369 : storyType === "Story_2"370 ? this.handleChange("story2_Link")371 : storyType === "Story_3"372 ? this.handleChange("story3_Link")373 : null374 }375 /​>376 <TextField377 autoFocus378 margin="dense"379 id="CTA"380 value={381 storyType === "Story_1"382 ? this.state.story1_CTA383 : storyType === "Story_2"384 ? this.state.story2_CTA385 : storyType === "Story_3"386 ? this.state.story3_CTA387 : null388 }389 helperText={"Read More"}390 label={391 storyType === "Story_1"392 ? "Story1 CTA"393 : storyType === "Story_2"394 ? "Story 2 CTA"395 : storyType === "Story_3"396 ? "Story 3 CTA"397 : null398 }399 fullWidth400 onChange={401 storyType === "Story_1"402 ? this.handleChange("story1_CTA")403 : storyType === "Story_2"404 ? this.handleChange("story2_CTA")405 : storyType === "Story_3"406 ? this.handleChange("story3_CTA")407 : null408 }409 /​>410 <TextField411 autoFocus412 margin="dense"413 id="headline"414 value={415 storyType === "Story_1"416 ? this.state.story1_Headline_Text417 : storyType === "Story_2"418 ? this.state.story2_Headline_Text419 : storyType === "Story_3"420 ? this.state.story3_Headline_Text421 : null422 }423 label={424 storyType === "Story_1"425 ? "Story1 Headline Text"426 : storyType === "Story_2"427 ? "Story 2 Headline Text"428 : storyType === "Story_3"429 ? "Story 3 Headline Text"430 : null431 }432 helperText={433 storyType === "Story_1"434 ? "Example : Crocs Launches Crocband™ Platform Clog"435 : storyType === "Story_2"436 ? "Example : Crocs Cares, Building Trails"437 : "Example : The Crocs Mobile Store"438 }439 fullWidth440 onChange={441 storyType === "Story_1"442 ? this.handleChange("story1_Headline_Text")443 : storyType === "Story_2"444 ? this.handleChange("story2_Headline_Text")445 : storyType === "Story_3"446 ? this.handleChange("story3_Headline_Text")447 : null448 }449 /​>450 <TextField451 autoFocus452 margin="dense"453 id="name"454 label={455 storyType === "Story_1"456 ? "Story1 Paragraph Text"457 : storyType === "Story_2"458 ? "Story 2 Paragraph Text"459 : storyType === "Story_3"460 ? "Story 3 Paragraph Text"461 : null462 }463 helperText={464 storyType === "Story_1"465 ? "Example : On August 1, 2018, Crocs launched the Crocband™ Platform Clog, an exciting new way for Crocs fans to elevate their style."466 : storyType === "Story_2"467 ? "Example : Volunteers from Crocs gathered at Heil Valley Ranch in Boulder County to assist in cutting new trails."468 : "Example : The Mobile Store travels within and outside Colorado to help everyone be comfortable in their own shoes, no matter their location."469 }470 value={471 storyType === "Story_1"472 ? this.state.story1_Paragraph_Text473 : storyType === "Story_2"474 ? this.state.story2_Paragraph_Text475 : storyType === "Story_3"476 ? this.state.story3_Paragraph_Text477 : null478 }479 fullWidth480 onChange={481 storyType === "Story_1"482 ? this.handleChange("story1_Paragraph_Text")483 : storyType === "Story_2"484 ? this.handleChange("story2_Paragraph_Text")485 : storyType === "Story_3"486 ? this.handleChange("story3_Paragraph_Text")487 : null488 }489 /​>490 </​DialogContent>491 <DialogActions>492 <Button onClick={this.handleCancel} color="primary">493 Cancel494 </​Button>495 <Button onClick={this.ErrorCheck} color="primary">496 Subscribe497 </​Button>498 </​DialogActions>499 </​Dialog>500 </​div>501 );502 }...

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Source: TwoStoryDialog.js Github


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1import React from "react";2import Button from "@material-ui/​core/​Button";3import TextField from "@material-ui/​core/​TextField";4import Dialog from "@material-ui/​core/​Dialog";5import DialogActions from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogActions";6import DialogContent from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogContent";7import DialogContentText from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogContentText";8import DialogTitle from "@material-ui/​core/​DialogTitle";9import Visibility from "@material-ui/​icons/​Visibility";10export default class TwoStoryDialog extends React.Component {11 constructor(props) {12 super(props);13 this.state = {14 open: false,15 error: "",16 story1_ImgSRC: "",17 story1_ImgAlt: "",18 story1_Link: "",19 story1_CTA: "",20 story1_Headline_Text: "",21 story1_Paragraph_Text: "",22 story2_ImgSRC: "",23 story2_ImgAlt: "",24 story2_Link: "",25 story2_CTA: "",26 story2_Headline_Text: "",27 story2_Paragraph_Text: ""28 };29 this.ErrorCheck = this.ErrorCheck.bind(this);30 this.sendStoryInfo = this.sendStoryInfo.bind(this);31 this.handleCancel = this.handleCancel.bind(this);32 }33 componentWillMount() {34 if (this.props.originalStory.length > 0) {35 const story1 = this.props.originalStory.filter(36 (story) => Object.keys(story)[0] === "Story_1"37 )[0].Story_1;38 const story2 = this.props.originalStory.filter(39 (story) => Object.keys(story)[0] === "Story_2"40 )[0].Story_2;41 this.setState({42 story1_ImgSRC: story1.story1_ImgSRC,43 story1_ImgAlt: story1.story1_ImgAlt,44 story1_Link: story1.story1_Link,45 story1_CTA: story1.story1_CTA,46 story1_Headline_Text: story1.story1_Headline_Text,47 story1_Paragraph_Text: story1.story1_Paragraph_Text,48 story2_ImgSRC: story2.story2_ImgSRC,49 story2_ImgAlt: story2.story2_ImgAlt,50 story2_Link: story2.story2_Link,51 story2_CTA: story2.story2_CTA,52 story2_Headline_Text: story2.story2_Headline_Text,53 story2_Paragraph_Text: story2.story2_Paragraph_Text54 });55 }56 }57 handleClickOpen = () => {58 this.setState({ open: true });59 };60 ErrorCheck = () => {61 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_1") {62 if (!this.state.story1_ImgSRC) {63 this.setState({64 error: "Story1's Img SRC is required*"65 });66 console.log(this.state.error, "ERROR");67 } else if (!this.state.story1_ImgAlt) {68 this.setState({69 error: "Story1's Img Alt Tag Text is required*"70 });71 } else if (!this.state.story1_Link) {72 this.setState({73 error: "Story1's Link is required*"74 });75 } else if (!this.state.story1_CTA) {76 this.setState({77 error: "Story1's CTA is required*"78 });79 } else if (!this.state.story1_Headline_Text) {80 this.setState({81 error: "Story1's Headline is required*"82 });83 } else if (!this.state.story1_Paragraph_Text) {84 this.setState({85 error: "Story1's Paragraph is required*"86 });87 } else {88 this.setState({89 error: ""90 });91 this.sendStoryInfo();92 }93 }94 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_2") {95 if (!this.state.story2_ImgSRC) {96 this.setState({97 error: "Story2's Img SRC is required*"98 });99 } else if (!this.state.story2_ImgAlt) {100 this.setState({101 error: "Story2's Img Alt Tag Text is required*"102 });103 } else if (!this.state.story2_Link) {104 this.setState({105 error: "Story2's Link is required*"106 });107 } else if (!this.state.story2_CTA) {108 this.setState({109 error: "Story2's CTA is required*"110 });111 } else if (!this.state.story2_Headline_Text) {112 this.setState({113 error: "Story2's Headline is required*"114 });115 } else if (!this.state.story2_Paragraph_Text) {116 this.setState({117 error: "Story2's Paragraph is required*"118 });119 } else {120 this.setState({121 error: ""122 });123 this.sendStoryInfo();124 }125 }126 };127 handleClose = () => {128 this.ErrorCheck();129 };130 handleCancel = () => {131 this.setState({132 open: false133 });134 };135 sendStoryInfo = () => {136 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_1") {137 let Story_1 = {138 story1_ImgSRC: this.state.story1_ImgSRC,139 story1_ImgAlt: this.state.story1_ImgAlt,140 story1_Link: this.state.story1_Link,141 story1_CTA: this.state.story1_CTA,142 story1_Headline_Text: this.state.story1_Headline_Text,143 story1_Paragraph_Text: this.state.story1_Paragraph_Text144 };145 this.props.retrieveStoryFormInput({ Story_1 });146 this.setState({147 open: false148 });149 }150 if (this.props.storyType === "Story_2") {151 let Story_2 = {152 story2_ImgSRC: this.state.story2_ImgSRC,153 story2_ImgAlt: this.state.story2_ImgAlt,154 story2_Link: this.state.story2_Link,155 story2_CTA: this.state.story2_CTA,156 story2_Headline_Text: this.state.story2_Headline_Text,157 story2_Paragraph_Text: this.state.story2_Paragraph_Text158 };159 this.props.retrieveStoryFormInput({ Story_2 });160 this.setState({161 open: false162 });163 }164 };165 handleChange = (name) => (event) => {166 this.setState({167 [name]: });169 };170 render() {171 let storyType = this.props.storyType;172 return (173 <div>174 <Button175 color="secondary"176 onClick={this.handleClickOpen}>177 <Visibility/​>178 </​Button>179 <Dialog180 open={}181 onClose={this.handleClose}182 aria-labelledby="form-dialog-title">183 <DialogTitle id="form-dialog-title">184 {this.props.storyType}185 </​DialogTitle>186 <DialogContent>187 <DialogContentText>188 <div>189 Please enter all of the information for {this.props.storyType}190 <br /​>191 <span className="error_text">{this.state.error}</​span>192 </​div>193 </​DialogContentText>194 <TextField195 autoFocus196 margin="dense"197 id="name"198 value={199 storyType === "Story_1"200 ? this.state.story1_ImgSRC201 : storyType === "Story_2"202 ? this.state.story2_ImgSRC203 : null204 }205 label={206 storyType === "Story_1"207 ? "Story1 Image SRC"208 : storyType === "Story_2"209 ? "Story2_Image SRC"210 : null211 }212 helperText={213 storyType === "Story_1"214 ? "Example : 205473_4S3_Reviva_Flip_W_SS19_OF_OL_Woani_0250.png?$staticlink$ "215 : "HeroYellowimage.png?$staticlink$"216 }217 type="image source"218 fullWidth219 onChange={220 storyType === "Story_1"221 ? this.handleChange("story1_ImgSRC")222 : storyType === "Story_2"223 ? this.handleChange("story2_ImgSRC")224 : null225 }226 /​>227 <TextField228 autoFocus229 margin="dense"230 id="alt"231 value={232 storyType === "Story_1"233 ? this.state.story1_ImgAlt234 : storyType === "Story_2"235 ? this.state.story2_ImgAlt236 : null237 }238 helperText={239 storyType === "Story_1"240 ? "Example : Reviva™ "241 : "Example : Our Favorite Destinations to Travel with Crocs"242 }243 label={244 storyType === "Story_1"245 ? "Story1 Image Alt"246 : storyType === "Story_2"247 ? "Story2 Image Alt"248 : null249 }250 fullWidth251 onChange={252 storyType === "Story_1"253 ? this.handleChange("story1_ImgAlt")254 : storyType === "Story_2"255 ? this.handleChange("story2_ImgAlt")256 : null257 }258 /​>259 <TextField260 autoFocus261 margin="dense"262 helperText={263 storyType === "Story_1"264 ? "Example : $httpUrl('Page-Show','cid','reviva')$"265 : "Example : $httpUrl('Page-Show','cid','best-destinations-to-travel')$"266 }267 value={268 storyType === "Story_1"269 ? this.state.story1_Link270 : storyType === "Story_2"271 ? this.state.story2_Link272 : null273 }274 id="link"275 label={276 storyType === "Story_1"277 ? "Story1 Link"278 : storyType === "Story_2"279 ? "Story 2 Link"280 : null281 }282 fullWidth283 onChange={284 storyType === "Story_1"285 ? this.handleChange("story1_Link")286 : storyType === "Story_2"287 ? this.handleChange("story2_Link")288 : null289 }290 /​>291 <TextField292 autoFocus293 margin="dense"294 id="CTA"295 value={296 storyType === "Story_1"297 ? this.state.story1_CTA298 : storyType === "Story_2"299 ? this.state.story2_CTA300 : null301 }302 label={303 storyType === "Story_1"304 ? "Story1 CTA"305 : storyType === "Story_2"306 ? "Story 2 CTA"307 : null308 }309 fullWidth310 onChange={311 storyType === "Story_1"312 ? this.handleChange("story1_CTA")313 : storyType === "Story_2"314 ? this.handleChange("story2_CTA")315 : null316 }317 /​>318 <TextField319 autoFocus320 margin="dense"321 id="headline"322 value={323 storyType === "Story_1"324 ? this.state.story1_Headline_Text325 : storyType === "Story_2"326 ? this.state.story2_Headline_Text327 : null328 }329 label={330 storyType === "Story_1"331 ? "Story1 Headline Text"332 : storyType === "Story_2"333 ? "Story 2 Headline Text"334 : null335 }336 helperText={337 storyType === "Story_1"338 ? "Example : Introducing Reviva™ by Crocs"339 : "Example : Our Favorite Destinations to Travel with Crocs"340 }341 fullWidth342 onChange={343 storyType === "Story_1"344 ? this.handleChange("story1_Headline_Text")345 : storyType === "Story_2"346 ? this.handleChange("story2_Headline_Text")347 : null348 }349 /​>350 <TextField351 autoFocus352 margin="dense"353 id="name"354 label={355 storyType === "Story_1"356 ? "Story1 Paragraph Text"357 : storyType === "Story_2"358 ? "Story 2 Paragraph Text"359 : null360 }361 helperText={362 storyType === "Story_1"363 ? "Example : Engineered to add a little bounce to your day, the all-new Crocs Reviva™ Collection features bliss-inducing bubbles that massage and comfort while you’re on the go."364 : "Example : An inspiring look at the places Crocs employees are visiting and the styles they’re packing to maximize the adventure."365 }366 value={367 storyType === "Story_1"368 ? this.state.story1_Paragraph_Text369 : storyType === "Story_2"370 ? this.state.story2_Paragraph_Text371 : null372 }373 fullWidth374 onChange={375 storyType === "Story_1"376 ? this.handleChange("story1_Paragraph_Text")377 : storyType === "Story_2"378 ? this.handleChange("story2_Paragraph_Text")379 : null380 }381 /​>382 </​DialogContent>383 <DialogActions>384 <Button onClick={this.handleCancel} color="primary">385 Cancel386 </​Button>387 <Button onClick={this.ErrorCheck} color="primary">388 Subscribe389 </​Button>390 </​DialogActions>391 </​Dialog>392 </​div>393 );394 }...

Full Screen

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Source: Two_StoriesPreview.js Github


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1import React, { Component } from "react";2class Two_StoriesPreview extends Component {3 render() {4 let Story1 = this.props.modulePreview.stories.filter(5 (story) => Object.keys(story)[0] === "Story_1"6 )[0].Story_1;7 let Story2 = this.props.modulePreview.stories.filter(8 (story) => Object.keys(story)[0] === "Story_2"9 )[0].Story_2;10 const Story1_IMG =11 "http:/​/​​on/​demandware.static/​-/​Sites-crocs_us-Library/​default/​" +12 Story1.story1_ImgSRC.replace("?$staticlink$", "");13 const Story2_IMG =14 "http:/​/​​on/​demandware.static/​-/​Sites-crocs_us-Library/​default/​" +15 Story2.story2_ImgSRC.replace("?$staticlink$", "");16 return (17 <div className="module_margin">18 <div className="story1 col-xs-12 col-md-6 flex_box_column">19 <a href={Story1.story1_Link}>20 <img21 className="img-responsive"22 alt={Story1.story1_ImgAlt}23 src={Story1_IMG}24 /​>25 </​a>26 <div className="story_text">27 <h328 className="cx-heavy-brand-font text-left"29 style={{ fontSize: "20px" }}>30 {Story1.story1_Headline_Text}31 </​h3>32 <p className="cx-brand-font text-left paragraph_text">33 {Story1.story1_Paragraph_Text}34 </​p>35 <div className="text-left">36 <a href={Story1.story1_Link} className="cta_text cx-brand-font ">37 {Story1.story1_CTA}38 </​a>39 </​div>40 </​div>41 </​div>42 <div className="story2 col-xs-12 col-md-6 flex_box_column">43 <a href={Story2.story2_Link}>44 <img45 className="img-responsive"46 alt={Story2.story2_ImgAlt}47 src={Story2_IMG}48 /​>49 </​a>50 <div className="story_text">51 <h352 className="cx-heavy-brand-font text-left"53 style={{ fontSize: "20px" }}>54 {Story2.story2_Headline_Text}55 </​h3>56 <p className="cx-brand-font text-left paragraph_text">57 {Story2.story2_Paragraph_Text}58 </​p>59 <div className="text-left">60 <a href={Story2.story2_Link} className="cta_text cx-brand-font ">61 {Story2.story2_CTA}62 </​a>63 </​div>64 </​div>65 </​div>66 </​div>67 );68 }69}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Story1 } from 'storybook-root';2import { Story2 } from 'storybook-root';3import { Story3 } from 'storybook-root';4import { Story4 } from 'storybook-root';5import { Story5 } from 'storybook-root';6import { Story6 } from 'storybook-root';7import { Story7 } from 'storybook-root';8import { Story8 } from 'storybook-root';9import { Story9 } from 'storybook-root';10import { Story10 } from 'storybook-root';11import { Story11 } from 'storybook-root';12import { Story12 } from 'storybook-root';13import { Story13 } from 'storybook-root';14import { Story14 } from 'storybook-root';15import { Story15 } from 'storybook-root';16import { Story16 } from 'storybook-root';17import { Story17 } from 'storybook-root';18import { Story18 } from 'storybook-root';19import { Story19 } from 'storybook-root';20import { Story20 } from 'storybook-root';21import { Story21 } from 'storybook-root';22import { Story22 } from 'storybook-root';23import { Story23 } from 'storybook-root';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Story1 from 'storybook-root/​Story1'2import Story2 from 'storybook-root/​Story2'3import Story1 from 'storybook-root/​Story1'4import Story3 from 'storybook-root/​Story3'5import Story1 from 'storybook-root/​Story1'6import Story2 from 'storybook-root/​Story2'7import Story1 from 'storybook-root/​Story1'8import Story3 from 'storybook-root/​Story3'9import Story2 from 'storybook-root/​Story2'10import Story3 from 'storybook-root/​Story3'11resolve: {12 alias: {13 'storybook-root': path.resolve(__dirname, '../​')14 }15 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybook = require('storybook-root');2const story = storybook.Story1;3const storybook = require('storybook-root');4const story = storybook.Story2;5const storybook = require('storybook-root');6const story = storybook.Story3;7const storybook = require('storybook-root');8const story = storybook.Story4;9const storybook = require('storybook-root');10const story = storybook.Story5;11const storybook = require('storybook-root');12const story = storybook.Story6;13const storybook = require('storybook-root');14const story = storybook.Story7;15const storybook = require('storybook-root');16const story = storybook.Story8;17const storybook = require('storybook-root');18const story = storybook.Story9;19const storybook = require('storybook-root');20const story = storybook.Story10;21const storybook = require('storybook-root');22const story = storybook.Story11;23const storybook = require('storybook-root');24const story = storybook.Story12;25const storybook = require('storybook-root');26const story = storybook.Story13;27const storybook = require('storybook-root');28const story = storybook.Story14;29const storybook = require('storybook-root');30const story = storybook.Story15;31const storybook = require('storybook-root');32const story = storybook.Story16;33const storybook = require('storybook-root');34const story = storybook.Story17;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const story = new StorybookRoot.Story1();3story.doSomething();4const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');5const story = new StorybookRoot.Story2();6story.doSomething();7const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');8const story = new StorybookRoot.Story3();9story.doSomething();10const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');11const story = new StorybookRoot.Story4();12story.doSomething();13const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14const story = new StorybookRoot.Story5();15story.doSomething();16const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');17const story = new StorybookRoot.Story6();18story.doSomething();19const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');20const story = new StorybookRoot.Story7();21story.doSomething();22const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');23const story = new StorybookRoot.Story8();24story.doSomething();25const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');26const story = new StorybookRoot.Story9();27story.doSomething();28const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');29const story = new StorybookRoot.Story10();30story.doSomething();31const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');32const story = new StorybookRoot.Story11();33story.doSomething();34const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Story1 from 'storybook-root/​Story1'2const App = () => <Story1 /​>3import React from 'react'4const Story1 = () => <div>Story1</​div>5import React from 'react'6const Story2 = () => <div>Story2</​div>7import React from 'react'8const Story3 = () => <div>Story3</​div>9import React from 'react';10import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/​react';11import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';12import App from '../​src/​App';13storiesOf('App', module)14 .add('default', () => (15 ));16"dependencies": {17},18"devDependencies": {19}20import { configure } from '@storybook

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In 2007, Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone, which revolutionized the world. But because of that, many businesses dealt with the problem of changing the layout of websites from desktop to mobile by delivering completely different mobile-compatible websites under the subdomain of ‘m’ (e.g., And we were all trying to figure out how to work in this new world of contending with mobile and desktop screen sizes.

How To Use driver.FindElement And driver.FindElements In Selenium C#

One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.

How To Refresh Page Using Selenium C# [Complete Tutorial]

When working on web automation with Selenium, I encountered scenarios where I needed to refresh pages from time to time. When does this happen? One scenario is that I needed to refresh the page to check that the data I expected to see was still available even after refreshing. Another possibility is to clear form data without going through each input individually.

Testing in Production: A Detailed Guide

When most firms employed a waterfall development model, it was widely joked about in the industry that Google kept its products in beta forever. Google has been a pioneer in making the case for in-production testing. Traditionally, before a build could go live, a tester was responsible for testing all scenarios, both defined and extempore, in a testing environment. However, this concept is evolving on multiple fronts today. For example, the tester is no longer testing alone. Developers, designers, build engineers, other stakeholders, and end users, both inside and outside the product team, are testing the product and providing feedback.

Different Ways To Style CSS Box Shadow Effects

Have you ever visited a website that only has plain text and images? Most probably, no. It’s because such websites do not exist now. But there was a time when websites only had plain text and images with almost no styling. For the longest time, websites did not focus on user experience. For instance, this is how eBay’s homepage looked in 1999.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.

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