Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
Source: socket.routes.js
1module.exports = connectSockets2const boxMap = {};3function createBoxStatus() {4 return {5 msgs: [],6 connectedUsers: [],7 currSong: {8 id: null,9 isPlaying: false,10 secPlayed: 0,11 },12 }13}14function connectSockets(io) {15 io.on('connection', socket => {16 var currUser;17 socket.on('join box', (boxInfo) => {18 currUser = boxInfo.user;19 console.log('join box')20 if (socket.myBox) {21 if (socket.myBox === boxInfo.boxId) return;22 leaveBox(socket, io, currUser);23 }24 socket.myBox = boxInfo.boxId;25 socket.join(socket.myBox);26 const boxStatus = getBoxStatus(socket.myBox);27 socket.emit('got box status', boxStatus);28 boxMap[socket.myBox].connectedUsers.push(boxInfo.user);29'joined new box', boxStatus.connectedUsers);30 })31 socket.on('disconnect', () => {32 console.log('disconnect')33 // THIS LINE FOR DEV PURPOSES:34 if (!socket.myBox) return;35 leaveBox(socket, io, currUser)36 })37 // BOX SOCKETS ***********************************38 socket.on('set currBox', box => {39 console.log('set currBox')40 if (!socket.myBox) return;41'box changed', box);42 })43 socket.on('get active boxes', () => {44 console.log('get active boxes');45 if (!socket.myBox) return;46 const activeBoxes = getActiveBoxes();47 socket.emit('got active boxes', activeBoxes);48 })49 // PLAYER SOCKETS ***********************************50 socket.on('update backend currSong', currSong => {51 if (!socket.myBox) return;52 boxMap[socket.myBox].currSong = currSong;53 })54 socket.on('set currSong', currSong => {55 console.log('set currSong');56 if (!socket.myBox) return;57 boxMap[socket.myBox].currSong = currSong;58'got player update', currSong);59 })60 socket.on('sync song time', () => {61 console.log('sync song time');62 if (!socket.myBox) return;63 socket.emit('got seek update', boxMap[socket.myBox].currSong.secPlayed);64 })65 socket.on('update player seek', secPlayed => {66 console.log('update player seek')67 if (!socket.myBox) return;68'got seek update', secPlayed);69 })70 // CHAT SOCKETS **************************************71 socket.on('chat newMsg', msg => {72 console.log('chat newMsg')73 if (!socket.myBox) return;74 boxMap[socket.myBox].msgs.push(msg);75'chat addMsg', msg);76 })77 socket.on('chat typing', typingStr => {78 console.log('chat typing')79 if (!socket.myBox) return;80'chat showTyping', typingStr)81 })82 })83}84function leaveBox(socket, io, currUser) {85 const newConnectedUsers = boxMap[socket.myBox].connectedUsers.filter(user => !== boxMap[socket.myBox].connectedUsers = newConnectedUsers;87 if (boxMap[socket.myBox].connectedUsers.length === 0) boxMap[socket.myBox] = null;88 else'joined new box', newConnectedUsers);89 socket.leave(socket.myBox);90}91function getBoxStatus(boxId) {92 if (!boxMap[boxId]) boxMap[boxId] = createBoxStatus();93 return boxMap[boxId];94}95function getActiveBoxes() {96 const activeBoxes = [];97 for (const box in boxMap) {98 if (!boxMap[box]) continue;99 activeBoxes.push({ boxId: box, userCount: boxMap[box].connectedUsers.length })100 }101 return activeBoxes;...
Source: CheckBox.js
1/** 2 * LMS JavaScript Framework3 * 4 * @version $Id: CheckBox.js 52 2009-09-20 21:27:13Z macondos $5 * @copyright 20086 * @author Ilya Spesivtsev <>7 * 8 */9 10 /**11 * ÐавиÑимоÑÑи12 * @requires LMS.Widgets.Generic13 */14JSAN.require('LMS.Widgets.Generic');15/**16 * "Флажок" на базе HTML-ÑлеменÑа <INPUT type=checkbox> 17 * @class18 * @augments LMS.Widgets.Generic19 */20LMS.Widgets.CheckBox = Class.create(LMS.Widgets.Generic, {21 initialize: function($super) 22 {23 $super();24 this._decorators['forms'] = this.decoratorInitFormElement;25 },26 decoratorInitFormElement : function()27 {28 var self = this;29 this.wrapperElement.onclick = function () {30 self.setValue(this.checked);31 }32 },33 onCreateElement: function() { 34 this.wrapperElement = new Element("INPUT", {35 'id' : this.DOMId,36 'type' : 'checkbox',37 'checked' : this.value38 });39 40 this.applyDecorators();41 42 return this.wrapperElement;43 },44 setValue: function(value) {45 if (Object.isString(value)) {46 value = parseInt(value);47 }48 value = new Boolean(value).valueOf()49 if (this.value != value) {50 this.value = value;51 if (this.wrapperElement){52 this.wrapperElement.checked = value;53 }54 this.emit('valueChanged', this.value, this);55 }56 },57 setReadOnly: function(readOnly){58 var enabled = this.enabled;59 this.readOnly = readOnly;60 this.setEnabled(enabled && !readOnly);61 this.enabled = enabled;62 },63 setEnabled: function($super, enabled){64 $super(enabled && !this.readOnly)65 this.enabled = enabled;66 }67});68/**69 * @test setUp70 * window.myBox = new LMS.Widgets.CheckBox();71 * myBox.setDOMId("test");72 * myBox.paint();73 */74/**75 * @test test1Paint76 * window.myBox = new LMS.Widgets.CheckBox();77 * myBox.setDOMId("test");78 * 79 * window.setChange = function()80 * {81 * onChangePassed = true;82 * }83 * var onChangePassed = false;84 * LMS.Connector.connect(myBox, 'valueChanged', window, 'setChange');85 * assertTrue('Painting', myBox.paint());86 * assertEquals("check DOMId", myBox.DOMId, "test");87 * 88 * myBox.setTitle('Title title title');89 * 90 * myBox.setValue(0);91 * assertFalse("check value", myBox.getValue());92 * myBox.setValue(1);93 * assertTrue("check value", myBox.getValue());94 * 95 * myBox.setValue(false);96 * assertFalse("check value", myBox.getValue());97 * myBox.setValue(true);98 * assertTrue("check value", myBox.getValue());99 * 100 * myBox.setValue('0');101 * assertFalse("check value", myBox.getValue());102 * myBox.setValue('1');103 * assertTrue("check value", myBox.getValue());104 * 105 * assertTrue('OnChage Test', onChangePassed);106 */107/**108 * @test test2Hide109 * window.myBox.setVisible(false);110 * assertFalse('Hide Test', window.myBox.isVisible());111 */112 113/**114 * @test test3Show115 * window.myBox.setVisible(true);116 * assertTrue('Show Test', window.myBox.isVisible());117 */118 119 /**120 * @test test4Disable121 * window.myBox.setEnabled(false);122 * assertFalse('Disable Test', window.myBox.isEnabled());123 */124 125/**126 * @test test5Enable127 * window.myBox.setEnabled(true);128 * assertTrue('Enable Test', window.myBox.isEnabled());129 */ 130 131 /**132 * @test test6SetReadOnly133 * window.myBox.setReadOnly(true);134 * assertTrue('Set Read only Test', window.myBox.isReadOnly());135 */136 137/**138 * @test test7UnsetReadOnly139 * window.myBox.setReadOnly(false);140 * assertFalse('Unset Read only Test', window.myBox.isReadOnly());...
Source: app.component.ts
1import { Component } from '@angular/core';2@Component({3 selector: 'app-root',4 templateUrl: './app.component.html',5 styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']6})7export class AppComponent {8 title = 'TicTacToe';9 num:number=010 numplayer():number{11 if (this.num%2==0)12 this.num=113 else14 this.num=215 return this.num16 }17 winner:boolean=false18 turn:string=`Player ${this.numplayer()} turn`19 selectbox(n:number):void{20 const mybox=document.getElementsByClassName("box")21 if(mybox[n-1].innerHTML.length==0&&!this.winner){22 if(this.num%2!=0)23 mybox[n-1].innerHTML="X"24 else25 mybox[n-1].innerHTML="O"26 this.turn=`Player ${this.numplayer()} turn`27 }28 }29 winning():void{30 const mybox=document.getElementsByClassName("box")31 var checkwin:boolean=false32 for(let i=0;i<mybox.length;i++)33 if(mybox[i].innerHTML!="")34 checkwin=true35 else{36 checkwin=false37 break38 }39 if(mybox[0].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[1].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[2].innerHTML=="X"){40 this.turn="Player 1 Win"41 this.winner=true42 }43 else if(mybox[3].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[5].innerHTML=="X")44 {45 this.turn="Player 1 Win"46 this.winner=true47 }48 else if(mybox[6].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[7].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[8].innerHTML=="X")49 {50 this.turn="Player 1 Win"51 this.winner=true52 }53 else if(mybox[0].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[3].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[6].innerHTML=="X")54 {55 this.turn="Player 1 Win"56 this.winner=true57 }58 else if(mybox[1].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[7].innerHTML=="X")59 {60 this.turn="Player 1 Win"61 this.winner=true62 }63 else if(mybox[2].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[5].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[8].innerHTML=="X")64 {65 this.turn="Player 1 Win"66 this.winner=true67 }68 else if(mybox[0].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[8].innerHTML=="X")69 {70 this.turn="Player 1 Win"71 this.winner=true72 }73 else if(mybox[2].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="X"&&mybox[6].innerHTML=="X")74 {75 this.turn="Player 1 Win"76 this.winner=true77 }//X78 if(mybox[0].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[1].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[2].innerHTML=="O"){79 this.turn="Player 2 Win"80 this.winner=true81 }82 else if(mybox[3].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[5].innerHTML=="O")83 {84 this.turn="Player 2 Win"85 this.winner=true86 }87 else if(mybox[6].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[7].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[8].innerHTML=="O")88 {89 this.turn="Player 2 Win"90 this.winner=true91 }92 else if(mybox[0].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[3].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[6].innerHTML=="O")93 {94 this.turn="Player 2 Win"95 this.winner=true96 }97 else if(mybox[1].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[7].innerHTML=="O")98 {99 this.turn="Player 2 Win"100 this.winner=true101 }102 else if(mybox[2].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[5].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[8].innerHTML=="O")103 {104 this.turn="Player 2 Win"105 this.winner=true106 }107 else if(mybox[0].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[8].innerHTML=="O")108 {109 this.turn="Player 2 Win"110 this.winner=true111 }112 else if(mybox[2].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[4].innerHTML=="O"&&mybox[6].innerHTML=="O")113 {114 this.turn="Player 2 Win"115 this.winner=true116 }//O117 else if(checkwin)118 this.turn="Draw"119 }120 restart():void{121 this.num=0122 this.turn=`Player ${this.numplayer()} turn`123 const mybox=document.getElementsByClassName("box")124 for(let i=0;i<mybox.length;i++)125 mybox[i].innerHTML=""126 this.winner=false127 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const MyBox = require('storybook-root').MyBox;2const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src').MyBox;3const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components').MyBox;4const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components/MyBox').MyBox;5const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components/MyBox/MyBox').MyBox;6const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components/MyBox/MyBox.js').MyBox;7const MyBox = require('storybook-root');8const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src');9const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components');10const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components/MyBox');11const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components/MyBox/MyBox');12const MyBox = require('storybook-root/src/components/MyBox/MyBox.js');13const MyBox = require('../../../../test.js').MyBox;14const MyBox = require('../../../../test.js');15const MyBox = require('test.js').MyBox;16const MyBox = require('test.js');
Using AI Code Generation
1import MyBox from 'storybook-root';2import MyBox from './MyBox';3export default MyBox;4export default () => <div>My Box</div>;5{6}7{8 "dependencies": {9 }10}
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MyBox } from 'storybook-root';2import MyBox from './components/MyBox';3export { MyBox };4import React from 'react';5const MyBox = ({ children }) => {6 return (7 style={{8 }}9 {children}10 );11};12export default MyBox;
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In 2007, Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone, which revolutionized the world. But because of that, many businesses dealt with the problem of changing the layout of websites from desktop to mobile by delivering completely different mobile-compatible websites under the subdomain of ‘m’ (e.g., And we were all trying to figure out how to work in this new world of contending with mobile and desktop screen sizes.
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Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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