How to use Logging method in storybook-root

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Source: LoggingPane.js Github


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1/​***2MochiKit.LoggingPane 1.43See <http:/​/​​> for documentation, downloads, license, etc.4(c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights Reserved.5***/​6MochiKit.Base._deps('LoggingPane', ['Base', 'Logging']);7MochiKit.LoggingPane.NAME = "MochiKit.LoggingPane";8MochiKit.LoggingPane.VERSION = "1.4";9MochiKit.LoggingPane.__repr__ = function () {10 return "[" + this.NAME + " " + this.VERSION + "]";11};12MochiKit.LoggingPane.toString = function () {13 return this.__repr__();14};15/​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.createLoggingPane */​16MochiKit.LoggingPane.createLoggingPane = function (inline/​* = false */​) {17 var m = MochiKit.LoggingPane;18 inline = !(!inline);19 if (m._loggingPane && m._loggingPane.inline != inline) {20 m._loggingPane.closePane();21 m._loggingPane = null;22 }23 if (!m._loggingPane || m._loggingPane.closed) {24 m._loggingPane = new m.LoggingPane(inline, MochiKit.Logging.logger);25 }26 return m._loggingPane;27};28/​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.LoggingPane */​29MochiKit.LoggingPane.LoggingPane = function (inline/​* = false */​, logger/​* = MochiKit.Logging.logger */​) {30 /​* Use a div if inline, pop up a window if not */​31 /​* Create the elements */​32 if (typeof(logger) == "undefined" || logger === null) {33 logger = MochiKit.Logging.logger;34 }35 this.logger = logger;36 var update = MochiKit.Base.update;37 var updatetree = MochiKit.Base.updatetree;38 var bind = MochiKit.Base.bind;39 var clone = MochiKit.Base.clone;40 var win = window;41 var uid = "_MochiKit_LoggingPane";42 if (typeof(MochiKit.DOM) != "undefined") {43 win = MochiKit.DOM.currentWindow();44 }45 if (!inline) {46 /​/​ name the popup with the base URL for uniqueness47 var url = win.location.href.split("?")[0].replace(/​[#:\/​.><&-]/​g, "_");48 var name = uid + "_" + url;49 var nwin ="", name, "dependent,resizable,height=200");50 if (!nwin) {51 alert("Not able to open debugging window due to pop-up blocking.");52 return undefined;53 }54 nwin.document.write(55 '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/​/​W3C/​/​DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/​/​EN" '56 + '"http:/​/​​TR/​html4/​loose.dtd">'57 + '<html><head><title>[MochiKit.LoggingPane]</​title></​head>'58 + '<body></​body></​html>'59 );60 nwin.document.close();61 nwin.document.title += ' ' + win.document.title;62 win = nwin;63 }64 var doc = win.document;65 this.doc = doc;66 /​/​ Connect to the debug pane if it already exists (i.e. in a window orphaned by the page being refreshed)67 var debugPane = doc.getElementById(uid);68 var existing_pane = !!debugPane;69 if (debugPane && typeof(debugPane.loggingPane) != "undefined") {70 debugPane.loggingPane.logger = this.logger;71 debugPane.loggingPane.buildAndApplyFilter();72 return debugPane.loggingPane;73 }74 if (existing_pane) {75 /​/​ clear any existing contents76 var child;77 while ((child = debugPane.firstChild)) {78 debugPane.removeChild(child);79 }80 } else {81 debugPane = doc.createElement("div");82 = uid;83 }84 debugPane.loggingPane = this;85 var levelFilterField = doc.createElement("input");86 var infoFilterField = doc.createElement("input");87 var filterButton = doc.createElement("button");88 var loadButton = doc.createElement("button");89 var clearButton = doc.createElement("button");90 var closeButton = doc.createElement("button");91 var logPaneArea = doc.createElement("div");92 var logPane = doc.createElement("div");93 /​* Set up the functions */​94 var listenerId = uid + "_Listener";95 this.colorTable = clone(this.colorTable);96 var messages = [];97 var messageFilter = null;98 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.messageLevel */​99 var messageLevel = function (msg) {100 var level = msg.level;101 if (typeof(level) == "number") {102 level = MochiKit.Logging.LogLevel[level];103 }104 return level;105 };106 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.messageText */​107 var messageText = function (msg) {108 return" ");109 };110 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.addMessageText */​111 var addMessageText = bind(function (msg) {112 var level = messageLevel(msg);113 var text = messageText(msg);114 var c = this.colorTable[level];115 var p = doc.createElement("span");116 p.className = "MochiKit-LogMessage MochiKit-LogLevel-" + level;117 = "margin: 0px; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: pre-line; word-wrap: break-word; wrap-option: emergency; color: " + c;118 p.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(level + ": " + text));119 logPane.appendChild(p);120 logPane.appendChild(doc.createElement("br"));121 if (logPaneArea.offsetHeight > logPaneArea.scrollHeight) {122 logPaneArea.scrollTop = 0;123 } else {124 logPaneArea.scrollTop = logPaneArea.scrollHeight;125 }126 }, this);127 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.addMessage */​128 var addMessage = function (msg) {129 messages[messages.length] = msg;130 addMessageText(msg);131 };132 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.buildMessageFilter */​133 var buildMessageFilter = function () {134 var levelre, infore;135 try {136 /​* Catch any exceptions that might arise due to invalid regexes */​137 levelre = new RegExp(levelFilterField.value);138 infore = new RegExp(infoFilterField.value);139 } catch(e) {140 /​* If there was an error with the regexes, do no filtering */​141 logDebug("Error in filter regex: " + e.message);142 return null;143 }144 return function (msg) {145 return (146 levelre.test(messageLevel(msg)) &&147 infore.test(messageText(msg))148 );149 };150 };151 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.clearMessagePane */​152 var clearMessagePane = function () {153 while (logPane.firstChild) {154 logPane.removeChild(logPane.firstChild);155 }156 };157 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.clearMessages */​158 var clearMessages = function () {159 messages = [];160 clearMessagePane();161 };162 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.closePane */​163 var closePane = bind(function () {164 if (this.closed) {165 return;166 }167 this.closed = true;168 if (MochiKit.LoggingPane._loggingPane == this) {169 MochiKit.LoggingPane._loggingPane = null;170 }171 this.logger.removeListener(listenerId);172 try {173 try {174 debugPane.loggingPane = null;175 } catch(e) { logFatal("Bookmarklet was closed incorrectly."); }176 if (inline) {177 debugPane.parentNode.removeChild(debugPane);178 } else {179;180 }181 } catch(e) {}182 }, this);183 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.filterMessages */​184 var filterMessages = function () {185 clearMessagePane();186 for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {187 var msg = messages[i];188 if (messageFilter === null || messageFilter(msg)) {189 addMessageText(msg);190 }191 }192 };193 this.buildAndApplyFilter = function () {194 messageFilter = buildMessageFilter();195 filterMessages();196 this.logger.removeListener(listenerId);197 this.logger.addListener(listenerId, messageFilter, addMessage);198 };199 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.loadMessages */​200 var loadMessages = bind(function () {201 messages = this.logger.getMessages();202 filterMessages();203 }, this);204 /​** @id MochiKit.LoggingPane.filterOnEnter */​205 var filterOnEnter = bind(function (event) {206 event = event || window.event;207 key = event.which || event.keyCode;208 if (key == 13) {209 this.buildAndApplyFilter();210 }211 }, this);212 /​* Create the debug pane */​213 var style = "display: block; z-index: 1000; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; position: fixed; width: 100%; background-color: white; font: " + this.logFont;214 if (inline) {215 style += "; height: 10em; border-top: 2px solid black";216 } else {217 style += "; height: 100%;";218 }219 = style;220 if (!existing_pane) {221 doc.body.appendChild(debugPane);222 }223 /​* Create the filter fields */​224 style = {"cssText": "width: 33%; display: inline; font: " + this.logFont};225 updatetree(levelFilterField, {226 "value": "FATAL|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG",227 "onkeypress": filterOnEnter,228 "style": style229 });230 debugPane.appendChild(levelFilterField);231 updatetree(infoFilterField, {232 "value": ".*",233 "onkeypress": filterOnEnter,234 "style": style235 });236 debugPane.appendChild(infoFilterField);237 /​* Create the buttons */​238 style = "width: 8%; display:inline; font: " + this.logFont;239 filterButton.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Filter"));240 filterButton.onclick = bind("buildAndApplyFilter", this);241 = style;242 debugPane.appendChild(filterButton);243 loadButton.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Load"));244 loadButton.onclick = loadMessages;245 = style;246 debugPane.appendChild(loadButton);247 clearButton.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Clear"));248 clearButton.onclick = clearMessages;249 = style;250 debugPane.appendChild(clearButton);251 closeButton.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Close"));252 closeButton.onclick = closePane;253 = style;254 debugPane.appendChild(closeButton);255 /​* Create the logging pane */​256 = "overflow: auto; width: 100%";257 = "width: 100%; height: " + (inline ? "8em" : "100%");258 logPaneArea.appendChild(logPane);259 debugPane.appendChild(logPaneArea);260 this.buildAndApplyFilter();261 loadMessages();262 if (inline) {263 = undefined;264 } else {265 = win;266 }267 this.inline = inline;268 this.closePane = closePane;269 this.closed = false;270 return this;271};272MochiKit.LoggingPane.LoggingPane.prototype = {273 "logFont": "8pt Verdana,sans-serif",274 "colorTable": {275 "ERROR": "red",276 "FATAL": "darkred",277 "WARNING": "blue",278 "INFO": "black",279 "DEBUG": "green"280 }281};282MochiKit.LoggingPane.EXPORT_OK = [283 "LoggingPane"284];285MochiKit.LoggingPane.EXPORT = [286 "createLoggingPane"287];288MochiKit.LoggingPane.__new__ = function () {289 this.EXPORT_TAGS = {290 ":common": this.EXPORT,291 ":all": MochiKit.Base.concat(this.EXPORT, this.EXPORT_OK)292 };293 MochiKit.Base.nameFunctions(this);294 MochiKit.LoggingPane._loggingPane = null;295};296MochiKit.LoggingPane.__new__();...

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Source: LoggingEdit.test.jsx Github


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1import React from 'react';2import { act } from 'react-dom/​test-utils';3import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history';4import {5 mountWithContexts,6 waitForElement,7} from '../​../​../​../​../​testUtils/​enzymeHelpers';8import mockAllOptions from '../​../​shared/​data.allSettingOptions.json';9import { SettingsProvider } from '../​../​../​../​contexts/​Settings';10import { SettingsAPI } from '../​../​../​../​api';11import LoggingEdit from './​LoggingEdit';12jest.mock('../​../​../​../​api/​models/​Settings');13const mockSettings = {14 LOG_AGGREGATOR_HOST: 'https:/​/​logstash',15 LOG_AGGREGATOR_PORT: 1234,16 LOG_AGGREGATOR_TYPE: 'logstash',17 LOG_AGGREGATOR_USERNAME: '',18 LOG_AGGREGATOR_PASSWORD: '',19 LOG_AGGREGATOR_LOGGERS: [20 'awx',21 'activity_stream',22 'job_events',23 'system_tracking',24 ],25 LOG_AGGREGATOR_INDIVIDUAL_FACTS: false,26 LOG_AGGREGATOR_ENABLED: true,27 LOG_AGGREGATOR_TOWER_UUID: '',28 LOG_AGGREGATOR_PROTOCOL: 'https',29 LOG_AGGREGATOR_TCP_TIMEOUT: 123,30 LOG_AGGREGATOR_VERIFY_CERT: true,31 LOG_AGGREGATOR_LEVEL: 'ERROR',32 LOG_AGGREGATOR_MAX_DISK_USAGE_GB: 1,33 LOG_AGGREGATOR_MAX_DISK_USAGE_PATH: '/​var/​lib/​awx',34 LOG_AGGREGATOR_RSYSLOGD_DEBUG: false,35};36const mockDefaultSettings = {37 LOG_AGGREGATOR_HOST: null,38 LOG_AGGREGATOR_PORT: null,39 LOG_AGGREGATOR_TYPE: null,40 LOG_AGGREGATOR_USERNAME: '',41 LOG_AGGREGATOR_PASSWORD: '',42 LOG_AGGREGATOR_LOGGERS: [43 'awx',44 'activity_stream',45 'job_events',46 'system_tracking',47 ],48 LOG_AGGREGATOR_INDIVIDUAL_FACTS: false,49 LOG_AGGREGATOR_ENABLED: false,50 LOG_AGGREGATOR_TOWER_UUID: '',51 LOG_AGGREGATOR_PROTOCOL: 'https',52 LOG_AGGREGATOR_TCP_TIMEOUT: 5,53 LOG_AGGREGATOR_VERIFY_CERT: true,54 LOG_AGGREGATOR_LEVEL: 'INFO',55 LOG_AGGREGATOR_MAX_DISK_USAGE_GB: 1,56 LOG_AGGREGATOR_MAX_DISK_USAGE_PATH: '/​var/​lib/​awx',57 LOG_AGGREGATOR_RSYSLOGD_DEBUG: false,58};59SettingsAPI.updateAll.mockResolvedValue({});60SettingsAPI.readCategory.mockResolvedValue({61 data: mockSettings,62});63describe('<LoggingEdit /​>', () => {64 let wrapper;65 let history;66 afterEach(() => {67 wrapper.unmount();68 jest.clearAllMocks();69 });70 beforeEach(async () => {71 history = createMemoryHistory({72 initialEntries: ['/​settings/​logging/​edit'],73 });74 await act(async () => {75 wrapper = mountWithContexts(76 <SettingsProvider value={mockAllOptions.actions}>77 <LoggingEdit /​>78 </​SettingsProvider>,79 {80 context: { router: { history } },81 }82 );83 });84 await waitForElement(wrapper, 'ContentLoading', el => el.length === 0);85 });86 test('initially renders without crashing', () => {87 expect(wrapper.find('LoggingEdit').length).toBe(1);88 });89 test('Enable External Logging toggle should be disabled when it is off and there is no Logging Aggregator or no Logging Aggregator Type', async () => {90 const enableLoggingField =91 "FormGroup[label='Enable External Logging'] Switch";92 const loggingAggregatorField =93 "FormGroup[label='Logging Aggregator'] TextInputBase";94 expect(wrapper.find(enableLoggingField).prop('isChecked')).toBe(true);95 expect(wrapper.find(enableLoggingField).prop('isDisabled')).toBe(false);96 await act(async () => {97 wrapper.find(enableLoggingField).invoke('onChange')(false);98 });99 await act(async () => {100 wrapper.find(loggingAggregatorField).invoke('onChange')(null, {101 target: {102 name: 'LOG_AGGREGATOR_HOST',103 value: '',104 },105 });106 });107 wrapper.update();108 expect(109 wrapper110 .find(enableLoggingField)111 .find('Switch')112 .prop('isChecked')113 ).toBe(false);114 expect(115 wrapper116 .find(enableLoggingField)117 .find('Switch')118 .prop('isDisabled')119 ).toBe(true);120 });121 test('Logging Aggregator and Logging Aggregator Type should be required when External Logging toggle is enabled', () => {122 const enableLoggingField = wrapper.find(123 "FormGroup[label='Enable External Logging']"124 );125 const loggingAggregatorField = wrapper.find(126 "FormGroup[label='Logging Aggregator']"127 );128 const loggingAggregatorTypeField = wrapper.find(129 "FormGroup[label='Logging Aggregator Type']"130 );131 expect(enableLoggingField.find('RevertButton').text()).toEqual('Revert');132 expect(133 loggingAggregatorField.find('.pf-c-form__label-required')134 ).toHaveLength(1);135 expect(136 loggingAggregatorTypeField.find('.pf-c-form__label-required')137 ).toHaveLength(1);138 });139 test('Logging Aggregator and Logging Aggregator Type should not be required when External Logging toggle is disabled', async () => {140 await act(async () => {141 wrapper142 .find("FormGroup[label='Enable External Logging'] Switch")143 .invoke('onChange')(false);144 });145 wrapper.update();146 const enableLoggingField = wrapper.find(147 "FormGroup[label='Enable External Logging']"148 );149 const loggingAggregatorField = wrapper.find(150 "FormGroup[label='Logging Aggregator']"151 );152 const loggingAggregatorTypeField = wrapper.find(153 "FormGroup[label='Logging Aggregator Type']"154 );155 expect(enableLoggingField.find('RevertButton').text()).toEqual('Undo');156 expect(157 loggingAggregatorField.find('.pf-c-form__label-required')158 ).toHaveLength(0);159 expect(160 loggingAggregatorTypeField.find('.pf-c-form__label-required')161 ).toHaveLength(0);162 });163 test('HTTPS certificate toggle should be shown when protocol is https', () => {164 const httpsField = wrapper.find(165 "FormGroup[label='Enable/​disable HTTPS certificate verification']"166 );167 expect(httpsField).toHaveLength(1);168 expect(httpsField.find('Switch').prop('isChecked')).toBe(true);169 });170 test('TCP connection timeout should be required when protocol is tcp', () => {171 const tcpTimeoutField = wrapper.find(172 "FormGroup[label='TCP Connection Timeout']"173 );174 expect(tcpTimeoutField).toHaveLength(1);175 expect(tcpTimeoutField.find('.pf-c-form__label-required')).toHaveLength(1);176 });177 test('TCP connection timeout and https certificate toggle should be hidden when protocol is udp', async () => {178 await act(async () => {179 wrapper180 .find('AnsibleSelect[name="LOG_AGGREGATOR_PROTOCOL"]')181 .invoke('onChange')({182 target: {183 name: 'LOG_AGGREGATOR_PROTOCOL',184 value: 'udp',185 },186 });187 });188 wrapper.update();189 expect(190 wrapper.find(191 "FormGroup[label='Enable/​disable HTTPS certificate verification']"192 )193 ).toHaveLength(0);194 expect(195 wrapper.find("FormGroup[label='TCP Connection Timeout']")196 ).toHaveLength(0);197 expect(198 wrapper.find("FormGroup[label='Logging Aggregator Level Threshold']")199 ).toHaveLength(1);200 });201 test('should display successful toast when test button is clicked', async () => {202 SettingsAPI.createTest.mockResolvedValue({});203 expect(SettingsAPI.createTest).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);204 expect(wrapper.find('LoggingTestAlert')).toHaveLength(0);205 await act(async () => {206 wrapper.find('button[aria-label="Test logging"]').invoke('onClick')();207 });208 wrapper.update();209 await waitForElement(wrapper, 'LoggingTestAlert');210 expect(SettingsAPI.createTest).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);211 await act(async () => {212 wrapper.find('AlertActionCloseButton button').invoke('onClick')();213 });214 await waitForElement(wrapper, 'LoggingTestAlert', el => el.length === 0);215 });216 test('should successfully send default values to api on form revert all', async () => {217 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);218 expect(wrapper.find('RevertAllAlert')).toHaveLength(0);219 await act(async () => {220 wrapper221 .find('button[aria-label="Revert all to default"]')222 .invoke('onClick')();223 });224 wrapper.update();225 expect(wrapper.find('RevertAllAlert')).toHaveLength(1);226 await act(async () => {227 wrapper228 .find('RevertAllAlert button[aria-label="Confirm revert all"]')229 .invoke('onClick')();230 });231 wrapper.update();232 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);233 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockDefaultSettings);234 });235 test('should successfully send request to api on form submission', async () => {236 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);237 const loggingAggregatorField =238 "FormGroup[label='Logging Aggregator'] TextInputBase";239 await act(async () => {240 wrapper.find(loggingAggregatorField).invoke('onChange')(null, {241 target: {242 name: 'LOG_AGGREGATOR_PORT',243 value: 1010,244 },245 });246 });247 wrapper.update();248 await act(async () => {249 wrapper.find('Form').invoke('onSubmit')();250 });251 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);252 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith({253 ...mockSettings,254 LOG_AGGREGATOR_PORT: 1010,255 });256 });257 test('should navigate to logging detail on successful submission', async () => {258 await act(async () => {259 wrapper.find('Form').invoke('onSubmit')();260 });261 expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual('/​settings/​logging/​details');262 });263 test('should navigate to logging detail when cancel is clicked', async () => {264 await act(async () => {265 wrapper.find('button[aria-label="Cancel"]').invoke('onClick')();266 });267 expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual('/​settings/​logging/​details');268 });269 test('should display error message on unsuccessful submission', async () => {270 const error = {271 response: {272 data: { detail: 'An error occurred' },273 },274 };275 SettingsAPI.updateAll.mockImplementation(() => Promise.reject(error));276 expect(wrapper.find('FormSubmitError').length).toBe(0);277 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);278 await act(async () => {279 wrapper.find('Form').invoke('onSubmit')();280 });281 wrapper.update();282 expect(wrapper.find('FormSubmitError').length).toBe(1);283 expect(SettingsAPI.updateAll).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);284 });285 test('should display ContentError on throw', async () => {286 SettingsAPI.readCategory.mockImplementationOnce(() =>287 Promise.reject(new Error())288 );289 await act(async () => {290 wrapper = mountWithContexts(291 <SettingsProvider value={mockAllOptions.actions}>292 <LoggingEdit /​>293 </​SettingsProvider>294 );295 });296 await waitForElement(wrapper, 'ContentLoading', el => el.length === 0);297 expect(wrapper.find('ContentError').length).toBe(1);298 });...

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Source: DetailsTabConnector.js Github


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1/​**2 * 3 */​4Ext.define('Assessmentapp.view.logger.tabs.details.DetailsTabConnector', {5 extend : '',6 alias : 'controller.detailsTabConnector',7 8 alarmQueueType : null,9 alarmVolume : null,10 refreshFrequency : null,11 12 alarmSaverity : null,13 saverity0 : null,14 saverity1 : null,15 saverity2 : null,16 saverity3 : null,17 saverity4 : null,18 saverity5 : null,19 init : function()20 {21 var currentObject = this;22 currentObject.alarmQueueType = currentObject.view.down('#alarmQueueType');23 currentObject.alarmVolume = currentObject.view.down('#alarmVolume');24 currentObject.refreshFrequency = currentObject.view.down('#refreshFrequency');25 26 currentObject.alarmSaverity = currentObject.view.down('#alarmSaverity');27 currentObject.saverity0 = currentObject.view.down('#saverity0');28 currentObject.saverity1 = currentObject.view.down('#saverity1');29 currentObject.saverity2 = currentObject.view.down('#saverity2');30 currentObject.saverity3 = currentObject.view.down('#saverity3');31 currentObject.saverity4 = currentObject.view.down('#saverity4');32 currentObject.saverity5 = currentObject.view.down('#saverity5');33 },34 setLoggerForm : function(parsedFormJSON)35 {36 37 var currentObject = this;38 var loggingPropertiesJSON = parsedFormJSON.loggingProperties;39 40 for (i = 0; i < loggingPropertiesJSON.length; i++) {41 var attributeName = loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeName42 43 switch (attributeName)44 {45 case 'refresh.frequency':46 {47 currentObject.refreshFrequency.setValue(loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeValue);48 currentObject.refreshFrequency.tip = loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeComment;49 currentObject.refreshFrequency.attributeId = loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeId;50 break;51 }52 case 'alarm.queue': 53 {54 currentObject.alarmQueueType.tip = loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeComment;55[i].attributeValue));56 currentObject.alarmQueueType.attributeId = loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeId;57 break;58 }59 case 'alarm.volume': 60 {61 currentObject.alarmVolume.setValue(loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeValue)62 currentObject.alarmVolume.tip = loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeComment;63 currentObject.alarmVolume.attributeId = loggingPropertiesJSON[i].attributeId;64 break;65 }66 }67 }68 69 var alarmSaverity = parsedFormJSON.alarmSeverity;70 71 for (i = 0; i < alarmSaverity.length; i++) {72 var attributeName = alarmSaverity[i].attributeName73 74 switch (attributeName)75 {76 case '0':77 {78 currentObject.saverity0.setValue(alarmSaverity[i].attributeValue);79 currentObject.saverity0.attributeId = alarmSaverity[i].attributeId;80 break;81 }82 case '1': 83 {84 currentObject.saverity1.setValue(alarmSaverity[i].attributeValue);85 currentObject.saverity1.attributeId = alarmSaverity[i].attributeId;86 break;87 }88 case '2': 89 {90 currentObject.saverity2.setValue(alarmSaverity[i].attributeValue); 91 currentObject.saverity2.attributeId = alarmSaverity[i].attributeId;92 break;93 }94 case '3':95 {96 currentObject.saverity4.setValue(alarmSaverity[i].attributeValue);97 currentObject.saverity4.attributeId = alarmSaverity[i].attributeId;98 break;99 }100 case '4': 101 {102 currentObject.saverity3.setValue(alarmSaverity[i].attributeValue);103 currentObject.saverity3.attributeId = alarmSaverity[i].attributeId;104 break;105 }106 case '5': 107 {108 currentObject.saverity5.setValue(alarmSaverity[i].attributeValue); 109 currentObject.saverity5.attributeId = alarmSaverity[i].attributeId;110 break;111 }112 }113 }114 },115 toJson : function(formJSON) {116 117 var decodedFormJSON = Ext.JSON.decode(formJSON);118 119 var id = decodedFormJSON.detailsId;120 var alarmQueueType = decodedFormJSON.alarmQueueType;121 var alarmVolume = decodedFormJSON.alarmVolume;122 var refreshFrequency = decodedFormJSON.refreshFrequency;123 124 var saverity0 = decodedFormJSON.saverity0;125 var saverity1 = decodedFormJSON.saverity1;126 var saverity2 = decodedFormJSON.saverity2;127 var saverity3 = decodedFormJSON.saverity3;128 var saverity4 = decodedFormJSON.saverity4;129 var saverity5 = decodedFormJSON.saverity5;130 131 var loggingPropertiesJson = ''; 132 133 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'loggingProperties': [ ");134 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': 'alarm.queue',");135 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '"+this.alarmQueueType.tip+"',");136 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': "+ alarmQueueType + ",");137 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.alarmQueueType.fieldLabel+"',");138 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.alarmQueueType.attributeId+"'},");139 140 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': 'alarm.volume',");141 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '"+this.alarmVolume.tip+"',");142 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': "+ alarmVolume + ",");143 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.alarmVolume.fieldLabel+"',");144 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.alarmVolume.attributeId+"'},");145 146 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': 'refresh.frequency',");147 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '"+this.refreshFrequency.tip+"',");148 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': "+ refreshFrequency + ",");149 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.refreshFrequency.fieldLabel+"',");150 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.refreshFrequency.attributeId+"'}],");151 152 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'alarmSeverity': [ ");153 154 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': '0',");155 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '',");156 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': '"+ saverity0 + "',");157 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.saverity0.fieldLabel+"',");158 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.saverity0.attributeId+"'},");159 160 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': '1',");161 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '',");162 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': '"+ saverity1 + "',");163 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.saverity1.fieldLabel+"',");164 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.saverity1.attributeId+"'},");165 166 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': '2',");167 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '',");168 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': '"+ saverity2 + "',");169 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.saverity2.fieldLabel+"',");170 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.saverity2.attributeId+"'},");171 172 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': '3',");173 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '',");174 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': '"+ saverity3 + "',");175 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.saverity3.fieldLabel+"',");176 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.saverity3.attributeId+"'},");177 178 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': '4',");179 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '',");180 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': '"+ saverity4 + "',");181 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.saverity4.fieldLabel+"',");182 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.saverity4.attributeId+"'},");183 184 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("{'attributeName': '5',");185 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeComment': '',");186 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeValue': '"+ saverity5 + "',");187 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeDisplayName': '"+this.saverity5.fieldLabel+"',");188 loggingPropertiesJson = loggingPropertiesJson.concat("'attributeId': '"+this.saverity5.attributeId+"'}]");189 190 return loggingPropertiesJson;191},...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/​react';2import { setConsoleOptions, withConsole } from '@storybook/​addon-console';3import { withInfo } from '@storybook/​addon-info';4import { withA11y } from '@storybook/​addon-a11y';5import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/​addon-knobs';6import { withOptions } from '@storybook/​addon-options';7import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';8addDecorator(9 withRootDecorator({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Logging } from 'storybook-root-logger';2const logger = Logging.getLogger('test');'info message');4logger.debug('debug message');5logger.error('error message');6logger.warn('warn message');7logger.trace('trace message');8logger.fatal('fatal message');9MIT © [saurabh](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';2export const test = () => {3 logger.debug('debug');4'info');5 logger.warn('warn');6 logger.error('error');7};8import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/​react';9import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/​addon-knobs';10import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';11const options = {12};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';2logger.log('Hello World');3logger.debug('Hello World');'Hello World');5logger.warn('Hello World');6logger.error('Hello World');7logger.fatal('Hello World');8| `logLevels` | An object containing log levels for the root logger. Default: `{ debug: 0, info: 1, warn: 2, error: 3, fatal: 4 }`. |9| `logLevelColors` | An object containing colors for the log levels. Default: `{ debug: 'blue', info: 'green', warn: 'orange', error: 'red', fatal: 'darkred' }`. |10| `logLevelStyles` | An object containing styles for the log levels. Default: `{ debug: 'font-weight: normal;', info: 'font-weight: normal;', warn: 'font-weight: bold;', error: 'font-weight: bold;', fatal: 'font-weight: bold;' }`. |11| `logLevelPrefixes` | An object containing prefixes for the log levels. Default: `{ debug: 'DEBUG', info: 'INFO', warn: 'WARN', error: 'ERROR', fatal: 'FATAL' }`. |12| `logLevelMethods` | An object containing methods for the log levels. Default: `{ debug: 'log', info: 'info', warn: 'warn', error: 'error', fatal: 'error' }`. |13| `logLevelIcons` | An object containing icons for the log levels. Default: `{ debug: '🐛', info: '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { log } from 'storybook-root-logger';2log('test', 'test');3log('test', 'test', 'test');4import React from 'react';5import { log } from 'storybook-root-logger';6log('test', 'test');7log('test', 'test', 'test');8const Test = () => {9 return <div>test</​div>;10};11export default Test;12import React from 'react';13import { log } from 'storybook-root-logger';14log('test', 'test');15log('test', 'test', 'test');16const Test = () => {17 return <div>test</​div>;18};19export default Test;20MIT © [kshitij-sharma](

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1import { logger } from 'storybook-addon-root-decorator';2export default {3};4export const Test = () => {5 logger('Hello World!');6 return <div>Hello World</​div>;7};8import { withConsole } from 'storybook-addon-root-decorator';9export default {10};11export const Test = () => {12 console.log('Hello World!');13 return <div>Hello World</​div>;14};15import { withInfo } from 'storybook-addon-root-decorator';16export default {17};18export const Test = () => {19 return <div>Hello World</​div>;20};21import { withOptions } from 'storybook-addon-root-decorator';22export default {23};24export const Test = () => {25 return <div>Hello World</​div>;26};27import { withKnobs } from 'storybook-addon-root-decorator';28export default {29};30export const Test = () => {31 return <div>Hello World</​div>;32};33import { withA11y } from 'storybook-addon-root-decorator';34export default {35};36export const Test = () => {37 return <div>Hello World</​div>;38};

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1import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';'This is a test message');3import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';'This is a test message');5import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';'This is a test message');7### Log4js Logger (with category)8import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';9logger.log4jsLogger('my-category').info('This is a test message');10{11 "appenders": {12 "out": {13 "layout": {14 "pattern": "%[%d{yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS} %p %c -%] %m"15 }16 }17 },18 "categories": {19 "default": {20 }21 }22}23MIT © [Kha Vo](

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1import { log } from "storybook-root-logger";2log("some message");3import { rootLogger } from "storybook-root-logger";4export const parameters = {5};6import { log } from "storybook-root-logger";7export const Primary = () => {8 log("some message");9 return <Button>Primary</​Button>;10};11import { rootLogger } from "storybook-root-logger";12export const parameters = {13 toolbar: {14 items: {15 },16 },17};18import { rootLogger } from "storybook-root-logger";19export const parameters = {20 toolbar: {21 items: {22 },23 },24 logger: {25 loggers: {26 customLogger: {27 },28 },29 },30};31import { rootLogger } from "storybook-root-logger";32export const parameters = {33 toolbar: {34 items: {35 },36 },37 logger: {38 loggers: {39 customLogger: {40 },41 },42 components: {43 },44 },45};46MIT © [mattrego](

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1import { logger } from 'storybook-root-logger';2logger('test', 'this is a test message');3import { withRootLogger } from 'storybook-root-logger';4import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/​react';5addDecorator(withRootLogger);6configure(loadStories, module);7import { withRootLogger, addonOptions } from 'storybook-root-logger';8import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/​react';9const options = {

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When most firms employed a waterfall development model, it was widely joked about in the industry that Google kept its products in beta forever. Google has been a pioneer in making the case for in-production testing. Traditionally, before a build could go live, a tester was responsible for testing all scenarios, both defined and extempore, in a testing environment. However, this concept is evolving on multiple fronts today. For example, the tester is no longer testing alone. Developers, designers, build engineers, other stakeholders, and end users, both inside and outside the product team, are testing the product and providing feedback.

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Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

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