Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
Source: api.js
1const front = {2 stage:'dev', // æ¥å£ç±»å3 zues: zues_URL, // zuesæå
³æ¥å£4 hulk: hulk_URL, // hulkæå
³æ¥å£5 Javis: Javis_URL, // javisæå
³æ¥å£6 diana: diana_URL, // dianaæå
³æ¥å£7 thor: thor_URL, // thoræå
³æ¥å£8 hera: hera_URL, // heraæå
³æ¥å£9 hawkeye: hawkeye_URL, // hawkeyeæå
³æ¥å£10 stat: stat_URL, // statæå
³æ¥å£11 other: other_URL, // otheræ¥å£ ï¼é对èæ¾ï¼12 stateMachine: stateMachine_URL, // stateMachineæ¥å£13 playerExt: playerExt_URL // playerExtæ¥å£14}15const api = {16 // zues17 createAdmin: front.zues + front.stage + '/admins', // å建管çåæ¥å£18 adminCenter: front.zues + front.stage + '/admin_center', // 管çå个人ä¸å¿æ¥å£19 createUser: front.zues + front.stage + '/users', // å建线路å/ä¸è¬åæ·æ¥å£20 randomPassword: front.zues + front.stage + '/random_password', // éæºçæå¯ç æ¥å£21 randomCaptcha: front.zues + front.stage + '/captcha', // éæºçæéªè¯ç 22 login: front.zues + front.stage + '/users/auth', // ææç¨æ·ç»å½æ¥å£23 checkUserExist: front.zues + front.stage + '/checkUserExist', // æ£æ¥ç¨æ·æ è¯æ¯å¦åå¨24 managers: front.zues + front.stage + '/managers', // 线路åæ°æ®æ¥å£25 merchants: front.zues + front.stage + '/merchants', // ä¸è¬åæ·æ°æ®æ¥å£26 getchilds: front.zues + front.stage + '/childList', // æ¥è¯¢ä¸çº§æ¥å£27 userStatus: front.zues + front.stage + '/userChangeStatus', // åç¨å¼å¯ç¨æ·æ¥å£28 checkMSN: front.zues + front.stage + '/check_msn', // æ£æ¥çº¿è·¯å·æ¯å¦éå¤æ¥å£29 msnLock: front.zues + front.stage + '/lockmsn', // åç¨å¼å¯çº¿è·¯å·æ¥å£30 msnList: front.zues + front.stage + '/msnList', // 线路å·å表æ¥å£31 randomMSN: front.zues + front.stage + '/msnRandom', // éæºçæ线路å·æ¥å£32 parentList: front.zues + front.stage + '/avalible_managers', // è·åå¯ç¨ä¸çº§æ¥å£33 adminList: front.zues + front.stage + '/adminList', // 管çåå表34 checkDisplayName: front.zues + front.stage + '/checkNickExist', // éªè¯æµç§°æ¯å¦éå¤35 changePassword: front.zues + front.stage + '/updatePassword', // ä¿®æ¹å¯ç 36 userRight: front.zues + front.stage + '/subRoleList', // è·åå建管çè§è²37 getSign: front.zues + front.stage + '/game/sign', // è·å游æåå°è·³è½¬é¾æ¥ç¾å38 adminUpdate: front.zues + front.stage + '/adminUpdate', // æ´æ°ç®¡çåè§è²39 merchantTTGList: front.zues + front.stage + '/merchantTTGList', // è·åTTG游æå表40 merchantTTGUpdate : front.zues + front.stage + '/merchantTTGUpdate ', // ç¼è¾TTG游æ41 // diana42 gameType: front.diana + front.stage + '/gameType', // è·å游æåå43 gameBigType: front.diana + front.stage + '/gameBigType', // è·å游æ大类44 companySelect: front.diana + front.stage + '/companySelect', // è·åè¿è¥å45 gameList: front.diana + front.stage + '/gameList', // è·å游æå表46 changeGame: front.diana + front.stage + '/gameChangeStatus', // æä½æ¸¸æç¶ææ¥å£47 lineUp: front.diana + front.stage + '/queueNew', // æé设置48 lineUpGet: front.diana + front.stage + '/configOne', // æé设置è·å49 subRoleList: front.diana + front.stage + '/subRoleList', // 管çåæéå表50 subRolePermissionList: front.diana + front.stage + '/subRolePermissionList', // 管çåæææé51 subRoleUpdate: front.diana + front.stage + '/subRoleUpdate', // æ´æ°æéè§è²52 subRoleNew: front.diana + front.stage + '/subRoleNew', // æ°å¢æéè§è²53 subRoleDelete: front.diana + front.stage + '/subRoleDelete', // å é¤æéè§è²54 configMultList: front.diana + front.stage + '/configMultList', // è·åçµå游æé
ç½®å表55 configMultNew: front.diana + front.stage + '/configMultNew', // 设置çµå游æé
ç½®å表56 configOne: front.diana + front.stage + '/configOne', // æ¥çç¥ç§å¤§å¥57 configNew: front.diana + front.stage + '/configNew ', // æ°å¢ç¥ç§å¤§å¥58 // hulk59 billTransfer: front.hulk + front.stage + '/billTransfer', // å åç¹æ¥å£60 bills: front.hulk + front.stage + '/bills', // æ¥è¯¢ç¨æ·ä½é¢61 waterFall: front.hulk + front.stage + '/waterfall', // æ¥è¯¢ç¨æ·è´¦åæç»62 loginList: front.hulk + front.stage + '/logList', // ç»å½æ¥å¿63 addGameNotice: front.hulk + front.stage + '/adNew', // æ°å¢æ¸¸æå
¬åå表64 getGameNoticeList: front.hulk + front.stage + '/adList', // è·å游æå
¬åå表65 updateGameNotice: front.hulk + front.stage + '/adUpdate', // ä¿®æ¹å
¬åå表66 changeGameNoticeStatus: front.hulk + front.stage + '/adChangeStatus', // æ´æ¹ç¶æ67 delGameNotice: front.hulk + front.stage + '/adDelete', // æ´æ¹ç¶æ68 // javis69 getUploadImgToken: front.Javis + front.stage + '/upToken', // è·åä¸çäºtoken70 map: front.Javis + front.stage + '/organize', // å±çº§å
³ç³»æ¥å£71 // hera72 getPlayList: front.hera + front.stage + '/player/list', // ç©å®¶å表73 getPlayDetail: front.hera + front.stage + '/player/bill/info', // ç©å®¶è¯¦æ
74 forzenPlay: front.hera + front.stage + '/player/forzen', // å个解å»ãå·²åç¨75 allForzenPlay: front.hera + front.stage + '/player/batch/forzen', // å个解å»ãå·²åç¨76 // thor77 addBooth: front.thor + front.stage + '/seatNew', // æ°å¢å±ä½78 boothList: front.thor + front.stage + '/seatList', // å±ä½å表79 changeBoothStatus: front.thor + front.stage + '/seatChangeStatus', // å±ä½ç¶æåæ´80 updateBooth: front.thor + front.stage + '/seatUpdate', // ä¿®æ¹å±ä½81 delBooth: front.thor + front.stage + '/seatDelete', // å é¤å±ä½82 propList: front.thor + front.stage + '/toolList', // éå
·å表83 getBoothType: front.thor + front.stage + '/seatType', // å±ä½ç±»å«84 packageList: front.thor + front.stage + '/packageList', // 礼å
å表85 seatAllList : front.thor + front.stage + '/seatAllList ', // åæ·è¿è¥è®°å½å±ä½å表86 toolSetPrice : front.thor + front.stage + '/toolSetPrice ', // éå
·å®ä»·87 boothReplace : front.thor + front.stage + '/seatTigger ', // å±ä½æ¿æ¢88 // hawkeye89 addMail: front.hawkeye + front.stage + '/email/add', // æ·»å é®ä»¶90 getMailList: front.hawkeye + front.stage + '/email/list', // é®ä»¶å表91 addHorseRaceLamp: front.hawkeye + front.stage + '/notice/add', // æ·»å è·é©¬ç¯92 getHorseRaceLampList: front.hawkeye + front.stage + '/notice/list', // è·é©¬ç¯å表93 updateHorseRaceLamp: front.hawkeye + front.stage + '/notice/update', // ä¿®æ¹è·é©¬ç¯94 delHorseRaceLamp: front.hawkeye + front.stage + '/notice/remove', // å é¤è·é©¬ç¯95 mapPlayer: front.hawkeye + front.stage + '/player/list', // å±çº§å
³ç³»åæ·ç©å®¶96 // stat97 statisticsAll: front.stat + front.stage + '/statistics/overview', // çæ¿é¡¶é¨æ°æ®ç»è®¡98 statisticsConsume: front.stat + front.stage + '/statistics/consume', // 游ææ¶èç¹æ°æ»è§99 consumeAndIncome: front.stat + front.stage + '/statistics/consumeAndIncome', // å®åºï¼æ¶ç100 reportInfo: front.stat + front.stage + '/queryUserStat', // å¹³å°æ¥è¡¨ç¨æ·ç»è®¡101 reportPlayer: front.stat + front.stage + '/queryPlayerStat', // å¹³å°æ¥è¡¨ç¨æ·æå±ç©å®¶ç»è®¡102 calcUserStat: front.stat + front.stage + '/calcUserStat', // æ¥è¡¨ç¨æ·æ¶é´æ¥è¯¢103 calcPlayerStat: front.stat + front.stage + '/calcPlayerStat', // æ¥è¡¨ç©å®¶æ¶é´æ¥è¯¢104 //other105 statisticsGame: front.other + 'g40001/gamestats', // è·åé£æ§ä¸å¿çµå游æ顶é¨ç»è®¡æ°æ®æ¥å£106 canvasGame: front.other + 'g40001/rtpstats', // è·åé£æ§ä¸å¿çµå游æå¾è¡¨æ°æ®107 //stateMachine108 uploadImg: front.stateMachine + front.stage + '/upload', // ä¸ä¼ å¾çè·åç¾è¯109 mysteryList: front.stateMachine + front.stage + '/mysteryList', // ç¥ç§å¤§å¥å表110 mysteryOperate : front.stateMachine + front.stage + '/mysteryOperate ', // æä½ç¥ç§å¤§å¥111 //playerExt112 playerAccount: front.playerExt + front.stage + '/player/bill/flow', // ä¸æ³¨è¿å¥æµæ°´(æ¥çæµæ°´è´¦è¯¦å)113 playerBill: front.playerExt + front.stage + '/player/bill/detail', // è´¦åæµæ°´è¯¦æ
ä¿¡æ¯(æ¥çè´¦å详ç»)114 playerRecord: front.playerExt + front.stage + '/player/bill/record', // æ绩115 // methods116 get: 'get',117 post: 'post'118}119export default {120 ...api,121 ...front...
1import FrontCalculatorSymbolNumber from "./front.calculator.symbol.number";2import FrontCalculatorSymbolSeparator from "./front.calculator.symbol.separator";3import FrontCalculatorSymbolOpeningBracket from "./brackets/front.calculator.symbol.opening.bracket";4import FrontCalculatorSymbolClosingBracket from "./brackets/front.calculator.symbol.closing.bracket";5import FrontCalculatorSymbolConstantPi from "./constants/front.calculator.symbol.constant.pi";6import FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorAddition from "./operators/front.calculator.symbol.operator.addition";7import FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorDivision from "./operators/front.calculator.symbol.operator.division";8import FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorExponentiation from "./operators/front.calculator.symbol.operator.exponentiation";9import FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorModulo from "./operators/front.calculator.symbol.operator.modulo";10import FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorMultiplication from "./operators/front.calculator.symbol.operator.multiplication";11import FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorSubtraction from "./operators/front.calculator.symbol.operator.subtraction";12import FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAbs from "./functions/front.calculator.symbol.function.abs";13import FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAvg from "./functions/front.calculator.symbol.function.avg";14import FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionCeil from "./functions/front.calculator.symbol.function.ceil";15import FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionFloor from "./functions/front.calculator.symbol.function.floor";16import FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMax from "./functions/front.calculator.symbol.function.max";17import FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMin from "./functions/front.calculator.symbol.function.min";18import FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionRound from "./functions/front.calculator.symbol.function.round";19export default class FrontCalculatorSymbolLoader {20 constructor() {21 /**22 *23 * @type {{FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorModulo: FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorModulo, FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorSubtraction: FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorSubtraction, FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorExponentiation: FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorExponentiation, FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorAddition: FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorAddition, FrontCalculatorSymbolClosingBracket: FrontCalculatorSymbolClosingBracket, FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMax: FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMax, FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionCeil: FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionCeil, FrontCalculatorSymbolSeparator: FrontCalculatorSymbolSeparator, FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorMultiplication: FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorMultiplication, FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAbs: FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAbs, FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAvg: FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAvg, FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionFloor: FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionFloor, FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMin: FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMin, FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorDivision: FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorDivision, FrontCalculatorSymbolNumber: FrontCalculatorSymbolNumber, FrontCalculatorSymbolOpeningBracket: FrontCalculatorSymbolOpeningBracket, FrontCalculatorSymbolConstantPi: FrontCalculatorSymbolConstantPi, FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionRound: FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionRound}}24 */25 this.symbols = {26 FrontCalculatorSymbolNumber: new FrontCalculatorSymbolNumber(),27 FrontCalculatorSymbolSeparator: new FrontCalculatorSymbolSeparator(),28 FrontCalculatorSymbolOpeningBracket: new FrontCalculatorSymbolOpeningBracket(),29 FrontCalculatorSymbolClosingBracket: new FrontCalculatorSymbolClosingBracket(),30 FrontCalculatorSymbolConstantPi: new FrontCalculatorSymbolConstantPi(),31 FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorAddition: new FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorAddition(),32 FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorDivision: new FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorDivision(),33 FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorExponentiation: new FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorExponentiation(),34 FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorModulo: new FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorModulo(),35 FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorMultiplication: new FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorMultiplication(),36 FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorSubtraction: new FrontCalculatorSymbolOperatorSubtraction(),37 FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAbs: new FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAbs(),38 FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAvg: new FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionAvg(),39 FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionCeil: new FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionCeil(),40 FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionFloor: new FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionFloor(),41 FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMax: new FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMax(),42 FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMin: new FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionMin(),43 FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionRound: new FrontCalculatorSymbolFunctionRound(),44 };45 }46 /**47 * Returns the symbol that has the given identifier.48 * Returns null if none is found.49 *50 * @param identifier51 * @returns {FrontCalculatorSymbolAbstract|null}52 */53 find(identifier) {54 identifier = identifier.toLowerCase();55 for (var key in this.symbols) {56 if (this.symbols.hasOwnProperty(key)) {57 var symbol = this.symbols[key];58 if (symbol.getIdentifiers().indexOf(identifier) >= 0) {59 return symbol;60 }61 }62 }63 return null;64 }65 /**66 * Returns all symbols that inherit from a given abstract67 * parent type (class): The parent type has to be an68 * AbstractSymbol.69 * Notice: The parent type name will not be validated!70 *71 * @param parentTypeName72 * @returns {FrontCalculatorSymbolAbstract[]}73 */74 findSubTypes(parentTypeName) {75 var symbols = [];76 for (var key in this.symbols) {77 if (this.symbols.hasOwnProperty(key)) {78 var symbol = this.symbols[key];79 if (symbol instanceof parentTypeName) {80 symbols.push(symbol);81 }82 }83 }84 return symbols;85 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2storybookRoot.front();3storybookRoot.back();4const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');5storybookRoot.front();6storybookRoot.back();7const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');8storybookRoot.front();9storybookRoot.back();10const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');11storybookRoot.front();12storybookRoot.back();13const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14storybookRoot.front();15storybookRoot.back();16const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');17storybookRoot.front();18storybookRoot.back();19const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');20storybookRoot.front();21storybookRoot.back();22const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');23storybookRoot.front();24storybookRoot.back();25const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');26storybookRoot.front();27storybookRoot.back();28const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');29storybookRoot.front();30storybookRoot.back();31const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');32storybookRoot.front();33storybookRoot.back();
Using AI Code Generation
1const Front = require('storybook-root').Front;2const front = new Front();3front.start();4const Back = require('storybook-root').Back;5const back = new Back();6back.start();7const Server = require('storybook-root').Server;8const server = new Server();9server.start();10const Client = require('storybook-root').Client;11const client = new Client();12client.start();13const Story = require('storybook-root').Story;14const story = new Story();15story.start();16const User = require('storybook-root').User;17const user = new User();18user.start();19const Book = require('storybook-root').Book;20const book = new Book();21book.start();22const Chapter = require('storybook-root').Chapter;23const chapter = new Chapter();24chapter.start();25const Page = require('storybook-root').Page;26const page = new Page();27page.start();28const Element = require('storybook-root').Element;29const element = new Element();30element.start();31const Animation = require('storybook-root').Animation;32const animation = new Animation();33animation.start();34const Action = require('storybook-root').Action;35const action = new Action();36action.start();37const Event = require('storybook-root').Event;38const event = new Event();39event.start();40const Condition = require('storybook-root').Condition;41const condition = new Condition();42condition.start();43const Scene = require('storybook-root').Scene;44const scene = new Scene();45scene.start();46const Transition = require('storybook-root').Transition;47const transition = new Transition();48transition.start();49const Effect = require('storybook-root').Effect;50const effect = new Effect();51effect.start();
Using AI Code Generation
1import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';2import { Front } from 'storybook-root';3storiesOf('Front', module)4 .add('Front', () => <Front />);5import Front from './components/Front';6export {7};8import React from 'react';9const Front = () => (10);11export default Front;12I'm using a package called storybook-root to share components between projects. The package is a wrapper for storybook that allows you to create a storybook component library that can be used in other projects. The documentation for this package is very slim and I'm having trouble figuring out how to import a component from the storybook-root package into a storybook story. The package is located at
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Front } = require('storybook-root')2const front = new Front()3front.start()4const { Front } = require('storybook-front')5module.exports = {6}7module.exports = {8 Front: class Front {9 start () {10 console.log('Front started')11 }12 }13}14{15 "scripts": {16 },17 "dependencies": {18 },19 "devDependencies": {20 }21}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Front } = require('storybook-root');2const { storiesOf } = Front;3storiesOf('MyComponent', module)4 .add('MyComponent', () => <MyComponent />);5const { Front } = require('storybook-root');6const { addWebpackConfig } = Front;7module.exports = (storybookBaseConfig, configType) => {8 const storybookConfig = addWebpackConfig(storybookBaseConfig, configType);9 return storybookConfig;10};11import { Front } from 'storybook-root';12import { configure } from '@storybook/react';13const { addStories } = Front;14const req = require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/);15configure(() => addStories(req), module);16MIT © [Hugo Dias](
Using AI Code Generation
1(async () => {2 const { Front } = await import("storybook-root");3 const story = await Front.createStory("New Story");4 console.log("story", story);5})();6(async () => {7 const { Front } = await import("storybook-root");8 const story = await Front.createStory("New Story");9 const page = await story.createPage("New Page");10 console.log("page", page);11})();12(async () => {13 const { Front } = await import("storybook-root");14 const story = await Front.createStory("New Story");15 const page = await story.createPage("New Page");16 const chapter = await page.createChapter("New Chapter");17 console.log("chapter", chapter);18})();19(async () => {20 const { Front } = await import("storybook-root");21 const story = await Front.createStory("New Story");22 const page = await story.createPage("New Page");23 const chapter = await page.createChapter("New Chapter");24 const section = await chapter.createSection("New Section");25 console.log("section", section);26})();
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