Best JavaScript code snippet using root
1var data_id = 0;2 function getCookie(name) {3 const value = `; ${document.cookie}`;4 const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`);5 if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift();6}7var bg_color;8if(quarterforline == 1){9bg_color = 'linear-gradient(120deg,#71e384, #66cc77)';10}11else if(quarterforline == 2){12bg_color = 'linear-gradient(120deg,#46a3f0, #2196f3)';13}14else if(quarterforline == 3){15bg_color = 'linear-gradient(120deg,#07c7d9, #01aebe)';16}17else if(quarterforline == 4){18bg_color = 'linear-gradient(120deg,#7d8de9, #5c6bc0)';19}20for (var c in lines) {21 var newElement = document.createElement('div');22 var line = lines[c].split('#')[0];23 var question_num = ',';24 line = line.replace(/;/g, question_num); 25 var link = lines[c].split('#')[1];26 var date = lines[c].split('#')[2];27 var testcookie = getCookie('starlist');28 var actions_inner;29 newElement.className = "cart";30 newElement.setAttribute('style','background:' + bg_color);31 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21z"/></svg><svg class="copy" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path class="actions_svg" d="M16 1H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14h2V3h12V1zm3 4H8c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h11c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V7c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 16H8V7h11v14z"/></svg></div>';38 }39 else{40 actions_inner = '<div class="actions" data-id="' + data_id + '"><svg xmlns="" class="star_outlined" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path class="actions_svg" d="M12 7.13l.97 2.29.47 1.11 1.2.1 2.47.21-1.88 1.63-.91.79.27 1.18.56 2.41-2.12-1.28-1.03-.64-1.03.62-2.12 1.28.56-2.41.27-1.18-.91-.79-1.88-1.63 2.47-.21 1.2-.1.47-1.11.97-2.27M12 2L9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2z"/></svg><svg class="star_filled" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path class="actions_svg" d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21z"/></svg><svg 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parseInt(idq, 10);117 currid = currid + 1;118 var currentline = '$' + yearforline + '#' + quarterforline + '#' + currid;119 var currentlinedel = yearforline + '#' + quarterforline + '#' + currid;120var cookietest = getCookie('starlist');121var now = new Date();122 var time = now.getTime();123 var expireTime = time + 1000*36000;124 now.setTime(expireTime);125if(cookietest === undefined){126 127 document.querySelectorAll('.actions')[idq].innerHTML = '<svg xmlns="" class="star_outlined" style="display:none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path class="actions_svg" d="M12 7.13l.97 2.29.47 1.11 1.2.1 2.47.21-1.88 1.63-.91.79.27 1.18.56 2.41-2.12-1.28-1.03-.64-1.03.62-2.12 1.28.56-2.41.27-1.18-.91-.79-1.88-1.63 2.47-.21 1.2-.1.47-1.11.97-2.27M12 2L9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2z"/></svg><svg class="star_filled" style="display:block" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" 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0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h11c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V7c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 16H8V7h11v14z"/></svg>';153 }154 else{155 cookietest += currentline;156 157 document.cookie = "starlist=" + cookietest + "; expires=" + now.toGMTString() + "; path=/";158 159 document.querySelectorAll('.actions')[idq].innerHTML = '<svg xmlns="" class="star_outlined" style="display:none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path class="actions_svg" d="M12 7.13l.97 2.29.47 1.11 1.2.1 2.47.21-1.88 1.63-.91.79.27 1.18.56 2.41-2.12-1.28-1.03-.64-1.03.62-2.12 1.28.56-2.41.27-1.18-.91-.79-1.88-1.63 2.47-.21 1.2-.1.47-1.11.97-2.27M12 2L9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2z"/></svg><svg class="star_filled" style="display:block" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path class="actions_svg" d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21z"/></svg><svg class="copy" 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1var TD_STYLE = "padding: 3px 8px; border-left: 1px solid #D9D9D9; border-top: 1px solid #FFF; border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF; cursor: pointer;";2var TD_EVEN_STYLE = TD_STYLE + "background: #edf3fe; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px solid #E8F0FF; BORDER-TOP: 1px solid #E8F0FF; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px solid #FFF; ";3var TD_ODD_STYLE = TD_STYLE + "background: #FFF; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px solid #FFF; BORDER-TOP: 1px solid #FFF; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px solid #FFF; ";4//var TD_THIS_STYLE = TD_STYLE + "background-color: #3d80df; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; border-left: 1px solid #346DBE; border-bottom: 1px solid #3E6FB3; border-top: 1px solid #3E6FB3; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px solid #5886C7; ";5//var TD_HOVER_STYLE = TD_STYLE + "background-color: #777; color: #FFF; border-left: 1px solid #888; border-bottom: 1px solid #888; border-top: 1px solid #888; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px solid #777; ";6var appId = $('#ae-appbar-app-id').val();7function getApp(appId, fn) {8 chrome.extension.sendRequest({id:'getApp', appId:appId}, function(app){9 fn(app);10 });11}12function createInputBox() {13 var table = $("#ae-datastore-explorer-entities");14 if (table.length == 0) {15 return ;16 }17 var kind = $("#ae-datastore-explorer-kind").val();18 var tr = table.find("thead tr").clone();19 var createGql = function () {20 $("#ae-datastore-explorer-gql-checkbox").attr('checked', true);21 var gql = ["SELECT * FROM " + kind, " where "];22 tr.find("th input").each(function (i, e) {23 var input = $(e);24 if (input.val().length > 0) {25 var type = input.attr('placeholder');26 if (i == 0 && type == 'key') {27 gql.push('__key__');28 gql.push(" = ");29 if (input.val().indexOf('id=') == 0) {30 gql.push("KEY('" + kind + "', "+ input.val().substring('id='.length) + ")");31 } else {32 gql.push("KEY('" + kind + "', '"+ input.val().substring('name='.length) + "')");33 }34 } else {35 gql.push(input.attr('name'));36 gql.push(" = ");37 // bool, float, intã¯''ãã¤ããªã38 if (type == 'bool' || type == 'int' || type == 'float') {39 gql.push(input.val());40 } else if(input.val() == '<null>') {41 gql.push('null');42 } else {43 gql.push("'" + input.val() + "'");44 }45 }46 gql.push(" AND ");47 }48 });49 gql.pop();50 $("#ae-datastore-explorer-gql").val(gql.join(""));51 };52 getApp(appId, function (app) {53 var properties = {'ID/Name':'key'};54 app.schemaList.forEach(function (e) {55 if (e.kind == kind) {56 (prop) {57 properties[] = prop.type;58 });59 }60 });61 tr.find("th").each(function (i, e) {62 var th = $('<th/>');63 if (i == 0) {64 $(e).replaceWith(th); // checkbox65 } else {66 var propName = $.trim($(e).text());67 var txt = $('<input />').attr({type:'text', name:propName, id:'txt_' + i});68 txt.attr('placeholder', properties[propName] == null ? '' : properties[propName]);69 txt.change(createGql);70 // ããã¹ãããã¯ã¹ã§ã¨ã³ã¿ã¼ãã¼ãæ¼ä¸ããã¨æ¤ç´¢ããããã«ãã71 var dummyForm = $('<form>').submit(function () {72 txt.change();73 $('#ae-datastore-explorer-button').click();74 return false;75 });76 dummyForm.append(txt);77 th.append(dummyForm);78 $(e).replaceWith(th);79 }80 });81 table.find("thead").append(tr);82 $('#ae-datastore-explorer-entities tbody tr').each(function (i, tr) {83 $(tr).find('td').each(function (tdIndex, td) {84 if (tdIndex == 0) {85 return; // checkbox86 }87 if ($(this).text().trim() == '<missing>') {88 return;89 }90 $(td).css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function () {91 var txt = $('#txt_' + tdIndex);92 txt.val($(this).text().trim());93 txt.change();94 });95 });96 });97 });98}99function gqlHistory() {100 // å±¥æ´ãä½æãã101 $("#ae-datastore-explorer-button").click(function (e){102 var namespace = $("#ae-datastore-explorer-namespace-query-select").val();103 var gql = $("#ae-datastore-explorer-gql").val();104 var gqlObject = {appId:appId, namespace:namespace, gql:gql, star:false};105 chrome.extension.sendRequest({id:'addGql', appId:appId, gql:gqlObject});106 });107 $.get(chrome.extension.getURL('/handlebars-template/gql_history_table.html')).done(function (template) {108 // å±¥æ´ã表示ãã109 getApp(appId, function (app) {110 var createTable = function (star) {111 $('#handlebars-template').remove();112 Handlebars.registerHelper('star_src', function (isStar) {113 return chrome.extension.getURL(isStar ? '/images/star_on.png' : '/images/star_off.png');114 });115 Handlebars.registerHelper('td_style', function (index) {116 return index%2 == 0 ? TD_ODD_STYLE : TD_EVEN_STYLE;117 });118 Handlebars.registerHelper('each'/* override */, function(org_context, options) {119 var ret = "";120 var context = jQuery.extend(true, [], org_context); // Deep copy121 for(var i=0, j=context.length; i<j; i++) {122 context[i].each_index = i; // each_with_index123 ret = ret + options.fn(context[i]);124 }125 return ret;126 });127 var converter = Handlebars.compile(template);128 var context = {app_star:star, gqlHistorys:star ? toStarList(app.gqlHistory) : app.gqlHistory};129 var html = converter(context);130 $("#ae-datastore-explorer-form-options").append(html);131 $("#gqlHistoryTable img").click(function (){132 var img = $(this);133 var src = img.attr('src');134 var star = src.indexOf('on.png') > 0 ? true : false;135 img.attr('src', star ? src.replace('on.png', 'off.png') : src.replace('off.png', 'on.png'));136 if ( {137 var starList = $.map(app.gqlHistory, function (e, i) { if ( {return e;} return null; });138 starList[img.attr('index')].star = !star;139 } else {140 app.gqlHistory[img.attr('index')].star = !star;141 }142 chrome.extension.sendRequest({id:'gqlHistoryStarUpdate', appId:appId, gqlHistory:app.gqlHistory});143 });144 $('#all_star_toggle').click(function () {145 var img = $(this);146 var src = img.attr('src');147 var star = src.indexOf('on.png') > 0 ? true : false;148 img.attr('src', star ? src.replace('on.png', 'off.png') : src.replace('off.png', 'on.png'));149 createTable(!star);150 chrome.extension.sendRequest({id:'toggleStar', appId:appId});151 });152 $("#gqlHistoryTable .gql-history-text").click(function () {153 $("#ae-datastore-explorer-gql").val($(this).text().trim());154 $("#ae-datastore-explorer-namespace-query-select").val($(this).data('namespace')); // TODO:namespace対å¿155 });156 };157 createTable(;158 });159 });160}161createInputBox();162gqlHistory();163function toStarList(list) {164 var starList = [];165 list.forEach(function (e, i) {166 if ( {167 starList.push(e);168 }169 });170 return starList;...
...38 hint: appCount < 239 ? `Actually, you don't have multiple apps defined in your config.\n` +40 `Hence, either you don't need to call device.selectApp(${J(attemptedName)}) at all,\n` +41 `or, your apps config is missing that app. See the actual contents:`42 : `Maybe you meant one of these app names?\n` + toStarlist(this.appsConfig),43 debugInfo: appCount < 2 ? this.appsConfig : undefined,44 inspectOptions: { depth: 2 },45 });46 }47 cantSelectEmptyApp() {48 return new DetoxRuntimeError({49 message: `Forbidden method call: device.selectApp(app) cannot be called without arguments.`,50 hint: 'Pass the name of the app or an app config. See Device API docs for more details.'51 });52 }53 appNotSelected() {54 return new DetoxRuntimeError({55 message: `To perform any app-specific action on the device, you should select the app first.`,56 hint: 'Make sure you call `await device.selectApp("your app name")`, where the app name is one of:\n' +57 toStarlist(this.appsConfig)58 });59 }60}61function toStarlist(dictionary) {62 return _.keys(dictionary).map(c => `* ${c}`).join('\n');63}...
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('path/to/root');2var starlist = root.toStarlist();3module.exports = {4 toStarlist: function() {5 }6}
Using AI Code Generation
1var starlist = require('starlist');2var list = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];3var list2 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];4var list3 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];5var list4 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];6var list5 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];7var list6 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];8var list7 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];9var list8 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];10var list9 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];11var list10 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];12var list11 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];13var list12 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];14var list13 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m"];
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('./root.js');2var starlist = root.toStarlist('test');3console.log(starlist);4exports.toStarlist = function(string) {5 var arr = string.split('');6 var starlist = arr.join('*');7 return starlist;8}9var root = require('./root.js');10var starlist = root.toStarlist('test');11console.log(starlist);12module.exports = {13 toStarlist: function(string) {14 var arr = string.split('');15 var starlist = arr.join('*');16 return starlist;17 },18 toHashlist: function(string) {19 var arr = string.split('');20 var hashlist = arr.join('#');21 return hashlist;22 },23 toDollarlist: function(string) {24 var arr = string.split('');25 var dollarlist = arr.join('$');26 return dollarlist;27 }28}29var root = require('./root.js');30var starlist = root.toStarlist('test');31console.log(starlist);32var hashlist = root.toHashlist('test');33console.log(hashlist);34var dollarlist = root.toDollarlist('test');35console.log(dollarlist);36module.exports = function(string) {37 var arr = string.split('');38 var starlist = arr.join('*');39 return starlist;40}41var root = require('./root.js');42var starlist = root('test');43console.log(starlist);
Using AI Code Generation
1const {toStarlist} = require('starlist');2console.log(toStarlist('hello world'));3**toStarlist(string)**4const {toStarlist} = require('starlist');5console.log(toStarlist('hello world'));6**toStarlistObject(string)**7const {toStarlistObject} = require('starlist');8console.log(toStarlistObject('hello world'));9**toStarlistArray(string)**10const {toStarlistArray} = require('starlist');11console.log(toStarlistArray('hello world'));12**toStarlistString(string)**13const {toStarlistString} = require('starlist');14console.log(toStarlistString('hello world'));15**toStarlistBuffer(string)**16const {toStarlistBuffer} = require('starlist');17console.log(toStarlistBuffer('hello world'));18**toStarlistStream(string)**19const {toStarlistStream} = require('starlist');20console.log(toStarlistStream('hello world'));21**toStarlistFile(string, path, callback)**22const {toStarlistFile} = require('starlist');23console.log(toStarlistFile('hello world', 'test.txt', (error) => {24 if(error) console.log(error);25}));26**toStarlistFileSync(string, path)**27const {toStarlistFileSync}
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