How to use spawnAndLog method in root

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Source:command-new.ts Github


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...69 next()70 }71 return stream72}73function spawnAndLog(cmd: string, options?: any) {74 const [file, ...args] = cmd.split(/\s+/)75 const execed = execa(file, args, options)76 const stdoutStream = createWritableStream(message => {77 if (currentCommandOpts) {78 currentCommandOpts.sendMessage(message)79 }80 })81 execed.stdout.pipe(stdoutStream)82 execed.stdout.pipe(process.stdout)83 return execed84}85export async function copyTemplate(86 options: { name: string; projectRoot?: string; template: string },87 { preInstall }: { preInstall?: (opts: { path: string }) => void },88): Promise<StatusReply> {89 const appRoot = join(options.projectRoot || process.cwd(), const urlObject = url.parse(appRoot)91 if (urlObject.protocol && {92 trackError(`NEW_PROJECT_NAME_MISSING`)93 return {94 type: 'error',95 message: `It looks like you forgot to add a name for your new project.`,96 }97 }98 if (!isValid(appRoot)) {99 return {100 type: 'error',101 message: `Could not create a project in "${resolve(appRoot)}" because it's not a valid path`,102 }103 }104 if (pathExistsSync(appRoot)) {105 trackError(`NEW_PROJECT_EXISTS`)106 return {107 type: 'error',108 message: `Directory ${appRoot} already exists.`,109 }110 }111 const hostedInfo = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(options.template)112 trackCli(`NEW_PROJECT`, { templateName: options.template })113 // clone114 try {115 if (hostedInfo) {116`Cloning from git ${JSON.stringify(hostedInfo)}`)117 await clone(hostedInfo, appRoot)118 } else {119 const templatePath = join(__dirname, '..', 'templates', options.template)120 if (!pathExistsSync(templatePath)) {121 return {122 type: 'error',123 message: `Couldn't find local template with name ${options.template} at ${templatePath}`,124 }125 }126 await copy(templatePath, appRoot)127 }128 } catch (err) {129 return await returnError(appRoot, err)130 }131 // install132 try {133 await preInstall({134 path: appRoot,135 })136 await install(appRoot)137 return {138 type: 'success',139 message: `Created app at ${appRoot}`,140 }141 } catch (err) {142 return await returnError(appRoot, err)143 }144}145async function returnError(appRoot: string, error: any) {146 try {147 await remove(appRoot)148 } catch {}149 return {150 type: 'error',151 message: `Error copying template ${error.message}`,152 } as const153}154export async function isInWorkspace(directory: string) {155 const pkgPath = join(directory, 'package.json')156 if (await pathExists(pkgPath)) {157 const pkg = await readJSON(pkgPath)158 return !!(pkg && pkg.config && pkg.config.orbitWorkspace)159 }160 return false161}162// Checks the existence of yarn package and user preference if it exists163// We use yarnpkg instead of yarn to avoid conflict with Hadoop yarn164// Refer to shouldUseYarn = async () => {166 try {167 execSync(`yarnpkg --version`, { stdio: `ignore` })168 let packageManager = configStore.packageManager.get()169 if (!packageManager) {170 // if package manager is not set:171 // - prompt user to pick package manager if in interactive console172 // - default to yarn if not in interactive console173 if (isTty()) {174 packageManager = (await promptPackageManager()) || `yarn`175 } else {176 packageManager = `yarn`177 }178 }179 return packageManager === `yarn`180 } catch (e) {181 return false182 }183}184export const promptPackageManager = async () => {185 const promptsAnswer = await prompts([186 {187 type: `select`,188 name: `packageManager`,189 message: `Which package manager would you like to use ?`,190 choices: [{ title: `yarn`, value: `yarn` }, { title: `npm`, value: `npm` }],191 initial: 0,192 },193 ])194 const response = promptsAnswer.packageManager195 if (response) {196 configStore.packageManager.set(response)197 }198 return response199}200// Initialize newly cloned directory as a git repo201const gitInit = async projectRoot => {202`Initialising git in ${projectRoot}`)203 return await spawnAndLog(`git init`, { cwd: projectRoot })204}205// Create a .gitignore file if it is missing in the new directory206const maybeCreateGitIgnore = async projectRoot => {207 if (pathExistsSync(join(projectRoot, `.gitignore`))) {208 return209 }210`Creating minimal .gitignore in ${projectRoot}`)211 await fs.writeFile(join(projectRoot, `.gitignore`), `.cache\nnode_modules\npublic\n`)212}213// Create an initial git commit in the new directory214const createInitialGitCommit = async (projectRoot, templateUrl) => {215`Create initial git commit in ${projectRoot}`)216 await spawnAndLog(`git add -A`, { cwd: projectRoot })217 // use execSync instead of spawn to handle git clients using218 // pgp signatures (with password)219 execSync(`git commit -m "Initial commit from orbit: (${templateUrl})"`, {220 cwd: projectRoot,221 })222}223// Executes `npm install` or `yarn install` in projectRoot.224const install = async projectRoot => {225 const prevDir = process.cwd()226`Installing packages...`)227 process.chdir(projectRoot)228 try {229 if (await shouldUseYarn()) {230 await spawnAndLog(`yarn install`, { cwd: projectRoot })231 } else {232 await spawnAndLog(`npm install`, { cwd: projectRoot })233 }234 } finally {235 process.chdir(prevDir)236 }237}238const ignored = path => !/^\.(git|hg)$/.test(basename(path))239// Copy template from file system.240const copy = async (templatePath: string, projectRoot: string) => {241 // Chmod with 755.242 // 493 = parseInt('755', 8)243 // @ts-ignore244 await fs.ensureDir(projectRoot, { mode: 493 })245 if (!pathExistsSync(templatePath)) {246 throw new Error(`template doesn't exist at: ${templatePath}`)247 }248 if (templatePath === `.`) {249 throw new Error(250 `You can't create a template from the existing directory. If you want to251 create a new app in the current directory, the trailing dot isn't252 necessary. If you want to create a new app from a local template, run253 something like "orbit new new-orbit-app ../my-orbit-template"`,254 )255 }256`Creating new app from local template: ${templatePath}`)257`Copying local template to ${projectRoot} ...`)258 await fs.copy(templatePath, projectRoot, { filter: ignored })259 reporter.success(`Created template directory layout`)260 return true261}262// Clones template from URI.263const clone = async (hostInfo: any, projectRoot: string) => {264 let url265 // Let people use private repos accessed over SSH.266 if (hostInfo.getDefaultRepresentation() === `sshurl`) {267 url = hostInfo.ssh({ noCommittish: true })268 // Otherwise default to normal git syntax.269 } else {270 url = hostInfo.https({ noCommittish: true, noGitPlus: true })271 }272 const branch = hostInfo.committish ? `-b ${hostInfo.committish}` : ``273`Creating new app from git: ${url}`)274 await spawnAndLog(`git clone ${branch} ${url} ${projectRoot} --single-branch`)275 reporter.success(`Created template directory layout`)276 await fs.remove(join(projectRoot, `.git`))277 await install(projectRoot)278 await gitInit(projectRoot)279 await maybeCreateGitIgnore(projectRoot)280 await createInitialGitCommit(projectRoot, url)...

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Source:acl.js Github


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1const async = require('async');2const events = require('events');3const should = require('should');4const sinon = require('sinon');5describe('acl', function() {6 7 let config = require('../src/config');8 let acl = require('../src/acl');9 let util = require('../src/util');10 11 let sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();12 13 beforeEach(function() {14 // spawnAndLog returns a child that exits once any listener is attached15 sandbox.childExitCode = 0;16 sandbox.stub(util, 'spawnAndLog', function() {17 let child = new events.EventEmitter().on('newListener', function() {18 if (child.exited) { return; }19 process.nextTick(() => child.emit('exit', sandbox.childExitCode));20 child.exited = true;21 });22 return child;23 });24 });25 26 afterEach(function() {27 sandbox.restore();28 });29 30 describe('set', function() {31 32 describe('none', function() {33 34 beforeEach(function() {35 sandbox.stub(config.student, 'acl', 'none');36 });37 38 it('should succeed', function(done) {39 acl.set('/fake/directory', 'fakeuser', acl.level.none, done);40 });41 });42 43 describe('afs', function() {44 45 let users = { other: 'system:anyuser' };46 let levels = { none: 'none', read: 'read', write: 'write' };47 48 beforeEach(function() {49 sandbox.stub(config.student, 'acl', 'afs');50 });51 52 it('should execute recursive fs setacl', function(done) {53 acl.set('/fake/directory', 'fakeuser', acl.level.none, function(err) {54;55 let args = util.spawnAndLog.lastCall.args;56 args[0].should.eql('find');57 args[1].should.eql([58 '.', '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'fs', 'setacl', '-acl', 'fakeuser', 'none', '-dir', '{}', '+'59 ]);60 args[2].should.containEql({ cwd: '/fake/directory' });61 done(err);62 });63 });64 it('should translate special users', function(done) {65 async.eachSeries(Object.keys(users), function(user, next) {66 acl.set('/fake/directory', acl.user[user], acl.level.none, function(err) {67 let findArgs = util.spawnAndLog.lastCall.args[1];68 findArgs.slice(findArgs.indexOf('-acl')).slice(1, 3).should.eql([ users[user], 'none' ]);69 done(err);70 });71 }, done);72 });73 it('should translate permission levels', function(done) {74 async.eachSeries(Object.keys(levels), function(level, next) {75 acl.set('/fake/directory', 'fakeuser', acl.level[level], function(err) {76 let findArgs = util.spawnAndLog.lastCall.args[1];77 findArgs.slice(findArgs.indexOf('-acl')).slice(1, 3).should.eql([ 'fakeuser', levels[level] ]);78 next(err);79 });80 }, done);81 });82 it('should fail with invalid permission level', function(done) {83 acl.set('/fake/directory', 'fakeuser', 'none', function(err) {84 should.exist(err);85;86 done();87 });88 });89 it('should fail with child error', function(done) {90 sandbox.childExitCode = null;91 acl.set('/fake/directory', 'fakeuser', acl.level.none, function(err) {92 should.exist(err);93 done();94 });95 });96 it('should fail with child failure', function(done) {97 sandbox.childExitCode = 1;98 acl.set('/fake/directory', 'fakeuser', acl.level.none, function(err) {99 should.exist(err);100 done();101 });102 });103 });104 });...

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Source:trace.js Github


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...20 }21};22const main = async () => {23 try {24 await spawnAndLog("/bin/echo", ["Hello", "World!"]);25 } catch (ex) {26 console.error(ex);27 }28};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1rootLogger.spawnAndLog('child', 'child message');2childLogger.spawnAndLog('grandchild', 'grandchild message');3grandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgrandchild', 'greatgrandchild message');4greatgrandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgreatgrandchild', 'greatgreatgrandchild message');5greatgreatgrandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgreatgreatgrandchild', 'greatgreatgreatgrandchild message');6greatgreatgreatgrandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild', 'greatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild message');7greatgreatgreatgreatgrandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild', 'greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild message');8greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild', 'greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild message');9greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild', 'greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild message');10greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchildLogger.spawnAndLog('greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild', 'greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandchild message');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('./root');2root.spawnAndLog('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {3 console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);4 console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);5 if (err !== null) {6 console.log('exec error: ' + err);7 }8});9var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;10var spawnAndLog = function (command, args, callback) {11 var child = spawn(command, args);12 var response = "";13 var error = "";14 child.stdout.on('data', function (buffer) {15 response += buffer.toString();16 });17 child.stdout.on('end', function () {18 callback(null, response, error);19 });20 child.stderr.on('data', function (buffer) {21 error += buffer.toString();22 });23};24exports.spawnAndLog = spawnAndLog;25var execFile = require('child_process').execFile;26var child = execFile('./', function(error, stdout, stderr) {27 if (error) {28 throw error;29 }30 console.log(stdout);31});32var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;33var child = spawn('./', function(error, stdout, stderr) {34 if (error) {35 throw error;36 }37 console.log(stdout);38});39var exec = require('child_process').exec;40var child = exec('./', function(error, stdout, stderr) {41 if (error) {42 throw error;43 }44 console.log(stdout);45});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('root');2root.spawnAndLog('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {3 console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);4 console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);5 if (err) {6 console.log('error: ' + err);7 }8});9var root = require('root');10root.spawnAndLog('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {11 console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);12 console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);13 if (err) {14 console.log('error: ' + err);15 }16});17var root = require('root');18root.spawnAndLog('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {19 console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);20 console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);21 if (err) {22 console.log('error: ' + err);23 }24});25var root = require('root');26root.spawnAndLog('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {27 console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);28 console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);29 if (err) {30 console.log('error: ' + err);31 }32});33var root = require('root');34root.spawnAndLog('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {35 console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);36 console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);37 if (err) {38 console.log('error: ' + err);39 }40});41var root = require('root');42root.spawnAndLog('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {43 console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);44 console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);45 if (err) {46 console.log('error: ' + err);47 }48});49var root = require('root

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var rootLogger = require('logger').rootLogger;2var childProcess = require('child_process');3var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);4rootLogger.spawnAndLog(child);5var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');6var childProcess = require('child_process');7var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);8childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);9var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');10var childProcess = require('child_process');11var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);12childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);13var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');14var childProcess = require('child_process');15var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);16childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);17var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');18var childProcess = require('child_process');19var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);20childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);21var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');22var childProcess = require('child_process');23var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);24childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);25var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');26var childProcess = require('child_process');27var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);28childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);29var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');30var childProcess = require('child_process');31var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);32childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);33var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');34var childProcess = require('child_process');35var child = childProcess.spawn('ls', ['-l']);36childLogger.spawnAndLog(child);37var childLogger = require('logger').getLogger('child');38var childProcess = require('child_process');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1rootLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env});2childLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env});3grandChildLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env});4grandChildLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {5});6grandChildLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {7}, true);8grandChildLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {9}, false);10grandChildLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {11}, false, true);12grandChildLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {13}, false, false);14grandChildLogger.spawnAndLog('test.js', ['test.js', 'arg1', 'arg2'], {env: process.env}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {15},

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var rootLogger = require('log4js').getLogger();2rootLogger.spawnAndLog('test.log', 'This is a test log message');3rootLogger.spawnAndLog('test.log', 'This is another test log message');4rootLogger.spawnAndLog('test.log', 'This is another test log message');5{6 { "type": "console" },7 { "type": "file", "filename": "trace.log", "category": "trace" },8 { "type": "file", "filename": "debug.log", "category": "debug" },9 { "type": "file", "filename": "info.log", "category": "info" },10 { "type": "file", "filename": "warn.log", "category": "warn" },11 { "type": "file", "filename": "error.log", "category": "error" },12 { "type": "file", "filename": "fatal.log", "category": "fatal" }13 "levels": {14 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const root = require('root.js');2root.spawnAndLog("ls","-l");3root.spawnAndLog("ls","-a");4const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;5exports.spawnAndLog = function(command, args) {6 const child = spawn(command, args);7 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {8 console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);9 });10 child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {11 console.log(`stderr: ${data}`);12 });13 child.on('close', (code) => {14 console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`);15 });16};17 at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:470:15)18 at Function.Module._load (module.js:418:25)19 at Module.require (module.js:498:17)20 at require (internal/module.js:20:19)21const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;22const child = spawn('wmic', ['os', 'get', 'name,version']);23child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {24 console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);25});26child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {27 console.log(`stderr: ${data}`);28});29child.on('close', (code) => {30 console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`);31});32 at exports._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)33 at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:193:32)34 at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:359:16)35 at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)36 at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)37 at Module.runMain (module.js:606:11)

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