Best JavaScript code snippet using root
Source: index.js
1import Helmet from 'react-helmet';2import PropTypes from 'prop-types';3import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';4import { Col, Container, Row } from 'reactstrap';5import { Wave } from 'react-animated-text';6import useSound from 'use-sound';7import { WAKE_ARDUINO } from '@arduino/arduino-base/ReactSerial/ArduinoConstants';8import IPC from '@arduino/arduino-base/ReactSerial/IPCMessages';9import withSerialCommunication from '@arduino/arduino-base/ReactSerial/SerialHOC';10import Song from '@audio/song.wav';11import StoplightGo from '@audio/stoplight-go.wav';12import StoplightWait from '@audio/stoplight-wait.wav';13import AttractScreen from '@components/AttractScreen';14import Lane from '@components/Lane';15import MessageBlock from '@components/MessageBlock';16import PreviousTimerDisplay from '@components/PreviousTimerDisplay';17import Stoplight from '@components/Stoplight';18import useInterval from '@hooks/useInterval';19import './index.scss';20const MESSAGE_GET_BEAMS = '{get-beam-states:1}';21const MESSAGE_RESET_SOLENOIDS = '{retract-solenoids:0}';22const MESSAGE_RETRACT_SOLENOIDS = '{retract-solenoids:1}';23function RenderStoplight(status) {24 return (<Stoplight status={status} />);25}26const App = (props) => {27 const {28 sendData, setOnDataCallback, startIpcCommunication, stopIpcCommunication,29 } = props;30 const [appTimeout, setAppTimeout] = useState(null);31 const [countdown, setCountdown] = useState(0);32 const [countdownInterval, setCountdownInterval] = useState(null);33 const [displayRibbons, setDisplayRibbons] = useState(false);34 const [handshake, setHandshake] = useState(false);35 const [isAppIdle, setIsAppIdle] = useState(true);36 const [isCountingDown, setIsCountingDown] = useState(false);37 const [isRacing, setIsRacing] = useState(false);38 const [messageTimeout, setMessageTimeout] = useState(null);39 const [messageVisibility, setMessageVisibility] = useState(false);40 const [pingArduinoStatus, setPingArduinoStatus] = useState(false);41 const [racingInterval, setRacingInterval] = useState(null);42 const [refreshPortCount, setRefreshPortCount] = useState(0);43 const [ribbonCountdown, setRibbonCountdown] = useState(0);44 const [ribbonInterval, setRibbonInterval] = useState(null);45 const [serialData, setSerialData] = useState({ message: '', value: '' });46 const [stoplightComponent, setStoplightComponent] = useState(null);47 const [timeElapsed, setTimeElapsed] = useState(0);48 const [track1Finish, setTrack1Finish] = useState(0);49 const [track2Finish, setTrack2Finish] = useState(0);50 const [track3Finish, setTrack3Finish] = useState(0);51 const [track1Placement, setTrack1Placement] = useState(0);52 const [track2Placement, setTrack2Placement] = useState(0);53 const [track3Placement, setTrack3Placement] = useState(0);54 const [track1PreviousFinish, setTrack1PreviousFinish] = useState(0);55 const [track2PreviousFinish, setTrack2PreviousFinish] = useState(0);56 const [track3PreviousFinish, setTrack3PreviousFinish] = useState(0);57 const [track1Start, setTrack1Start] = useState(false);58 const [track2Start, setTrack2Start] = useState(false);59 const [track3Start, setTrack3Start] = useState(false);60 const [playSong, song] = useSound(Song, { loop: true });61 const [playStoplightGo, stoplightGo] = useSound(StoplightGo);62 const [playStoplightWait, stoplightWait] = useSound(StoplightWait);63 const onSerialData = (data, setData) => {64 const message = Object.keys(data)[0];65 const value = Object.values(data)[0];66 setData({ message, value });67 };68 // Pass through our HOC method to Stele, which passes to Serial device69 const sendMessage = (msg) => sendData(msg);70 const refreshPorts = () => {71 if (refreshPortCount === 3) {72 setHandshake(false);73 console.log('sending RESET-PORT');74 sendData(IPC.RESET_PORTS_COMMAND);75 console.log('restarting ipcCommunication...');76 stopIpcCommunication();77 startIpcCommunication();78 }79 setRefreshPortCount(refreshPortCount + 1);80 };81 const pingArduino = () => {82 if (pingArduinoStatus) refreshPorts();83 setPingArduinoStatus(true);84 sendData(JSON.stringify(WAKE_ARDUINO));85 };86 /** ***************** App functions ******************* */87 // Set 5 minute timeout for app88 const appTimeoutReset = () => {89 clearTimeout(appTimeout);90 setAppTimeout(setTimeout(() => setIsAppIdle(true), 300000));91 };92 const stopLightReset = () => {93 clearInterval(countdownInterval);94 setCountdownInterval(null);95 setCountdown(0);96 setIsCountingDown(false);97 };98 const resetTrackTimes = (trackNumber) => {99 switch (trackNumber) {100 case 1:101 setTrack1Finish(0);102 setTrack1Placement(0);103 break;104 case 2:105 setTrack2Finish(0);106 setTrack2Placement(0);107 break;108 case 3:109 setTrack3Finish(0);110 setTrack3Placement(0);111 break;112 default:113 setTrack1Finish(0);114 setTrack2Finish(0);115 setTrack3Finish(0);116 setTrack1Placement(0);117 setTrack2Placement(0);118 setTrack3Placement(0);119 break;120 }121 };122 const cleanupCountdown = () => {123 stopLightReset();124 setIsRacing(true);125 sendMessage(MESSAGE_RETRACT_SOLENOIDS);126 };127 // Set the message visibility to false because we have at least 1 car on the tracks128 const cleanupMessageTimeout = () => {129 setMessageVisibility(false);130 clearTimeout(messageTimeout);131 };132 const cleanupRibbonInterval = () => {133 clearInterval(ribbonInterval);134 setDisplayRibbons(false);135 setRibbonCountdown(0);136 resetTrackTimes();137 sendMessage(MESSAGE_GET_BEAMS);138 };139 const cleanupRacingInterval = () => {140 sendMessage(MESSAGE_RESET_SOLENOIDS);141 clearInterval(racingInterval);142 setIsRacing(false);143 setTimeElapsed(0);144 appTimeoutReset();145 song.stop();146 const results = [147 ['track1', track1Finish],148 ['track2', track2Finish],149 ['track3', track3Finish],150 ];151 const raceTimes = results.filter((result) => result[1] > 0);152 if (raceTimes.length > 0) {153 raceTimes.sort((a, b) => {154 if (a[1] === b[1]) return 0;155 return (a[1] < b[1]) ? -1 : 1;156 });157 for (let i = 0; i < raceTimes.length; i += 1) {158 switch (raceTimes[i][0]) {159 case 'track1':160 if (raceTimes[i][1] > 0) setTrack1Placement(i + 1);161 break;162 case 'track2':163 if (raceTimes[i][1] > 0) setTrack2Placement(i + 1);164 break;165 case 'track3':166 if (raceTimes[i][1] > 0) setTrack3Placement(i + 1);167 break;168 default:169 break;170 }171 }172 if (track1Finish > 0 || track2Finish > 0 || track3Finish > 0) setDisplayRibbons(true);173 setTrack1PreviousFinish(track1Finish);174 setTrack2PreviousFinish(track2Finish);175 setTrack3PreviousFinish(track3Finish);176 } else {177 // if no cars finished, reset everything178 resetTrackTimes();179 sendMessage(MESSAGE_GET_BEAMS);180 }181 };182 /** ***************** useInterval hooks ***************** */183 useInterval(() => pingArduino(), 5000);184 /** ***************** useEffect hooks ******************* */185 useEffect(() => {186 setOnDataCallback((data) => onSerialData(data, setSerialData));187 }, []);188 useEffect(() => {189 if (serialData.message === 'arduino-ready' && serialData.value) {190 if (!handshake) setHandshake(true);191 setPingArduinoStatus(false);192 setRefreshPortCount(0);193 } else if (handshake) {194 appTimeoutReset();195 if (isAppIdle) {196 setIsAppIdle(false);197 resetTrackTimes();198 } else if (serialData.message === 'start-button-pressed' && !isAppIdle199 && !isRacing && countdown === 0 && !isCountingDown && !displayRibbons) {200 if (track1Start || track2Start || track3Start) {201 sendMessage(MESSAGE_GET_BEAMS);202 resetTrackTimes();203 setIsCountingDown(true);204 setCountdown(1);205 setCountdownInterval(setInterval(() => {206 setCountdown((prevState) => prevState + 1);207 }, 1000));208 } else {209 setMessageVisibility(true);210 setMessageTimeout(setTimeout(() => {211 setMessageVisibility(false);212 }, 5000));213 }214 }215 if (serialData.message === 'track-1-start' && !isRacing && !displayRibbons) {216 setTrack1Start(serialData.value === '1');217 cleanupMessageTimeout();218 resetTrackTimes(1);219 } else if (serialData.message === 'track-2-start' && !isRacing && !displayRibbons) {220 setTrack2Start(serialData.value === '1');221 cleanupMessageTimeout();222 resetTrackTimes(2);223 } else if (serialData.message === 'track-3-start' && !isRacing && !displayRibbons) {224 setTrack3Start(serialData.value === '1');225 cleanupMessageTimeout();226 resetTrackTimes(3);227 } else if (serialData.message === 'track-1-finish' && track1Finish === 0 && track1Start) {228 setTrack1Finish(timeElapsed);229 } else if (serialData.message === 'track-2-finish' && track2Finish === 0 && track2Start) {230 setTrack2Finish(timeElapsed);231 } else if (serialData.message === 'track-3-finish' && track3Finish === 0 && track3Start) {232 setTrack3Finish(timeElapsed);233 }234 }235 }, [serialData]);236 // Start counting the total druration of the race237 useEffect(() => {238 if (isRacing) {239 song.stop();240 playSong();241 const startTime =;242 setRacingInterval(setInterval(() => {243 const msElapsed = - startTime;244 setTimeElapsed(msElapsed);245 }, 50));246 }247 }, [isRacing]);248 useEffect(() => {249 const track1Finished = (track1Start) ? track1Finish > 0 : true;250 const track2Finished = (track2Start) ? track2Finish > 0 : true;251 const track3Finished = (track3Start) ? track3Finish > 0 : true;252 if (timeElapsed >= 10000 || (track1Finished && track2Finished && track3Finished)) {253 cleanupRacingInterval();254 }255 }, [timeElapsed, track1Finish, track2Finish, track3Finish]);256 // Update stoplight state257 useEffect(() => {258 if (track1Start || track2Start || track3Start) {259 if (countdown > 0 && countdown < 3) {260 stoplightWait.stop();261 playStoplightWait();262 }263 if (countdown === 3) {264 stoplightGo.stop();265 playStoplightGo();266 }267 if (countdown > 3) cleanupCountdown();268 setStoplightComponent(RenderStoplight(countdown));269 } else {270 stopLightReset();271 setStoplightComponent(RenderStoplight(0));272 }273 }, [countdown]);274 // Countdown the ribbon display275 useEffect(() => {276 if (ribbonCountdown > 9) cleanupRibbonInterval();277 }, [ribbonCountdown]);278 // Set the delay for the ribbon display279 useEffect(() => {280 if (!isRacing && (track1Finish > 0 || track2Finish > 0 || track3Finish > 0)) {281 setRibbonInterval(setInterval(() => {282 setRibbonCountdown((prevState) => prevState + 1);283 }, 1000));284 }285 }, [isRacing]);286 // Get track start state when app wakes up287 useEffect(() => {288 if (!isAppIdle) sendMessage(MESSAGE_GET_BEAMS);289 }, [isAppIdle]);290 if (!handshake) {291 return (292 <div className="loading">293 <Wave effect="fadeOut" text="Loading..." />294 </div>295 );296 }297 if (isAppIdle) return <AttractScreen callback={() => setIsAppIdle(false)} />;298 return (299 <>300 <Helmet>301 <meta charSet="utf-8" />302 <meta303 name="viewport"304 content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"305 />306 </Helmet>307 <Container className="app" fluid>308 <Row className="no-gutters">309 <div className="previous-race-column">310 <Row className="no-gutters">311 <Col>312 <PreviousTimerDisplay313 displayRibbons={displayRibbons}314 finishTime={track1PreviousFinish}315 />316 </Col>317 </Row>318 <Row className="no-gutters">319 <Col>320 <PreviousTimerDisplay321 displayRibbons={displayRibbons}322 finishTime={track2PreviousFinish}323 />324 </Col>325 </Row>326 <Row className="no-gutters">327 <Col>328 <PreviousTimerDisplay329 displayRibbons={displayRibbons}330 finishTime={track3PreviousFinish}331 />332 </Col>333 </Row>334 </div>335 <div className="track-lane-column">336 <div337 className={(displayRibbons) ? 'ribbon-countdown' : 'd-none ribbon-countdown'}338 >339 Race track will reset in340 {' '}341 {10 - ribbonCountdown}342 ...343 </div>344 <Row className="no-gutters">345 <Col>346 <Lane347 displayRibbons={displayRibbons}348 finish={(displayRibbons) ? track1PreviousFinish : track1Finish}349 isActive={track1Start}350 isRacing={isRacing}351 laneNumber={1}352 placement={track1Placement}353 time={timeElapsed}354 />355 </Col>356 <Col>357 <Lane358 displayRibbons={displayRibbons}359 finish={(displayRibbons) ? track2PreviousFinish : track2Finish}360 isActive={track2Start}361 isRacing={isRacing}362 laneNumber={2}363 placement={track2Placement}364 time={timeElapsed}365 />366 </Col>367 <Col>368 <Lane369 displayRibbons={displayRibbons}370 finish={(displayRibbons) ? track3PreviousFinish : track3Finish}371 isActive={track3Start}372 isRacing={isRacing}373 laneNumber={3}374 placement={track3Placement}375 time={timeElapsed}376 />377 </Col>378 </Row>379 </div>380 <div className="stoplight-column">381 {stoplightComponent}382 </div>383 </Row>384 <MessageBlock isVisible={messageVisibility} />385 </Container>386 </>387 );388};389App.propTypes = {390 sendData: PropTypes.func.isRequired,391 setOnDataCallback: PropTypes.func.isRequired,392 startIpcCommunication: PropTypes.func.isRequired,393 stopIpcCommunication: PropTypes.func.isRequired,394};395const AppWithSerialCommunication = withSerialCommunication(App);...
Source: index.d.ts
1declare module 'idle-vue' {2 import Vue, { PluginFunction } from 'vue'3 export interface IdleVueUseOptions {4 events?: string[]5 eventEmitter?: any6 idleTime?: number7 keepTracking?: boolean8 moduleName?: string9 startAtIdle?: boolean10 store?: any11 }12 module "vue/types/vue" {13 interface Vue {14 isAppIdle: boolean15 }16 }17 // In case you want to vue.extend format18 module "vue/types/options" {19 interface ComponentOptions<V extends Vue> {20 onIdle?: () => void21 onActive?: () => void22 }23 }24 export function install(): PluginFunction<IdleVueUseOptions>...
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');2var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();3console.log(isAppIdle);4var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');5var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();6console.log(isAppIdle);7var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');8var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();9console.log(isAppIdle);10var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');11var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();12console.log(isAppIdle);13var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');14var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();15console.log(isAppIdle);16var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');17var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();18console.log(isAppIdle);19var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');20var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();21console.log(isAppIdle);22var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');23var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();24console.log(isAppIdle);25var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');26var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();27console.log(isAppIdle);28var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');29var isAppIdle = root.isAppIdle();30console.log(isAppIdle);31var root = require('ripple/platform
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('ripple/platform/tizen/2.0/root');2root.isAppIdle(function (isIdle) {3 console.log("isAppIdle: " + isIdle);4});5isAppIdle(callback);6function onsuccess(isIdle) {7 console.log("isAppIdle: " + isIdle);8}9root.isAppIdle(onsuccess);
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require("sdk/system").staticArgs.root;2root.isAppIdle(function(result) {3 console.log(result);4});5var root = require("sdk/system").staticArgs.root;6var root = require("sdk/system").staticArgs.root;7var root = require("sdk/system").staticArgs.root;8var root = require("sdk/system").staticArgs.root;
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