How to use interruptProcess method in root

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Source: em_languages.js Github


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1/​**2 * ExtJS for the extension manager.3 *4 *5 * @author Steffen Kamper <>6 * @package TYPO37 * @subpackage extension manager8 */​9Ext.ns('TYPO3.EM');10/​** override mousedown for grid to select checkbox respecting singleSelect */​11Ext.override(Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel, {12 handleMouseDown: function(g, rowIndex, e) {13 e.stopEvent();14 if (this.isSelected(rowIndex)) {15 this.deselectRow(rowIndex);16 } else {17 this.selectRow(rowIndex, true);18 this.grid.getView().focusRow(rowIndex);19 }20 }21});22Ext.grid.DynamicColumnModelForLanguages = function(store){23 var cols = [];24 var recordType = store.recordType;25 var fields = recordType.prototype.fields;26 for (var i = 0; i < fields.keys.length; i++) {27 var fieldName = fields.keys[i];28 var field = recordType.getField(fieldName);29 if (i === 0) {30 cols[i] = {31 header: 'Extension',32 dataIndex:,33 width: 200,34 fixed: true,35 sortable: false,36 hidable: false,37 menuDisabled: true,38 renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store){39 metaData.css += ' extLangTitleWithIcon';40 return + ' <strong>' + value + '</​strong>';41 }42 };43 } else if (i === 1 || i === 2 || i === 3) {44 /​/​bypass45 } else {46 cols[i - 3] = {47 header:,48 dataIndex:,49 hidden: true,50 fixed: true,51 sortable: false,52 hidable: false,53 menuDisabled: true,54 renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {55 if (value == TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_checking')) {56 return '<span class="x-mask-loading">&nbsp;</​span>' + value;57 }58 return '<span class="x-mask-loading">&nbsp;</​span>' + value;;59 }60 };61 }62 }63, cols);64};65Ext.extend(Ext.grid.DynamicColumnModelForLanguages, Ext.grid.ColumnModel, {defaultWidth: 170});66TYPO3.EM.LanguagesSelectionModel = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({67 singleSelect: false,68 header: '',69 dataIndex: 'selected',70 checkOnly: false71});72TYPO3.EM.LanguagesColumnModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([73 TYPO3.EM.LanguagesSelectionModel, {74 id: 'lang-label',75 header: TYPO3.l10n.localize('lang_language'),76 sortable: true,77 menuDisabled: true,78 dataIndex: 'label',79 hidable: false,80 renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {81 return '<span class="' + + '">&nbsp</​span>' + value;82 }83 },{84 id: 'lang-key',85 header: TYPO3.l10n.localize('lang_short'),86 menuDisabled: true,87 sortable: true,88 dataIndex: 'lang',89 hidable: false90 }91]);92TYPO3.EM.LanguagesProgressBar = new Ext.ProgressBar ({93 id: 'langpb',94 cls: 'left-align',95 autoWidth: true,96 style: 'margin: 0 0 20px 0',97 animate: true,98 height: 20,99 hidden: true100});101TYPO3.EM.Languages = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {102 border:false,103 layout: 'form',104 id: 'em-labguage-modul',105 extCount: 0,106 fetchType: 0,107 extkeyArray : [],108 selectedLanguages: [],109 cb: null,110 initComponent: function() {111 var langExtStore = new{112 storeId : 'em-languageext-store',113 autoLoad : false,114 directFn : TYPO3.EM.ExtDirect.getInstalledExtkeys,115 root : 'data',116 idProperty : 'extkey',117 fields : [{name : 'extkey'},{name : 'icon'},{name: 'stype'}],118 baseParams: {119 repository: TYPO3.settings.EM.selectedRepository120 },121 listeners : {122 'load': function(store, records, options){123 if(records.length) {124 Ext.getCmp('lang-checkbutton').enable();125 Ext.getCmp('lang-updatebutton').enable();126 this.restoreExtLanguageGrid();127 }128 this.languageLoaded = true;129 },130 scope : this131 }132 });133 this.langStore = new{134 storeId : 'em-language-store',135 autoLoad : false,136 directFn : TYPO3.EM.ExtDirect.getLanguages,137 paramsAsHash: false,138 root : 'data',139 idProperty : 'lang',140 fields : [141 {name : 'lang', type : 'string'},142 {name : 'label', type : 'string'},143 {name : 'cls', type : 'string'},144 {name : 'selected', type: 'bool'}145 ],146 listeners : {147 'load': function(store, records){148 /​/​ get selected languages and update selection and extGrid149 TYPO3.settings.LangLoaded = false;150 var a = [];151 for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {152 if(records[i].data.selected) {153 a.push(records[i]);154 }155 }156 TYPO3.EM.LanguagesSelectionModel.selectRecords(a);157 langExtStore.load();158 store.sort('label', 'ASC');159 },160 scope: this161 }162 });163 Ext.apply(this, {164 languagesLoaded: false,165 layout:'hbox',166 bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px 5px 0 5px;',167 layoutConfig: {168 align: 'stretch'169 },170 defaults: {171 border: false172 },173 items: [{174 width: 250,175 layout: 'fit',176 items: [{177 xtype: 'grid',178 id: 'em-languagegrid',179 stripeRows: true,180 store: this.langStore,181 cm: TYPO3.EM.LanguagesColumnModel,182 sm: TYPO3.EM.LanguagesSelectionModel,183 enableColumnMove: false,184 onRowClick: Ext.emptyFn,185 viewConfig: {186 forceFit: true187 }188 }]189 }, {190 flex: 1,191 layout: 'fit',192 items: [{193 xtype:'fieldset',194 /​/​title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_status'),195 collapsible: false,196 items: [197 TYPO3.EM.LanguagesActionPanel,198 {199 xtype: 'container',200 layout: 'hbox',201 height: 40,202 id: 'LanguagesActionPanel',203 layoutConfig: {204 align: 'stretch'205 },206 defaults: {207 border:false,208 flex: 1209 },210 items: [{211 xtype: 'button',212 text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_check_status_button'),213 id: 'lang-checkbutton',214 margins: '0 10 10 0'215 }, {216 xtype: 'button',217 text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_update_button'),218 id: 'lang-updatebutton',219 margins: '0 0 10 10'220 }]221 },222 TYPO3.EM.LanguagesProgressBar,223 {224 xtype: 'grid',225 id: 'em-extlanguagegrid',226 stripeRows: true,227 store: langExtStore,228 loadMask: {msg: TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_refresh_languages')},229 enableColumnMove: false,230 enableHdMenu : false,231 autoheight: true,232 cm: new Ext.grid.DynamicColumnModelForLanguages(langExtStore),233 margins: '0 10 0 0',234 anchor: '100% -40',235 listeners: {236 render: this.onExtensionLangguageGridRender237 }238 }]239 }]240 }]241 });242 /​/​ call parent243 TYPO3.EM.Languages.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);244 this.langGrid = Ext.getCmp('em-languagegrid');245 this.langGrid.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', function(){246 if (this.languageLoaded) {247 this.langGrid.disable();248 this.saveSelection();249 }250 }, this);251 Ext.getCmp('lang-checkbutton').handler = this.langActionHandler.createDelegate(this);252 Ext.getCmp('lang-updatebutton').handler = this.langActionHandler.createDelegate(this);253 } ,254 onExtensionLangguageGridRender: function(grid) {255 grid.fetchingProcess = false;256 this.on('cellclick', function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, event) {257 if (!grid.fetchingProcess && columnIndex > 0) {258 var record =;259 var lang = grid.colModel.config[columnIndex].dataIndex;260 Ext.Msg.confirm(261 TYPO3.l10n.localize('menu_language_packges'),262 String.format(TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_singleCheckQuestion'), lang, '<strong>' + + '</​strong>'),263 function(btn) {264 if (btn === 'yes') {265 this.waitBox = Ext.Msg.wait(266 String.format(TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_singleCheck'), lang, '<strong>' + + '</​strong>'),267 TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_checking')268 );269 TYPO3.EM.ExtDirect.fetchTranslations(, 1, [lang], function(response) {270 if (response && Ext.isArray(response)) {271 record.set(lang, response[lang]);272 record.commit();273 } else {274 TYPO3.Flashmessage.display(TYPO3.Severity.error, TYPO3.l10n.localize('extDirect_timeoutHeader'), TYPO3.l10n.localize('extDirect_timeoutMessage'), 5);275 }276 this.waitBox.hide()277 }, this);278 }279 },280 this281 );282 }283 }, this);284 },285 langActionHandler: function(button, event) {286 var languagegrid = Ext.getCmp('em-languagegrid');287 var buttonPanel = Ext.getCmp('LanguagesActionPanel');288 var progressBar = Ext.getCmp('langpb');289 var grid = Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid');290 buttonPanel.hide();291;292 languagegrid.disable();293 if ( === 'lang-checkbutton') {294 /​/​ check languages295 this.startFetchLanguages(0, Ext.StoreMgr.get('em-languageext-store'), function(){296 TYPO3.EM.LanguagesProgressBar.updateText(this.interruptProcess ? TYPO3.l10n.localize('msg_interrupted') : TYPO3.l10n.localize('msg_finished'));297 (function() {298 progressBar.hide();299;300 languagegrid.enable();301 grid.fetchingProcess = false;302 }).defer(1000, this);303 if (!this.interruptProcess) {304 TYPO3.Flashmessage.display(TYPO3.Severity.information, TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_checking_extension'), TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_check_done'), 3);305 Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid').getSelectionModel().clearSelections();306 }307 });308 } else {309 /​/​ update languages310 this.startFetchLanguages(1, Ext.StoreMgr.get('em-languageext-store'), function(){311 TYPO3.EM.LanguagesProgressBar.updateText(this.interruptProcess ? TYPO3.l10n.localize('msg_interrupted') : TYPO3.l10n.localize('msg_finished'));312 if (!this.interruptProcess) {313 TYPO3.Flashmessage.display(TYPO3.Severity.information, TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_update_extension'), TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_update_done'), 3);314 Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid').getSelectionModel().clearSelections();315 }316 progressBar.hide();317;318 languagegrid.enable();319 grid.fetchingProcess = false;320 });321 }322 },323 getSelectedLanguages: function() {324 var selLanguages = this.langGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelections();325 this.selectedLanguages = [];326 if (selLanguages.length > 0 ) {327 for (var i=0; i<selLanguages.length; i++) {328 this.selectedLanguages.push(selLanguages[i].data.lang);329 }330 }331 },332 saveSelection: function() {333 if (this.languageLoaded === true) {334 this.getSelectedLanguages();335 TYPO3.EM.ExtDirect.saveLanguageSelection(this.selectedLanguages, function(response) {336 this.languageLoaded = false;337 if (response.success) {338 for (var i = 0; i < response.diff.length; i++) {339 record = this.langStore.getById(response.diff[i]);340 this.addRemoveExtLanguageGridColumn(;341 if (response.dir > 0) {342 /​/​ Languages were added343 this.langGrid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(, true);344 } else {345 /​/​ Languages were removed346 this.langGrid.getSelectionModel().deselectRow(, true);347 }348 }349 } else {350 /​/​ Action not possible because of dependencies351 /​/​ Select all languages saved again and output the message352 for (var i = 0; i < response.languages.length; i++) {353 record = this.langStore.getById(response.languages[i]);354 this.langGrid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(, true);355 }356 TYPO3.Flashmessage.display(TYPO3.Severity.error, TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_settings'), TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_selection_impossible'), 5);357 this.langGrid.enable();358 }359 this.languageLoaded = true;360 }, this);361 if (this.selectedLanguages.length) {362 Ext.getCmp('lang-checkbutton').enable();363 Ext.getCmp('lang-updatebutton').enable();364 } else {365 Ext.getCmp('lang-checkbutton').disable();366 Ext.getCmp('lang-updatebutton').disable();367 }368 }369 },370 startFetchLanguages: function(type, store, callback) {371 this.fetchType = type;372 this.extCount =;373 this.cb = callback;374 /​/​ fill arrays375 this.extkeyArray = [];376 for (var i = 0; i < this.extCount; i++) {377 this.extkeyArray.push([i].data.extkey);378 }379 if (!this.selectedLanguages.length) {380 this.getSelectedLanguages();381 }382 /​/​ start process383 this.interruptProcess = false;384 Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid').fetchingProcess = true;385 this.fetchLanguage();386 },387 fetchLanguage: function(response) {388 var grid = Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid');389 var row = this.extCount - this.extkeyArray.length;390 var record =;391 var i;392 if (response) {393 /​/​ update fetched record394 var fetchedRecord = - 1);395 for (i = 0; i < this.selectedLanguages.length; i++) {396 fetchedRecord.set(this.selectedLanguages[i], response[this.selectedLanguages[i]]);397 }398 fetchedRecord.commit();399 }400 if(this.extkeyArray.length > 0 && !this.interruptProcess) {401 var ext = this.extkeyArray.shift();402 /​/​update Grid403 grid.getView().focusRow(row);404 grid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(row);405 for (i = 0; i < this.selectedLanguages.length; i++) {406 record.set(this.selectedLanguages[i], '<span class="loading-indicator"></​span>' + TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_checking'));407 }408 record.commit();409 var prefix = TYPO3.l10n.localize('msg_checking');410 if (this.fetchType === 1) {411 prefix = TYPO3.l10n.localize('msg_updating');412 }413 /​/​ update Progressbar414 Ext.getCmp('langpb').updateProgress(415 (row + 1) /​ this.extCount,416 prefix+ ': ' +417 String.format(TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_fetch_extension'), ext, (row+1), this.extCount));418 /​/​ fetch language request419 TYPO3.EM.ExtDirect.fetchTranslations(ext, this.fetchType, this.selectedLanguages, function(response) {420 this.fetchLanguage(response);421 }, this);422 } else {423 /​/​ finished424 Ext.getCmp('lang-checkbutton').enable();425 Ext.getCmp('lang-updatebutton').enable();426 Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid').getSelectionModel().clearSelections();427 /​/​ call callback428 this.cb();429 }430 },431 restoreExtLanguageGrid: function() {432 var extLangGrid = Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid');433 var i;434 var selLanguages = Ext.getCmp('em-languagegrid').getSelectionModel().getSelections();435 var columns = extLangGrid.getColumnModel();436 var count = columns.getColumnCount();437 if (selLanguages.length > 0 ) {438 for (i=0; i < selLanguages.length; i++) {439 this.addRemoveExtLanguageGridColumn(selLanguages[i].data);440 }441 }442 },443 addRemoveExtLanguageGridColumn: function(record) {444 var extLangGrid = Ext.getCmp('em-extlanguagegrid');445 var columns = extLangGrid.getColumnModel();446 var index = columns.getIndexById(record.lang);447 if (index === -1) {448 extLangGrid.addColumn({449 name: record.lang,450 defaultValue: TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_status_notchecked')451 }, {452 header: '<span class="' + record.cls + '">&nbsp</​span>' + record.label,453 dataIndex: record.lang,454 id: record.lang,455 css: 'cursor:pointer;',456 tooltip: TYPO3.l10n.localize('translation_singleCheckTip')457 });458 } else {459 columns.removeColumn(index);460 }461 this.langGrid.enable();462 },463 afterRender: function() {464 /​/​ call parent465 TYPO3.EM.Languages.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);466 /​/​The following are all of the possible keys that can be implemented: enter, left, right, up, down, tab, esc, pageUp, pageDown, del, home, end467 this.progressNavigation = new Ext.KeyNav(this.getEl(),{468 'esc': function() {469 this.interruptProcess = true;470 },471 scope: this472 });473 }474});...

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Source: exec.interruptProcess.test.js Github


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1jest.mock('./​logger');2const { interruptProcess, spawnAndLog } = require('./​exec');3describe(, () => {4 it('should interrupt a child process promise', async () => {5 await interruptProcess(spawnAndLog('sleep', ['3']));6 }, 500);7 it('should throw exception if child process exited with an error', async () => {8 const script =9 "process.on('SIGINT', () => {});" +10 "setTimeout(()=>process.exit(1), 100);";11 await interruptProcess(spawnAndLog('node', ['-e', script]));12 }, 1000);...

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1function interruptProcess() {2 var root = require("root");3 root.interruptProcess();4}5function interruptProcess() {6 var root = require("root");7 root.interruptProcess();8}9function interruptProcess() {10 var root = require("root");11 root.interruptProcess();12}13function interruptProcess() {14 var root = require("root");15 root.interruptProcess();16}17function interruptProcess() {18 var root = require("root");19 root.interruptProcess();20}21function interruptProcess() {22 var root = require("root");23 root.interruptProcess();24}25function interruptProcess() {26 var root = require("root");27 root.interruptProcess();28}29function interruptProcess() {30 var root = require("root");31 root.interruptProcess();32}33function interruptProcess() {34 var root = require("root");35 root.interruptProcess();36}37function interruptProcess() {38 var root = require("root");39 root.interruptProcess();40}

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1'use strict';2angular.module('myApp').controller('test', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$location', '$timeout', 'testService', function ($scope, $rootScope, $location, $timeout, testService) {3 $scope.test = function () {4 $rootScope.interruptProcess = true;5 $timeout(function () {6 $rootScope.interruptProcess = false;7 }, 5000);8 };9}]);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('sdk/​system/​xul-app');2root.interruptProcess();3var { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome');4var root = {5 interruptProcess: function() {6 var pid = OS.File.getCurrentProcess();7 var process = Cc['​process/​util;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIProcess);8 process.init(pid);9 process.kill();10 }11};12exports.root = root;13var root = require('sdk/​system/​xul-app');14root.interruptProcess();15var root = require('sdk/​system/​xul-app');16root.interruptProcess();

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1var root = this;2root.interruptProcess();3The `processInterrupted` event is fired when the process is interrupted. This event is fired on the root component. This event is fired when the process is interrupted using the [interruptProcess](#interruptprocess) method. The event is fired with the following parameters:4var root = this;5root.on("processInterrupted", function(interrupted) {6 console.log("Process interrupted: " + interrupted);7});8var root = this;9var process = root.getProcess();10var root = this;11var process = new Process();12process.setProcess(function() {13 console.log("Process started");14});15root.setProcess(process);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const root = require('root-path')2const { interruptProcess } = root('lib/​util/​process')3interruptProcess(1, 'SIGINT')4const { interruptProcess } = require('root-path/​lib/​util/​process')5interruptProcess(1, 'SIGINT')6[MIT](

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