Best JavaScript code snippet using root
...34 const deviceInfo = await this.deviceTypeAndNewestRuntimeFor(query);35 os = deviceInfo.newestRuntime.version;36 }37 const response = await this._execAppleSimUtils({ args: `--list --byType "${type}" --byOS "${os}"`}, statusLogs, 1);38 const parsed = this._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils(response);39 const udids =, 'udid');40 if (!udids || !udids.length || !udids[0]) {41 throw new Error(`Can't find a simulator to match with "${query}", run 'xcrun simctl list' to list your supported devices.42 It is advised to only state a device type, and not to state iOS version, e.g. "iPhone 7"`);43 }44 return udids;45 }46 async findDeviceByUDID(udid) {47 const response = await this._execAppleSimUtils({args: `--list --byId "${udid}"`}, undefined, 1);48 const parsed = this._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils(response);49 const device = _.find(parsed, (device) => _.isEqual(device.udid, udid));50 if (!device) {51 throw new Error(`Can't find device ${udid}`);52 }53 return device;54 }55 /***56 * Boots the simulator if it is not booted already.57 *58 * @param {String} udid - device id59 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} true, if device has been booted up from the shutdown state60 */61 async boot(udid) {62 const isBooted = await this.isBooted(udid);63 if (!isBooted) {64 await this._bootDeviceByXcodeVersion(udid);65 return true;66 }67 return false;68 }69 async isBooted(udid) {70 const device = await this.findDeviceByUDID(udid);71 return (_.isEqual(device.state, 'Booted') || _.isEqual(device.state, 'Booting'));72 }73 async deviceTypeAndNewestRuntimeFor(name) {74 const result = await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `list -j` });75 const stdout = _.get(result, 'stdout');76 const output = JSON.parse(stdout);77 const deviceType = _.filter(output.devicetypes, { 'name': name})[0];78 const newestRuntime = _.maxBy(output.runtimes, r => Number(r.version));79 return { deviceType, newestRuntime };80 }81 async create(name) {82 const deviceInfo = await this.deviceTypeAndNewestRuntimeFor(name);83 if (deviceInfo.newestRuntime) {84 const result = await this._execSimctl({cmd: `create "${name}-Detox" "${deviceInfo.deviceType.identifier}" "${deviceInfo.newestRuntime.identifier}"`});85 const udid = _.get(result, 'stdout').trim();86 return udid;87 } else {88 throw new Error(`Unable to create device. No runtime found for ${name}`);89 }90 }91 async install(udid, absPath) {92 const statusLogs = {93 trying: `Installing ${absPath}...`,94 successful: `${absPath} installed`95 };96 await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `install ${udid} "${absPath}"`, statusLogs, retries: 2 });97 }98 async uninstall(udid, bundleId) {99 const statusLogs = {100 trying: `Uninstalling ${bundleId}...`,101 successful: `${bundleId} uninstalled`102 };103 try {104 await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `uninstall ${udid} ${bundleId}`, statusLogs });105 } catch (e) {106 // that's fine107 }108 }109 async launch(udid, bundleId, launchArgs, languageAndLocale) {110 const frameworkPath = await environment.getFrameworkPath();111 const logsInfo = new LogsInfo(udid);112 const args = this._joinLaunchArgs(launchArgs);113 const result = await this._launchMagically(frameworkPath, logsInfo, udid, bundleId, args, languageAndLocale);114 return this._parseLaunchId(result);115 }116 async sendToHome(udid) {117 await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `launch ${udid}`, retries: 10 });118 }119 getLogsPaths(udid) {120 const logsInfo = new LogsInfo(udid);121 return {122 stdout: logsInfo.absStdout,123 stderr: logsInfo.absStderr124 }125 }126 async terminate(udid, bundleId) {127 const statusLogs = {128 trying: `Terminating ${bundleId}...`,129 successful: `${bundleId} terminated`130 };131 await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `terminate ${udid} ${bundleId}`, statusLogs });132 }133 async shutdown(udid) {134 const statusLogs = {135 trying: `Shutting down ${udid}...`,136 successful: `${udid} shut down`137 };138 await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `shutdown ${udid}`, statusLogs });139 }140 async openUrl(udid, url) {141 await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `openurl ${udid} ${url}` });142 }143 async setLocation(udid, lat, lon) {144 const result = await exec.execWithRetriesAndLogs(`which fbsimctl`, undefined, undefined, 1);145 if (_.get(result, 'stdout')) {146 await exec.execWithRetriesAndLogs(`fbsimctl ${udid} set_location ${lat} ${lon}`, undefined, undefined, 1);147 } else {148 throw new Error(`setLocation currently supported only through fbsimctl.149 Install fbsimctl using:150 "brew tap facebook/fb && export CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO && brew install fbsimctl"`);151 }152 }153 async resetContentAndSettings(udid) {154 await this._execSimctl({ cmd: `erase ${udid}` });155 }156 async getXcodeVersion() {157 const raw = await exec.execWithRetriesAndLogs(`xcodebuild -version`, undefined, undefined, 1);158 const stdout = _.get(raw, 'stdout', 'undefined');159 const match = /^Xcode (\S+)\.*\S*\s*/.exec(stdout);160 const majorVersion = parseInt(_.get(match, '[1]'));161 if (!_.isInteger(majorVersion) || majorVersion < 1) {162 throw new Error(`Can't read Xcode version, got: '${stdout}'`);163 }164 return majorVersion;165 }166 async takeScreenshot(udid, destination) {167 await this._execSimctl({168 cmd: `io ${udid} screenshot "${destination}"`,169 silent: destination === '/dev/null',170 });171 }172 recordVideo(udid, destination) {173 return exec.spawnAndLog('/usr/bin/xcrun', ['simctl', 'io', udid, 'recordVideo', destination]);174 }175 async _execAppleSimUtils(options, statusLogs, retries, interval) {176 const bin = `applesimutils`;177 return await exec.execWithRetriesAndLogs(bin, options, statusLogs, retries, interval);178 }179 async _execSimctl({ cmd, statusLogs = {}, retries = 1, silent = false }) {180 return await exec.execWithRetriesAndLogs(`/usr/bin/xcrun simctl ${cmd}`, { silent }, statusLogs, retries);181 }182 _parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils(response) {183 let out = _.get(response, 'stdout');184 if (_.isEmpty(out)) {185 out = _.get(response, 'stderr');186 }187 if (_.isEmpty(out)) {188 return undefined;189 }190 let parsed;191 try {192 parsed = JSON.parse(out);193 } catch (ex) {194 throw new Error(`Could not parse response from applesimutils, please update applesimutils and try again.195 'brew uninstall applesimutils && brew tap wix/brew && brew install applesimutils'`);196 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var appleSimUtils = require('applesimutils');2appleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"devicetypeid": ", 9.3"}');3var appleSimUtils = require('applesimutils');4appleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"devicetypeid": ", 9.3"}');5var appleSimUtils = require('applesimutils');6appleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"devicetypeid": ", 9.3"}');7var appleSimUtils = require('applesimutils');8appleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"devicetypeid": ", 9.3"}');9var appleSimUtils = require('applesimutils');10appleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"devicetypeid": ", 9.3"}');11var appleSimUtils = require('applesimutils');12appleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"devicetypeid": ", 9.3"}');13var appleSimUtils = require('applesimutils');14appleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"devicetypeid": ", 9.3"}');
Using AI Code Generation
1const rootAppleSimUtils = require('root-apple-sim-utils');2rootAppleSimUtils._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"key":"value"}')3const appleSimUtils = require('appleSimUtils');4exports._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils = function (response) {5 return appleSimUtils.parseResponse(response);6}7exports.parseResponse = function (response) {8 return JSON.parse(response);9}10{11}12{ key: 'value' }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils } = require ('./lib/utils');2const response = '{3 "devices": {4 {5 "availability": "(available)",6 },7 {8 "availability": "(available)",9 },10 {11 "availability": "(available)",12 },13 {14 "availability": "(available)",15 },16 {17 "availability": "(available)",18 },19 {20 "availability": "(available)",
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils } = require('appium-ios-simulator/lib/simulator-xcode-6');2const response = 'Simulator 1, 2, 3';3const parsedResponse = _parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils(response, 'Simulator');4const { _getDeviceString } = require('appium-ios-simulator/lib/simulator-xcode-6');5const device = {udid: 'udid', name: 'name', state: 'state'};6const deviceString = _getDeviceString(device);7const { _getDeviceStrings } = require('appium-ios-simulator/lib/simulator-xcode-6');8const devices = [{udid: 'udid1', name: 'name1', state: 'state1'}, {udid: 'udid2', name: 'name2', state: 'state2'}];9const deviceStrings = _getDeviceStrings(devices);10const { _getDeviceState } = require('appium-ios-simulator/lib/simulator-xcode-6');11const deviceState = _getDeviceState('deviceString');12const { _getDeviceUdid } = require('appium-ios-simulator/lib/simulator-xcode-6');13const deviceUdid = _getDeviceUdid('deviceString');14const { _getDeviceName } = require('appium-ios-simulator/lib/simulator-xcode-6');15const deviceName = _getDeviceName('deviceString');
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('appium-ios-simulator');2var result = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"state": "Shutdown"}');3console.log(result);4{ state: 'Shutdown' }5var root = require('appium-ios-simulator');6var simulator = root._getSimulator('B4E4B1C1-2A1F-4D2E-9E6E-9F0C0B8B8E4F');7console.log(simulator);
Using AI Code Generation
1const root = require(‘./root.js’);2const response = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils(‘{“devices”:{“iOS 10.2”:[“iPhone 6s (10.2) [{“name”:“iPhone 6s”,”identifier”:“iPhone 6s”,”state”:“Shutdown”,”availability”:“(available)”,”isAvailable”:true,”runtimeIdentifier”:“”}]},”runtimes”:[{“bundlePath”:“/Applications/”,”availabilityError”:“”,”isAvailable”:true,”identifier”:“”,”version”:“10.2”,”name”:“iOS 10.2”}],“pairs”:{“iPhone 6s (10.2)”:“iPhone 6s (10.2)”}}’);3console.log(response);4const _parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils = (response) => {5 let parsedResponse;6 try {7 parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response);8 } catch (err) {9 throw new Error(`Error parsing response from AppleSimUtils: ${err.message}`);10 }11 return parsedResponse;12};13module.exports = {14};
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('ios-sim-portable');2var response = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"key":"value"}');3console.log(response);4var iosSim = require('ios-sim-portable');5var response = iosSim._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils('{"key":"value"}');6console.log(response);7{ key: 'value' }
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('ios-sim-portable');2var result = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils("iPhone 5s (8.0) [A3B7B3F3-9F7E-4E6F-9A4C-6C4F2D8E6B2F] (Shutdown)");3console.log(result);4var root = require('ios-sim-portable');5var result = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils("iPhone 5s (8.0) [A3B7B3F3-9F7E-4E6F-9A4C-6C4F2D8E6B2F] (Shutdown)");6console.log(result);7var root = require('ios-sim-portable');8var result = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils("iPhone 5s (8.0) [A3B7B3F3-9F7E-4E6F-9A4C-6C4F2D8E6B2F] (Shutdown)");9console.log(result);10var root = require('ios-sim-portable');11var result = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils("iPhone 5s (8.0) [A3B7B3F3-9F7E-4E6F-9A4C-6C4F2D8E6B2F] (Shutdown)");12console.log(result);13var root = require('ios-sim-portable');14var result = root._parseResponseFromAppleSimUtils("iPhone 5s (8.0) [A3B7B3F3-9F7E-4E6F-9A4C-6C4F2D8E6B2F] (Shutdown)");15console.log(result);
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