Best JavaScript code snippet using root
1# vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:expandtab2from django.db import models3from satori.core.models import Entity4from import registry5def install_versions_sql(model):6 qv = lambda x : '\''+str(x)+'\''7 tabs = []8 keys = []9 mod = model10 while issubclass(mod, models.Model):11 tabs.append(str(mod._meta.db_table))12 keys.append(str( if len(mod._meta.parents.items()) > 0:14 mod = mod._meta.parents.items()[0][0]15 else:16 break17 return """18 SELECT install_versions({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, 'satori');19 """.format(20 qv(model._meta.db_table),21 qv(,22 'ARRAY[' + ','.join([qv(tab) for tab in tabs]) + ']',23 'ARRAY[' + ','.join([qv(key) for key in keys]) + ']',24 )25def install_rights_sql():26 qv = lambda x : '\''+str(x)+'\''27 dirty = {}28 sql = """29CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION right_inheritance_update(_id INTEGER) RETURNS VOID AS $$30BEGIN31 PERFORM right_inheritance_clear(_id);32 CASE (SELECT model FROM core_entity WHERE id=_id)"""33 for model in sorted(registry.keys(), key=lambda m: m._meta.db_table):34 if issubclass(model, Entity):35 model_name = model._meta.app_label + '.' + model._meta.module_name36 sql += """37 WHEN {0} THEN """.format(qv(model_name))38 for right, list in model.inherit_rights().items():39 for pent, pright, cfield, cvalue in list:40 and_statement = ''41 if cfield and cvalue:42 dirty_model = model._meta.get_field(cfield).model43 dirty_column = model._meta.get_field(cfield).column44 if dirty_model not in dirty:45 dirty[dirty_model] = set()46 dirty[dirty_model].add(dirty_column)47 and_statement = """ AND v.{0}={1}""".format(dirty_column, qv(cvalue))48 if pent:49 dirty_model = model._meta.get_field(pent).model50 dirty_column = model._meta.get_field(pent).column51 if dirty_model not in dirty:52 dirty[dirty_model] = set()53 dirty[dirty_model].add(dirty_column)54 sql += """55 PERFORM right_inheritance_add(_id, {0}, (SELECT {1} FROM {2} v WHERE {3}), {4});""".format(56 qv(right),57 dirty_column,58 model._meta.db_table + '__view',59 and_statement,60 qv(pright))61 else:62 sql += """63 PERFORM right_inheritance_add(_id, {0}, (SELECT FROM core_global__view g, {1} v WHERE {2}), {3});""".format(64 qv(right),65 model._meta.db_table + '__view',66 and_statement,67 qv(pright))68 sql += """69 END CASE;70END;71$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;72"""73 ret = []74 ret.append(sql)75 for model in sorted(registry.keys(), key=lambda m: m._meta.db_table):76 if issubclass(model, Entity):77 model_name = model._meta.app_label + '.' + model._meta.module_name78 trig = 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' + model._meta.db_table + '__after_insert_update_rights_trigger() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ '79 trig += 'BEGIN IF (SELECT model FROM core_entity WHERE id=new.' + + ') = \'' + model_name + '\' THEN '80 trig += 'PERFORM right_inheritance_update(new.' + + ');'81 trig += 'END IF;'82 trig += 'RETURN new; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;'83 trig += 'CREATE TRIGGER ' + model._meta.db_table + '__after_insert_update_rights AFTER INSERT ON ' + model._meta.db_table + ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' + model._meta.db_table + '__after_insert_update_rights_trigger();'84 ret.append(trig)85 for model in dirty:86 trig = 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' + model._meta.db_table + '__after_update_update_rights_trigger() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ '87 trig += 'BEGIN IF '88 trig += ' OR '.join([ 'old.' + x + ' <> ' + 'new.' + x for x in dirty[model]])89 trig += ' THEN PERFORM right_inheritance_update(new.' + + '); END IF;'90 trig += 'RETURN new; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;'91 trig += 'CREATE TRIGGER ' + model._meta.db_table + '__after_update_update_rights AFTER UPDATE ON ' + model._meta.db_table + ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' + model._meta.db_table + '__after_update_update_rights_trigger();'92 ret.append(trig)93 ret.append('SELECT right_inheritance_update(id) FROM core_entity;')94 return ret95def install_dbev_sql():96 set_user_id_function = """97CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_user_id(arg INTEGER) RETURNS VOID AS $$98BEGIN99 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_id;100 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE user_id (id) AS VALUES (arg);101 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_roles;102 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE user_roles (role_id) 103 AS SELECT keyid AS role_id104 FROM connectby('core_rolemapping'::text, 'parent_id'::text, 'child_id'::text, arg::text, 0)105 AS t(keyid INT, parent_keyid INT, level INT);106 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_privs;107 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE user_privs ("right", entity_id)108 AS SELECT cp.right, cp.entity_id109 FROM core_privilege AS cp110 WHERE 111 (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_roles AS ur WHERE ur.role_id = cp.role_id))112 AND (coalesce(cp.start_on, NOW()) <= NOW())113 AND (coalesce(cp.finish_on, NOW()) >= NOW());114END;115$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;116"""117 update_user_rights_function = """118CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_user_rights() RETURNS VOID AS $$119DECLARE120 user_id INTEGER; 121BEGIN122 user_id := get_user_id();123 IF NOT (user_id IS NULL) THEN124 PERFORM set_user_id(user_id);125 END IF;126END;127$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;128"""129 get_user_id_function = """130CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_user_id() RETURNS INTEGER AS $$131BEGIN132 RETURN (SELECT id FROM user_id);133EXCEPTION134 WHEN undefined_table THEN135 RETURN NULL;136END;137$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;138"""139 transaction_id_seq = """140DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS transaction_id_seq;141CREATE SEQUENCE transaction_id_seq;142"""143 get_transaction_id_function = """144CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_transaction_id() RETURNS INTEGER AS $$145DECLARE146 _xid TEXT;147 _id INTEGER;148BEGIN149 _xid := (SELECT virtualxid FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype='virtualxid' and pid=pg_backend_pid());150 _id := (SELECT id FROM transaction_id WHERE xid=_xid);151 IF _id IS NULL THEN152 _id := nextval('transaction_id_seq');153 DELETE FROM transaction_id;154 INSERT INTO transaction_id VALUES(_xid, _id);155 RETURN _id;156 END IF;157 RETURN _id;158EXCEPTION159 WHEN undefined_table THEN160 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE transaction_id(xid TEXT, id INTEGER);161 _id := nextval('transaction_id_seq');162 INSERT INTO transaction_id VALUES(_xid, _id);163 RETURN _id;164END;165$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;166"""167 insert_rawevent_trigger = """168CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION core_rawevent__before_insert_trigger() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$169BEGIN170 new.transaction := get_transaction_id();171 NOTIFY satori;172 RETURN new;173END;174$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;175CREATE TRIGGER core_rawevent__before_insert BEFORE INSERT ON core_rawevent FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE core_rawevent__before_insert_trigger();176"""177 create_version_table_function = """178CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_version_table(_table TEXT, _key TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$179DECLARE180 _exec TEXT := '';181 _texec TEXT := '';182 _vtable TEXT;183 _cols TEXT[];184 _rec RECORD;185 i INTEGER;186 j INTEGER;187BEGIN188 _exec := 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(_table) || ' ADD COLUMN _version_transaction integer NOT NULL DEFAULT get_transaction_id();';189 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';190 EXECUTE _exec;191 _vtable := _table || '__versions';192 _exec := 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' || quote_ident(_vtable);193 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';194 EXECUTE _exec;195 _exec := 'CREATE TABLE ' || quote_ident(_vtable) || ' (';196 FOR _rec in (197 SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS type from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid198 WHERE c.relname=_table AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum199 ) LOOP200 IF _rec.attname <> '_version_transaction' THEN201 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_rec.attname) || ' ' || _rec.type;202 IF _rec.attname = _key THEN203 _exec := _exec || ' NOT NULL';204 END IF;205 _exec := _exec || ',';206 END IF;207 END LOOP;208 _exec := _exec || '_version_transaction integer NOT NULL,';209 _exec := _exec || '_version_prev integer,';210 _exec := _exec || '_version_next integer,';211 _exec := _exec || '_version_user integer,';212 _exec := _exec || '_version_date timestamp with time zone default now(),';213 _exec := _exec || 'PRIMARY KEY(' || quote_ident(_key) || ',_version_transaction)';214 _exec := _exec || ')';215 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';216 EXECUTE _exec;217 RETURN _texec;218END;219$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;220"""221 create_full_view_function = """222CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_full_view(_tables TEXT[], _keys TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT AS $$223DECLARE224 _exec TEXT := '';225 _name TEXT;226 _cols TEXT[];227 _vers TEXT[];228 _rec RECORD;229 i INTEGER;230 j INTEGER;231BEGIN232 i := array_lower(_tables, 1);233 _name := quote_ident(_tables[i] || '__view');234 _exec := 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ' || quote_ident(_name) || ' AS SELECT ';235 _exec := _exec || (quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_keys[i])) || ' AS id, ';236 FOR i IN array_lower(_tables, 1)..array_upper(_tables, 1) LOOP237 FOR _rec in (238 SELECT a.attname from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid WHERE c.relname=_tables[i] AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum239 ) LOOP240 IF _rec.attname = '_version_transaction' THEN241 _vers := _vers || (quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_rec.attname));242 ELSIF _rec.attname <> _keys[i] THEN243 _cols := _cols || (quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_rec.attname));244 END IF;245 END LOOP;246 END LOOP;247 _exec := _exec || array_to_string(_cols, ', ');248 IF _vers <> ARRAY[]::TEXT[] THEN249 _exec := _exec || ', GREATEST(' || array_to_string(_vers, ', ') || ') AS _version_transaction';250 END IF;251 _exec := _exec || ' FROM ';252 j := array_lower(_tables, 1);253 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_tables[j]) || ' ' || quote_ident('t' || j);254 FOR i IN (j+1)..array_upper(_tables, 1) LOOP255 _exec := _exec || ' LEFT JOIN ' || quote_ident(_tables[i]) || ' ' || quote_ident('t' || i);256 _exec := _exec || ' ON ' || quote_ident('t' || j) || '.' || quote_ident(_keys[j]) || ' = ' || quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_keys[i]);257 END LOOP;258 EXECUTE _exec;259 RETURN _exec;260END;261$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;262"""263 create_version_function_function = """264CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_version_function(_tables TEXT[], _keys TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT AS $$265DECLARE266 _exec TEXT := '';267 _texec TEXT := '';268 _name TEXT;269 _vtables TEXT[];270 _cols TEXT[];271 _vers TEXT[];272 _rec RECORD;273 i INTEGER;274 j INTEGER;275BEGIN276 i := array_lower(_tables, 1);277 _name := quote_ident(_tables[i] || '__version_view');278 FOR i IN array_lower(_tables, 1)..array_upper(_tables, 1) LOOP279 SELECT INTO j COUNT(*) FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid280 WHERE c.relname=_tables[i] AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attname = '_version_transaction';281 IF j > 0 THEN282 _exec := 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(_tables[i] || '__version_id') || '(_id INTEGER, _ver INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER AS ''';283 _exec := _exec || 'DECLARE _v INTEGER;';284 _exec := _exec || 'BEGIN SELECT INTO _v MAX(_version_transaction) FROM ' || quote_ident(_tables[i]) || '__versions';285 _exec := _exec || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_keys[i]) || '=_id AND _version_transaction<=_ver AND _version_next IS NULL OR _version_next>_ver;';286 _exec := _exec || 'RETURN _v; END; '' LANGUAGE plpgsql;';287 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';288 EXECUTE _exec;289 _vtables := _vtables || (quote_ident(_tables[i] || '__versions'));290 ELSE291 _vtables := _vtables || (quote_ident(_tables[i]));292 END IF;293 END LOOP;294 _exec := 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(_name) || '(_id INTEGER, _ver INTEGER) RETURNS TABLE(id integer';295 FOR i IN array_lower(_tables, 1)..array_upper(_tables, 1) LOOP296 FOR _rec in (297 SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS type from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid298 WHERE c.relname=_tables[i] AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum299 ) LOOP300 IF _rec.attname <> '_version_transaction' AND _rec.attname <> _keys[i] THEN301 _exec := _exec || ',' || quote_ident(_rec.attname) || ' ' || _rec.type;302 END IF;303 END LOOP;304 END LOOP;305 _exec := _exec || ', _version_transaction integer) AS ''';306 _exec := _exec || 'BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT ';307 i := array_lower(_tables, 1);308 _exec := _exec || (quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_keys[i])) || ', ';309 FOR i IN array_lower(_tables, 1)..array_upper(_tables, 1) LOOP310 FOR _rec in (311 SELECT a.attname from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid WHERE c.relname=_tables[i] AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum312 ) LOOP313 IF _rec.attname = '_version_transaction' THEN314 _vers := _vers || (quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_rec.attname));315 ELSIF _rec.attname <> _keys[i] THEN316 _cols := _cols || (quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_rec.attname));317 END IF;318 END LOOP;319 END LOOP;320 _exec := _exec || array_to_string(_cols, ', ');321 IF _vers <> ARRAY[]::TEXT[] THEN322 _exec := _exec || ', GREATEST(' || array_to_string(_vers, ', ') || ')';323 END IF;324 _exec := _exec || ' FROM ';325 j := array_lower(_tables, 1);326 _exec := _exec || _vtables[j] || ' ' || quote_ident('t' || j);327 FOR i IN (j+1)..array_upper(_tables, 1) LOOP328 _exec := _exec || ' LEFT JOIN ' || _vtables[i] || ' ' || quote_ident('t' || i);329 _exec := _exec || ' ON ' || quote_ident('t' || j) || '.' || quote_ident(_keys[j]) || ' = ' || quote_ident('t' || i) || '.' || quote_ident(_keys[i]);330 END LOOP;331 _exec := _exec || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident('t' || j) || '.' || quote_ident(_keys[j]) || ' = _id';332 FOR i IN array_lower(_tables, 1)..array_upper(_tables, 1) LOOP333 SELECT INTO j COUNT(*) FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid334 WHERE c.relname=_tables[i] AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attname = '_version_transaction';335 IF j > 0 THEN336 _exec := _exec || ' AND ' || quote_ident('t' || i) || '._version_transaction = ' || quote_ident(_tables[i] || '__version_id') || '(_id,_ver)';337 END IF;338 END LOOP;339 _exec := _exec || '; END; '' LANGUAGE plpgsql;';340 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';341 EXECUTE _exec;342 RETURN _texec;343END;344$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;345"""346 create_triggers_function = """347CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_triggers(_table TEXT, _key TEXT, _notify TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$348DECLARE349 _exec TEXT := '';350 _texec TEXT := '';351 _rec RECORD;352BEGIN353 _exec := 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_after_insert') || '() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $' || '$';354 _exec := _exec || 'BEGIN INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident(_table || '__versions') || '(';355 FOR _rec in (356 SELECT a.attname from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid WHERE c.relname=_table AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum357 ) LOOP358 IF _rec.attname <> '_version_transaction' THEN359 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_rec.attname) || ', ';360 END IF;361 END LOOP;362 _exec := _exec || '_version_transaction, _version_prev, _version_user';363 _exec := _exec || ') VALUES(';364 FOR _rec in (365 SELECT a.attname from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid WHERE c.relname=_table AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum366 ) LOOP367 IF _rec.attname <> '_version_transaction' THEN368 _exec := _exec || 'new.' || quote_ident(_rec.attname) || ', ';369 END IF;370 END LOOP;371 _exec := _exec || 'get_transaction_id(), get_transaction_id(), get_user_id());';372 _exec := _exec || 'INSERT INTO core_notification(action, "table", object, transaction, previous, "user") VALUES(''I'', ''' || _table || ''', new.' || quote_ident(_key);373 _exec := _exec || ', get_transaction_id(), NULL, get_user_id());';374 _exec := _exec || 'NOTIFY ' || quote_ident(_notify) || ';';375 _exec := _exec || 'RETURN new; END; $' || '$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;';376 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';377 EXECUTE _exec;378 _exec := 'CREATE TRIGGER ' || quote_ident(_table || '__after_insert') || ' AFTER INSERT ON ';379 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_table) || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_after_insert') || '();';380 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';381 EXECUTE _exec;382 _exec := 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_before_update') || '() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $' || '$';383 _exec := _exec || 'BEGIN IF old <> new THEN new._version_transaction = get_transaction_id(); END IF; RETURN new; END; $' || '$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;';384 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';385 EXECUTE _exec;386 _exec := 'CREATE TRIGGER ' || quote_ident(_table || '__before_update') || ' BEFORE UPDATE ON ';387 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_table) || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_before_update') || '();';388 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';389 EXECUTE _exec;390 _exec := 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_after_update') || '() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $' || '$';391 _exec := _exec || 'BEGIN IF old = new THEN return new; END IF;';392 _exec := _exec || 'UPDATE ' || quote_ident(_table || '__versions') || ' SET _version_next = get_transaction_id() WHERE ';393 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_key) || ' = new.' || quote_ident(_key) || ' AND _version_next IS NULL;';394 _exec := _exec || 'DELETE FROM ' || quote_ident(_table || '__versions') || ' WHERE _version_transaction = get_transaction_id() AND ';395 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_key) || ' = new.' || quote_ident(_key) || ';';396 _exec := _exec || 'INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident(_table || '__versions') || '(';397 FOR _rec in (398 SELECT a.attname from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid WHERE c.relname=_table AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum399 ) LOOP400 IF _rec.attname <> '_version_transaction' THEN401 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_rec.attname) || ', ';402 END IF;403 END LOOP;404 _exec := _exec || '_version_transaction, _version_prev, _version_user';405 _exec := _exec || ') VALUES(';406 FOR _rec in (407 SELECT a.attname from pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid WHERE c.relname=_table AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum408 ) LOOP409 IF _rec.attname <> '_version_transaction' THEN410 _exec := _exec || 'new.' || quote_ident(_rec.attname) || ', ';411 END IF;412 END LOOP;413 _exec := _exec || 'get_transaction_id(), old._version_transaction, get_user_id());';414 _exec := _exec || 'UPDATE core_notification SET "user"=get_user_id() WHERE "table"=''' || _table || ''' AND object=new.' || quote_ident(_key);415 _exec := _exec || ' AND transaction=get_transaction_id(); IF NOT found THEN ';416 _exec := _exec || 'INSERT INTO core_notification(action, "table", object, transaction, previous, "user") VALUES(''U'', ''' || _table || ''', new.' || quote_ident(_key);417 _exec := _exec || ', get_transaction_id(), old._version_transaction, get_user_id()); END IF;';418 _exec := _exec || 'NOTIFY ' || quote_ident(_notify) || ';';419 _exec := _exec || 'RETURN new; END; $' || '$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;';420 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';421 EXECUTE _exec;422 _exec := 'CREATE TRIGGER ' || quote_ident(_table || '__after_update') || ' AFTER UPDATE ON ';423 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_table) || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_after_update') || '();';424 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';425 EXECUTE _exec;426 _exec := 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_after_delete') || '() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $' || '$';427 _exec := _exec || 'BEGIN UPDATE ' || quote_ident(_table || '__versions') || ' SET _version_next = get_transaction_id() WHERE ';428 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_key) || ' = old.' || quote_ident(_key) || ' AND _version_next IS NULL;';429 _exec := _exec || 'DELETE FROM ' || quote_ident(_table || '__versions') || ' WHERE _version_transaction = get_transaction_id() AND ';430 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_key) || ' = old.' || quote_ident(_key) || ';';431 _exec := _exec || 'UPDATE core_notification SET action=''D'', "user"=get_user_id() WHERE "table"=''' || _table || ''' AND object=old.' || quote_ident(_key);432 _exec := _exec || ' AND transaction=get_transaction_id(); IF NOT found THEN ';433 _exec := _exec || 'INSERT INTO core_notification(action, "table", object, transaction, previous, "user") VALUES(''D'', ''' || _table || ''', old.' || quote_ident(_key);434 _exec := _exec || ', get_transaction_id(), old._version_transaction, get_user_id()); END IF;';435 _exec := _exec || 'NOTIFY ' || quote_ident(_notify) || ';';436 _exec := _exec || 'RETURN old; END; $' || '$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;';437 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';438 EXECUTE _exec;439 _exec := 'CREATE TRIGGER ' || quote_ident(_table || '__after_delete') || ' AFTER DELETE ON ';440 _exec := _exec || quote_ident(_table) || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || quote_ident(_table || '__on_after_delete') || '();';441 _texec := _texec || _exec || ';';442 EXECUTE _exec;443 RETURN _texec;444END;445$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;446"""447 install_rights_inheritance = """448DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "right_dict";449CREATE TABLE "right_dict" (450 "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,451 "name" VARCHAR(32),452 UNIQUE("name")453);454CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_right_by_name(_right_name TEXT) RETURNS INT AS $$455DECLARE456 _ret INT := NULL;457BEGIN458 _ret := (SELECT "id" FROM "right_dict" WHERE "name" = _right_name);459 IF _ret IS NULL THEN460 INSERT INTO right_dict("name") VALUES(_right_name);461 _ret := (SELECT "id" FROM "right_dict" WHERE "name" = _right_name);462 END IF;463 RETURN _ret;464END;465$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;466CREATE TYPE "right_pair" AS (467 "entity_id" INT,468 "right_id" INT469);470DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "right_inheritance";471CREATE TABLE "right_inheritance" (472 "parent" INT NOT NULL,473 "child" INT NOT NULL,474 "child_entity_id" INT NOT NULL475);476CREATE INDEX "right_inheritance_child_idx" ON "right_inheritance" ( "child" );477CREATE INDEX "right_inheritance_child_entity_id_idx" ON "right_inheritance" ( "child_entity_id" );478CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION right_inheritance_clear(_entity_id INT) RETURNS VOID AS $$479BEGIN480 DELETE FROM "right_inheritance" WHERE "child_entity_id" = _entity_id;481END;482$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;483CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION right_inheritance_add(_child_entity_id INT, _child_right_name TEXT, _parent_entity_id INT, _parent_right_name TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$484BEGIN485 IF _child_entity_id IS NULL OR _child_right_name IS NULL OR _parent_entity_id IS NULL OR _parent_right_name IS NULL THEN486 RETURN;487 END IF;488 INSERT INTO "right_inheritance"("parent", "child", "child_entity_id") VALUES (489 _parent_entity_id*256 + (SELECT get_right_by_name(_parent_right_name)),490 _child_entity_id*256 + (SELECT get_right_by_name(_child_right_name)),491 _child_entity_id);492END;493$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;494CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION right_check(_entity_id INT, _right_name TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$495DECLARE result BOOLEAN;496BEGIN497 SELECT EXISTS498 (SELECT * FROM499 user_roles500 JOIN core_privilege ON user_roles.role_id = core_privilege.role_id501 JOIN right_dict ON core_privilege.right = right_dict.name502 JOIN503 (SELECT keyid/256 as entity, keyid%256 as right 504 FROM connectby('right_inheritance'::text, 'parent'::text, 'child'::text, (_entity_id*256 + (SELECT get_right_by_name(_right_name)))::text, 0)505 AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int)506 ) AS inherited ON inherited.right = AND core_privilege.entity_id = inherited.entity507 WHERE coalesce(core_privilege.start_on, NOW()) <= NOW() AND coalesce(core_privilege.finish_on, NOW()) >= NOW()508 )509 INTO result;510 RETURN result;511EXCEPTION512 WHEN undefined_table THEN513 RETURN FALSE;514END;515$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;516"""517 install_versions_function = """518CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION install_versions(_table TEXT, _key TEXT, _tables TEXT[], _keys TEXT[], _notify TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$519DECLARE520 _texec TEXT := '';521 _exec TEXT := '';522BEGIN523 SELECT INTO _exec create_version_table(_table, _key);524 _texec := _texec || _exec;525 SELECT INTO _exec create_full_view(_tables, _keys);526 _texec := _texec || _exec;527 SELECT INTO _exec create_version_function(_tables, _keys);528 _texec := _texec || _exec;529 RETURN _texec;530END;531$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;532"""533# SELECT INTO _exec create_triggers(_table, _key, _notify);534# _texec := _texec || _exec;535 ret = [set_user_id_function, update_user_rights_function, get_user_id_function, transaction_id_seq, get_transaction_id_function, insert_rawevent_trigger, create_version_table_function, create_full_view_function, create_version_function_function, create_triggers_function, install_versions_function, install_rights_inheritance]536 for model in sorted(registry.keys(), key=lambda m: m._meta.db_table):537 ret.append(install_versions_sql(model))...
...9 self.assertFalse(FindOccurrences.modifying)10class FileHandlingCommandsTest(TestCaseCommandTest):11 def test_file_saving(self):12 self._file_saved = False13 self._exec(SaveFile())14 assert_true(self._file_saved)15 assert_false(self._ctrl.datafile_controller.dirty)16 def test_file_saving_purifies(self):17 self._add_empty_step_to_macro()18 other_name = + 'foo'19 self._copy_macro_as(other_name)20 self._exec(SaveFile())21 assert_equals(len(self._ctrl.steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+1)22 other = self._get_macro_by_name(other_name)23 assert_equals(len(other.steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+1)24 def test_undo_after_file_save_does_not_break(self):25 self._exec(SaveFile())26 self._exec(Undo())27 def _add_empty_step_to_macro(self):28 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(self._orig_number_of_steps+1, 10, 'A'))29 self._verify_step_number_change(2)30 def _copy_macro_as(self, name):31 self._exec(CopyMacroAs(name))32class MacroCopyingTest(TestCaseCommandTest):33 def test_copy_macro(self):34 new_name = + '1'35 original_macro_number = len(self._get_macros())36 self._exec(CopyMacroAs(new_name))37 macro_names = [ for m in self._get_macros()]38 assert_true( in macro_names)39 assert_true(new_name in macro_names)40 assert_equals(len(macro_names), original_macro_number+1)41 assert_equals(len(self._get_macro_by_name(new_name).steps), 42 len(self._ctrl.steps))43 def test_copy_does_not_change_original(self):44 new_name = + '2'45 self._exec(CopyMacroAs(new_name))46 copy = self._get_copy(new_name)47 copy.execute(ChangeCellValue(0, 0, 'Changed Step'))48 assert_equals(self._ctrl.steps[0].keyword, STEP1_KEYWORD)49 assert_equals(copy.steps[0].keyword, 'Changed Step')50 def _get_copy(self,name):51 copies = [m for m in self._get_macros() if == name]52 assert_equals(len(copies), 1)53 return copies[0]54 def test_copy_macro_inherits_default_tag(self):55 suite = self._ctrl.datafile_controller56 tag_name = 'konsukiepre'57 suite.default_tags.add(DefaultTag(tag_name))58 assert_true(any(True for tag in self._ctrl.tags if == tag_name))59 new_name = + '3'60 self._exec(CopyMacroAs(new_name))61 assert_true(any(True for tag in self._get_copy(new_name).tags if == tag_name))62class TestCaseEditingTest(TestCaseCommandTest):63 def test_changing_one_cell(self):64 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 0, 'Changed Step'))65 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, 'Changed Step')66 def test_changing_first_cell_in_for_loop_step(self):67 step_index = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)68 value = 'Foo'69 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(step_index, 0, value))70 assert_equals(self._steps[step_index].as_list()[0], value)71 def test_empty_second_cell_in_for_loop_step(self):72 step_index = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)73 value = ''74 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(step_index, 1, value))75 assert_equals(self._steps[step_index].as_list()[1], value)76 def test_undo_redo(self):77 original_cell_value = self._data_step_as_list(STEP1)[0]78 changed_cell_value = 'Changed Step'79 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 0, changed_cell_value))80 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value)81 self._exec(Undo())82 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, original_cell_value)83 self._exec(Redo())84 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value)85 def test_undo_when_nothing_to_undo(self):86 self._exec(Undo())87 assert_equals(self._number_of_test_changes, 0)88 def test_redo_when_nothing_to_redo(self):89 self._exec(Redo())90 assert_equals(self._number_of_test_changes, 0)91 def test_undo_undo_redo_redo(self):92 original_cell_value = self._data_step_as_list(STEP1)[0]93 changed_cell_value_1 = 'Changed Step'94 changed_cell_value_2 = 'Again changed Step'95 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 0, changed_cell_value_1))96 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value_1)97 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 0, changed_cell_value_2))98 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value_2)99 self._exec(Undo())100 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value_1)101 self._exec(Undo())102 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, original_cell_value)103 self._exec(Redo())104 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value_1)105 self._exec(Redo())106 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value_2)107 def test_redo_does_nothing_after_state_changing_command_that_is_not_undo(self):108 changed_cell_value_1 = 'Changed Step'109 changed_cell_value_2 = 'Changed Step again'110 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 0, changed_cell_value_1))111 self._exec(Undo())112 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 0, changed_cell_value_2))113 self._exec(Redo())114 assert_equals(self._steps[0].keyword, changed_cell_value_2)115 def test_changing_cell_value_after_last_column_adds_empty_columns(self):116 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 2, 'Hello'))117 assert_equals(self._steps[0].args, ['arg', 'Hello'])118 def test_changing_cell_value_after_last_row_adds_empty_rows(self):119 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(len(self._data)+5, 0, 'Hello'))120 assert_equals(self._steps[len(self._data)+5].keyword, 'Hello')121 def test_changing_for_loop_header_value(self):122 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER), 0, 'Keyword'))123 assert_equals(self._steps[self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)].as_list(),124 ['Keyword'] + self._data_step_as_list(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)[1:])125 self._verify_step_unchanged(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)126 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps)127 def test_changing_for_loop_header_argument(self):128 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER), 1, 'Keyword'))129 assert_equals(self._steps[self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)].as_list(),130 [': FOR', 'Keyword'] + self._data_step_as_list(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)[2:])131 self._verify_step_unchanged(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)132 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps)133 def test_changing_for_loop_header_in_clause(self):134 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER), 2, 'Keyword'))135 assert_equals(self._steps[self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)].as_list(),136 [': FOR', '${i}', 'Keyword'] + self._data_step_as_list(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)[3:])137 assert_equals(self._steps[self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)].as_list(),138 self._data_step_as_list(FOR_LOOP_STEP1))139 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps)140 def test_deleting_row(self):141 self._exec(DeleteRow(0))142 self._verify_step_number_change(-1)143 self._verify_row_does_not_exist(STEP1)144 def test_undoing_row_delete(self):145 self._exec(DeleteRow(0))146 self._exec(Undo())147 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps)148 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1', ['arg'])149 def test_delete_row_inside_of_for_loop(self):150 self._exec(DeleteRow(self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)))151 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps-1)152 self._verify_row_does_not_exist(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)153 def test_delete_for_loop_header_row(self):154 self._exec(DeleteRow(self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)))155 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps-1)156 self._verify_row_does_not_exist(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)157 def test_adding_row_last(self):158 self._exec(AddRow(-1))159 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+1)160 assert_equals(self._steps[self._orig_number_of_steps].as_list(), [])161 def test_adding_row_first(self):162 self._exec(AddRow(0))163 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+1)164 assert_equals(self._steps[0].as_list(), [])165 def test_adding_row_middle(self):166 self._exec(AddRow(1))167 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+1)168 assert_equals(self._steps[1].as_list(), [])169 def test_adding_row_in_for_loop_body(self):170 row_in_for_loop = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP2)171 self._exec(AddRow(row_in_for_loop))172 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+1)173 assert_equals(self._steps[row_in_for_loop].as_list(), [''])174 def test_inserting_cell_when_for_loop_is_last(self):175 row_after_for_loop = self._data_row(STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP)176 self._exec(DeleteRow(row_after_for_loop))177 self._exec(DeleteRow(row_after_for_loop))178 assert_equals(self._steps[-1].as_list(), ['', 'No Operation'])179 self._exec(InsertCell(0,0))180 self._verify_step(0, '', ['Step 1', 'arg'])181 def test_add_multiple_rows(self):182 self._exec(AddRows([1,2]))183 self._verify_step_number_change(2)184 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1', ['arg'])185 self._verify_step_is_empty(1)186 self._verify_step_is_empty(2)187 self._verify_step(3, 'Step 2', ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'])188 def test_undo_multiple_rows_add(self):189 self._exec(AddRows([3,2,1,4,5,6,9,8,7,10]))190 self._exec(Undo())191 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1', ['arg'])192 self._verify_step(1, 'Step 2', ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'])193 def test_purify_removes_empty_rows(self):194 self._exec(AddRow(-1))195 self._exec(AddRow(1))196 self._exec(AddRow(2))197 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+3)198 self._exec(Purify())199 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps)200 def test_purify_can_be_undone(self):201 self._exec(AddRow(1))202 self._exec(AddRow(2))203 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+2)204 self._exec(Purify())205 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps)206 self._exec(Undo())207 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps+2)208 def test_purify_removes_rows_with_no_data(self):209 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0,0, ''))210 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0,1, ''))211 self._exec(Purify())212 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps-1)213 def test_can_add_values_to_empty_row(self):214 self._exec(AddRow(-1))215 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(0, 3, 'HELLO'))216 assert_equals(self._steps[0].args, ['arg', '', 'HELLO'])217 def test_only_comment_is_left(self):218 index = self._data_row(STEP_WITH_COMMENT)219 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(index, 0, ''))220 self._exec(Purify())221 assert_equals(self._steps[index].as_list(), ['# this is a comment'])222 def test_comment_is_changed(self):223 index = self._data_row(STEP_WITH_COMMENT)224 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(index, 1, '# new comment'))225 self._verify_step(index, 'Foo', [], '# new comment')226 def test_cell_value_after_comment_is_changed(self):227 index = self._data_row(STEP_WITH_COMMENT)228 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(index, 2, 'something'))229 assert_equals(self._steps[index].as_list(), ['Foo', '# this is a comment', 'something'])230 def test_change_keyword_value_in_indented_step(self):231 index = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)232 self._exec(ChangeCellValue(index, 1, 'Blog'))233 assert_equals(self._steps[index].keyword, 'Blog')234 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps)235 def test_delete_multiple_rows(self):236 self._exec(DeleteRows([2,0]))237 assert_equals(len(self._steps), self._orig_number_of_steps-2)238 self._verify_row_does_not_exist(STEP1)239 self._verify_row_does_not_exist(STEP_WITH_COMMENT)240 self._verify_number_of_test_changes(1)241 def test_deleting_rows_below_existing_steps_should_do_nothing(self):242 self._exec(DeleteRows([1000, 960]))243 self._verify_number_of_test_changes(0)244 def test_inserting_rows_below_existing_steps_should_do_nothing(self):245 self._exec(AddRows([1001, 1002]))246 self._verify_number_of_test_changes(0)247 def test_clear_area(self):248 self._exec(ClearArea((0,1), (1,2)))249 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1')250 self._verify_step(1, 'Step 2', ['', '', 'a3'])251 def test_paste_area(self):252 self._exec(PasteArea((0, 0), [['Changed Step 1', '', ''],253 ['Changed Step 2', '', 'ca2']]))254 self._verify_step(0, 'Changed Step 1')255 self._verify_step(1, 'Changed Step 2', ['', 'ca2', 'a3'])256 def test_paste_area_different_length_rows(self):257 self._exec(PasteArea((0, 0), [['Changed Step 1', '', '', '', '\t'],258 ['Changed Step 2', '', 'ca2']]))259 self._verify_step(0, 'Changed Step 1')260 self._verify_step(1, 'Changed Step 2', ['', 'ca2', 'a3'])261 def test_insert_area_inserts_cells_before_selected_cell(self):262 self._exec(InsertArea((0, 0), [['Changed Step 1', '', ''],263 ['Changed Step 2', '', 'ca2']]))264 self._verify_step(0, 'Changed Step 1')265 self._verify_step(1, 'Changed Step 2', ['', 'ca2'])266 self._verify_step(2, 'Step 1', ['arg'])267 def test_insert_area_inserts_cells_before_selected_cell_different_length_rows(self):268 self._exec(InsertArea((0, 0), [['Changed Step 1', '', '', '\t'],269 ['Changed Step 2', '', 'ca2']]))270 self._verify_step(0, 'Changed Step 1')271 self._verify_step(1, 'Changed Step 2', ['', 'ca2'])272 self._verify_step(2, 'Step 1', ['arg'])273 def test_insert_cell(self):274 self._exec(InsertCells((0,1), (0,1)))275 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1', ['', 'arg'])276 def test_inserting_cells_outside_step(self):277 self._exec(InsertCells((0,10), (0,10)))278 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1', ['arg'])279 def test_insert_cell_before_comment(self):280 self._exec(InsertCells((2,1), (2,1)))281 self._verify_step(2, 'Foo', [''], exp_comment='# this is a comment')282 def test_inserting_many_cells(self):283 self._exec(InsertCells((0,1), (1,2)))284 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1', ['', '', 'arg'])285 self._verify_step(1, 'Step 2', ['', '', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'])286 def test_delete_many_cells(self):287 self._exec(DeleteCells((0,1), (1,2)))288 self._verify_step(0, 'Step 1', [])289 self._verify_step(1, 'Step 2', ['a3'])290 def test_delete_cells_in_for_loop_and_undo(self):291 start_row = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)292 end_row = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP2)293 self._exec(DeleteCells((start_row, 1), (end_row, 10)))294 assert_equals(self._steps[start_row].as_list(), [''])295 assert_equals(self._steps[end_row].as_list(), [''])296 self._exec(Undo())297 self._verify_steps_unchanged(FOR_LOOP_STEP1, FOR_LOOP_STEP2)298 def test_commenting(self):299 self._exec(CommentRows([0]))300 self._verify_step(0, 'Comment', ['Step 1', 'arg'])301 def test_commenting_many_rows(self):302 self._exec(CommentRows([1,2,3,4]))303 for row_data in [STEP2, STEP_WITH_COMMENT, FOR_LOOP_HEADER, FOR_LOOP_STEP1]:304 assert_equals(self._steps[self._data_row(row_data)].as_list(),305 ['Comment'] + self._data_step_as_list(row_data))306 def test_commenting_step_in_for_loop(self):307 row = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)308 self._exec(CommentRows([row]))309 assert_equals(self._steps[row].as_list(),310 ['', 'Comment'] + self._data_step_as_list(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)[1:])311 def test_uncommenting_single_row(self):312 self._exec(CommentRows([0]))313 self._exec(UncommentRows([0]))314 assert_equals(self._steps[0].as_list(), self._data_step_as_list(STEP1))315 def test_uncommenting_rows(self):316 self._exec(CommentRows([1,2,3,4]))317 self._exec(UncommentRows([1,2,3,4]))318 self._verify_steps_unchanged(STEP2, STEP_WITH_COMMENT, FOR_LOOP_HEADER, FOR_LOOP_STEP1)319 def test_uncommenting_commented_step_in_for_loop(self):320 row = self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)321 self._exec(CommentRows([row]))322 self._exec(UncommentRows([row]))323 self._verify_step_unchanged(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)324 def test_uncommenting_does_nothing_if_not_commented(self):325 self._exec(UncommentRows([1,2,3,4]))326 self._verify_steps_unchanged(STEP2, STEP_WITH_COMMENT, FOR_LOOP_HEADER, FOR_LOOP_STEP1)327 def test_commenting_and_uncommenting_row_with_no_step(self):328 self._exec(CommentRows([1000]))329 self._verify_number_of_test_changes(0)330 self._exec(UncommentRows([10001]))331 self._verify_number_of_test_changes(0)332_TEST_WITH_TWO_FOR_LOOPS = ['Test With Two For Loops',333 ' : FOR ${i} IN 1 2',334 ' Log ${i}',335 ' : FOR ${j} IN 1 2',336 ' Log ${j}']337class ForLoopCases(TestCaseCommandTest):338 def _create_data(self):339 return _TEST_WITH_TWO_FOR_LOOPS[:]340 def test_remove_second_for_header(self):341 self._exec(DeleteCells((2,0), (2,0)))342 self._verify_step(2, '${j}', ['IN', '1', '2'])343 def test_remove_first_step_in_for_loop(self):344 self._exec(DeleteCells((1,1), (1,10)))345 self._verify_step_unchanged(' : FOR ${i} IN 1 2')346 self._verify_step(1, '')347 self._verify_step_unchanged(' : FOR ${j} IN 1 2')348class RowMovingTest(TestCaseCommandTest):349 def test_row_up(self):350 result = self._exec(MoveRowsUp([1]))351 assert_true(result)352 self._assert_step_order(STEP2, STEP1)353 def test_first_row_up_does_nothing(self):354 result = self._exec(MoveRowsUp([0]))355 assert_true(not result)356 assert_equals(self._number_of_test_changes, 0)357 self._exec(Undo())358 self._exec(Redo())359 def test_moving_block_containing_first_row_up_does_nothing(self):360 self._exec(MoveRowsUp([0,1,2]))361 assert_equals(self._number_of_test_changes, 0)362 def test_move_for_loop_header_up(self):363 self._exec(MoveRowsUp([self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)]))364 self._assert_step_order(STEP1,365 STEP2,366 FOR_LOOP_HEADER,367 ' '+STEP_WITH_COMMENT,368 FOR_LOOP_STEP1,369 FOR_LOOP_STEP2,370 STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP)371 def test_move_step1_in_for_loop_header_up(self):372 self._exec(MoveRowsUp([self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP1)]))373 self._assert_step_order(STEP1,374 STEP2,375 STEP_WITH_COMMENT,376 FOR_LOOP_STEP1[2:],377 FOR_LOOP_HEADER,378 FOR_LOOP_STEP2,379 STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP)380 def test_move_down_step_before_for_loop_header(self):381 self._exec(MoveRowsDown([self._data_row(STEP_WITH_COMMENT)]))382 self._assert_step_order(STEP1,383 STEP2,384 FOR_LOOP_HEADER,385 ' '+STEP_WITH_COMMENT,386 FOR_LOOP_STEP1,387 FOR_LOOP_STEP2,388 STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP)389 def test_move_up_step_after_for_loop(self):390 self._exec(MoveRowsUp([self._data_row(STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP)]))391 self._assert_step_order(STEP1,392 STEP2,393 STEP_WITH_COMMENT,394 FOR_LOOP_HEADER,395 FOR_LOOP_STEP1,396 ' '+STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP,397 FOR_LOOP_STEP2)398 def test_move_down_last_step_in_for_loop(self):399 self._exec(MoveRowsDown([self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_STEP2)]))400 self._assert_step_order(STEP1,401 STEP2,402 STEP_WITH_COMMENT,403 FOR_LOOP_HEADER,404 FOR_LOOP_STEP1,405 STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP,406 FOR_LOOP_STEP2[2:])407 def test_move_down_for_loop_header(self):408 self._exec(MoveRowsDown([self._data_row(FOR_LOOP_HEADER)]))409 self._assert_step_order(STEP1,410 STEP2,411 STEP_WITH_COMMENT,412 FOR_LOOP_STEP1[2:],413 FOR_LOOP_HEADER,414 FOR_LOOP_STEP2,415 STEP_AFTER_FOR_LOOP,)416 def test_undo_row_up(self):417 self._exec(MoveRowsUp([1]))418 self._exec(Undo())419 self._assert_step_order(STEP1, STEP2)420 def test_moving_rows(self):421 self._exec(MoveRowsUp([1, 2]))422 self._assert_step_order(STEP2, STEP_WITH_COMMENT, STEP1)423 def test_undoing_moving_rows(self):424 self._exec(MoveRowsUp([1, 2]))425 self._exec(Undo())426 self._assert_step_order(STEP1, STEP2, STEP_WITH_COMMENT)427 def test_move_row_down(self):428 self._exec(MoveRowsDown([0]))429 self._assert_step_order(STEP2, STEP1)430 def test_undo_move_row_down(self):431 self._exec(MoveRowsDown([0]))432 self._exec(Undo())433 self._assert_step_order(STEP1, STEP2)434 def test_move_rows_down(self):435 self._exec(MoveRowsDown([0,1]))436 self._assert_step_order(STEP_WITH_COMMENT, STEP1, STEP2)437 def _assert_step_order(self, *steps):438 for idx, step in enumerate(steps):439 assert_equals(self._steps[idx].as_list(),440 self._data_step_as_list(step))441 assert_true(self._ctrl.dirty)442if __name__ == "__main__":...
2from subprocess import Popen, PIPE3import pytest4# import weblogo5from . import data_stream6def _exec(args, outputtext, returncode=0, stdin=None):7 if not stdin:8 stdin = data_stream("cap.fa")9 args = ["weblogo"] + args10 p = Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)11 (out, err) = p.communicate()12 if returncode == 0 and p.returncode > 0:13 print(err)14 assert returncode == p.returncode15 if returncode == 0:16 assert len(err) == 017 if outputtext:18 out = out.decode()19 for item in outputtext:20 assert item in out21 stdin.close()22def test_malformed_options():23 _exec(["--notarealoption"], [], 2)24 _exec(["extrajunk"], [], 2)25 _exec(["-I"], [], 2)26def test_help_option():27 _exec(["-h"], ["options"])28 _exec(["--help"], ["options"])29# def test_version_option():30# _exec(['--version'], weblogo.__version__[0:5])31def test_default_build():32 _exec([], ["%%Title: Sequence Logo:"])33# Format options34def test_width():35 _exec(['-W', '1234'], ["/stack_width 1234"])36 _exec(['--stack-width', '1234'], ["/stack_width 1234"])37def test_height():38 _exec(['-W', '1000'], ["/stack_height 5000"])39 _exec(['-W', '1000', '--aspect-ratio', '2'], ["/stack_height 2000"])40def test_stacks_per_line():41 _exec(['-n', '7'], ["/stacks_per_line 7 def"])42 _exec(['--stacks-per-line', '7'], ["/stacks_per_line 7 def"])43def test_title():44 _exec(['-t', '3456'], ['/logo_title (3456) def', '/show_title True def'])45 _exec(['-t', ''], ['/logo_title () def', '/show_title False def'])46 _exec(['--title', '3456'], ['/logo_title (3456) def', '/show_title True def'])47def test_annotate():48 _exec(["--annotate", "1,2,3,4"], [], 2)49 _exec(["--annotate", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,,"], [])50def test_color():51 _exec(['--color', 'black', 'AG', 'Purine'], [])52 _exec(['--color', 'not_a_color', 'AG', 'Purine'], [], 2)53def test_reverse_complement():54 _exec(['--complement'], [])55 _exec(['--reverse'], [])56 _exec(['--revcomp'], [])57def test_formats():58 _exec(['--format', 'eps'], [])59 _exec(['--format', 'png'], [])60 _exec(['--format', 'png_print'], [])61 _exec(['--format', 'pdf'], [])62 _exec(['--format', 'jpeg'], [])63 _exec(['--format', 'logodata'], [])64@pytest.mark.skipif(shutil.which('pdf2svg') is None,65 reason="requires pdf2svg")66def test_formats_svg():...
Source: helpers.js
...5 _exec (fn) {6 return this._layoutHelpers && fn()7 },8 getLayoutSidenav () {9 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.getLayoutSidenav()) || null10 },11 getSidenav () {12 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.getSidenav()) || null13 },14 getLayoutNavbar () {15 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.getLayoutNavbar()) || null16 },17 getLayoutFooter () {18 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.getLayoutFooter()) || null19 },20 getLayoutContainer () {21 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.getLayoutContainer()) || null22 },23 isSmallScreen () {24 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isSmallScreen())25 },26 isLayout1 () {27 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isLayout1())28 },29 isCollapsed () {30 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isCollapsed())31 },32 isFixed () {33 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isFixed())34 },35 isOffcanvas () {36 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isOffcanvas())37 },38 isNavbarFixed () {39 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isNavbarFixed())40 },41 isFooterFixed () {42 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isFooterFixed())43 },44 isReversed () {45 return this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.isReversed())46 },47 setCollapsed (collapsed, animate = true) {48 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.setCollapsed(collapsed, animate))49 },50 toggleCollapsed (animate = true) {51 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.toggleCollapsed(animate))52 },53 setPosition (fixed, offcanvas) {54 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.setPosition(fixed, offcanvas))55 },56 setNavbarFixed (fixed) {57 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.setNavbarFixed(fixed))58 },59 setFooterFixed (fixed) {60 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.setFooterFixed(fixed))61 },62 setReversed (reversed) {63 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.setReversed(reversed))64 },65 update () {66 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.update())67 },68 setAutoUpdate (enable) {69 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.setAutoUpdate(enable))70 },71 on (event, callback) {72 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.on(event, callback))73 },74 off (event) {75 this._exec(() => },77 init () {78 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.init())79 },80 destroy () {81 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers.destroy())82 },83 // Internal84 //85 _removeClass (cls) {86 this._exec(() => this._layoutHelpers._removeClass(cls))87 }...
1from subprocess import Popen, PIPE2import weblogo._transformseq3from . import data_stream4def _exec(args, outputtext, returncode=0, stdin=None):5 if not stdin:6 stdin = data_stream("cap.fa")7 args = ["transformseq"] + args8 p = Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)9 (out, err) = p.communicate()10 if returncode == 0 and p.returncode > 0:11 print(err)12 assert returncode == p.returncode13 if returncode == 0:14 assert len(err) == 015 out = out.decode()16 for item in outputtext:17 assert item in out18 stdin.close()19def test_malformed_options():20 _exec(["--notarealoption"], [], 2)21 _exec(["extrajunk"], [], 2)22 _exec(["-I"], [], 2)23def test_help_option():24 _exec(["-h"], ["options"])25 _exec(["--help"], ["options"])26def test_version_option():27 _exec(['--version'], weblogo._transformseq.__version__)28def test_clustal():29 _exec(['-F', 'clustal'], ['TCTTGTGATGTGGTTAACCAAT'])30def test_reverse():31 _exec(['--reverse'], ['TAACCAATTGGTGTAGTGTTCT'])32def test_complement():33 _exec(['--complement'], ['AGAACACTACACCAATTGGTTA'])34def test_seg():35 _exec(['--seg'], ['XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'])36def test_subsample():...
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = this;2root._exec("print('hello world')");3var root = this;4root._exec("print('hello world')");5var root = this;6root._exec("print('hello world')");7var root = this;8root._exec("print('hello world')");9var root = this;10root._exec("print('hello world')");11var root = this;12root._exec("print('hello world')");13var root = this;14root._exec("print('hello world')");15var root = this;16root._exec("print('hello world')");17var root = this;18root._exec("print('hello world')");19var root = this;20root._exec("print('hello world')");21var root = this;22root._exec("print('hello world')");23var root = this;24root._exec("print('hello world')");25var context = {26};27context._exec("print('hello world')");28var module = {
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('root');2root._exec('test2.js', function (err, res) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 }6 else {7 console.log(res);8 }9});10var root = require('root');11root._exec('test3.js', function (err, res) {12 if (err) {13 console.log(err);14 }15 else {16 console.log(res);17 }18});19var root = require('root');20root._exec('test4.js', function (err, res) {21 if (err) {22 console.log(err);23 }24 else {25 console.log(res);26 }27});28var root = require('root');29root._exec('test5.js', function (err, res) {30 if (err) {31 console.log(err);32 }33 else {34 console.log(res);35 }36});37var root = require('root');38root._exec('test6.js', function (err, res) {39 if (err) {40 console.log(err);41 }42 else {43 console.log(res);44 }45});46var root = require('root');47root._exec('test7.js', function (err, res) {48 if (err) {49 console.log(err);50 }51 else {52 console.log(res);53 }54});55var root = require('root');56root._exec('test8.js', function (err, res) {57 if (err) {58 console.log(err);59 }60 else {61 console.log(res);62 }63});
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('./root');2var test = root._exec('test.js');3console.log(test);4var root = require('./root');5var test = root._exec('test.js');6console.log(test);7var root = require('./root');8var test = root._exec('test.js');9console.log(test);10var root = require('./root');11var test = root._exec('test.js');12console.log(test);13var root = require('./root');14var test = root._exec('test.js');15console.log(test);16var root = require('./root');17var test = root._exec('test.js');18console.log(test);19var root = require('./root');20var test = root._exec('test.js');21console.log(test);22var root = require('./root');23var test = root._exec('test.js');24console.log(test);25var root = require('./root');26var test = root._exec('test.js');27console.log(test);28var root = require('./root');29var test = root._exec('test.js');30console.log(test);31var root = require('./root');32var test = root._exec('test.js');33console.log(test);34var root = require('./root');35var test = root._exec('test.js');36console.log(test);37var root = require('./root');38var test = root._exec('test.js');39console.log(test);
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = require('express')();2root._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {3 res.send('Hello World');4});5root.listen(3000);6var sub = require('express')();7sub._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {8 res.send('Hello Sub');9});10root.use('/sub', sub);11root.listen(3000);12var subsub = require('express')();13subsub._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {14 res.send('Hello Sub Sub');15});16sub.use('/sub', subsub);17root.listen(3000);18var root = require('express')();19root._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {20 res.send('Hello World');21});22root.listen(3000);23var sub = require('express')();24sub._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {25 res.send('Hello Sub');26});27root.use('/sub', sub);28root.listen(3000);29var subsub = require('express')();30subsub._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {31 res.send('Hello Sub Sub');32});33sub.use('/sub', subsub);34root.listen(3000);35var root = require('express')();36root._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {37 res.send('Hello World');38});39root.listen(3000);40var sub = require('express')();41sub._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {42 res.send('Hello Sub');43});44root.use('/sub', sub);45root.listen(3000);46var subsub = require('express')();47subsub._exec('get', '/', function(req, res) {48 res.send('Hello Sub Sub');49});50sub.use('/sub', subsub);51root.listen(3000);52var root = require('
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = this;2var subObj = root.sub;3var subObj = root.sub;4var subObj = root.sub;5var subObj = root.sub;6var subObj = root.sub;7var subObj = root.sub;8var subObj = root.sub;9var subObj = root.sub;10var subObj = root.sub;11var subObj = root.sub;12var subObj = root.sub;13var subObj = root.sub;
Using AI Code Generation
1var root = this;2root._exec('test.js', 'test', 'test', 'test', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);3var sub = root.sub;4sub._exec('test.js', 'test', 'test', 'test', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);5var subsub = root.sub.subsub;6subsub._exec('test.js', 'test', 'test', 'test', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);7var subsubsub = root.sub.subsub.subsubsub;8subsubsub._exec('test.js', 'test', 'test', 'test', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);9var subsubsubsub = root.sub.subsub.subsubsub.subsubsubsub;10subsubsubsub._exec('test.js', 'test', 'test', 'test', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);11var subsubsubsubsub = root.sub.subsub.subsubsub.subsubsubsub.subsubsubsubsub;12subsubsubsubsub._exec('test.js', 'test', 'test', 'test', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);13var subsubsubsubsubsub = root.sub.subsub.subsubsub.subsubsubsub.subsubsubsubsub.subsubsubsubsubsub;14subsubsubsubsubsub._exec('test.js', 'test', 'test', 'test', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);15var subsubsubsubsubsubsub = root.sub.subsub.subsubsub.subsubsubsub.subsubsubsubsub.subsubsubsubsubsub.subsubsubsubsubsubsub;16subsubsubsubsubsubsub._exec('test.js', 'test
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