Best JavaScript code snippet using rewire
1var assert = require('assert'),2 iconv = require(__dirname+'/../');3var sampleStr = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<ä¿è¯>даннÑе</ä¿è¯>';4 strBOM = '\ufeff',5 utf8BOM = new Buffer([0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF]),6 utf16beBOM = new Buffer([0xFE, 0xFF]),7 utf16leBOM = new Buffer([0xFF, 0xFE]);8describe("BOM Handling", function() {9 it("strips UTF-8 BOM", function() {10 var body = Buffer.concat([utf8BOM, new Buffer(sampleStr)]);11 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf8'), sampleStr);12 });13 it("strips UTF-16 BOM", function() {14 var body = Buffer.concat([utf16leBOM, iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16le')]);15 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16'), sampleStr);16 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16le'), sampleStr);17 var body = Buffer.concat([utf16beBOM, iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16be')]);18 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16'), sampleStr);19 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16be'), sampleStr);20 });21 it("doesn't strip BOMs when stripBOM=false", function() {22 var body = Buffer.concat([utf8BOM, new Buffer(sampleStr)]);23 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf8', {stripBOM: false}), strBOM + sampleStr);24 var body = Buffer.concat([utf16leBOM, iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16le')]);25 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16', {stripBOM: false}), strBOM + sampleStr);26 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16le', {stripBOM: false}), strBOM + sampleStr);27 var body = Buffer.concat([utf16beBOM, iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16be')]);28 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16', {stripBOM: false}), strBOM + sampleStr);29 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf16be', {stripBOM: false}), strBOM + sampleStr);30 });31 it("adds/strips UTF-7 BOM", function() {32 var bodyWithBOM = iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf7', {addBOM: true});33 var body = iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf7');34 assert.notEqual(body.toString('hex'), bodyWithBOM.toString('hex'));35 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf7'), sampleStr);36 });37 it("adds UTF-8 BOM when addBOM=true", function() {38 var body = Buffer.concat([utf8BOM, new Buffer(sampleStr)]).toString('hex');39 assert.equal(iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf8', {addBOM: true}).toString('hex'), body);40 });41 it("adds UTF-16 BOMs when addBOM=true", function() {42 var body = Buffer.concat([utf16leBOM, iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16le')]).toString('hex');43 assert.equal(iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16le', {addBOM: true}).toString('hex'), body);44 var body = Buffer.concat([utf16beBOM, iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16be')]).toString('hex');45 assert.equal(iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16be', {addBOM: true}).toString('hex'), body);46 });47 it("'UTF-16' encoding adds BOM by default, but can be overridden with addBOM=false", function() {48 var body = Buffer.concat([utf16leBOM, iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16le')]).toString('hex');49 assert.equal(iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16').toString('hex'), body);50 var body = Buffer.concat([iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16le')]).toString('hex');51 assert.equal(iconv.encode(sampleStr, 'utf16', {addBOM: false}).toString('hex'), body);52 });53 it("when stripping BOM, calls callback 'stripBOM' if provided", function() {54 var bomStripped = false;55 var stripBOM = function() { bomStripped = true; }56 var body = Buffer.concat([utf8BOM, new Buffer(sampleStr)]);57 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf8', {stripBOM: stripBOM}), sampleStr);58 assert(bomStripped);59 bomStripped = false;60 body = new Buffer(sampleStr);61 assert.equal(iconv.decode(body, 'utf8', {stripBOM: stripBOM}), sampleStr);62 assert(!bomStripped);63 });...
...21 }22 }23 return err;24}25function stripBOM(content) {26 return content.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF ? content.slice(1) : content;27}28function concat(cb) {29 var buffers = [];30 return through(function(chunk, enc, next) {31 buffers.push(chunk);32 next();33 }, function(next) {34, Buffer.concat(buffers).toString(), next);35 });36}37var registered;38var PreprocessorAdapter = {39 create: function(opts) {40 if (!opts) {41 throw new Error('options are required');42 }43 var transform = opts.transform;44 var extensions = opts.extensions || _extensions;45 var filter = opts.filter || _filter;46 function include(file) {47 var isType = extensions.some(function(ext) {48 return file.indexOf(ext, file.length - ext.length) !== -1;49 });50 return isType && filter(file);51 }52 // browserify - transform53 // var custom = function(file, options) {55 if (!include(file)) {56 return through();57 }58 return concat(function(src, next) {59 try {60 // no "stripBOM" because browserify will do it's own "stripBOM"61 this.push(transform(src, file));62 } catch(err) {63 this.emit('error', withErrorDetails(err, file));64 }65 next();66 });67 };68 // jest69 // custom.process = function(src, file) {71 src = stripBOM(src);72 if (!include(file)) {73 return src;74 }75 try {76 return transform(src, file);77 } catch(err) {78 throw withErrorDetails(err, file);79 }80 };81 // node82 // custom.register = function() {84 if (registered) {85 return;86 }87 function compile(module, file) {88 var src = stripBOM(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'));89 var code;90 if (!include(file)) {91 code = src;92 } else {93 try {94 code = transform(src, file);95 } catch(err) {96 throw withErrorDetails(err, file);97 }98 }99 module._compile(code, file);100 }101 extensions.forEach(function(ext) { require.extensions[ext] = compile; });102 registered = true;...
1import { PRINTABLE_ASCII } from '../const';2import v from '../voca';3describe('stripBom', function() {4 it('should strip BOM from the beginning of the string', function() {5 expect(v.stripBom('\uFEFF')).toBe('');6 expect(v.stripBom('\uFEFFHello world!')).toBe('Hello world!');7 expect(v.stripBom('\uFEFF\n\tWelcome')).toBe('\n\tWelcome');8 });9 it('should not affect strings that do not start with BOM', function() {10 expect(v.stripBom('')).toBe('');11 expect(v.stripBom('Hello world!')).toBe('Hello world!');12 expect(v.stripBom('Hello\uFEFFworld!')).toBe('Hello\uFEFFworld!');13 expect(v.stripBom(PRINTABLE_ASCII)).toBe(PRINTABLE_ASCII);14 expect(v.stripBom('\\uFEFF')).toBe('\\uFEFF');15 });16 it('should strip BOM from a string representation of an object', function() {17 expect(v.stripBom('\uFEFFHello world!')).toBe('Hello world!');18 expect(19 v.stripBom({20 toString: function() {21 return '\uFEFFHello world!';22 },23 })24 ).toBe('Hello world!');25 });26 it('should return empty string for null or undefined', function() {27 expect(v.stripBom(null)).toBe('');28 expect(v.stripBom(undefined)).toBe('');29 expect(v.stripBom()).toBe('');30 });...
...29 return res;30 if (res[0] === BOMChar) {31 res = res.slice(1);32 if (typeof this.options.stripBOM === 'function')33 this.options.stripBOM();34 }35 this.pass = true;36 return res;37}38StripBOMWrapper.prototype.end = function() {39 return this.decoder.end();...
1'use strict';2describe('jsdoc/util/stripbom', function() {3 var stripBom = require('jsdoc/util/stripbom');4 it('should exist', function() {5 expect(typeof stripBom).toBe('object');6 });7 it('should export a "strip" method', function() {8 expect(typeof stripBom.strip).toBe('function');9 });10 describe('strip', function() {11 it('should strip the leading BOM when present', function() {12 var result = stripBom.strip('\uFEFFHello there!');13 expect(result).toBe('Hello there!');14 });15 it('should not change the text when no leading BOM is present', function() {16 var result = stripBom.strip('Hello there!');17 expect(result).toBe('Hello there!');18 });19 it('should return an empty string when the text is null or undefined', function() {20 expect(stripBom.strip()).toBe('');21 });22 });...
1#!/usr/bin/env node2'use strict';3var fs = require('fs');4var pkg = require('./package.json');5var stripBom = require('./');6var argv = process.argv.slice(2);7var input = argv[0];8function help() {9 console.log([10 '',11 ' ' + pkg.description,12 '',13 ' Usage',14 ' strip-bom <file> > <new-file>',15 ' cat <file> | strip-bom > <new-file>',16 '',17 ' Example',18 ' strip-bom unicorn.txt > unicorn-without-bom.txt'19 ].join('\n'));20}21if (argv.indexOf('--help') !== -1) {22 help();23 return;24}25if (argv.indexOf('--version') !== -1) {26 console.log(pkg.version);27 return;28}29if (process.stdin.isTTY) {30 if (!input) {31 help();32 return;33 }34 fs.createReadStream(input).pipe(;35} else {36 process.stdin.pipe(;...
1var gulp = require('gulp');2var paths = require('./paths.js');3var stripbom = require('gulp-stripbom');4var stripBom = function (dest) {5 gulp.src([paths.src.scripts, paths.src.exclude.libs])6 .pipe(stripbom({ showLog: false }))7 .pipe(gulp.dest(dest));8 gulp.src(paths.src.less)9 .pipe(stripbom({ showLog: false }))10 .pipe(gulp.dest(dest));11 gulp.src(paths.src.templates)12 .pipe(stripbom({ showLog: false }))13 .pipe(gulp.dest(dest));14};15gulp.task('stripBom', function () {16 stripBom(paths.src.root);...
...4 * Remove byte order marker. This catches EF BB BF (the UTF-8 BOM)5 * because the buffer-to-string conversion in `fs.readFileSync()`6 * translates it to FEFF, the UTF-16 BOM.7 */8function stripBOM(content) {9 if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {10 content = content.slice(1);11 }12 return content;...
Using AI Code Generation
1var rewire = require('rewire');2var assert = require('assert');3var test = rewire('./test.js');4var stripBOM = test.__get__('stripBOM');5assert.equal(stripBOM('\uFEFFabc'), 'abc');6assert.equal(stripBOM('abc'), 'abc');7exports.stripBOM = function (str) {8 if (str.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {9 str = str.slice(1);10 }11 return str;12};
Using AI Code Generation
1var rewire = require("rewire");2var test = rewire("./test.js");3var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");4var result = stripBOM("\uFEFFabc");5var rewire = require("rewire");6var test = rewire("./test.js");7var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");8var result = stripBOM("\uFEFFabc");9var rewire = require("rewire");10var test = rewire("./test.js");11var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");12var result = stripBOM("\uFEFFabc");13var rewire = require("rewire");14var test = rewire("./test.js");15var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");16var result = stripBOM("\uFEFFabc");17var rewire = require("rewire");18var test = rewire("./test.js");19var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");20var result = stripBOM("\uFEFFabc");21var rewire = require("rewire");22var test = rewire("./test.js");23var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");24var result = stripBOM("\uFEFFabc");25var rewire = require("rewire");26var test = rewire("./test.js");27var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");28var result = stripBOM("\uFEFFabc");29var rewire = require("rewire");30var test = rewire("./test.js");
Using AI Code Generation
1var rewire = require("rewire");2var test = rewire("./test.js");3var stripBOM = test.__get__("stripBOM");4var str = "This is a test string";5var newStr = stripBOM(str);6console.log(newStr);7exports.stripBOM = function(str) {8 if (str.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {9 str = str.slice(1);10 }11 return str;12};13The test.js file uses the rewire module to test the stripBOM method. The rewire module is used to access the private methods of a module. The rewire module is used to access the private methods of the test.js file. The rewire module is used to access the stripBOM method of the test.js file. The rewire module is imported using the require function and is assigned to a variable named test. The rewire module is used to access the stripBOM method of the test.js file using the __get__ method. The __get__ method is used to access the private methods of the test.js file. The __get__ method takes the name of the method as an argument and returns the method. The __get__ method is used to access the stripBOM method of the test.js file. The stripBOM method is assigned to a variable named stripBOM. The stripBOM method is used to test the stripBOM method of the test.js file. The stripBOM method is called using the variable stripBOM. The
Using AI Code Generation
1var stripBOM = rewire('../index').__get__('stripBOM');2console.log(stripBOM('abc'));3console.log(stripBOM('\ufeffabc'));4console.log(stripBOM('\uFEFFabc'));5var path = require('path');6var stripBOM = rewire(path.resolve(__dirname, '../index')).__get__('stripBOM');7console.log(stripBOM('abc'));8console.log(stripBOM('\ufeffabc'));9console.log(stripBOM('\uFEFFabc'));
Using AI Code Generation
1var stripBOM = rewire('strip-bom');2var str = 'foo';3var strWithBOM = '\uFEFF' + str;4var strWithoutBOM = stripBOM(strWithBOM);5test('stripBOM', function (t) {6 t.equal(strWithoutBOM, str);7 t.end();8});9var stripBOM = require('strip-bom');10var str = 'foo';11var strWithBOM = '\uFEFF' + str;12var strWithoutBOM = stripBOM(strWithBOM);13test('stripBOM', function (t) {14 t.equal(strWithoutBOM, str);15 t.end();16});
Using AI Code Generation
1var rewire = require('rewire');2var app = rewire('./app.js');3var stripBOM = app.__get__('stripBOM');4console.log(stripBOM('1234'));5exports.stripBOM = function(str) {6 if (str.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {7 str = str.slice(1);8 }9 return str;10};11var rewire = require('rewire');12var app = rewire('./app.js');13var stripBOM = app.__get__('stripBOM');14console.log(stripBOM('1234'));15var app = require('./app.js');16var assert = require('assert');17describe('app', function() {18 describe('stripBOM', function() {19 it('should remove BOM from string', function() {20 assert.equal(app.stripBOM('1234'), '1234');21 });22 });23});24var app = require('./app.js');25var assert = require('assert');26describe('app', function() {27 describe('stripBOM', function() {28 it('should remove BOM from string', function() {29 assert.equal(app.stripBOM('1234'), '1234');30 });31 });32});
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