Best JavaScript code snippet using rewire
1/* global define */2(function (global, module) { // Browser compatibility3 var simple = module.exports4 var mocks = []5 var totalCalls = 06 /**7 * Restore the current simple and create a new one8 *9 * @param {Object} [obj]10 * @param {String} [key]11 * @api public12 */13 simple.restore = function (obj, key) {14 if (obj && key) {15 mocks.some(function (mock, i) {16 if (mock.obj !== obj || mock.key !== key) return17 mock.restore()18 mocks.splice(i, 1)19 return true20 })21 return22 }23 mocks.forEach(_restoreMock)24 mocks = []25 }26 /**27 * Create a mocked value on an object28 *29 * @param {Object} obj30 * @param {String} key31 * @param {Function|Value} mockValue32 * @return {Function} mock33 * @api public34 */35 simple.mock = function (obj, key, mockValue) {36 if (!arguments.length) {37 return simple.spyOrStub()38 } else if (arguments.length === 1) {39 return simple.spyOrStub(obj)40 } else if (isFunction(mockValue)) {41 mockValue = simple.spyOrStub(mockValue)42 } else if (arguments.length === 2) {43 mockValue = simple.spyOrStub(obj, key)44 }45 var mock = {46 obj: obj,47 key: key,48 mockValue: mockValue,49 oldValue: obj[key],50 oldValueHasKey: (key in obj)51 }52 mock.restore = _restoreMock.bind(null, mock)53 mocks.unshift(mock)54 obj[key] = mockValue55 return mockValue56 }57 /**58 * Create a stub function59 *60 * @param {Function|Object} wrappedFn61 * @param {String} [key]62 * @return {Function} spy63 * @api public64 */65 simple.spyOrStub = simple.stub = simple.spy = function (wrappedFn, key) {66 if (arguments.length === 2) {67 wrappedFn = wrappedFn[key]68 }69 var originalFn = wrappedFn70 var stubFn = function () {71 var action = (newFn.loop) ? newFn.actions[(newFn.callCount - 1) % newFn.actions.length] : newFn.actions.shift()72 if (!action) return73 if (action.throwError) throw action.throwError74 if ('returnValue' in action) return action.returnValue75 if ('fn' in action) return action.fn.apply(action.ctx || this, arguments)76 var cb = ('cbArgIndex' in action) ? arguments[action.cbArgIndex] : arguments[arguments.length - 1]77 if (action.cbArgs) return cb.apply(action.ctx || null, action.cbArgs)78 }79 var newFn = function () {80 var call = {81 k: totalCalls++, // Keep count of calls to record the absolute order of calls82 args:, 0),83 arg: arguments[0],84 context: this85 }86 newFn.calls.push(call)87 newFn.firstCall = newFn.firstCall || call88 newFn.lastCall = call89 newFn.callCount++90 newFn.called = true91 try {92 call.returned = (wrappedFn || _noop).apply(this, arguments)93 } catch(e) {94 call.threw = e95 throw e96 }97 return call.returned98 }99 // Spy100 newFn.reset = function () {101 newFn.calls = []102 newFn.lastCall = { args: [] } // For dot-safety103 newFn.callCount = 0104 newFn.called = false105 }106 newFn.reset()107 // Stub108 newFn.actions = []109 newFn.loop = true110 newFn.callbackWith = newFn.callback = function () {111 wrappedFn = stubFn112 newFn.actions.push({ cbArgs: arguments })113 return newFn // Chainable114 }115 newFn.callbackArgWith = newFn.callbackAtIndex = function () {116 wrappedFn = stubFn117 newFn.actions.push({118 cbArgs:, 1),119 cbArgIndex: arguments[0]120 })121 return newFn // Chainable122 }123 newFn.inThisContext = function (obj) {124 var action = newFn.actions[newFn.actions.length - 1]125 action.ctx = obj126 return newFn // Chainable127 }128 newFn.withArgs = function () {129 var action = newFn.actions[newFn.actions.length - 1]130 action.cbArgs = arguments131 return newFn // Chainable132 }133 newFn.returnWith = function (returnValue) {134 wrappedFn = stubFn135 newFn.actions.push({ returnValue: returnValue })136 return newFn // Chainable137 }138 newFn.throwWith = function (err) {139 wrappedFn = stubFn140 newFn.actions.push({ throwError: err })141 return newFn // Chainable142 }143 newFn.resolveWith = function (value) {144 if (simple.Promise.when) return newFn.callFn(function createResolvedPromise () { return simple.Promise.when(value) })145 return newFn.callFn(function createResolvedPromise () { return simple.Promise.resolve(value) })146 }147 newFn.rejectWith = function (value) {148 return newFn.callFn(function createRejectedPromise () { return simple.Promise.reject(value) })149 }150 newFn.callFn = function (fn) {151 wrappedFn = stubFn152 newFn.actions.push({ fn: fn })153 return newFn // Chainable154 }155 newFn.withActions = function (actions) {156 wrappedFn = stubFn157 if (actions && actions.length >= 0) {158 Array.prototype.push.apply(newFn.actions, actions)159 }160 return newFn // Chainable161 }162 newFn.callOriginal = newFn.callOriginalFn = function () {163 wrappedFn = stubFn164 newFn.actions.push({ fn: originalFn })165 return newFn // Chainable166 }167 newFn.withLoop = function () {168 newFn.loop = true169 return newFn // Chainable170 }171 newFn.noLoop = function () {172 newFn.loop = false173 return newFn // Chainable174 }175 return newFn176 }177 function _restoreMock (mock) {178 if (!mock.oldValueHasKey) {179 delete mock.obj[mock.key]180 return181 }182 mock.obj[mock.key] = mock.oldValue183 }184 function _noop () {}185 /**186 * Return whether the passed variable is a function187 *188 * @param {Mixed} value189 * @return {Boolean}190 * @api private191 */192 function isFunction (value) {193 return === funcClass194 }195 var funcClass = '[object Function]'196 // Browser compatibility197 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {198 define(function () {199 return simple200 })201 } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {202 window.simple = simple203 }204 // Native Promise support205 if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined') simple.Promise = Promise...
...18 const fn = function () {19 return this20 }21 const newFn = fn.bind2({name: 'vino'})22 console.assert(newFn().name === 'vino')23}24function test3(message) {25 console.log(message)26 Function.prototype.bind2 = bind27 const fn = function (p1, p2) {28 return [this, p1, p2]29 }30 const newFn = fn.bind2({name: 'vino'}, 8, 24)31 console.assert(newFn()[0].name === 'vino')32 console.assert(newFn()[1] === 8)33 console.assert(newFn()[2] === 24)34}35function test4(message) {36 console.log(message)37 Function.prototype.bind2 = bind38 const fn = function (p1, p2) {39 return [this, p1, p2]40 }41 const newFn = fn.bind2({name: 'vino'})42 console.assert(newFn(8, 24)[0].name === 'vino')43 console.assert(newFn(8, 24)[1] === 8)44 console.assert(newFn(8, 24)[2] === 24)45}46function test5(message) {47 console.log(message)48 Function.prototype.bind2 = bind49 const fn = function (p1, p2) {50 return [this, p1, p2]51 }52 const newFn = fn.bind2({name: 'vino'}, 8)53 console.assert(newFn(24)[0].name === 'vino', 'this')54 console.assert(newFn(24)[1] === 8, 'p1')55 console.assert(newFn(24)[2] === 24, 'p2')56}57function test6(message) {58 console.log(message)59 Function.prototype.bind2 = bind60 const fn = function (p1, p2) {61 this.p1 = p162 this.p2 = p263 }64 const newFn = fn.bind2(undefined, 8, 24)65 const obj = new newFn()66 console.assert(obj.p1 === 8)67 console.assert(obj.p2 === 24)68}69function test7(message) {70 console.log(message)71 Function.prototype.bind2 = bind72 const fn = function (p1, p2) {73 this.p1 = p174 this.p2 = p275 }76 fn.prototype.sayHi = function () {77 console.log('hi')78 }79 const newFn = fn.bind2(undefined, 8, 24)80 const obj = new newFn()81 console.assert(obj.p1 === 8)82 console.assert(obj.p2 === 24)83 console.assert(typeof obj.sayHi === 'function')84}85function test8(message) {86 console.log(message)87 Function.prototype.bind2 = bind88 const fn = function (p1, p2) {89 this.p1 = p190 this.p2 = p291 }92 const newFn = fn.bind2({name: 'vino'}, 8, 24)93 const obj = new newFn()94 console.assert( === undefined)95 console.assert(obj.p1 === 8)96 console.assert(obj.p2 === 24)...
Using AI Code Generation
1const newFn = rewire('./app.js').__get__("newFn");2describe("newFn", function() {3 it("should be a function", function() {4 assert.strictEqual(typeof newFn, "function");5 });6 it("should return a string", function() {7 assert.strictEqual(typeof newFn(), "string");8 });9 it("should return 'newFn'", function() {10 assert.strictEqual(newFn(), "newFn");11 });12});13if (typeof module !== "undefined") {14 module.exports = { newFn };15}
Using AI Code Generation
1var rewire = require('rewire');2var module = rewire('./module');3var newFn = module.__get__('newFn');4var result = newFn(2, 3);5var newFn = function (a, b) {6 return a + b;7};8module.exports = {9};
Using AI Code Generation
1const rewire = require("rewire");2const rewired = rewire("./index.js");3const newFn = rewired.__get__("newFn");4describe("newFn", () => {5 test("should return the sum of two numbers", () => {6 expect(newFn(1, 2)).toBe(3);7 });8});9module.exports = {10 fn: function (a, b) {11 return a + b;12 },13 newFn: function (a, b) {14 return a + b;15 },16};17module.exports = {18 fn: function (a, b) {19 return a + b;20 },21 newFn: function (a, b) {22 return a + b;23 },24};25module.exports = {26 fn: function (a, b) {27 return a + b;28 },29 newFn: function (a, b) {30 return a + b;31 },32};33module.exports = {34 fn: function (a, b) {35 return a + b;36 },37 newFn: function (a, b) {38 return a + b;39 },40};41module.exports = {42 fn: function (a, b) {43 return a + b;44 },45 newFn: function (a, b) {46 return a + b;47 },48};49module.exports = {50 fn: function (a, b) {51 return a + b;52 },53 newFn: function (a, b) {54 return a + b;55 },56};57module.exports = {58 fn: function (a, b) {59 return a + b;60 },61 newFn: function (a, b) {62 return a + b;63 },64};65module.exports = {66 fn: function (a, b) {67 return a + b;68 },69 newFn: function (a, b) {70 return a + b;71 },72};73module.exports = {74 fn: function (a, b) {75 return a + b;76 },77 newFn: function (a, b
Using AI Code Generation
1var rewire = require('rewire');2var newFn = rewire('./fn.js');3newFn.__set__('fn', function() {4 return 'newFn';5});6var rewire = require('rewire');7var newFn = rewire('./fn.js');8newFn.__set__('fn', function() {9 return 'newFn';10});
Using AI Code Generation
1const myModule = rewire('./myModule.js');2myModule.__set__('newFn', function() {3 return 'bar';4});5const result = myModule('foo');6module.exports = function(arg) {7 return newFn(arg);8};9const myModule = rewire('./myModule.js');10myModule.__set__('newFn', function() {11 return 'bar';12});13const result = myModule('foo');14module.exports = function(arg) {15 return newFn(arg);16};17const myModule = rewire('./myModule.js');18myModule.__set__('newFn', function() {19 return 'bar';20});21const result = myModule('foo');22module.exports = function(arg) {23 return newFn(arg);24};25const myModule = rewire('./myModule.js');26myModule.__set__('newFn', function() {27 return 'bar';28});29const result = myModule('foo');30module.exports = function(arg) {31 return newFn(arg);32};33const myModule = rewire('./myModule.js');34myModule.__set__('newFn', function() {35 return 'bar';36});37const result = myModule('foo');38module.exports = function(arg) {39 return newFn(arg);40};41const myModule = rewire('./myModule.js');42myModule.__set__('newFn', function() {43 return 'bar';44});45const result = myModule('foo');46module.exports = function(arg) {47 return newFn(arg);48};49const myModule = rewire('./myModule.js');50myModule.__set__('newFn',
Using AI Code Generation
1const rewire = require("rewire");2const test = rewire("./app.js");3test.__set__("newFn", () => 42);4test.__get__("newFn")();5const assert = require("assert");6const test = require("./app.js");7describe("Test", () => {8 it("should return 42", () => {9 assert.equal(test(), 42);10 });11});12const assert = require("assert");13const expect = require("chai").expect;14const test = require("./app.js");15describe("Test", () => {16 it("should return 42", () => {17 assert.equal(test(), 42);18 });19 it("should return 42", () => {20 expect(test()).to.equal(42);21 });22});23const assert = require("assert");24const sinon = require("sinon");25const test = require("./app.js");26describe("Test", () => {27 it("should return 42", () => {28 assert.equal(test(), 42);29 });30 it("should return 42", () => {31 const stub = sinon.stub(test, "newFn").returns(42);32 assert.equal(test(), 42);33 stub.restore();34 });35});36const assert = require("assert");37const test = require("./app.js");38describe("Test", () => {39 it("should return 42", () => {40 assert.equal(test(), 42);41 });42});43{44 "scripts": {
Using AI Code Generation
1const rewire = require('rewire');2const test = rewire('./test.js');3test.__set__('newFn', () => { return 'New Function'; });4test.__get__('newFn')();5const sinon = require('sinon');6const test = require('./test.js');7const spy = sinon.spy(test, 'newFn');8test.newFn();9const chai = require('chai');10const test = require('./test.js');11chai.expect(test.newFn()).to.equal('New Function');12const mocha = require('mocha');13const test = require('./test.js');14mocha.describe('newFn', () => {15'should return New Function', () => {16 mocha.expect(test.newFn()).to.equal('New Function');17 });18});19const jest = require('jest');20const test = require('./test.js');21jest.describe('newFn', () => {22'should return New Function', () => {23 jest.expect(test.newFn()).to.equal('New Function');24 });25});
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