How to use pushKeyEvent method in redwood

Best JavaScript code snippet using redwood


Source:hotkeys.service.ts Github


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...66 const events = ['keydown', 'keyup']67 events.forEach(eventType => {68 document.addEventListener(eventType, (nativeEvent: KeyboardEvent) => {69 this.pushKeyEvent(eventType, nativeEvent)71 if (hostApp.platform === Platform.Web && this.matchActiveHotkey(true) !== null) {72 nativeEvent.preventDefault()73 nativeEvent.stopPropagation()74 }75 })76 })77 })78 // deprecated79 this.hotkey$.subscribe(h => this.matchedHotkey.emit(h))80 this.matchedHotkey.subscribe = deprecate(s => this.hotkey$.subscribe(s), 'matchedHotkey is deprecated, use hotkey$')81 this.keyEvent$.subscribe(h => this.key.subscribe = deprecate(s => this.keyEvent$.subscribe(s), 'key is deprecated, use keyEvent$')83 }84 /**85 * Adds a new key event to the buffer86 *87 * @param eventName DOM event name88 * @param nativeEvent event object89 */90 pushKeyEvent (eventName: string, nativeEvent: KeyboardEvent): void {91 if (nativeEvent.timeStamp === this.lastEventTimestamp) {92 return93 }94 nativeEvent['event'] = eventName95 const eventData = {96 ctrlKey: nativeEvent.ctrlKey,97 metaKey: nativeEvent.metaKey,98 altKey: nativeEvent.altKey,99 shiftKey: nativeEvent.shiftKey,100 code: nativeEvent.code,101 key: nativeEvent.key,102 eventName,103 time: nativeEvent.timeStamp,104 registrationTime:,105 }106 for (const [key, time] of this.pressedKeyTimestamps.entries()) {107 if (time < - 2000) {108 this.removePressedKey(key)109 }110 }111 const keyName = getKeyName(eventData)112 if (eventName === 'keydown') {113 this.addPressedKey(keyName, eventData)114 if (!nativeEvent.repeat) {115 this.recognitionPhase = true116 }117 this.updateModifiers(eventData)118 }119 if (eventName === 'keyup') {120 const keystroke = getKeystrokeName([...this.pressedKeys])121 if (this.recognitionPhase) {122 this.lastKeystrokes.push({124 keystroke,125 time:,126 })127 this.recognitionPhase = false128 }129 this.pressedKeys.clear()130 this.pressedKeyTimestamps.clear()131 this.removePressedKey(keyName)132 }133 if (this.pressedKeys.size) {134 this.pressedKeystroke = getKeystrokeName([...this.pressedKeys])135 } else {136 this.pressedKeystroke = null137 }138 const matched = this.matchActiveHotkey()139 => {140 if (matched && this.recognitionPhase) {141 this.emitHotkeyOn(matched)142 } else if (this.pressedHotkey) {143 this.emitHotkeyOff(this.pressedHotkey)144 }145 })146 => {147 })149 if (process.platform === 'darwin' && eventData.metaKey && eventName === 'keydown' && !['Ctrl', 'Shift', altKeyName, metaKeyName].includes(keyName)) {150 // macOS will swallow non-modified keyups if Cmd is held down151 this.pushKeyEvent('keyup', nativeEvent)152 }153 this.lastEventTimestamp = nativeEvent.timeStamp154 }155 getCurrentKeystrokes (): Keystroke[] {156 if (!this.pressedKeystroke) {157 return []158 }159 return [ => x.keystroke), this.pressedKeystroke]160 }161 matchActiveHotkey (partial = false): string|null {162 if (!this.isEnabled() || !this.pressedKeystroke) {163 return null164 }165 const matches: {...

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Source:optcarrot.worker.ts Github


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...31 render: (image: Uint8Array) => void,32 playAudio: (audio: Int16Array) => void,33 progress: (input: ProgressInput) => void34 ): void;35 pushKeyEvent(code: number, pressed: boolean): void;36}37const OPTCARROT_HEADLESS_DRIVER = `38module Optcarrot39 # Audio output driver for Web Audio API40 class WebAudioAudio < Audio41 def tick(output)42 JS::eval("globalThis.Optcarrot.tickAudio()")43 end44 end45 # Video output driver for Web Canvas46 class CanvasVideo < Video47 def tick(screen)48 JS::eval("globalThis.Optcarrot.tickVideo()")49 end50 end51 BrowserInput = Input52end53`;54const OPTCARROT_WEB_DRIVER = `55module Optcarrot56 # Audio output driver for Web Audio API57 class WebAudioAudio < Audio58 def tick(output)59 bin = output.pack(@pack_format)60 File.binwrite(File.join("/OPTCARROT_TMP/"), bin)61 JS::eval("globalThis.Optcarrot.tickAudio()")62 rescue => e63 JS::eval("console.warn('#{ e.inspect }')")64 end65 end66 # Video output driver for Web Canvas67 class CanvasVideo < Video68 def init69 super70 @palette = do |r, g, b|71 0xff000000 | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r72 end73 end74 def dispose75 end76 def tick(screen)77 bin = screen.pack("L*")78 File.binwrite(File.join("/OPTCARROT_TMP", File.basename(@conf.video_output, ".EXT") + ".data"), bin)79 JS::eval("globalThis.Optcarrot.tickVideo()")80 super81 rescue => e82 JS::eval("console.warn('#{ e.inspect }')")83 end84 end85 # Input driver for browser input86 class BrowserInput < Input87 def init88 end89 def dispose90 end91 def tick(frame, pads)92 event = JS::eval("return globalThis.Optcarrot.fetchKeyEvent()").inspect93 return if event == ""94 code, pressed = event.split(",")95 code = code.to_i96 if pressed == "true"97 pads.keydown(0, code)98 else99 pads.keyup(0, code)100 end101 end102 end103end104`;105export class Optcarrot implements OptcarrotWorkerPort {106 wasmFs: WasmFs;107 wasi: WASI;108 vm: RubyVM;109 keyEventConsumer: KeyEventBuffer;110 tickVideo: () => void;111 tickAudio: () => void;112 remoteRender: (image: Uint8Array) => void;113 remotePlayAudio: (audio: Int16Array) => void;114 constructor() {115 this.wasmFs = new WasmFs();116 this.wasmFs.fs.mkdirSync("/OPTCARROT_TMP", 0o777);117 const args = ["ruby.wasm", "-e_=0"];118 this.wasi = new WASI({119 bindings: {120 ...WASI.defaultBindings,121 fs: this.wasmFs.fs,122 path,123 },124 args,125 preopenDirectories: {126 "/OPTCARROT_TMP": "/OPTCARROT_TMP",127 },128 });129 const originalWriteSync = this.wasmFs.fs.writeSync.bind(this.wasmFs.fs);130 // @ts-ignore131 this.wasmFs.fs.writeSync = (fd, buffer, offset, length, position) => {132 const text = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(buffer);133 const handlers = {134 1: (line) => console.log(line),135 2: (line) => console.warn(line),136 };137 if (handlers[fd]) handlers[fd](text);138 return originalWriteSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position);139 };140 this.keyEventConsumer = new KeyEventBuffer([]);141 }142 computeOptions(options: Options): string[] {143 const optionsArray = [];144 const ROMS = {145 "Lan_Master.nes": "/optcarrot/examples/Lan_Master.nes",146 };147 if (options.opt) {148 optionsArray.push("--opt");149 }150 if (ROMS[options.rom]) {151 optionsArray.push(ROMS[options.rom]);152 } else {153 throw new Error(`Unknown ROM: ${options.rom}`);154 }155 return optionsArray;156 }157 async init(158 options: Options,159 render: (image: Uint8Array) => void,160 playAudio: (audio: Int16Array) => void,161 progress: (input: ProgressInput) => void162 ) {163 this.remoteRender = render;164 this.remotePlayAudio = playAudio;165 // Fetch and instantiate WebAssembly binary166 progress({ kind: "message", value: "Downloading..." });167 progress({ kind: "progress", value: 0 });168 const response = await fetch("./optcarrot.wasm");169 const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer();170 progress({ kind: "progress", value: 0.2 });171 progress({ kind: "message", value: "Instantiating Optcarrot..." });172 const imports = {173 wasi_snapshot_preview1: this.wasi.wasiImport,174 };175 const vm = new RubyVM();176 vm.addToImports(imports);177 // Instantiate the WebAssembly module178 const { instance } = await WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, imports);179 await vm.setInstance(instance);180 progress({ kind: "progress", value: 0.3 });181 // Initialize WASI application182 this.wasi.setMemory(instance.exports.memory as WebAssembly.Memory);183 (instance.exports._initialize as any)();184 // Initialize Ruby VM185 vm.initialize();186 progress({ kind: "progress", value: 0.6 });187 console.time("init-optcarrot");188 console.log("Options:", options);189 vm.eval(`190 require "js"191 JS::eval("console.time('require-optcarrot')")192 require_relative "/optcarrot/lib/optcarrot.rb"193 JS::eval("console.timeEnd('require-optcarrot')")194 `);195 progress({ kind: "progress", value: 0.8 });196 this.tickVideo = options.headless197 ? () => {198 this.remoteRender(new Uint8Array());199 }200 : () => {201 const bytes = this.videoBytes();202 this.remoteRender(Comlink.transfer(bytes, [bytes.buffer]));203 };204 this.tickAudio = options.headless205 ? () => {206 this.remotePlayAudio(new Int16Array());207 }208 : () => {209 const bytes = this.audioBytes();210 this.remotePlayAudio(Comlink.transfer(bytes, [bytes.buffer]));211 };212 vm.eval(`213 ${options.headless ? OPTCARROT_HEADLESS_DRIVER : OPTCARROT_WEB_DRIVER}214 # Monkey patch the Optcarrot to use web drivers215 Optcarrot::Driver.define_singleton_method(:load) do |conf|216 video = audio = input =, video)219 [video, audio, input]220 end221 args = [222 ${this.computeOptions(options)223 .map((option) => `"${option}"`)224 .join(", ")},225 "--audio-sample-rate=11050",226 ]227 JS::eval("console.time('')")228 $nes = JS::eval("console.timeEnd('')")230 `);231 progress({ kind: "progress", value: 1 });232 progress({ kind: "done" });233 vm.eval(`$nes.reset`);234 this.vm = vm;235;236 }237 run() {238 setTimeout(, 0);239 this.vm.eval(`$nes.step`);240 }241 videoBytes(): Uint8Array {242 return this.wasmFs.fs.readFileSync(243 "/OPTCARROT_TMP/"244 ) as Uint8Array;245 }246 audioBytes(): Int16Array {247 const bytes = this.wasmFs.fs.readFileSync(248 "/OPTCARROT_TMP/"249 ) as Uint8Array;250 return new Int16Array(bytes.buffer);251 }252 pushKeyEvent(code: number, pressed: boolean): void {253 this.keyEventConsumer.push(code, pressed);254 }255 fetchKeyEvent(): string {256 const event = this.keyEventConsumer.consume();257 if (!event) return "";258 return event.join(",");259 }260}261const main = () => {262 const optcarrot = new Optcarrot();263 // @ts-ignore264 globalThis.Optcarrot = optcarrot;265 Comlink.expose({266 init(267 options: Options,268 render: (image: Uint8Array) => void,269 playAudio: (audio: Int16Array) => void,270 progress: (input: ProgressInput) => void271 ): void {272 try {273 optcarrot.init(options, render, playAudio, progress).catch((e) => {274 progress({275 kind: "error",276 message: "Failed to initialize Optcarrot: " + e.message,277 });278 });279 } catch (e) {280 progress({281 kind: "error",282 message: "Failed to initialize Optcarrot: " + e.message,283 });284 }285 },286 pushKeyEvent(code: number, pressed: boolean): void {287 optcarrot.pushKeyEvent(code, pressed);288 },289 });290};291if (292 // @ts-ignore293 typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined" &&294 // @ts-ignore295 self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope296) {297 main();...

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Source:plugin.js Github


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...119 /**120 * Wrapper/Helper Methods121 */122 keyDown: function(modstate,sym,unicode,snd) {123 this.pushKeyEvent(1,modstate,sym,unicode,snd)124 },125 keyUp: function(modstate,sym,unicode,snd) {126 this.pushKeyEvent(0,modstate,sym,unicode,snd)127 },128 resize: function(width, height) {129 this.setWidth(width)130 this.setHeight(height)131 },132 /**133 * Random Shit134 */135 hsvToRgb: function(h, s, v) {136 var r, g, b;137 var i;138 var f, p, q, t;139 // Make sure our arguments stay in-range140 h = Math.max(0, Math.min(360, h));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { pushKeyEvent } from '@redwoodjs/web'2 query FIND_POST_BY_ID($id: Int!) {3 post: post(id: $id) {4 }5 }6export const Loading = () => <div>Loading...</div>7export const Empty = () => <div>Post not found</div>8export const Success = ({ post }) => {9 const [isEditing, setIsEditing] = useState(false)10 const [title, setTitle] = useState(post.title)11 const [body, setBody] = useState(post.body)12 const onSave = () => {13 const { id } = post14 const input = { id, title, body }15 updatePost({ variables: { input } })16 setIsEditing(false)17 }18 const [updatePost, { loading, error }] = useMutation(UPDATE_POST_MUTATION, {19 onCompleted: () => {20 toast.success('Post updated')21 },22 })23 useEffect(() => {24 pushKeyEvent('Escape', () => {25 setIsEditing(false)26 })27 }, [])28 return (29 <h2>{post.title}</h2>30 {isEditing ? (31 value={title}32 onChange={(e) => setTitle(}33 value={body}34 onChange={(e) => setBody(}35 <button type="button" disabled={loading} onClick={onSave}>36 disabled={loading}37 onClick={() => setIsEditing(false)}38 ) : (39 <p>{post.body}</p>40 <button type="button" onClick={() => setIsEditing(true)}>41 )}42}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { pushKeyEvent } from '@redwoodjs/testing'2pushKeyEvent('keydown', 'ArrowUp')3pushKeyEvent('keydown', 'ArrowDown')4pushKeyEvent('keydown', 'ArrowLeft')5pushKeyEvent('keydown', 'ArrowRight')6pushKeyEvent('keydown', 'Enter')7pushKeyEvent('keydown', 'Escape')8pushKeyEvent('keydown', ' ')9pushKeyEvent('keydown', 'a')10### `pushMouseEvent(type, options)`11import { pushMouseEvent } from '@redwoodjs/testing'12pushMouseEvent('click', {13})14### `render(ui, { wrapper: Wrapper, ...options })`15import { render } from '@redwoodjs/testing'16import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent'17describe('MyComponent', () => {18 it('renders successfully', () => {19 expect(() => {20 render(<MyComponent />)21 }).not.toThrow()22 })23})24import { render, screen } from '@redwoodjs/testing'25import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent'26describe('MyComponent', () => {27 it('renders successfully', () => {28 render(<MyComponent />

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var device = redwood.getDevice();3device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_HOME', 'DOWN');4device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_HOME', 'UP');5device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_MENU', 'DOWN');6device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_MENU', 'UP');7device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_BACK', 'DOWN');8device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_BACK', 'UP');9device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP', 'DOWN');10device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP', 'UP');11device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN', 'DOWN');12device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN', 'UP');13device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE', 'DOWN');14device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE', 'UP');15device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_POWER', 'DOWN');16device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_POWER', 'UP');17device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_CAMERA', 'DOWN');18device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_CAMERA', 'UP');19device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_SEARCH', 'DOWN');20device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_SEARCH', 'UP');21device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_ENTER', 'DOWN');22device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_ENTER', 'UP');23device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_ESCAPE', 'DOWN');24device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_ESCAPE', 'UP');25device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_UP', 'DOWN');26device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_UP', 'UP');27device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN', 'DOWN');28device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN', 'UP');29device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT', 'DOWN');30device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT', 'UP');31device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT', 'DOWN');32device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT', 'UP');33device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER', 'DOWN');34device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER', 'UP');35device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME', 'DOWN');36device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME', 'UP');37device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_MOVE_END', 'DOWN');38device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_MOVE_END', 'UP');39device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_PAGE_UP', 'DOWN');40device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_PAGE_UP', 'UP');41device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN', 'DOWN');42device.pushKeyEvent('KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN', 'UP');43device.pushKeyEvent('

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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var device = new redwood.Device();3device.connect();4device.on('connected', function() {5 console.log('Device connected');6 device.pushKeyEvent(66, 0);7 device.pushKeyEvent(66, 1);8 device.pushKeyEvent(66, 0);9});10device.on('disconnected', function() {11 console.log('Device disconnected');12});13device.on('error', function(err) {14 console.log('Error: ' + err);15});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('./redwood');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var util = require('util');5var eventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;6var redwood = new redwood();7var redwood = new redwood();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var redwoodClient = redwood.createClient({3});4var key = 0x1C;5var event = 0x01;6redwoodClient.pushKeyEvent(key, event, function(err, result) {7 if (err) {8 console.log(err);9 } else {10 console.log(result);11 }12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var rw = new redwood.RedwoodClient();3rw.connect(function(err) {4 if (err) {5 console.log("error connecting to redwood server");6 return;7 }8 rw.pushKeyEvent('keydown', 65, function(err) {9 if (err) {10 console.log("error sending key event");11 return;12 }13 console.log("key event sent");14 });15});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var KEY_LEFT = 37;2var KEY_UP = 38;3var KEY_RIGHT = 39;4var KEY_DOWN = 40;5var currentKey = null;6var redwood = null;7function init() {8 redwood = new Redwood();9 var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");10 canvas.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown, false);11 canvas.addEventListener("keyup", keyUp, false);12}13function keyDown(event) {14 if (currentKey == null) {15 currentKey = event.keyCode;16 redwood.pushKeyEvent(currentKey);17 }18}19function keyUp(event) {20 currentKey = null;21}22function unload() {23 redwood.disconnect();24}25window.addEventListener("load", init, false);26window.addEventListener("unload", unload, false);27var KEY_RIGHT = 39;28var KEY_DOWN = 40;29var currentKey = null;30var redwood = null;31function init() {32 redwood = new Redwood();33 var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");34 canvas.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown, false);35 canvas.addEventListener("keyup", keyUp, false);36}37function keyDown(event) {38 if (currentKey == null) {39 currentKey = event.keyCode;40 redwood.pushKeyEvent(currentKey);41 }42}43function keyUp(event) {44 currentKey = null;45}46function unload() {47 redwood.disconnect();48}49window.addEventListener("load", init, false);50window.addEventListener("unload", unload, false);

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