Best JavaScript code snippet using redwood
Source: confirmdialog.spec.ts
1import { TestBed, ComponentFixture, fakeAsync, tick } from '@angular/core/testing';2import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';3import { ConfirmDialog } from './confirmdialog';4import { NoopAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';5import { Component, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';6import { ConfirmationService} from 'primeng/api';7@Component({8 template: `<p-confirmDialog></p-confirmDialog>9 <button type="button" (click)="confirm1()" pButton icon="pi pi-check" label="Confirm"></button>`10})11class TestConfirmDialogComponent {12 constructor(private confirmationService: ConfirmationService) {}13 header:string;14 confirm1() {15 this.confirmationService.confirm({16 message: 'Are you sure that you want to proceed?',17 header: 'Confirmation',18 icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',19 accept: () => {20 this.header = "accept";21 },22 reject: () => {23 this.header = "reject";24 }25 });26 }27}28describe('ConfirmDialog', () => {29 30 let confirmDialog: ConfirmDialog;31 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestConfirmDialogComponent>;32 33 beforeEach(() => {34 TestBed.configureTestingModule({35 schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],36 imports: [37 NoopAnimationsModule38 ],39 declarations: [40 ConfirmDialog,41 TestConfirmDialogComponent,42 ],43 providers:[44 ConfirmationService45 ]46 });47 48 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestConfirmDialogComponent);49 confirmDialog = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p-confirmDialog')).componentInstance;50 });51 it('should display the header', () => {52 confirmDialog.header = "PrimengRocks!";53 confirmDialog.visible = true;54 fixture.detectChanges();55 const confirmDialogEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-title')).nativeElement;56 expect(confirmDialogEl).toBeTruthy();57 expect(confirmDialogEl.textContent).toContain('PrimengRocks!');58 });59 it('should display the close icon when closable is true', () => {60 confirmDialog.visible = true;61 fixture.detectChanges();62 const closeEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-titlebar-icon'));63 expect(closeEl).not.toBeNull();64 });65 it('should not create the container element by default', () => {66 fixture.detectChanges();67 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog'))).toBeFalsy;68 expect(confirmDialog.visible).toEqual(undefined);69 });70 it('should add rtl class when rtl is enabled', () => {71 confirmDialog.visible = true;72 confirmDialog.rtl = true;73 fixture.detectChanges();74 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog')).classes['ui-dialog-rtl']).toEqual(true);75 });76 it('should not have a close icon', () => {77 confirmDialog.visible = true;78 confirmDialog.closable = false;79 fixture.detectChanges();80 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('a'))).toBeFalsy();81 });82 it('should change buttonStyles', () => {83 confirmDialog.visible = true;84 confirmDialog.rejectButtonStyleClass = "Primeng ROCKS!";85 confirmDialog.acceptButtonStyleClass = "Primeng ROCKS!";86 fixture.detectChanges();87 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[0].nativeElement.className).toContain("Primeng ROCKS!");88 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[1].nativeElement.className).toContain("Primeng ROCKS!");89 });90 it('should change icons', () => {91 confirmDialog.visible = true;92 confirmDialog.icon = "Primeng ROCKS!";93 confirmDialog.acceptIcon = "Primeng ROCKS!";94 confirmDialog.rejectIcon = "Primeng ROCKS!";95 fixture.detectChanges();96 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-confirmdialog-icon')).nativeElement.className).toContain("Primeng ROCKS!");97 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[0].nativeElement.icon).toContain("Primeng ROCKS!");98 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[1].nativeElement.icon).toContain("Primeng ROCKS!");99 });100 it('should not show accept button', () => {101 confirmDialog.visible = true;102 confirmDialog.acceptVisible = false;103 fixture.detectChanges();104 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[1]).toBeFalsy();105 });106 it('should not show reject button', () => {107 confirmDialog.visible = true;108 confirmDialog.rejectVisible = false;109 fixture.detectChanges();110 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[1]).toBeFalsy();111 });112 it('should run accept', () => {113 const confirmEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')).nativeElement;114;115 fixture.detectChanges();116 117 const acceptButtonEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[0].nativeElement;118;119 expect(fixture.componentInstance.header).toEqual("accept"); 120 });121 it('should run reject', () => {122 const confirmEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')).nativeElement;123;124 fixture.detectChanges();125 126 const rejectButtonEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ui-dialog-footer')).children[1].nativeElement;127;128 expect(fixture.componentInstance.header).toEqual("reject");129 });130 131 it('should close when click close icon', fakeAsync(() => {132 const buttonEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')).nativeElement;133;134 fixture.detectChanges();135 const closeEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close")).nativeElement;136;137 tick(300);138 fixture.detectChanges();139 140 const confirmDialogEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css(".iui-dialog"));141 expect(confirmDialogEl).toBeFalsy();142 }));143 it('should close with esc', fakeAsync(() => {144 const buttonEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')).nativeElement;145;146 const closeSpy = spyOn(confirmDialog,"close").and.callThrough();147 fixture.detectChanges();148 149 tick(300);150 const escapeEvent: any = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');151 escapeEvent.which = 27;152 escapeEvent.initEvent('keydown', true, true);153 document.dispatchEvent(escapeEvent as KeyboardEvent);154 fixture.detectChanges();155 156 expect(closeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();157 }));...
Source: bs-dialog.js
1$(function() {2 var emptyfn = function() {};3 var mydialog = {};4 window.mydialog = mydialog;5 /* çå¾
对è¯æ¡é¨å */6 var waitDialog = {7 title: 'çå¾
对è¯æ¡',8 cb: emptyfn,9 info: '请çå¾
...',10 dialog: $('#wait-dialog')11 };12 = function(info, title, cb) {13 = info;14 waitDialog.title = title;15 cb ? (waitDialog.cb = cb) : (waitDialog.cb = emptyfn);16 $('#wait-dialog-title').html(waitDialog.title);17 $('#wait-dialog-info').html(;18 waitDialog.dialog.modal('show');19 };20 waitDialog.hide = function() {21 waitDialog.dialog.modal('hide');22 };23 waitDialog.dialog.on('', function() {24 waitDialog.cb();25 });26 mydialog.showWait =;27 mydialog.hideWait = waitDialog.hide;28 /* ç¡®å®å¯¹è¯æ¡é¨å */29 var alertDialog = {30 title: 'ç¡®å®å¯¹è¯æ¡',31 cb: emptyfn,32 info: '',33 dialog: $('#alert-dialog')34 };35 = function(info, title, cb) {36 = info;37 alertDialog.title = title;38 cb ? (alertDialog.cb = cb) : (alertDialog.cb = emptyfn);39 $('#alert-dialog-title').html(alertDialog.title);40 $('#alert-dialog-info').html(;41 alertDialog.dialog.modal('show');42 };43 alertDialog.hide = function() {44 alertDialog.dialog.modal('hide');45 };46 alertDialog.dialog.on('', function() {47 alertDialog.cb();48 });49 mydialog.showAlert =;50 mydialog.hideAlert = alertDialog.hide;51 /* 确认对è¯æ¡é¨å */52 var confirmDialog = {53 title: '确认对è¯æ¡',54 cby: emptyfn,55 cbn: emptyfn,56 cb: emptyfn,57 info: '',58 dialog: $('#confirm-dialog')59 };60 = function(info, title, cby, cbn) {61 confirmDialog.cb = emptyfn;62 = info;63 confirmDialog.title = title;64 cby ? (confirmDialog.cby = cby) : (confirmDialog.cby = emptyfn);65 cbn ? ( = cbn) : ( = emptyfn);66 $('#confirm-dialog-title').html(confirmDialog.title);67 $('#confirm-dialog-info').html(;68 confirmDialog.dialog.modal('show');69 };70 confirmDialog.hide = function() {71 confirmDialog.dialog.modal('hide');72 };73 confirmDialog.dialog.on('', function() {74 confirmDialog.cb();75 });76 $('#confirm-dialog-yes').click(function() {77 confirmDialog.cb = confirmDialog.cby;78 confirmDialog.hide();79 });80 $('#confirm-dialog-no').click(function() {81 confirmDialog.cb =;82 confirmDialog.hide();83 });84 mydialog.showConfirm =;85 mydialog.hideConfirm = confirmDialog.hide;86 /* èªå®ä¹å¯¹è¯æ¡é¨å */87 var customDialog = {88 title: 'èªå®ä¹å¯¹è¯æ¡',89 cb: emptyfn,90 parentEl: '',91 el: '',92 dialog: $('#custom-dialog')93 };94 = function(el, title, cb) {95 customDialog.title = title;96 cb ? (customDialog.cb = cb) : (customDialog.cb = emptyfn);97 $('#custom-dialog-title').html(customDialog.title);98 customDialog.parentEl = el.parent();99 customDialog.el = el;100 el.appendTo('#custom-dialog-body');101;102 customDialog.dialog.modal('show');103 };104 customDialog.hide = function() {105 customDialog.dialog.modal('hide');106 };107 customDialog.dialog.on('', function() {108 customDialog.el.hide();109 customDialog.el.appendTo(customDialog.parentEl);110 customDialog.cb();111 });112 mydialog.showCustom =;113 mydialog.hideCustom = customDialog.hide;...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { confirmDialog } from '@redwoodjs/dialog'2import { useMutation } from '@redwoodjs/web'3import { toast } from '@redwoodjs/web/toast'4import { navigate, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'5 mutation DeletePostMutation($id: Int!) {6 deletePost(id: $id) {7 }8 }9const Post = ({ post }) => {10 const [deletePost] = useMutation(DELETE_POST_MUTATION, {11 onCompleted: () => {12 toast.success('Post deleted')13 navigate(routes.posts())14 },15 })16 const onDeleteClick = (id) => {17 confirmDialog({18 message: (19 <p>Are you sure you want to delete post {id}?</p>20 onConfirm: () => {21 deletePost({ variables: { id } })22 },23 })24 }25 return (26 <h1>Post {} Detail</h1>27 <div>{post.title}</div>28 <div>{post.body}</div>29 <div>{}</div>30 <div>{post.createdAt}</div>31 <div>{post.updatedAt}</div>32 <div>{post.published}</div>33 <div>{post.image}</div>34 <div>{post.imageAlt}</div>35 <div>{post.slug}</div>36 <div>{post.tags}</div>37 <div>{post.description}</div>38 <div>{post.meta}</div>39 <div>{post.ogImage}</div>40 <div>{post.ogImageAlt}</div>41 <div>{post.twitterImage}</div>42 <div>{post.twitterImageAlt}</div>43 <div>{post.twitterCard}</div>44 <div>{post.twitterSite}</div>45 <div>{post.twitterCreator}</div>46 <div>{post.twitterTitle}</div>47 <div>{post.twitterDescription}</div>48 <div>{post.facebookAppId}</div>49 <div>{post.facebookImage}</div>50 <div>{post.facebookImageAlt}</div>51 <div>{post.facebookTitle}</div>52 <div>{post.facebookDescription}</div>53 <div>{post.facebookType}</div>54 <div>{post
Using AI Code Generation
1import { confirmDialog } from '@redwoodjs/dialog'2const Test = () => {3 const onClick = () => {4 confirmDialog({5 onConfirm: () => {6 console.log('confirmed')7 },8 })9 }10 return (11 <button onClick={onClick}>Delete</button>12}13### `confirmDialog(options)`
Using AI Code Generation
1import { confirmDialog } from '@redwoodjs/dialog'2const Test = () => {3 const onClick = async () => {4 const result = await confirmDialog({5 { style: 'danger', text: 'Delete', key: 'delete' },6 { style: 'secondary', text: 'Cancel', key: 'cancel' },7 })8 if (result.key === 'delete') {9 }10 }11 return (12 <button onClick={onClick}>Delete post</button>13}
Using AI Code Generation
1import { confirmDialog } from '@redwoodjs/dialog'2const Test = () => {3 const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)4 const handleOpen = () => {5 confirmDialog({6 onConfirm: () => setOpen(true),7 })8 }9 return (10 <button onClick={handleOpen}>Open Dialog</button>11 {open && <p>Confirmed</p>}12}13import { useDialog } from '@redwoodjs/dialog'14const Test = () => {15 const { showDialog, Dialog } = useDialog()16 const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)17 const handleOpen = () => {18 showDialog({19 onConfirm: () => setOpen(true),20 })21 }22 return (23 <button onClick={handleOpen}>Open Dialog</button>24 {open && <p>Confirmed</p>}25}
Using AI Code Generation
1 query FIND_POSTS {2 posts {3 }4 }5export const Loading = () => <div>Loading...</div>6export const Empty = () => <div>Empty</div>7export const Failure = ({ error }) => <div>Error: {error.message}</div>
Using AI Code Generation
1import { useDialog, confirmDialog } from '@redwoodjs/web'2const Test = () => {3 const { showDialog } = useDialog()4 const handleClick = () => {5 confirmDialog({6 onConfirm: () => showDialog('Thanks for confirming!'),7 })8 }9 return (10 <button onClick={handleClick}>Click to confirm</button>11}
Using AI Code Generation
1import { confirmDialog } from '@redwoodjs/dialog'2const Test = () => {3 const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(true)4 const onClose = () => setIsOpen(false)5 return (6 <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onDismiss={onClose}>7 <Button type="button" onClick={onClose}>8 <Button type="button" onClick={onClose}>9}
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