Best JavaScript code snippet using redwood
Source: cindyDataTable.component.ts
...191 @Input() tableStyle: any;192 @Input() tableStyleClass: string;193 @Input() tabindex: number = 1;194 @Input() sortFile: string;195 @Output() selectionChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();196 @Output() onRowClick: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();197 @Output() onRowSelect: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();198 @Output() onRowUnselect: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();199 @Output() onRowDblclick: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();200 @Output() onHeaderCheckboxToggle: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();201 @Output() onContextMenuSelect: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();202 @Output() onLazyLoad: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();203 @Output() onColResize: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();204 @Output() onColReorder: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();205 @Output() onEditInit: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();206 @Output() onEditComplete: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();207 @Output() onEdit: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();208 @Output() onEditCancel: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();209 @Output() onPage: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();210 @Output() onSort: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();211 @Output() onFilter: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();212 @Output() valueChange: EventEmitter<any[]> = new EventEmitter<any[]>();213 @Output() firstChange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>();214 @Output() onRowExpand: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();215 @Output() onRowCollapse: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();216 @Output() onRowGroupExpand: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();217 @Output() onRowGroupCollapse: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();218 ngAfterContentInit() {219 this.initColumns();220 }221 initColumns() {222 this.columns = this.cols.toArray();223 }224 selectionChangeEvent(event) {225 this.selectionChange.emit(event);226 }227 onRowClickEvent(event) {228 this.onRowClick.emit(event);229 }230 onRowSelectEvent(event) {231 this.onRowSelect.emit(event);...
1/// <reference path="dist/GC.Spread.Sheets.d.ts" />2/*!3 *4 * SpreadJS Wrapper Components for Angular 0.0.05 *6 * Copyright(c) GrapeCity, Inc. All rights reserved.7 *8 * Licensed under the SpreadJS Commercial License.9 * us.sales@grapecity.com10 * *12 */13import { OnChanges, SimpleChanges, AfterViewInit, QueryList, OnDestroy, EventEmitter, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';14export declare class ColumnComponent implements OnChanges {15 private changes;16 private sheet?;17 private index?;18 width?: number;19 dataField?: string;20 headerText?: string;21 visible?: boolean;22 resizable?: boolean;23 autoFit?: boolean;24 style?: GC.Spread.Sheets.Style;25 cellType?: GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.Base;26 headerStyle?: GC.Spread.Sheets.Style;27 formatter: any;28 onAttached(sheet: GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet, index: number): void;29 private onColumnChanged();30 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;31}32export declare class WorksheetComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit {33 private sheet;34 columns?: QueryList<ColumnComponent>;35 rowCount?: number;36 colCount?: number;37 dataSource: any;38 name?: string;39 frozenColumnCount?: number;40 frozenRowCount?: number;41 frozenTrailingRowCount?: number;42 frozenTrailingColumnCount?: number;43 allowCellOverflow?: boolean;44 frozenlineColor?: string;45 sheetTabColor?: string;46 selectionPolicy?: number;47 selectionUnit?: number;48 zoom?: number;49 currentTheme?: string;50 clipBoardOptions?: number;51 rowHeaderVisible?: boolean;52 colHeaderVisible?: boolean;53 rowHeaderAutoText?: number;54 colHeaderAutoText?: number;55 rowHeaderAutoTextIndex?: number;56 colHeaderAutoTextIndex?: number;57 isProtected?: boolean;58 showRowOutline?: boolean;59 showColumnOutline?: boolean;60 selectionBackColor?: string;61 selectionBorderColor?: string;62 defaultStyle?: GC.Spread.Sheets.Style;63 rowOutlineInfo?: any[];64 columnOutlineInfo?: any[];65 autoGenerateColumns?: boolean;66 constructor();67 onAttached(): void;68 getSheet(): GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet;69 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;70 ngAfterViewInit(): void;71 ngOnDestroy(): void;72}73export declare class SpreadSheetsComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {74 private elRef;75 private spread?;76 private spreadOptions?;77 style: {78 width: string;79 height: string;80 };81 allowUserResize?: boolean;82 allowUserZoom?: boolean;83 allowUserEditFormula?: boolean;84 allowUserDragFill?: boolean;85 allowUserDragDrop?: boolean;86 allowUserDragMerge?: boolean;87 allowUndo?: boolean;88 allowSheetReorder?: boolean;89 allowContextMenu?: boolean;90 allowUserDeselect?: boolean;91 allowCopyPasteExcelStyle?: boolean;92 allowExtendPasteRange?: boolean;93 cutCopyIndicatorVisible?: boolean;94 cutCopyIndicatorBorderColor?: string;95 copyPasteHeaderOptions?: number;96 defaultDragFillType?: number;97 enableFormulaTextbox?: boolean;98 highlightInvalidData?: boolean;99 newTabVisible?: boolean;100 tabStripVisible?: boolean;101 tabEditable?: boolean;102 tabStripRatio?: number;103 tabNavigationVisible?: boolean;104 autoFitType?: number;105 referenceStyle?: number;106 backColor?: string;107 grayAreaBackColor?: string;108 resizeZeroIndicator?: number;109 showVerticalScrollbar?: boolean;110 showHorizontalScrollbar?: boolean;111 scrollbarMaxAlign?: boolean;112 scrollIgnoreHidden?: boolean;113 hostStyle?: any;114 hostClass?: string;115 hideSelection?: boolean;116 name?: string;117 backgroundImage?: string;118 backgroundImageLayout?: number;119 showScrollTip?: number;120 showResizeTip?: number;121 showDragDropTip?: boolean;122 showDragFillTip?: boolean;123 showDragFillSmartTag?: boolean;124 scrollbarShowMax?: boolean;125 useTouchLayout?: boolean;126 workbookInitialized: EventEmitter<any>;127 validationError: EventEmitter<any>;128 cellClick: EventEmitter<any>;129 cellDoubleClick: EventEmitter<any>;130 enterCell: EventEmitter<any>;131 leaveCell: EventEmitter<any>;132 valueChanged: EventEmitter<any>;133 topRowChanged: EventEmitter<any>;134 leftColumnChanged: EventEmitter<any>;135 invalidOperation: EventEmitter<any>;136 rangeFiltering: EventEmitter<any>;137 rangeFiltered: EventEmitter<any>;138 tableFiltering: EventEmitter<any>;139 tableFiltered: EventEmitter<any>;140 rangeSorting: EventEmitter<any>;141 rangeSorted: EventEmitter<any>;142 clipboardChanging: EventEmitter<any>;143 clipboardChanged: EventEmitter<any>;144 clipboardPasting: EventEmitter<any>;145 clipboardPasted: EventEmitter<any>;146 columnWidthChanging: EventEmitter<any>;147 columnWidthChanged: EventEmitter<any>;148 rowHeightChanging: EventEmitter<any>;149 rowHeightChanged: EventEmitter<any>;150 dragDropBlock: EventEmitter<any>;151 dragDropBlockCompleted: EventEmitter<any>;152 dragFillBlock: EventEmitter<any>;153 dragFillBlockCompleted: EventEmitter<any>;154 editStarting: EventEmitter<any>;155 editChange: EventEmitter<any>;156 editEnding: EventEmitter<any>;157 editEnd: EventEmitter<any>;158 editEnded: EventEmitter<any>;159 rangeGroupStateChanging: EventEmitter<any>;160 rangeGroupStateChanged: EventEmitter<any>;161 selectionChanging: EventEmitter<any>;162 selectionChanged: EventEmitter<any>;163 sheetTabClick: EventEmitter<any>;164 sheetTabDoubleClick: EventEmitter<any>;165 sheetNameChanging: EventEmitter<any>;166 sheetNameChanged: EventEmitter<any>;167 userZooming: EventEmitter<any>;168 userFormulaEntered: EventEmitter<any>;169 cellChanged: EventEmitter<any>;170 columnChanged: EventEmitter<any>;171 rowChanged: EventEmitter<any>;172 activeSheetChanging: EventEmitter<any>;173 activeSheetChanged: EventEmitter<any>;174 sparklineChanged: EventEmitter<any>;175 rangeChanged: EventEmitter<any>;176 buttonClicked: EventEmitter<any>;177 editorStatusChanged: EventEmitter<any>;178 floatingObjectChanged: EventEmitter<any>;179 floatingObjectSelectionChanged: EventEmitter<any>;180 pictureChanged: EventEmitter<any>;181 floatingObjectRemoving: EventEmitter<any>;182 floatingObjectRemoved: EventEmitter<any>;183 pictureSelectionChanged: EventEmitter<any>;184 floatingObjectLoaded: EventEmitter<any>;185 touchToolStripOpening: EventEmitter<any>;186 commentChanged: EventEmitter<any>;187 commentRemoving: EventEmitter<any>;188 commentRemoved: EventEmitter<any>;189 slicerChanged: EventEmitter<any>;190 sheets?: QueryList<WorksheetComponent>;191 constructor(elRef: ElementRef);192 ngAfterViewInit(): void;193 private onSheetsChanged(sheetComponents);194 private initSheets();195 private bindCustomEvent(spread);196 setSpreadOptions(): void;197 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;198 ngOnDestroy(): void;199}200export declare class SpreadSheetsModule {
Source: wijmo.angular2.grid.sheet.d.ts
1import * as wjcGridSheet from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid.sheet';2import { EventEmitter, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';3import { ElementRef, Injector } from '@angular/core';4import { OnInit, OnDestroy, SimpleChange } from '@angular/core';5import { IWjComponentMetadata, IWjComponentMeta } from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular2.directiveBase';6export declare var wjFlexSheetMeta: IWjComponentMeta;7export declare class WjFlexSheet extends wjcGridSheet.FlexSheet implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {8 static readonly meta: IWjComponentMetadata;9 private _wjBehaviour;10 isInitialized: boolean;11 initialized: EventEmitter<any>;12 wjModelProperty: string;13 asyncBindings: boolean;14 gotFocusNg: EventEmitter<any>;15 lostFocusNg: EventEmitter<any>;16 beginningEditNg: EventEmitter<any>;17 cellEditEndedNg: EventEmitter<any>;18 cellEditEndingNg: EventEmitter<any>;19 prepareCellForEditNg: EventEmitter<any>;20 formatItemNg: EventEmitter<any>;21 resizingColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;22 resizedColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;23 autoSizingColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;24 autoSizedColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;25 draggingColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;26 draggingColumnOverNg: EventEmitter<any>;27 draggedColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;28 sortingColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;29 sortedColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;30 resizingRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;31 resizedRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;32 autoSizingRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;33 autoSizedRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;34 draggingRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;35 draggingRowOverNg: EventEmitter<any>;36 draggedRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;37 deletingRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;38 deletedRowNg: EventEmitter<any>;39 loadingRowsNg: EventEmitter<any>;40 loadedRowsNg: EventEmitter<any>;41 rowEditStartingNg: EventEmitter<any>;42 rowEditStartedNg: EventEmitter<any>;43 rowEditEndingNg: EventEmitter<any>;44 rowEditEndedNg: EventEmitter<any>;45 rowAddedNg: EventEmitter<any>;46 groupCollapsedChangedNg: EventEmitter<any>;47 groupCollapsedChangingNg: EventEmitter<any>;48 itemsSourceChangedNg: EventEmitter<any>;49 selectionChangingNg: EventEmitter<any>;50 selectionChangedNg: EventEmitter<any>;51 scrollPositionChangedNg: EventEmitter<any>;52 updatingViewNg: EventEmitter<any>;53 updatedViewNg: EventEmitter<any>;54 updatingLayoutNg: EventEmitter<any>;55 updatedLayoutNg: EventEmitter<any>;56 pastingNg: EventEmitter<any>;57 pastedNg: EventEmitter<any>;58 pastingCellNg: EventEmitter<any>;59 pastedCellNg: EventEmitter<any>;60 copyingNg: EventEmitter<any>;61 copiedNg: EventEmitter<any>;62 selectedSheetChangedNg: EventEmitter<any>;63 selectedSheetIndexChangePC: EventEmitter<any>;64 draggingRowColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;65 droppingRowColumnNg: EventEmitter<any>;66 loadedNg: EventEmitter<any>;67 unknownFunctionNg: EventEmitter<any>;68 sheetClearedNg: EventEmitter<any>;69 constructor(elRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector, parentCmp: any);70 created(): void;71 ngOnInit(): void;72 ngAfterViewInit(): void;73 ngOnDestroy(): void;74 addEventListener(target: EventTarget, type: string, fn: any, capture?: boolean): void;75}76export declare var wjSheetMeta: IWjComponentMeta;77export declare class WjSheet extends wjcGridSheet.Sheet implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {78 boundRowCount: number;79 boundColumnCount: number;80 private _flexSheet;81 static readonly meta: IWjComponentMetadata;82 private _wjBehaviour;83 isInitialized: boolean;84 initialized: EventEmitter<any>;85 wjProperty: string;86 nameChangedNg: EventEmitter<any>;87 constructor(elRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector, parentCmp: any);88 created(): void;89 ngOnInit(): wjcGridSheet.Sheet;90 ngAfterViewInit(): void;91 ngOnDestroy(): void;92 ngOnChanges(changes: {93 [key: string]: SimpleChange;94 }): any;95}96export declare class WjGridSheetModule {
Source: EventEmitter.test.ts
...6import { EventEmitter } from './EventEmitter';7describe('EventEmitter', () => {8 let eventEmitter: EventEmitter;9 beforeEach(() => {10 eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();11 });12 describe('emit', () => {13 it('should emit events to listeners', () => {14 let count1 = 0;15 let count2 = 0;16 const listener1 = () => count1++;17 const listener2 = () => count2++;18 eventEmitter.on('test', listener1);19 eventEmitter.on('test', listener2);20 eventEmitter.emit('test');21 assert.equal(count1, 1);22 assert.equal(count2, 1);23 eventEmitter.emit('test');24 assert.equal(count1, 2);...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { db } from 'src/lib/db'2import { logger } from 'src/lib/logger'3import { requireAuth } from 'src/lib/auth'4import { UserInputError } from '@redwoodjs/api'5import { EventEmitter } from 'events'6const emitter = new EventEmitter()7emitter.on('myEvent', (data) => {8 console.log('myEvent fired')9 console.log(data)10})11export const players = () => {12 emitter.emit('myEvent', { name: 'test' })13 return db.player.findMany()14}15export const player = ({ id }) => {16 return db.player.findUnique({17 where: { id },18 })19}20export const createPlayer = ({ input }) => {21 return db.player.create({22 })23}24export const updatePlayer = ({ id, input }) => {25 return db.player.update({26 where: { id },27 })28}29export const deletePlayer = ({ id }) => {30 return db.player.delete({31 where: { id },32 })33}34export const Player = {35 team: (_obj, { root }) =>36 db.player.findUnique({ where: { id: } }).team(),37}
Using AI Code Generation
1var redwood = require('redwood');2var EventEmitter = redwood.require('events').EventEmitter;3var emitter = new EventEmitter();4emitter.on('test', function(msg) {5 console.log(msg);6});7emitter.emit('test', 'This is a test');8var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;9var emitter = new EventEmitter();10emitter.on('test', function(msg) {11 console.log(msg);12});13emitter.emit('test', 'This is a test');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { EventEmitter } from '@redwoodjs/web'2import { useEffect } from 'react'3const Test = () => {4 useEffect(() => {5 EventEmitter.on('test', () => {6 console.log('test')7 })8 }, [])9 return (10 onClick={() => {11 EventEmitter.emit('test')12 }}13}14import React from 'react'15import { useEventEmitter } from '@redwoodjs/web'16import Test from './Test'17const App = () => {18 useEventEmitter('test', () => {19 console.log('test')20 })21 return (22}
Using AI Code Generation
1import { log } from '@redwoodjs/api/logger'2import { db } from 'src/lib/db'3export const test = async () => {4 try {5 log.debug('test called')6 return await db.test.findMany()7 } catch (e) {8 log.error('test failed', e)9 throw new Error(e)10 }11}12 type Test {13 }14 type Query {15 }16import { test } from './test'17describe('test', () => {18 it('returns true', () => {19 expect(test()).toBe(true)20 })21})22import { test } from './test'23describe('test', () => {24 it('returns true', () => {25 expect(test()).toBe(true)26 })27})28import { test } from './test'29describe('test', () => {30 it('returns true', () => {31 expect(test()).toBe(true)32 })33})34import { test } from './test'35describe('test', () => {36 it('returns true', () => {37 expect(test()).toBe(true)38 })39})40import { test } from './test'41describe('test', () => {42 it('returns true', () => {43 expect(test()).toBe(true)44 })45})46import { test } from './test'47describe('test', () => {48 it('returns true', () => {49 expect(test()).toBe(true)50 })51})52import { test } from './test'53describe('test', () => {54 it('returns true', () => {55 expect(test()).toBe(true)56 })57})58import { test } from './test'59describe('test', () => {60 it('returns true', () => {61 expect(test()).toBe(true)62 })63})64import { test } from './test'65describe('test', () => {66 it('returns true', () => {67 expect(test()).toBe(true
Using AI Code Generation
1var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;2var emitter = new EventEmitter();3function myHandler(arg1, arg2) {4 console.log('myHandler: ' + arg1 + ' ' + arg2);5}6emitter.on('myEvent', myHandler);7emitter.emit('myEvent', 'arg1 parameter', 'arg2 parameter');8emitter.removeListener('myEvent', myHandler);9emitter.emit('myEvent', 'arg1 parameter', 'arg2 parameter');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { createEvent, createEffect, createStore } from "effector";2import { createGate } from "effector-react";3const open = createEvent();4const close = createEvent();5const $isOpen = createStore(false)6 .on(open, () => true)7 .on(close, () => false);8const gate = createGate({ domainName: "Gate" }); => {10 open();11}); => {13 close();14});15export { $isOpen, gate };16import { Route, Redirect, useParams } from "react-router-dom";17import { useStore } from "effector-react";18import { $isOpen, gate } from "./test";19export const Authenticated = ({ children }) => {20 const { id } = useParams();21 const isOpen = useStore($isOpen);22 return (23 {isOpen ? (24 ) : (25 to={{26 state: { from: `/user/${id}` },27 }}28 )}29 );30};31import { Authenticated } from "./Authenticated";32import { useStore } from "effector-react";33import { $isOpen } from "./test";34const App = () => {35 const isOpen = useStore($isOpen);36 return (37 );38};39export default App;
Using AI Code Generation
1import { EventEmitter } from 'events'2import { db } from 'src/lib/db'3export const test = async () => {4 const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter()5 const data = await db.user.findMany()6 eventEmitter.emit('data', data)7}8import { test } from './test'9describe('test', () => {10 it('returns a promise', () => {11 expect(test()).resolves.toBeInstanceOf(Promise)12 })13})14import { test } from './test'15describe('test', () => {16 it('returns a promise', async () => {17 const eventEmitter = await test()18 expect(eventEmitter).toBeInstanceOf(EventEmitter)19 })20})21import { test } from './test'22describe('test', () => {23 it('returns a promise', async () => {24 const eventEmitter = await test()25 expect(eventEmitter).toBeInstanceOf(EventEmitter)26 })27})28import { test } from './test'29describe('test', () => {30 it('returns a promise', async () => {31 const eventEmitter = await test()32 expect(eventEmitter).toBeInstanceOf(EventEmitter)33 })34})35import { test } from './test'36describe('test', () => {37 it('returns a promise', async () => {38 const eventEmitter = await test()39 expect(eventEmitter).toBeInstanceOf(EventEmitter)40 })41})
Using AI Code Generation
1var redwood = require('redwood');2var emitter = redwood.emitter;3var myEvent = 'myEvent';4var myListener = function (data) {5 console.log('Listener received: ' + data);6};7emitter.on(myEvent, myListener);8emitter.emit(myEvent, 'Hello World!');9emitter.removeListener(myEvent, myListener);10var redwood = require('redwood');11var emitter = redwood.emitter;12var myEvent = 'myEvent';13var myListener = function (data) {14 console.log('Listener received: ' + data);15};16emitter.on(myEvent, myListener);17emitter.emit(myEvent, 'Hello World!');18emitter.removeListener(myEvent, myListener);19var redwood = require('redwood');20var emitter = redwood.emitter;21var myEvent = 'myEvent';22var myListener = function (data) {23 console.log('Listener received: ' + data);24};25emitter.on(myEvent, myListener);26emitter.emit(myEvent, 'Hello World!');27emitter.removeListener(myEvent, myListener);28var redwood = require('redwood');29var emitter = redwood.emitter;30var myEvent = 'myEvent';31var myListener = function (data) {32 console.log('Listener received: ' + data);33};
Using AI Code Generation
1import { events } from '@redwoodjs/api'2import { useMutation } from 'react-query'3const mutation = useMutation(() => {4 return api.mutationName({ input })5})6events.on('mutationName', (data) => {7})'mutationName')9events.offAll()10const mutation = useMutation(() => {11 return api.mutationName({ input })12}, {13 onMutate: (data) => {14 },15})16You can also unsubscribe to a mutation by using the useMutation() hook. The useMutation() hook returns a mutate function which is used to call the mutation. You can also unsubscribe to the mutation by using the onSettled property of the useMutation() hook. The onSettled property is a callback function that is executed when the mutate
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