How to use CreateNotifications method in redwood

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Source:notificationCallbacks.tests.ts Github


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1import { testStartup } from "../testing/testMain";2import { createDummyPost, createDummyLocalgroup } from "../testing/utils";3import { postsNewNotifications } from "./notificationCallbacks";4import { createNotifications } from "./notificationCallbacksHelpers";5testStartup()6jest.mock('./notificationCallbacksHelpers', () => {7 const originalModule = jest.requireActual('./notificationCallbacksHelpers');8 // control which users are associated with which notifications (for testing postsNewNotifications)9 const mockGetSubscribedUsers = jest.fn().mockImplementation((document) => {10 // return users subscribed to the local group11 if (document.collectionName === 'Localgroups') return [{_id: '111'}]12 // return users subscribed to the author13 if (document.collectionName === 'Users') return [{_id: '222'}, {_id: '333'}]14 })15 16 return {17 __esModule: true,18 ...originalModule,19 getSubscribedUsers: mockGetSubscribedUsers,20 getUsersWhereLocationIsInNotificationRadius: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([{_id: '222'}]),21 createNotifications: jest.fn()22 };23})24beforeEach(() => {25 jest.clearAllMocks();26});27describe("test postsNewNotifications", () => {28 it("only sends the newPost notifications when the new post is not in a group and not an event", async () => {29 const testPost = await createDummyPost()30 await postsNewNotifications(testPost)31 // notify both users subscribed to the author32 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({33 userIds: ['222', '333'],34 notificationType: 'newPost',35 documentType: 'post',36 documentId: testPost._id37 })38 })39 40 it("sends the newEventInRadius and newPost notifications when the new post is an event, not in a group", async () => {41 const testPost = await createDummyPost()42 testPost.isEvent = true43 testPost.mongoLocation = true44 await postsNewNotifications(testPost)45 // only send one notification per user46 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({47 userIds: ['222'],48 notificationType: 'newEventInRadius',49 documentType: 'post',50 documentId: testPost._id51 })52 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({53 userIds: ['333'],54 notificationType: 'newPost',55 documentType: 'post',56 documentId: testPost._id57 })58 })59 60 it("sends the newGroupPost and newPost notifications when the new post is in a group, not an event", async () => {61 const testPost = await createDummyPost()62 const testGroup = await createDummyLocalgroup()63 testPost.groupId = testGroup._id64 await postsNewNotifications(testPost)65 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({66 userIds: ['111'],67 notificationType: 'newGroupPost',68 documentType: 'post',69 documentId: testPost._id70 })71 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({72 userIds: ['222', '333'],73 notificationType: 'newPost',74 documentType: 'post',75 documentId: testPost._id76 })77 })78 79 it("sends the newEvent, newEventInRadius, and newPost notifications when the new post is an event in a group", async () => {80 const testPost = await createDummyPost()81 const testGroup = await createDummyLocalgroup()82 testPost.groupId = testGroup._id83 testPost.isEvent = true84 testPost.mongoLocation = true85 await postsNewNotifications(testPost)86 // only send one notification per user87 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({88 userIds: ['111'],89 notificationType: 'newEvent',90 documentType: 'post',91 documentId: testPost._id92 })93 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({94 userIds: ['222'],95 notificationType: 'newEventInRadius',96 documentType: 'post',97 documentId: testPost._id98 })99 expect(createNotifications).toHaveBeenCalledWith({100 userIds: ['333'],101 notificationType: 'newPost',102 documentType: 'post',103 documentId: testPost._id104 })105 })...

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Source:CreateNotifications.test.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import toJson from 'enzyme-to-json';3import { shallow } from 'enzyme';4import CreateNotifications from '../CreateNotifications';5import CreateNotificationsForm from '../form/CreateNotificationsForm';6describe('CreateNotifications', () => {7 const getWrapper = () => shallow(<CreateNotifications />);8 test('Snapshot test', () => {9 const wrapper = getWrapper();10 expect(toJson(wrapper)).toMatchSnapshot();11 });12 describe('Render correct view based on state', () => {13 test('If !superuser return login screen', () => {14 const wrapper = getWrapper();15 wrapper.setState({ superuser: false, loading: false });16 const login = wrapper.find('.login');17 expect(login.length).toEqual(1);18 });19 test('If user has logged in', () => {20 const wrapper = getWrapper();21 wrapper.setState({ superuser: true, loading: false });22 const creationForm = wrapper.find(CreateNotificationsForm);23 expect(creationForm.length).toEqual(1);24 });25 });26 describe('Field changing functions work', () => {27 const wrapper = getWrapper();28 test('Test any of the fields except message', () => {29 const event = {30 target: {31 value: 'Testing name',32 },33 };34 wrapper.instance().onFieldChange(event, 'name');35 expect(wrapper.state()'Testing name');36 });37 describe('Test message field with all languages', () => {38 test('Finnish', () => {39 wrapper.instance().onFieldChange({ target: { value: 'Finland' } }, 'message', 'fi');40 expect(wrapper.state()'Finland');41 });42 test('Swedish', () => {43 wrapper.instance().onFieldChange({ target: { value: 'Sweden' } }, 'message', 'sv');44 expect(wrapper.state()'Sweden');45 });46 test('English', () => {47 wrapper.instance().onFieldChange({ target: { value: 'England' } }, 'message', 'en');48 expect(wrapper.state().newNotification.message.en).toEqual('England');49 });50 });51 });...

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Source:create-notifications.spec.ts Github


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1import { createNotifications } from '../create-notifications';2describe('createNotifications', () => {3 test('createNotifications', () => {4 const notifications = createNotifications();5 expect(notifications).toHaveProperty('info');6 expect(notifications).toHaveProperty('success');7 expect(notifications).toHaveProperty('warning');8 expect(notifications).toHaveProperty('error');9 expect(notifications).toHaveProperty('confirm');10 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useMutation } from '@redwoodjs/web'2import { Link, routes, navigate } from '@redwoodjs/router'3import { Toaster, toast } from '@redwoodjs/web/toast'4 mutation CreateNotificationMutation($input: CreateNotificationInput!) {5 createNotification(input: $input) {6 }7 }8const NotificationsPage = () => {9 const [createNotification, { loading, error }] = useMutation(10 {11 onCompleted: () => {12 toast.success('Notification created')13 navigate(routes.notifications())14 },15 }16 const onSave = (input) => {17 createNotification({ variables: { input } })18 }19 return (20 <Notifications onSave={onSave} loading={loading} error={error} />21}22{“errors”:[{“message”:“Cannot query field \”createNotification\” on type \”Mutation\”. Did you mean \”createUser\”?”,”locations”:[{“line”:2,”column”:3}]}]}23{“errors”:[{“message”:“Cannot query field \”createNotification\” on type \”Mutation\”. Did you mean \”createUser\”?”,”locations”:[{“line”:2,”column”:3}]}]}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { CreateNotifications } from 'src/services/notifications/notifications'2const test = async () => {3 await CreateNotifications({4 input: {5 },6 })7}8test()9import { useMutation } from '@redwoodjs/web'10import { CREATE_NOTIFICATION } from 'src/graphql/createNotification'11 mutation CreateNotificationMutation($input: CreateNotificationInput!) {12 createNotification(input: $input) {13 }14 }15const NotificationsCell = ({ userId }) => {16 const [createNotification, { loading, error }] = useMutation(17 {18 onCompleted: () => {19 toast.success('Notification created')20 },21 }22 const onCreateNotification = (input) => {23 createNotification({ variables: { input } })24 }25 return (26 userId={userId}27 onCreateNotification={onCreateNotification}28 error={error}29 loading={loading}30}31import { CREATE_NOTIFICATION } from 'src/graphql/createNotification'32const Notifications = ({ userId, onCreateNotification, error, loading }) => {33 return (34 onClick={() => {35 onCreateNotification({36 })37 }}38}39import { CREATE_NOTIFICATION } from 'src/graphql/createNotification'40const Notifications = ({ userId, onCreateNotification, error, loading }) => {41 return (42 onClick={() => {43 onCreateNotification({44 })45 }}46}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var Redwood = require('redwood-sdk');2var redwood = new Redwood();3var notification = {4 "data": {5 }6};7var options = {8};9redwood.CreateNotifications([{"target": "test", "options": options}]);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = {2 CreateNotifications: function () {3 var notification = {4 ShowNotification: function (message) {5 alert(message);6 }7 };8 return notification;9 }10};11module.exports = redwood;12var redwood = require('redwood.js');13var myNotification = redwood.CreateNotifications();14myNotification.ShowNotification("Hello World");15var redwood = {16 CreateNotifications: function () {17 var notification = {18 ShowNotification: function (message) {19 alert(message);20 }21 };22 return notification;23 }24};25module.exports.CreateNotifications = redwood.CreateNotifications;26var redwood = require('redwood.js');27var myNotification = redwood.CreateNotifications();28myNotification.ShowNotification("Hello World");29var redwood = {30 CreateNotifications: function () {31 var notification = {32 ShowNotification: function (message) {33 alert(message);34 }35 };36 return notification;37 }38};39exports.CreateNotifications = redwood.CreateNotifications;40var redwood = require('redwood.js');41var myNotification = redwood.CreateNotifications();42myNotification.ShowNotification("Hello World");43var redwood = {44 CreateNotifications: function () {45 var notification = {

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