How to use setToast method in qawolf

Best JavaScript code snippet using qawolf


Source:signup.js Github


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...31 }32 }); 33 console.log(response);34 //setApiResponse(response);35 setToast(true);36 setToastMessage("You have been successfully Registered");37 setToastType("success");38 } catch (error) {39 console.error("error", error);40 setToast(true);41 setToastType("error");42 if ( username == '' ) { setToastMessage("Please Enter a Username") }43 else if ( email == '' ) { setToastMessage("Please Enter you Email") }44 else if ( !email.includes('.com') ){ setToastMessage("Please Enter a valid Email Address") }45 else if( password === confirmpassword ){ setToastMessage("Password and Confirm didn't match") }46 47 }48 setInProgress(false);49 50 }51 52 else{53 console.log("else")54 setToast(true);55 setToastType("error");56 if ( username == '' ) { setToastMessage("Please Enter a Username") }57 else if ( email == '' ) { setToastMessage("Please Enter you Email") }58 else if ( email.includes('.com') ){ setToastMessage("Please Enter a valid Email Address") }59 else if( password != confirmpassword ){ setToastMessage("Password and Confirm didn't match") }60 // username ? setToastMessage("Please Enter a Username") : ('');61 // username ? setToastMessage("Please Enter a Username") : ('');62 // username ? setToastMessage("Please Enter a Username") : ('');63 64 }65 }66 67 68 69 return (70 inProgress ? ( <Spinner /> ) : (71 <div>72 <Header />73 <div class="login-page">74 < div class="form" >75 <h1>Sign Up</h1>76 <p>Please fill in this form to create an account.</p>77 <hr class="login-page-hr" />78 <input type="text" placeholder="Enter UserName" name="username" onChange={ (e) => { setUserName( } }/>79 <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Email" name="email" onChange={ (e) => { setEmail( } }/>80 <input type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" name="psw" onChange={ (e) => { setPassword( } } />81 <input type="password" placeholder="Repeat Password" name="psw-repeat" onChange={ (e) => { setConfirmPassword( } } />82 83 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="remember" /> Remember me 84 <p>By creating an account you agree to our <a href="/sgnup" >Terms & Privacy</a>.</p>85 86 <div class="clearfix">87 <button type="button" class="cancelbtn">Cancel</button>88 <button type="submit" class="signupbtn" onClick= { () => {createUser()} }>Sign Up</button>89 </div>90 </div>91 { toast &&92 <ToastWrapper >93 <Toast message={toastMessage??"jfjfk"} type={toastType} timeout={3000} onDismiss={()=>{94 setToast(false)}}/>95 96 </ToastWrapper> } 97 98 </div>99 100 </div>101 )102 103 104 );105};106export default Signup...

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Source:authService.js Github


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...23 $http24 .post(API_CONSTANTS.USERS_API, userData)25 .then(function() {26 $rootScope.isLoggedIn = true;27 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.SUCCESS, 'Congrats, Signup Successful!');28 // Update Local Storage29 auth.setUser({30 username: userData.username,31 email:,32 });33 $state.go('Home');34 })35 .catch(function() {36 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.ERROR, API_CONSTANTS.DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE);37 });38 }39 // Register New User40 auth.registerUser = function(userData) {41 $http42 .get(`${API_CONSTANTS.USERS_API}?username=${userData.username}`)43 .then(function({data}) {44 if (data.length === 1) {45 // User Already Exists46 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.INFO, 'Account already exists, Please SignIn to continue');47 } else {48 // Make New Account49 auth.createAccount(userData);50 }51 })52 .catch(function() {53 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.ERROR, API_CONSTANTS.DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE);54 });55 };56 auth.login = function(userData) {57 $http58 .get(`${API_CONSTANTS.USERS_API}?username=${userData.username}`)59 .then(function({data}) {60 if (data.length === 0) {61 // User Doesn't Exist62 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.ERROR, 'Account does not exist, Please try again');63 } else {64 // Validate user65 if (data[0].password === userData.password) {66 $rootScope.isLoggedIn = true;67 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.SUCCESS, 'Welcome Back! Login Successful!');68 // Update Local Storage69 auth.setUser({70 username: userData.username,71 email: data[0].email,72 });73 $state.go('Home');74 } else {75 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.ERROR, 'Please enter correct password');76 }77 }78 })79 .catch(function() {80 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.ERROR, API_CONSTANTS.DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE);81 });82 };83 auth.logout = function() {84 modifyLocalStorageItem('remove', 'user');85 $rootScope.user = null;86 $rootScope.isLoggedIn = false;87 Toast.setToast(TOAST_CONSTANTS.INFO, 'You have been Logged Out Successfully')88 $state.go('Signin')89 };90 // Get user details using Username91 auth.getUserDetails = function(username) {92 return $http.get(`${API_CONSTANTS.USERS_API}?username=${username}`);93 };94 // Update User Password95 auth.updateUserDetails = function(userData, newUserData) {96 return $http.put(`${API_CONSTANTS.USERS_API}/${}`, {97 ...userData,98 ...newUserData,99 });100 };101 return auth;...

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Source:login.js Github


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...25 ); 26 console.log(response);27 //setApiResponse(response);28 localStorage.setItem('user', )29 setToast(true);30 setToastMessage("You have been successfully Loged In");31 setToastType("success");32 navigate(33 "/shop",34 {35 state: ,36 }37 )38 } catch (err) {39 console.log("errrrrrrrrrr");40 console.log("response")41 console.log(err.message);42 console.log(err.code);43 console.log(;44 setToast(true);45 setToastType("error");46 setToastMessage(" Invalid Username or Password "); 47 48 }49 setInProgress(false);50 51 }52 53 else{54 console.log("else")55 setToast(true);56 setToastType("error");57 if ( username == '' ) { setToastMessage("Please Enter a Username") }58 else if( password == '' ){ setToastMessage(" Please Enter a ") }59 60 }61 }62 63 return (64 inProgress ? ( <Spinner /> ) : (65 <div>66 <Header />67 68 <div class="login-page">69 <div class="form">70 <div class="login">71 <div class="login-header">72 <h3>LOGIN</h3>73 <p>Please enter your credentials to login.</p>74 </div>75 </div>76 {/* <form class="login-form"> */}77 <input type="text" placeholder="username" onChange = { (e) => { setUserName( } } />78 <input type="password" placeholder="password" onChange = { (e) => { setPassword( } } />79 <button onClick = { () => { authenticateUser() } }>login</button>80 <p class="message">Not registered? <a href="/login">Create an account</a></p>81 {/* </form> */}82 </div>83 { 84 toast &&85 <ToastWrapper >86 <Toast message={toastMessage??"jfjfk"} type={toastType} timeout={3000} onDismiss={()=>{ setToast(false)}}/>87 </ToastWrapper> 88 } 89 </div>90 </div> 91 ) 92 93 );94};95export default Login...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2const { setToast } = qawolf;3const { chromium } = require("playwright");4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { setToast } = require('qawolf');2setToast('Hello World');3setToast('Hello World', 'success');4setToast('Hello World', 'error');5setToast('Hello World', 'warning');6setToast('Hello World', 'info');7setToast('Hello World', 'default');8setToast('Hello World', 'dark');9setToast('Hello World', 'light');10setToast('Hello World', 'primary');11setToast('Hello World', 'secondary');12setToast('Hello World', 'success');13setToast('Hello World', 'warning');14setToast('Hello World', 'danger');15setToast('Hello World', 'info');16setToast('Hello World', 'light');17setToast('Hello World', 'dark');18setToast('Hello World', 'primary');19setToast('Hello World', 'secondary');20setToast('Hello World', 'success');21setToast('Hello World', 'warning');22setToast('Hello World', 'danger');23setToast('Hello World', 'info');24setToast('Hello World', 'light');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { setToast } = require('qawolf');2const { browser } = require("playwright");3(async () => {4 const browser = await browser.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await"text=Sign in");8 await"input[aria-label='Email or phone']");9 await page.fill("input[aria-label='Email or phone']", "

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2qawolf.setToast("Hello world");3const qawolf = require("qawolf");4const { chromium } = require("playwright");5const { setTestTimeout } = require("@playwright/test");6setTestTimeout(300000);7describe("test", () => {8 let browser;9 beforeAll(async () => {10 browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });11 });12 afterAll(async () => {13 await browser.close();14 });15 it("test", async () => {16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 await qawolf.setToast(page, "Hello world");19 });20});21const qawolf = require("qawolf");22const { chromium } = require("playwright");23const { setTestTimeout } = require("@playwright/test");24setTestTimeout(300000);25describe("test", () => {26 let browser;27 beforeAll(async () => {28 browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });29 });30 afterAll(async () => {31 await browser.close();32 });33 it("test", async () => {34 const context = await browser.newContext();35 const page = await context.newPage();36 await qawolf.setToast(page, "Hello world");37 });38});39import { chromium } from "playwright";40import { setTestTimeout } from "@playwright/test";41import { setToast } from "qawolf";42setTestTimeout(300000);43describe("test", () => {44 let browser;45 beforeAll(async () => {46 browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });47 });48 afterAll(async () => {49 await browser.close();50 });51 it("test", async () => {52 const context = await browser.newContext();53 const page = await context.newPage();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { setToast } = require("qawolf");2setToast("Hello World!", 2000);3const { setToast } = require("qawolf");4setToast("Hello World!", 2000);5const { setToast } = require("qawolf");6setToast("Hello World!", 2000);7const { setToast } = require("qawolf");8setToast("Hello World!", 2000);9const { setToast } = require("qawolf");10setToast("Hello World!", 2000);11const { setToast } = require("qawolf");12setToast("Hello World!", 2000);13const { setToast } = require("qawolf");14setToast("Hello World!", 2000);15const { setToast } = require("qawolf");16setToast("Hello World!", 2000);17const { setToast } = require("qawolf");18setToast("Hello World!", 2000);19const { setToast } = require("qawolf");20setToast("Hello World!", 2000);21const { setToast } = require("qawolf");22setToast("Hello World!", 2000);23const { setToast } = require("qawolf");24setToast("Hello World!", 2000);25const { setToast } = require("qawolf");26setToast("Hello World!",

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Using AI Code Generation


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1await qawolf.setToast("Hello world!");2const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();3console.log(toastMessage);4const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();5console.log(toastMessage);6const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();7console.log(toastMessage);8const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();9console.log(toastMessage);10const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();11console.log(toastMessage);12const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();13console.log(toastMessage);14const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();15console.log(toastMessage);16const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();17console.log(toastMessage);18const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();19console.log(toastMessage);20const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();21console.log(toastMessage);22const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();23console.log(toastMessage);24const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();25console.log(toastMessage);26const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();27console.log(toastMessage);28const toastMessage = await qawolf.getToast();29console.log(toastMessage);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1await qawolf.setToast('Hello World')2let toast = await qawolf.getToast()3console.log(toast)4{5 "scripts": {6 }7}8{9}10{11}12{13}14{15}16{17}18{19}20{21}22{23}24{25}26{27}28{29}30{31}32{33}34{35}36{37}38{39}40{41}

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