Best JavaScript code snippet using qawolf
Source: index.test.js
1const test = require('ava');2const sinon = require('sinon');3const portscanner = require('portscanner');4const winston = require('winston');5const wsServer = require('../../coinstac-images/coinstac-base/server-ws2');6const mocks = require('../helpers/mocks');7const Manager = require('../src');8const {9 getImages,10 getStatus,11 pullImages,12 pullImagesFromList,13 pruneImages,14 removeImage,15 setLogger,16 startService,17 stopService,18 stopAllServices,19 docker,20} = Manager;21const { ALL_IMAGES, COMPUTATIONS, getRandomPort } = mocks;22const { transports: { Console } } = winston;23const WS_SERVER_PORT = 3223;24process.LOGLEVEL = 'info';25test.before(() => wsServer.start({ port: WS_SERVER_PORT }));26test('getImages, pruneImages and removeImage', async (t) => {27 /* getImages */28 sinon.stub(docker, 'listImages').resolves(ALL_IMAGES);29 let res = await getImages();30, ALL_IMAGES.length);31 docker.listImages.restore();32 /* pruneImages */33 sinon.stub(docker, 'listImages').yields(null, ALL_IMAGES);34 const getImageSuccessCallback = { remove: sinon.stub().yields(null, 'success') };35 const getImageFailCallback = { remove: sinon.stub().yields('error') };36 sinon.stub(docker, 'getImage')37 .onFirstCall()38 .returns(getImageFailCallback)39 .returns(getImageSuccessCallback);40 res = await pruneImages();41 => elem === 'success').length, 9);42 docker.listImages.restore();43 sinon.stub(docker, 'listImages').yields(new Error('error'), null);44 try {45 res = await pruneImages();46 } catch (e) {47, 'error');48 }49 docker.listImages.restore();50 docker.getImage.restore();51 /* removeImage */52 sinon.stub(docker, 'getImage').returns({53 remove: () => Promise.resolve(),54 });55 const image = COMPUTATIONS[0].img;56 res = await removeImage(image);57, undefined);58 docker.getImage.restore();59});60test('getStatus', async (t) => {61 sinon.stub(docker, 'ping').resolves('OK');62 const status = await getStatus();63, 'OK');64;65});66test('pullImages and pullImagesFromList', async (t) => {67 /* pullImages */68 sinon.stub(docker, 'pull').yields(null, 'stream');69 let images = await pullImages(COMPUTATIONS);70 t.deepEqual(71 => image.compId),72 => comp.compId)73 );74 docker.pull.restore();75 sinon.stub(docker, 'pull').yields('error', null);76 images = await pullImages(COMPUTATIONS);77 t.deepEqual(78 => image.compId),79 => comp.compId)80 );81 docker.pull.restore();82 sinon.stub(docker, 'pull').yields(null, 'stream');83 const compList = => comp.img);84 images = await pullImagesFromList(compList);85, images.length);86 docker.pull.restore();87});88test('setLogger', async (t) => {89 const logger = winston.createLogger({90 level: 'silly',91 transports: [new Console()],92 });93 const res = setLogger(logger);94 t.deepEqual(res, logger);95});96test('startService, stopService, stopAllServices', async (t) => {97 /* startService1 */98 const container = {99 inspect: () => { },100 };101 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(getRandomPort());102 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({103 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),104 stop: () => { },105 inspect: sinon.stub().yields(null, { State: { Running: true } }),106 });107 let opts = {108 docker: { CMD: [] },109 };110 let res = await startService('service-1', 'test-1', 'docker', opts);111 res, 'function');112 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();113 docker.createContainer.restore();114 /* startService2 */115 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(getRandomPort());116 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({117 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),118 stop: () => { },119 inspect: sinon.stub().yields('error', null),120 });121 await startService('service-2', 'test-2', 'docker', opts);122 try {123 await startService('service-2', 'test-2', 'docker', opts);124 } catch (error) {125, 'error');126 }127 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();128 docker.createContainer.restore();129 /* startService3 */130 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(getRandomPort());131 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({132 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),133 stop: () => { },134 inspect: sinon.stub().yields(null, { State: { Running: true } }),135 });136 res = await startService('service-3', 'test-3', 'docker', opts);137 res, 'function');138 res = await startService('service-3', 'test-3', 'docker', opts);139 res, 'function');140 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();141 docker.createContainer.restore();142 /* startService4 */143 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(getRandomPort());144 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({145 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),146 stop: () => { },147 inspect: sinon.stub().yields(null, { State: { Running: false } }),148 });149 res = await startService('service-4', 'test-4', 'docker', opts);150 res, 'function');151 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();152 docker.createContainer.restore();153 /* startService5 */154 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(WS_SERVER_PORT);155 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({156 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),157 stop: () => { },158 inspect: sinon.stub().yields(null, { State: { Running: true } }),159 });160 const service = await startService('service-5', 'test-5', 'docker', opts);161 try {162 const res = await service(['echo', '{"passed": true}', ''], 'test-5');163 t.deepEqual(res, { passed: true });164 } catch (error) {165, undefined);166 }167 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();168 docker.createContainer.restore();169 /* stopService1 */170 opts = {171 docker: { CMD: [] },172 };173 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(getRandomPort());174 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({175 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),176 stop: sinon.stub().resolves(),177 inspect: sinon.stub().yields(null, { State: { Running: true } }),178 });179 await startService('service', 'test', 'docker', opts);180 res = await stopService('service', 'test');181, 'service');182 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();183 docker.createContainer.restore();184 /* stopService2 */185 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(getRandomPort());186 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({187 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),188 stop: sinon.stub().rejects('error'),189 inspect: sinon.stub().yields(null, { State: { Running: true } }),190 });191 await startService('service', 'test', 'docker', opts);192 res = await stopService('service', 'test');193, 'service');194 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();195 docker.createContainer.restore();196 /* stopAllServices */197 sinon.stub(portscanner, 'findAPortNotInUse').returns(getRandomPort());198 sinon.stub(docker, 'createContainer').resolves({199 start: sinon.stub().resolves(container),200 stop: () => { },201 inspect: sinon.stub().yields(null, { State: { Running: true } }),202 });203 await startService('service', 'test-1', 'docker', opts);204 await stopAllServices();205 const services = Manager.getServices();206 t.deepEqual(services, {});207 portscanner.findAPortNotInUse.restore();208 docker.createContainer.restore();209});210test.after.always('cleanup stubs', () => {211 return new Promise((resolve) => {212 resolve();213 });...
Source: container-manager-spec.js
1const Q = require("q");2const ContainerManager = require("../container-manager");3const MockDocker = require("./mocks/docker");4const ProjectInfo = require("../project-info");5const asyncTest = (test) => (done) =>6 Promise.resolve(test()).then(done).catch(done);7describe("ContainerManager", () => {8 let docker, containerManager;9 beforeEach(() => {10 docker = new MockDocker();11 containerManager = new ContainerManager(docker, () => {12 // Shim `request` function13 return Q({14 status: 200,15 headers: {},16 body: []17 });18 });19 class MockGithubApi {20 authenticate() { }21 }22 containerManager.GithubApi = MockGithubApi;23 MockGithubApi.prototype.repos = {24 get(args, cb) {25 cb(null, { private: false });26 }27 }28 });29 describe("setup", () => {30 it("creates a new container", asyncTest(async () => {31 const details = new ProjectInfo("user", "owner", "repo");32 spyOn(docker, "createContainer").andCallThrough();33 await containerManager.setup(details, "xxx", {});34 expect(docker.createContainer.callCount).toEqual(1);35 }));36 it("returns the host", asyncTest(async () => {37 const host = await containerManager.setup(new ProjectInfo("user", "owner", "repo"), "xxx", {})38 expect(host).toEqual("firefly-project_user_owner_repo:2441");39 }));40 it("removes a container if it fails", asyncTest(async () => {41 docker.createContainer = async () => new Error();42 try {43 await containerManager.setup(new ProjectInfo("user", "owner", "repo"), "xxx", {});44 // expect failure45 expect(false).toBe(true);46 } catch (e) {47 const containers = await docker.listContainers();48 expect(containers.length).toEqual(0);49 }50 }));51 it("doesn't create two containers for one user/owner/repo", asyncTest(async () => {52 spyOn(docker, "createContainer").andCallThrough();53 await Promise.all([54 containerManager.setup(new ProjectInfo("user", "owner", "repo"), "xxx", {}),55 containerManager.setup(new ProjectInfo("user", "owner", "repo"), "xxx", {})56 ]);57 expect(docker.createContainer.callCount).toEqual(1);58 }));59 it("gives the container a useful name", asyncTest(async () => {60 spyOn(docker, "createContainer").andCallThrough();61 await containerManager.setup(new ProjectInfo("one-one", "twotwo", "three123456three"), "xxx", {});62 expect(docker.createContainer.mostRecentCall.args[0].name).toContain("one-one_twotwo_three123456three");63 }));64 it("throws if there's no container and no github access token or username are given", asyncTest(async () => {65 try {66 await containerManager.setup(new ProjectInfo("user", "owner", "repo"))67 expect(false).toBe(true);68 } catch (e) {69 const containers = await docker.listContainers();70 expect(containers.length).toEqual(0);71 }72 }));73 it("creates a subdomain for the details", asyncTest(async () => {74 const details = new ProjectInfo("user", "owner", "repo");75 await containerManager.setup(details, "xxx", {});76 expect(typeof details.toPath()).toEqual("string");77 }));78 });...
Source: docker-container.spec.js
1import './test.boot';2import sinon from 'sinon';3import DockerContainer from '../src/docker-container';4import Docker from 'dockerode-promise';5import chai, {expect} from 'chai';6import Promise from 'bluebird';7describe("DockerContainer", () => {8 const imageName = "a/b";9 const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();10 let docker;11 beforeEach(() => {12 docker = sandbox.stub(Docker.prototype);13 docker.pull.returns(Promise.resolve());14 });15 afterEach(() => {16 sandbox.restore();17 });18 const fakeContainer = {};19 const containerName = "a";20 const run = options => {21 const container = new DockerContainer({docker: new Docker(), imageName, containerName});22 return || {})23 .then(() => container) };24 beforeEach("initialize a fake controller", () => {25 docker.createContainer.returns(Promise.resolve(fakeContainer));26 fakeContainer.start = sandbox.stub();27 fakeContainer.start.returns(Promise.resolve());28 });29 describe("run", () => {30 it("creates and starts a container", () => run()31 .then(container => expect(container.isRunning()) .then(() => expect(docker.createContainer){name: containerName, Image: imageName}))33 .then(() => expect(fakeContainer.start);34 it("passes port bindings to the container's start method", () => run({ports: {from: 1000, to: 2000}})35 .then(() => expect(fakeContainer.start){"PortBindings": {"1000/tcp": [{HostPort: "2000"}]}})));36 it("passes environment variables to the container", () => run({env: {a: 'b', c: 'd'}})37 .then(() => expect(docker.createContainer){Env: ["a=b", "c=d"]})));38 it("passes links to the container", () => run({links: {"containerName": "nameInTarget"}})39 .then(() => expect(docker.createContainer){HostConfig: {Links: ["containerName:nameInTarget"]}})));40 it("passes volumes and binds to the container", () => run({volumes: {"/guestDir": "/hostDir"}})41 .then(() => expect(docker.createContainer){Volumes: {"/guestDir": {}}, HostConfig: {Binds: ["/hostDir:/guestDir"]}})));42 it("passes PublishAllPorts to createContainer", () => run({publishAllPorts: true})43 .then(() => expect(docker.createContainer){HostConfig: {PublishAllPorts: true}})));44 });45 it("returns a mapping of container to host ports", () => {46 fakeContainer.inspect = sandbox.stub();47 fakeContainer.inspect.returns(Promise.resolve({48 "NetworkSettings": {49 "Ports": {50 "80/tcp": [51 {52 "HostPort": 808053 }54 ]55 }56 }57 }));58 return run()59 .then(container => container.getPortMappings())60 .then(mappings => expect(mappings).to.eql({80: 8080}));61 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');2const container = await docker.createContainer();3console.log(container);4const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');5const container = await docker.createContainer();6console.log(container);7const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');8const container = await docker.createContainer();9console.log(container);10const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');11const container = await docker.createContainer();12console.log(container);13const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');14const container = await docker.createContainer();15console.log(container);16const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');17const container = await docker.createContainer();18console.log(container);19const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');20const container = await docker.createContainer();21console.log(container);22const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');23const container = await docker.createContainer();24console.log(container);25const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');26const container = await docker.createContainer();27console.log(container);28const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');29const container = await docker.createContainer();30console.log(container);31const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');32const container = await docker.createContainer();33console.log(container);34const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');35const container = await docker.createContainer();36console.log(container);37const docker = require('qawolf/src/docker');38const container = await docker.createContainer();39console.log(container);
Using AI Code Generation
1const docker = require('dockerode')({2});3docker.createContainer({4 HostConfig: {5 }6}).then(container => container.start());7{8 "scripts": {9 }10}11{12 "scripts": {13 }14}15{16 "scripts": {17 }18}19{20 "scripts": {21 }22}
Using AI Code Generation
1const qawolf = require('qawolf');2const docker = require('dockerode')();3const dockerOptions = {4 HostConfig: {5 }6};7docker.createContainer(dockerOptions, (err, container) => {8 if (err) return console.log(err);9 container.start((err, data) => {10 if (err) return console.log(err);11 console.log(data);12 });13});14const qawolf = require('qawolf');15const docker = require('dockerode')();16const dockerOptions = {17 HostConfig: {18 }19};20docker.createContainer(dockerOptions, (err, container) => {21 if (err) return console.log(err);22 container.start((err, data) => {23 if (err) return console.log(err);24 browser.close()25 );26 });27});
Using AI Code Generation
1const docker = require('dockerode')();2docker.createContainer({3 HostConfig: {4 }5}, function (err, container) {6 container.start(function (err, data) {7 console.log(data);8 });9});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { docker } = require('qawolf');2const dockerConfig = {3};4const runTests = async () => {5 await docker.createContainer(dockerConfig);6 await docker.startContainer(dockerConfig);7 await docker.stopContainer(dockerConfig);8};9runTests();10dockerConfig = {11};12dockerConfig = {
Using AI Code Generation
1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2const docker = require("dockerode")();3(async () => {4 const container = await docker.createContainer({5 });6 await container.start();7 const browser = await qawolf.launch({ containerId: });8 const context = await browser.newContext();
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