How to use createGif method in qawolf

Best JavaScript code snippet using qawolf


Source:sticker.ts Github


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1import { HandlingData } from '../​typings';2import { ClientMessage } from '../​Base/​Scripts/​client';3import ffmpeg from "fluent-ffmpeg";4import * as fs from "fs";5import { proto } from "@adiwajshing/​baileys";67export var Sticker: void = globalThis.Client.on("sticker", async (data: HandlingData, Cli: ClientMessage) => {8 const { from, id, media, args, isGambar, isQuotedImage, isVideo, isQuotedVideo, isQuotedSticker } = data;9 if (isGambar || isQuotedImage) 10 try {11 await Cli.reply(from, `*⌛* Mohon tunggu sebentar bot sedang melaksanakan perintah`, id)12 const Sticker: Buffer = await Cli.respon.stickerWhatsappFormatterWithCropped(await Cli.decryptMedia(media as proto.WebMessageInfo), /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[0] : undefined , /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[1] : undefined)13 return void await Cli.sendFile(from, Sticker, { quoted: id})14 } catch (err) {15 return void Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Gagal membuat sticker harap coba lagi lain waktu", id)16 }17 else if (isVideo || isQuotedVideo)18 try {19 await Cli.reply(from, `*⌛* Mohon tunggu sebentar bot sedang melaksanakan perintah`, id)20 let LocExif: string = args[0] ? Cli.respon.autoPath() : "./​library/​storage/​temp/​Ra_default_Exif"21 if (!fs.existsSync(LocExif + ".exif")) await Cli.respon.createExif(LocExif, /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[0] : args.join(" ") , /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[1] : undefined)22 await Cli.respon.convertToWebp(await Cli.decryptMedia(media as proto.WebMessageInfo, true) as string).then(async (values: string) => {23 await Cli.sendFile(from, values, { quoted: id})24 await Cli.respon.Tunggu(2500)25 if (fs.existsSync(LocExif + ".exif")) fs.unlinkSync(LocExif + ".exif")26 if (fs.existsSync(values)) fs.unlinkSync(values)27 }).catch ((err) => {28 if (fs.existsSync(LocExif + ".exif")) fs.unlinkSync(LocExif + ".exif")29 console.log(err)30 return void Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Gagal membuat sticker harap coba lagi lain waktu", id)31 })32 33 } catch (err) {34 throw new Error(String(err))35 }36 else if (isQuotedSticker)37 try {38 await Cli.reply(from, `*⌛* Mohon tunggu sebentar bot sedang melaksanakan perintah`, id)39 let LocExif: string = args[0] ? Cli.respon.autoPath() : "./​library/​storage/​temp/​Ra_default_Exif"40 if (!fs.existsSync(LocExif + ".exif")) await Cli.respon.createExif(LocExif, /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[0] : args.join(" ") , /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[1] : undefined)41 return void await Cli.respon.createWmSticker(await Cli.decryptMedia(media as proto.WebMessageInfo, true) as string, LocExif + ".exif").then(async (values: string) => {42 await Cli.sendFile(from, values, { quoted: id })43 await Cli.respon.Tunggu(2500)44 if (args[0] && fs.existsSync(LocExif + ".exif")) fs.unlinkSync(LocExif + ".exif")45 if (fs.existsSync(values)) fs.unlinkSync(values)46 }).catch(() => {47 if (args[0] && fs.existsSync(LocExif + ".exif")) fs.unlinkSync(LocExif + ".exif")48 })49 } catch (err) {50 throw new Error(String(err))51 }52 else 53 return void Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Maaf kak Harap Kirim/​Reply Gambar/​Video yang ingin di ubah menjadi sticker", id)54 55}, { event: ["sticker <media>"], tag: "converter", command: ["s", "sticker", "stiker", "stickergif", "stikergif", "sgif"], isMedia: true, loading: false, withImghelpers: "https:/​/​​39026d3", helpers: globalThis.Lang.HelpSticker() })5657export var sticker2: void = globalThis.Client.on("Sticker2", async (data: HandlingData, Cli: ClientMessage) => {58 const { from, id, media, args, isGambar, isQuotedImage, isVideo, isQuotedVideo, isQuotedSticker, createAPI } = data;59 var { OpenWaSticker } = createAPI;60 let getWm1: string | undefined = /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[0] : undefined;61 let getWm2: string | undefined = /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[1] : undefined;62 if (isGambar || isQuotedImage || isVideo || isQuotedVideo) {63 await Cli.wait()64 return void await OpenWaSticker((await Cli.decryptMedia(media as proto.WebMessageInfo)), { author: getWm2, pack: getWm1, keepScale: true }).then(async (value) => {65 return void await Cli.sendFile(from, value, { quoted: id });66 }).catch(() => Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Gagal membuat sticker harap coba lagi lain waktu", id))67 } else {68 return void await Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Maaf kak Harap Kirim/​Reply Gambar/​Video yang ingin di ubah menjadi sticker", id)69 }70}, { event: ["sticker2 <media>"], tag: "converter", command: ["s2", "sticker2", "stiker2", "stickergif2", "stikergif2", "sgif2"], isMedia: true })7172export var Stickernocrop: void = globalThis.Client.on("sticker no crop", async (data: HandlingData, Cli: ClientMessage) => {73 const { from, id, media, args, isGambar, isQuotedImage, isVideo, isQuotedVideo, isQuotedSticker, createAPI } = data;74 var { OpenWaSticker } = createAPI;75 let getWm1: string | undefined = /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[0] : undefined;76 let getWm2: string | undefined = /​\|/​gi.test(args.join(" ")) ? args.join(" ").split("|")[1] : undefined;77 if (isGambar || isQuotedImage || isVideo || isQuotedVideo) {78 await Cli.wait()79 return void await OpenWaSticker((await Cli.decryptMedia(media as proto.WebMessageInfo)), { author: getWm2, pack: getWm1, keepScale: false }).then(async (value) => {80 return void await Cli.sendFile(from, value, { quoted: id });81 }).catch(() => Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Gagal membuat sticker harap coba lagi lain waktu", id))82 } else {83 return void await Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Maaf kak Harap Kirim/​Reply Gambar/​Video yang ingin di ubah menjadi sticker", id)84 }85}, { event: ["stickernocrop <media>"], tag: "converter", command: ["stickernocrop", "stikernocrop","snocrop"], isMedia: true})8687export var Triggereder: void = globalThis.Client.on("triggered", async function (data: HandlingData, Cli: ClientMessage) {88 const { from, id, media, isGambar, isQuotedImage, isQuotedSticker, isQuotedStickerGif } = data;89 if (isGambar || isQuotedImage) {90 await Cli.wait()91 var { Triggered, autoPath, convertWebpNoCrop, Tunggu } = Cli.respon;92 let createGif: string = await Triggered(await Cli.decryptMedia(media as proto.WebMessageInfo, true) as string, autoPath("gif"));93 return void await convertWebpNoCrop(createGif).then(async (values: string) => {94 await Cli.sendFile(from, values, { quoted: id })95 if (fs.existsSync(createGif)) fs.unlinkSync(createGif)96 await Tunggu(2000)97 if (fs.existsSync(values)) fs.unlinkSync(values)98 return;99 }).catch (() => {100 if (fs.existsSync(createGif)) fs.unlinkSync(createGif)101 return void Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Mohon maaf kak bot gagal membuat Sticker", id)102 })103 } else if (isQuotedSticker) {104 if (isQuotedStickerGif) return Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Mohon maaf kak Fitur ini tidak support untuk sticker gif", id)105 let Input: string = await Cli.decryptMedia(media as proto.WebMessageInfo, true) as string;106 let Output: string = Cli.respon.autoPath("png")107 return void ffmpeg(Input)108 .on('error', function () {109 if (fs.existsSync(Input)) fs.unlinkSync(Input)110 if (fs.existsSync(Output)) fs.unlinkSync(Output)111 return Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Mohon maaf kak Fitur Bot gagal membuat Sticker Trigger", id)112 })113 .on("end", async function () {114 if (fs.existsSync(Input)) fs.unlinkSync(Input)115 let createGif: string = await Triggered(Output, autoPath("gif"));116 return void await convertWebpNoCrop(createGif).then(async (values: string) => {117 await Cli.sendFile(from, values, { quoted: id })118 if (fs.existsSync(createGif)) fs.unlinkSync(createGif)119 if (fs.existsSync(Output)) fs.unlinkSync(Output)120 await Tunggu(2000)121 if (fs.existsSync(values)) fs.unlinkSync(values)122 return;123 }).catch (() => {124 if (fs.existsSync(createGif)) fs.unlinkSync(createGif)125 if (fs.existsSync(Output)) fs.unlinkSync(Output)126 return void Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Mohon maaf kak bot gagal membuat Sticker", id)127 })128 })129 .saveToFile(Output)130 } else {131 return void Cli.reply(from, "*「❗」* Mohon Maaf kak kirim /​ reply Gambar untuk membuat sticker trigger", id)132 } ...

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Source:application.js Github


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1$(function() {2 /​/​ Cache some DOM references3 var previewImage = $('#preview-image')[0];4 var $calculatorElt = $('#calculator');5 var $loading = $('.loading');6 var $recordIcon = $('#record-icon');7 var $desmosURL = $('#desmos-url');8 var $importForm = $('#import-form');9 var $intervalSelect = $('#interval-select');10 var $widthInput = $('#width-input');11 var $heightInput = $('#height-input');12 var $saveButton = $('#save-button');13 var $saveIcon = $('#save-icon');14 var $inputElements = $('input');15 var $snapshotButton = $('#snapshot-button');16 var $resetButton = $('#reset-button');17 var $processingText = $('#processing');18 /​/​ Initialize some variables19 var thumbFrames = [];20 var fullFrames = [];21 var recording = false;22 var interval = 0.1;23 var fullWidth = 200;24 var fullHeight = 200;25 var pollTimeout;26 /​/​ Continually query the graph state...27 /​/​ If it's changed since the last check, push a new frame into the both frame arrays28 var poll = function() {29 if (recording) {30 var newThumb = calc.screenshot({width: 200, height: 200});31 if (!thumbFrames.length || thumbFrames[thumbFrames.length - 1].src !== newThumb) {32 pushFrames();33 }34 pollTimeout = setTimeout(poll, 1);35 }36 };37 /​/​ Toggle the recording state38 /​/​ If we're starting, reset everything...otherwise we're done, so make the GIF 39 var setRecordingState = function() {40 recording = !recording;41 if (recording) {42 reset();43 previewImage.src = '/​images/​recording.gif';44 $inputElements.prop('disabled', true);45 poll();46 } else {47 clearTimeout(pollTimeout);48 createGIF();49 $inputElements.prop('disabled', false);50 }51 $recordIcon.toggleClass('glyphicon-record').toggleClass('glyphicon-stop');52 $resetButton.toggleClass('disabled');53 };54 /​/​ Use the wonderful GifShot library to create the animated images55 /​/​ http:/​/​​gifshot/​56 var createGIF = function() {57 if (!thumbFrames.length) return;58 previewImage.src = '/​images/​processing_lg.gif';59 $;60 $saveButton.addClass('disabled');61 $saveIcon.removeClass('glyphicon-floppy-save').addClass('glyphicon-floppy-disk');62 gifshot.createGIF({63 'images': thumbFrames,64 'interval': interval65 }, function(obj) {66 if (!obj.error) {67 previewImage.src = obj.image;68 }69 });70 gifshot.createGIF({71 'images': fullFrames,72 'interval': interval,73 'gifWidth': fullWidth,74 'gifHeight': fullHeight75 }, function(obj) {76 if (!obj.error) {77 $saveButton.attr('download', 'gifsmos.gif')78 $saveButton[0].href = obj.image;79 $saveButton.removeClass('disabled');80 $saveIcon.removeClass('glyphicon-floppy-disk').addClass('glyphicon-floppy-save');81 $processingText.hide();82 }83 });84 };85 /​/​ Take thumb and full-size screenshots and push them to the image arrays86 var pushFrames = function() {87 var thumbImage = document.createElement('img');88 thumbImage.src = calc.screenshot({width: 200, height: 200});89 thumbFrames.push(thumbImage);90 var fullImage = document.createElement('img');91 fullImage.src = calc.screenshot({width: fullWidth, height: fullHeight});92 fullFrames.push(fullImage);93 };94 /​/​ Manually take a snapshot to add a single frame to the GIF95 var addFrame = function() {96 pushFrames();97 if (!recording) {98 /​/​for some reason, this needs to be in a timeout in firefox & safari99 setTimeout(createGIF, 100);100 }101 };102 /​/​ Reset all the variables to their initial states103 var reset = function() {104 thumbFrames = [];105 fullFrames = [];106 previewImage.src = '/​images/​preview.png';107 $saveButton[0].href = '';108 $saveButton.addClass('disabled');109 $saveIcon.removeClass('glyphicon-floppy-save').addClass('glyphicon-floppy-disk');110 $processingText.hide();111 };112 /​/​ Alert the user when they try to import a bad URL113 var alertBadUrl = function() {114 $('.alert-danger').remove();115 var $alertDiv = $("<div class='alert alert-danger fade in'><a class='close' href='#' data-dismiss='alert' role='alert')>&times;</​a><strong>Whoops!</​strong> ¯\\_(ツ)_/​¯ Looks like there isn\'t a graph there...check your URL.</​div>");116 $importForm.after($alertDiv);117 $alertDiv.fadeIn();118 };119 /​/​ Import a saved Desmos graph from a URL120 var importGraph = function() {121 var url = $desmosURL.val();122 if (!url) return;123 $.getJSON(url).done(function(res) {124 calc.setState(JSON.stringify(res.state));125 $desmosURL.val('');126 $('.alert-danger').remove();127 }).fail(function() {128 alertBadUrl();129 });130 };131 /​/​ Attach event handlers132 $('#record-button').click(setRecordingState);133 $('.import-button').click(importGraph);134 $;135 $ {136 reset();137 });138 $importForm.submit(function(e) {139 e.preventDefault();140 importGraph();141 $desmosURL.blur();142 });143 $intervalSelect.change(function() {144 interval = parseFloat($(this).val());145 if (!recording) createGIF();146 });147 $widthInput.change(function() {148 fullWidth = parseInt($(this).val(), 10);149 });150 $heightInput.change(function() {151 fullHeight = parseInt($(this).val(), 10);152 });153 $('.btn').click(function() {154 $(this).blur();155 });156 /​/​ Add tooltips to some UI elements157 $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({container: 'body'});158 /​/​ Add the Calculator instance to the page159 var calc = Desmos.Calculator($calculatorElt[0]);160 $loading.remove();...

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Source:gif.js Github


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...20 }21 var interval = document.getElementById("interval").value;2223 watermark();24 createGif(imageLinks, interval);25}2627function updateGif(){28 var loaderImg = `<img src="/​styles/​ajax-loader.gif">`;29 $('#gifApp').attr('onclick', '');30 $("#gifApp").empty();31 $("#gif #gifContent #gifApp").append(loaderImg);32 var interval = document.getElementById("interval").value;33 var timeWatermarkOption = document.getElementById("timeWatermarkOption");34 var URIWatermarkOption = document.getElementById("URIWatermarkOption");3536 if(timeWatermarkOption.checked == true && URIWatermarkOption.checked == true) {37 createGif(timeAndURIStampedImages,interval);38 } else if(timeWatermarkOption.checked == true) {39 createGif(timeStampedImages,interval);40 } else if(URIWatermarkOption.checked == true) {41 createGif(URIStampedImages,interval);42 } else{43 createGif(imageLinks, interval);44 }45}464748function watermark(){ 49 var URI = $("#uriIP").val();50 URI = URI.split(',');51 var regexForPort = /​(\/​http:\/​\/​.*):(\80*)/​g;52 var regexForHTTPS = /​(https?:\/​\/​)/​gi;53 for(var i = 0; i<imagesData_IG.length; i++)54 {55 var img = new Image();56 img.src = imageLinks[i];5758 var timeStamp = imagesData_IG[i].event_display_date;59 watermarkImage(img,timeStamp,i,timeStampedImages);6061 var link = imagesData_IG[i].event_link;62 link = link.replace(":80","");63 64 for(var j = 0; j<URI.length; j++)65 {66 var uri = URI[j];67 uri = uri.replace(regexForHTTPS,"");68 uri = uri.replace(/​\/​$/​, "");6970 if(link.indexOf(uri) > 0)71 {72 var URIStamp = uri;73 URIStamp.replace(/​\s/​g,"");74 watermarkImage(img,URIStamp,i,URIStampedImages);7576 var timeAndURIStamp = URIStamp + "\n" + imagesData_IG[i].event_display_date;77 watermarkImage(img,timeAndURIStamp,i,timeAndURIStampedImages);78 }79 }80 }81}828384function watermarkImage(elemImage, text, counter,array) {85 var testImage = new Image();86 testImage.onload = function() {87 var h = testImage.height, w = testImage.width, img = new Image();88 89 img.onload = function() {90 91 var canvas = Object.assign(document.createElement('canvas'), {width: w, height: h});92 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');93 ctx.drawImage(testImage, 0, 0);94 ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);95 96 try {97 elemImage.src = canvas.toDataURL('image/​png');98 array[counter] = elemImage.src;99 /​/​console.log(elemImage.src);100 }101 catch (e) {102 console.error('Cannot watermark image with text:', {src: elemImage.src, text: text, error: e});103 }104 };105 106 img.src = 'data:image/​svg+xml;base64,' + window.btoa(107 '<svg xmlns="http:/​/​​2000/​svg" height="' + h + '" width="' + w + '">' +108 '<foreignObject width="100%" height="100%">' +109 '<div xmlns="http:/​/​​1999/​xhtml">' +110 '<div style="position: absolute;' +111 'left: 0;' +112 'bottom: 0;' +113 'font-family: Tahoma;' +114 'font-size: 30pt;' +115 'background: #000;' +116 'color: #fff;' +117 'padding: 0.25em;' +118 'border-radius: 0.25em;' +119 'opacity: 0.6;' +120 'margin: 0 0.125em 0.125em 0;' +121 '">' + text.replace(/​&/​g, "&amp;").replace(/​</​g, "&lt;").replace(/​>/​g, "&gt;") + '</​div>' +122 '</​div>' +123 '</​foreignObject>' +124 '</​svg>'125 );126 };127 testImage.src = elemImage.src;128}129130131function createGif(image, interval)132{133 gifshot.createGIF({134 gifWidth: 1024,135 gifHeight: 768,136 interval: interval,137 numFrames: 10,138 images: image,139 frameDuration: 1,140 fontWeight: 'normal',141 fontSize: '16px',142 fontFamily: 'sans-serif',143 fontColor: '#ffffff',144 textAlign: 'center',145 textBaseline: 'bottom', ...

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Source:logic.js Github


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1/​/​wait for page to load completely before doing anything2$(document).ready(function () {3 /​/​ create a new button with value and label === to what the user input4 function createButton() {5 var userInput = $(".searchBar").val().trim();6 var newButton = $('<button>').append(userInput);7 newButton.css('margin-right', '3px');8 newButton.attr('id', userInput);9 newButton.addClass("buttonClick")10 $('.buttonBox').append(newButton);11 };12 function GIFGetter() {13 /​/​ the id of the item clicked = what we search GIPHY for14 var searchTerm = $(this).attr('id');15 /​/​ grab data16 $('.responsesBox').empty();17 queryURL = "https:/​/​​v1/​gifs/​search?q=" + searchTerm + "&api_key=8YFcTyyCHtCNjQVi55eFHpokpZSNe5eX&limit=10";18 $.ajax({ url: queryURL, method: "GET" })19 .then(function (response) {20 console.log(response)21 for (var i = 0; i < (; i++) {22 /​/​ making it a bit quicker to get data out of response23 var result =[i];24 /​/​ variables to make HTML elements25 var createGif = $("<img>");26 var rating = $("<p>");27 /​/​ filling in variables with data to use for toggling onclick28 static = true;29 staticGIF = result.images.fixed_height_still.url;30 animateGIF = result.images.fixed_height.url;31 /​/​ put rating in rating variable32 rating.text("GIF rating: " + (result.rating).toUpperCase());33 /​/​ make source of img the still Gif34 35 createGif.attr('data-state', 'still');36 createGif.attr('data-still', staticGIF);37 createGif.attr('data-animate', animateGIF);38 createGif.attr("src", createGif.attr('data-still'));39 /​/​ adding a class to grab when toggling40 createGif.addClass("gifToggle");41 /​/​ printing to screen42 $(".responsesBox").append(createGif);43 $('.responsesBox').append(rating);44 console.log(createGif);45 };46 });47 };48 function Toggler() {49 var state = $(this).attr('data-state');50 if (state === 'still') {51 $(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('data-animate'));52 $(this).attr('data-state', 'animate');53 }54 else if (state === 'animate') {55 $(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('data-still'));56 $(this).attr('data-state', 'still');57 };58 };59 /​/​ onclick to create a button60 $(".CreateButton").on("click", createButton);61 /​/​ onclicks on the page, all items that have the class '.buttonClick', run the function GIFGetter();62 $(document).on("click", ".buttonClick", GIFGetter);63 $(document).on("click", ".gifToggle", Toggler);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { createGif } = require("qawolf");2const { launch } = require("qawolf");3const browser = await launch();4const context = await browser.newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6await page.fill("input[name=q]", "qawolf");7await"input[name=q]", "Enter");8await createGif({ browser, page });9await browser.close();10const { createGif } = require("qawolf");11const { launch } = require("qawolf");12const browser = await launch();13const context = await browser.newContext();14const page = await context.newPage();15await page.fill("input[name=q]", "qawolf");16await"input[name=q]", "Enter");17await createGif({ browser, page });18await browser.close();19const { createGif } = require("qawolf");20const { launch } = require("qawolf");21const browser = await launch();22const context = await browser.newContext();23const page = await context.newPage();24await page.fill("input[name=q]", "qawolf");25await"input[name=q]", "Enter");26await createGif({ browser, page });27await browser.close();28const { createGif } = require("qawolf");29const { launch } = require("qawolf");30const browser = await launch();31const context = await browser.newContext();32const page = await context.newPage();33await page.fill("input[name=q]", "qawolf");34await"input[name=q]", "Enter");35await createGif({ browser, page });36await browser.close();37const { createGif } = require("qawolf");38const { launch } = require("qawolf");39const browser = await launch();40const context = await browser.newContext();41const page = await context.newPage();42await page.fill("input[name=q]", "qawolf");43await"input[name

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { createGif } = require('qawolf');2const createGif = async () => {3 const browser = await qawolf.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await'text=Google apps');7 await'a:has-text("Gmail")');8 await page.fill('input[type="email"]', '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { createGif } = require('qawolf');2const { createVideo } = require('qawolf');3const { createConfig } = require('qawolf');4const { createBrowser } = require('qawolf');5const { create } = require('qawolf');6const { launch } = require('qawolf');7const { createActions } = require('qawolf');8const { createAction } = require('qawolf');9const { createPage } = require('qawolf');10const { createBrowserContext } = require('qawolf');11const { createDevice } = require('qawolf');12const { createDeviceDescriptor } = require('qawolf');13const { createDeviceDescriptors } = require('qawolf');14const { createPage } = require('qawolf');15const { createBrowserContext } = require('qawolf');16const { createDevice } = require('qawolf');17const { createDeviceDescriptor } = require('qawolf');18const { createDeviceDescriptors } = require('qawolf');19const { createPage } = require('qawolf');20const { createBrowserContext } = require('qawolf');21const { createDevice } = require('q

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2const path = require("path");3const fs = require("fs");4const { chromium } = require("playwright-chromium");5const browser = await chromium.launch();6const context = await browser.newContext();7const page = await context.newPage();8await qawolf.createGif(page, {9 path: path.join(__dirname, "test.gif"),10});11await page.close();12await context.close();13await browser.close();

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