How to use commitEditor method in qawolf

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Source:gitmoji-atom.js Github


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1"use babel";2import {CompositeDisposable} from "atom";3const SelectList = require("atom-select-list");4const Gitmojis = require("gitmojis");5// const {ArrayFilterer} = require("zadeh");6module.exports = {7 activate(state) {8 // this.gitmojiFilter = new ArrayFilterer();9 // this.gitmojiFilter.setCandidates(Gitmojis.gitmojis, "description");10 this.gitmojiAtomView = new SelectList({11 // TODO: Seperate this into gitmoji-atom-view.js via extending12 // See items: Gitmojis.gitmojis,14 emptyMessage: "Sorry, no results found \u{1F61E}",15 // filter: (items, query) => {16 // if (query === "") return items;17 // return this.gitmojiFilter.filter(query, {18 // usePathScoring: false,19 // useExtensionBonus: false20 // });21 // },22 filterKeyForItem: gitmoji => {23 // If not using zadeh24 return gitmoji.description + " " + gitmoji.code;25 },26 didCancelSelection: () => {27 this.modalPanel.hide();28 },29 didConfirmSelection: item => {30 this.confirm(item);31 },32 didConfirmEmptySelection: () => {33 this.confirm("");34 },35 elementForItem: item => {36 let li = document.createElement("li");37 li.innerHTML =38 item.emoji + " ( <code>" + item.code + "</code>) " + item.description;39 return li;40 }41 });42 this.gitmojiAtomView.element.classList.add("gitmoji-atom");43 this.modalPanel = atom.workspace.addModalPanel({44 item: this.gitmojiAtomView.element,45 visible: false46 });47 // Events subscribed to in atom's system can be easily cleaned up with a CompositeDisposable48 this.subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable();49 // Register command that toggles this view50 this.subscriptions.add(51 atom.commands.add("atom-workspace", {52 "gitmoji-atom:show": () => })54 );55 },56 deactivate() {57 console.log("GitmojiAtom was de-activated!");58 this.modalPanel.destroy();59 this.subscriptions.dispose();60 this.gitmojiAtomView.destroy();61 },62 confirm(item) {63 shouldShowNotifications = !atom.config.get("gitmoji-atom.noNotifications");64 function writeToClipboard(value) {65 atom.clipboard.write(value);66 if (shouldShowNotifications) {67 atom.notifications.addSuccess(`Copied '${value}' to clipboard!`);68 }69 console.log(`GitMoji-Atom: Copied '${value}' to clipboard`);70 }71 function insertToEditor(value, editor) {72 editor.insertText(value_to_submit);73 if (shouldShowNotifications) {74 atom.notifications.addSuccess(`Inserted '${value}'!`);75 }76 console.log(`GitMoji-Atom: Inserted '${value}' to ${editor}`);77 }78 function getGitHubPane() {79 return Array.from(80 document.querySelectorAll("atom-panel-container")81 ).filter(82 element =>83 element.querySelector(84 ".github-CommitView-editor .github-AtomTextEditor-container > atom-text-editor"85 ) !== null86 )[0].model.dock;87 }88 if (item !== "") {89 valueToSubmit =90 item[atom.config.get("gitmoji-atom.outputType")] +91 (atom.config.get("gitmoji-atom.addSpaceAfter") ? " " : "");92 let editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor();93 switch (atom.config.get("gitmoji-atom.submitMode")) {94 case "git":95 let commitEditor = document.querySelector(96 ".github-CommitView-editor .github-AtomTextEditor-container > atom-text-editor"97 );98 if (commitEditor !== null && getGitHubPane().isVisible()) {99 commitEditor = commitEditor.getModel();100 newText = valueToSubmit + commitEditor.getText();101 commitEditor.setText(newText);102 if (shouldShowNotifications) {103 atom.notifications.addSuccess(104 `Inserted '${valueToSubmit}' to commit editor!`105 );106 }107 commitEditor.element.focus();108 } else {109 writeToClipboard(valueToSubmit);110 }111 break;112 case "fallback":113 if (editor) {114 insertToEditor(valueToSubmit, editor);115 } else {116 writeToClipboard(valueToSubmit);117 }118 break;119 case "copy":120 writeToClipboard(valueToSubmit);121 break;122 case "insert":123 try {124 editor.insertText(valueToSubmit);125 console.log(`GitMoji-Atom: Inserted '${value}' to ${editor}`);126 } catch (e) {127 if (!atom.config.get("gitmoji-atom.noNotifications")) {128 atom.notifications.addError("No editors found");129 console.log(`GitMoji-Atom: Failed to insert '${value}'`);130 }131 }132 break;133 }134 if (atom.config.get("gitmoji-atom.resetSearchBar") == true) {135 this.gitmojiAtomView.reset();136 }137 }138 this.modalPanel.hide();139 },140 show() {141 console.log("GitmojiAtom was activated!");142 if (!this.modalPanel.isVisible());143 this.gitmojiAtomView.focus();144 },145 config: {146 addSpaceAfter: {147 type: "boolean",148 default: true149 },150 resetSearchBar: {151 type: "boolean",152 default: true153 },154 outputType: {155 type: "string",156 default: "code",157 description: "The type of thing to submit",158 enum: [159 {160 value: "code",161 description: "The emoji code (such as ':tada:')"162 },163 {164 value: "emoji",165 description: "The emoji (such as '\u{1F389}')"166 },167 {168 value: "entity",169 description: "The HTML entity (such as '&#x1f3a8;')."170 }171 ]172 },173 submitMode: {174 type: "string",175 default: "git",176 description: "What to do after you found the appropriate emoji",177 enum: [178 {179 value: "git",180 description:181 "Try to insert the emoji into the git commit editor. Otherwise, copy it to clipboard"182 },183 {184 value: "fallback",185 description:186 "If a TextEditor is focused, insert the emoji. Otherwise, copy it to clipboard"187 },188 {value: "copy", description: "Copy the emoji to the clipboard"},189 {190 value: "insert",191 description:192 "Insert the emoji to the editor. Fail if no editor is active"193 }194 ]195 },196 noNotifications: {197 type: "boolean",198 default: false,199 description: "Suppress notifications"200 }201 }...

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Source:inline_text_field.js Github


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1// ==========================================================================2// Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework3// Copyright: ©2006-2011 Apple Inc. and contributors.4// License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)5// ==========================================================================6/*global module test equals context ok same */7(function() {8var testPane =, customEditor, commitEditor, discardEditor, failEditor;9testPane.add('label', SC.LabelView, {10 value: "i am a test label"11});12customEditor = SC.View.extend(SC.InlineEditor);13commitEditor = SC.View.extend(SC.InlineEditor, {14 didCommit: NO,15 commitEditing: function() {16 this.didCommit = YES;17 return YES;18 }19});20discardEditor = SC.View.extend(SC.InlineEditor, {21 didCommit: NO,22 commitEditing: function() {23 this.didCommit = YES;24 return NO;25 },26 didDiscard: NO,27 discardEditing: function() {28 this.didDiscard = YES;29 return YES;30 }31});32failEditor = SC.View.extend(SC.InlineEditor, {33 didCommit: NO,34 commitEditing: function() {35 this.didCommit = YES;36 return NO;37 },38 didDiscard: NO,39 discardEditing: function() {40 this.didDiscard = YES;41 return NO;42 }43});44module("SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate basic", testPane.standardSetup());45test("basic acquire and release", function() {46 var label = testPane.view('label');47 var editor = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);48 ok(editor.kindOf(SC.InlineTextFieldView), "acquired an inlineTextFieldView");49 same(editor.get('pane'), label.get('pane'), "editor created in the correct pane");50 same(editor.get('parentView'), label.get('parentView'), "editor created in the correct parent");51 SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.releaseEditor(editor);52 ok(editor.isDestroyed, "editor should be destroyed");53 same(editor.get('pane'), null, "editor removed from pane after release");54 same(editor.get('parentView'), null, "editor removed from parent view after release");55});56test("acquire custom editor", function() {57 var label = testPane.view('label');58 label.exampleEditor = customEditor;59 var editor = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);60 ok(editor.kindOf(customEditor), "acquired a custom editor");61 same(editor.get('pane'), label.get('pane'), "editor created in the correct pane");62 SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.releaseEditor(editor);63 same(editor.get('pane'), null, "editor removed from pane after release");64});65test("if second editor is requested, commit the first", function() {66 var label = testPane.view('label');67 label.exampleEditor = commitEditor;68 var first = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);69 ok(first, "first editor was acquired");70 first.isEditing = YES;71 var second = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);72 ok(first.didCommit, "first editor was committed");73 ok(!first.didDiscard, "first editor was not discarded");74 ok(second, "second editor was acquired");75 SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.releaseEditor(first);76 SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.releaseEditor(second);77});78test("if second editor is requested, commit the first, and discard if commit fails", function() {79 var label = testPane.view('label');80 label.exampleEditor = discardEditor;81 var first = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);82 first.isEditing = YES;83 var second = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);84 ok(first.didCommit, "first editor was committed");85 ok(first.didDiscard, "commit failed so discard was called");86 ok(second, "second editor was created");87 SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.releaseEditor(first);88 SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.releaseEditor(second);89});90test("if second editor is requested, fail to create second editor if commit and discard fail", function() {91 var label = testPane.view('label');92 label.exampleEditor = failEditor;93 var first = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);94 first.isEditing = YES;95 var second = SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.acquireEditor(label);96 ok(first.didCommit, "first editor was committed");97 ok(first.didDiscard, "commit failed so discard was called");98 equals(second, null, "second editor was not created");99 SC.InlineTextFieldDelegate.releaseEditor(first);100});...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {commitEditor} = require('qawolf');2const {firefox} = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await firefox.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await commitEditor();8 await browser.close();9})();10const {commitEditor} = require('qawolf');11describe('test', () => {12 it('test', async () => {13 await commitEditor();14 });15});16import {commitEditor} from 'qawolf';17describe('test', () => {18 it('test', async () => {19 await commitEditor();20 });21});22import {firefox} from 'playwright';23import {commitEditor} from 'qawolf';24(async () => {25 const browser = await firefox.launch();26 const context = await browser.newContext();27 const page = await context.newPage();28 await commitEditor();29 await browser.close();30})();31import {firefox} from 'playwright';32import {commitEditor} from 'qawolf';33(async () => {34 const browser = await firefox.launch();35 const context = await browser.newContext();36 const page = await context.newPage();37 await commitEditor();38 await browser.close();39})();40import {commitEditor} from 'qawolf';41export default {42 mounted() {43 commitEditor();44 }45};46 import {commitEditor} from 'qawolf';47 commitEditor();48 import {commitEditor} from 'qawolf';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {commitEditor} = require("@qawolf/browser");2const {launch} = require("@qawolf/browser");3const {openBrowser} = require("@qawolf/browser");4const {openEditor} = require("@qawolf/browser");5(async () => {6 const browser = await openBrowser();7 await openEditor(browser);8 await commitEditor(browser);9 await browser.close();10})();11const {create} = require("@qawolf/browser");12const {launch} = require("@qawolf/browser");13const {openBrowser} = require("@qawolf/browser");14(async () => {15 const browser = await openBrowser();16 await browser.close();17})();18const {create} = require("@qawolf/browser");19const {launch} = require("@qawolf/browser");20const {openBrowser} = require("@qawolf/browser");21(async () => {22 const browser = await openBrowser();23 await browser.close();24})();25const {create} = require("@qawolf/browser");26const {launch} = require("@qawolf/browser");27const {openBrowser} = require("@qawolf/browser");28(async () => {29 const browser = await openBrowser();30 await browser.close();31})();32const {create} = require("@qawolf/browser");33const {launch} = require("@qawolf/browser");34const {openBrowser} = require("@qawolf/browser");35(async () => {36 const browser = await openBrowser();37 await browser.close();38})();39const {create} = require("@qawolf/browser");40const {launch} = require("@qawolf/browser");41const {openBrowser} = require("@qawolf/browser");42(async () => {43 const browser = await openBrowser();44 await browser.close();45})();46const {create} = require("@qawolf/browser");47const {launch} = require("@qawolf

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { commitEditor } = require('qawolf');2commitEditor();3const { launch } = require('qawolf');4const browser = await launch();5const page = await browser.newPage();6await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');7await commitEditor();8const { launch } = require('qawolf');9const browser = await launch();10const page = await browser.newPage();11await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');12await commitEditor();13const { launch } = require('qawolf');14const browser = await launch();15const page = await browser.newPage();16await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');17await commitEditor();18const { launch } = require('qawolf');19const browser = await launch();20const page = await browser.newPage();21await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');22await commitEditor();23const { launch } = require('qawolf');24const browser = await launch();25const page = await browser.newPage();26await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');27await commitEditor();28const { launch } = require('qawolf');29const browser = await launch();30const page = await browser.newPage();31await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');32await commitEditor();33const { launch } = require('qawolf');34const browser = await launch();35const page = await browser.newPage();36await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');37await commitEditor();38const { launch } = require('qawolf');39const browser = await launch();40const page = await browser.newPage();41await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello world');42await commitEditor();43const { launch } =

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { commitEditor } = require('qawolf');2const { launch } = require('qawolf');3const browser = await launch();4const page = await browser.newPage();5await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello');6await'input[type="submit"]');7await commitEditor(page);8await browser.close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");2commitEditor("my test", "test.js");3const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");4commitEditor("my test", "test.js");5const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");6commitEditor("my test", "test.js");7const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");8commitEditor("my test", "test.js");9const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");10commitEditor("my test", "test.js");11const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");12commitEditor("my test", "test.js");13const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");14commitEditor("my test", "test.js");15const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");16commitEditor("my test", "test.js");17const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");18commitEditor("my test", "test.js");19const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");20commitEditor("my test", "test.js");21const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");22commitEditor("my test", "test.js");23const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");24commitEditor("my test", "test.js");25const { commitEditor } =

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { commitEditor } from "qawolf";2import { test } from "./test";3test("test", async () => {4 await commitEditor("editor", { text: "test" });5});6import { Browser, Page } from "qawolf";7import { launch } from "qawolf";8let browser: Browser;9let page: Page;10beforeAll(async () => {11 browser = await launch();12});13afterAll(() => browser.close());14beforeEach(async () => {15 page = await browser.newPage();16});17afterEach(() => page.close());18export const test = async (name: string, testFn: (page: Page) => Promise<void>) => {19 it(name, async () => {20 await testFn(page);21 });22};23import { test } from "./test";24test("test", async () => {25 await"editor");26});27import { test } from "./test";28test("test", async () => {29 await page.fill("editor", "test");30});31import { test } from "./test";32test("test", async () => {33 await"editor", "Enter");34});35import { test } from "./test";36test("test", async () => {37 await page.check("editor");38});39import { test } from "./test";40test("test", async () => {41 await page.uncheck("editor");42});43import { test } from "./test";44test("test", async () => {45 await page.selectOption("editor", "test");46});47import { test } from "./test";48test("test", async () => {49 await page.deselectOption("editor", "test");50});51import { test } from "./test";52test("test", async () => {53 await page.waitForSelector("editor");54});55import { test } from "./test";56test("test", async () => {57 await page.waitForSelector("editor", { state: "hidden" });58});59import { test } from

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {commitEditor} = require("qawolf");2commitEditor("test.js");3const {commitEditor} = require("qawolf");4commitEditor("test.js");5const {commitEditor} = require("qawolf");6commitEditor("test.js");7const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");8commitEditor("test.js");9const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");10commitEditor("test.js");11const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");12commitEditor("test.js");13const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");14commitEditor("test.js");15const { commitEditor } = require("qawolf");16commitEditor("test.js");17const { commitEditor } = require("

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