How to use serializeSignature method in Puppeteer

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Source:transaction.js Github


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...174 // pub r_x: Fr,175 // pub r_y: Fr,176 // pub s: Fr,177 // }178 let serializedSignature = serializeSignature(sig);179 let [r_x, r_y] = serializedSignature.R;180 let signature = {181 r_x: "0x" + r_x.padStart(64, "0"), 182 r_y: "0x" + r_y.padStart(64, "0"),183 s: "0x" + serializedSignature.S.padStart(64, "0")184 };185 let txForApi = {186 from: tx.from.toNumber(),187 to:,188 amount: tx.amount.toString(10),189 fee: tx.fee.toString(10),190 nonce: tx.nonce.toNumber(),191 good_until_block: tx.good_until_block.toNumber(),192 signature: signature...

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Source:JSBuilder.js Github


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...160 continue;161 const memberType = checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(member, member.valueDeclaration);162 const signature = memberType.getCallSignatures()[0];163 if (signature)164 members.push(serializeSignature(name, signature));165 else166 members.push(serializeProperty(name, memberType));167 }168 return new Documentation.Class(className, members);169 }170 /**171 * @param {string} name172 * @param {!ts.Signature} signature173 */174 function serializeSignature(name, signature) {175 const parameters = => serializeSymbol(s));176 const returnType = serializeType(signature.getReturnType());177 return Documentation.Member.createMethod(name, parameters, !== 'void' ? returnType : null);178 }179 /**180 * @param {string} name181 * @param {!ts.Type} type182 */183 function serializeProperty(name, type) {184 return Documentation.Member.createProperty(name, serializeType(type));185 }...

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Source:ts-file-summary.js Github


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...129 }130 /** Serialize a signature (call or construct)131 * @param {ts.Signature} signature132 */133 function serializeSignature(signature) {134 return {135 parameters:,136 returnType: checker.typeToString(signature.getReturnType()),137 documentation: displayPartsToString(signature.getDocumentationComment()),138 };139 }140 /** True if this is visible outside this file, false otherwise141 * @param {ts.Node} node142 */143 function isNodeExported(node) {144 return (145 (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) !== 0 ||146 (node.parent && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile)147 );...

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Source:index.js Github


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1"use strict";2// code based upon 3// and modified to output class and member declarations for use by a diff tool4const ts = require( 'typescript' );5const glob = require( 'glob' );6const fs = require( 'fs' );7const path = require( 'path' );8const args = process.argv.slice( 2 );9const dirname = args[ 0 ];10const outputFile = args.length > 1 ? args[ 1 ] : undefined;11const normalisedPathName = path.normalize( path.resolve( dirname ) ).replace( /\\/g, "/" ) + '/';12const normaliseFilename = ( filename ) => {13 return filename.replace( new RegExp( normalisedPathName ), '' );14};15glob( normalisedPathName + "**/*.d.ts", null, ( error, files ) => {16 const program = ts.createProgram( files, { maxNodeModuleJsDepth: 10 } );17 const checker = program.getTypeChecker();18 let output = [];19 for ( const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles() ) {20 const serializeSymbol = ( symbol ) => {21 if ( symbol.getName() === "default" ) {22 return {23 name: checker.typeToString( checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation( symbol, symbol.valueDeclaration ) ).substring( 7 )24 };25 } else {26 return {27 name: symbol.getName()28 };29 }30 };31 const serializeModifierFlags = ( symbol ) => {32 const flags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags( symbol );33 if ( flags === ts.ModifierFlags.None ) return "";34 if ( flags === ts.ModifierFlags.Export ) return "";35 //Export = 1,36 //Ambient = 2,37 //Public = 4,38 //Private = 8,39 //Protected = 16,40 //Static = 32,41 //Readonly = 64,42 //Abstract = 128,43 //Async = 256,44 //Default = 512,45 //Const = 2048,46 //HasComputedJSDocModifiers = 4096,47 //Deprecated = 8192,48 //HasComputedFlags = 536870912,49 //AccessibilityModifier = 28,50 //ParameterPropertyModifier = 92,51 //NonPublicAccessibilityModifier = 24,52 //TypeScriptModifier = 2270,53 //ExportDefault = 513,54 //All = 1126355 return `[${ flags }]`;56 };57 const normaliseImportedType = ( type ) => {58 if ( type.indexOf( 'typeof import(' ) >= 0 ) {59 type = normaliseFilename( type ).replace( /\"/g, "'" );60 }61 return type;62 };63 const serializeMember = ( symbol ) => `${ serializeModifierFlags( symbol ) }${ symbol.getName() }: ${ normaliseImportedType( checker.typeToString( checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation( symbol, symbol.valueDeclaration ) ) ) }`;64 const serializeSignature = ( signature ) => symbol => serializeMember( symbol ) ).join( ", " );65 const serializeClass = ( symbol ) => {66 let details = serializeSymbol( symbol );67 // Get the construct signatures68 let constructorType = checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation( symbol, symbol.valueDeclaration );69 details.constructors = constructorType70 .getConstructSignatures()71 .map( serializeSignature );72 const memberCount = symbol.members.size;73 if ( memberCount > 0 ) {74 details.members = [];75 for ( const kp of symbol.members ) {76 const memberKey = kp[ 0 ];77 if ( memberKey.startsWith( '_' ) ) continue; // ignore private members78 const memberValue = kp[ 1 ];79 details.members.push( serializeMember( memberValue ) );80 }81 details.members.sort();82 }83 return details;84 };85 const isNodeExported = ( node ) => ( ts.getCombinedModifierFlags( node ) & ts.ModifierFlags.Export ) !== 0 || ( !!node.parent && node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile );86 const visit = ( node ) => {87 // Only consider exported nodes88 if ( !isNodeExported( node ) ) {89 return;90 }91 if ( ts.isClassDeclaration( node ) && ) {92 // This is a top level class, get its symbol93 let symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation( );94 if ( symbol ) {95 const definition = serializeClass( symbol );96 output.push( { fileName: normaliseFilename( sourceFile.fileName ), ...definition } );97 }98 } else if ( ts.isModuleDeclaration( node ) ) {99 // This is a namespace, visit its children100 ts.forEachChild( node, visit );101 }102 };103 ts.forEachChild( sourceFile, visit );104 }105 output = output.filter( m => m.fileName.indexOf( "node_modules/" ) < 0 );106 output.sort( ( a, b ) => {107 if ( < ) return -1;108 if ( > ) return 1;109 return 0;110 } );111 if ( outputFile ) {112 fs.writeFileSync( outputFile, JSON.stringify( output, null, 2 ) );113 } else {114 console.log( JSON.stringify( output, null, 2 ) );115 }...

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Source:erc20.js Github


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...49 sequenceId50 );51 console.log('operationHash', operationHash.toString('hex'));52 const sig = util.ecsign(operationHash, proposerPrivateKey);53 console.log('serializeSignature(sig)', serializeSignature(sig));54 const input = contract.methods.sendMultiSigToken(to, quantity, tokenAddress, expireTime, sequenceId, '0x').encodeABI();55 console.log('');56 console.log('input', input);57 const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(sender);58 const gasPrice = '0x147d35700';59 const gasLimit = '0x18ab9';60 // const gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();61 // const gasLimit = await web3.eth.estimateGas({62 // from: sender,63 // to: from,64 // data: input,65 // nonce,66 // gasPrice,67 // });...

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Source:index.ts Github


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...83 .map(serializeSignature);84 return details;85 }86 /** Serialize a signature (call or construct) */87 function serializeSignature(signature: ts.Signature) {88 return {89 parameters:,90 returnType: checker.typeToString(signature.getReturnType()),91 documentation: ts.displayPartsToString(signature.getDocumentationComment(checker))92 };93 }94 /** True if this is visible outside this file, false otherwise */95 function isNodeExported(node: ts.Node): boolean {96 return (97 (ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node as ts.Declaration) & ts.ModifierFlags.Export) !== 0 ||98 (!!node.parent && node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile)99 );100 }101}...

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Source:RLPtxWithNumberAndSignature.js Github


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...78 */79 sign (privateKey) {80 return this.signedTransaction.sign(privateKey);81 }82 serializeSignature(signatureString) {83 return this.signedTransaction.serializeSignature(signatureString);84 }85 /**86 * validates the signature and checks internal consistency87 * @param {Boolean} [stringError=false] whether to return a string with a dscription of why the validation failed or return a Bloolean88 * @return {Boolean|String}89 */90 validate (stringError) {91 return this.signedTransaction.validate();92 }93 isWellFormed() {94 return this.signedTransaction.isWellFormed();95 }96 97 toFullJSON(labeled) {...

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Source:step3_withdraw.js Github


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...40 );41 // account1's42 const privateKey = Buffer.from('7546f96bbafce40001771f904a690f90b674d47e2a610b14f3a217dd9af7beec', "hex");43 const sig = util.ecsign(util.toBuffer(hash), privateKey);44 const serialize = serializeSignature(sig);45 // 出金46 const method = wallet.methods.sendMultiSig(47 destinationAccount, wei, Buffer.from(data), expireTime, sequenceId, serialize48 );49 const gas = await method.estimateGas();50 const gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();51 console.log("gas = " + gas);52 console.log("gasPrice = " + gasPrice);53 method.send({54 from: owner,55 gas: gas,56 gasPrice: gasPrice57 });58 console.log("balance0 = " + await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const fs = require('fs');3(async () => {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const signature = await page.evaluate(async () => {7 const { serializeSignature } = window.__puppeteer_utility_bindings__;8 return serializeSignature({ a: 1, b: 2 });9 });10 fs.writeFileSync('signature', signature);11 await browser.close();12})();13const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');14const fs = require('fs');15(async () => {16 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();17 const page = await browser.newPage();18 const signature = fs.readFileSync('signature', 'utf8');19 const deserializedSignature = await page.evaluate(async (signature) => {20 const { deserializeSignature } = window.__puppeteer_utility_bindings__;21 return deserializeSignature(signature);22 }, signature);23 console.log(deserializedSignature);24 await browser.close();25})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const util = require('util');5const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);6const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);7const dataPath = path.join(__dirname, 'data.json');8const { serializeSignature } = require('puppeteer/lib/USKeyboardLayout');9(async () => {10 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({11 });12 const page = await browser.newPage();13 await page.goto('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1(async () => {2 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();3 const page = await browser.newPage();4 const signature = await page.evaluate(() => {5 return serializeSignature(window);6 });7 console.log(signature);8 await browser.close();9})();10const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');11const fs = require('fs');12const serializeSignature = function (window) {13 const signature = window['signature'];14 const serializedSignature = {};15 for (const key in signature) {16 if (signature.hasOwnProperty(key)) {17 serializedSignature[key] = signature[key].toString();18 }19 }20 return serializedSignature;21};22puppeteer.launch().then(async browser => {23 const page = await browser.newPage();24 const signature = await page.evaluate(() => {25 return serializeSignature(window);26 });27 fs.writeFileSync('signature.json', JSON.stringify(signature));28 await browser.close();29});30{31 "puppeteer": "function puppeteer() {\n [native code]\n}",32 "launch": "function launch() {\n [native code]\n}",33 "Browser": "function Browser() {\n [native code]\n}",34 "BrowserContext": "function BrowserContext() {\n [native code]\n}",35 "CDPSession": "function CDPSession() {\n [native code]\n}",36 "Connection": "function Connection() {\n [native code]\n}",37 "Coverage": "function Coverage() {\n [native code]\n}",38 "Dialog": "function Dialog() {\n [native code]\n}",39 "ElementHandle": "function ElementHandle() {\n [native code]\n}",40 "ExecutionContext": "function ExecutionContext() {\n [native code]\n}",41 "Frame": "function Frame() {\n [native code]\n}",42 "HTTPResponse": "function HTTPResponse() {\n [native code]\n}",43 "JSHandle": "function JSHandle() {\n [native code]\n}",44 "Keyboard": "function Keyboard() {\n [native code]\n}",45 "Mouse": "function Mouse() {\n [native code]\n

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