Protractor automation testing framework index.

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Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. It runs tests in a real browser interacting with it as a user would.

Support and updates

  • Protractor has 8784 stars, 2398 forks.
  • It has 0 major releases in the past 6 months.
  • It has 0 commits and there are 64 open pull requests.
  • It has 680 open issues and 3422 have been closed.

Code statistics

  • Protractor has 37 methods.


Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:

Testing A Single Page Angular JS Applications

With the introduction of Angular JS, Google brought a paradigm shift in the world of web development. Gone were the days when static web pages consumed a lot of resources and resulted in a website that is slower to load and with each click on a button, resulting in a tiring page reload sequence. Dynamic single page websites or one page website became the new trend where with each user action, only the content of the page changed, sparing the user from experiencing a website full of slower page loads.

SelectorsHub: The Next Gen XPath, CSS Selectors Tool

This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Selenium Locators Tutorial.

Cypress End to End Testing Tutorial: A Detailed Guide

Software applications nowadays have become increasingly complex, and maximizing test coverage is one of the key aspects for every testing team. Testers globally rely upon different testing types using testing tools and frameworks. But there is an urgent need to test software systems (along with all their sub-systems) from beginning to end.

How To Find Flaky Selenium Test Suite

With Selenium being the most popular choice, automation testing has become an inevitable part of any Software Development Project. Backed by Continuous Testing, CI/CD pipelines, and DevOps, organizations make huge investments in setting up automatically triggered tests in the hopes of saving time, cost, and effort in the long run.

What Is ExpectedConditions In Selenium (With Examples)

The majority of the web products use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), due to which elements on the page are loaded at varying time intervals. This can lead to timing issues when automation testing is performed using the Selenium framework. What if a test is run on a WebElement that is not present in the DOM? The findElement function will raise ElementNotVisibleException.

Selenium Protractor Tutorial

Protractor is developed by Google Developers to test Angular and AngularJS code. Today, it is used to test non-Angular applications as well. It performs a real-world user-like test against your application in a real browser. It comes under an end-to-end testing framework. As of now, Selenium Protractor has proved to be a popular framework for end-to-end automation for AngularJS.

Let’s talk about what it does:

  • Protractor, built on WebDriver JS (Selenium), offers Angular-specific locator strategies.
  • It helps to construct automated tests for applications other than Angular JS and is not just intended to test AngularJS applications.
  • Page object design pattern is supported by Protractor Selenium, which improves in producing clear and legible code. Automation testers need to write clean code.
  • Frameworks like Jasmine, Cucumber, and others are fully integrated with Protractor.


Protractor is a JavaScript framework, end-to-end test automation framework for Angular and AngularJS applications.

Protractor Selenium provides new locator methods that actually make it easier to find elements in the DOM.

Two files are required to execute Protractor Selenium tests for end-to-end automation: Specs & Config. Go through the link above to understand in a better way.

To carry out extensive, automated cross browser testing, you can't imagine installing thousands of the available browsers on your own workstation. The only way to increase browser usage is through remote execution on the cloud. To execute your automation test scripts across a variety of platforms and browser versions, LambdaTest offers more than 3000 browsers.

We recommend Selenium for end-to-end automation for AngularJS because both are maintained and owned by Google, and they build JavaScript test automation framework to handle AngularJS components in a way that better matches how developers use it.

For scripting, selenium locators are essential since if they're off, your automation scripts won't run. Therefore, in any testing framework, these Selenium locators are the foundation of your Selenium test automation efforts.

To make sure that your Selenium automation tests function as intended, debugging can be an effective option. Check the blog to know more.

Get familiar with global variables that are majorly used in locating the DOM elements with examples for better understanding of these Selenium locators in protractor.

If you are not familiar with writing Selenium test automation on Protractor, here is a blog for you to get you understand in depth.

Selenium tests are asynchronous and there are various reasons for a timeout to occur in a Protractor test. Find out how to handle timeouts in this Protractor tutorial.

In this Protractor tutorial, learn how to handle frames or iframes in Selenium with Protractor for automated browser testing.

Handle alerts and popups in Protractor more efficiently. It can be confusing. Here's a simple guide to understand how to handle alerts and popups in Selenium.


Protractor is lincensed under the MIT License

LambdaTest Community Discussions


Using NodeJs, What syntax to use if I saved my LambdaTest automation credentials in my system environment?

I am running automation tests on iOS devices using Protractor Selenium

How to click on an element with JS-Protractor?

How to set value in a text field with JS-Protractor?

How to download a file from LambdaTest to my local machine with JS-Protractor?

I’m using NodeJS, what is the syntax to use if I saved my LambdaTest automation credentials in my system environment?

Hey Devan Skeem,

For Mocha-Chai & Jasmine-Chai, you can pass the below commands on your script:

  let username = process.env.LT_USERNAME,
  accessKey = process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY,

For Protractor-Jasmine:

exports.config = {

lambdatestUser: process.env.LT_USERNAME,

lambdatestKey: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY,


To learn more on how to get the LambdaTest Username and Access Key, first create your LambdaTest Account > Account Setting > Password and Security tab, and you can find the credentials and use them in your script. Follow our LambdaTest support documentation for complete guidance.

Hope this information was helpful :slight_smile:

Test case code snippets

Database testing - Check data truncation


Check if input data is not truncated while saving. The field length shown to the user on the page and in the database schema should be the same.

General webpage functionality - Verify font style and formatting


Font size, style, and color for headline, description text, labels, infield data, and grid info should be standard as specified in SRS.

API Testing - Check custom header response


Verify that the API returns a response with a custom HTTP header when a specific request header is sent.

Accessibility testing - Meaningful source order for content


Ensure that the source order presents content meaningfully. When the page is viewed without styles, all content on the page should still appear in a meaningful and logical order.


Protractor can be downloaded from it’s GitHub repository -

Other similar frameworks


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A Gorgeous HTML/CSS Reporter for Mocha.js


Taiko is a Node.js library with a clear and concise API to automate Chromium based browsers. Tests written in Taiko are highly readable and maintainable.


node.js module to run a simple http server for mock service responses.

Frameworks to try


JMock is a library that supports test-driven development of Java code with mock objects. Hels design and test the interactions between the objects in your programs.


vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with any unit test framework, like PHPUnit or SimpleTest.


Run and manage integration tests efficiently using Venom executors and assertions


PHP Mocking Framework


Ocaramba Test Framework was designed in Objectivity to propose a common way how people should create Selenium WebDriver tests.

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Perform automation testing with Protractor on LambdaTest, the most powerful, fastest, and secure cloud-based platform to accelerate test execution speed.

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