Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/*2 * Copyright 2007-2017 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at)>3 * This file is part of Pydio.4 *5 * Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify6 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or8 * (at your option) any later version.9 *10 * Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of12 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the13 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.14 *15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License16 * along with Pydio. If not, see <>.17 *18 * The latest code can be found at <>.19 */20'use strict';21exports.__esModule = true;22function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }23function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }24function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== 'function' && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }25var _pydio = require('pydio');26var _pydio2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pydio);27var _httpPydioApi = require('../http/PydioApi');28var _httpPydioApi2 = _interopRequireDefault(_httpPydioApi);29var _langObservable = require('../lang/Observable');30var _langObservable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_langObservable);31var _utilPathUtils = require('../util/PathUtils');32var _utilPathUtils2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utilPathUtils);33var _IdmObjectHelper = require('./IdmObjectHelper');34var _IdmObjectHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_IdmObjectHelper);35var _httpGenIndex = require('../http/gen/index');36var CellModel = (function (_Observable) {37 _inherits(CellModel, _Observable);38 function CellModel() {39 var editMode = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? false : arguments[0];40 _classCallCheck(this, CellModel);41;42 // Create an empty room43 this.cell = new _httpGenIndex.RestCell();44 this.cell.Label = '';45 this.cell.Description = '';46 this.cell.ACLs = {};47 this.cell.RootNodes = [];48 this.cell.Policies = [];49 this.cell.PoliciesContextEditable = true;50 this._edit = editMode;51 }52 CellModel.prototype.isDirty = function isDirty() {53 return this.dirty;54 };55 CellModel.prototype.isEditable = function isEditable() {56 return this.cell.PoliciesContextEditable;57 };58 CellModel.prototype.getRootNodes = function getRootNodes() {59 return this.cell.RootNodes;60 };61 CellModel.prototype.notifyDirty = function notifyDirty() {62 this.dirty = true;63 this.notify('update');64 };65 CellModel.prototype.revertChanges = function revertChanges() {66 if (this.originalCell) {67 this.cell = this.clone(this.originalCell);68 this.dirty = false;69 this.notify('update');70 }71 };72 /**73 *74 * @param node {TreeNode}75 * @return string76 */77 CellModel.prototype.getNodeLabelInContext = function getNodeLabelInContext(node) {78 var _this = this;79 var path = node.Path;80 var label = _utilPathUtils2['default'].getBasename(path);81 if (node.MetaStore && node.MetaStore.selection) {82 return label;83 }84 if (node.MetaStore && node.MetaStore.CellNode) {85 return '[Cell Folder]';86 }87 if (node.AppearsIn && node.AppearsIn.length) {88 (workspaceRelativePath) {89 if (workspaceRelativePath.WsUuid !== _this.cell.Uuid) {90 label = '[' + workspaceRelativePath.WsLabel + '] ' + _utilPathUtils2['default'].getBasename(workspaceRelativePath.Path);91 }92 });93 }94 return label;95 };96 /**97 *98 * @return {string}99 */100 CellModel.prototype.getAclsSubjects = function getAclsSubjects() {101 var _this2 = this;102 return Object.keys(this.cell.ACLs).map(function (roleId) {103 var acl = _this2.cell.ACLs[roleId];104 return _IdmObjectHelper2['default'].extractLabel(_pydio2['default'].getInstance(), acl);105 }).join(', ');106 };107 /**108 * @return {Object.<String, module:model/RestCellAcl>}109 */110 CellModel.prototype.getAcls = function getAcls() {111 return this.cell.ACLs;112 };113 /**114 *115 * @param idmObject IdmUser|IdmRole116 */117 CellModel.prototype.addUser = function addUser(idmObject) {118 var acl = new _httpGenIndex.RestCellAcl();119 acl.RoleId = idmObject.Uuid;120 if (idmObject.Login !== undefined) {121 acl.IsUserRole = true;122 acl.User = idmObject;123 } else if (idmObject.IsGroup) {124 acl.Group = idmObject;125 } else {126 acl.Role = idmObject;127 }128 acl.Actions = [];129 var action = new _httpGenIndex.IdmACLAction();130 action.Name = 'read';131 action.Value = '1';132 acl.Actions.push(action);133 this.cell.ACLs[acl.RoleId] = acl;134 this.notifyDirty();135 };136 /**137 *138 * @param roleId string139 */140 CellModel.prototype.removeUser = function removeUser(roleId) {141 if (this.cell.ACLs[roleId]) {142 delete this.cell.ACLs[roleId];143 }144 this.notifyDirty();145 };146 /**147 *148 * @param roleId string149 * @param right string150 * @param value bool151 */152 CellModel.prototype.updateUserRight = function updateUserRight(roleId, right, value) {153 if (value) {154 var acl = this.cell.ACLs[roleId];155 var action = new _httpGenIndex.IdmACLAction();156 action.Name = right;157 action.Value = '1';158 acl.Actions.push(action);159 this.cell.ACLs[roleId] = acl;160 } else {161 if (this.cell.ACLs[roleId]) {162 var actions = this.cell.ACLs[roleId].Actions;163 this.cell.ACLs[roleId].Actions = actions.filter(function (action) {164 return action.Name !== right;165 });166 if (!this.cell.ACLs[roleId].Actions.length) {167 this.removeUser(roleId);168 return;169 }170 }171 }172 this.notifyDirty();173 };174 /**175 *176 * @param node Node177 * @param repositoryId String178 */179 CellModel.prototype.addRootNode = function addRootNode(node) {180 var repositoryId = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? null : arguments[1];181 var pydio = _pydio2['default'].getInstance();182 var treeNode = new _httpGenIndex.TreeNode();183 treeNode.Uuid = node.getMetadata().get('uuid');184 var slug = undefined;185 if (repositoryId) {186 slug = pydio.user.getRepositoriesList().get(repositoryId).getSlug();187 } else {188 slug = pydio.user.getActiveRepositoryObject().getSlug();189 }190 treeNode.Path = slug + node.getPath();191 treeNode.MetaStore = { selection: true };192 this.cell.RootNodes.push(treeNode);193 this.notifyDirty();194 };195 /**196 *197 * @param uuid string198 */199 CellModel.prototype.removeRootNode = function removeRootNode(uuid) {200 var newNodes = [];201 (n) {202 if (n.Uuid !== uuid) {203 newNodes.push(n);204 }205 });206 this.cell.RootNodes = newNodes;207 this.notifyDirty();208 };209 /**210 *211 * @param nodeId212 * @return bool213 */214 CellModel.prototype.hasRootNode = function hasRootNode(nodeId) {215 return this.cell.RootNodes.filter(function (root) {216 return root.Uuid === nodeId;217 }).length;218 };219 /**220 * Check if there are differences between current root nodes and original ones221 * @return {boolean}222 */223 CellModel.prototype.hasDirtyRootNodes = function hasDirtyRootNodes() {224 var _this3 = this;225 if (!this.originalCell) {226 return false;227 }228 var newNodes = [],229 deletedNodes = [];230 (n) {231 if (_this3.originalCell.RootNodes.filter(function (root) {232 return root.Uuid === n.Uuid;233 }).length === 0) {234 newNodes.push(n.Uuid);235 }236 });237 (n) {238 if (_this3.cell.RootNodes.filter(function (root) {239 return root.Uuid === n.Uuid;240 }).length === 0) {241 deletedNodes.push(n.Uuid);242 }243 });244 return newNodes.length > 0 || deletedNodes.length > 0;245 };246 /**247 *248 * @param roomLabel249 */250 CellModel.prototype.setLabel = function setLabel(roomLabel) {251 this.cell.Label = roomLabel;252 this.notifyDirty();253 };254 /**255 *256 * @return {String}257 */258 CellModel.prototype.getLabel = function getLabel() {259 return this.cell.Label;260 };261 /**262 *263 * @return {String}264 */265 CellModel.prototype.getDescription = function getDescription() {266 return this.cell.Description;267 };268 /**269 *270 * @return {String}271 */272 CellModel.prototype.getUuid = function getUuid() {273 return this.cell.Uuid;274 };275 /**276 *277 * @param description278 */279 CellModel.prototype.setDescription = function setDescription(description) {280 this.cell.Description = description;281 this.notifyDirty();282 };283 CellModel.prototype.clone = function clone(room) {284 return _httpGenIndex.RestCell.constructFromObject(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(room)));285 };286 /**287 * @return {Promise}288 */289 = function save() {290 var _this4 = this;291 if (!this.cell.RootNodes.length && this.cell.Uuid) {292 // cell was emptied, remove it293 return this.deleteCell('This cell has no more items in it, it will be deleted, are you sure?');294 }295 var api = new _httpGenIndex.ShareServiceApi(_httpPydioApi2['default'].getRestClient());296 var request = new _httpGenIndex.RestPutCellRequest();297 if (!this._edit && !this.cell.RootNodes.length) {298 request.CreateEmptyRoot = true;299 }300 (node) {301 if (node.MetaStore && node.MetaStore.selection) {302 delete node.MetaStore.selection;303 }304 });305 request.Room = this.cell;306 return api.putCell(request).then(function (response) {307 if (!response || !response.Uuid) {308 throw new Error('Error while saving cell');309 }310 if (_this4._edit) {311 _this4.cell = response;312 _this4.dirty = false;313 _this4.originalCell = _this4.clone(_this4.cell);314 _this4.notify('update');315 } else {316 _pydio2['default'].getInstance().observeOnce('repository_list_refreshed', function () {317 _pydio2['default'].getInstance().triggerRepositoryChange(response.Uuid);318 });319 }320 });321 };322 CellModel.prototype.load = function load(cellId) {323 var _this5 = this;324 var api = new _httpGenIndex.ShareServiceApi(_httpPydioApi2['default'].getRestClient());325 return api.getCell(cellId).then(function (room) {326 _this5.cell = room;327 if (!_this5.cell.RootNodes) {328 _this5.cell.RootNodes = [];329 }330 if (!_this5.cell.ACLs) {331 _this5.cell.ACLs = {};332 }333 if (!_this5.cell.Policies) {334 _this5.cell.Policies = [];335 }336 if (!_this5.cell.Description) {337 _this5.cell.Description = '';338 }339 _this5._edit = true;340 _this5.originalCell = _this5.clone(_this5.cell);341 _this5.notify('update');342 });343 };344 /**345 * @param confirmMessage String346 * @return {Promise}347 */348 CellModel.prototype.deleteCell = function deleteCell() {349 var _this6 = this;350 var confirmMessage = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? '' : arguments[0];351 if (!confirmMessage) {352 confirmMessage = 'Are you sure you want to delete this cell? This cannot be undone.';353 }354 if (confirm(confirmMessage)) {355 var _ret = (function () {356 var api = new _httpGenIndex.ShareServiceApi(_httpPydioApi2['default'].getRestClient());357 var pydio = _pydio2['default'].getInstance();358 if (pydio.user.activeRepository === _this6.cell.Uuid) {359 (function () {360 var switchToOther = undefined;361 pydio.user.getRepositoriesList().forEach(function (v, k) {362 if (k !== _this6.cell.Uuid && (!switchToOther || v.getAccessType() === 'gateway')) {363 switchToOther = k;364 }365 });366 if (switchToOther) {367 pydio.triggerRepositoryChange(switchToOther, function () {368 api.deleteCell(_this6.cell.Uuid).then(function (res) {});369 });370 }371 })();372 } else {373 return {374 v: api.deleteCell(_this6.cell.Uuid).then(function (res) {})375 };376 }377 })();378 if (typeof _ret === 'object') return _ret.v;379 }380 return Promise.resolve({});381 };382 return CellModel;383})(_langObservable2['default']);384exports['default'] = CellModel;...
1/*2 * Copyright 2007-2017 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at)>3 * This file is part of Pydio.4 *5 * Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify6 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or8 * (at your option) any later version.9 *10 * Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of12 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the13 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.14 *15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License16 * along with Pydio. If not, see <>.17 *18 * The latest code can be found at <>.19 */20import PydioApi from '../http/PydioApi'21import Observable from '../lang/Observable'22import PathUtils from '../util/PathUtils'23import IdmObjectHelper from './IdmObjectHelper'24import {ShareServiceApi, RestPutCellRequest, RestCell, RestCellAcl, IdmACLAction, TreeNode} from '../http/gen/index'25class CellModel extends Observable{26 dirty;27 constructor(editMode = false){28 super();29 // Create an empty room30 this.cell = new RestCell();31 this.cell.Label = '';32 this.cell.Description = '';33 this.cell.ACLs = {};34 this.cell.RootNodes = [];35 this.cell.Policies = [];36 this.cell.PoliciesContextEditable = true;37 this._edit = editMode;38 }39 isDirty(){40 return this.dirty;41 }42 isEditable(){43 return this.cell.PoliciesContextEditable;44 }45 getRootNodes(){46 return this.cell.RootNodes;47 }48 49 notifyDirty(){50 this.dirty = true;51 this.notify('update');52 }53 revertChanges(){54 if(this.originalCell){55 this.cell = this.clone(this.originalCell);56 this.dirty = false;57 this.notify('update');58 }59 }60 /**61 *62 * @param node {TreeNode}63 * @return string64 */65 getNodeLabelInContext(node){66 const path = node.Path;67 let label = PathUtils.getBasename(path);68 if(node.MetaStore && node.MetaStore.selection){69 return label;70 }71 if(node.MetaStore && node.MetaStore.CellNode) {72 return '[Cell Folder]';73 }74 if(node.AppearsIn && node.AppearsIn.length){75 => {76 if (workspaceRelativePath.WsUuid !== this.cell.Uuid){77 label = '[' + workspaceRelativePath.WsLabel + '] ' + PathUtils.getBasename(workspaceRelativePath.Path);78 }79 })80 }81 return label;82 }83 /**84 *85 * @return {string}86 */87 getAclsSubjects(){88 return Object.keys(this.cell.ACLs).map(roleId => {89 const acl = this.cell.ACLs[roleId];90 return IdmObjectHelper.extractLabel(pydio, acl);91 }).join(', ');92 }93 /**94 * @return {Object.<String, module:model/RestCellAcl>}95 */96 getAcls(){97 return this.cell.ACLs;98 }99 /**100 *101 * @param idmObject IdmUser|IdmRole102 */103 addUser(idmObject){104 let acl = new RestCellAcl();105 acl.RoleId = idmObject.Uuid;106 if(idmObject.Login !== undefined){107 acl.IsUserRole = true;108 acl.User = idmObject;109 } else if(idmObject.IsGroup){110 acl.Group = idmObject;111 } else {112 acl.Role = idmObject;113 }114 acl.Actions = [];115 let action = new IdmACLAction();116 action.Name = 'read';117 action.Value = '1';118 acl.Actions.push(action);119 this.cell.ACLs[acl.RoleId] = acl;120 this.notifyDirty();121 }122 /**123 *124 * @param roleId string125 */126 removeUser(roleId){127 if(this.cell.ACLs[roleId]){128 delete this.cell.ACLs[roleId];129 }130 this.notifyDirty();131 }132 /**133 *134 * @param roleId string135 * @param right string136 * @param value bool137 */138 updateUserRight(roleId, right, value){139 if (value) {140 const acl = this.cell.ACLs[roleId];141 let action = new IdmACLAction();142 action.Name = right;143 action.Value = '1';144 acl.Actions.push(action);145 this.cell.ACLs[roleId] = acl;146 } else {147 if (this.cell.ACLs[roleId]) {148 const actions = this.cell.ACLs[roleId].Actions;149 this.cell.ACLs[roleId].Actions = actions.filter((action) => {150 return action.Name !== right;151 });152 if(!this.cell.ACLs[roleId].Actions.length) {153 this.removeUser(roleId);154 return;155 }156 }157 }158 this.notifyDirty();159 }160 /**161 *162 * @param node Node163 */164 addRootNode(node){165 let treeNode = new TreeNode();166 treeNode.Uuid = node.getMetadata().get('uuid');167 treeNode.Path = node.getPath();168 treeNode.MetaStore = {selection:true};169 this.cell.RootNodes.push(treeNode);170 this.notifyDirty();171 }172 /**173 *174 * @param uuid string175 */176 removeRootNode(uuid){177 let newNodes = [];178 => {179 if (n.Uuid !== uuid) {180 newNodes.push(n);181 }182 });183 this.cell.RootNodes = newNodes;184 this.notifyDirty();185 }186 /**187 *188 * @param nodeId189 * @return bool190 */191 hasRootNode(nodeId){192 return this.cell.RootNodes.filter(root => {193 return root.Uuid === nodeId;194 }).length;195 }196 /**197 * Check if there are differences between current root nodes and original ones198 * @return {boolean}199 */200 hasDirtyRootNodes(){201 if(!this.originalCell) {202 return false;203 }204 let newNodes = [], deletedNodes = [];205 => {206 if (this.originalCell.RootNodes.filter(root => {207 return root.Uuid === n.Uuid;208 }).length === 0) {209 newNodes.push(n.Uuid);210 }211 });212 => {213 if (this.cell.RootNodes.filter(root => {214 return root.Uuid === n.Uuid;215 }).length === 0) {216 deletedNodes.push(n.Uuid);217 }218 });219 return newNodes.length > 0 || deletedNodes.length > 0;220 }221 /**222 *223 * @param roomLabel224 */225 setLabel(roomLabel){226 this.cell.Label = roomLabel;227 this.notifyDirty();228 }229 /**230 *231 * @return {String}232 */233 getLabel(){234 return this.cell.Label;235 }236 /**237 *238 * @return {String}239 */240 getDescription(){241 return this.cell.Description;242 }243 /**244 *245 * @return {String}246 */247 getUuid(){248 return this.cell.Uuid;249 }250 /**251 *252 * @param description253 */254 setDescription(description){255 this.cell.Description = description;256 this.notifyDirty();257 }258 clone(room){259 return RestCell.constructFromObject(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(room)));260 }261 /**262 * @return {Promise}263 */264 save(){265 if(!this.cell.RootNodes.length && this.cell.Uuid) {266 // cell was emptied, remove it267 return this.deleteCell('This cell has no more items in it, it will be deleted, are you sure?');268 }269 const api = new ShareServiceApi(PydioApi.getRestClient());270 let request = new RestPutCellRequest();271 if(!this._edit && !this.cell.RootNodes.length){272 request.CreateEmptyRoot = true;273 }274 => {275 if(node.MetaStore && node.MetaStore.selection){276 delete node.MetaStore.selection;277 }278 });279 request.Room = this.cell;280 return api.putCell(request).then(response=>{281 if(!response || !response.Uuid){282 throw new Error('Error while saving cell');283 }284 if(this._edit) {285 this.cell = response;286 this.dirty = false;287 this.originalCell = this.clone(this.cell);288 this.notify('update');289 } else {290 pydio.observeOnce('repository_list_refreshed', ()=>{291 pydio.triggerRepositoryChange(response.Uuid);292 });293 }294 });295 }296 load(cellId){297 const api = new ShareServiceApi(PydioApi.getRestClient());298 return api.getCell(cellId).then(room => {299 this.cell = room;300 if(!this.cell.RootNodes){301 this.cell.RootNodes = [];302 }303 if(!this.cell.ACLs){304 this.cell.ACLs = {};305 }306 if(!this.cell.Policies){307 this.cell.Policies = [];308 }309 if(!this.cell.Description){310 this.cell.Description = '';311 }312 this._edit = true;313 this.originalCell = this.clone(this.cell);314 this.notify('update');315 })316 }317 /**318 *319 * @return {Promise}320 */321 deleteCell(confirmMessage = ''){322 if(!confirmMessage){323 confirmMessage = 'Are you sure you want to delete this cell? This cannot be undone.';324 }325 if (confirm(confirmMessage)){326 const api = new ShareServiceApi(PydioApi.getRestClient());327 if(pydio.user.activeRepository === this.cell.Uuid){328 let switchToOther;329 pydio.user.getRepositoriesList().forEach((v, k) => {330 if(k !== this.cell.Uuid && (!switchToOther || v.getAccessType() === 'gateway')){331 switchToOther = k;332 }333 });334 if(switchToOther){335 pydio.triggerRepositoryChange(switchToOther, () => {336 api.deleteCell(this.cell.Uuid).then(res => {});337 });338 }339 } else {340 return api.deleteCell(this.cell.Uuid).then(res => {});341 }342 }343 return Promise.resolve({});344 }345}...
1/*---------------------------------------------------------2 * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.3 *--------------------------------------------------------*/4/// <reference path="../../declare/node.d.ts" />5'use strict';6define(["require", "exports", 'fs', 'path', '../../lib/extfs', '../../lib/extpath', '../../lib/mime', '../../lib/types', '../../lib/flow', '../../lib/uri'], function (require, exports, fs, npath, extfs, extpath, mime, types, flow, URI) {7 var parallel = flow.parallel;8 var sequence = flow.sequence;9 // In case we get an EPERM/ENOENT/EBUSY error this indicates that a call to fs.stat() failed with insufficient permissions10 // or that the file does not exist anymore at the time where the call was made.11 // This can mean monaco is unable to read the node in the file system and we will simply ignore it. This enables12 // monaco to run over partially readable filesystems without failing big time.13 var errorsToIgnore = ['EPERM', 'ENOENT', 'EBUSY'];14 var Stat = (function () {15 function Stat(resource, basePath, workspaceRelativePath, isDirectory, mtime, size) {16 this.resource = resource;17 this.basePath = basePath;18 if (!workspaceRelativePath) {19 var root = URI.file(this.basePath).path;20 if (this.resource.path.indexOf(root + '/') === 0) {21 this.workspaceRelativePath = extpath.normalize(this.resource.path.substr(root.length));22 }23 }24 else {25 this.workspaceRelativePath = extpath.normalize(workspaceRelativePath);26 }27 this.isDirectory = isDirectory;28 this.mtime = mtime;29 = extpath.getName(resource.path);30 this.mime = !this.isDirectory ? mime.guessMimeTypes(resource.path).join(', ') : null;31 this.etag = extfs.etag(size, mtime);32 }33 Stat.prototype.serialize = function (options, callback) {34 var _this = this;35 // General Data36 var serialized = {37 resource: this.resource,38 isDirectory: this.isDirectory,39 path: this.workspaceRelativePath,40 name:,41 etag: this.etag,42 hasChildren: undefined,43 size: undefined,44 mtime: this.mtime,45 mime: this.mime46 };47 // Set default options if needed48 if (!options) {49 options = {};50 }51 // File Specific Data52 if (!this.isDirectory) {53 callback(null, serialized);54 return;55 }56 else {57 // Convert the paths from options.resolveTo to absolute paths58 var absoluteTargetPaths = null;59 if (options.resolveTo) {60 absoluteTargetPaths = [];61 options.resolveTo.forEach(function (path) {62 absoluteTargetPaths.push(extpath.join(_this.basePath, path));63 });64 }65 // Load children66 var errorBucket = [];67 this.serializeChildren(this.basePath, this.workspaceRelativePath, absoluteTargetPaths, options.resolveSingleChildDescendants, errorBucket, function (error, children) {68 // Remove null entries69 error = types.coalesce(error);70 errorBucket = types.coalesce(errorBucket);71 children = types.coalesce(children);72 // Send any errors back to client73 if (error && error.length > 0) {74 if (_this.workspaceRelativePath === '\\' || _this.workspaceRelativePath === '/') {75 var errorMsg = 'Error reading workspace. If this error persists, please restart this website (' + error[0].toString() + ').';76 callback(new Error(errorMsg), null, errorBucket);77 }78 else {79 callback(error[0], null, errorBucket);80 }81 return;82 }83 serialized.hasChildren = children && children.length > 0;84 serialized.children = children || [];85 callback(null, serialized, errorBucket);86 });87 }88 };89 Stat.prototype.serializeChildren = function (basePath, relativePath, absoluteTargetPaths, resolveSingleChildDescendants, errorBucket, callback) {90 var _this = this;91 var absolutePath = extpath.join(basePath, relativePath);92 fs.readdir(absolutePath, function (error, files) {93 if (error) {94 if (errorsToIgnore.some(function (ignore) { return error.code === ignore; })) {95 return callback(null, null);96 }97 errorBucket.push(error);98 return callback([error], null);99 }100 parallel(files, function (file, clb) {101 var filePath = npath.resolve(absolutePath, file);102 var relativeFilePath = npath.join(relativePath, file);103 var fileStat;104 var $this = _this;105 sequence(function onError(error) {106 clb(errorsToIgnore.some(function (ignore) { return error.code === ignore; }) ? null : error, null);107 }, function stat() {108 fs.stat(filePath, this);109 }, function countChildren(fsstat) {110 fileStat = fsstat;111 if (fileStat.isDirectory()) {112 extfs.countChildren(filePath, this);113 }114 else {115 this(null, 0);116 }117 }, function serialize(childCount) {118 var childStat = {119 resource: URI.file(filePath),120 isDirectory: fileStat.isDirectory(),121 hasChildren: childCount > 0,122 name: file,123 mtime: fileStat.mtime.getTime(),124 path: relativeFilePath,125 etag: extfs.etag(fileStat),126 mime: !fileStat.isDirectory() ? mime.guessMimeTypes(filePath).join(', ') : undefined127 };128 // Return early for files129 if (!fileStat.isDirectory()) {130 return clb(null, childStat);131 }132 // Handle Folder133 var resolveFolderChildren = false;134 if (files.length === 1 && resolveSingleChildDescendants) {135 resolveFolderChildren = true;136 }137 else if (childCount > 0 && absoluteTargetPaths && absoluteTargetPaths.some(function (targetPath) { return targetPath.indexOf(filePath) === 0; })) {138 resolveFolderChildren = true;139 }140 // Continue resolving children based on condition141 if (resolveFolderChildren) {142 $this.serializeChildren(basePath, relativeFilePath, absoluteTargetPaths, resolveSingleChildDescendants, errorBucket, function (error, children) {143 // Remove null entries144 error = types.coalesce(error);145 children = types.coalesce(children);146 if (error && error.length > 0) {147 clb(error[0], null);148 return;149 }150 childStat.hasChildren = children && children.length > 0;151 childStat.children = children || [];152 clb(null, childStat);153 });154 }155 else {156 clb(null, childStat);157 }158 });159 }, function (errors, result) {160 if (errors && errors.length > 0) {161 errorBucket.push.apply(errorBucket, errors);162 }163 callback(errors, result);164 });165 });166 };167 Stat.prototype.matches = function (etag) {168 return this.etag === etag;169 };170 return Stat;171 })();172 exports.Stat = Stat;
...7 * */8const vscode = require('vscode');9const path = require('path');10const fs = require('fs');11function workspaceRelativePath(uri){12 let workspacePath = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri).uri.fsPath;13 return path.relative(workspacePath, uri.fsPath);14}15 /** views */16class BaseView {17 async refresh(value) {18 this.treeView.message = undefined; // clear the treeview message19 return this.dataProvider.refresh(value);20 }21 async onDidSelectionChange(event) { }22}23class BaseDataProvider {24 async dataGetRoot() {25 return [];26 }27 dataGetChildren(element) {28 return null;29 }30 /** tree methods */31 getChildren(element) {32 return element ? this.dataGetChildren(element) : this.dataGetRoot();33 }34 getParent(element) {35 return element.parent;36 }37 getTreeItem(element) {38 return {39 resourceUri: element.resource,40 label: element.label,41 iconPath: element.iconPath,42 collapsibleState: element.collapsibleState,43 children: element.children,44 command: element.command || {45 command: 'vscode-tarantula.jumpToRange',46 arguments: [element.resource],47 title: 'JumpTo'48 }49 };50 }51 /** other methods */52 refresh() {53 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {54;55 resolve();56 });57 }58}59class HighScoreViewDataProvider extends BaseDataProvider {60 constructor(treeView) {61 super();62 this.treeView = treeView;63 this._onDidChangeTreeData = new vscode.EventEmitter();64 this.onDidChangeTreeData = this._onDidChangeTreeData.event;65 = null;66 this.documentUri = null;67 }68 async dataGetRoot() {69 if ( === null && this.documentUri === null) {70 return [];71 }72 return => {73 let element = {74 "rank": entry[0],75 "path": entry[1],76 "resource": vscode.Uri.file(entry[1]),77 "lineStart": entry[2] -1,78 "lineEnd": entry[3] -179 };80 let label = `(${element.rank}) ${workspaceRelativePath(element.resource)} (${element.lineStart}-${element.lineEnd})`;81 let range = new vscode.Range(element.lineStart, 0, element.lineEnd, 100000);82 let item = {83 resource: element.resource,84 contextValue: element.resource.fsPath,85 range: range,86 label: label,87 tooltip: label,88 name: label,89 iconPath: vscode.ThemeIcon.File,90 collapsibleState: 0,// vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState.Collapsed,91 parent: null,92 children: null,93 command: {94 command: 'vscode-tarantula.jumpToRange',...
1import path from "node:path";2import { pnpmWorskpaceProjectConfig, pnpmWorskpaceConfig } from "../pnpm/config.js";3import { readJson, readFile, copyFile } from "../common/utils.js";4import { workspacePath } from "../common/paths.js";5export async function projectRelativePath(projectName) {6 return pnpmWorskpaceProjectConfig(projectName);7}8export async function projectPath(projectName) {9 const projectPathBasedOnPnpmConfig = await projectRelativePath(projectName);10 return workspacePath(projectPathBasedOnPnpmConfig);11}12export async function projectFilePath(projectName, {13 const projectRootPath = await projectPath(projectName);14 return path.resolve.apply(path, [projectRootPath,]);15}16export async function readProjectJson(projectName, fileName) {17 const projectJson = await projectFilePath(projectName, fileName);18 return readJson(projectJson);19}20export async function readProjectFile(projectName, fileName) {21 const projectFile = await projectFilePath(projectName, fileName);22 return readFile(projectFile);23}24export async function allProjectNames() {25 const workspaceConfig = await pnpmWorskpaceConfig();26 return Object.keys(workspaceConfig.projects);27}28export async function copyWorkspaceFileToProject(29 projectName,30 workspaceRelativePath,31 relativePathInProject32) {33 const dest = await projectFilePath(projectName, relativePathInProject || workspaceRelativePath);34 return copyFile(workspacePath(workspaceRelativePath), dest);...
1//// [tests/cases/compiler/visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage.ts] ////23//// [visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_commands.ts]4//visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage5import fs = require('./visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_fs');6import server = require('./visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_server');7export interface IConfiguration {8 workspace: server.IWorkspace;9 server?: server.IServer;10}1112//// [visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_server.ts]13export interface IServer {14}15export interface IWorkspace {16 toAbsolutePath(server: IServer, workspaceRelativePath?: string): string;17}1819//// [visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_fs.ts]20import commands = require('./visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_commands');21function run(configuration: commands.IConfiguration) {22 var absoluteWorkspacePath = configuration.workspace.toAbsolutePath(configuration.server);23}2425//// [visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_server.js]26//// [visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_commands.js]27//visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage28//// [visibilityOfCrossModuleTypeUsage_fs.js]29function run(configuration) {30 var absoluteWorkspacePath = configuration.workspace.toAbsolutePath(configuration.server);
1/* eslint-disable import/no-dynamic-require */2/* eslint-disable global-require */3/* eslint-disable no-multi-assign */4const path = require('path');5const ROOT = require('find-yarn-workspace-root')(__dirname);6const rootPackage = require(path.join(ROOT, 'package.json'));7const WORKSPACES = rootPackage.workspaces.reduce(8 (obj, workspaceRelativePath) => {9 const workspacePath = path.join(workspaceRelativePath);10 const { name: workspaceName } = require(path.join(11 ROOT,12 workspacePath,13 'package.json',14 ));15 return { ...obj, [workspaceName]: workspacePath };16 },17 {},18);19const NODE_MODULES = path.join(ROOT, 'node_modules');20const WORKSPACE = process.cwd(); // TODO: Test this with Lerna21module.exports = {22 ROOT,23 WORKSPACES,24 WORKSPACE,25 NODE_MODULES,...
1const path = require('path');2module.exports = new class ConfigService { 3 async init(workspaceRelativePath) { 4 this.workspaceRelativePath = workspaceRelativePath;5 const ref = await import(this.path('config.js'));6 this.config = ref.default;7 }8 path(param) { 9 return path.join(process.cwd(), this.workspaceRelativePath, param);10 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const path = require('path');2const playwright = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: path.join(await context.workspaceRelativePath(), 'screenshot.png') });8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const path = require('path');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.pdf');8 await page.pdf({ path: filePath });9 console.log(filePath);10 await browser.close();11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const path = require('path');3const fs = require('fs');4(async () => {5 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const fileToUpload = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {9 const input = document.createElement('input');10 input.type = 'file';11 return input;12 });13 await fileToUpload.asElement().uploadFile('test.txt');14 const filePath = await page.evaluate((fileToUpload) => {15 return fileToUpload.files[0].path;16 }, fileToUpload);17 console.log(filePath);18 await browser.close();19})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');2const path = require('path');3module.exports = {4 {5 use: {6 launchOptions: {7 userDataDir: workspaceRelativePath(8 path.join('..', '..', 'data', 'chrome')9 },10 },11 },12 {13 use: {14 launchOptions: {15 userDataDir: workspaceRelativePath(16 path.join('..', '..', 'data', 'firefox')17 },18 },19 },20};21const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');22const path = require('path');23module.exports = {24 {25 use: {26 launchOptions: {27 userDataDir: workspaceRelativePath(28 path.join('..', '..', 'data', 'chrome')29 },30 },31 },32 {33 use: {34 launchOptions: {35 userDataDir: workspaceRelativePath(36 path.join('..', '..', 'data', 'firefox')37 },38 },39 },40};41const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');42const path = require('path');43module.exports = {44 {45 use: {46 launchOptions: {47 userDataDir: workspaceRelativePath(48 path.join('..', '..', 'data', 'chrome')49 },50 },51 },52 {53 use: {
Using AI Code Generation
1const path = require('path');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('playwright/lib/utils/workspacePath');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const title = await page.title();9 console.log(title);10 await page.screenshot({ path: workspaceRelativePath(path.join('test', 'screenshot.png')) });11 await browser.close();12})();13const path = require('path');14const { chromium } = require('playwright');15const { workspacePath } = require('playwright/lib/utils/workspacePath');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 const page = await context.newPage();20 const title = await page.title();21 console.log(title);22 await page.screenshot({ path: workspacePath(path.join('test', 'screenshot.png')) });23 await browser.close();24})();25We welcome any contributions to Playwright. Please read our [contribution guide](
Using AI Code Generation
1const path = require('path');2const playwright = require('playwright');3const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5const context = await browser.newContext();6const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');2console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.js'));3const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');4console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.js'));5const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');6console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));7const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');8console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));9const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');10console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));11const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');12console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));13const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');14console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));15const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');16console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));17const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');18console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));19const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');20console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));21const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');22console.log(workspaceRelativePath('test.spec.ts'));23const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');
Using AI Code Generation
1const path = require('path');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');3const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/workspaceRelativePath');4test('My test', async () => {5 const testPath = workspaceRelativePath(__filename);6 const expectedPath = path.join('test', 'test.js');7 expect(testPath).toBe(expectedPath);8});9module.exports = {10}11module.exports = {12}13module.exports = {14}15module.exports = {16}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');2const path = require('path');3const fs = require('fs');4const filePath = workspaceRelativePath('test.txt');5fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'Hello World!');6console.log('File created at: ', filePath);7const { workspaceRelativePath } = require('@playwright/test');8const path = require('path');9const fs = require('fs');10const filePath = workspaceRelativePath('test.txt');11fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'Hello World!');12console.log('File created at: ', filePath);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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