Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...134 + count + " of " + expected);135 }136 137 var maxTries = 15, retries = 0;138 function waitForOutput(match, callback) {139 setTimeout(function() {140 var value = tabs.focussedTab.editor.ace.session.getValue();141 142 if (retries < maxTries && !value.match(match)) {143 retries++;144 return waitForOutput(match, callback);145 }146 147 expect(value, "Output Mismatch").match(match);148 149 callback();150 }, 500);151 }152 153 describe('run', function() {154 before(function(done) {155 bar.$ = "rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.93)";156 bar.$ = "fixed";157 bar.$ = "20px";158 bar.$ = "20px";159 bar.$ = "20px";160 bar.$ = "150px";161 162 = "150px";163 164 document.querySelector(".console").style.height = "100%";165 166 done();167 });168 169 describe("listRunners()", function() {170 it('should list all runners', function(done) {171 run.listRunners(function(err, runners) {172 if (err) throw err.message;173 174 expect(runners);175 done();176 });177 });178 });179 180 describe("getRunner()", function() {181 it('should retrieve the runner of a certain type', function(done) {182 run.getRunner("node", false, function(err, runner) {183 if (err) throw err.message;184 185 expect(runner).to.ok;186 done();187 });188 });189 });190 191 describe("run()", function() {192 this.timeout(10000);193 194 it('should run a file with a runner', function(done) {195 var foundPid, count = 0;196 197 run.getRunner("node", false, function(err, runner) {198 if (err) throw err.message;199 200 expect(runner).to.ok;201 202 var c = "console.log('Hello World', new Date());";203 204 fs.writeFile("/helloworld.js", c, "utf8", function(err) {205 if (err) throw err.message;206 207 var process =, {208 path: "helloworld.js"209 }, "testoutput1", function(err, pid) {210 if (err) throw err.message;211 expect(parseInt(pid, 10)).to.ok;212 expect(process.running).to.not.equal(run.STARTING);213 foundPid = true;214 });215 216 expect(process.running).to.equal(run.STARTING);217 218 function c2() { count++; }219 process.on("started", c2);220 process.on("stopping", c2);221 222 process.on("stopped", function c1() {223 waitForOutput(/Hello\sWorld/, function() {224 expect(process.running).is.equal(run.STOPPED);225 expect(foundPid, "found-pid").to.ok;226 227"started", c2);228"stopping", c2);229"stopped", c1);230 count++;231 232 fs.rmfile("/helloworld.js", function() {233 countEvents(count, 3, done);234 });235 });236 });237 238 //expect(process.running).to.equal(run.STOPPED);239 });240 });241 });242 243 it('should run a file with a runner and stop it with stop()', function(done) {244 var count = 0;245 246 run.getRunner("node", false, function(err, runner) {247 if (err) throw err.message;248 249 expect(runner).to.ok;250 251 var c = "setInterval(function(){console.log('Hello World', new Date());}, 500)";252 253 fs.writeFile("/helloworld.js", c, "utf8", function(err) {254 if (err) throw err.message;255 256 var process =, {257 path: "helloworld.js"258 }, "testoutput1", function(err, pid) {259 if (err) throw err.message;260 261 expect(parseInt(pid, 10), "Invalid PID");262 expect(process.running).to.equal(run.STARTED);263 264 // setTimeout(function(){265 waitForOutput(/Hello\sWorld[\s\S]*Hello\sWorld/, function() {266 count++;267 process.stop(function(err, e) {268 if (err) throw err.message;269 });270 });271 // }, 4000);272 });273 274 expect(process.running).to.equal(run.STARTING);275 276 function c2() { count++; }277 process.on("started", c2);278 process.on("stopping", c2);279 280 process.on("stopped", function c1() {281 expect(process.running).is.equal(run.STOPPED);282 283"started", c2);284"stopping", c2);285"stopped", c1);286 count++;287 288 fs.rmfile("/helloworld.js", function() {289 countEvents(count, 4, done);290 });291 });292 });293 });294 });295 296 it('should run an interactive proces in the second output window', function(done) {297 var count = 0;298 299 var outputTab2 = tabs.getTabs()[1];300 tabs.focusTab(outputTab2);301 302 run.getRunner("pythoni", false, function(err, runner) {303 if (err) throw err.message;304 305 expect(runner).to.ok;306 307 var process =, {}, "testoutput2", function(err, pid) {308 if (err) throw err.message;309 310 expect(parseInt(pid, 10));311 expect(process.running).to.equal(run.STARTED);312 313 waitForOutput(/copyright/, function() {314 var output = outputTab2.editor;315 316 output.write("print 1\n");317 318 setTimeout(function() {319 output.write(String.fromCharCode(4));320 }, 1000);321 });322 });323 324 function c2() { count++; }325 process.on("started", c2);326 process.on("stopping", c2);327 328 process.on("stopped", function c1() {329 expect(process.running).is.equal(run.STOPPED);330 331"started", c2);332"stopping", c2);333"stopped", c1);334 335 count++;336 countEvents(count, 3, done);337 });338 339 expect(process.running).to.equal(run.STARTING);340 });341 });342 343 it('should run a file with a runner automatically selected in the second output window', function(done) {344 var foundPid, count = 0;345 346 var outputTab2 = tabs.getTabs()[1];347 tabs.focusTab(outputTab2);348 349 run.getRunner("node", false, function(err, runner) {350 if (err) throw err.message;351 352 expect(runner).to.ok;353 354 var c = "console.log('Hello World', new Date());";355 356 fs.writeFile("/helloworld.js", c, "utf8", function(err) {357 if (err) throw err.message;358 var process ="auto", {359 path: "helloworld.js"360 }, "testoutput2", function(err, pid) {361 if (err) throw err.message;362 expect(parseInt(pid, 10)).to.ok;363 expect(process.running).to.not.equal(run.STARTING);364 foundPid = true;365 });366 367 expect(process.running).to.equal(run.STARTING);368 369 function c2() { count++; }370 process.on("started", c2);371 process.on("stopping", c2);372 373 process.on("stopped", function c1() {374 waitForOutput(/Hello\sWorld/, function() {375 expect(process.running).is.equal(run.STOPPED);376 expect(foundPid, "found-pid").to.ok;377 378"started", c2);379"stopping", c2);380"stopped", c1);381 count++;382 383 fs.rmfile("/helloworld.js", function() {384 countEvents(count, 3, done);385 });386 });387 });388 });...
1'use strict';2/* eslint-env node */3const Promise = require('bluebird');4const path = require('path');5require('chai').use(require('chai-as-promised'));6const {assert: {isNaN, lengthOf, strictEqual: eq, match, deepEqual: deq, isRejected, approximately, isAbove, instanceOf}} = require('chai');7const {describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach} = require('mocha-sugar-free');8const Process = require('../../../lib/node/Process');9const Wait = require('../../utilities/Wait');10const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';11const {env: testRunnerEnv} = process;12const PROCESS_STUB_PATH = IS_WINDOWS13 ? require.resolve('../../utilities/process.js.cmd')14 : require.resolve('../../utilities/process.js');15describe('node/Process', {timeout: 10000, slow: 5000}, () => {16 let process;17 let output;18 let waitForOutput;19 beforeEach(() => {20 output = [];21 waitForOutput = new Wait();22 });23 afterEach(async () => {24 if (process) {25 await process.stop();26 process = null;27 }28 });29 const attachOutputListeners = () => {30 process.on('STDOUT', line => {31 output.push({line, type: 'STDOUT'});32 waitForOutput.advance();33 });34 process.on('STDERR', line => {35 output.push({line, type: 'STDERR'});36 waitForOutput.advance();37 });38 process.on('FD3', line => {39 output.push({line, type: 'FD3'});40 waitForOutput.advance();41 });42 };43 describe('#start()', () => {44 it('Should start the process, update statistics and raise events', async () => {45 const events = [];46 process = new Process({executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH});47 eq(process.isRunning, false);48 isNaN(process.lastProcessStart);49 isNaN(process.lastProcessExit);50 eq(process.processExitCount, 0);51 process.on('beforeStart', wait => { events.push('beforeStart'); wait(Promise.delay(1)); });52 process.on('afterStart', wait => { events.push('afterStart'); wait(() => Promise.delay(1)); });53 process.on('stopped', (reason, wait) => { events.push('stopped'); wait(Promise.delay(1)); });54 process.on('afterStopped', () => { events.push('afterStopped'); });55 const expectedStartTime1 =;56 await process.start();57 deq(events, ['beforeStart', 'afterStart']);58 eq(process.isRunning, true);59 const startTime1 = process.lastProcessStart;60 approximately(startTime1, expectedStartTime1, 250);61 isNaN(process.lastProcessExit);62 eq(process.processExitCount, 0);63 await Promise.delay(500);64 const expectedExitTime1 =;65 await process.stop();66 deq(events, ['beforeStart', 'afterStart', 'stopped', 'afterStopped']);67 eq(process.isRunning, false);68 eq(process.lastProcessStart, startTime1);69 const exitTime1 = process.lastProcessExit;70 isAbove(exitTime1, startTime1);71 approximately(exitTime1, expectedExitTime1, 250);72 eq(process.processExitCount, 1);73 const expectedStartTime2 =;74 await process.start();75 deq(events, ['beforeStart', 'afterStart', 'stopped', 'afterStopped', 'beforeStart', 'afterStart']);76 eq(process.isRunning, true);77 approximately(process.lastProcessStart, expectedStartTime2, 250);78 eq(process.lastProcessExit, exitTime1);79 eq(process.processExitCount, 1);80 const expectedExitTime2 =;81 await process.stop();82 deq(events, ['beforeStart', 'afterStart', 'stopped', 'afterStopped', 'beforeStart', 'afterStart', 'stopped', 'afterStopped']);83 eq(process.isRunning, false);84 isAbove(process.lastProcessExit, startTime1);85 approximately(process.lastProcessExit, expectedExitTime2, 250);86 eq(process.processExitCount, 2);87 });88 it('Should emit stop events if the child fails to start', async () => {89 const events = [];90 process = new Process({executablePath: path.join(__dirname, `A FILE THAT DOES NOT EXIST ${Math.random()}`)});91 process.on('beforeStart', () => { events.push(['beforeStart']); });92 process.on('afterStart', () => { events.push(['afterStart']); });93 process.on('stopped', (reason) => { events.push(['stopped', reason]); });94 process.on('afterStopped', (reason) => { events.push(['afterStopped', reason]); });95 await process.start();96 await process.waitForChildStop();97 eq(process.isRunning, false);98 lengthOf(events, 4);99 deq(events[0], ['beforeStart']);100 deq(events[1], ['afterStart']);101 eq(events[2][0], 'stopped');102 eq(events[3][0], 'afterStopped');103 instanceOf(events[2][1].error, Error);104 eq(events[3][1].error, events[2][1].error);105 match(events[2][1].error.message, /spawn.*ENOENT/);106 });107 it('Should not allow starting the same process multi times', async () => {108 process = new Process({executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH});109 const firstStart = process.start();110 await isRejected(process.start(), Error, /process.*already.*start/i);111 await firstStart;112 await isRejected(process.start(), Error, /process.*already.*start/i);113 });114 it('Should emit events for each line received on STDOUT and STDERR', async t => {115 process = new Process({116 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,117 args: ['321', 'an argument with spaces'],118 env: {119 FOO: '123',120 BAR: 'env with spaces',121 },122 });123 attachOutputListeners();124 await process.start();125 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(6);126 deq(output[0], {line: 'HELLO!', type: 'STDOUT'});127 const argv = JSON.parse(output[1].line);128 lengthOf(argv, 4);129 match(argv[0], /node(?:\.exe)?$/);130 match(argv[1], /process\.js$/);131 eq(argv[2], '321');132 eq(argv[3], 'an argument with spaces');133 const env = JSON.parse(output[2].line);134 eq(env.FOO, '123');135 eq(env.BAR, 'env with spaces');136 eq(env.HOME, testRunnerEnv.HOME, 'should inherit environment variables');137 deq(output.slice(3), [138 {139 line: 'SOMETHING TO STDOUT',140 type: 'STDOUT',141 },142 {143 line: 'SOMETHING ELSE TO STDOUT',144 type: 'STDOUT',145 },146 {147 line: 'SOMETHING TO STDERR',148 type: 'STDERR',149 },150 ]);151 });152 it('Should emit events for each line received on STDOUT, STDERR and FD3', async t => {153 if (IS_WINDOWS) {154 t.skip(); // FD3 is not supported on windows155 }156 process = new Process({157 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,158 args: ['FD3', 'an argument with spaces'],159 env: {160 FOO: '123',161 BAR: 'env with spaces',162 },163 enableExtraFd: true,164 });165 attachOutputListeners();166 await process.start();167 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(7);168 deq(output[0], {line: 'HELLO!', type: 'STDOUT'});169 const argv = JSON.parse(output[1].line);170 lengthOf(argv, 4);171 match(argv[0], /node(?:\.exe)?$/);172 match(argv[1], /process\.js$/);173 eq(argv[2], 'FD3');174 eq(argv[3], 'an argument with spaces');175 const env = JSON.parse(output[2].line);176 eq(env.FOO, '123');177 eq(env.BAR, 'env with spaces');178 eq(env.HOME, testRunnerEnv.HOME, 'should inherit environment variables');179 deq(output.slice(3), [180 {181 line: 'SOMETHING TO STDOUT',182 type: 'STDOUT',183 },184 {185 line: 'SOMETHING ELSE TO STDOUT',186 type: 'STDOUT',187 },188 {189 line: 'SOMETHING TO STDERR',190 type: 'STDERR',191 },192 {193 line: 'SOMETHING TO FILE DESCRIPTOR 3',194 type: 'FD3',195 },196 ]);197 });198 });199 describe('#stop()', () => {200 it('Should kill the process if running', async () => {201 process = new Process({202 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,203 args: [],204 });205 const stopEvents = [];206 process.on('stopped', (reason) => stopEvents.push(reason));207 attachOutputListeners();208 await process.start();209 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(1);210 await process.stop();211 lengthOf(stopEvents, 1);212 deq(stopEvents[0], {error: null, code: null, signal: 'SIGTERM'});213 });214 it('Should kill the process if running using SIGTERM on linux', async t => {215 if (IS_WINDOWS) {216 t.skip();217 }218 process = new Process({219 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,220 args: ['LOG_EXIT_SIGNALS'],221 });222 const stopEvents = [];223 process.on('stopped', (reason) => stopEvents.push(reason));224 attachOutputListeners();225 await process.start();226 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(1);227 await process.stop();228 const sigtermLines = output.filter(({line}) => line === 'RECEIVED SIGTERM');229 lengthOf(sigtermLines, 1);230 lengthOf(stopEvents, 1);231 deq(stopEvents[0], {error: null, code: 143, signal: null});232 });233 it('Should do nothing if the process is already being stopped', async t => {234 if (IS_WINDOWS) {235 t.skip();236 }237 process = new Process({238 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,239 args: ['LOG_EXIT_SIGNALS'],240 });241 const stopEvents = [];242 process.on('stopped', (reason) => stopEvents.push(reason));243 attachOutputListeners();244 await process.start();245 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(1);246 await Promise.all([247 process.stop(),248 process.stop(),249 process.stop(),250 ]);251 const sigtermLines = output.filter(({line}) => line === 'RECEIVED SIGTERM');252 lengthOf(sigtermLines, 1);253 lengthOf(stopEvents, 1);254 deq(stopEvents[0], {error: null, code: 143, signal: null});255 });256 it('Should do nothing if the process is already being stopped, but still wait for the termination', async t => {257 if (IS_WINDOWS) {258 t.skip();259 }260 process = new Process({261 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,262 args: ['LOG_EXIT_SIGNALS'],263 });264 const stopEvents = [];265 process.on('stopped', (reason) => stopEvents.push(reason));266 attachOutputListeners();267 await process.start();268 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(1);269 await Promise.race([270 process.stop(),271 process.stop(),272 process.stop(),273 ]);274 const sigtermLines = output.filter(({line}) => line === 'RECEIVED SIGTERM');275 lengthOf(sigtermLines, 1);276 lengthOf(stopEvents, 1);277 deq(stopEvents[0], {error: null, code: 143, signal: null});278 });279 it('Should do nothing if the process is not running', async () => {280 process = new Process({281 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,282 args: [],283 });284 const stopEvents = [];285 process.on('stopped', (reason) => stopEvents.push(reason));286 await process.stop();287 lengthOf(stopEvents, 0);288 });289 it('Should forcefully terminate the process if if does not quit cleanly within a timeout', async t => {290 if (IS_WINDOWS) {291 t.skip();292 }293 process = new Process({294 executablePath: [PROCESS_STUB_PATH, 'IGNORE_EXIT_SIGNALS'],295 args: [],296 killTimeout: 2000,297 });298 attachOutputListeners();299 const waitForSigTerm = new Wait();300 process.on('STDERR', line => line === 'IGNORED SIGTERM' && waitForSigTerm.advance());301 const stopEvents = [];302 process.on('stopped', (reason) => stopEvents.push(reason));303 await process.start();304 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(1);305 const stopPromise = process.stop();306 await waitForSigTerm.waitUntil(1);307 lengthOf(stopEvents, 0);308 await Promise.delay(100);309 lengthOf(stopEvents, 0);310 await stopPromise;311 lengthOf(stopEvents, 1);312 deq(stopEvents[0], {error: null, code: null, signal: 'SIGKILL'});313 });314 });315 describe('#ensureStarted()', () => {316 it('Should start the process if not running, but also do nothing if the process is already running', async () => {317 process = new Process({executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH});318 await Promise.all([319 process.ensureStarted(),320 process.ensureStarted(),321 process.ensureStarted(),322 ]);323 eq(process.isRunning, true);324 attachOutputListeners();325 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(1);326 });327 it('Should wait for the old process to exit if we are currently stopping it', async () => {328 process = new Process({executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH});329 const waitForHello = new Wait();330 process.on('STDOUT', line => line === 'HELLO!' && waitForHello.advance());331 await process.start();332 await waitForHello.waitUntil(1);333 await Promise.all([334 process.stop(),335 process.ensureStarted(),336 ]);337 eq(process.processExitCount, 1);338 eq(process.isRunning, true);339 await waitForHello.waitUntil(2);340 });341 });342 describe('#waitForChildStop', () => {343 it('Should wait for the child process to quit on its own', async () => {344 process = new Process({345 executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH,346 args: ['EARLY_EXIT'],347 });348 attachOutputListeners();349 const stopEvents = [];350 process.on('stopped', (reason) => stopEvents.push(reason));351 await process.start();352 await waitForOutput.waitUntil(1);353 await process.waitForChildStop();354 lengthOf(stopEvents, 1);355 deq(stopEvents[0], {error: null, code: 99, signal: null});356 });357 it('Should immediately resolve if the child has already stopped', async () => {358 process = new Process({executablePath: PROCESS_STUB_PATH});359 await process.waitForChildStop();360 });361 });...
1var runner = require('../lib/runner.js');2describe('invoking `mrt run`', function() {3 describe('in a non-meteor project directory', function() {4 it("should display a message about not being in a meteor project dir", function(done) {5 runner.invokeMrt('', ['run'], {6 waitForOutput: "You're not in a Meteor project directory"7 }, done);8 });9 });10 11 describe('in a meteor project without a smart.json', function() {12 it("should run the app without installing anything", function(done) {13 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-without-smart-json', ['run'], {14 waitForOutput: "Meteor server running on: http://localhost:"15 }, done);16 });17 });18 describe('in a meteor project with a smart.json', function() {19 20 describe('and the smart.json specifies a simple smart package dependency', function() {21 it("should install the smart package", function(done) {22 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-smart-pkg', ['run'], {23 waitForOutput: "Test package 1 installed (branch/master)"24 }, done);25 });26 });27 28 describe("and the smart.json specifies a smart package pinned to a branch", function() {29 it("should install the smart package pinned to a specified branch", function(done) {30 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-smart-pkg-pinned-to-branch', ['run'], {31 waitForOutput: "Test package 1 installed (branch/test-branch)"32 }, done);33 });34 });35 36 describe("and the smart.json specifies a smart package repo pinned to a tag", function() {37 it("should install the smart package pinned to a specified tag", function(done) {38 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-smart-pkg-pinned-to-tag', ['run'], {39 waitForOutput: "Test package 1 installed (tag/test-tag-1)"40 }, done);41 });42 });43 44 describe("and the smart.json specifies a smart package repo pinned to a git sha ref", function() {45 it("should install the smart package pinned to a specified ref", function(done) {46 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-smart-pkg-pinned-to-ref', ['run'], {47 waitForOutput: "Test package 1 installed (ref)"48 }, done);49 });50 });51 52 describe("and the smart.json specifies a smart package from a path", function() {53 it("should install the smart package linked to the path", function(done) {54 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-smart-pkg-specified-by-path', ['run'], {55 waitForOutput: "Test package 1 installed (from a fixed path)"56 }, done);57 });58 });59 60 describe("and the smart.json specifies a smart package repo with it's own smart package dependency", function() {61 it("should discover and install smart packages recursively", function(done) {62 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-nested-smart-pkg-deps', ['run'], {63 waitForOutput: [64 "Test package 1 installed (branch/master)",65 "Test package 2 installed (branch/master)"66 ]67 }, done);68 });69 });70 71 describe("and the smart.json specifies a smart package from a path with it's own smart package dependency from a path", function() {72 it("should discover and install smart packages recursively", function(done) {73 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-nested-smart-pkg-deps-specified-by-paths', ['run'], {74 waitForOutput: [75 "Test package 1 installed (from a fixed path)",76 "Test package 2 installed (from a fixed path)"77 ]78 }, done);79 });80 });81 82 describe("and the smart.json specifies two packages that clash in dependencies", function() {83 it("should not run and output an error message", function(done) {84 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-nested-smart-pkg-deps-that-clash', ['run'], {85 waitForOutput: ["Can't resolve dependencies!"]86 }, done);87 });88 it("should run (with an warning message) if forced", function(done) {89 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-nested-smart-pkg-deps-that-clash', ['run', '--force'], {90 waitForOutput: [91 "Problem installing",92 "mrt-test-pkg1",93 "[branch:] " +94 "conflicts with " +95 "[branch:]; " +96 "keeping [branch:]"97 ]98 }, done);99 });100 });101 102 describe('and the smart.json specifies a meteor fork pinned to a branch', function() {103 it("should run the forked meteor checked out to the branch", function(done) {104 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-meteor-pinned-to-branch', ['run'], {105 waitForOutput: "Meteor is instrumented for meteorite test (branch/mrt-branch-test)"106 }, done);107 });108 });109 describe('and the smart.json specifies a meteor fork pinned to a tag', function() {110 it("should run the forked meteor checked out to the branch", function(done) {111 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-meteor-pinned-to-tag', ['run'], {112 waitForOutput: "Meteor is instrumented for meteorite test (tag/mrt-test-tag)"113 }, done);114 });115 });116 describe('and the smart.json specifies a meteor fork pinned to a ref', function() {117 it("should run the forked meteor checked out to the branch", function(done) {118 runner.invokeMrtInApp('app-with-meteor-pinned-to-ref', ['run'], {119 waitForOutput: "Meteor is instrumented for meteorite test (ref)"120 }, done);121 });122 });123 });...
...64 y: revs * 10 * (direction === 'right' ? -1 : (direction === 'forward' ? 1 : 0)),65 });66 };6768 await waitForOutput(GRBL_INITIALIZED);6970 sendRaw('$3=1'); // Invert X axis71 await waitForOutput('ok');7273 sendRaw('$100=70'); // X steps per cm74 await waitForOutput('ok');75 sendRaw('$101=70'); // Y steps per cm76 await waitForOutput('ok');7778 sendRaw('$110=5000'); // X max feed rate79 await waitForOutput('ok');80 sendRaw('$111=5000'); // Y max feed rate81 await waitForOutput('ok');8283 sendRaw('$120=90.0'); // Max X acceleration84 await waitForOutput('ok');85 sendRaw('$121=90.0'); // Max Y acceleration86 await waitForOutput('ok');8788 return {89 addListener: callb => comParser.on('data', callb),90 sendRaw,91 cstop: async () => {92 sendRaw('\x18'); // soft reset93 await waitForOutput(GRBL_INITIALIZED);94 sendRaw('$X'); // clear alarm95 await waitForOutput('ok');96 },97 doBasicMove,98 rawMoveXY,99 //doDirectMove: ({ timeMs, frequency, dir }) => sendRaw(`DR ${timeMs} ${frequency} ${dir} ;`)100 };101 }
1/**2 input: [ 'data' ]3 output: [ 'data', 'html' ]4 params:5 - name: site6 label: Website URL7 value:8 - control: textbox9 lazy: true10 value:**/12data = typeof(data) != 'undefined' ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) : null;13const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');14var waitForOutput = false;15const inputListener = event => {16 if (! || ! return;17 18 if ( == 'input') {19 iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ hal9: 'input', input: { data: data } }, '*');20 if ( && {21 waitForOutput = !!; 22 }23 }24}25window.addEventListener('message', inputListener);26var outputListener = null27const outputWaiter = new Promise((accept, reject) => {28 outputListener = event => {29 if (! || ! return;30 if ( == 'output' && {31 accept(;32 }33 }34 window.addEventListener('message', outputListener);35}) = 0; = '100%'; = '100%';39iframe.src = site;40const loadWaiter = new Promise((accept, reject) => {41 iframe.addEventListener("load", function() {42 accept()43 });44 iframe.addEventListener("error", function(e) {45 reject(e)46 });47})48html.appendChild(iframe);49await loadWaiter50// wait for input messages since they are async51const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));52await sleep(100)53if (waitForOutput) {54 const output = await outputWaiter;55 if ( data =;56}57const interactiveListener = event => {58 if (! || ! return;59 60 if ( == 'output' && {61 var state = hal9.getState();62 state = Object.assign(state,;63 hal9.setState(state);64 hal9.invalidate();65 }66}67window.addEventListener('message', interactiveListener);68var observer = new MutationObserver(function (e) {69 if (e.filter(e => e.removedNodes && e.removedNodes[0] == html).length > 0) {70 window.removeEventListener('message', inputListener);71 window.removeEventListener('message', outputListener);72 window.removeEventListener('message', interactiveListener);73 }74});...
...27 } else {28 setImmediate(waitForInput);29 }30}31function waitForOutput() {32 connection.on('data', data => {33 try {34 data = data.toString();35 const resp = JSON.parse(data);36 switch (resp.code) {37 case MESSAGES.OK:38 console.log("Command executed successfully");39 break;40 case MESSAGES.DATA:41 console.log("Command executed successfully with data");42 console.log(;43 break;44 case MESSAGES.NO_SUCH_COMMAND: console.log("Command not found"); break;45 case MESSAGES.INVALID_ARGS: console.log("Command failed due to invalid args"); break;46 case MESSAGES.CONTENT_NOT_FOUND: console.log("Command failed due to missing entity / content"); break;47 case MESSAGES.INVALID_CONTEXT: console.log("The provided context is invalid"); break;48 case MESSAGES.HELLO: console.log("Connection established"); break;49 }50 } catch (err) {51 console.log('Invalid response from Lilium');52 console.log(err);53 console.log(data);54 }55 console.log("");56 setImmediate(waitForInput);57 });58}59console.log('Lilium CMS - Interactive Shell');60const connection = connectToLilium();61if (connection) {62 waitForOutput();63 connection.write('hello');...
1const execa = require('execa');2/**3 * Starts create-frontend server in the selected path. Resolves once the server has started4 */5module.exports = function startServer(cwd, command = 'start', waitForOutput) {6 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {7 const subprocess = execa('npm', ['run', command], { cwd, env: { DONT_WATCH_DOTENV: true } });8 const output = {};9 const cleanup = () => {10 return new Promise(res => {11 subprocess.on('close', () => {12 res();13 });14 subprocess.stdout.removeAllListeners('data');15 subprocess.stderr.removeAllListeners('data');16 subprocess.kill();17 });18 };19 global.cleanupFunctions.push(cleanup);20 subprocess.stdout.on('data', chunk => {21 const data = chunk.toString();22 Object.entries(waitForOutput).forEach(([name, regex]) => {23 if (data.match(regex)) output[name] = data;24 });25 if (Object.keys(output).length === Object.keys(waitForOutput).length) {26 resolve({27 output,28 cleanup,29 });30 }31 });32 subprocess.stderr.on('data', chunk => {33 const data = chunk.toString();34 console.error('Error while starting server:', data);35 });36 // If the process ended without the correct stdout, it means something went wrong37 subprocess38 .then(() => {39 if (!subprocess.killed) {40 reject({41 error: 'Finished npm script without successfully starting server',42 stdout: subprocess.stdout,43 });44 }45 })46 .catch(error => {47 reject({48 error,49 });50 });51 });...
...4 waitForOutput5} = require('test-ipfs-example/utils')6async function runTest () {7'Testing put.js')8 await waitForOutput('bafyreigsccjrxlioppkkzv27se4gxh2aygbxfnsobkaxxqiuni544uk66a', path.resolve(__dirname, 'put.js'))9'Testing get.js')10 await waitForOutput('{"name":"David","likes":["js-ipfs","icecream","steak"]}', path.resolve(__dirname, 'get.js'))11'Testing get-path.js')12 await waitForOutput('js-ipfs', path.resolve(__dirname, 'get-path.js'))13'Testing get-path-accross-formats.js')14 await waitForOutput('capoeira', path.resolve(__dirname, 'get-path-accross-formats.js'))15'Testing tree.js')16 await waitForOutput("hobbies/0/Links", path.resolve(__dirname, 'tree.js'))17'Testing eth.js')18 await waitForOutput('302516', path.resolve(__dirname, 'eth.js'))19'Testing git.js')20 await waitForOutput("'hello world!'", path.resolve(__dirname, 'git.js'))21'Done!')22}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');7 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');8 await'input[type="submit"]');9 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');10 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');11 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');12 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });13 await browser.close();14})();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 const page = await context.newPage();20 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');21 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');22 await'input[type="submit"]');23 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');24 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');25 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');26 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });27 await browser.close();28})();29const { chromium } = require('playwright');30(async () => {31 const browser = await chromium.launch();32 const context = await browser.newContext();33 const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.waitForOutput('text=Example Domain', { timeout: 10000 });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 const output = await page.waitForOutput('text=Hello World', { timeout: 10000 });15 console.log(output);16 await browser.close();17})();18const { chromium } = require('playwright');19(async () => {20 const browser = await chromium.launch();21 const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const [request] = await Promise.all([7 page.waitForRequest(/.*\.css/),8 page.waitForEvent('request'),9 page.waitForEvent('response'),10 page.waitForEvent('close'),11 page.waitForEvent('console'),12 page.waitForEvent('dialog'),13 page.waitForEvent('download'),14 page.waitForEvent('filechooser'),15 page.waitForEvent('frameattached'),16 page.waitForEvent('framedetached'),17 page.waitForEvent('framenavigated'),18 page.waitForEvent('load'),19 page.waitForEvent('pageerror'),20 page.waitForEvent('popup'),21 page.waitForEvent('requestfailed'),22 page.waitForEvent('requestfinished'),23 page.waitForEvent('response'),24 page.waitForEvent('route'),25 page.waitForEvent('video'),26 page.waitForEvent('websocket'),27 page.waitForEvent('worker'),28 page.waitForTimeout(5000),29 page.waitForURL(/.*\/docs\/.*/),
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'playwright');7 await'button[type="submit"]');8 await page.waitForOutput(() => {9 return document.querySelector('div').textContent.includes('Playwright');10 });11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const [request] = await Promise.all([7 page.waitForRequest(/.*\/fonts\/.*/),8 page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')9 ]);10 console.log(request.url());11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const [response] = await Promise.all([19 page.waitForResponse(/.*\/fonts\/.*/),20 page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')21 ]);22 console.log(response.url());23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 const [request] = await Promise.all([31 page.waitForRequest(/.*\/fonts\/.*/),32 page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')33 ]);34 console.log(request.url());35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 const [response] = await Promise.all([43 page.waitForResponse(/.*\/fonts\/.*/),44 page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')45 ]);46 console.log(response.url());47 await browser.close();48})();49const { chromium } = require('playwright');50(async () => {51 const browser = await chromium.launch();52 const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const [consoleMessage] = await Promise.all([8 page.waitForEvent('console'),9 page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello, world!')),10 ]);11 console.log(consoleMessage.text());12 await browser.close();13})();14const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright');15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 const page = await context.newPage();20 const [consoleMessage] = await Promise.all([21 page.waitForEvent('console'),22 page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello, world!')),23 ]);24 console.log(consoleMessage.text());25 await browser.close();26})();27const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright');28const { chromium } = require('playwright');29(async () => {30 const browser = await chromium.launch();31 const context = await browser.newContext();32 const page = await context.newPage();33 const [consoleMessage] = await Promise.all([34 page.waitForEvent('console'),35 page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello, world!')),36 ]);37 console.log(consoleMessage.text());38 await browser.close();39})();40const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright');41const { chromium } = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();44 const context = await browser.newContext();45 const page = await context.newPage();46 const [consoleMessage] = await Promise.all([
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2async function main() {3 const browser = await playwright.webkit.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.waitForSelector('text=Get started');7 await'text=Get started');8 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');9 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');10 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');11 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');12 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');13 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');14 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');15 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');16 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');17 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');18 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');19 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');20 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');21 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');22 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');23 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');24 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');25 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');26 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');27 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');28 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');29 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');30 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');31 await'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');32 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');33 await'text=Playwright is a Node library
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/stdio');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'text=Get started');8 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.');9 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });10 await browser.close();11})();12const { EventEmitter } = require('events');13const { helper } = require('./helper');14const { debugLogger } = require('./debugLogger');15const { ProgressController } = require('./progress');16const { TimeoutError } = require('./errors');17class Stdio extends EventEmitter {18 constructor() {19 super();20 this._progress = new ProgressController();21 this._debugLogger = debugLogger();22 this._stdout = '';23 this._stderr = '';24 this._closed = false;25 this._lastMessageId = 0;26 this._pendingMessages = new Map();27 this._lastError = null;28 this._lastErrorStack = null;29 this._debugLogger.on('message', message => {30 this._dispatch({31 params: { message }32 });33 });34 }35 _dispatch(message) {36 if (this._closed)37 return;38 if ( {39 const callback = this._pendingMessages.get(;40 if (callback) {41 this._pendingMessages.delete(;42 callback(message.error, message.result);43 }44 } else {45 this.emit(message.method, message.params);46 }47 }48 _send(method, params) {49 const message = { method, params };50 if (this._closed)51 return Promise.reject(new Error('Protocol error (Target closed)'));52 if (this._lastError)53 return Promise.reject(new Error(this._lastError + '\n' + this._lastErrorStack));54 return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => {55 this._lastMessageId++;56 = this._lastMessageId;57 this._pendingMessages.set(, (error
Using AI Code Generation
1const { waitForOutput } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/stdio');2const { waitForOutput } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/stdio');3(async () => {4 const { stdout } = await waitForOutput('npm', ['run', 'test'], {5 cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-app'),6 env: {7 },8 });9 console.log(stdout);10})();11const { waitForOutput } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/stdio');12(async () => {13 const { stdout } = await waitForOutput('npm', ['run', 'test'], {14 cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-app'),15 env: {16 },17 });18 console.log(stdout);19})();20const { waitForOutput } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/stdio');21(async () => {22 const { stdout } = await waitForOutput('npm', ['run', 'test'], {23 cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-app'),24 env: {25 },26 });27 console.log(stdout);28})();29const { waitForOutput } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/stdio');30(async () => {31 const { stdout } = await waitForOutput('npm', ['run', 'test'], {32 cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-app'),33 env: {34 },35 });36 console.log(stdout);37})();38const { waitForOutput } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/stdio');39(async () => {40 const { stdout } = await waitForOutput('npm', ['run', 'test'], {41 cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-app'),42 env: {43 },44 });45 console.log(stdout);46})();47const { waitForOutput } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/stdio');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');2await waitForOutput('Hello world');3const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');4await waitForOutput('Hello world');5const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');6await waitForOutput('Hello world');7const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');8await waitForOutput('Hello world');9const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');10await waitForOutput('Hello world');11const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');12await waitForOutput('Hello world');13const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');14await waitForOutput('Hello world');15const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');16await waitForOutput('Hello world');17const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');18await waitForOutput('Hello world');19const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');20await waitForOutput('Hello world');21const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');22await waitForOutput('Hello world');23const { waitForOutput } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');24await waitForOutput('Hello world');
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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