How to use useCssModule method in Playwright Internal

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1const path = require('path')2const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin')3const getCacheDirectory = require('../​../​utils/​helpers/​getCacheDirectory')4const __cache__loader__directory = getCacheDirectory('cache-loader')5const emitFilename = '[name].[chunkhash:6].css'6const [extractLibStyle, extractVendorStyle, extractProjectStyle] = [7 new ExtractTextPlugin(`lib/​${emitFilename}`),8 new ExtractTextPlugin(`vendor/​${emitFilename}`),9 new ExtractTextPlugin({10 filename: `project/​${emitFilename}`11 /​/​ allChunks: true12 })13]14const getExtractLoader = (15 extracter,16 { type = 'css', fallback = 'style-loader', useCssModule = false } = {}17) =>18 extracter.extract({19 fallback,20 publicPath: '../​',21 use: [22 {23 loader: 'cache-loader',24 options: {25 cacheDirectory: __cache__loader__directory26 }27 },28 {29 loader: 'css-loader',30 options: {31 minimize: false,32 ...(useCssModule33 ? {34 modules: true,35 localIdentName: '[local]_[hash:base64:4]'36 }37 : {})38 }39 },40 'postcss-loader',41 ...{42 sass: ['sass-loader'],43 css: []44 }[type]45 ]46 })47module.exports = {48 plugins: [extractLibStyle, extractVendorStyle, extractProjectStyle],49 module: {50 rules: [51 /​/​ --------------------------- 处理 Lib 样式文件 -----------------------------------52 {53 test: /​.*node_modules.*antd-mobile.*\.less$/​,54 use: extractLibStyle.extract([55 /​/​ 'thread-loader',56 {57 loader: 'cache-loader',58 options: {59 cacheDirectory: __cache__loader__directory60 }61 },62 'css-loader?minimize=false',63 {64 loader: 'postcss-loader',65 options: {66 sourceMap: true,67 plugins: [68 require('postcss-px-to-viewport')({69 viewportWidth: 720, /​/​ 视窗的宽度,对应的是我们设计稿的宽度,一般是750,此处为72070 /​/​ viewportHeight: 1280, /​/​ 视窗的高度,根据720设备的宽度来指定,一般指定1334,也可以不配置71 unitPrecision: 3, /​/​ 指定`[pt]`转换为视窗单位值的小数位数(很多时候无法整除)72 viewportUnit: 'vw', /​/​ 指定需要转换成的视窗单位,建议使用vw73 selectorBlackList: [], /​/​ 指定不转换为视窗单位的类,可以自定义,可以无限添加,建议定义一至两个通用的类名74 minPixelValue: 1, /​/​ 小于或等于`0[pt]`不转换为视窗单位,你也可以设置为你想要的值75 mediaQuery: false /​/​ 允许在媒体查询中转换`[pt]`76 })77 ]78 }79 },80 {81 loader: 'less-loader',82 options: {83 javascriptEnabled: true,84 modifyVars: require('../​../​utils/​antd-mobile/​theme')85 }86 }87 ])88 },89 {90 test: /​.*node_modules.*\.less$/​,91 exclude: [/​antd-mobile/​],92 use: extractLibStyle.extract([93 /​/​ 'thread-loader',94 {95 loader: 'cache-loader',96 options: {97 cacheDirectory: __cache__loader__directory98 }99 },100 'css-loader?minimize=false',101 'less-loader?javascriptEnabled'102 ])103 },104 {105 test: /​.*node_modules.*\.css$/​,106 use: extractLibStyle.extract(['css-loader?minimize=false'])107 },108 /​/​ --------------------------- 处理 Lib 样式文件 -----------------------------------109 /​/​ --------------------------- 处理 Vendor 样式文件 --------------------------------110 {111 test: /​.*src.*vendor.*\.css$/​,112 exclude: /​\.m\.css$/​,113 use: getExtractLoader(extractVendorStyle)114 },115 {116 test: /​.*src.*vendor.*\.(scss|sass)$/​,117 exclude: /​\.m\.(scss|sass)$/​,118 use: getExtractLoader(extractVendorStyle, { type: 'sass' })119 },120 {121 test: /​.*src.*vendor.*\.m\.css$/​,122 use: getExtractLoader(extractVendorStyle, { useCssModule: true })123 },124 {125 test: /​.*src.*vendor.*\.m\.(scss|sass)$/​,126 use: getExtractLoader(extractVendorStyle, {127 type: 'sass',128 useCssModule: true129 })130 },131 /​/​ --------------------------- 处理 Vendor 样式文件 --------------------------------132 /​/​ --------------------------- 处理 Project /​ Prefix 样式文件 ----------------------133 {134 test: /​.*src.*(project|__prefix__).*\.css$/​,135 exclude: /​\.m\.css$/​,136 use: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle)137 },138 {139 test: /​.*src.*(project|__prefix__).*\.(scss|sass)$/​,140 exclude: /​\.m\.(scss|sass)$/​,141 use: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle, { type: 'sass' })142 },143 {144 test: /​.*src.*(project|__prefix__).*\.m\.css$/​,145 use: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle, { useCssModule: true })146 },147 {148 test: /​.*src.*(project|__prefix__).*\.m\.(scss|sass)$/​,149 use: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle, {150 type: 'sass',151 useCssModule: true152 })153 }154 /​/​ --------------------------- 处理 Project /​ Prefix 样式文件 -----------------------155 ]156 },157 vue: {158 loaders: {159 scss: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle, {160 type: 'sass',161 fallback: 'vue-style-loader'162 }),163 sass: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle, {164 type: 'sass',165 fallback: 'vue-style-loader'166 }),167 css: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle, {168 fallback: 'vue-style-loader'169 }),170 postcss: getExtractLoader(extractProjectStyle, {171 fallback: 'vue-style-loader'172 })173 }174 }...

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Source: module-rules.js Github


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1const miniCssExtract = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');2const postcssImport = require('postcss-import');3const postcssPresetEnv = require('postcss-preset-env');4const cssnano = require('cssnano');5const pix2rem = require('postcss-pxtorem');6const sass = require('sass');7const threadLoader = require('thread-loader');8/​** options: isDev, useCssModule */​9const getCssLoaders = (options) => {10 return [11 /​/​ cache-loader 在大开销loaders才开启,否则几乎无性能提升12 /​/​ webpack5 中使用 cache 配置13 /​/​ {14 /​/​ loader: 'cache-loader',15 /​/​ },16 /​/​ thread-loader 无法和 less、sass一起使用:各种报错17 {18 loader: options.isDev ? 'style-loader' : miniCssExtract.loader,19 },20 {21 loader: 'css-loader',22 options: {23 modules: !!options.useCssModule,24 },25 },26 {27 loader: 'postcss-loader',28 options: {29 postcssOptions: (loaderContext) => {30 const targetPlugins = [31 postcssImport(),32 /​/​ pix2rem({ propList: ['*'], rootValue: 100, exclude: /​node_modules/​i }),33 postcssPresetEnv(),34 ];35 if (!options.isDev) {36 targetPlugins.push(cssnano());37 }38 return {39 plugins: targetPlugins,40 };41 },42 },43 },44 ].filter((item) => item);45};46module.exports = (isServer, isDev) => {47 /​/​ threadLoader预热48 const workerPool = { poolTimeout: isDev ? Infinity : 2000 };49 threadLoader.warmup(workerPool, ['babel-loader']);50 return [51 {52 test: /​\.(ts|tsx)$/​,53 include: /​node_modules(\/​|\\)(\@thyiad(\/​|\\)antd-ui).*/​,54 use: {55 loader: 'ts-loader',56 options: { allowTsInNodeModules: true },57 },58 },59 {60 test: /​\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$/​,61 exclude: /​node_modules/​,62 use: [63 /​/​ {64 /​/​ loader: 'cache-loader',65 /​/​ },66 {67 loader: 'thread-loader',68 options: workerPool,69 },70 {71 loader: 'babel-loader',72 options: {73 cacheDirectory: true,74 },75 },76 ],77 },78 {79 test: /​\.css$/​,80 use: isServer ? 'null-loader' : getCssLoaders({ useCssModule: false, isDev: isDev }),81 },82 {83 test: /​\.scss$/​,84 exclude: /​node_modules/​,85 use: isServer86 ? 'null-loader'87 : [88 ...getCssLoaders({ useCssModule: false, isDev: isDev }),89 {90 loader: 'sass-loader',91 options: {92 implementation: sass,93 },94 },95 ],96 },97 {98 test: /​\.less$/​,99 include: /​node_modules/​,100 use: isServer101 ? 'null-loader'102 : [103 ...getCssLoaders({ useCssModule: false, isDev: isDev }),104 {105 loader: 'less-loader',106 options: {107 lessOptions: {108 javascriptEnabled: true,109 },110 },111 },112 ],113 },114 {115 test: /​\.less$/​,116 exclude: /​node_modules/​,117 use: isServer118 ? 'null-loader'119 : [120 ...getCssLoaders({ useCssModule: true, isDev: isDev }), /​/​ 如果本地不需要css modules, 可以合并为同一个less配置项121 {122 loader: 'less-loader',123 options: {124 lessOptions: {125 javascriptEnabled: true,126 },127 },128 },129 ],130 },131 {132 test: /​\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg)$/​,133 exclude: /​node_modules/​,134 type: 'asset',135 parser: {136 dataUrlCondition: {137 maxSize: 5 * 1024,138 },139 },140 generator: {141 filename: 'media/​[contenthash][ext][query]',142 },143 },144 {145 test: /​\.(ttf|json|mp4)$/​,146 exclude: /​node_modules/​,147 type: 'asset/​resource',148 generator: {149 filename: 'media/​[contenthash][ext][query]',150 },151 },152 ];...

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Source: tiles.css.js Github


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1const ExtractCssChunks = require('extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin');2const OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin = require('optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin');3const env = require('./​env');4function styleResolveLoaders({5 postCssPlugins = null,6 useExtract = true,7 useCssModule,8 useSassLoader,9} = {}) {10 const IS_PROD = env.modeIs('prod');11 const sourceMapOptions = !IS_PROD ? { sourceMap: true } : {};12 const cssExtractor = [13 {14 loader: 'cache-loader', /​/​ 对抽离css文件前,将css-loader产生的结果缓存到cache-loader15 options: {16 cacheDirectory: env.get('CACHE_DIR'),17 },18 },19 {20 loader: 'css-loader',21 options: {22 esModule: true,23 /​/​ ...sourceMapOptions,24 modules: useCssModule25 ? {26 mode: 'local', /​/​ css模块默认local27 localIdentName: !IS_PROD ? '[path][name]__[local]' : '[hash:base64:5]', /​/​ 开发环境使用原来的名字28 }29 : false,30 importLoaders: postCssPlugins ? 1 : 0, /​/​ if use postcss, need importLoaders31 },32 },33 ];34 if (postCssPlugins) {35 /​/​ hippy不需要加postcss的前缀36 cssExtractor.push({37 loader: 'postcss-loader',38 options: {39 plugins: postCssPlugins, /​/​ browserlist在packagejson中40 },41 });42 }43 if (useSassLoader) {44 cssExtractor.push(45 { loader: 'resolve-url-loader', options: { ...sourceMapOptions } }, /​/​ 用来解析sass中@import引用图片资源的位置问题46 {47 loader: 'sass-loader',48 options: {49 ...sourceMapOptions,50 },51 }52 );53 if (useExtract) {54 cssExtractor.unshift({55 loader: ExtractCssChunks.loader,56 options: { hmr: !!env.isWds },57 });58 }59 }60 return cssExtractor;61}62module.exports = ({63 useCssModule = false,64 cssModulePaths, /​/​ default will enable .module.css witch css module65 useSass = true,66 postCssPlugins = null,67} = {}) => {68 if (useCssModule) {69 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign70 cssModulePaths = /​\.module\.css$/​; /​/​ setDefault css module path71 }72 if (env.targetIs('server')) {73 /​/​ in server74 return {75 module: {76 rules: [77 { test: /​\.css$/​, use: 'ignore-loader' },78 { test: /​\.s[a|c]ss$/​i, use: 'ignore-loader' },79 {80 rules: [81 {82 test: /​\.css$/​i,83 use: styleResolveLoaders({ useCssModule: true, useExtract: false, postCssPlugins }),84 include: cssModulePaths,85 },86 {87 test: /​\.css$/​i,88 use: 'ignore-loader',89 exclude: cssModulePaths,90 },91 /​/​ 通过include和exclude配合产生相斥的加载cssModule的规则,保证进入到不同的loader中92 useSass && {93 test: /​\.(scss|sass)$/​,94 use: styleResolveLoaders({95 useCssModule: true,96 useSassLoader: true,97 useExtract: false,98 postCssPlugins,99 }),100 include: cssModulePaths,101 },102 useSass && {103 test: /​\.(scss|sass)$/​,104 use: 'ignore-loader',105 exclude: cssModulePaths,106 },107 ].filter((r) => !!r),108 },109 ],110 },111 };112 }113 const IS_PROD = env.modeIs('prod');114 return {115 module: {116 rules: [117 {118 test: /​\.css$/​i,119 use: styleResolveLoaders({ useCssModule: true, postCssPlugins }),120 include: cssModulePaths,121 },122 {123 test: /​\.css$/​i,124 use: styleResolveLoaders({ useCssModule: false, postCssPlugins }),125 exclude: cssModulePaths,126 },127 /​/​ 通过include和exclude配合产生相斥的加载cssModule的规则,保证进入到不同的loader中128 useSass && {129 test: /​\.(scss|sass)$/​,130 use: styleResolveLoaders({ useCssModule: true, useSassLoader: true, postCssPlugins }),131 include: cssModulePaths,132 },133 useSass && {134 test: /​\.(scss|sass)$/​,135 use: styleResolveLoaders({ useCssModule: false, useSassLoader: true, postCssPlugins }),136 exclude: cssModulePaths,137 },138 ].filter((r) => !!r),139 },140 plugins: [141 new ExtractCssChunks({142 filename: IS_PROD ? '[name].[contenthash].css' : '[name].css',143 }),144 IS_PROD &&145 new OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin(/​* { cssnano的选项,如需sourcemap打开这个146 cssProcessorOptions: {147 map: { inline: false }148 },149 } */​),150 ].filter((item) => !!item),151 };...

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Source: util.js Github


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1const path = require('path');2const fs = require('fs');3const glob = require('glob');4const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');5const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');6const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');7const os = require('os');8/​/​ pages/​name/​index.js9function getEntry() {10 let entry = {};11 const entryFilePathList = glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../​src/​pages/​*/​index.js'));12 for (const path of entryFilePathList) {13 let htmlPath = path.replace('.js', '.html');14 if (fs.existsSync(htmlPath)) {15 const pageName = path.match(/​src\/​pages\/​(.+)\/​index.js/​)[1];16 const relativePath = `${pageName}/​index`;17 entry[relativePath] = path; /​/​ 输出js按照文件夹分开18 }19 }20 return entry;21}22/​/​ pages/​name/​index.html23function getHtmlPlugins(isDev) {24 const htmlPathList = glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../​src/​pages/​*/​index.html'));25 return => {26 const pageName = htmlFilepath.match(/​src\/​pages\/​(.+)\/​index.html/​)[1];27 let fileName = `../​pages/​${pageName}.html`;28 if (isDev) {29 fileName = `./​pages/​${pageName}.html`;30 }31 let option = {32 template: path.resolve(__dirname, `../​src/​pages/​${pageName}/​index.html`),33 filename: fileName, /​/​ filename 相对的都是output.path34 chunks: [`${pageName}/​index`], /​/​ 把哪些js用script引入35 inject: true,36 minify: {37 html5: true,38 collapseWhitespace: true,39 preserveLineBreaks: false,40 minifyCSS: true,41 minifyJS: true,42 removeComments: false43 }44 };45 let jsPath = htmlFilepath.replace('.html', '.js');46 if (!fs.existsSync(jsPath)) {47 option.chunks = [];48 }49 return new HtmlWebpackPlugin(option);50 });51}52function getCssLoader(isDev, useCssModule) {53 let modules = false;54 if (useCssModule) {55 modules = {56 localIdentName: '[local]--[hash:base64:5]'57 };58 }59 let value = [60 {61 loader: 'css-loader',62 options: {63 importLoaders: 1, /​/​ 当css文件中又有引入了其他的css的时候,需要设置一下importLoaders64 modules65 }66 },67 {68 loader: 'postcss-loader',69 options: {70 plugins: [71 autoprefixer({72 overrideBrowserslist: ['last 2 version', '>1%', 'ios 7']73 })74 ]75 }76 }77 ];78 if (isDev) {79 value.unshift('style-loader');80 } else {81 value.unshift(MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader);82 }83 return value;84}85function getLessLoader(isDev, useCssModule) {86 let lessLoader = getCssLoader(isDev, useCssModule);87 lessLoader = lessLoader.concat(['less-loader']);88 return lessLoader;89}90function getCssRule(isDev) {91 const cssLoaderNoModule = getCssLoader(isDev);92 const cssLoaderWidthModule = getCssLoader(isDev, true);93 return {94 test: /​\.css$/​,95 oneOf: [96 {97 resourceQuery: /​css_modules/​, /​/​ foo.css?css_modules98 use: cssLoaderWidthModule99 },100 {101 use: cssLoaderNoModule102 }103 ]104 };105}106function getLessRule(isDev) {107 const lessLoaderNoModule = getLessLoader(isDev);108 const lessLoaderWithModule = getLessLoader(isDev, true);109 return {110 test: /​\.less/​,111 oneOf: [112 {113 resourceQuery: /​css_modules/​, /​/​ foo.css?css_modules114 use: lessLoaderWithModule115 },116 {117 use: lessLoaderNoModule118 }119 ]120 };121}122function recursiveIssuer(m) {123 if (m.issuer) {124 return recursiveIssuer(m.issuer);125 } else if ( {126 return;127 } else {128 return false;129 }130}131function getCssCacheGroups() {132 let value = {};133 let entry = getEntry();134 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in135 for (const entryName in entry) {136 const pageName = entryName.split(/​[\\/​]/​)[0];137 value[pageName] = {138 name: pageName,139 test: (m, c, entry = entryName) =>140 === 'CssModule' && recursiveIssuer(m) === entry,141 chunks: 'all',142 enforce: true143 };144 }145 return value;146}147/​/​ 逻辑核心148function getCpuCoreCount() {149 return os.cpus().length;150}151module.exports = {152 getEntry,153 getHtmlPlugins,154 getCssRule,155 getLessRule,156 getCssCacheGroups,157 getCpuCoreCount...

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Source: webpack.config.js Github


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1const path = require('path')2const webpack = require('webpack')3const ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin = require('@pmmmwh/​react-refresh-webpack-plugin');4const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');5const srcPath = path.resolve(__dirname,'src')6const distPath = path.resolve(__dirname,'dist')7module.exports = {8 mode:'development',9 entry:'./​src/​main.js',10 output:{11 filename:'bundle.js',12 path:distPath13 },14 devtool:'eval-cheap-module-source-map',15 module:{16 rules:[17 {18 test:/​\.jsx?$/​,19 exclude: /​(node_modules|src\/​libs)/​,20 include:srcPath,21 loader:"babel-loader",22 options:{23 /​/​ cacheDirectory:true24 25 }26 },27 {28 test:/​\.css$/​,29 include:srcPath,30 use:styleLoaderConfig()31 },32 {33 test: /​\.less$/​,34 resource: path.resolve(__dirname,'src/​index.less'),35 use:styleLoaderConfig({ useCssModule: false })36 },37 {38 test: /​\.less$/​,39 include: /​(src\/​pages|src\/​components|src\/​containers)/​,40 use: styleLoaderConfig({ useCssModule: true }),41 exclude: /​(node_modules)/​42 },43 ]44 },45 plugins:[46 new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin(),47 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({48 template: './​public/​index.html',49 }),50 /​/​ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({51 /​/​ template: './​public/​index.html',52 /​/​ favicon: './​public/​favicon.ico',53 /​/​ filename: 'index.html',54 /​/​ title: 'webpack5.0',55 /​/​ inject: 'body',56 /​/​ /​/​ minify: {57 /​/​ /​/​ minifyJS: true,58 /​/​ /​/​ minifyCSS: true,59 /​/​ /​/​ removeComments: true,60 /​/​ /​/​ collapseWhitespace: true,61 /​/​ /​/​ removeAttributeQuotes: true62 /​/​ /​/​ }63 /​/​ }),64 /​/​ new MiniCssExtractPlugin({65 /​/​ filename: filesNameMapper.cssFilename,66 /​/​ chunkFilename: filesNameMapper.cssChunkFilename67 /​/​ }),68 ],69 devServer:{70 overlay: {/​/​当出现编译器错误或警告时,就在网页上显示一层黑色的背景层和错误信息71 errors: true72 },73 contentBase:distPath,74 hot:true75 },76 performance: {77 hints: false, 78 },79 cache: true,80}81function styleLoaderConfig(options={}) {82 const useCssModule = options.useCssModule || false;83 return [84 /​/​ isDev 85 /​/​ ?'style-loader' 86 /​/​ : MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,87 'style-loader',88 /​/​ {89 /​/​ loader: 'cache-loader',90 /​/​ options: {91 /​/​ cacheDirectory: path.join(cachePath, 'csscache')92 /​/​ }93 /​/​ },94 {95 loader: 'css-loader',96 options: {97 /​/​ importLoaders: 2,98 modules: useCssModule,99 /​/​ localIdentName: '[local]--[hash:base64:4]'100 }101 },102 /​/​ {103 /​/​ loader: 'postcss-loader',104 /​/​ options: {105 /​/​ config: {106 /​/​ path: path.join(__dirname, 'postcss.config.js'),107 /​/​ ctx: {108 /​/​ autoprefixer: {109 /​/​ browsers: ['Safari >= 10', 'last 1 firefox version', 'Chrome >= 62', 'Explorer >= 10']110 /​/​ },111 /​/​ cssnano: { preset: 'default' },112 /​/​ cssVariables: {}113 /​/​ }114 /​/​ }115 /​/​ }116 /​/​ },117 {118 loader: 'less-loader',119 options: {120 /​/​ javascriptEnabled: true,121 /​/​ modifyVars: {122 /​/​ '@primary-color': '#00c3c1',123 /​/​ '@link-color': '#00c3c1'124 /​/​ }125 }126 }127 ];...

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Source: index.js Github


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1import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router'2<<<<<<< HEAD3const HelloWorld = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "HelloWorld" */​ "../​views/​HelloWorld.vue");4const LiveCycle = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "LiveCycle" */​ "../​views/​LiveCycle.vue");5const TodoList = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "TodoList" */​ "../​views/​TodoList.vue");6const VuexShow = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "VuexShow" */​ "../​views/​VuexShow.vue");7const PluginShow = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "PluginShow" */​ "../​views/​PluginShow.vue");8const Watch = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "Watch" */​ "../​views/​Watch.vue");9/​/​ const SrcHtml = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "SrcHtml" */​ "../​views/​SrcHtml.vue");10const UseCssModule = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "UseCssModule" */​ "../​views/​UseCssModule.vue");11=======12const HelloWorld = () =>13 import(/​* webpackChunkName: "HelloWorld" */​ '../​views/​HelloWorld.vue')14const LiveCycle = () =>15 import(/​* webpackChunkName: "LiveCycle" */​ '../​views/​LiveCycle.vue')16const TodoList = () =>17 import(/​* webpackChunkName: "TodoList" */​ '../​views/​TodoList.vue')18const VuexShow = () =>19 import(/​* webpackChunkName: "VuexShow" */​ '../​views/​VuexShow.vue')20const PluginShow = () =>21 import(/​* webpackChunkName: "PluginShow" */​ '../​views/​PluginShow.vue')22const Watch = () => import(/​* webpackChunkName: "Watch" */​ '../​views/​Watch.vue')23const Reactive = () =>24 import(/​* webpackChunkName: "Reactive" */​ '../​views/​Reactive.vue')25>>>>>>> e2e97612ef429ed9d77ff25bfa06eeb3c78086fa26/​/​ 在 Vue-router新版本中,需要使用createRouter来创建路由27export default createRouter({28 /​/​ 指定路由的模式,此处使用的是hash模式29 history: createWebHashHistory(),30 /​/​ 路由地址31 routes: [32 {33 path: '/​',34 name: 'HelloWorld',35 component: HelloWorld,36 meta: {37 name: '欢迎页-综合演示',38 },39 },40 {41 path: '/​reactive',42 name: 'Reactive',43 component: Reactive,44 meta: {45 name: 'Reactive 演示',46 },47 },48 {49 path: '/​live-cycle',50 name: 'LiveCycle',51 component: LiveCycle,52 meta: {53 name: '生命周期演示',54 },55 },56 {57 path: '/​todo-list',58 name: 'TodoList',59 component: TodoList,60 meta: {61 name: '简单todolist演示',62 },63 },64 {65 path: '/​vuex-show',66 name: 'VuexShow',67 component: VuexShow,68 meta: {69 name: 'vuex演示',70 },71 },72 {73 path: '/​plugin-show',74 name: 'PluginShow',75 component: PluginShow,76 meta: {77 name: '插件演示',78 },79 },80 {81 path: '/​watch',82 name: 'Watch',83 component: Watch,84 meta: {85<<<<<<< HEAD86 name: 'watch 演示'87 }88 },89 /​/​ {90 /​/​ path: '/​srcHtml',91 /​/​ name: 'SrcHtml',92 /​/​ component: SrcHtml,93 /​/​ meta: {94 /​/​ name: 'Src 引入Html'95 /​/​ }96 /​/​ },97 {98 path: '/​useCssModule',99 name: 'UseCssModule',100 component: UseCssModule,101 meta: {102 name: 'css和js互相通信'103 }104 }105 ]106=======107 name: 'watch 演示',108 },109 },110 ],111>>>>>>> e2e97612ef429ed9d77ff25bfa06eeb3c78086fa...

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Source: helpers.js Github


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1const path = require("path");2const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");3const isEnvDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development";4const createCSSLoader = (useCssModule) => {5 return [6 isEnvDevelopment ? "style-loader" : MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,7 useCssModule8 ? {9 loader: "css-loader",10 options: {11 modules: true,12 localIdentName: "[local]_[hash:base64:5]",13 },14 }15 : "css-loader",16 {17 loader: "postcss-loader",18 options: {19 config: {20 path: path.resolve(__dirname, "../​postcss.config.js"),21 },22 },23 },24 ];25};26const createLessLoader = (useCssModule, extract, options = {}) => {27 return createCSSLoader(useCssModule, extract).concat({28 loader: "less-loader",29 options,30 });31};...

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Source: .prettierrc.js Github


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1const { useCssModule } = require("vue");2useCssModule.exports = {3 singleQuote: true,4 semi: false,5 trailingComma: "none",...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test');2const { expect } = require('@playwright/​test');3const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');4const { chromium } = require('playwright');5const { firefox } = require('playwright');6const { webkit } = require('playwright');7const { devices } = require('playwright');8const { selectors } = require('playwright');9const { Locator } = require('playwright');10const { Page } = require('playwright');11const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright');12const { Browser } = require('playwright');13const { ElectronApplication } = require('playwright');14const { Worker } = require('playwright');15const { Android } = require('playwright');16const { iOS } = require('playwright');17const { BrowserType } = require('playwright');18const { Route } = require('playwright');19const { Request } = require('playwright');20const { Response } = require('playwright');21const { WebSocket } = require('playwright');22const { ConsoleMessage } = require('playwright');23const { Dialog } = require('playwright');24const { Download } = require('playwright');25const { FileChooser } = require('playwright');26const { JSHandle } = require('playwright');27const { Frame } = require('playwright');28const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright');29const { Selectors } = require('playwright');30const { TimeoutError } = require('playwright');31const { AuthOptions } = require('playwright');32const { BrowserContextOptions } = require('playwright');33const { BrowserTypeLaunchOptions } = require('playwright');34const { BrowserTypeConnectOptions } = require('playwright');35const { BrowserTypeLaunchPersistentContextOptions } = require('playwright');36const { ConsoleMessageLocation } = require('playwright');37const { DialogType } = require('playwright');38const { DownloadOptions } = require('playwright');39const { ElementHandleScreenshotOptions } = require('playwright');40const { ElementHandleBoundingBoxOptions } = require('playwright');41const { ElementHandleContentFrameOptions } = require('playwright');42const { ElementHandleEvalOptions } = require('playwright');43const { ElementHandleHoverOptions } = require('playwright');44const { ElementHandleTapOptions } = require('playwright');45const { Element

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test');2const { test } = useCssModule('./​test.css');3const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');4const { useCssModule } = test;5const { css } = useCssModule('./​test.css');6const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');7const { useCssModule } = test;8const { css } = useCssModule('./​test.css');9test('test', async ({ page }) => {10 await;11});12- [Playwright Internal API](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('playwright');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');3test('useCssModule', async ({ page }) => {4 const element = await page.$('css=header');5 expect(await element.innerText()).toContain('Playwright');6});7This method is useful when you are testing a website that uses CSS modules. For example, the Playwright website uses CSS modules. The CSS file for the website is [here](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​cssParser');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');3test('useCssModule', async ({ page }) => {4 await page.setContent(`<style>5 :is(.a, .b) {6 color: red;7 }8 </​style>`);9 const cssModule = await useCssModule(page);10 expect(cssModule).toEqual({11 });12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​css/​cssModule');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');3test('useCssModule', async ({ page }) => {4 const css = useCssModule('test.css');5 const element = page.locator(css('logo'));6 expect(await element.getAttribute('aria-label')).toBe('Playwright');7});8const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');9const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​css/​cssModule');10test('useCssModule', async ({ page }) => {11 const css = useCssModule('test.css');12 const element = page.locator(css('logo'));13 expect(await element.getAttribute('aria-label')).toBe('Playwright');14});15const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');16const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​css/​cssModule');17test.fixme('useCssModule', async ({ page }) => {18 const css = useCssModule('test.css');19 const element = page.locator(css('logo'));20 expect(await element.getAttribute('aria-label')).toBe('Playwright');21});22const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');23const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​css/​cssModule');24test.describe('useCssModule', () => {25 test('useCssModule', async ({ page }) => {26 const css = useCssModule('test.css');27 const element = page.locator(css('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');2test('Test 1', async ({ page }) => {3 await'text=Get started');4 await'text=Docs');5 await'text=API');6 await'text=Playwright');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​selectorEngine');2const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');3test.describe('Test Suite', () => {4 test('Test Case', async({ page }) => {5 const cssModule = useCssModule('src/​cssModule.js');6 await'button'));7 });8});9const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');10test.describe('Test Suite', () => {11 test('Test Case', async({ page }) => {12 const cssModule = useCssModule('src/​cssModule.js');13 await'button'));14 });15});16const { chromium } = require('playwright');17const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​selectorEngine');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 const cssModule = useCssModule('src/​cssModule.js');23 await'button'));24 await browser.close();25})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​cssModule');2const { test } = useCssModule({3 cssFile: require.resolve('./​test.css'),4});5test('My test', async ({ page }) => {6 await'Try It'));7});8It uses [postcss](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { useCssModule } = require('@playwright/​test');2const cssModule = useCssModule('./​test.css');;4import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/​test';5import { useCssModule } from 'playwright-test-css-module';6const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {7 use: {8 cssModule: useCssModule('./​test.css'),9 },10};11export default config;12import { test, expect } from '@playwright/​test';13import { cssModule } from '@playwright/​test';14test('My test', async ({ page }) => {15 await;16 const text = await page.innerText(cssModule.text);17 expect(text).toBe('Hello World!');18});19import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/​test';20import { useCssModule } from 'playwright-test-css-module';21const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {22 use: {23 cssModule: useCssModule('./​test.css'),24 },25};26export default config;27import { test, expect } from '@playwright/​test';28import { cssModule } from '@playwright/​test';29test('My test', async ({ page }) => {30 await;31 const text = await page.innerText(cssModule.text);32 expect(text).toBe('Hello World!');33});

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StackOverFlow community discussions


Jest + Playwright - Test callbacks of event-based DOM library

firefox browser does not start in playwright

Is it possible to get the selector from a locator object in playwright?

How to run a list of test suites in a single file concurrently in jest?

Running Playwright in Azure Function

firefox browser does not start in playwright

This question is quite close to a "need more focus" question. But let's try to give it some focus:

Does Playwright has access to the cPicker object on the page? Does it has access to the window object?

Yes, you can access both cPicker and the window object inside an evaluate call.

Should I trigger the events from the HTML file itself, and in the callbacks, print in the DOM the result, in some dummy-element, and then infer from that dummy element text that the callbacks fired?

Exactly, or you can assign values to a javascript variable:

const cPicker = new ColorPicker({
    window['color'] = color;
    window['result'] = color;

And then

it('Should call all callbacks with correct arguments', async() => {
    await page.goto(`http://localhost:5000/tests/visual/basic.html`, {waitUntil:'load'})

    // Wait until the next frame
    await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame))

    // Act
    // Assert
    const result = await page.evaluate(() => window['color']);
    // Check the value


Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:

Difference Between Web vs Hybrid vs Native Apps

Native apps are developed specifically for one platform. Hence they are fast and deliver superior performance. They can be downloaded from various app stores and are not accessible through browsers.

How To Use driver.FindElement And driver.FindElements In Selenium C#

One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.

Difference Between Web And Mobile Application Testing

Smartphones have changed the way humans interact with technology. Be it travel, fitness, lifestyle, video games, or even services, it’s all just a few touches away (quite literally so). We only need to look at the growing throngs of smartphone or tablet users vs. desktop users to grasp this reality.

Putting Together a Testing Team

As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.

Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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