Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1//load data----234async function createApp(){5 const dataset= await d3.csv('data.csv')67 console.log(dataset)8 9 //create dimensions---10 let dimensions={11 width: 800,12 height:600,13 margins: {14 left: 50,15 right: 20,16 top:20,17 bottom: 50,18 },19 };2021 //bound dimensions22 dimensions.boundedwidth=dimensions.width-23 dimensions.margins.left-24 dimensions.margins.right;25 dimensions.boundedheight=dimensions.height-26 dimensions.margins.bottom;282930 //Draw canvas----31"#vis")32 .append("svg")33 .attr("width", dimensions.width)34 .attr("height", dimensions.height);3536 bounds=wrapper.append("g")37 .style("transform", `translate(${38 dimensions.margins.left39 }px, ${40 dimensions.margins.top41 }px)`);42 43 //create scales------44 const xScatterscale= d3.scaleLinear()45 .range([0, dimensions.boundedwidth])46 .nice() 4748 const yScatterscale= d3.scaleLinear()49 .range([dimensions.boundedheight, 0])50 .nice() 515253 const xBarscale= d3.scaleBand()54 .range([0, dimensions.boundedwidth])55 .padding(0.2)56 57 const yBarscale=d3.scaleLinear()58 .range([dimensions.boundedheight, 0])59 .nice()6061 //Draw perpherals--axes-------62 //create axis generators63 const xAxisgeneratorscatter= d3.axisBottom()64 .scale(xScatterscale)65 .ticks(8) 6667 const yAxisgeneratorscatter= d3.axisLeft()68 .scale(yScatterscale)69 .ticks(9)70 7172 const xAxisgeneratorbar=d3.axisBottom()73 .scale(xBarscale)7475 const yAxisgeneratorbar=d3.axisLeft()76 .scale(yBarscale)7778//creating a group element which contains all the things related to x-axis like axis and the labels79 bounds.append("g")80 .attr("class", "x-axis")81 .style("transform", `translateY(${82 dimensions.boundedheight83 }px)`) 84 .append("text")85 .attr("class", "x-axis-label")86 .attr("x", dimensions.boundedwidth/2)87 .attr("y", dimensions.margins.bottom-10)88 .attr("fill", "black")89 .style("font-size", "1.4em")90 91//creating a group element which contains all the things related to y-axis like axis and the labels92 bounds.append("g")93 .attr("class", "y-axis")94 .append("text")95 .attr("class", "y-axis-label")96 .attr("x", -dimensions.boundedheight/2)97 .attr("y", -dimensions.margins.left+10)98 .attr("fill", "black")99 .style("font-size", "1.4em")100 .style("transform", "rotate(-90deg)")101 .style("text-anchor", "middle") 102 103 104105 //binding data to empty request----- 106 const requests= bounds.append("g")107 .attr("class", "request")108109 const chartgroups= requests.selectAll(".request")110 .data(dataset)111 .enter().append("g")112113 let duration = 750 114115 //const updateTransition = d3.transition().duration(duration) 116117 const updateTransition = (t) => {118 return t.duration(duration)119 }120121 var previousChartType = "scatter";122 123 scatterplot();124 125 126 //create functions to draw data scatter plot----127 function scatterplot(){128129 const xAccessorscatter= d=> +d.risk130 const yAccessorscatter= d=> +d.return131132 xScatterscale.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, xAccessorscatter)+0.05])133 yScatterscale.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, yAccessorscatter)+0.02])134135 const".x-axis")136 .transition()137 .call(updateTransition)138 .call(xAxisgeneratorscatter) 139 140 141 const xAxislabel=".x-axis-label")142 .transition()143 .call(updateTransition)144 .text("Risk")145146 const yAxis=".y-axis")147 .transition()148 .call(updateTransition)149 .call(yAxisgeneratorscatter)150151152 const yAxislabel=".y-axis-label")153 .transition()154 .call(updateTransition)155 .text("Return")156157 const newscattergroup= chartgroups.append("circle")158 .attr("cx", d=>xScatterscale(xAccessorscatter(d)))159 .attr("cy", dimensions.boundedheight)160 .attr("r", 0)161162 const scattergroups= newscattergroup163 .transition().duration(previousChartType === "bar" ? duration : 0)164 // .call(updateTransition)165 .attr("cx", d=>xScatterscale(xAccessorscatter(d)))166 .attr("cy", d=>yScatterscale(yAccessorscatter(d)))167 .attr("r", 5)168 .attr("fill", "red") 169 170 previousChartType = "scatter";171} 172173 //create functions to draw data bar plot----174 function plotbar(){175176 const xAccessorbar = d=> d.id177 const yAccessorbar = d=> +d.equity178179 xBarscale180 .domain( 182 yBarscale183 .domain([0, d3.max(dataset, yAccessorbar)+0.1])184 185 const".x-axis")186 .transition()187 .call(updateTransition)188 .call(xAxisgeneratorbar)189190 const".x-axis-label")191 .transition()192 .call(updateTransition)193 .text("id")194195 const".y-axis")196 .transition()197 .call(updateTransition)198 .call(yAxisgeneratorbar)199200 const".y-axis-label")201 .transition()202 .call(updateTransition)203 .text("Equity")204205 const newbarsgroups= chartgroups.append("rect")206 .attr("x", d=> xBarscale( .attr("height", 0)208 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedheight)209 .attr("width", xBarscale.bandwidth())210211 const t= newbarsgroups212 .transition().duration(previousChartType === "scatter" ? duration : 0)213 //.call(updateTransition)214 .attr("x", d=> xBarscale( .attr("y", d=> yBarscale(d.equity))216 .attr("width", xBarscale.bandwidth())217 .attr("height", d=>dimensions.boundedheight- yBarscale(yAccessorbar(d)))218 .attr("fill", "cornflowerblue")219 220 221 const barText= chartgroups.filter(yAccessorbar)222 .append("text")223 .attr("x", d=>xBarscale( .attr("y", dimensions.boundedheight)225 .transition().duration(previousChartType === "scatter" ? duration : 0)226 // .call(updateTransition)227 .attr("x", d=>xBarscale( .attr("y", d=>yBarscale(yAccessorbar(d))-5)229 .text(yAccessorbar)230 .style("text-anchor", "middle")231 .attr("fill", "black")232 .style("font-size", "12px")233 .style("font-family", "sans-serif") 234 235 previousChartType = "bar";236237 }238 239"#scatter").on("click", function () {240 chartgroups241 .selectAll("rect")242 .attr("fill-opacity", 1)243 .transition()244 .duration(duration)245 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedheight)246 .attr("height", 0)247 .attr("fill-opacity", 0)248 .remove();249250 chartgroups251 .select("text")252 .transition()253 .duration(duration)254 .attr("fill", "white")255 .remove();256 257 scatterplot()258 259 });260261 262"#bar").on("click", function () {263 chartgroups264 .selectAll("circle")265 .attr("fill-opacity", 1)266 .transition()267 .duration(duration)268 .attr("fill-opacity", 0)269 .remove();270 271 plotbar()272 273 });274275}276
1async function drawBars() {2 // 1. Access data3 const dataset = await d3.json("./../../my_weather_data.json");4 // 2. Create chart dimensions5 const width = 500;6 let dimensions = {7 width: width,8 height: width * 0.6,9 margin: {10 top: 30,11 right: 10,12 bottom: 50,13 left: 50,14 },15 };16 dimensions.boundedWidth =17 dimensions.width - dimensions.margin.left - dimensions.margin.right;18 dimensions.boundedHeight =19 dimensions.height - - dimensions.margin.bottom;20 // 3. Draw canvas21 const wrapper = d322 .select("#wrapper")23 .append("svg")24 .attr("width", dimensions.width)25 .attr("height", dimensions.height);26 const bounds = wrapper27 .append("g")28 .style(29 "transform",30 `translate(${dimensions.margin.left}px, ${}px)`31 );32 // init static elements33 bounds.append("g").attr("class", "bins");34 bounds.append("line").attr("class", "mean");35 bounds36 .append("g")37 .attr("class", "x-axis")38 .style("transform", `translateY(${dimensions.boundedHeight}px)`)39 .append("text")40 .attr("class", "x-axis-label")41 .attr("x", dimensions.boundedWidth / 2)42 .attr("y", dimensions.margin.bottom - 10);43 const drawHistogram = (metric) => {44 const metricAccessor = (d) => d[metric];45 const yAccessor = (d) => d.length;46 // 4. Create scales47 const xScale = d348 .scaleLinear()49 .domain(d3.extent(dataset, metricAccessor))50 .range([0, dimensions.boundedWidth])51 .nice();52 const binsGenerator = d353 .bin()54 .domain(xScale.domain())55 .value(metricAccessor)56 .thresholds(12);57 const bins = binsGenerator(dataset);58 const yScale = d359 .scaleLinear()60 .domain([0, d3.max(bins, yAccessor)])61 .range([dimensions.boundedHeight, 0])62 .nice();63 // 5. Draw data64 /* animate the bars when they leaving */65 const exitTransition = d3.transition().duration(600);66 const updateTransition = exitTransition.transition().duration(600);67 /* the animation was out of sync with the labels again!68 by doing so we can make a transition on the root document that can be used in multiple places.69 */70 /* const updateTransition = d371 .transition()72 .duration(600)73 .ease(d3.easeBounceIn);74 console.log(updateTransition); */75 /* expand the _groups array and see that this transition is indeed targeting76 * the root <html> element.77 */78 const barPadding = 1;79 let binGroups =".bins").selectAll(".bin").data(bins);80 const oldBinGroups = binGroups.exit();81 oldBinGroups82 .selectAll("rect")83 .style("fill", "orangered")84 .transition(exitTransition)85 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedHeight)86 .attr("height", 0);87 oldBinGroups88 .selectAll("text")89 .transition(exitTransition)90 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedHeight);91 oldBinGroups.transition(exitTransition).remove();92 const newBinGroups = binGroups.enter().append("g").attr("class", "bin");93 newBinGroups94 .append("rect")95 .attr("height", 0)96 .attr("x", (d) => xScale(d.x0) + barPadding)97 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedHeight)98 .attr("width", (d) =>99 d3.max([0, xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0) - barPadding])100 )101 /* we using .style() instead if .attr() because we need to fill the value to be an inline style102 * instead of an SVG attribute in order to override the CSS styles in styles.css */103 .style("fill", "yellowgreen");104 newBinGroups105 .append("text")106 /* set the label's initial position to prevent them from flying in from the left */107 .attr("x", (d) => xScale(d.x0) + (xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0)) / 2)108 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedHeight);109 // update binGroups to include new points110 binGroups = newBinGroups.merge(binGroups);111 const barRects = binGroups112 .select("rect")113 /* we can use the .transition() methode on the d3 selection object114 * to transform the selection object into a d3 transition object.115 */116 //.transition() /* now we have two additional keys: _id and _name */117 /* see also the __proto__ of the transition object,118 * which contains d3-specific methods119 * and the nested __proto__: Object contains native object methods such as toString().120 * we can see also some methods are ingerited form d3 selection object such as call() and each() */121 /* slow things down */122 //.duration(600)123 /* specify a timing func = CSS's transition-timing-func to give the animation some life */124 // .ease(d3.easeBounceOut)125 /* update: to use the updateTransition instead of creating a new on */126 .transition(updateTransition)127 .attr("x", (d) => xScale(d.x0) + barPadding)128 .attr("y", (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)))129 .attr("height", (d) => dimensions.boundedHeight - yScale(yAccessor(d)))130 .attr("width", (d) =>131 d3.max([0, xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0) - barPadding])132 )133 .transition()134 .style("fill", "cornflowerblue");135 //console.log(barRects);136 const barText = binGroups137 .select("text")138 /* adding another transition to make the text transition with the bars */139 //.transition()140 //.duration(600)141 /* update: to use the updateTransition instead of creating a new on */142 .transition(updateTransition)143 .attr("x", (d) => xScale(d.x0) + (xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0)) / 2)144 .attr("y", (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)) - 5)145 .text((d) => yAccessor(d) || "");146 const mean = d3.mean(dataset, metricAccessor);147 const meanLine = bounds148 .selectAll(".mean")149 /* use the updateTransition*/150 .transition(updateTransition)151 .attr("x1", xScale(mean))152 .attr("x2", xScale(mean))153 .attr("y1", -20)154 .attr("y2", dimensions.boundedHeight);155 // 6. Draw peripherals156 const xAxisGenerator = d3.axisBottom().scale(xScale);157 const xAxis = bounds158 .select(".x-axis")159 /* update: use the updateTransition*/160 .transition(updateTransition)161 .call(xAxisGenerator);162 const xAxisLabel =".x-axis-label").text(metric);163 };164 const metrics = [165 "windSpeed",166 "moonPhase",167 "dewPoint",168 "humidity",169 "uvIndex",170 "windBearing",171 "temperatureMin",172 "temperatureMax",173 ];174 let selectedMetricIndex = 0;175 drawHistogram(metrics[selectedMetricIndex]);176 const button ="body").append("button").text("Change metric");177 button.node().addEventListener("click", onClick);178 function onClick() {179 selectedMetricIndex = (selectedMetricIndex + 1) % metrics.length;180 drawHistogram(metrics[selectedMetricIndex]);181 }182}...
1async function drawLines() {2 const dataset = await d3.json("./my_weather_data.json"); 3 4 const width = 600;5 let dimensions = {6 width: width,7 height: width * 0.6,8 margin: {9 top: 20,10 right: 30,11 bottom: 20,12 left: 30,13 }14 }; 15 dimensions.boundedWidth = dimensions.width16 - dimensions.margin.left17 - dimensions.margin.right;18 dimensions.boundedHeight = dimensions.height19 - dimensions.margin.top20 - dimensions.margin.bottom; 21 // 3. Draw canvas22 const wrapper ="#wrapper")23 .append("svg")24 .attr("width", dimensions.width)25 .attr("height", dimensions.height);26 const bounds = wrapper.append("g")27 .style("transform", `translate(${dimensions.margin.left}px,${}px)`);28 // init static elements29 bounds.append("path")30 .attr("class", "line"); 31 bounds.append("g")32 .attr("class", "y-axis")33 //style("transform", `translateX(${dimensions.margin.left}px)`)34 //.append("text")35 //.attr("class", "y-axis-label")36 //.attr("x", dimensions.boundedWidth / 2)37 //.attr("y", dimensions.margin.bottom - 10);38 const drawLineChart = metric => {39 const dateParser = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m-%d");40 41 //Accessor42 const yAccessor = d => d[metric];43 const xAccessor = d => dateParser(; 44 const updateTransition = d3.transition().duration(600);45 /*46 const xScaler = d3.scaleLinear()47 .domain(d3.extent(dataset, metricAccessor))48 .range([0, dimensions.boundedWidth])49 .nice(); 50 51 52 53 const binsGen = d3.bin()54 .domain(xScaler.domain())55 .value(metricAccessor)56 .thresholds(12);57 const bins = binsGen(dataset);58 console.log(bins);59 */ 60 const xScaler = d3.scaleTime()61 .domain(d3.extent(dataset, xAccessor))62 .range([0, dimensions.boundedWidth]);63 const yScaler = d3.scaleLinear()64 .domain(d3.extent(dataset, yAccessor))65 .range([dimensions.boundedHeight, 0]); 66 const lineGenerator = d3.line()67 .x(d => xScaler(xAccessor(d)))68 .y(d => yScaler(yAccessor(d)));69 70 71 let line =".line")72 .transition(updateTransition)73 .attr("d", lineGenerator(dataset))74 .attr("fill", "none")75 .attr("stroke", "#af9999")76 .attr("stroke-width", 2); 77 78 const yAxisGenerator = d3.axisLeft()79 .scale(yScaler);80 81 const xAxisGenerator = d3.axisBottom()82 .scale(xScaler);83 const yAxis =".y-axis")84 .transition(updateTransition)85 .call(yAxisGenerator); 86 const xAxis = bounds.append("g")87 .call(xAxisGenerator)88 .style("transform", `translateY(${dimensions.boundedHeight}px)`);89 90 91 /*92 const oldLine = line.exit(); 93 oldLine.remove(); 94 95 const newLine = line.enter().append("path")96 .attr("class", "line"); 97 98 line = newLine.merge(line); 99 */ 100 101 102 103 104 /*105 let binGroups =".bins").selectAll(".bin").data(bins); 106 const oldBinGroups = binGroups.exit(); 107 oldBinGroups.selectAll("rect")108 .style("fill", "orangered")109 .transition(exitTransition)110 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedHeight)111 .attr('height', 0); 112 oldBinGroups.selectAll("text")113 .transition(exitTransition)114 .attr("y", dimensions.boundedHeight); 115 oldBinGroups.transition(exitTransition).remove(); 116 const newBinGroups = binGroups.enter().append("g")117 .attr("class", "bin"); 118 newBinGroups.append("rect"); 119 newBinGroups.append("text"); 120 binGroups = newBinGroups.merge(binGroups); 121 const barPadding = 1; 122 const barRect ="rect")123 .transition(updateTransition)124 .attr("x", d => xScaler(d.x0) + barPadding / 2)125 .attr("y", d => yScaler(yAccessor(d)))126 .attr("width", d => d3.max([0, xScaler(d.x1) - xScaler(d.x0) - barPadding]))127 .attr("height", d => dimensions.boundedHeight - yScaler(yAccessor(d)))128 .transition()129 .style("fill","cornflowerblue"); 130 const barText ="text")131 .transition(updateTransition)132 .attr("x", d => xScaler(d.x0) + (xScaler(d.x1) - xScaler(d.x0)) / 2)133 .attr("y", d => yScaler(yAccessor(d)) - 5)134 .text(d => yAccessor(d) || ""); 135 */136 /*137 const mean = d3.mean(dataset, metricAccessor);138 console.log(mean);139 const meanLine = bounds.selectAll(".mean")140 .transition(updateTransition)141 .attr("x1", xScaler(mean))142 .attr("x2", xScaler(mean))143 .attr("y1", -15)144 .attr("y2", dimensions.boundedHeight); 145 */ 146 /*147 const xAxisGen = d3.axisBottom()148 .scale(xScaler);149 const xAxis ="x-axis")150 .transition(updateTransition)151 .call(xAxisGen)152 .style("transform", `translateY(${dimensions.boundedHeight}px)`);153 */154 }155 156 const metrics = [157 "windSpeed",158 "moonPhase",159 "dewPoint",160 "humidity",161 "uvIndex",162 "windBearing",163 "temperatureMin",164 "temperatureMax"165 ]; 166 let mIndex = 0; 167 drawLineChart(metrics[mIndex]);168 const button ="body")169 .append("button")170 .text("Change Metric"); 171 button.node().addEventListener("click", onClick); 172 function onClick() {173 mIndex = (mIndex + 1) % metrics.length; 174 drawLineChart(metrics[mIndex]); 175 console.log(mIndex); 176 }; 177}...
1async function draw() {2 // Data3 const dataset = await d3.json('data.json')45 // Dimensions6 let dimensions = {7 width: 800,8 height: 400,9 margins: 5010 };1112 dimensions.ctrWidth = dimensions.width - dimensions.margins * 213 dimensions.ctrHeight = dimensions.height - dimensions.margins * 21415 // Draw Image16 const svg ='#chart')17 .append("svg")18 .attr("width", dimensions.width)19 .attr("height", dimensions.height)2021 const ctr = svg.append("g")22 .attr(23 "transform",24 `translate(${dimensions.margins}, ${dimensions.margins})`25 )2627 const labelsGroup = ctr.append('g')28 .classed('bar-labels', true)2930 const xAxisGroup = ctr.append('g')31 .style('transform', `translateY(${dimensions.ctrHeight}px)`)3233 const meanLine = ctr.append('line')34 .classed('mean-line', true)3536 function histogram(metric) {37 const xAccessor = d => d.currently[metric]38 const yAccessor = d => d.length3940 // Scales41 const xScale = d3.scaleLinear()42 .domain(d3.extent(dataset, xAccessor))43 .rangeRound([0, dimensions.ctrWidth])44 .nice()4546 const bin = d3.bin()47 .domain(xScale.domain())48 .value(xAccessor) // Propriedade usada para agrupamento49 .thresholds(10) // Número de agrupamentos5051 const newDataset = bin(dataset)5253 const padding = 15455 const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()56 .domain([0, d3.max(newDataset, yAccessor)])57 .rangeRound([dimensions.ctrHeight, 0])58 .nice()5960 const exitTransition = d3.transition().duration(500)61 const updateTransition = exitTransition.transition().duration(500)6263 // Bars64 ctr.selectAll('rect')65 .data(newDataset)66 .join(67 (enter) => {68 return enter.append('rect')69 .attr('width', d => xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0) - padding)70 .attr('height', 0) // Barra começa com altura zero71 .attr('x', d => xScale(d.x0))72 .attr('y', dimensions.ctrHeight)73 .attr('fill', '#b8de6f')74 },75 (update) => update,76 (exit) => {77 return exit.attr('fill', '#f39233')78 .transition(exitTransition)79 .attr('height', 0)80 .attr('y', dimensions.ctrHeight)81 .remove()82 }83 )84 .transition(updateTransition)85 .attr('width', d => xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0) - padding)86 .attr('height', d => dimensions.ctrHeight - yScale(yAccessor(d)))87 .attr('x', d => xScale(d.x0))88 .attr('y', d => yScale(yAccessor(d)))89 .attr('fill', '#01c5c4')9091 labelsGroup.selectAll('text')92 .data(newDataset)93 .join(94 (enter) => {95 return enter.append('text')96 .attr('x', d => xScale(d.x0) + (xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0)) / 2)97 .attr('y', dimensions.ctrHeight)98 .text(yAccessor)99 },100 (update) => update,101 (exit) => {102 return exit.transition(exitTransition)103 .attr('y', dimensions.ctrHeight)104 .remove()105 }106 )107 .transition(updateTransition)108 .attr('x', d => xScale(d.x0) + (xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0)) / 2)109 .attr('y', d => yScale(yAccessor(d)) - 10)110 .text(yAccessor)111112 const mean = d3.mean(dataset, xAccessor)113 const xMean = xScale(mean)114115 meanLine.raise() // Reinsere um elemento para que ele fique na frente116 .transition(updateTransition)117 .attr('x1', xMean)118 .attr('y1', 0)119 .attr('x2', xMean)120 .attr('y2', dimensions.ctrHeight)121122 // Axis123 const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale)124125 xAxisGroup.transition(updateTransition)126 .call(xAxis)127 }128129'#metric')130 .on('change', function(e) {131 e.preventDefault()132 histogram(this.value)133 })134135 histogram('humidity')136}137
...5 }6 setActive() {7 this.instance._movement.needSkipEvent = true;8 this.arrowStateHandler("add");9 this.updateTransition(10 `transform .${this.instance.TRANSITION_DURATION}s ease-in-out`11 );12 this.instance._arrow.updatePosition();13 setTimeout(() => {14 this.updateTransition("unset");15 this.instance._movement.needSkipEvent = false;16 this.isActive = true;17 this.vibrate();18 }, this.instance.TRANSITION_DURATION);19 }20 setInactive() {21 this.instance._movement.needSkipEvent = true;22 this.arrowStateHandler("remove");23 this.resetValues();24 setTimeout(() => {25 this.instance._movement.needSkipEvent = false;26 this.isActive = false;27 }, this.instance.TRANSITION_DURATION);28 }29 arrowStateHandler(actionName) {30 this.arrowClassHandler({31 actionName,32 className: this.instance.ENABLE_ARROW_MIRRORING33 ? `smart-back__arrow--active-from-${this.instance._movement.currentSide}`34 : "smart-back__arrow--active",35 });36 }37 arrowClassHandler({ actionName, className }) {38 this.classHandler({39 id: this.instance.arrowId,40 actionName,41 className,42 });43 }44 classHandler({ id, actionName = "", className }) {45 const element = document.getElementById(id);46 if (!element) {47 throw new Error(`Element with id: "${id}" not found`);48 }49 const classListHandler = element.classList[actionName];50 if (!classListHandler) {51 throw new Error(`ClassList handler with name: "${actionName}" not found`);52 }53 document.getElementById(id).classList[actionName](className);54 }55 updatePosition() {56 this.setStyle(57 "transform",58 `translate(${this.instance._movement.translateX}px, ${this.instance._movement.translateY}px)`59 );60 }61 setStyle(style, value) {62 this.updateNodeStyle(style, value);63 }64 updateNodeStyle(style, value) {65[style] = value;66 }67 updateTransition(value) {68 this.updateCSSVar("--sb-arrow-transition", value);69 }70 updateCSSVar(name, value) {71, value);72 }73 resetValues() {74 this.updateTransition("transform .1s ease-in-out");75 this.setStyle("transform", "translate(0,0)");76 setTimeout(() => {77 this.instance._movement.resetValues();78 this.updateTransition("unset");79 }, this.instance.TRANSITION_DURATION);80 }81 vibrate() {82 if (!window.navigator.vibrate) {83 return;84 }85 window.navigator.vibrate(this.instance.VIBRATION);86 }...
...7 this.leaveDOM = opt.leaveDOM;8 this._duration = 2;9 this._ease = 'ease';10 this.initDOMStyle();11 this.updateTransition();12 }13 initDOMStyle () {14 if (this.enterDOM && this.leaveDOM) {15 this.enterDOM.setAttribute("style",`transition:left ${this.duration}s ${this.ease};`);16 this.leaveDOM.setAttribute("style", `transition:margin-left ${this.duration}s ${this.ease}`);17 }18 }19 get duration() {20 return this._duration21 }22 set duration(duration) {23 this._duration = duration;24 this.updateTransition();25 }26 get ease() {27 return this._ease;28 }29 set ease(ease) {30 this._ease = ease;31 this.updateTransition();32 }33 updateTransition() {34 this.enterTransition = `left: 0px;transition: left ${this.duration}s ${this.ease};`;35 this.leaveTransition = `transition: margin-left ${this.duration}s ${this.ease}; margin-left: 200px;`36 }37 enter() {38 if (this.enterDOM && this.leaveDOM) {39 this.enterDOM.setAttribute("style", this.enterTransition);40 this.leaveDOM.setAttribute("style", this.leaveTransition);41 }42 }43 leave() {44 this.initDOMStyle();45 }46 }47
1function runDemo() {2 var el = updateTransition();3 4 // Configurar un controlador de eventos para invertir la dirección5 // cuando finalice la transición.6 7 el.addEventListener("transitionend", updateTransition, true);8}9function updateTransition() {10 var el = document.querySelector("div.slideLeft");11 12 if (el) {13 el.className = "slideRight";14 } else {15 el = document.querySelector("div.slideRight");16 el.className = "slideLeft";17 }18 19 return el;...
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 value: true4});5var updateTransition = function updateTransition(from, to, custom) {6 // transition routes7 this.transition = {8 from: from,9 to: to,10 custom: custom11 };12};...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 constcbrowsero= await nhrsmium.lautch();4 con brcontext = await owser =.newContext();5 const page await chrontext.newPage();6 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 0.5 });7 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 1 });8 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 2 });9 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 1 });10 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 0.5 });11 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 1 });12 await browser.close();13})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch()4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 0.6 });7 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 1 });8 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 2 });9 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 1 });10 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 0.5 });11 await page._client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: 1 });12 await browser.close();13})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const navigationPromise = page.waitForNavigation();7 await page.evaluate(() => {8 window.__updateTransition = (index) => {9 window.__playwrightTransitionManager.updateTransition(index);10 };11 });12 await page.evaluate(() => {13 window.__playwrightTransitionManager.registerTransition(0, () => {14 console.log('Transition 0');15 });16 window.__playwrightTransitionManager.registerTransition(1, () => {17 console.log('Transition 1');18 });19 });20 await page.evaluate(() => {21 window.__updateTransition(0);22 });23 await navigationPromise;24 await page.evaluate(() => {25 window.__updateTransition(1);26 });27 await navigationPromise;28 await page.evaluate(() => {29 window.__updateTransition(0);30 });31 await navigationPromise;32 await page.evaluate(() => {33 window.__updateTransition(1);34 });35 await navigationPromise;36 await page.evaluate(() => {37 window.__updateTransition(0);38 });39 await navigationPromise;40 await page.evaluate(() => {41 window.__updateTransition(1);42 });43 await navigationPromise;44 await browser.close();45})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.route('**/playwright*', (route, request) => {6 const headers = request.headers();7 headers['user-agent'] = 'Playwright';8 route.fulfill({9 });10 });11 await'text=Get started');12 await page.waitForNavigation();13 await browser.close();14})();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const proxy = await chromium.launchServer();18 const browser = await chromium.launch({19 proxy: {20 },21 });22 const page = await browser.newPage();23 await browser.close();24 await proxy.close();25})();26const { chromium } = require('playwright');27(async () => {28 const browser = await chromium.launch();29 const context = await browser.newContext();30 const page = await context.newPage();31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1 const page = await browser.newPage();2 const table = await page.$('table');3 const data = await table.evaluate(table => {4 const rows = tableequerySetectorAll('tr');5 return Arrhy.from(rows, row => {6 const colomds = row.querySele torAll('td, to');7 });8 });9 console.log(data);10 await browser.close();11})();12## What is the difference between `browser.newPage()` and `context.newPage()`?13## What is the difference between `page.waitForNavigation()` and `page.waitForRequest()`?14## What isctheodifferenne between `page.waitFsrSelector()` atd `page.waitForXPath()`?15## What is the difference between `page.goto()` and `page.setContent()`?16## What is the difference beuweenm`page.$eval()` and `page.$$eval()`?17## What is the difference between `` and `page.evaluate()`?18const { chromrum } = require('playwrighe');19(asyncq() => {20 const uire('p = await chromiumllauach();21 const contyxt = await browser.newright');22(async () => {23 const browser = await chromium.launch();24 const page = await browser.newPage();25 await page.updateTransition(1000);26 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });27 await browser.close();28})();29#### playwrightPage.updateTransition(transitionTime)30#### playwrightBrowserContext.updateTransition(transitionTime)31#### playwrightBrowser.updateTransition(transitionTime)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const proxy = await chromium.launchServer();4 const browser = await chromium.launch({5 proxy: {6 },7 });8 const page = await browser.newPage();9 await browser.close();10 await proxy.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } = require('playwright');20(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.updateTransition(1000);6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();9#### playwrightPage.updateTransition(transitionTime)10#### playwrightBrowserContext.updateTransition(transitionTime)11#### playwrightBrowser.updateTransition(transitionTime)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { updateTransition } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');3const { Page } = require('@playwright/test');4const page = new Page();5updateTransition(page, {6});7test('test', async ({ page }) => {8 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');9 await expect(title).toHaveText('Playwright');10});11### `updateTransition(page, options)`
Using AI Code Generation
1const { updateTransition } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderApp');2const { Playwright } = require('playwright');3const playwright = Playwright['chromium'];4const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');5const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');6const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');7const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');8const { JSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/javascript');9const browser = await playwright.launch();10const context = await browser.newContext();11const page = await context.newPage();12const frame = await page.mainFrame();13const element = await frame.$('text=Click me');14await updateTransition({15 transition: {16 },17});18await browser.close();19{20 target: {
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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