Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT license2 * If a copy of the MIT license was not distributed with this file, you can3 * obtain one at */4define( [ "localized", "util/mediatypes", "editor/editor", "util/time",5 "util/uri", "ui/widget/textbox", "l10n!/layouts/sequencer-editor.html" ],6 function( Localized, MediaUtils, Editor, Time, URI, Textbox, LAYOUT_SRC ) {7 Editor.register( "sequencer", LAYOUT_SRC,8 function( rootElement, butter ) {9 var _this = this;10 var _rootElement = rootElement,11 _trackEvent,12 _butter,13 _manifest,14 _popcornOptions,15 _mediaType;16 var _fields = {};17 // Creates an "off-on" toggler18 function Toggler( el, property, isReverse, customUpdateUI ) {19 var hiddenInput = el.querySelector( "input" );20 function updateUI() {21 var val = _popcornOptions[ property ];22 if ( val && !isReverse || !val && isReverse ) {23 el.classList.add( "on" );24 } else {25 el.classList.remove( "on" );26 }27 hiddenInput.checked = val;28 if ( customUpdateUI ) {29 customUpdateUI( el );30 }31 }32 function updateTrackEvent( val ) {33 var properties = {};34 properties[ property ] = val;35 updateUI( val );36 _this.updateTrackEventSafe( _trackEvent, properties );37 }38 el.addEventListener( "click", function() {39 // Toggle the state40 updateTrackEvent( !hiddenInput.checked );41 });42 updateUI( _popcornOptions[ property ] );43 return {44 el: el,45 updateUI: updateUI46 };47 }48 // Creates a standard input49 function Input( el, property, callback, customUpdate ) {50 _this.attachInputChangeHandler( el, _trackEvent, property, callback );51 function updateUI() {52 var val = _popcornOptions[ property ];53 el.value = val;54 if ( customUpdate ) {55 customUpdate( el );56 }57 }58 updateUI( _popcornOptions[ property ] );59 return {60 el: el,61 updateUI: updateUI62 };63 }64 function StartEnd( el ) {65 var container = _this.createStartEndInputs( _trackEvent, _this.updateTrackEventSafe ),66 startEl = container.querySelector( "[data-manifest-key=start]" ),67 endEl = container.querySelector( "[data-manifest-key=end]" );68 el.appendChild( container );69 function updateUI() {70 startEl.value = Time.toTimecode( _popcornOptions.start );71 endEl.value = Time.toTimecode( _popcornOptions.end );72 }73 updateUI();74 return {75 el: el,76 updateUI: updateUI77 };78 }79 // Our custom trimmer thingy80 function Trimmer( el ) {81 var MIN_VISUAL_WIDTH = 5;82 var rightHandle = el.querySelector( ".trimmer-resizable-e" ),83 leftHandle = el.querySelector( ".trimmer-resizable-w" ),84 outInput = _rootElement.querySelector( ".trimmer-input-right" ),85 inInput = _rootElement.querySelector( ".trimmer-input-left" ),86 clipSection = el.querySelector( ".clip-section" ),87 clipEndLabel = el.querySelector( ".clip-end" );88 var firstX,89 startLeft,90 startWidth,91 activeHandle,92 updateOptions = {};93 // Converting px <=> time, normalizing94 function positionToTime( pos ) {95 var max1 = _popcornOptions.duration,96 max2 = el.offsetWidth;97 return ( pos / max2 ) * max1;98 }99 function timeToPosition( time ) {100 var max1 = _popcornOptions.duration,101 max2 = el.offsetWidth;102 return ( time / max1 ) * max2;103 }104 // Updating functions105 function updateUI( options ) {106 var start,107 end,108 from;109 options = options || _popcornOptions;110 start = options.start;111 end = options.end;112 from = options.from;113 if ( !from && from !== 0 ) {114 from = _popcornOptions.from;115 }116 if ( !end && end !== 0 ) {117 end = _popcornOptions.end;118 }119 if ( !start && start !== 0 ) {120 start = _popcornOptions.start;121 }122 // Adjust UI to account for very small durations123 if ( timeToPosition( end - start ) < MIN_VISUAL_WIDTH ) {124 clipSection.classList.add( "small" );125 } else {126 clipSection.classList.remove( "small" );127 }128 = timeToPosition( from ) + "px";129 inInput.value = Time.toTimecode( from );130 = timeToPosition( end - start ) + "px";131 outInput.value = Time.toTimecode( from + end - start );132 if ( options.duration ) {133 clipEndLabel.innerHTML = Time.toTimecode( options.duration );134 }135 }136 function updateEndAfterExpand() {137 var track = _trackEvent.track;138 track.removeTrackEvent( _trackEvent );139 track.addTrackEvent( _trackEvent );140 _this.updateTrackEventSafe( _trackEvent, updateOptions );141 _butter.unlisten( "mediaready", updateEndAfterExpand );142 _butter.currentTime = _popcornOptions.start;143 updateUI();144 updateOptions = {};145 }146 function updateTrackEvent( options ) {147 if ( !_butter.currentMedia.paused ) {148 _butter.currentMedia.pause();149 }150 // If the end time is greater than the duration of the video, expand it to fit.151 // We have to set an event listener on "mediaready" to update the trackevent after the base duration has been changed152 if ( options.end && options.end > _butter.duration ) {153 _butter.currentMedia.url = "#t=," + options.end;154 _butter.listen( "mediaready", updateEndAfterExpand );155 } else {156 _this.updateTrackEventSafe( _trackEvent, options );157 updateOptions = {};158 updateUI();159 }160 }161 function onResizeStop() {162 var accuracy,163 start = updateOptions.start || _popcornOptions.start,164 end = updateOptions.end || _popcornOptions.end;165 el.classList.remove( "editing" );166 if ( activeHandle === "left" ) {167 accuracy = start * Math.pow( 10, Time.timeAccuracy - 1 );168 butter.currentTime = start === 0 ? start : Math.ceil( start * accuracy ) / accuracy;169 } else if ( activeHandle === "right" ) {170 accuracy = end * Math.pow( 10, Time.timeAccuracy - 1 );171 butter.currentTime = Math.floor( end * accuracy ) / accuracy;172 }173 updateTrackEvent( updateOptions );174 activeHandle = "";175 document.removeEventListener( "mousemove", onResizingRight, false );176 document.removeEventListener( "mousemove", onResizingLeft, false );177 document.removeEventListener( "mouseup", onResizeStop, false );178 }179 function onResizingLeft( e ) {180 e.preventDefault();181 var left = startLeft + e.clientX - firstX,182 width = startWidth - ( e.clientX - firstX );183 if ( left < 0 ) {184 width += left;185 left = 0;186 }187 if ( width < 0 ) {188 return;189 }190 updateOptions.end = _popcornOptions.start + positionToTime( width );191 updateOptions.from = positionToTime( left );192 updateUI({193 from: updateOptions.from,194 end: updateOptions.end195 });196 }197 function onResizingRight( e ) {198 e.preventDefault();199 var left = clipSection.offsetLeft,200 width = startWidth + e.clientX - firstX;201 if ( left + width > el.offsetWidth ) {202 width = el.offsetWidth - left;203 }204 if ( width < 0 ) {205 return;206 }207 updateOptions.end = _popcornOptions.start + positionToTime( width );208 updateUI({209 end: updateOptions.end210 });211 }212 function onResizeStart( e ) {213 e.preventDefault(); // Prevent selection214 el.classList.add( "editing" );215 firstX = e.clientX;216 startLeft = clipSection.offsetLeft;217 startWidth = clipSection.offsetWidth;218 if ( this === rightHandle ) {219 document.addEventListener( "mousemove", onResizingRight );220 activeHandle = "right";221 } else if ( this === leftHandle ) {222 activeHandle = "left";223 document.addEventListener( "mousemove", onResizingLeft );224 }225 document.addEventListener( "mouseup", onResizeStop );226 }227 function onDragStop() {228 el.classList.remove( "editing" );229 updateTrackEvent( updateOptions );230 document.removeEventListener( "mouseup", onDragStop, false );231 document.removeEventListener( "mousemove", onDragging, false );232 }233 function onDragging( e ) {234 e.preventDefault(); // Prevent selection235 var left = startLeft + e.clientX - firstX,236 width = clipSection.offsetWidth;237 if ( left < 0 ) {238 left = 0;239 }240 if ( left + width > el.offsetWidth ) {241 left = el.offsetWidth - width;242 }243 if ( width < 0 ) {244 return;245 }246 updateOptions.from = positionToTime( left );247 updateUI({248 from: updateOptions.from249 });250 }251 function onDragStart( e ) {252 e.preventDefault();253 if ( !== clipSection ) {254 // We are resizing, not dragging.255 return;256 }257 el.classList.add( "editing" );258 firstX = e.clientX;259 startLeft = clipSection.offsetLeft;260 startWidth = clipSection.offsetWidth;261 document.addEventListener( "mousemove", onDragging );262 document.addEventListener( "mouseup", onDragStop );263 }264 function onRightInputChange() {265 var val = Time.toSeconds( this.value );266 updateOptions.end = _popcornOptions.start + val - _popcornOptions.from;267 updateTrackEvent( updateOptions );268 }269 function onLeftInputChange() {270 var val = Time.toSeconds( this.value );271 updateOptions.from = val;272 updateOptions.end = _popcornOptions.end + ( _popcornOptions.from - val );273 updateTrackEvent( updateOptions );274 }275 function onWindowMousedownRight( e ) {276 e.stopPropagation();277 e.preventDefault();278 // This triggers a change event.279 outInput.blur();280 outInput.addEventListener( "keydown", onRightKeydown );281 window.removeEventListener( "mousedown", onWindowMousedownRight, true );282 }283 function onWindowMousedownLeft( e ) {284 e.stopPropagation();285 e.preventDefault();286 // This triggers a change event.287 inInput.blur();288 inInput.addEventListener( "keydown", onLeftKeydown );289 window.removeEventListener( "mousedown", onWindowMousedownLeft, true );290 }291 function onRightKeydown() {292 outInput.removeEventListener( "keydown", onRightKeydown, false );293 window.addEventListener( "mousedown", onWindowMousedownRight, true );294 }295 function onLeftKeydown() {296 inInput.removeEventListener( "keydown", onLeftKeydown, false );297 window.addEventListener( "mousedown", onWindowMousedownLeft, true );298 }299 // Setup300 outInput.addEventListener( "change", onRightInputChange );301 inInput.addEventListener( "change", onLeftInputChange );302 outInput.addEventListener( "keydown", onRightKeydown );303 inInput.addEventListener( "keydown", onLeftKeydown );304 rightHandle.addEventListener( "mousedown", onResizeStart );305 leftHandle.addEventListener( "mousedown", onResizeStart );306 clipSection.addEventListener( "mousedown", onDragStart );307 updateUI();308 return {309 el: el,310 updateUI: updateUI311 };312 }313 function setup( trackEvent ) {314 _trackEvent = trackEvent;315 _popcornOptions = _trackEvent.popcornOptions,316 _manifest = _trackEvent.manifest.options;317 var sourceEl = _rootElement.querySelector( "[data-manifest-key=source]" ),318 startEndContainer = _rootElement.querySelector( ".start-end-container" ),319 fallbackEl = _rootElement.querySelector( "[data-manifest-key=fallback]" ),320 fallbackContainer = _rootElement.querySelector( ".fallback-container" ),321 muteEl = _rootElement.querySelector( "#mute-toggler" ),322 hiddenEl = _rootElement.querySelector( "#hidden-toggler" ),323 titleEl = _rootElement.querySelector( "[data-manifest-key=title]" ),324 clipTrimmerEl = _rootElement.querySelector( ".clip-duration" ),325 sliderEl = _rootElement.querySelector( ".butter-slider" ),326 sliderContainer = _rootElement.querySelector( ".slider-container" ),327 videoToggleContainer = _rootElement.querySelector( ".video-toggler" );328 // Custom callbacks and UI updating functions329 var sourceCallback = function( trackEvent, updateOptions ) {330 if ( !Array.isArray( updateOptions.source ) ) {331 updateOptions.source = [ updateOptions.source ];332 }333 if ( _mediaType && _mediaType !== "HTML5" ) {334 updateOptions.fallback = [ "" ];335 }336 updateOptions.source[ 0 ] = updateOptions.source[ 0 ] || _popcornOptions.source[ 0 ];337 updateOptions.source[ 0 ] = updateOptions.source[ 0 ].trim().split( " " ).join( "" );338 // Bail early to prevent the same video being reloaded due to butteruid.339 if ( URI.stripUnique( updateOptions.source[ 0 ] ).toString() ===340 URI.stripUnique( _popcornOptions.source[ 0 ] ).toString() ) {341 return;342 }343 MediaUtils.getMetaData( updateOptions.source[ 0 ], function( data ) {344 _mediaType = data.type;345 updateOptions.duration = data.duration;346 updateOptions.denied = data.denied;347 updateOptions.title = data.title;348 if ( _mediaType === "SoundCloud" ) {349 videoToggleContainer.classList.add( "butter-hidden" );350 updateOptions.hidden = true;351 } else {352 videoToggleContainer.classList.remove( "butter-hidden" );353 updateOptions.hidden = false;354 }355 if ( _mediaType === "Archive" || _mediaType === "Clyp" ) {356 updateOptions.source[ 0 ] = data.source;357 updateOptions.linkback = data.linkback;358 }359 trackEvent.update( updateOptions );360 });361 },362 sourceUpdateUI = function( el ) {363 var source;364 if ( !Array.isArray( _popcornOptions.source ) ) {365 _popcornOptions.source = [ _popcornOptions.source ];366 }367 source = _popcornOptions.linkback || _popcornOptions.source[ 0 ];368 _mediaType = MediaUtils.checkUrl( source );369 if ( _mediaType === "HTML5" ) {370 fallbackContainer.classList.add( "show" );371 }372 if ( _mediaType === "SoundCloud" ||373 _popcornOptions.contentType.indexOf( "audio" ) === 0 ||374 _popcornOptions.contentType.indexOf( "application/ogg" ) === 0 ) {375 videoToggleContainer.classList.add( "butter-hidden" );376 fallbackContainer.classList.remove( "show" );377 } else {378 videoToggleContainer.classList.remove( "butter-hidden" );379 fallbackContainer.classList.remove( "show" );380 }381 if ( _mediaType === "Archive" || _mediaType === "Clyp" ) {382 el.value = _popcornOptions.linkback;383 } else {384 el.value = URI.stripUnique( source ).toString();385 }386 },387 fallbackUpdateUI = function( el ) {388 if ( !_popcornOptions.fallback || !_popcornOptions.fallback.length ) {389 return;390 } else if ( !Array.isArray( _popcornOptions.fallback ) ) {391 _popcornOptions.fallback = [ _popcornOptions.fallback ];392 }393 el.value = URI.stripUnique( _popcornOptions.fallback[ 0 ] ).toString();394 },395 muteUpdateUI = function() {396 if ( _popcornOptions.mute === true ) {397 sliderContainer.classList.add( "disabled" );398 } else {399 sliderContainer.classList.remove( "disabled" );400 }401 };402 _fields.startEnd = new StartEnd( startEndContainer, "start", _this.updateTrackEventSafe );403 _fields.source = new Input( sourceEl, "source", sourceCallback, sourceUpdateUI );404 _fields.fallback = new Input( fallbackEl, "fallback", _this.updateTrackEventSafe, fallbackUpdateUI );405 _fields.title = new Input( titleEl, "title", _this.updateTrackEventSafe );406 _fields.mute = new Toggler( muteEl, "mute", "reverse", muteUpdateUI );407 _fields.hidden = new Toggler( hiddenEl, "hidden", "reverse" );408 _fields.from = new Trimmer( clipTrimmerEl );409 _this.attachSliderChangeHandler( sliderEl, _trackEvent, "volume" );410 Textbox.applyTo( _fields.source.el, "textarea" );411 Textbox.applyTo( _fields.fallback.el, "textarea" );412 } //setup413 function onTrackEventUpdated( e ) {414 _trackEvent =;415 _popcornOptions = _trackEvent.popcornOptions;416 for ( var key in _manifest ) {417 if ( _manifest.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {418 if ( key === "start" || key === "end" ) {419 key = "startEnd";420 }421 if ( _fields[ key ] && _fields[ key ].updateUI ) {422 _fields[ key ].updateUI();423 }424 }425 }426 _this.setErrorState( false );427 }428 // Extend this object to become a TrackEventEditor429 Editor.TrackEventEditor.extend( _this, butter, rootElement, {430 open: function( parentElement, trackEvent ) {431 _butter = butter;432 // Update properties when TrackEvent is updated433 trackEvent.listen( "trackeventupdated", onTrackEventUpdated );434 setup( trackEvent );435 },436 close: function() {437 _trackEvent.unlisten( "trackeventupdated", onTrackEventUpdated );438 }439 });440 }, false, function( trackEvent ) {441 var _container,442 _popcornOptions,443 _dragOptions = {444 disableTooltip: true,445 editable: false446 },447 _target;448 _popcornOptions = trackEvent.popcornTrackEvent;449 _container = _popcornOptions._container;450 _target = _popcornOptions._target;451 if ( MediaUtils.checkUrl( _popcornOptions.source[ 0 ] ) === "YouTube" ) {452 _dragOptions.disableTooltip = false;453 _dragOptions.editable = true;454 _dragOptions.tooltip = Localized.get( "Double click to close ads" );455 }456 this.draggable( trackEvent, _container, _target, _dragOptions );457 this.resizable( trackEvent, _container, _target, {458 handlePositions: "n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw",459 minWidth: 10,460 minHeight: 10461 });462 });...
1var tableSeh = $('#table-seh');2var tableSensors = $('#table-sensors');3var tableSensorErrorHistory = $('#table-seh');4var trSensor = $('.tr-sensor');5var btnCSV = $('#btn-csv');6var checkGroupIds = $('[name="groupIds"]');7var checkGroupIdsAll = $('#check-groupIds-all');8var checkEnergySensorType = $('[name="energySensorType"]');9var checkEnvSensorType = $('[name="envSensorType"]');10var checkSensorIdsAll = $('#check-sensorIds-all');11var checkSensorIds = $('[name="sensorIds"]');12var checkSensorIdsEnergyAll = $('.check-energy');13var checkSensorIdsEnvAll = $('.check-env');14var selectDisplaySpan = $('[name="displaySpan"]');15var textRangeDate = $('#rangeDate');16var startDate = fbStartDate;17var endDate = fbEndDate;18var updateOptions = {};19var tableColumns;20var tableData;21//***** behavior22checkGroupIdsAll.change(function(){23 24 checkGroupIds.prop('checked', this.checked);25 setSensorVisibility();26});27checkGroupIds.change(function(){28 29 var checkedLen = checkGroupIds.filter(':checked').length;30 if(checkedLen == checkGroupIds.length)31 checkGroupIdsAll.prop('checked', true);32 else33 checkGroupIdsAll.prop('checked', false);34 35 setSensorVisibility();36});37checkEnergySensorType.change(setSensorVisibility);38checkEnvSensorType.change(setSensorVisibility);39checkSensorIdsAll.change(function(){40 checkSensorIds.filter(':visible').prop('checked', this.checked);41});42checkSensorIds.change(function(){43 var visibleSensorLen = checkSensorIds.filter(':visible').length;44 var checkedSensorLen = checkSensorIds.filter(':visible:checked').length;45 46 if(visibleSensorLen == checkedSensorLen)47 checkSensorIdsAll.prop('checked', true);48 else49 checkSensorIdsAll.prop('checked', false);50});{52 53 if(updateOptions.sensorIds != null){54 55 var url = "/zeuschart/SensorErrorHistory/";56 var form = $("<form></form>").attr("action", url).attr("method", "post");57 form.append($("<input></input>").attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "startDate").attr("value", updateOptions.startDate));58 form.append($("<input></input>").attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "endDate").attr("value", updateOptions.endDate));59 form.append($("<input></input>").attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "sensorIds").attr("value", updateOptions.sensorIds));60 form.appendTo('body').submit().remove();61 }62});{64 + 'large/sensorErrorHistory/Large.jsp');65});66//_____ behavior67//******************** functions68//***** ã°ã«ã¼ãã¨ã»ã³ãµã¼ã¿ã¤ããã§ãã¯ã«ãããã»ã³ãµã¼è¡¨ç¤º/é表示ãè¨å®69function setSensorVisibility(){70 71 var trShowArr = [];72 var checkShowArr = [];73 var trHideArr = [];74 var checkHideArr = [];75 if(checkGroupIds.length > 0){76 77 var trFilterStr, checkFilterStr;78 for(var i = 0; i < checkGroupIds.length; i++){79 80 for(var j = 0; j < checkEnergySensorType.length; j++){81 82 trFilterStr = '.tr-' + checkGroupIds[i].value + '.tr-energy-' + checkEnergySensorType[j].value;83 checkFilterStr = '.check-' + checkGroupIds[i].value + '.check-energy-' + checkEnergySensorType[j].value;84 if(checkGroupIds[i].checked && checkEnergySensorType[j].checked){85 86 trShowArr.push(trFilterStr);87 checkShowArr.push(checkFilterStr);88 }else{89 90 trHideArr.push(trFilterStr);91 checkHideArr.push(checkFilterStr);92 }93 }94 95 for(var j = 0; j < checkEnvSensorType.length; j++){96 97 trFilterStr = '.tr-' + checkGroupIds[i].value + '.tr-env-' + checkEnvSensorType[j].value;98 checkFilterStr = '.check-' + checkGroupIds[i].value + '.check-env-' + checkEnvSensorType[j].value;99 if(checkGroupIds[i].checked && checkEnvSensorType[j].checked){100 101 trShowArr.push(trFilterStr);102 checkShowArr.push(checkFilterStr);103 }else{104 105 trHideArr.push(trFilterStr);106 checkHideArr.push(checkFilterStr);107 }108 }109 }110 }else{111 112 for(var j = 0; j < checkEnergySensorType.length; j++){113 114 trFilterStr = '.tr-energy-' + checkEnergySensorType[j].value;115 checkFilterStr = '.check-energy-' + checkEnergySensorType[j].value;116 if(checkEnergySensorType[j].checked){117 118 trShowArr.push(trFilterStr);119 checkShowArr.push(checkFilterStr);120 }else{121 122 trHideArr.push(trFilterStr);123 checkHideArr.push(checkFilterStr);124 }125 }126 127 for(var j = 0; j < checkEnvSensorType.length; j++){128 129 trFilterStr = '.tr-env-' + checkEnvSensorType[j].value;130 checkFilterStr = '.check-env-' + checkEnvSensorType[j].value;131 if(checkEnvSensorType[j].checked){132 133 trShowArr.push(trFilterStr);134 checkShowArr.push(checkFilterStr);135 }else{136 137 trHideArr.push(trFilterStr);138 checkHideArr.push(checkFilterStr);139 }140 }141 }142 143 for(var i = 0; i < checkShowArr.length; i++)144 checkSensorIds.filter(checkShowArr[i]).prop('disabled', false);145 for(var i = 0; i < trShowArr.length; i++)146 trSensor.filter(trShowArr[i]).show();147 148 for(var i = 0; i < trHideArr.length; i++)149 trSensor.filter(trHideArr[i]).hide();150 for(var i = 0; i < checkHideArr.length; i++)151 checkSensorIds.filter(checkHideArr[i]).prop('disabled', true);152 153 var visibleSensorLen = trSensor.filter(':visible').length;154 if(visibleSensorLen == 0){155 156 checkSensorIdsAll.prop('checked', false);157 checkSensorIdsAll.prop('disabled', true);158 }else{159 160 checkSensorIdsAll.prop('disabled', false);161 162 var checkedSensorLen = checkSensorIds.filter(':visible:checked').length;163 if(checkedSensorLen == visibleSensorLen)164 checkSensorIdsAll.prop('checked', true);165 else166 checkSensorIdsAll.prop('checked', false);167 }168}169//_____ ã°ã«ã¼ãã¨ã»ã³ãµã¼ã¿ã¤ããã§ãã¯ã«ãããã»ã³ãµã¼è¡¨ç¤º/é表示ãè¨å®170//***** ä¸å®æéãè¨ãã¦ãã¼ã¿ãæ´æ°171function updateData(){172 173 $.ajax({174 url: '/zeuschart/SensorErrorHistory/',175 type: 'POST',176 async: true,177 cache: false,178 data: updateOptions,179 success: function(response){180 181 var respObj = JSON.parse(response);182 if(respObj.columns != null){183 184 tableColumns = respObj.columns;185 tableData =;186 187 // ãã¼ã¿ãã¼ãã«188 tableSeh.bootstrapTable('destroy').bootstrapTable({189 fixedColumns: true,190 fixedNumber: 1,191 striped: false,192 height: 500,193 columns: tableColumns,194 data: tableData195 });196 197 $('.fixed-table-header-columns').find('th').height(tableSeh.find('th').height());198 199 if(updateOptions.optionChangeInterval == null)200 updateOptions.optionChangeInterval = setInterval(optionChangeListener, 10000);201 202 updateOptions.init = false;203 }else{204 205 tableData.pop();206 tableData.unshift(;207 208 tableSeh.bootstrapTable('load', tableData);209 }210 },211 error: function(){212 213 console.log('refresh json error');214 tableSeh.bootstrapTable('destroy');215 }216 });217}218//_____ ä¸å®æéãè¨ãã¦ãã¼ã¿ãæ´æ°219function optionChangeListener() {220 221 var updateUserOptions = {};222 var changed = false;223 // display span224 if(updateOptions.displaySpan != selectDisplaySpan.val()){225 226 updateUserOptions.displaySpan = 'sensor_error_history_display_span=' + selectDisplaySpan.val();227 updateOptions.displaySpan = selectDisplaySpan.val();228 changed = true;229 }230 // æé231 if(updateOptions.startDate != startDate || updateOptions.endDate != endDate){232 233 changed = true;234 updateOptions.startDate = startDate;235 updateOptions.endDate = endDate;236 }237 // ã°ã«ã¼ã238 if(checkGroupIds.length > 0){239 240 var checkedGroupStr;241 var checkedGroup = checkGroupIds.filter(':checked');242 if(checkedGroup.length > 0)243 checkedGroupStr ={244 return this.value;245 }).get().join(',');246 if(updateOptions.groupIds != checkedGroupStr){247 248 changed = true;249 updateUserOptions.groupIds = 'sensor_error_history_group_ids=' + (checkedGroupStr == null? 'null': "'" + checkedGroupStr + "'");250 updateOptions.groupIds = checkedGroupStr;251 }252 }253 // ã¨ãã«ã®ã¼ã»ã³ãµã¼ã¿ã¤ã254 var checkedEnergySensorTypeStr;255 var checkedEnergySensorType = checkEnergySensorType.filter(':checked');256 if(checkedEnergySensorType.length > 0)257 checkedEnergySensorTypeStr ={258 return this.value;259 }).get().join(',');260 if(updateOptions.energySensorType != checkedEnergySensorTypeStr){261 262 changed = true;263 updateUserOptions.energySensorType = 'sensor_error_history_energy_sensor_type=' + (checkedEnergySensorTypeStr == null? 'null': "'" + checkedEnergySensorTypeStr + "'");264 updateOptions.energySensorType = checkedEnergySensorTypeStr;265 }266 // ç°å¢ã»ã³ãµã¼ã¿ã¤ã267 var checkedEnvSensorTypeStr;268 var checkedEnvSensorType = checkEnvSensorType.filter(':checked');269 if(checkedEnvSensorType.length > 0)270 checkedEnvSensorTypeStr ={271 return this.value;272 }).get().join(',');273 if(updateOptions.envSensorType != checkedEnvSensorTypeStr){274 275 changed = true;276 updateUserOptions.envSensorType = 'sensor_error_history_env_sensor_type=' + (checkedEnvSensorTypeStr == null? 'null': "'" + checkedEnvSensorTypeStr + "'");277 updateOptions.envSensorType = checkedEnvSensorTypeStr;278 }279 // sensorIdsAll280 var checkedAllStr;281 var checkedAll = checkSensorIds.filter(':checked');282 if(checkedAll.length > 0)283 checkedAllStr ={284 return this.value;285 }).get().join(',');286 if(updateOptions.sensorIdsAll != checkedAllStr){287 288 updateUserOptions.sensorIds = 'sensor_error_history_sensor_ids=' + (checkedAllStr == null? 'null': "'" + checkedAllStr + "'");289 updateOptions.sensorIdsAll = checkedAllStr;290 }291 // sensorIds292 var visibleCheckedStr;293 var visibleChecked = checkSensorIds.filter(':visible:checked');294 if(visibleChecked.length > 0)295 visibleCheckedStr ={296 return this.value;297 }).get().join(',');298 if(updateOptions.sensorIds != visibleCheckedStr){299 300 changed = true;301 updateOptions.sensorIds = visibleCheckedStr;302 }303 if(JSON.stringify(updateUserOptions) != '{}'){304 305 $.ajax({306 url: contextPath + 'Ajax/User/UpdateOption.action',307 type: 'POST',308 async: true,309 cache: false,310 data: updateUserOptions,311 success: function(response){312 console.log('update user options success');313 },314 error: function(){315 console.log('update user options failed');316 }317 });318 }319 320 if(changed)321 updateOptions.init = true;322 323 if(updateOptions.sensorIds == null) {324 325 clearInterval(updateOptions.updateDataInterval);326 tableSeh.bootstrapTable('destroy');327 }else{328 329 if(updateOptions.init){330 331 clearInterval(updateOptions.updateDataInterval);332 clearInterval(updateOptions.optionChangeInterval);333 delete updateOptions.optionChangeInterval;334 delete updateOptions.maxDate;335 336 if(updateOptions.sensorIds != null){337 338 updateData();339 updateOptions.updateDataInterval = setInterval(updateData, updateOptions.updateFrequency);340 }341 }else{342 if(!updateOptions.init)343 updateOptions.maxDate = tableData[0].datetime;344 }345 }346}347function datetimeColumnStyle(){348 349 return {350 classes: 'td-with-bg',351 css: {'min-width': '140px'}352 };353}354function headColumnStyle() {355 356 return {357 css: {'min-width': '80px'}358 };359}360//____________________ functions361//******************** init362//***** æ´æ°ãã©ã¡ã¼ã¿ã¼åæå363// 表示æé364updateOptions.displaySpan = selectDisplaySpan.val();365// ã°ã«ã¼ã366if(checkGroupIds.length > 0){367 368 var checkedGroup = checkGroupIds.filter(':checked');369 if(checkedGroup.length > 0)370 updateOptions.groupIds ={371 return this.value;372 }).get().join(',');373 374 if(checkedGroup.length == checkGroupIds.length)375 checkGroupIdsAll.prop('checked', true);376 else377 checkGroupIdsAll.prop('checked', false);378}379// ã¨ãã«ã®ã¼ã»ã³ãµã¼ã¿ã¤ã380var checkedEnergySensorType = checkEnergySensorType.filter(':checked');381if(checkedEnergySensorType.length > 0)382 updateOptions.energySensorType ={383 return this.value;384 }).get().join(',');385// ç°å¢ã»ã³ãµã¼ã¿ã¤ã386var checkedEnvSensorType = checkEnvSensorType.filter(':checked');387if(checkedEnvSensorType.length > 0)388 updateOptions.envSensorType ={389 return this.value;390 }).get().join(',');391// ãã§ãã¯ãããã»ã³ãµã¼392var checkedSensorIds = checkSensorIds.filter(':checked');393if(checkedSensorIds.length > 0){394 395 updateOptions.sensorIdsAll ={396 return this.value;397 }).get().join(',');398}399// æ´æ°é »åº¦400updateOptions.updateFrequency = 60 * 1000;401updateOptions.startDate = startDate;402updateOptions.endDate = endDate;403updateOptions.init = true;404//_____ æ´æ°ãã©ã¡ã¼ã¿ã¼åæå405//***** æéåæå406textRangeDate.daterangepicker(407 {408 timePicker: true,409 timePicker24Hour: true,410 startDate: startDate,411 endDate: endDate,412 opens: 'center',413 autoUpdateInput: true,414 locale: {415 format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm',416 applyLabel: "確å®",417 cancelLabel: 'ãã£ã³ã»ã«'418 }419 },420 function (start, end, label) {421 422 startDate = start.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm');423 endDate = end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm');424 }425);426//_____ æéåæå427//***** ã»ã³ãµã¼ãã¼ãã«åæå428tableSensors.removeClass('hide');429setSensorVisibility();430//_____ ã»ã³ãµã¼ãã¼ãã«åæå431var visibleCheckedSensor = checkSensorIds.filter(':visible:checked');432if(visibleCheckedSensor.length > 0)433 updateOptions.sensorIds ={434 return this.value;435 }).get().join(',');436optionChangeListener();437updateOptions.optionChangeInterval = setInterval(optionChangeListener, 10000);...
...24 height: winy,25 valueRange: [ acc_miny, acc_maxy ],26 visibility: [true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],27 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {28 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});29 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});30 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});31 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});32 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});33 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});34 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});35 },36 }37 );38 var acc_y = new Dygraph(39 document.getElementById("acc_y"),40 r, {41 ylabel: 'acc Y / m/s^2',42 axes: axes_opt,43 animatedZooms: true,44 xlabel: 't/sec',45 width: winx,46 height: winy,47 valueRange: [ acc_miny, acc_maxy ],48 visibility: [false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],49 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {50 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});51 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});52 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});53 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});54 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});55 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});56 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});57 },58 }59 );60 var acc_z = new Dygraph(61 document.getElementById("acc_z"),62 r, {63 ylabel: 'acc Z / m/s^2',64 axes: axes_opt,65 animatedZooms: true,66 xlabel: 't/sec',67 width: winx,68 height: winy,69 valueRange: [ acc_miny, acc_maxy ],70 visibility: [false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],71 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {72 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});73 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});74 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});75 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});76 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});77 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});78 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});79 },80 }81 );82 var mag_x = new Dygraph(83 document.getElementById("mag_x"),84 r, {85 ylabel: 'mag X / T',86 axes: axes_opt,87 animatedZooms: true,88 xlabel: 't/sec',89 width: winx,90 height: winy,91 valueRange: [ mag_miny, mag_maxy ],92 visibility: [false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],93 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {94 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});95 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});96 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});97 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});98 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});99 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});100 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});101 },102 }103 );104 var mag_y = new Dygraph(105 document.getElementById("mag_y"),106 r, {107 ylabel: 'mag Y / T',108 axes: axes_opt,109 animatedZooms: true,110 xlabel: 't/sec',111 width: winx,112 height: winy,113 valueRange: [ mag_miny, mag_maxy ],114 visibility: [false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],115 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {116 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});117 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});118 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});119 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});120 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});121 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});122 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});123 },124 }125 );126 var mag_z = new Dygraph(127 document.getElementById("mag_z"),128 r, {129 ylabel: 'mag Z / T',130 axes: axes_opt,131 animatedZooms: true,132 xlabel: 't/sec',133 width: winx,134 height: winy,135 valueRange: [ mag_miny, mag_maxy ],136 visibility: [false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],137 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {138 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});139 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});140 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});141 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});142 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});143 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});144 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});145 },146 }147 );148 var adc_1 = new Dygraph(149 document.getElementById("adc_1"),150 r, {151 ylabel: 'ADC 1 / V',152 axes: { y: {axisLabelWidth: 50} },153 animatedZooms: true,154 xlabel: 't/sec',155 drawPoints: true,156 width: winx,157 height: winy,158 valueRange: [ adc_miny, adc_maxy ],159 visibility: [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false],160 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {161 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});162 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});163 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});164 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});165 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});166 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});167 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});168 },169 }170 );171 var adc_2 = new Dygraph(172 document.getElementById("adc_2"),173 r, {174 ylabel: 'ADC 2 / V',175 axes: { y: {axisLabelWidth: 50} },176 animatedZooms: true,177 xlabel: 't/sec',178 drawPoints: true,179 width: winx,180 height: winy,181 valueRange: [ adc_miny, adc_maxy ],182 visibility: [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false],183 zoomCallback: function(minX, maxX, yRanges) {184 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});185 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});186 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});187 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});188 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});189 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});190 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: [minX,maxX]});191 },192 }193 );194 var reset = function() {195 var rng = adc_1.xAxisExtremes() 196 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});197 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});198 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});199 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});200 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});201 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});202 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});203 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});204 };205 var pan = function(dir) {206 var w = adc_1.xAxisRange();207 var scale = w[1] - w[0];208 var amount = scale * 0.25 * dir;209 var rng = [ w[0] + amount, w[1] + amount ];210 acc_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});211 acc_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});212 acc_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});213 mag_x.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});214 mag_y.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});215 mag_z.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});216 adc_1.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});217 adc_2.updateOptions({dateWindow: rng});218 };219 document.getElementById('full').onclick = function() { reset(); };220 document.getElementById('left').onclick = function() { pan(-1); };221 document.getElementById('right').onclick = function() { pan(+1); };222}223function read_file_contents(fileobj) {224 if (fileobj) {225 var reader = new FileReader();226 reader.readAsText(fileobj, "UTF-8");227 reader.onload = function (evt) {228 document.getElementById("filename").innerHTML =;229 plot_data(;230 }231 reader.onerror = function (evt) {...
...302 }303 ])304 ) //density/densityType305 const dispatch = jest.fn()306 updateOptions(dispatch)({ attributes: { hello: 5 } })307 expect(fetch.mock.calls.length).toEqual(2)308 return delay(50).then(() => {309 return expect(dispatch.mock.calls.length).toEqual(10)310 })311 })...
...17 const newIcon = preset.options[key].replace(18 /generated\/.+\/icons/g,19 `generated/${bundleId}/icons`20 );21 updateOptions(preset, key, newIcon);22 }23 });24};25// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------26const updateAndroidPreset = (env, preset, bundle, bundleId, applicationName, newVersion) => {27 const _applicationName = `${applicationName}${env === 'debug' ? '(debug)' : ''}`;28 updateOptions(preset, 'package/name', _applicationName);29 const packageUIDKey = 'package/unique_name';30 const packageUID = (bundle[ANDROID] && bundle[ANDROID][packageUIDKey]) || bundle.uid;31 updateOptions(preset, packageUIDKey, packageUID);32 if (env === 'production' && bundle[ANDROID]['keystore/release_user']) {33 updateOptions(preset, 'keystore/release_user', bundle[ANDROID]['keystore/release_user']);34 }35 if (newVersion) {36 updateOptions(preset, 'version/code', toVersionNumber(newVersion));37 updateOptions(preset, 'version/name', newVersion);38 }39 updateIcons(preset, bundleId);40};41// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------42const updateIOSPreset = (env, preset, bundle, bundleId, applicationName, newVersion) => {43 updateOptions(preset, 'application/name', applicationName);44 const packageUIDKey = 'application/identifier';45 const packageUID = (bundle[IOS] && bundle[IOS][packageUIDKey]) || bundle.uid;46 updateOptions(preset, packageUIDKey, packageUID);47 if (newVersion) {48 updateOptions(preset, 'application/short_version', newVersion);49 updateOptions(preset, 'application/version', newVersion);50 }51 updateIcons(preset, bundleId);52};53// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------54const updateMacOSPreset = (env, preset, bundle, bundleId, applicationName, newVersion) => {55 updateOptions(preset, 'application/name', applicationName);56 const packageUIDKey = 'application/identifier';57 const packageUID = (bundle[IOS] && bundle[IOS][packageUIDKey]) || bundle.uid;58 updateOptions(preset, packageUIDKey, packageUID);59 if (newVersion) {60 updateOptions(preset, 'application/short_version', newVersion);61 updateOptions(preset, 'application/version', newVersion);62 }63 updateIcons(preset, bundleId);64};65// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------66const updatePreset = (bundleId, env, coreConfig, preset, bundle, newVersion) => {67 const {platform} = preset;68 console.log('âï¸ updating the preset:');69 const {subtitle} = bundle;70 const applicationName = subtitle71 ? `${coreConfig.applicationName}: ${subtitle}`72 : coreConfig.applicationName;73 switch (platform) {74 case ANDROID:75 updateAndroidPreset(env, preset, bundle, bundleId, applicationName, newVersion);76 break;77 case IOS:78 updateIOSPreset(env, preset, bundle, bundleId, applicationName, newVersion);79 break;80 case MAC_OSX:81 updateMacOSPreset(env, preset, bundle, bundleId, applicationName, newVersion);82 break;83 default:84 console.log(`\n> platform ${platform} has no preset specificity.`);85 console.log(`> applying default preset options:`);86 updateOptions(preset, 'application/name', applicationName);87 }88 console.log('â
preset successfully updated.');89 return {90 applicationName91 };92};93// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------...
...6 mask: '',7 lazy: false,8 });9 beforeEach(function () {10 masked.updateOptions({mask: '', lazy: false});11 masked.unmaskedValue = '';12 });13 it('should align after XX', function () {14 ['XX*', 'XX[*]'].forEach(mask => {15 masked.updateOptions({mask});16 for (var pos=0; pos<masked._blocks.length; ++pos) {17 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(pos), 2);18 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(pos, DIRECTION.LEFT), 2);19 }20 });21 });22 it('should align before XX with DIRECTION.LEFT', function () {23 ['XX*', 'XX[*]'].forEach(mask => {24 masked.updateOptions({mask, lazy: true});25 for (var pos=0; pos<masked._blocks.length-1; ++pos) {26 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(pos, DIRECTION.LEFT), 0);27 }28 });29 });30 it('should align before XX', function () {31 ['*XX', '[*]XX'].forEach(mask => {32 masked.updateOptions({mask});33 for (var pos=0; pos<masked._blocks.length-1; ++pos) {34 assert.isAtMost(masked.nearestInputPos(pos), 1);35 }36 });37 });38 it('should align before required', function () {39 masked.updateOptions({mask: '[*]XX*'});40 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(masked.value.length, DIRECTION.LEFT), 2);41 masked.updateOptions({mask: '*XX*'});42 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(masked.value.length, DIRECTION.LEFT), 0);43 });44 it('should align after filled', function () {45 masked.updateOptions({mask: '**X*'});46 masked.unmaskedValue = 'a';47 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(1, DIRECTION.LEFT), 1);48 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(masked.value.length, DIRECTION.LEFT), 1);49 masked.unmaskedValue = 'aa';50 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(masked.value.length, DIRECTION.LEFT), 3);51 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(masked.value.length-1, DIRECTION.LEFT), 3);52 });53 it('should align after filled and fixed with lazy', function () {54 masked.updateOptions({55 mask: '0X0',56 lazy: true,57 });58 masked.value = '1X';59 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(masked.value.length, DIRECTION.LEFT), 1);60 });61});62describe('Align RIGHT', function () {63 const masked = new MaskedPattern({64 mask: '',65 lazy: false,66 });67 beforeEach(function () {68 masked.updateOptions({mask: '', lazy: false});69 masked.unmaskedValue = '';70 });71 // TODO72 it('should align right inside block', function () {73 masked.updateOptions({74 mask: 'dw',75 lazy: false,76 blocks: {77 d: {mask: '00'},78 w: {mask: 'aa'},79 }80 });81 // set only chars82 masked.unmaskedValue = 'aa';83 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(1, DIRECTION.RIGHT), 2);84 });85});86describe('Align NONE', function () {87 const masked = new MaskedPattern({88 mask: '',89 lazy: false,90 });91 beforeEach(function () {92 masked.updateOptions({mask: '', lazy: false});93 masked.unmaskedValue = '';94 });95 it('should align after filled', function () {96 masked.updateOptions({97 mask: '0.0',98 });99 masked.value = '1.1';100 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(1, DIRECTION.NONE), 1);101 });102 it('should align before input', function () {103 masked.updateOptions({104 mask: '0.0',105 });106 masked.value = '1.';107 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(2, DIRECTION.NONE), 2);108 });109 it('should align before last fixed', function () {110 masked.updateOptions({111 mask: '0.',112 });113 masked.value = '1.';114 assert.equal(masked.nearestInputPos(2, DIRECTION.NONE), 1);115 });...
...7 mask: '',8 lazy: false,9 });10 beforeEach(function () {11 masked.updateOptions({mask: '', lazy: false});12 masked.unmaskedValue = '';13 });14 it('should skip empty and consider dot', function () {15 masked.updateOptions({mask: '0{.}0'});16 masked.unmaskedValue = '.2';17 assert.equal(masked.value, '_.2');18 });19 it('should skip empty and not consider dot', function () {20 masked.updateOptions({mask: '0.0'});21 masked.unmaskedValue = '.2';22 assert.equal(masked.value, '_._');23 });24 it('should skip in lazy mode', function () {25 ['0.0', '0{.}0'].forEach(mask => {26 masked.updateOptions({mask, lazy: true});27 masked.unmaskedValue = '.2';28 assert.equal(masked.value, '2');29 masked.value = '.2';30 assert.equal(masked.value, '2');31 });32 });33 it('should not skip empty', function () {34 ['0.0', '0{.}0'].forEach(mask => {35 masked.updateOptions({mask});36 masked.value = '.2';37 assert.equal(masked.value, '2._');38 });39 });40 it('should consider equal fixed and skip not equal fixed', function () {41 masked.updateOptions({mask: '+{7}(000)000-00-00'});42 masked.value = '+79998887766';43 assert.equal(masked.unmaskedValue, '79998887766');44 });45 it('should prepare value before insert', function () {46 const prepareStub = sinon.stub().returnsArg(0);47 masked.updateOptions({48 mask: '+{7}(000)000-00-00',49 prepare: prepareStub50 });51 masked.value = '+79998887766';52 assert(prepareStub.called);53 });54 it('should insert value in the middle', function () {55 masked.updateOptions({56 mask: '000',57 });58 masked.splice(1, 0, '1', DIRECTION.NONE);59 assert.equal(masked.value, '_1_');60 });61 it('should not skip blocks', function () {62 masked.updateOptions({63 mask: 'dw',64 lazy: true,65 blocks: {66 d: {67 mask: '00',68 },69 w: {70 mask: 'aa',71 },72 }73 });74 // should not jump over numbers75 masked.value = 'a';76 assert.equal(masked.value, '');77 });78 describe('RAW', function () {79 it('should set insert flag on fixed', function () {80 masked.updateOptions({mask: '+120'});81 masked.rawInputValue = '123';82 assert.equal(masked.rawInputValue, '123');83 masked.updateOptions({mask: '{+12}0'});84 masked.rawInputValue = '123';85 assert.equal(masked.rawInputValue, '123');86 });87 });...
1const moment = require('moment')2const sequelize = require(process.env.PWD + '/config/sequelize-connection')3const SickBayMedicationSchedule = require(process.env.PWD + '/models/SickBayMedicationSchedule')4function SickBayMedicationScheduleControl() {5 this.update = function(req, res, next) {6 let updateOptions = {}7 switch(req.body.Hr) {8 case 'Hr1':9 updateOptions.Ch1 = true10 updateOptions.ChdHr1 = moment().format('HH:mm:ss')11 updateOptions.Matricula1 = req.session.enrollment12 break;13 case 'Hr2':14 updateOptions.Ch2 = true15 updateOptions.ChdHr2 = moment().format('HH:mm:ss')16 updateOptions.Matricula2 = req.session.enrollment17 break;18 case 'Hr3':19 updateOptions.Ch3 = true20 updateOptions.ChdHr3 = moment().format('HH:mm:ss')21 updateOptions.Matricula3 = req.session.enrollment22 break;23 case 'Hr4':24 updateOptions.Ch4 = true25 updateOptions.ChdHr4 = moment().format('HH:mm:ss')26 updateOptions.Matricula4 = req.session.enrollment27 break;28 }29 SickBayMedicationSchedule.update(updateOptions, {30 where: {SickBayMedicationScheduleID : req.body.SickBayMedicationScheduleID}31 }).then(() => {32 next()33 }).catch(err => { next(err) })34 }35}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 } });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({4 });5 const context = await browser.newContext({6 });7 await context.updateOptions({8 });9 const page = await context.newPage();10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch({15 });16 const context = await browser.newContext({17 });18 await context.updateOptions({19 });20 const page = await context.newPage();21 await browser.close();22})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({4 });5 const context = await browser.newContext({6 });7 await context.updateOptions({8 });9 const page = await context.newPage();10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch({15 });16 const context = await browser.newContext({17 });18 await context.updateOptions({19 });20 const page = await context.newPage();21 await browser.close();22})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext({5 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36'6 });7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: `full.png` });9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');2const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });3const context = await browser.newContext();4await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });5const page = await context.newPage();6const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');7const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });8const context = await browser.newContext();9await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });10const page = await context.newPage();11const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');12const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });13const context = await browser.newContext();14await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });15const page = await context.newPage();16const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');
Using AI Code Generation
1const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });2const context = await browser.newContext();3const page = await context.newPage();4await page.updateOptions({5 viewport: { width: 1000, height: 500 },6});7await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8await browser.close();9const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });10const context = await browser.newContext();11const page = await context.newPage();12const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');13await element.type('Hello World!');14await browser.close();15const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });16const context = await browser.newContext();17const page = await context.newPage();18await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'Hello World!');19await browser.close();20const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });21await browser.createContext();22await browser.close();23const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });24const context = await browser.newContext();25await context.newPage();26await browser.close();27const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });28await browser.launch();29await browser.close();30[MIT]( await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });31const context = await browser.newContext();32await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });33const page = await context.newPage();34const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');35const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });36const context = await browser.newContext();37await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });38const page = await context.newPage();39const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');40const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless:
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext({5 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36'6 });7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: `full.png` });9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');2const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });3const context = await browser.newContext();4await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });5const page = await context.newPage();6const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');7const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });8const context = await browser.newContext();9await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });10const page = await context.newPage();11const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');12const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });13const context = await browser.newContext();14await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });15const page = await context.newPage();16const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');17const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });18const context = await browser.newContext();19await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });20const page = await context.newPage();21const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');22const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 500 });23const context = await browser.newContext();24await context.updateOptions({ viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 } });25const page = await context.newPage();26const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');27const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless:
Using AI Code Generation
1const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });2const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: null });3const page = await context.newPage();4await page.evaluate(() => {5 window.playwright.updateOptions({6 viewport: { width: 500, height: 500 },7 });8});9await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });10await browser.close();11### `updateOptions(options)`12[Apache-2.0](./LICENSE)
Using AI Code Generation
1async function test() {2 const browser = await chromium.launch();3 const page = await browser.newPage();4 await page.updateOptions({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });5 await browser.close();6}7test();8#### `constructor(page, options)`9#### `updateOptions(options)`10#### `goto(url, options)`11#### `waitForNavigation(options)`12#### `waitForRequest(urlOrPredicate, options)`
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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