How to use toMs method in Playwright Internal

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1function startTime() {2 /​/​start of day (hours, minutes)3 var startOfDay = toMs(8, 30);4 /​/​end of day (hours, minutes)5 var endOfDay = toMs(17, 0);6 /​/​noon break (hours, minutes)7 var noonBreak = toMs(12, 5);8 /​/​birth date (year, month, day)9 var birthDate = new Date(1970, 8, 27);10 /​/​pension age (years)11 var pensionAge = 67;12 var now = new Date();13 var yy = now.getFullYear();14 var mm = now.getMonth() + 1;15 var dd = now.getDate();16 var d = now.getDay();17 var h = now.getHours();18 var m = now.getMinutes();19 var s = now.getSeconds();20 var ms = now.getMilliseconds();21 var t = setTimeout(startTime, 1);22 var startOfYear = new Date(yy, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) - 1;23 var endOfYear = new Date(yy + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) - 1;24 var pensionDate = new Date(birthDate.getFullYear() + pensionAge, birthDate.getMonth(), birthDate.getDate());25 $('#now').html('Het is ' + fuzzyTime(h, m) + ' op ' + dateFormat(now) + '.<br/​> Nog ' + parseInt(daysBetween(now, pensionDate)) + ' dagen tot uw pensioen.');26 makeBar('milliseconds2', 'Seconde', 0, 1000, ms, '', '', 'ms', 'square');27 makeBar('seconds', 'Minuut', 0, toMs(0, 1), toMs(0, 0, s, ms), '', '', '', 'none');28 makeBar('minutes', 'Uur', 0, toMs(1, 0), toMs(0, m, s, ms), '', '', 'm:s', 'none');29 makeBar('day', 'Dag', toMs(0, 0), toMs(24, 0), toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentage', 'none');30 if (toMs(h, m, s, ms) >= startOfDay && toMs(h, m, s, ms) <= endOfDay) {31 if (toMs(h, m, s, ms) <= noonBreak) {32 makeBar('morning', 'Schaft', startOfDay, noonBreak, toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'h:m', 'none');33 } else {34 hideBar('morning');35 }36 makeBar('workday', 'Werkdag', startOfDay, endOfDay, toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none');37 makeBar('workweek', 'Werkweek', 0, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * 5, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * (d - 1) + (toMs(h, m, s, ms) - startOfDay), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none');38 } else {39 if (toMs(h, m, s, ms) < startOfDay) {40 day = d - 1;41 } else {42 day = d;43 }44 if (d == 0 || d > 5 || (d == 5 && toMs(h, m, s, ms) >= endOfDay)) {45 hideBar('workweek');46 } else {47 makeBar('workweek', 'Werkweek', 0, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * 5, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * day, '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none');48 }49 hideBar('workday');50 }51 makeBar('week', 'Week', toMs(0, 0), toMs(24, 0) * 7, toMs(24, 0) * (d - 1) + toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none', 6);52 makeBar('month', 'Maand', toMs(0, 0), toMs(24, 0) * daysInMonth(now), toMs(24, 0) * (dd - 1) + toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none', 7);53 makeBar('year', 'Jaar', startOfYear, endOfYear, now, '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none', 8);54 makeBar('pension', 'Pensioen', birthDate, pensionDate - birthDate, now - birthDate, '', '', 'percentage', 'none', 10);55}56function hideBar(id) {57 thisID = '#' + id;58 if ($(thisID).length) {59 $(thisID).hide();60 }61}62function makeBar(id, label, start, end, now, startLabel, endLabel, format, ease, precision) {63 /​*64 Gegeven: 65 - #id66 - algemeen label67 - start (ms)68 - end (ms)69 - now70 - start label71 - end label72 - format:, ...73 - ease: 'square', ...74 Maak:75 - balk leeg76 - daarover balk vol tot perc77 - op perc bol met glow78 - boven links label79 - boven rechts percentage80 - onder links begin81 - onder rechts einde82 */​83 thisID = '#' + id;84 percentagedone = (now - start) /​ (end - start) * 100;85 switch (ease) {86 case 'square':87 percentagedone = Math.pow(percentagedone, 2) /​ 100;88 break;89 case 'cubic':90 percentagedone = Math.pow(percentagedone, 3) /​ 10000;91 break;92 default:93 }94 percentagedone = percentagedone.toPrecision(5) + '%';95 donelabel = formatDoneLabel(format, end, start, now, precision);96 if ($(thisID).length) {97 $(thisID).show();98 $(thisID + ' .percentagedone').css('width', percentagedone);99 $(thisID + ' .label .right').text(donelabel);100 } else {101 bar = '<div id="' + id + '" class="progress"></​div>';102 $('#content').append(bar);103 $(thisID).append('<div class="label"><div class="left">' + label + '</​div><div class="right">' + donelabel + '</​div>');104 $(thisID).append('<div class="total"><div class="percentagedone"></​div></​div></​div>');105 }106}107function formatDoneLabel(format, end, start, now, precision) {108 if (!precision) precision = 5;109 ms = end - now;110 switch (format) {111 case 'ms':112 donelabel = ms;113 donelabel = 'nog ' + doPad(donelabel, 3) + ' ms ';114 break;115 case '':116 s = parseInt(ms /​ 1000);117 ms -= s * 1000;118 donelabel = 'nog ' + s + '.' + doPad(ms, 3) + ' seconden';119 break;120 case 'h:m':121 h = parseInt(ms /​ (60 * 60 * 1000));122 ms -= h * 60 * 60 * 1000;123 m = parseInt(ms /​ (60 * 1000));124 ms -= m * 60 * 1000;125 donelabel = 'nog ';126 if (h > 0) { donelabel += h + ' uur '; }127 donelabel += m + ' ';128 donelabel += checkPlural('minuut|minuten', m);129 break;130 case 'h:m:s':131 h = parseInt(ms /​ (60 * 60 * 1000));132 ms -= h * 60 * 60 * 1000;133 m = parseInt(ms /​ (60 * 1000));134 ms -= m * 60 * 1000;135 s = parseInt(ms /​ 1000);136 donelabel = 'nog ';137 if (h > 0) { donelabel += h + ' uur '; }138 if (m > 0) {139 donelabel += m + ' ';140 donelabel += checkPlural('minuut|minuten', m);141 }142 donelabel += ' ' + s + ' ';143 donelabel += checkPlural('seconde|seconden', s);144 break;145 case 'm:s':146 m = parseInt(ms /​ (60 * 1000));147 ms -= m * 60 * 1000;148 s = parseInt(ms /​ 1000);149 donelabel = 'nog ';150 if (m > 0) {151 donelabel += m + ' ';152 donelabel += checkPlural('minuut|minuten', m);153 }154 donelabel += ' ' + s + ' ';155 donelabel += checkPlural('seconde|seconden', s);156 break;157 case 'percentageleft':158 donelabel = 100 - (now - start) /​ (end - start) * 100;159 donelabel = 'nog ' + donelabel.toPrecision(precision) + '%';160 break;161 default:162 donelabel = now /​ (end - start) * 100;163 donelabel = donelabel.toPrecision(precision) + '%'164 }165 return donelabel;166}167function fuzzyTime(h, m) {168 hours = ['middernacht', 'één', 'twee', 'drie', 'vier', 'vijf', 'zes', 'zeven', 'acht', 'negen', 'tien', 'elf', 'twaalf', 'één', 'twee', 'drie', 'vier', 'vijf', 'zes', 'zeven', 'acht', 'negen', 'tien', 'elf', 'middernacht'];169 if (m < 30) {170 x = hours[h];171 } else {172 x = hours[h + 1];173 }174 if (m == 59 || m == 0) { x += ' uur' };175 if (m == 0) { return ('exact ' + x); }176 if (m >= 1 && m <= 4) { return ('een beetje na ' + x); }177 if (m == 5) { return ('vijf na ' + x); }178 if (m >= 6 && m <= 9) { return ('bijna tien na ' + x); }179 if (m == 10) { return ('tien na ' + x); }180 if (m >= 11 && m <= 14) { return ('bijna kwart na ' + x); }181 if (m == 15) { return ('kwart na ' + x); }182 if (m >= 16 && m <= 17) { return ('kwart na ' + x + ' en een beetje'); }183 if (m >= 18 && m <= 19) { return ('bijna twintig na ' + x); }184 if (m == 20) { return ('twintig na ' + x); }185 if (m >= 21 && m <= 29) { return ('bijna half ' + x); }186 if (m == 30) { return ('half ' + x); }187 if (m >= 30 && m <= 35) { return ('een beetje na half ' + x); }188 if (m >= 36 && m <= 39) { return ('bijna twintig voor ' + x); }189 if (m == 40) { return ('twintig voor ' + x); }190 if (m >= 41 && m <= 44) { return ('ongeveer kwart voor ' + x); }191 if (m == 45) { return ('kwart voor ' + x); }192 if (m >= 46 && m <= 49) { return ('bijna tien voor ' + x); }193 if (m == 50) { return ('tien voor ' + x); }194 if (m >= 51 && m <= 54) { return ('iets na tien voor ' + x); }195 if (m == 55) { return ('vijf voor ' + x); }196 if (m >= 56 && m <= 59) { return ('bijna ' + x); }197}198function dateFormat(date) {199 var montharray = new Array('januari', 'februari', 'maart', 'april', 'mei', 'juni', 'juli', 'augustus', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december');200 var dayarray = new Array('zondag', 'maandag', 'dinsdag', 'woensdag', 'donderdag', 'vrijdag', 'zaterdag');201 return (dayarray[date.getDay()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ' ' + montharray[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear());202}203function daysInMonth(date) {204 return new Date(date.getYear(),205 date.getMonth() + 1,206 0).getDate();207}208function treatAsUTC(date) {209 var result = new Date(date);210 result.setMinutes(result.getMinutes() - result.getTimezoneOffset());211 return result;212}213function daysBetween(startDate, endDate) {214 var millisecondsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;215 return (treatAsUTC(endDate) - treatAsUTC(startDate)) /​ millisecondsPerDay;216}217function toMs(h, m, s, ms) {218 ret = 0;219 if (ms) { ret += ms; }220 if (s) { ret += s * 1000; }221 ret += m * 60 * 1000;222 ret += h * 60 * 60 * 1000;223 return ret;224}225function doPad(i, ln) {226 return i.toString().length < ln ? "0".repeat(ln - i.toString().length) + i : i;227}228function checkPlural(options, nbr) {229 options = options.split('|');230 if (nbr == 1) { return options[0]; } else { return options[1]; }231}

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1/​/​ import mock from './​mode.js'2/​/​ import mock from './​modeXL.js'3import customDetailSku from '../​../​../​utils/​customDetailSku.js'4const app = getApp()5Component({6 properties: {7 propsData: {8 type: Object,9 value: {10 proSpecList: []11 }12 },13 mode: {14 type: String,15 value: ``16 },17 skuObj: {18 type: Object,19 value: ``,20 observer(newVal, oldVal, changePath) {21 /​/​ 监听数据变动22 if(this.df) {23 this.df.initList(newVal)24 const proObj = this.df.getThis()25 proObj.trueCusToms = newVal26 this.df.clickedConditi(proObj.conditiList[0])27 this.setData({28 proObj29 })30 this.emitData()31 }32 } 33 },34 showCusTxt: {35 type: Boolean,36 value: true 37 }38 },39 lifetimes: {40 attached() {41 this.initData()42 },43 44 detached() {45 },46 },47 data: {48 proObj: {49 weightList: [],50 conditiList: [],51 diameterList: [],52 ringhandList: [],53 lengthList: [],54 },55 cusTomsData: {56 cusTomsName: `克重`,57 cusTomsProp: false,58 cusTomsPropTit: `选择内径`,59 placeholder: `请输入您想要的克重`,60 scopeName: `可定制克重范围:`,61 scopeList: [`12-12`, `12-12`, `12-12`],62 inputValue: ``63 },64 chainProp: false,65 chainPropTit: '链长说明详情', /​/​ 链长弹窗66 /​/​ 链长范围67 chainScopeList: [{68 name: `小于13`,69 value: `40-43`70 }, {71 name: `13-20`,72 value: `44-48`73 }, {74 name: `20-30`,75 value: `45-50`76 }, {77 name: `30-40`,78 value: `48-52`79 }, {80 name: `50-60`,81 value: `52-58`82 }, {83 name: `60-70`,84 value: `55-62`85 }, {86 name: `70-80`,87 value: `56-63`88 }, {89 name: `80-90`,90 value: `60-68`91 }, {92 name: `90-100`,93 value: `62-68`94 }, {95 name: `110-120`,96 value: `65-70`97 }, {98 name: `130-150`,99 value: `68-75`100 }, {101 name: `大于150`,102 value: `备注自定义`103 }],104 },105 methods: {106 initData() {107 const { propsData, mode } = this.data108 this.df = new customDetailSku(propsData)109 if (mode) {110 this.backFun()111 return 112 } 113 this.generateList()114 },115 /​/​ 处理数据回填116 backFun() {117 const { propsData } = this.data118 Object.assign(this.df, propsData)119 const proObj = this.df.getThis()120 this.setData({121 proObj122 })123 this.emitData()124 },125 generateList() {126 const { skuObj } = this.data127 this.df.initList(skuObj)128 const proObj = this.df.getThis()129 this.df.clickedConditi(proObj.conditiList[0])130 this.setData({131 proObj132 })133 },134 conditiClick(e) {135 const proObj = this.df.getThis()136 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset137 this.df.clickedConditi(item)138 this.setData({139 proObj140 })141 this.emitData()142 },143 weightClick(e) {144 const proObj = this.df.getThis()145 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset146 this.df.clickedWeight(item)147 this.setData({148 proObj149 })150 this.emitData()151 },152 diameterClick(e) {153 const proObj = this.df.getThis()154 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset155 this.df.clickedDiameter(item)156 this.setData({157 proObj158 })159 this.emitData()160 },161 ringhandClick(e) {162 const proObj = this.df.getThis()163 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset164 this.df.clickedRinghand(item)165 this.setData({166 proObj167 })168 this.emitData()169 },170 lengthClick(e) {171 const proObj = this.df.getThis()172 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset173 this.df.clickedLength(item)174 this.setData({175 proObj176 })177 this.emitData()178 },179 setCoustomWeight(e) {180 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset181 const { customWeight: { scopeList } } = this.df.getThis()182 = {183 cusTomsFun: `setWeightList`,184 cusTomsPropTit: `选择克重`,185 placeholder: `请输入您想要的克重`,186 scopeName: `可定制克重范围:`,187 inputValue: ``,188 scopeList189 },190 },192 setCoustomDiameter(e) {193 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset194 const { customDiameter: { scopeList } } = this.df.getThis()195 = {196 cusTomsFun: `setDiameterList`,197 cusTomsPropTit: `选择圈口`,198 placeholder: `请输入您想要的圈口`,199 scopeName: `可定制圈口范围:`,200 inputValue: ``,201 scopeList202 },203 },205 setCoustomRinghand(e) {206 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset207 const { customRinghand: { scopeList } } = this.df.getThis()208 = {209 cusTomsFun: `setRinghandList`,210 cusTomsPropTit: `选择手寸`,211 placeholder: `请输入您想要的手寸`,212 scopeName: `可定制手寸范围:`,213 inputValue: ``,214 scopeList,215 },216 },218 setCoustomLength(e) {219 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset220 /​/​ },222 coustomLengthShow() {223 this.setData({224 chainProp: true225 })226 },227 valiInputData() {228 if (!this.valiInput()) {229 app.$u.showToast('请输入范围区间的值')230 return false231 }232 return true233 },234 valiInput() {235 let { cusTomsData: { inputValue, scopeList } } = this.data236 inputValue = parseFloat(inputValue)237 let arr = scopeList238 return => item.split('-')).find(item => inputValue >= parseFloat(item[0]) && inputValue <= parseFloat(item[1]))239 },240 241 getCusToms(e) {242 const { cusTomsData } = this.data243 cusTomsData.inputValue = e.detail.value244 },245 show() {246 const { cusTomsData } = this.data247 const proObj = this.df.getThis()248 cusTomsData.cusTomsProp = true249 this.setData({250 cusTomsData: })252 this.triggerEvent('showProp', proObj)253 },254 hide() {255 const { cusTomsData } = this.data256 const proObj = this.df.getThis()257 cusTomsData.cusTomsProp = false258 this.setData({259 cusTomsData: })261 this.triggerEvent('hideProp', proObj)262 },263 cusSubmit() {264 let { cusTomsData: { inputValue, scopeList, cusTomsFun } } = this.data265 const proObj = this.df.getThis()266 if (!this.valiInputData()) {267 return268 }269 this.df[cusTomsFun](inputValue)270 this.setData({271 proObj272 })273 this.hide()274 },275 cusCancel(e) {276 this.hide()277 }, 278 279 closeChainProp(e) {280 this.setData({281 chainProp: false282 })283 },284 /​/​ emit285 emitData() {286 const { proObj } = this.data287 this.triggerEvent('emitCusTomSku', proObj )288 }289 }...

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1const should = require("should");2/​* globals toMs, should, it, describe, window */​3'use strict';4/​**5 * Dependencies6 */​7var isNode = typeof window === 'undefined';8if (isNode) { global.toMs = require('../​'); }9/​/​ End dependencies10describe('to-ms', function () {11 it('should be a Number', function () {12;13 });14 describe('seconds()', function () {15 var ms;16 it('should returns a number', function () {17 ms = toMs.seconds('60');18;19 });20 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {21 * 1000);22 });23 });24 describe('second()', function () {25 var ms;26 it('should returns a number', function () {27 ms = toMs.second();28;29 });30 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {31;32 });33 });34 describe('minute()', function () {35 var ms;36 it('should returns a number', function () {37 ms = toMs.minute();38;39 });40 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {41 * 1000);42 });43 });44 describe('minutes()', function () {45 var ms;46 it('should returns a number', function () {47 ms = toMs.minutes('60');48;49 });50 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {51 * 60 * 1000);52 });53 });54 describe('hour()', function () {55 var ms;56 it('should returns a number', function () {57 ms = toMs.hour();58;59 });60 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {61 * 60 * 1000);62 });63 });64 describe('hours()', function () {65 var ms;66 it('should returns a number', function () {67 ms = toMs.hours('24');68;69 });70 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {71 * 60 * 60 * 1000);72 });73 });74 describe('day()', function () {75 var ms;76 it('should returns a number', function () {77 ms =;78;79 });80 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {81 * 60 * 60 * 1000);82 });83 });84 describe('days()', function () {85 var ms;86 it('should returns a number', function () {87 ms = toMs.days('7');88;89 });90 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {91 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);92 });93 });94 describe('week()', function () {95 var ms;96 it('should returns a number', function () {97 ms = toMs.week();98;99 });100 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {101 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);102 });103 });104 describe('weeks()', function () {105 var ms;106 it('should returns a number', function () {107 ms = toMs.weeks('7');108;109 });110 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {111 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);112 });113 });114 describe('year()', function () {115 var ms;116 it('should returns a number', function () {117 ms = toMs.year();118;119 });120 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {121 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);122 });123 });124 describe('years()', function () {125 var ms;126 it('should returns a number', function () {127 ms = toMs.years(3);128;129 });130 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {131 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);132 });133 });134 describe('chaining', function () {135 var ms;136 it('methods should chains', function () {137 ms = toMs138 .days(2)139 .hours(12)140 .minutes(20)141 .seconds(15);142;143 });144 it('singles shoulds chains too', function () {145 ms = toMs146 .day()147 .hour()148 .minute()149 .second();150;151 });152 });...

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Source:api.js Github


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1import axios from "axios";2export const fetchArticles = ({ topic, author, sort_by, order }) => {3 return axios4 .get("https:/​/​​api/​articles", {5 params: { topic, author, sort_by, order },6 })7 .then(({ data }) => data.articles);8};9export const fetchArticleById = (article_id) => {10 return axios11 .get(`https:/​/​​api/​articles/​${article_id}`)12 .then(({ data }) => data.article);13};14export const fetchCommentsByArticleId = (article_id) => {15 return axios16 .get(17 `https:/​/​​api/​articles/​${article_id}/​comments`18 )19 .then(({ data }) => data.comments);20};21export const postNewArticle = (newArticle) => {22 return axios23 .post("https:/​/​​api/​articles", newArticle)24 .then(({ data }) => data.article.article_id);25};26export const deleteArticle = (article_id) => {27 return axios.delete(28 `https:/​/​​api/​articles/​${article_id}`29 );30};31export const postComment = (article_id, comment) => {32 return axios33 .post(34 `https:/​/​​api/​articles/​${article_id}/​comments`,35 comment36 )37 .then(({ data }) => data.comment);38};39export const deleteComment = (comment_id) => {40 return axios.delete(41 `https:/​/​​api/​comments/​${comment_id}`42 );43};44export const fetchTopics = () => {45 return axios46 .get("https:/​/​​api/​topics")47 .then(({ data }) => data.topics);48};49export const vote = ({ comment_id, article_id, change }) => {50 let URL;51 if (comment_id !== undefined)52 URL = `https:/​/​​api/​comments/​${comment_id}`;53 if (article_id !== undefined)54 URL = `https:/​/​​api/​articles/​${article_id}`;55 return axios.patch(URL, { inc_votes: change });56};57export const fetchUsers = () => {58 return axios59 .get("https:/​/​​api/​users")60 .then(({ data }) => data.users);...

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1var oneHourInSeconds = 60 * 60;2var oneDayInSeconds = oneHourInSeconds * 24;3var timeInSeconds = {4 oneSecond: 1,5 fiveSeconds: 5,6 tenSeconds: 10,7 halfMinute: 30,8 oneMinute: 60,9 fiveMinutes: 60 * 5,10 tenMinutes: 60 * 10,11 thirtyMinutes: 60 * 30,12 oneHour: oneHourInSeconds,13 twoHours: oneHourInSeconds * 2,14 threeHours: oneHourInSeconds * 3,15 fourHours: oneHourInSeconds * 4,16 fiveHours: oneHourInSeconds * 5,17 sixHours: oneHourInSeconds * 6,18 oneDay: oneDayInSeconds,19 twoDays: oneDayInSeconds * 2,20 sevenDays: oneDayInSeconds * 7,21 thirtyDays: oneDayInSeconds * 30,22 sixMonths: oneDayInSeconds * 30 * 623};24var toMs = 1000;25module.exports = {26 s: timeInSeconds,27 ms: {28 oneSecond: timeInSeconds.oneSecond * toMs,29 fiveSeconds: timeInSeconds.fiveSeconds * toMs,30 tenSeconds: timeInSeconds.tenSeconds * toMs,31 halfMinute: timeInSeconds.halfMinute * toMs,32 oneMinute: timeInSeconds.oneMinute * toMs,33 fiveMinutes: timeInSeconds.fiveMinutes * toMs,34 tenMinutes: timeInSeconds.tenMinutes * toMs,35 thirtyMinutes: timeInSeconds.thirtyMinutes * toMs,36 oneHour: timeInSeconds.oneHour * toMs,37 twoHours: timeInSeconds.twoHours * toMs,38 threeHours: timeInSeconds.threeHours * toMs,39 fourHours: timeInSeconds.fourHours * toMs,40 fiveHours: timeInSeconds.fiveHours * toMs,41 sixHours: timeInSeconds.sixHours * toMs,42 oneDay: timeInSeconds.oneDay * toMs,43 twoDays: timeInSeconds.twoDays * toMs,44 sevenDays: timeInSeconds.sevenDays * toMs,45 thirtyDays: timeInSeconds.thirtyDays * toMs,46 sixMonths: timeInSeconds.sixMonths * toMs47 }...

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1var tom, to_runnin, tomsitting, toms;2var jerry, jerr_teasing, jer_happy, jerrys;3var bg, bg_display;456function preload() {7 /​/​load the images here8 bg_display=loadImage("images/​garden.png");910 tom=loadAnimation("images/​cat1.png");11 to_runnin=loadAnimation("images/​cat2.png", "images/​cat3.png");12 tomsitting=loadAnimation("images/​cat4.png");1314 jerry=loadAnimation("images/​mouse2.png");15 jerr_teasing=loadAnimation("teasing","images/​mouse3.png");16 jer_happy=loadAnimation("happy","images/​mouse4.png");17}1819function setup(){20 createCanvas(1000,800);21 /​/​create tom and jerry sprites here22 bg=createSprite(500,400,500,400);23 bg.addImage(bg_display);24 bg.scale=0.8;2526 toms=createSprite(800,600,50,50);27 toms.addAnimation("silent",tom);28 toms.scale=0.1;2930 jerrys=createSprite(300,600,50,50);31 jerrys.addAnimation("silent",jerry);32 jerrys.scale=0.1;33}3435function draw() {3637 background(255);38 /​/​Write condition here to evalute if tom and jerry collide394041 if(toms.x-jerrys.x<jerrys.width/​2 + toms.width/​2){42 toms.addAnimation("happy","images/​cat4.png")43 toms.changeAnimation("happy","images/​cat4.png")44 toms.velocityX=0;454647}48 49 drawSprites();50}515253function keyPressed(){5455 /​/​For moving and changing animation write code here56 if(keyDown("left")){57 jerrys.addAnimation("teasing", "images/​mouse3.png"); 58 jerrys.changeAnimation("teasing","images/​mouse3.png","images/​mouse2.png");5960 toms.addAnimation("running","images/​cat2.png", "images/​cat3.png");61 toms.changeAnimation("running","images/​cat2.png", "images/​cat3.png");62 toms.velocityX=-3;63}64 ...

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Source:toMsTest.js Github


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2var toMs = require('../​app/​lib/​toMs')3describe('toMs', () => {4 it('matches second variations', () => {5 ['second', 'sec', 's', 'seconds', 'secs'].forEach((unit) => {6 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000)7 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 10)8 })9 })10 it('matches minute variations', () => {11 ['minute', 'min', 'm', 'minutes', 'mins'].forEach((unit) => {12 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60)13 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 10)14 })15 })16 it('matches hour variations', () => {17 ['hour', 'hr', 'hours', 'hrs'].forEach((unit) => {18 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60)19 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60 * 10)20 })21 })22 it('matches day variations', () => {23 ['day', 'd', 'days'].forEach((unit) => {24 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)25 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10)26 })27 })28 it('should not match bogus units', () => {29 expect(toMs('1 nope'), 'to equal', NaN)30 })31 it('should not match standalone units', () => {32 expect(toMs('min'), 'to equal', undefined)33 })...

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Source:wise_toms.js Github


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1function tomsFetch(){2 3 if (!WISE.apps.www) {alert("uh oh"); return false;};4 5 cur = WISE.apps.toms;6 7 "http:/​/​​catalogsearch/​result/​?q=" + cur.params[0] + "&c=tomsRender", );8}9function tomsRender( j ){10 11 if( !j || !j.msg)12 return;13 14 r = WISE.resultAdd( WISE.Q , "http:/​/​​catalogsearch/​result/​?q=" + cur.params[0], cur.params[0], j.msg, true);15 var resultText = "";16 resultText = "<p><small>Powered by <a href='http:/​/​​'>Toms</​a></​small></​p>";17 18 WISE.annAdd(r, "text", {"sel":resultText} );19 WISE.annRender(r);20 WISE.finalize(WISE.Q,, r); /​/​ apply any possible KT stuff21}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });8 await browser.close();9})();10console.log(toMs('1s'));11const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');12console.log(toMs('1s'));13const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');14console.log(toMs('1s'));15const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');16console.log(toMs('1s'));17const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');18console.log(toMs('1s'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await page.waitForSelector('text=Get started');5 await'text=Get started');6 await page.waitForSelector('text=Quick start');7 await'text=Quick start');8 await page.waitForSelector('text=Install Playwright');9 await'text=Install Playwright');10 await page.waitForSelector('text=Test in Node.js');11 await'text=Test in Node.js');12 await page.waitForSelector('text=TypeScript');13 await'text=TypeScript');14 await page.waitForSelector('text=Install Playwright');15 await'text=Install Playwright');16 await page.waitForSelector('text=Run your first test');17 await'text=Run your first test');18 await page.waitForSelector('text=Install Playwright');19 await'text=Install Playwright');20 await page.waitForSelector('text=Add a test');21 await'text=Add a test');22 await page.waitForSelector('text=Run your test');23 await'text=Run your test');24 await page.waitForSelector('text=Debug your test');25 await'text=Debug your test');26 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');27 await'text=Next steps');28 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');29 await'text=Next steps');30 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');31 await'text=Next steps');32 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');33 await'text=Next steps');34 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');35 await'text=Next steps');36 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');37 await'text=Next steps');38 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');39 await'text=Next steps');40 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');41 await'text=Next steps');42 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');43 await'text=Next steps');44 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const { toMs } = require('playwright');3const { wait } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');4await wait(1000);5const { wait } = require('playwright');6await wait(1000);7const { secondsToMilliseconds } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');8const { secondsToMilliseconds } = require('playwright');9const { millisecondsToSeconds } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');10const { millisecondsToSeconds } = require('playwright');11const { secondsToMinutes } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');12const { secondsToMinutes } = require('playwright');13const { millisecondsToMinutes } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');14const { millisecondsToMinutes } = require('playwright');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2console.log(toMs('1s'));3const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');4console.log(toMs('2s'));5const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');6console.log(toMs('3s'));7const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');8console.log(toMs('4s'));9const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');10console.log(toMs('5s'));11const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');12console.log(toMs('6s'));13const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');14console.log(toMs('7s'));15const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');16console.log(toMs('8s'));17const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');18console.log(toMs('9s'));19const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');20console.log(toMs('10s'));21const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');22console.log(toMs('11s'));23const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');24console.log(toMs('12s'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');2const time = toMs('10s');3console.log(time);4const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');5const time = toMs('10s');6console.log(time);7const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');8const time = toMs('10s');9console.log(time);10const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');11const time = toMs('10s');12console.log(time);13const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');14const time = toMs('10s');15console.log(time);16const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');17const time = toMs('10s');18console.log(time);19const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');20const time = toMs('10s');21console.log(time);22const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');23const time = toMs('10s');24console.log(time);25const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');26const time = toMs('10s');27console.log(time);28const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');29const time = toMs('10s');30console.log(time);31const { toMs } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils');32const time = toMs('10s');33console.log(time);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toMs } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const time = toMs('1s');3console.log(time);4const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');5const time = toMs('1s');6console.log(time);7toMs(time)8const { toMs } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');9const time = toMs('1s');10console.log(time);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';2const ms = toMS('25s');3console.log(ms);4import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';5const ms = toMS('25s');6console.log(ms);7import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';8const ms = toMS('25s');9console.log(ms);10import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';11const ms = toMS('25s');12console.log(ms);13import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';14const ms = toMS('25s');15console.log(ms);16import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';17const ms = toMS('25s');18console.log(ms);19import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';20const ms = toMS('25s');21console.log(ms);22import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';23const ms = toMS('25s');24console.log(ms);25import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';26const ms = toMS('25s');27console.log(ms);28import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';29const ms = toMS('25s');30console.log(ms);31import { toMS } from 'playwright/​lib/​server/​common/​utils';32const ms = toMS('25s');33console.log(ms);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';2import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';3import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';4import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';5import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';6import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';7import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';8import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';9import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';10import { toMs } from '@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils';11import { toMs } from '@play

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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