How to use toMatchText method in Playwright Internal

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Source:fullyVested.spec.js Github


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...34 await homePage.navigate();35 await homePage.loginWithSeedPhraseLocalStorage(latestLockupTestAccount.accountId, latestLockupTestAccount.seedPhrase);36 const profilePage = new ProfilePage(page);37 await profilePage.navigate();38 await expect(page).toMatchText("", new RegExp(formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)));39 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.locked", /0 NEAR/);40 await expect(page).toMatchText(41 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.unlocked",42 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)} NEAR`)43 );44 await expect(page).toMatchText(45 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.availableToTransfer",46 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)} NEAR`)47 );48 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.reservedForStorage", /3.5 NEAR/);49 await expect(page).toMatchText(50 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.accountId",51 new RegExp(`${latestLockupContractAccount.accountId}`)52 );53 await expect(page).toHaveSelector("data-test-id=lockupTransferToWalletButton");54 });55 test("latest lockup contract withdraws and updates balances and cleans up correctly", async ({ page }) => {56 const homePage = new HomePage(page);57 await homePage.navigate();58 await homePage.loginWithSeedPhraseLocalStorage(latestLockupTestAccount.accountId, latestLockupTestAccount.seedPhrase);59 const profilePage = new ProfilePage(page);60 await profilePage.navigate();61 const { total: lockupTotalBalance } = await latestLockupContractAccount.getUpdatedBalance();62 const initialBalanceDisplay = await profilePage.getOwnerAccountTotalBalance();63 const initialOwnerAccountDisplayedBalance = new BN(parseNearAmount(initialBalanceDisplay));64 const { total: initialOwnerAccountBalance } = await latestLockupTestAccount.getUpdatedBalance();65 await expect(page).toHaveSelector("data-test-id=lockupTransferToWalletButton");66 await profilePage.transferToWallet();67 await expect(page).not.toHaveSelector("data-test-id=lockupTransferToWalletButton");68 await expect(page).not.toHaveSelector("");69 const balanceDisplay = await profilePage.getOwnerAccountTotalBalance();70 const ownerAccountDisplayedBalance = new BN(parseNearAmount(balanceDisplay));71 const displayedOwnersBalanceChange = ownerAccountDisplayedBalance.sub(initialOwnerAccountDisplayedBalance);72 const { total: ownerAccountBalance } = await latestLockupTestAccount.getUpdatedBalance();73 const ownersBalanceChange = new BN(ownerAccountBalance).sub(new BN(initialOwnerAccountBalance));74 const uncertaintyForGas = new BN(parseNearAmount("0.1"));75 await expect(bnIsWithinUncertainty(uncertaintyForGas, new BN(lockupTotalBalance), displayedOwnersBalanceChange)).toBe(76 true77 );78 await expect(bnIsWithinUncertainty(uncertaintyForGas, new BN(lockupTotalBalance), ownersBalanceChange)).toBe(true);79 80 await new StakeUnstakePage(page).clickStakingTab();81 await expect(page).toHaveSelectorCount("data-test-id=accountSelectAvailableBalance", 1);82 });83 test("v2 lockup contract displays zero as locked, correct unlocked, correct available to transfer and other info correctly", async ({84 page,85 }) => {86 const { total: lockupTotalBalance } = await v2LockupContractAccount.getUpdatedBalance();87 const homePage = new HomePage(page);88 await homePage.navigate();89 await homePage.loginWithSeedPhraseLocalStorage(v2LockupTestAccount.accountId, v2LockupTestAccount.seedPhrase);90 const profilePage = new ProfilePage(page);91 await profilePage.navigate();92 await expect(page).toMatchText("", new RegExp(formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)));93 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.locked", /0 NEAR/);94 await expect(page).toMatchText(95 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.unlocked",96 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)} NEAR`)97 );98 await expect(page).toMatchText(99 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.availableToTransfer",100 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)} NEAR`)101 );102 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.reservedForStorage", /35 NEAR/);103 await expect(page).toMatchText(104 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.accountId",105 new RegExp(`${v2LockupContractAccount.accountId}`)106 );107 await expect(page).toHaveSelector("data-test-id=lockupTransferToWalletButton");108 });109 test("v2 lockup contract withdraws and updates balances and cleans up correctly", async ({ page }) => {110 const homePage = new HomePage(page);111 await homePage.navigate();112 await homePage.loginWithSeedPhraseLocalStorage(v2LockupTestAccount.accountId, v2LockupTestAccount.seedPhrase);113 const profilePage = new ProfilePage(page);114 await profilePage.navigate();115 const { total: lockupTotalBalance } = await v2LockupContractAccount.getUpdatedBalance();116 const initialBalanceDisplay = await profilePage.getOwnerAccountTotalBalance();117 const initialOwnerAccountDisplayedBalance = new BN(parseNearAmount(initialBalanceDisplay));...

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Source:playwright.test.js Github


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...59 while (1) {60 switch (_context3.prev = {61 case 0:62 = 2;63 return expect(page).toMatchText(/.*Saurischia.*/);64 case 2:65 = 4;66 return expect(page).toMatchText(/.*Ornithischians.*/);67 case 4:68 = 6;69 return expect(page).toMatchText(/.*Coelophysoids.*/);70 case 6:71 = 8;72 return (0, _visualRegression.matchScreenshot)("displays_a_tree");73 case 8:74 case "end":75 return _context3.stop();76 }77 }78 }, _callee3);79})));80it("selects a node", /*#__PURE__*/_asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4() {81 var saurischia;82 return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {83 while (1) {84 switch (_context4.prev = {85 case 0:86 = 2;87 return expect(page).toMatchText(/.*Saurischia.*/);88 case 2:89 = 4;90 return (0, _testUtil.findNodeElement)("Saurischia");91 case 4:92 saurischia = _context4.sent;93 = 7;94 return (0, _testUtil.selectNode)(saurischia);95 case 7:96 = 9;97 return (0, _testUtil.expectToBeSelected)(saurischia);98 case 9:99 = 11;100 return (0, _visualRegression.matchScreenshot)("selects_a_node");101 case 11:102 case "end":103 return _context4.stop();104 }105 }106 }, _callee4);107})));108it("opens a node", /*#__PURE__*/_asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee5() {109 var theropods;110 return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee5$(_context5) {111 while (1) {112 switch (_context5.prev = {113 case 0:114 = 2;115 return expect(page).toMatchText(/.*Saurischia.*/);116 case 2:117 = 4;118 return (0, _testUtil.findNodeElement)("Theropods");119 case 4:120 theropods = _context5.sent;121 = 7;122 return (0, _testUtil.expectToBeClosed)(theropods);123 case 7:124 = 9;125 return (0, _testUtil.openNode)(theropods);126 case 9:127 = 11;128 return (0, _testUtil.expectToBeOpen)(theropods);129 case 11:...

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Source:matchers.js Github


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1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 value: true4});5exports.toBeChecked = toBeChecked;6exports.toBeDisabled = toBeDisabled;7exports.toBeEditable = toBeEditable;8exports.toBeEmpty = toBeEmpty;9exports.toBeEnabled = toBeEnabled;10exports.toBeFocused = toBeFocused;11exports.toBeHidden = toBeHidden;12exports.toBeVisible = toBeVisible;13exports.toContainText = toContainText;14exports.toHaveAttribute = toHaveAttribute;15exports.toHaveClass = toHaveClass;16exports.toHaveCount = toHaveCount;17exports.toHaveCSS = toHaveCSS;18exports.toHaveId = toHaveId;19exports.toHaveJSProperty = toHaveJSProperty;20exports.toHaveText = toHaveText;21exports.toHaveTitle = toHaveTitle;22exports.toHaveURL = toHaveURL;23exports.toHaveValue = toHaveValue;24var _toBeTruthy = require("./toBeTruthy");25var _toEqual = require("./toEqual");26var _toMatchText = require("./toMatchText");27/**28 * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.29 *30 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");31 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.32 * You may obtain a copy of the License at33 *34 * *36 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software37 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,38 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.39 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and40 * limitations under the License.41 */42function toBeChecked(locator, options) {43 return, 'toBeChecked', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {44 return await locator.isChecked({45 timeout46 });47 }, options);48}49function toBeDisabled(locator, options) {50 return, 'toBeDisabled', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {51 return await locator.isDisabled({52 timeout53 });54 }, options);55}56function toBeEditable(locator, options) {57 return, 'toBeEditable', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {58 return await locator.isEditable({59 timeout60 });61 }, options);62}63function toBeEmpty(locator, options) {64 return, 'toBeEmpty', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {65 return await locator.evaluate(element => {66 var _element$textContent;67 if (element.nodeName === 'INPUT' || element.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') return !element.value;68 return !((_element$textContent = element.textContent) !== null && _element$textContent !== void 0 && _element$textContent.trim());69 }, {70 timeout71 });72 }, options);73}74function toBeEnabled(locator, options) {75 return, 'toBeEnabled', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {76 return await locator.isEnabled({77 timeout78 });79 }, options);80}81function toBeFocused(locator, options) {82 return, 'toBeFocused', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {83 return await locator.evaluate(element => {84 return document.activeElement === element;85 }, {86 timeout87 });88 }, options);89}90function toBeHidden(locator, options) {91 return, 'toBeHidden', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {92 return await locator.isHidden({93 timeout94 });95 }, options);96}97function toBeVisible(locator, options) {98 return, 'toBeVisible', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {99 return await locator.isVisible({100 timeout101 });102 }, options);103}104function toContainText(locator, expected, options) {105 return, 'toContainText', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {106 if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useInnerText) return await locator.innerText({107 timeout108 });109 return (await locator.textContent()) || '';110 }, expected, { ...options,111 matchSubstring: true112 });113}114function toHaveAttribute(locator, name, expected, options) {115 return, 'toHaveAttribute', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {116 return (await locator.getAttribute(name, {117 timeout118 })) || '';119 }, expected, options);120}121function toHaveClass(locator, expected, options) {122 if (Array.isArray(expected)) {123 return, 'toHaveClass', locator, 'Locator', async () => {124 return await locator.evaluateAll(ee => => e.className));125 }, expected, options);126 } else {127 return, 'toHaveClass', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {128 return await locator.evaluate(element => element.className, {129 timeout130 });131 }, expected, options);132 }133}134function toHaveCount(locator, expected, options) {135 return, 'toHaveCount', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {136 return await locator.count();137 }, expected, options);138}139function toHaveCSS(locator, name, expected, options) {140 return, 'toHaveCSS', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {141 return await locator.evaluate(async (element, name) => {142 return window.getComputedStyle(element)[name];143 }, name, {144 timeout145 });146 }, expected, options);147}148function toHaveId(locator, expected, options) {149 return, 'toHaveId', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {150 return (await locator.getAttribute('id', {151 timeout152 })) || '';153 }, expected, options);154}155function toHaveJSProperty(locator, name, expected, options) {156 return, 'toHaveJSProperty', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {157 return await locator.evaluate((element, name) => element[name], name, {158 timeout159 });160 }, expected, options);161}162function toHaveText(locator, expected, options) {163 if (Array.isArray(expected)) {164 return, 'toHaveText', locator, 'Locator', async () => {165 return locator.evaluateAll((ee, useInnerText) => {166 return => useInnerText ? e.innerText : e.textContent || '');167 }, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.useInnerText);168 }, expected, options);169 } else {170 return, 'toHaveText', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {171 if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useInnerText) return await locator.innerText({172 timeout173 });174 return (await locator.textContent()) || '';175 }, expected, options);176 }177}178function toHaveTitle(page, expected, options) {179 return, 'toHaveTitle', page, 'Page', async () => {180 return await page.title();181 }, expected, options);182}183function toHaveURL(page, expected, options) {184 return, 'toHaveURL', page, 'Page', async () => {185 return page.url();186 }, expected, options);187}188function toHaveValue(locator, expected, options) {189 return, 'toHaveValue', locator, 'Locator', async timeout => {190 return await locator.inputValue({191 timeout192 });193 }, expected, options);...

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Source:fullyUnvested.spec.js Github


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...41 await homePage.navigate();42 await homePage.loginWithSeedPhraseLocalStorage(latestLockupTestAccount.accountId, latestLockupTestAccount.seedPhrase);43 const profilePage = new ProfilePage(page);44 await profilePage.navigate();45 await expect(page).toMatchText("", new RegExp(formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)));46 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.locked", /5 NEAR/);47 await expect(page).toMatchText(48 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.unlocked",49 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupUnlockedAmount, 5)} NEAR`)50 );51 await expect(page).toMatchText(52 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.availableToTransfer",53 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupAvailableToTransfer, 5)} NEAR`)54 );55 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.reservedForStorage", /3.5 NEAR/);56 await expect(page).toMatchText(57 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.accountId",58 new RegExp(`${latestLockupContractAccount.accountId}`)59 );60 await expect(page).not.toHaveSelector("data-test-id=lockupTransferToWalletButton");61 });62 test("v2 lockup contract displays the whole amount as locked, correct unlocked, correct available to transfer and other info correctly", async ({63 page,64 }) => {65 const { total: lockupTotalBalance } = await v2LockupContractAccount.getUpdatedBalance();66 const lockupUnlockedAmount = new BN(lockupTotalBalance)67 .sub(new BN(parseNearAmount(lockupAmount)))68 .toString();69 const lockupAvailableToTransfer = await v2LockupContractAccount.nearApiJsAccount.viewFunction(70 v2LockupContractAccount.accountId,71 "get_liquid_owners_balance"72 );73 const homePage = new HomePage(page);74 await homePage.navigate();75 await homePage.loginWithSeedPhraseLocalStorage(v2LockupTestAccount.accountId, v2LockupTestAccount.seedPhrase);76 const profilePage = new ProfilePage(page);77 await profilePage.navigate();78 await expect(page).toMatchText("", new RegExp(formatNearAmount(lockupTotalBalance, 5)));79 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.locked", /5 NEAR/);80 await expect(page).toMatchText(81 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.unlocked",82 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupUnlockedAmount, 5)} NEAR`)83 );84 await expect(page).toMatchText(85 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.availableToTransfer",86 new RegExp(`${formatNearAmount(lockupAvailableToTransfer, 5)} NEAR`)87 );88 await expect(page).toMatchText("data-test-id=lockupAccount.reservedForStorage", /35 NEAR/);89 await expect(page).toMatchText(90 "data-test-id=lockupAccount.accountId",91 new RegExp(`${v2LockupContractAccount.accountId}`)92 );93 await expect(page).not.toHaveSelector("data-test-id=lockupTransferToWalletButton");94 });...

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Source:1-config.js Github


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...22 "crowdsec_bouncer_general_connection_api_key",23 "bad-key",24 );25 await"#crowdsec_bouncer_general_connection_test");26 await expect(page).toMatchText(27 "#lapi_ping_result",28 /Technical error while testing connection/,29 );30 await fillInput(31 "crowdsec_bouncer_general_connection_api_key",32 BOUNCER_KEY,33 );34 });35});36describe(`Extension configuration modification`, () => {37 it("Should modify the cache", async () => {38 // Test File System39 await selectElement(40 "crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_technology",41 "phpfs",42 );43 await onAdminSaveSettings();44 await expect(page).toMatchText(45 "#messages",46 /CrowdSec new cache \(File system\) has been successfully tested./,47 );48 await page.waitForSelector(49 "#crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_clear_cache",50 );51 await"#crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_clear_cache");52 await expect(page).toMatchText(53 "#cache_clearing_result",54 "CrowdSec cache (File system) has been cleared.",55 );56 await"#crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_prune_cache");57 await expect(page).toMatchText(58 "#cache_pruning_result",59 "CrowdSec cache (File system) has been pruned.",60 );61 // Test Redis62 await selectElement(63 "crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_technology",64 "redis",65 );66 await fillInput(67 "crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_redis_dsn",68 "redis://redis:6379",69 );70 await onAdminSaveSettings();71 await expect(page).toMatchText(72 "#messages",73 /CrowdSec new cache \(Redis\) has been successfully tested./,74 );75 await expect(page).toMatchText(76 "#messages",77 /File system cache has been cleared./,78 );79 await"#crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_clear_cache");80 await expect(page).toMatchText(81 "#cache_clearing_result",82 "CrowdSec cache (Redis) has been cleared.",83 );84 await fillInput("crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_redis_dsn", "bad-dsn");85 await onAdminSaveSettings(false);86 await expect(page).toMatchText(87 "#messages",88 /Technical error while testing the Redis cache/,89 );90 await expect(page).toMatchValue(91 "#crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_redis_dsn",92 "redis://redis:6379",93 );94 // Test Memcached95 await selectElement(96 "crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_technology",97 "memcached",98 );99 await fillInput(100 "crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_memcached_dsn",101 "memcached://memcached:11211",102 );103 await onAdminSaveSettings();104 await expect(page).toMatchText(105 "#messages",106 /CrowdSec new cache \(Memcached\) has been successfully tested./,107 );108 await expect(page).toMatchText(109 "#messages",110 /Redis cache has been cleared./,111 );112 await"#crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_clear_cache");113 await expect(page).toMatchText(114 "#cache_clearing_result",115 "CrowdSec cache (Memcached) has been cleared.",116 );117 await fillInput(118 "crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_memcached_dsn",119 "memcached://memcached:18579",120 );121 await onAdminSaveSettings(false);122 await expect(page).toMatchText(123 "#messages",124 /Technical error while testing the Memcached cache/,125 );126 await expect(page).toMatchValue(127 "#crowdsec_bouncer_advanced_cache_memcached_dsn",128 "memcached://memcached:11211",129 );130 });131 it("Should flush the cache", async () => {132 await flushCache();133 });...

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Source:toMatchText.js Github


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...21 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.22 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and23 * limitations under the License.24 */25async function toMatchText(matcherName, receiver, receiverType, query, expected, options = {}) {26 const testInfo = (0, _globals.currentTestInfo)();27 if (!testInfo) throw new Error(`${matcherName} must be called during the test`);28 (0, _util.expectType)(receiver, receiverType, matcherName);29 const matcherOptions = {30 isNot: this.isNot,31 promise: this.promise32 };33 if (!(typeof expected === 'string') && !(expected && typeof expected.test === 'function')) {34 throw new Error((0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)((0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherHint)(matcherName, undefined, undefined, matcherOptions), `${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR)('expected')} value must be a string or regular expression`, (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)('Expected', expected, _jestMatcherUtils.printExpected)));35 }36 let received;37 let pass = false; // TODO: interrupt on timeout for nice message.38 await (0, _util.pollUntilDeadline)(testInfo, async remainingTime => {39 received = await query(remainingTime);...

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Source:singup.js Github


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...24 await this.inputConfirmPassword.fill(data.confirmPassword)25 await }27 async validateFormError(errorMessage) {28 await expect(this.pErrorMessage).toMatchText(errorMessage)29 }30 async validateUrlStepTwo() {31 expect('/profile/finish-registration')32 }33 async validateHelloUserName(helloName) {34 await expect(this.h2HelloName).toMatchText(helloName)35 }36}...

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Source:4-geolocation.js Github


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...6 await removeAllDecisions();7 });8 it("Should get JP", async () => {9 await runGeolocationTest(JAPAN_IP, false);10 await expect(page).toMatchText(/Country: JP/);11 });12 it("Should get FR", async () => {13 await runGeolocationTest(FRANCE_IP, false);14 await expect(page).toMatchText(/Country: FR/);15 });16 it("Should get FR and FR as it will be saved in session", async () => {17 await runGeolocationTest(FRANCE_IP, true);18 await expect(page).toMatchText(/Country: FR/);19 await runGeolocationTest(JAPAN_IP, true);20 await expect(page).toMatchText(/Country: FR/);21 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {3 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');4 await expect(title).toMatchText('Playwright');5});6const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');7test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {8 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');9 await expect(title).toMatchText(/play.*t/);10});11const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');12test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {13 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');14 await expect(title).toMatchText(/play.*t/i);15});16const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');17test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {18 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');19 await expect(title).toMatchText(/play.*t/g);20});21const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');22test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {23 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');24 await expect(title).toMatchText(/play.*t/gi);25});26const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');27test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {28 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');29 await expect(title).toMatchText(/play.*t/gim);30});31const { test, expect

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2test('My first test', async ({ page }) => {3 await expect(page).toMatchText('h1', 'Playwright');4});5module.exports = {6 launchOptions: {7 },8};9const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');10test.use({11 browserOptions: {},12 page: async ({ browserName, browserOptions }, use) => {13 const browser = await playwright[browserName].launch(browserOptions);14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 await use(page);17 await page.close();18 await context.close();19 await browser.close();20 },21});22test('My first test', async ({ page }) => {23 await expect(page).toMatchText('h1', 'Playwright');24});

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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