Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1if (!window.Graph)2(function(window) {3var DRAG_CURSOR = 'pointer',4 DRAG2_CURSOR = 'pointer';5var document = window.document;6// Date utils7var MINUTE = 60, HOUR = 60 * MINUTE, DAY = 24 * HOUR, MONTH = 28 * DAY, YEAR = 365 * DAY, MAXSCALE = 2 * DAY + HOUR;8var xscales = [9 {base: HOUR, format: ['hour'], sub: -1},10 {base: 2 * HOUR, format: ['hour'], sub: HOUR},11 {base: 3 * HOUR, format: ['hour'], sub: HOUR},12 {base: 6 * HOUR, format: ['dayHour'], sub: HOUR},13 {base: 8 * HOUR, format: ['dayHour'], sub: HOUR},14 {base: 12 * HOUR, format: ['dayHour'], sub: HOUR},15 {base: DAY, format: ['dayFull', 'day'], sub: -1},16 {base: 2 * DAY, format: ['dayFull', 'day'], sub: DAY},17 {base: 3 * DAY, format: ['dayFull', 'day'], sub: DAY},18 {base: 4 * DAY, format: ['dayFull', 'day'], sub: DAY},19 {base: MONTH, format: ['monthFull', 'month'], sub: -1},20 {base: 2 * MONTH, format: ['monthFull', 'month'], sub: MONTH},21 {base: 3 * MONTH, format: ['monthFull', 'month'], sub: MONTH},22 {base: 4 * MONTH, format: ['monthFull', 'month'], sub: MONTH},23 {base: 6 * MONTH, format: ['monthFull', 'month'], sub: MONTH},24 {base: YEAR, format: ['yearFull'], sub: -1}]; // using 'year' ('00, '01, '02...) seems a bad idea25var DEF_TIME = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);26var dateFormats = {27 hour: "{hour}:00",28 day: getLang('stats_day_mon').split("{month}").join("{dayMonth}"),29 dayFull: getLang('stats_day_mon').split("{month}").join("{dayMonth}"),30 dayFullYear: getLang('stats_day_month_year').split("{month}").join("{dayMonth}"),31 dayHour: getLang('graph_day_fullmon_year_hour'),32 dayHourMin: getLang('graph_day_fullmon_year_hour_min'),33 month: "{shortMonth}'{shortYear}",34 monthFull: "{month}'{shortYear}",35 year: "'{shortYear}",36 yearFull: "{year}"37};38var colors = [0x597da3, 0xb05c91, 0x4d9fab, 0x569567, 0xac4c4c, 0xc9c255, 0xcd9f4d, 0x876db3,39 0x6f9fc4, 0xc77bb1, 0x70c5c8, 0x80bb88, 0xce5e5e, 0xe8e282, 0xedb24a, 0xae97d3,40 0x6391bc, 0xc77bb1, 0x62b1bc, 0x80bb88, 0xb75454, 0xc9c255, 0xdca94f, 0x997fc4,41 0x85afd0, 0xc77bb1, 0x8ecfce, 0x80bb88, 0xe47070, 0xc9c255, 0xf7be5a, 0xbeaadf];42var globalTouchCount = 0;43function fullDate(time, params) {44 var fmt = (params && params.show_time) ? ((params.show_minutes) ? 'dayHourMin' : 'dayHour') : 'dayFullYear';45 return formatDate(time, fmt);46}47function formatDate(time, format) {48 if (time == -1) {49 var h = (format == 'dayHour' ? '0' : '88'), m = '88', d = '88',50 mmmm = 'Mmmmmmmm', mmmm2 = 'Mmmmmmmm', mmm = 'mmm', mmm2 = 'mmm', yyyy = '88888', yy = '.88';51 } else {52 var date = new Date(time * 1000);53 var h = date.getHours(), m = date.getMinutes().toString();54 var h12 = h % 12;55 if (h12 == 0) h12 = 12;56 var am_pm = h < 12 ? 'AM':'PM';57 h = h.toString();58 if (m.length == 1) m = '0' + m;59 var d = date.getDate().toString(),60 mmmm = getLang('Month' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '_of'), mmmm2 = getLang('Month' + (date.getMonth() + 1)),61 mmm = mmmm.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase(), mmm2 = mmmm2.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase(),62 yyyy = date.getFullYear().toString(), yy = yyyy.substr(2);63 }64 var fmt = dateFormats[format];65 return fmt.split('{month}').join(mmmm2).66 split('{shortMonth}').join(mmm2).67 split('{shortYear}').join(yy).68 split('{year}').join(yyyy).69 split('{day}').join(d).70 split('{dayMonth}').join(mmmm).71 split('{shortDayMonth}').join(mmm).72 split('{hour}').join(h).73 split('{hour12}').join(h12).74 split('{min}').join(m).75 split('{am/pm}').join(am_pm);76}77function incDate(time, step, inc) {78 var date = new Date(time * 1000);79 if (step >= YEAR) {80 var count = step / YEAR;81 date = new Date((Math.floor(date.getFullYear() / count) + inc) * count, 0, 1, 0, 0);82 return Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000);83 } else84 if (step < YEAR && step >= MONTH) {85 var count = step / MONTH;86 date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), (Math.floor(date.getMonth() / count) + inc) * count, 1, 0, 0);87 return Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000);88 } else89 if (step < MONTH) {90 var tz = date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60;91 return Math.floor((time - tz) / step + inc) * step + tz;92 }93}94// Other utils95function addEventEx(graph, element, event, listener) {96 element.graph = graph;97 addEvent(element, event, listener);98}99function removeEventEx(element, event, listener) {100 removeData(element, "graph");101 removeEvent(element, event, listener);102}103function prepareEvent(event, pass) {104 if (event.touches) {105 if (event.touches.length > 1 || globalTouchCount > 1) {106 event.currentTarget.graph.endDrag();107 return false;108 } else {109 if (!pass) cancelEvent(event);110 return event.touches[0];111 }112 }113 cancelEvent(event);114 return event;115}116function getContext(e) {117 var ctx = e.getContext("2d");118 if (!ctx) return ctx;119 if (!ctx.measureText || !ctx.measureText(getLang('Month1')))120 return null;121 return ctx;122}123function getFirstControlPoints(rhs) {124 var n = rhs.length, x = [], tmp = [], b = 2.0;125 x[0] = rhs[0] / b;126 for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {127 tmp[i] = 1 / b;128 b = (i < n - 1 ? 4.0 : 3.5) - tmp[i];129 x[i] = (rhs[i] - x[i - 1]) / b;130 }131 for (var i = 1; i < n; i++)132 x[n - i - 1] -= tmp[n - i] * x[n - i];133 return x;134}135function getYStep(maxValue, intScale) {136 var step = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.LOG10E * Math.log(maxValue)));137 if (maxValue / step <= 2)138 step /= 4.0; else139 if (maxValue / step <= 4)140 step /= 2.0;141 if (intScale) {142 step = Math.max(step, 1);143 if (step == 2.5) {144 step = 2;145 }146 }147 return step;148}149function formatValue(value) { // something like -10 000 000.000001150 var sgn = (value < 0) ? '-' : '';151 value = Math.abs(value);152 var intv = Math.floor(value), fltv = value - intv;153 fltv = Math.round(fltv * 100000.0) / 100000.0;154 var res = '';155 while (intv > 0) {156 var q = (intv % 1000).toString();157 res = (intv > 999 ? '000'.substr(0, 3 - q.length) : '') + q + (res == '' ? '' : ' ') + res;158 intv = Math.floor(intv / 1000);159 }160 if (res == '') res = '0';161 if (fltv > 0) res += fltv.toString().substr(1);162 return sgn + res;163}164function drawCheck(e, color, color2, checked, over) {165 var ctx = getContext(e);166 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 20, 20);167 if (checked) { // shadow168 ctx.lineWidth = 2;169 ctx.strokeStyle = color2;170 ctx.beginPath();171 ctx.moveTo(6.5, 11);172 ctx.lineTo(9.5, 14);173 ctx.lineTo(17.5, 6);174 ctx.stroke();175 }176 if (over) {177 ctx.fillStyle = color2;178 ctx.fillRect(3, 3, 14, 14);179 }180 ctx.lineWidth = 1;181 ctx.strokeStyle = color;182 ctx.strokeRect(3.5, 3.5, 13, 13);183 if (checked) {184 ctx.lineWidth = 2;185 ctx.beginPath();186 ctx.moveTo(6.5, 10);187 ctx.lineTo(9.5, 13);188 ctx.lineTo(17.5, 5);189 ctx.stroke();190 }191}192function drawLines(ctx, x, y, w, h, lines, stTime, enTime, xfactor, yfactor, yDelta, zoomedOut, active, smooth) {193 smooth = (!zoomedOut) && smooth;194 var stIdxs = [], enIdxs = [], _lines = [];195 for (var l = 0; l < lines.length + (active ? 1 : 0); l++) {196 var line = (l < lines.length) ? (active != lines[l] ? lines[l] : null) : active;197 if (line && line.shown) {198 var stIdx = 0, enIdx = line.d.length - 1;199 while ((stIdx < line.d.length - 2) && (line.d[stIdx + 2].x < stTime)) stIdx++;200 while ((enIdx > 2) && (line.d[enIdx - 2].x > enTime)) enIdx--;201 if (enIdx - stIdx > w / 5) // dots overload202 smooth = false;203 if (enIdx >= stIdx && (line.d[enIdx].x >= stTime) && (line.d[stIdx].x <= enTime)) {204 _lines.push(line);205 stIdxs.push(stIdx);206 enIdxs.push(enIdx);207 }208 }209 }210 lines = _lines;211 for (var l = 0; l < lines.length; l++) {212 var stIdx = stIdxs[l], enIdx = enIdxs[l], ps = lines[l].d;213 if (smooth && (enIdx - stIdx + 1 > 2)) {214 var knots = [], n = 0;215 for (var i = stIdx; i <= enIdx; i++) {216 knots[n] = {X: x + (ps[i].x - stTime) * xfactor, Y: y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor};217 n++;218 }219 n--;220 var rhs = [];221 for (var i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i)222 rhs[i] = 4 * knots[i].X + 2 * knots[i + 1].X;223 rhs[0] = knots[0].X + 2 * knots[1].X;224 rhs[n - 1] = (8 * knots[n - 1].X + knots[n].X) / 2.0;225 var xs1 = getFirstControlPoints(rhs);226 for (var i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i)227 rhs[i] = 4 * knots[i].Y + 2 * knots[i + 1].Y;228 rhs[0] = knots[0].Y + 2 * knots[1].Y;229 rhs[n - 1] = (8 * knots[n - 1].Y + knots[n].Y) / 2.0;230 var ys1 = getFirstControlPoints(rhs), xs2 = [], ys2 = [];231 for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {232 if (i < n - 1) {233 xs2[i] = 2 * knots[i + 1].X - xs1[i + 1];234 ys2[i] = 2 * knots[i + 1].Y - ys1[i + 1];235 } else {236 xs2[i] = (knots[n].X + xs1[n - 1]) / 2;237 ys2[i] = (knots[n].Y + ys1[n - 1]) / 2;238 }239 }240 }241 // fill242 if (lines[l].f && stIdx < enIdx) {243 ctx.globalAlpha = (active == null || active != lines[l]) ? 0.2 : 0.4;244 ctx.fillStyle = lines[l].hexColor;245 ctx.strokeStyle = lines[l].hexColor;246 ctx.lineWidth = (zoomedOut ? 1 : 2);247 if (lines[l].b) {248 for (var i = stIdx; i <= enIdx; i++) {249 var cx1 = Math.floor(x + ((i > stIdx ? (ps[i - 1].x + ps[i].x) / 2 : ps[i].x) - stTime) * xfactor);250 var cx2 = Math.floor(x + ((i < enIdx ? (ps[i].x + ps[i + 1].x) / 2 : ps[i].x) - stTime) * xfactor);251 var cy = (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor;252 ctx.fillRect(cx1, y + h - cy, cx2 - cx1, ps[i].y * yfactor);253 }254 } else {255 ctx.beginPath();256 var px = x + (ps[stIdx].x - stTime) * xfactor;257 ctx.moveTo(px, y + h - yDelta * yfactor);258 for (var i = stIdx; i <= enIdx; i++) {259 var cx = x + (ps[i].x - stTime) * xfactor;260 if (smooth && (i > stIdx) && (enIdx - stIdx + 1 > 2))261 ctx.bezierCurveTo(Math.min(Math.max(px, xs1[i - stIdx - 1]), cx), Math.min(y + h, Math.max(ys1[i - stIdx - 1], 0)), Math.min(Math.max(px, xs2[i - stIdx - 1]), cx), Math.min(y + h, Math.max(ys2[i - stIdx - 1], 0)), cx, y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor);262 else263 ctx.lineTo(cx, y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor);264 px = cx;265 }266 ctx.lineTo(px, y + h - yDelta * yfactor);267 ctx.fill();268 }269 ctx.globalAlpha = 1;270 }271 // stroke272 ctx.strokeStyle = lines[l].hexColor;273 ctx.lineWidth = (zoomedOut ? 1 : 2);274 ctx.beginPath();275 var px = x + (ps[stIdx].x - stTime) * xfactor, py = y + h - (ps[stIdx].y + yDelta) * yfactor;276 ctx.moveTo(px, py);277 if (lines[l].b) {278 for (var i = stIdx; i <= enIdx; i++) {279 var cx = Math.floor(x + ((i < enIdx ? (ps[i].x + ps[i + 1].x) / 2 : ps[i].x) - stTime) * xfactor);280 var cy = y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor;281 ctx.lineTo(cx, cy);282 if (i < enIdx)283 if (zoomedOut)284 ctx.lineTo(cx, y + h - (ps[i + 1].y + yDelta) * yfactor);285 else {286 ctx.stroke();287 ctx.beginPath();288 ctx.moveTo(cx, y + h - (ps[i + 1].y + yDelta) * yfactor);289 }290 }291 } else {292 for (var i = stIdx + 1; i <= enIdx; i++) {293 var cx = x + (ps[i].x - stTime) * xfactor, cy = y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta)* yfactor;294 if (ps[i].s == 'x') {295 ctx.stroke();296 ctx.beginPath();297 ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);298 } else {299 if (ps[i].s == '-' || ps[i].s == '--' || ps[i].s == '.') {300 ctx.stroke();301 ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;302 ctx.beginPath();303 ctx.moveTo(px, py);304 }305 if (smooth && (i > stIdx) && (enIdx - stIdx + 1 > 2))306 ctx.bezierCurveTo(Math.min(Math.max(px, xs1[i - stIdx - 1]), cx), Math.min(y + h, Math.max(ys1[i - stIdx - 1], 0)), Math.min(Math.max(px, xs2[i - stIdx - 1]), cx), Math.min(y + h, Math.max(ys2[i - stIdx - 1], 0)), cx, y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor);307 else308 ctx.lineTo(cx, y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor);309 if (ctx.globalAlpha != 1) {310 ctx.stroke();311 ctx.beginPath();312 ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);313 }314 }315 ctx.globalAlpha = 1;316 px = cx;317 py = cy;318 }319 }320 ctx.stroke();321 // dots322 if (smooth || (enIdx - stIdx < 2 && !zoomedOut)) {323 ctx.strokeStyle = lines[l].hexColor;324 ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';325 ctx.lineWidth = 2;326 for (var i = stIdx; i <= enIdx; i++) {327 ctx.beginPath();328 ctx.arc(x + (ps[i].x - stTime) * xfactor, y + h - (ps[i].y + yDelta) * yfactor, 3.5, 0, Math.PI*2, true);329 ctx.fill();330 ctx.stroke();331 }332 }333 }334}335function drawBars(ctx, x, y, w, h, lines, labels, barW, xfactor, yfactor, yDelta) {336 for (var l = 0; l < lines.length; l++) {337 var ps = lines[l].d;338 for (i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) {339 if (!labels[ps[i].x]) {340 continue;341 }342 var cx = Math.floor(getBarXValue(x, xfactor, barW, l, ps[i].x));343 var psy = Math.max(ps[i].y, 2 / yfactor);344 var cy = (psy + yDelta) * yfactor;345 ctx.fillStyle = lines[l].hexColor;346 ctx.fillRect(cx, Math.floor(y + h - cy), barW, Math.ceil(psy * yfactor));347 }348 }349}350function getBarXValue(xOffset, xStep, barsWidth, lineIndex, barIndex) {351 return xOffset + barsWidth / 2 + lineIndex * barsWidth + barIndex * xStep;352}353function clearSelection() {354 if(document.selection && document.selection.empty) {355 document.selection.empty();356 } else if(window.getSelection) {357 var sel = window.getSelection();358 sel.removeAllRanges();359 }360}361function dataObjectToArray(data_object) {362 var data_array = [];363 for (var name in data_object) {364 data_array.push(data_object[name]);365 }366 return data_array;367}368// Graph constructor369function Graph(id, data, params, width, height) {370 var graph = this;371 params = extend({}, params);372 width = width ? width : 585;373 height = height ? height : 385;374 extend(this, {params: params, width: width, height: height, viewWidth: width, viewHeight: height - 80});375 this.params.yunits = this.params.yunits || '';376 // create basic DOM tree377 this.graphDiv = ge(id);378 setStyle(this.graphDiv, {fontFamily: 'tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans', fontSize: '11px', color: '#36638e', width: this.viewWidth + 'px', clear: 'both', lineHeight: '130%', textAlign: 'left'});379 this.graphDiv.innerHTML = '<div style="float: left"><canvas style="padding-top: 20px"></canvas></div>\380 <div style="float: left">\381 <div style="height: 20px; float: right;"></div>\382 <div style="height: 20px; padding-left: 10px;"></div>\383 <div style="position: relative; height: ' + this.viewHeight + 'px;">\384 <canvas height="' + this.viewHeight + '"></canvas>\385 <canvas height="' + (this.viewHeight - 17) + '" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;"></canvas>\386 <div style="position: absolute; border: 1px solid #5f7d9d; color: #5f7d9d;\387 background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 2px 3px 2px 4px; white-space: nowrap; display: none;">' + cur.graphVars['lang.data_empty'] + '</div>\388 </div>\389 <div style="position: relative; height: 40px;">\390 <canvas height="40"></canvas>\391 <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; height: 38px; border: 1px solid #b8c5d4; border-width: 1px 0px 1px 1px; border-top-color: #d3dee8;"><div style="background: white; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(Opacity=50); width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div></div>\392 <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; height: 38px; border: 1px solid #b8c5d4; cursor: ' + DRAG_CURSOR + ';"></div>\393 <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; height: 38px; border: 1px solid #b8c5d4; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0px; border-top-color: #d3dee8;"><div style="background: white; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(Opacity=50); width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div></div>\394 <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; height: 38px; border: 1px solid #b8c5d4; background: #ced9de; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(Opacity=50); display: none;"></div>\395 <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; width: 8px; height: 40px; cursor: w-resize;"></div>\396 <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; width: 8px; height: 40px; cursor: e-resize;"></div>\397 </div>\398 <div style="float: left; width: 270px; padding-top: 8px; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none;"></div><div style="float: left; width: 270px; padding-top: 8px; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none;"></div>\399 </div><div style="clear: left;"></div>';400 this.vScale = this.graphDiv.children[0];401 this.vScaleView = this.vScale.children[0];402 this.mainLayout = this.graphDiv.children[1];403 = this.mainLayout.children[0];404 this.title = this.mainLayout.children[1];405 this.zinLayout = this.mainLayout.children[2];406 this.zinView = this.zinLayout.children[0];407 this.dotsLayer = this.zinLayout.children[1];408 this.message = this.zinLayout.children[2];409 this.zoutLayout = this.mainLayout.children[3];410 this.zoutView = this.zoutLayout.children[0];411 this.lMask = this.zoutLayout.children[1];412 this.zoutWindow = this.zoutLayout.children[2];413 this.rMask = this.zoutLayout.children[3];414 = this.zoutLayout.children[4];415 this.lHandle = this.zoutLayout.children[5];416 this.rHandle = this.zoutLayout.children[6];417 this.column = [this.mainLayout.children[4], this.mainLayout.children[5]];418 var defaultGraph = 0;419 if (typeof params.multiple == 'object' && params.multiple.items) {420 if (!params.multiple.def) params.multiple.def = 0;421 for (i in params.multiple.items) {422 var item = se('<a class="graph_menu_item' + (i == params.multiple.def ? ' graph_menu_item_sel' : '') + '">' + params.multiple.items[i] + '</a>');423 var clickContext = {clickNode: i, graph: this};424 addEvent(item, 'click', this.onClickMenu, null, clickContext);425 cur.destroy.push(function() {426 removeEvent(item, 'click', this.onClickMenu, null, clickContext);427 });428;429 }430 if (params.multiple.graph_item) {431 var item = se('<a class="graph_menu_item">' + params.multiple.graph_item + '</a>');432 var clickContext = {clickNode: params.multiple.items.length, graph: this, alt_graph: true};433 addEvent(item, 'click', this.onClickMenu, null, clickContext);434 cur.destroy.push(function() {435 removeEvent(item, 'click', this.onClickMenu, null, clickContext);436 });437;438 }439 for (i in params.multiple.altitems) {440 var item = se('<a class="graph_menu_item' + (i + params.multiple.altitems.length == params.multiple.def ? ' graph_menu_item_sel' : '') + '">' + params.multiple.altitems[i][0] + '</a>');441 var clickContext = {clickNode: i, graph: this, force_func: params.multiple.altitems[i][1] };442 addEvent(item, 'click', this.onClickMenu, null, clickContext);443 cur.destroy.push(function() {444 removeEvent(item, 'click', this.onClickMenu, null, clickContext);445 });446;447 }448 defaultGraph = params.multiple.def;449 params.multiple = 1;450 }451 extend(this, {452 colMax: [0, 0], lines: [],453 leftTime: -1, rightTime: -1,454 ymarks: [],455 ystep: 0,456 minValue: 100, maxValue: 0, minTime: 2147483647, maxTime: 0,457 dragTime: [],458 startDrag: -1, startDrag2: -1, startValue: -1, startValue2: -1, endValue: -1,459 dragElement: null, maskDragging: false, viewClick: false, smoothLines: false,460 scaleWidth: 0, activeLine: null, isNegative: false});461 try {462 var tctx = getContext(this.zinView);463 if (!tctx) throw 'Error';464 } catch (e) {465 = 'none';466 = 'none';467 = 'none';468 this.message = (this.message == null) ? this.zinLayout.children[0] : this.message;469 this.message.innerHTML = (cur.graphVars['lang.bad_browser'] || 'Äëÿ îòîáðàæåíèÿ ãðàôèêà ñòàòèñòèêè Âàì íåîáõîäèìî {link}îáíîâèòü áðàóçåð{/link}.').replace('{link}', '<a onclick="Graph.prototype.showBadBrowserBox();">').replace('{/link}', '</a>');470 setStyle(this.graphDiv, {backgroundColor: '#F7F7F7', width: '480px', margin: '0 auto'});471 setStyle(this.message, {472 left: Math.round((getSize(this.zinLayout)[0] - getSize(this.message)[0]) / 2) + 'px',473 top: Math.round((getSize(this.zinLayout)[1] - getSize(this.message)[1]) / 2) + 'px',474 display: 'block',475 color: '#707070',476 border: 'none',477 backgroundColor: 'transparent'478 });479 if (!cur.badBrowserBox) {480 this.showBadBrowserBox();481 }482 return null;483 }484 if ( {485 stManager.add(['tooltips.js', 'tooltips.css'], function() {486 tooltips.create(graph.mainLayout, {text: '...', black: 1, forcetoup: 1, nohide: 1});487 });488 } else {489 tooltips = false;490 }491 if (!params.bar_chart) {492 addEventEx(this, this.lHandle, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeHandle); // resize window493 addEventEx(this, this.rHandle, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeHandle);494 addEventEx(this, this.zoutWindow, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeWindow); // drag window495 addEventEx(this, this.lMask, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeMask); // select new window496 addEventEx(this, this.rMask, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeMask);497 addEventEx(this, this.zinLayout, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeView); // drag view498 addEventEx(this, this.zinLayout, 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', this.wheelView); // zoom with mousewheel499 addEventEx(this, this.zoutLayout, 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', this.wheelView);500 }501 addEventEx(this, this.dotsLayer, 'mousemove', this.showDots); // show hints502 addEventEx(this, this.zinLayout, 'mouseout', this.hideDots); // hide hints503 addEvent(this.column[0], 'selectionstart', cancelEvent);504 addEvent(this.column[1], 'selectionstart', cancelEvent);505 if (typeof(data) != 'string') {506 graph.loadGraph = function(index) {507 graph.setData(params.multiple ? (data[index] || []) : data, isArray(params.adjust) ? params.adjust[index] : params.adjust);508 }509 }510 if (params.multiple) {511 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {512 data[i] = dataObjectToArray(data[i]);513 }514 graph.setData((typeof(data) == 'string') ? data : (data[defaultGraph] || []), isArray(params.adjust) ? params.adjust[0] : params.adjust);515 } else {516 graph.setData((typeof(data) == 'string') ? data : dataObjectToArray(data), params.adjust);517 }518 return graph;519}520// Prototype methods521Graph.prototype = {522 getXValue: function(pageX, view) {523 return (view ?524 ((pageX - getXY(this.zinView)[0]) / this.xfactorIn + this.leftTime) :525 ((pageX - getXY(this.zoutView)[0]) / this.xfactorOut + this.minTime));526 },527 allowZoom: function(zoom_allowed) {528 = zoom_allowed ? 'block' : 'none';529 this.viewHeight = this.height - (zoom_allowed ? 80 : 40);530 = this.viewHeight + "px";531 this.zinView.height = this.viewHeight;532 this.dotsLayer.height = this.viewHeight - 17;533 this.disable_zoom = !zoom_allowed;534 },535 showEmpty: function(no_data) {536 if (no_data) this.allowZoom(false);537 setStyle(this.message, {538 display: no_data ? 'block' : 'none',539 left: Math.round((this.viewWidth - getSize(this.message)[0]) / 2) + 'px',540 top: Math.round((this.viewHeight - getSize(this.message)[1]) / 2) + 'px'});541 },542 overrideCursor: function(cursor) {543 = cursor ? cursor : 'default';544 // = cursor ? cursor : 'auto'; // Opera don't understand 'auto'545 = cursor ? cursor : 'w-resize';546 = cursor ? cursor : 'e-resize';547 = cursor ? cursor : DRAG_CURSOR;548 },549 takeHandle: function(ev) {550 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;551 if (g.disable_zoom) return;552 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev))) return;553 addEventEx(g, document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragHandle);554 addEventEx(g, document, 'mouseup touchend', g.endDrag);555 g.startDrag = ev.pageX;556 g.startValue = (ev.currentTarget == g.lHandle) ? g.leftTime : g.rightTime;557 g.dragElement = ev.currentTarget;558 g.hideDots(ev);559 g.overrideCursor(;560 return false;561 },562 takeWindow: function(ev) {563 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;564 if (g.disable_zoom) return;565 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev, true))) return;566 addEventEx(g, document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragWindow);567 addEventEx(g, document, 'mouseup touchend', g.endDrag);568 g.startDrag = ev.pageX;569 g.startValue = g.leftTime;570 g.hideDots(ev);571 g.overrideCursor(DRAG2_CURSOR);572 return false;573 },574 takeMask: function(ev) {575 cancelEvent(ev);576 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;577 if (g.disable_zoom) return;578 g.dragElement = ev.currentTarget;579 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev))) return;580 addEventEx(g, document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragMask);581 addEventEx(g, document, 'mouseup touchend', g.endDrag);582 g.startValue = (ev.pageX - getXY(g.dragElement.parentNode)[0]) / g.xfactorOut + g.minTime;583 g.endValue = g.startValue;584 g.hideDots(ev);585 return false;586 },587 takeView: function(ev) {588 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;589 if (g.disable_zoom) {590 g.deselectLine(ev);591 return;592 }593 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev, true))) return;594 g.dragTime[0] = g.getXValue(ev.pageX, true);595 addEventEx(g, document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragView);596 addEventEx(g, document, 'mouseup touchend', g.endDrag);597 g.overrideCursor(DRAG2_CURSOR);598 g.viewClick = true;599 g.startDrag = ev.pageX;600 g.showDots(ev);601 //return false;602 },603 dragHandle: function(ev) {604 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;605 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev))) return;606 var xfactorOut = g.viewWidth / (g.maxTime - g.minTime);607 if (g.dragElement == g.lHandle) {608 g.leftTime = Math.max(g.minTime, Math.min(g.rightTime - g.MAXSCALE, g.startValue - (g.startDrag - ev.pageX) / xfactorOut));609 } else {610 g.rightTime = Math.min(g.maxTime, Math.max(g.leftTime + g.MAXSCALE, g.startValue - (g.startDrag - ev.pageX) / xfactorOut));611 }612 g.redrawWindow();613 return false;614 },615 dragWindow: function(ev) {616 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;617 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev))) return;618 var xfactorOut = g.viewWidth / (g.maxTime - g.minTime),619 diff = g.leftTime - (g.startValue - (g.startDrag - ev.pageX) / xfactorOut);620 diff = Math.max(diff, g.rightTime - g.maxTime);621 diff = Math.min(diff, g.leftTime - g.minTime);622 g.leftTime -= diff;623 g.rightTime -= diff;624 g.redrawWindow();625 return false;626 },627 dragMask: function(ev) {628 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;629 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev))) return;630 var xfactorOut = g.viewWidth / (g.maxTime - g.minTime);631 g.endValue = (ev.pageX - getXY(g.dragElement.parentNode)[0]) / xfactorOut + g.minTime;632 var lpos = (Math.max(g.minTime, Math.min(g.startValue, g.endValue)) - g.minTime) * xfactorOut,633 rpos = (Math.min(g.maxTime, Math.max(g.startValue, g.endValue)) - g.minTime) * xfactorOut;634 if (!g.maskDragging && (rpos - lpos > 4)) {635 = 'block';636 g.maskDragging = true;637 }638 = lpos + "px";639 = (rpos - lpos - 2) + "px";640 return false;641 },642 dragView: function(ev) {643 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph;644 if (!(ev = prepareEvent(ev, g.viewClick))) return;645 var diff = (ev.pageX - getXY(g.zoutView)[0]) / g.xfactorIn + g.leftTime - g.dragTime[0];646 diff = Math.max(diff, g.rightTime - g.maxTime);647 diff = Math.min(diff, g.leftTime - g.minTime);648 g.leftTime -= diff;649 g.rightTime -= diff;650 if (Math.abs(ev.pageX - g.startDrag) > 4)651 g.viewClick = false;652 g.redrawWindow();653 g.showDots(ev);654 return g.viewClick;655 },656 endDrag: function(ev) {657 var g = this;658 if (ev) {659 cancelEvent(ev);660 g = ev.currentTarget.graph;661 }662 removeEventEx(document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragHandle);663 removeEventEx(document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragWindow);664 removeEventEx(document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragMask);665 removeEventEx(document, 'mousemove drag touchmove', g.dragView);666 removeEventEx(document, 'mouseup touchend', g.endDrag);667 = 'none';668 g.overrideCursor();669 if (g.endValue != -1) {670 if (g.maskDragging) {671 g.leftTime = Math.min(g.startValue, g.endValue);672 g.rightTime = Math.min(g.maxTime, Math.max(Math.max(g.startValue, g.endValue), g.leftTime + g.MAXSCALE));673 g.leftTime = Math.max(g.minTime, Math.min(g.leftTime, g.rightTime - g.MAXSCALE));674 } else {675 var diff = (g.rightTime - g.leftTime) / 2.0;676 g.leftTime = (g.endValue - diff);677 g.rightTime = (g.endValue + diff);678 if (g.leftTime < g.minTime) {679 diff = g.minTime - g.leftTime;680 g.leftTime += diff;681 g.rightTime += diff;682 } else683 if (g.rightTime > g.maxTime) {684 diff = g.rightTime - g.maxTime;685 g.leftTime -= diff;686 g.rightTime -= diff;687 }688 }689 }690 if (g.viewClick)691 g.deselectLine(ev);692 else693 g.redrawWindow();694 g.endValue = -1;695 g.maskDragging = false;696 g.viewClick = false;697 g.dragTime = [];698 return false;699 },700 wheelView: function(ev) {701 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph,702 delta = (ev.detail ? -ev.detail * 50 : ev.wheelDelta),703 dist = g.rightTime - g.leftTime, diffL = (delta * dist) / 3500, diffR;704 if (g.disable_zoom) return;705 if (g.lines.length == 0) return;706 diffL = Math.min(diffL, (dist - g.MAXSCALE) / 2);707 diffR = Math.max(g.minTime - g.leftTime - diffL, 0);708 g.leftTime = Math.max(g.minTime, g.leftTime + diffL);709 g.rightTime = Math.min(g.maxTime, g.rightTime + diffR);710 g.redrawWindow();711 g.showDots(ev);712 return cancelEvent(ev);713 },714 overLegend: function(ev) {715 var line = ev.currentTarget.line;716 drawCheck(line.legendCheck, line.hexColor, line.hexColor2, line.shown, true);717 },718 outLegend: function(ev) {719 var line = ev.currentTarget.line;720 drawCheck(line.legendCheck, line.hexColor, line.hexColor2, line.shown, false);721 },722 toggleLegend: function(ev) {723 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph, line = ev.currentTarget.line, noneShown = true;724 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++)725 if (g.lines[l] != line && g.lines[l].shown)726 noneShown = false;727 line.shown = noneShown || !line.shown;728 drawCheck(line.legendCheck, line.hexColor, line.hexColor2, line.shown, true);729 g.updateLines();730 clearSelection();731 return cancelEvent(ev);732 },733 chooseLegend: function(ev) {734 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph, line = ev.currentTarget.line, onlyThis = line.shown;735 if (onlyThis)736 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++)737 if (g.lines[l] != line && g.lines[l].shown) {738 onlyThis = false;739 break;740 }741 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++) {742 g.lines[l].shown = onlyThis || (g.lines[l] == line);743 drawCheck(g.lines[l].legendCheck, g.lines[l].hexColor, g.lines[l].hexColor2, g.lines[l].shown, g.lines[l] == line);744 }745 g.updateLines();746 clearSelection();747 return cancelEvent(ev);748 },749 showDots: function(ev) {750 var g = ((ev && ev.currentTarget) ? ev.currentTarget.graph : this);751 if (g.params.bar_chart) {752 g.highlightBar(ev);753 return;754 }755 var nearTime = -1, nnd = 0, cx = g.getXValue(ev.pageX, true);756 var ccx = ev.pageX - getXY(g.zinView)[0], ccy = ev.pageY - getXY(g.zinView)[1];757 var max_coltext = [0, 0];758 var activeLine = -1;759 var ctx = getContext(g.dotsLayer);760 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, g.viewWidth, g.viewHeight);761 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++) {762 var ni = -1, nd = 0;763 if (g.lines[l].shown) {764 for (var i = g.lines[l].stIdx; i <= g.lines[l].enIdx; i++)765 if (g.lines[l].d[i].x >= g.leftTime && g.lines[l].d[i].x <= g.rightTime && (ni == -1 || nd > Math.abs(g.lines[l].d[i].x - cx))) {766 ni = i;767 nd = Math.abs(g.lines[l].d[i].x - cx);768 }769 }770 if (ni > -1) {771 var dot = g.lines[l].d[ni],772 dotX = (dot.x - g.leftTime) * g.xfactorIn,773 dotY = g.viewHeight - (g.isNegative ? (34 + (dot.y - g.localBottom) * g.yfactorIn) : (25 + (dot.y - (g.adjust ? g.localBottom : 0)) * g.yfactorIn));774 g.lines[l].dot.posX = dotX;775 g.lines[l].dot.posY = dotY;776 if (ccx >= dotX - 7 && ccx <= dotX + 9 &&777 ccy >= dotY - 7 && ccy <= dotY + 9) {778 activeLine = l;779 }780 if (nearTime == -1 || nd < nnd) {781 nnd = nd;782 nearTime = g.lines[l].d[ni].x;783 }784 ctx.fillStyle = g.lines[l].hexColor;785 ctx.beginPath();786 ctx.arc(dotX, dotY, 3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);787 ctx.fill();788 if (!isVisible(g.lines[l].dotLabel) || !g.lines[l] || g.lines[l] != dot.x || parseInt(g.lines[l] != Math.floor(dotX)) {789 g.lines[l].dotLabel.innerHTML = dot.l ? dot.l : formatValue(dot.y) + g.params.yunits;790 var labelW = getSize(g.lines[l].dotLabel)[0];791 var pos = Math.max(Math.min(-labelW / 2.0, -labelW + g.viewWidth - dotX - 2), 2 - dotX);792 g.lines[l] = dot;793 g.lines[l].dotLabel.pos = Math.floor(pos);794 g.lines[l].dotLabel.w = labelW;795 setStyle(g.lines[l].dot, {796 left: Math.floor(dotX) + "px",797 top: Math.floor(dotY) + "px"});798 setStyle(g.lines[l].dotLabel, {799 top: ((g.lines[l].dot.posY > 26) ? -26 : 6) + "px",800 left: g.lines[l].dotLabel.pos + "px"});801 }802 g.lines[l].legendBox.innerHTML = formatValue(dot.y) + g.params.yunits;803 g.lines[l] = 'block';804 } else {805 g.lines[l] = 'none';806 }807 if (g.lines[l] == '40px') { // label position fix in legend808 var col = l < g.lines.length / 2 ? 0 : 1;809 max_coltext[col] = Math.max(max_coltext[col], getSize(g.lines[l].legend.children[1])[0]);810 }811 }812 if (!g.smoothLines || !tooltips) {813 activeLine = -1;814 }815 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++) {816 if (!g.lines[l].shown) {817 hide(g.lines[l].dot);818 continue;819 }820 if (activeLine == l) {821 g.showDotTT(l);822 } else if (activeLine == -1) {823 if (g.activeLine == null || g.activeLine == g.lines[l]) {824 show(g.lines[l].dot);825 } else {826 hide(g.lines[l].dot);827 }828 } else {829 hide(g.lines[l].dot);830 }831 }832 if (max_coltext[0] || max_coltext[1]) {833 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++) {834 var col = l < g.lines.length / 2 ? 0 : 1;835 if (max_coltext[col]) {836 g.lines[l] = (max_coltext[col] + 40) + 'px';837 }838 }839 }840 if (activeLine == -1 && tooltips) {841 tooltips.hide(g.mainLayout, {fasthide: 1});842 }843 if (nearTime > -1 && isVisible(g.title))844 g.title.innerHTML = fullDate(nearTime, g.params);845 },846 hideDots: function(ev) {847 var g = (ev.currentTarget ? ev.currentTarget.graph : this), vwPos = getXY(g.zinView);848 if (ev.pageX >= vwPos[0] && ev.pageX < vwPos[0] + g.viewWidth && ev.pageY >= vwPos[1] && ev.pageY < vwPos[1] + g.viewHeight) return;849 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++) {850 hide(g.lines[l].dot);851 if(g.lines[l].sum) {852 g.lines[l].legendBox.innerHTML = formatValue(g.lines[l].sum) + g.params.yunits;853 } else {854 hide(g.lines[l].legendBox);855 }856 }857 var ctx = getContext(g.dotsLayer);858 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, g.viewWidth, g.viewHeight);859 g.title.innerHTML = fullDate(g.localLeft) + (g.localRight > g.localLeft ? ' – ' + fullDate(g.localRight) : '');860 if (tooltips) {861 tooltips.hide(g.mainLayout, {fasthide: 1});862 }863 },864 highlightBar: function(ev) {865 var g = ((ev && ev.currentTarget) ? ev.currentTarget.graph : this);866 var cx = (ev.pageX - getXY(g.zinView)[0]);867 var cy = (ev.pageY - getXY(g.zinView)[1]);868 var ctx = getContext(g.dotsLayer);869 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, g.viewWidth, g.viewHeight);870 var activeLine = activeBar = -1;871 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++) {872 for (var i = 0; i < g.lines[l].d.length; i++) {873 var nx = getBarXValue(0, g.xstep, g.barsWidth, l, g.lines[l].d[i].x);874 var ny = g.viewHeight - (g.isNegative ? (34 + (g.lines[l].d[i].y - g.localBottom) * g.yfactorIn) : (25 + (g.lines[l].d[i].y - (g.adjust ? g.localBottom : 0)) * g.yfactorIn));875 if (cx > nx && cx <= nx + g.barsWidth && cy >= ny) {876 activeLine = l;877 activeBar = i;878 break;879 }880 }881 }882 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++) {883 if (activeBar > -1) {884 var dot = g.lines[l].d[activeBar],885 dotX = getBarXValue(0, g.xstep, g.barsWidth, l, dot.x),886 dotY = g.viewHeight - (g.isNegative ? (34 + (dot.y - g.localBottom) * g.yfactorIn) : (25 + (dot.y - (g.adjust ? g.localBottom : 0)) * g.yfactorIn)),887 val = formatValue(dot.y) + g.params.yunits;888 if (activeLine == l) {889 ctx.fillStyle = g.lines[l].hexColor3;890 ctx.fillRect(dotX, dotY, g.barsWidth, g.viewHeight);891 g.showTT(dotX, dotY, dot.l ? dot.l : val + '<br>' + g.lines[l].name + ', ' + this.params.bar_chart[activeBar]);892 g.lines[l] = 'block';893 g.lines[l].legendBox.innerHTML = val;894 } else {895 g.lines[l] = 'block';896 g.lines[l].legendBox.innerHTML = val;897 }898 } else if(g.lines[l].sum) {899 g.lines[l].legendBox.innerHTML = formatValue(g.lines[l].sum) + g.params.yunits;900 } else {901 g.lines[l] = 'none';902 }903 }904 if (activeBar == -1 && tooltips) {905 tooltips.hide(g.mainLayout, {fasthide: 1});906 }907 },908 expandLabel: function(ev) {909 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph, line = ev.currentTarget.line, dot =, pos = line.dotLabel.pos;910 if (!g.smoothLines) {911 var text = '';912 if (line.l) {913 text += langNumeric(dot.y, line.l, true);914 } else {915 text += (dot.l ? dot.l : formatValue(dot.y)) + ' ' +;916 }917 line.dotLabel.innerHTML = text;918 var sz = getSize(line.dotLabel)[0];919 if (pos + sz + > g.viewWidth) {920 line.dotLabel.innerHTML = + ' ' + (dot.l ? dot.l : formatValue(dot.y));921 = pos - (sz - line.dotLabel.w) + "px";922 } else923 = pos + "px";924 for (var l = 0; l < g.lines.length; l++)925 g.lines[l] = (g.lines[l] == line) ? 1000 : 200;926 }927 return cancelEvent(ev);928 },929 chideLabel: function(ev) {930 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph, line = ev.currentTarget.line,931 locX = ev.pageX - (getXY([0] + line.dotLabel.pos);932 if (locX < 0 || locX > line.dotLabel.w)933 g.hideLabel(ev);934 },935 hideLabel: function(ev) {936 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph, line = ev.currentTarget.line, dot =, pos = line.dotLabel.pos;937 line.dotLabel.innerHTML = dot.l ? dot.l : formatValue(dot.y);938 = pos + "px";939 },940 selectLine: function(ev) {941 var g = ev.currentTarget.graph, line = ev.currentTarget.line;942 g.activeLine = line;943 g.redrawWindow();944 g.showDots(ev);945 return cancelEvent(ev);946 },947 deselectLine: function(ev) {948 this.activeLine = null;949 this.redrawWindow();950 this.showDots(ev);951 return cancelEvent(ev);952 },953 showDotTT: function(lineIndex) {954 if (!this.smoothLines) {955 return;956 }957 if (this.ttLine != lineIndex) {958 tooltips.hide(this.mainLayout, {fasthide: 1});959 }960 var line = this.lines[lineIndex], dot =;961 var text = '';962 if (line.l) {963 text += langNumeric(dot.y, line.l, true);964 } else {965 text += (dot.l ? dot.l : formatValue(dot.y)) + ' – ' +;966 }967 text += '<br/><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 0.9em;">' + fullDate(dot.x, this.params) + '</span>';968 for (var l = 0; l < this.lines.length; l++) {969 hide(this.lines[l].dot);970 }971 this.showTT( + 1, - 5, text);972 this.ttLine = lineIndex;973 var ctx = getContext(this.dotsLayer);974 ctx.strokeStyle = line.hexColor;975 ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;976 ctx.lineWidth = 4;977 ctx.beginPath();978 ctx.arc(,, 6.5, 0, Math.PI*2, true);979 ctx.stroke();980 ctx.globalAlpha = 1;981 },982 showTT: function(dotX, dotY, text) {983 var xy = getXY(this.zinLayout);984 xy[0] += dotX - 9 + (this.params.bar_chart ? this.barsWidth / 2 : 0);985 xy[1] += dotY;986 xy[0] = Math.floor(xy[0]); xy[1] = Math.floor(xy[1]);987 if ( && && (!isVisible( || !this.dotLabelXY || this.dotLabelXY[0] != xy[0])) {988 geByClass1('tt_text', = text;989 tooltips.hide(this.mainLayout, {fasthide: 1});990, {forcexy: xy});991 this.dotLabelXY = xy;992 }993 },994 onClickMenu: function(ev) {995 var g =;996 for (var i in {997 if ([i].nodeType != 1) continue;998 if (i == {999 addClass([i], 'graph_menu_item_sel');1000 if (! {1001 g.loadGraph(i);1002 if (isVisible($/, '') + '_alt_graph')) {1003 hide($/, '') + '_alt_graph');1004 for (i in g.mainLayout.children) {1005 if (g.mainLayout.children[i].nodeType == 1 && g.mainLayout.children[i].mh) {1006 show(g.mainLayout.children[i]);1007 }1008 }1009 = g.viewWidth + "px";1010 show(g.vScale);1011 }1012 } else {1013 hide(g.vScale);1014 for (i in g.mainLayout.children) {1015 if (g.mainLayout.children[i].nodeType != 1 || g.mainLayout.children[i] == || !isVisible(g.mainLayout.children[i])) continue;1016 g.mainLayout.children[i].mh = 1;1017 hide(g.mainLayout.children[i]);1018 }1019 = g.viewWidth + g.scaleWidth + "px";1020 show($/, '') + '_alt_graph');1021 }1022 } else {1023 removeClass([i], 'graph_menu_item_sel');1024 }1025 }1026 cancelEvent(ev);1027 },1028 // some lines were shown or hidden1029 updateLines: function() {1030 this.redrawWindow();1031 // redraw zoutView1032 var ctx = getContext(this.zoutView);1033 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.viewWidth, 40);1034 if (this.isNegative)1035 drawLines(ctx, 0, 4, this.viewWidth, 32, this.lines, this.minTime, this.maxTime, this.xfactorOut, this.yfactorOut, -this.localBottom, true, null, false);1036 else1037 drawLines(ctx, 0, 4, this.viewWidth, 36, this.lines, this.minTime, this.maxTime, this.xfactorOut, this.yfactorOut, 0, true, null, false);1038 },1039 // window borders were moved1040 redrawWindow: function() {1041 // move window1042 this.xfactorOut = this.viewWidth / (this.maxTime - this.minTime);1043 this.xfactorIn = this.viewWidth / (this.rightTime - this.leftTime);1044 var leftOut = Math.round((this.leftTime - this.minTime) * this.xfactorOut),1045 rightOut = Math.round((this.rightTime - this.minTime) * this.xfactorOut) - 1;1046 leftOut = Math.min(leftOut, this.viewWidth - 4);1047 rightOut = Math.max(leftOut + 1, rightOut);1048 setStyle(this.lMask, {1049 width: leftOut + "px",1050 display: (leftOut > 0 ? "block" : "none")});1051 setStyle(this.zoutWindow, {1052 left: leftOut + "px",1053 width: (rightOut - leftOut - 1) + "px"});1054 setStyle(this.rMask, {1055 left: (rightOut + 1) + "px",1056 width: (this.viewWidth - rightOut - 2) + "px",1057 display: (this.viewWidth - rightOut - 2 > 0 ? "block" : "none")});1058 = Math.max(0, leftOut - 4) + "px";1059 = Math.min(this.viewWidth - 8, rightOut - 4) + "px";1060 // get visible data1061 var localMax = (this.adjust ? -1e9 : 0), localMin = (this.adjust ? 1e9 : 0), outMax = 0, outMin = 0, dotsVisible = 0;1062 this.localLeft = this.rightTime;1063 this.localRight = this.leftTime;1064 for (var l = 0; l < this.lines.length; l++) {1065 var line = this.lines[l];1066 if (line.shown) {1067 var stIdx = 0, enIdx = line.d.length - 1, ps = line.d;1068 while ((stIdx < ps.length - 1) && (ps[stIdx + 1].x < this.leftTime)) stIdx++;1069 while ((enIdx > 1) && (ps[enIdx - 1].x > this.rightTime)) enIdx--;1070 line.stIdx = stIdx;1071 line.enIdx = enIdx;1072 if (enIdx >= stIdx && (ps[enIdx].x >= this.leftTime) && (ps[stIdx].x <= this.rightTime)) {1073 for (var i = stIdx; i <= enIdx; i++) {1074 localMax = Math.max(localMax, ps[i].y);1075 localMin = Math.min(localMin, ps[i].y);1076 this.localLeft = Math.min(this.localLeft, ps[i].x);1077 this.localRight = Math.max(this.localRight, ps[i].x);1078 }1079 dotsVisible = Math.max(dotsVisible, enIdx - stIdx);1080 }1081 outMax = Math.max(outMax, line.maxValue);1082 outMin = Math.min(outMax, line.minValue);1083 }1084 }1085 if (this.lines.length == 0 || (localMax - localMin < 1e-6)) {1086 this.isNegative = false;1087 this.ystep = 1;1088 this.localTop = 5;1089 this.localBottom = 0;1090 } else {1091 this.isNegative = (localMin < -1e-6);1092 this.ystep = Math.max(getYStep(localMax - (this.adjust ? localMin : 0), this.params.int_scale), this.isNegative ? getYStep(-localMin, this.params.int_scale) : 1e-6);1093 this.localTop = (Math.ceil(localMax / this.ystep)) * this.ystep;1094 this.localBottom = -(Math.ceil(- localMin / this.ystep)) * this.ystep;1095 }1096 this.yfactorIn = (this.viewHeight - (this.isNegative ? 43 : 34)) / (this.localTop - this.localBottom);1097 this.yfactorOut = this.minValue < -1e-6 ? (32 / (outMax - outMin)): (36 / outMax);1098 this.smoothLines = dotsVisible < 30 ? true : false;1099 // update title1100 this.title.innerHTML = fullDate(this.localLeft) + (this.localRight > this.localLeft ? ' – ' + fullDate(this.localRight) : '');1101 // redraw zinView1102 var ctx = getContext(this.zinView);1103 var ctxS = getContext(this.vScaleView);1104 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight);1105 ctx.fillStyle = '#fafafa';1106 ctx.fillRect(0, 9, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 9);1107 ctxS.clearRect(0, 0, this.scaleWidth, this.viewHeight);1108 // y scale1109 ctx.lineWidth = 1;1110 ctx.strokeStyle = '#e6eaf0';1111 ctxS.font = '11px tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans';1112 ctxS.fillStyle = '#36638e';1113 ctxS.textAlign = 'right';1114 ctxS.textBaseline = 'middle';1115 for (var gridY = this.localBottom; gridY < this.localTop + this.ystep; gridY += this.ystep) {1116 var cy = this.viewHeight - 24.5 - Math.round((gridY - this.localBottom) * this.yfactorIn) - (this.isNegative ? 9 : 0);1117 if (gridY < this.localTop) {1118 ctx.strokeStyle = (this.isNegative && Math.abs(gridY) < 1e-8) ? '#9fb1c4' : '#e6eaf0';1119 ctx.beginPath();1120 ctx.moveTo(0, cy);1121 ctx.lineTo(this.viewWidth, cy);1122 ctx.stroke();1123 }1124 ctxS.fillText(formatValue(gridY), this.scaleWidth - 6, cy);1125 }1126 // x scale1127 ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';1128 ctx.fillRect(0, this.viewHeight - 25, this.viewWidth, 25);1129 ctx.font = '11px tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans';1130 ctx.fillStyle = '#36638e';1131 ctx.textAlign = 'center';1132 ctx.textBaseline = 'top';1133 var fin = false;1134 var i_start = this.params.show_time || this.params.show_minutes ? 0 : 6;1135 for (var i = i_start; (i < 100) && !fin; i++) {1136 if (i < xscales.length) {1137 var sc = xscales[i];1138 } else {1139 var yearCnt = [2, 5, 10][(i - xscales.length + 1) % 3] * Math.pow(10, Math.floor((i - xscales.length + 1) / 3));1140 var sc = {base: yearCnt * YEAR, format: ['yearFull'], sub: Math.max(1, yearCnt / 10) * YEAR};1141 }1142 var baseWidth = sc.base * this.xfactorIn;1143 for (var j = 0; j < sc.format.length; j++) {1144 var formatWidth = ctx.measureText(formatDate(-1, sc.format[j])).width;1145 if (formatWidth < baseWidth) {1146 var sTm = incDate(this.leftTime, sc.base, -2);1147 var eTm = incDate(this.rightTime, sc.base, 2);1148 ctx.strokeStyle = '#e6eaf0';1149 if (sc.sub != -1)1150 for (var tm = sTm; tm <= eTm; tm = incDate(tm, sc.sub, 1)) {1151 var ax = Math.floor((tm - this.leftTime) * this.xfactorIn) + 0.5;1152 ctx.beginPath();1153 ctx.moveTo(ax, this.viewHeight - 24);1154 ctx.lineTo(ax, this.viewHeight - 22);1155 ctx.stroke();1156 }1157 for (var tm = sTm; tm <= eTm; tm = incDate(tm, sc.base, 1)) {1158 if (incDate(tm, sc.base, 1) < tm + HOUR)1159 throw "Erroneous date increase";1160 var ax = Math.floor((tm - this.leftTime) * this.xfactorIn) + 0.5;1161 //ctx.strokeStyle = '#e6eaf0';1162 ctx.beginPath();1163 ctx.moveTo(ax, 9);1164 ctx.lineTo(ax, this.viewHeight - 24);1165 ctx.stroke();1166 //ctx.strokeStyle = '#9fb1c4';1167 ctx.beginPath();1168 ctx.moveTo(ax, this.viewHeight - 24);1169 if (sc.sub == -1)1170 ctx.lineTo(ax, this.viewHeight);1171 else1172 ctx.lineTo(ax, this.viewHeight - 20);1173 ctx.stroke();1174 var textpos = ax;1175 if (sc.sub == -1)1176 textpos += (baseWidth / 2.0);1177 if (textpos - formatWidth / 2.0 > 0 && textpos + formatWidth / 2.0 < this.viewWidth)1178 ctx.fillText(replaceEntities(formatDate(tm, sc.format[j])), textpos, this.viewHeight - 19);1179 }1180 fin = true;1181 break;1182 }1183 }1184 if (fin) break;1185 }1186 ctx.strokeStyle = '#e6eaf0';1187 ctx.lineWidth = 1;1188 ctx.strokeRect(0, this.viewHeight - 24.5, this.viewWidth - 1, 26);1189 ctx.strokeStyle = '#f0f2f5';1190 ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;1191 ctx.beginPath();1192 ctx.moveTo(1, this.viewHeight - 25.5);1193 ctx.lineTo(this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 25.5);1194 ctx.stroke();1195 ctx.globalAlpha = 1;1196 // graph1197 if (this.isNegative)1198 drawLines(ctx, 0, 9, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 43, this.lines, this.leftTime, this.rightTime, this.xfactorIn, this.yfactorIn, -this.localBottom, false, this.activeLine, this.smoothLines);1199 else1200 drawLines(ctx, 0, 9, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 34, this.lines, this.leftTime, this.rightTime, this.xfactorIn, this.yfactorIn, this.adjust ? -this.localBottom : 0, false, this.activeLine, this.smoothLines);1201 ctx.strokeStyle = '#b8c5d4';1202 ctx.beginPath();1203 ctx.moveTo(0, 9);1204 ctx.lineTo(0, this.viewHeight + 0.5);1205 if (!isVisible(this.zoutLayout)) {1206 ctx.lineTo(this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight + 0.5);1207 }1208 ctx.stroke();1209 },1210 destroyDots: function(data) {1211 for (var l = 0; l < this.lines.length; l++) {1212 var line = this.lines[l];1213 removeEventEx(line.dotLabel, 'mouseover', this.expandLabel);1214 removeEventEx(line.dotLabel, 'mousemove', this.chideLabel);1215 removeEventEx(line.dotLabel, 'mouseout', this.hideLabel);1216 removeEventEx(, 'click', this.selectLine);1217 removeEventEx(line.legend, 'mouseover', this.overLegend);1218 removeEventEx(line.legend, 'mouseout', this.outLegend);1219 removeEventEx(line.legend, 'click', this.toggleLegend);1220 removeEventEx(line.legend, 'dblclick', this.chooseLegend);1221 if ( {1222 this.zinLayout.removeChild(;1223 }1224 if (line.legend.parentNode) {1225 line.legend.parentNode.removeChild(line.legend);1226 }1227 removeData(line.dotLabel);1228 removeData(;1229 removeData(line.legend);1230 }1231 },1232 initLoadedData: function(text) {1233 var _t = this;1234 this.message.innerHTML = cur.graphVars['lang.data_empty'];1235 setStyle(this.message, {1236 display: 'none',1237 backgroundColor: '#eeeeee',1238 border: '1px solid #5f7d9d'});1239 try {1240 var d = eval(text);1241 _t.loadGraph = function(index) {1242 _t.setData(d[index] || [], isArray(_t.params.adjust) ? _t.params.adjust[index] : _t.params.adjust);1243 }1244 _t.noData = (d.length == 0 || (d.length == 1 && d[0].length == 0));1245 _t.setData(_t.params.multiple ? d[0] : d, isArray(_t.params.adjust) ? _t.params.adjust[0] : _t.params.adjust);1246 } catch(e){1247 _t.setData([], false);1248 }1249 },1250 setData: function(data, adjust) {1251 var _t = this;1252 if (typeof(data) == 'string') {1253 = 'none';1254 = 'none';1255 = 'none';1256 //this.message.innerHTML = cur.graphVars['lang.loading'];1257 this.message.innerHTML = '<img src="/images/progress7.gif" />';1258 setStyle(this.message, {1259 display: 'block',1260 backgroundColor: 'transparent',1261 border: 'none',1262 left: Math.round((this.viewWidth - 149) / 2) + 'px',1263 top: Math.round((this.viewHeight - 8) / 2) + 'px'});1264 if (window.ajax) {1265, {html5: 1}, {onDone: function(text) {1266 _t.initLoadedData(text);1267 }});1268 } else {1269 Ajax.Post({url:data.split('%26').join('&'), query: {html5: 1}, onDone: function(res, text) {1270 _t.initLoadedData(text);1271 }});1272 }1273 return;1274 }1275 if (this.params.bar_chart) {1276 this.setBarChartData(data, adjust);1277 return;1278 }1279 if (this.lines.length == data.length) {1280 var showOverride = [];1281 for (var l = 0; l < this.lines.length; l++)1282 if (this.lines[l].name.toLowerCase() != data[l].name.toLowerCase()) {1283 showOverride = null;1284 break;1285 } else1286 showOverride[l] = this.lines[l].shown;1287 }1288 // remove old lines1289 this.destroyDots();1290 this.adjust = adjust;1291 this.minValue = 100;1292 this.maxValue = 1;1293 this.minAbsValue = 1.0;1294 this.minTime = 2147483647;1295 this.maxTime = 0;1296 // prepare lines1297 this.lines = [];1298 var maxDotsCount = 0;1299 var max_coltext = [0, 0];1300 var dotsVisible = 0;1301 this.MAXSCALE = 2 * DAY + HOUR;1302 this.XSTEP = DAY;1303 for (var l = 0; l < data.length; l++) {1304 var line = extend({a: true}, data[l]);1305 if (!line.d || !line.d.length) {1306 continue;1307 }1308 if (!line.c || 1) {1309 line.c = colors[l % colors.length];1310 }1311 var r = (line.c & 0xFF0000) >> 16;1312 var g = (line.c & 0x00FF00) >> 8;1313 var b = (line.c & 0x0000FF);1314 r = Math.min(255, (r >> 2) + 192);1315 g = Math.min(255, (g >> 2) + 192);1316 b = Math.min(255, (b >> 2) + 192);1317 line.c2 = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b);1318 line.hexColor = line.c.toString(16);1319 line.hexColor = '#' + '000000'.substr(0, 6 - line.hexColor.length) + line.hexColor;1320 line.hexColor2 = line.c2.toString(16);1321 line.hexColor2 = '#' + '000000'.substr(0, 6 - line.hexColor.length) + line.hexColor2;1322 line.minValue = 100;1323 line.maxValue = 1;1324 // make dot1325 = ce('div', {1326 innerHTML: '<div style="color: white;\1327 -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -khtml-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px;\1328 background-color: ' + line.hexColor + '; position: absolute; padding: 2px 3px 3px 3px; white-space: nowrap; cursor: default;"></div>'1329 }, {1330 position: 'absolute',1331 display: 'none'1332 });1333 line.dotLabel =[0];1334 this.zinLayout.appendChild(;1335 addEventEx(this, line.dotLabel, 'mouseover', this.expandLabel);1336 addEventEx(this, line.dotLabel, 'mousemove', this.chideLabel);1337 addEventEx(this, line.dotLabel, 'mouseout', this.hideLabel);1338 addEventEx(this, line.dotLabel, 'mousedown', cancelEvent);1339 //addEventEx(this, line.dotLabel, 'click', this.selectLine);1340 //addEventEx(this,, 'click', this.selectLine);1341 line.dotLabel.line = line;1342 = line;1343 // make legend1344 var col_width = Math.floor(this.viewWidth / 2);1345 line.legend = ce('div', {1346 innerHTML: '<canvas width="20" height="20" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 2px;"></canvas>' +1347 '<span title="' + clean( + '">' + (( >= 30) ?, 27) + '...' : + '</span>' +1348 '<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; padding: 2px 3px; white-space: nowrap; display: none; background: ' + line.hexColor + '; color: white; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -khtml-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px;"></div>'1349 }, {1350 color: line.hexColor,1351 position: 'relative',1352 cursor: 'pointer'1353 });1354 line.shown = showOverride ? showOverride[l] : line.a;1355 line.legendCheck = line.legend.children[0];1356 drawCheck(line.legendCheck, line.hexColor, line.hexColor2, line.shown, false);1357 line.legendBox = line.legend.children[2];1358 addEventEx(this, line.legend, 'mouseover', this.overLegend);1359 addEventEx(this, line.legend, 'mouseout', this.outLegend);1360 addEventEx(this, line.legend, 'click', this.toggleLegend);1361 addEventEx(this, line.legend, 'dblclick', this.chooseLegend);1362 line.legend.line = line;1363 for (var i = 0; i < line.d.length; i++) {1364 line.d[i].x = parseInt(line.d[i].x || line.d[i]["0"] || DEF_TIME);1365 line.d[i].y = parseFloat(line.d[i].y || line.d[i]["1"] || 0);1366 line.d[i].s = line.d[i].s || line.d[i]["2"] || null;1367 line.d[i].l = line.d[i].l || line.d[i]["3"] || null;1368 line.maxValue = Math.max(line.maxValue, line.d[i].y);1369 line.minValue = Math.min(line.minValue, line.d[i].y);1370 this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, line.d[i].y);1371 this.minValue = Math.min(this.minValue, line.d[i].y);1372 this.minAbsValue = Math.min(this.minAbsValue, Math.abs(line.d[i].y));1373 this.maxTime = Math.max(this.maxTime, line.d[i].x);1374 this.minTime = Math.min(this.minTime, line.d[i].x);1375 if (i > 0 && i < 10 && Math.abs(line.d[i].x - line.d[i - 1].x) > 1) {1376 this.MAXSCALE = Math.min(this.MAXSCALE, 2.5 * Math.abs(line.d[i].x - line.d[i - 1].x));1377 this.XSTEP = (this.XSTEP + Math.abs(line.d[i].x - line.d[i - 1].x)) / 2;1378 }1379 if (this.leftTime != -1 && line.d[i].x >= this.leftTime && line.d[i].x <= this.rightTime) {1380 dotsVisible++;1381 }1382 }1383 maxDotsCount = Math.max(maxDotsCount, line.d.length);1384 // probably not needed1385 line.d.sort(function(l1, l2) {1386 return (l1.x - l2.x);1387 });1388 this.lines.push(line);1389 }1390 for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {1391 var line = this.lines[i];1392 if (i < this.lines.length / 2) {1393 this.column[0].appendChild(line.legend);1394 max_coltext[0] = Math.max(max_coltext[0], getSize(line.legend.children[1])[0]);1395 } else {1396 this.column[1].appendChild(line.legend);1397 max_coltext[1] = Math.max(max_coltext[1], getSize(line.legend.children[1])[0]);1398 }1399 }1400 for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {1401 if (i < this.lines.length / 2) {1402 this.lines[i] = (max_coltext[0] + 40) + 'px';1403 } else {1404 this.lines[i] = (max_coltext[1] + 40) + 'px';1405 }1406 }1407 var noData = this.noData || (this.lines.length == 0 && !this.params.multiple);1408 = noData ? 'none' : 'block';1409 = noData ? 'none' : 'block';;1410 = noData ? 'none' : 'block';1411 if (this.lines.length == 0) {1412 this.maxTime = incDate(DEF_TIME, DAY, 0);1413 this.minTime = this.maxTime - 7 * DAY;1414 } else {1415 this.maxTime += this.XSTEP / 5;1416 }1417 if (this.params.no_zoom) {1418 this.leftTime = this.minTime;1419 this.rightTime = this.maxTime;1420 this.allowZoom(false);1421 } else {1422 if (this.maxTime - this.minTime < 4 * DAY && maxDotsCount < 10) {1423 this.minTime -= 2 * DAY;1424 this.maxTime += 2 * DAY;1425 this.allowZoom(false);1426 } else {1427 this.allowZoom(true);1428 }1429 this.showEmpty(noData);1430 if (this.leftTime == -1 || dotsVisible < 10) {1431 var st = 10 * DAY;1432 if (this.XSTEP > 3 * MONTH) {1433 st = 2 * YEAR;1434 } else if (this.XSTEP > 10 * DAY) {1435 st = 3 * MONTH;1436 }1437 this.leftTime = (this.params.show_all || maxDotsCount < 10) ? this.minTime : Math.max(this.minTime, this.maxTime - st);1438 this.rightTime = this.maxTime;1439 } else {1440 this.leftTime = Math.max(this.minTime, Math.min(this.maxTime, this.leftTime));1441 this.rightTime = Math.max(this.minTime, Math.min(this.maxTime, this.rightTime));1442 }1443 }1444 var ctx = getContext(this.vScaleView);1445 ctx.font = '11px tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans';1446 var maxWidth = Math.max(1447 ctx.measureText(formatValue(this.maxValue + getYStep(this.maxValue, this.params.int_scale))).width,1448 Math.max( ctx.measureText(formatValue(getYStep(this.minAbsValue, this.params.int_scale))).width,1449 ctx.measureText(formatValue(this.minValue)).width));1450 this.scaleWidth = (this.lines.length == 0) ? 0 : (maxWidth + 25);1451 this.scaleWidth = Math.floor(this.scaleWidth);1452 = this.scaleWidth + "px";1453 = this.height + "px";1454 this.vScaleView.width = this.scaleWidth;1455 this.vScaleView.height = this.height;1456 this.viewWidth = (this.width - this.scaleWidth);1457 = this.viewWidth + "px";1458 this.zinView.width = this.viewWidth;1459 this.dotsLayer.width = this.viewWidth;1460 this.zoutView.width = this.viewWidth;1461 this.column[0].style.width = Math.floor(this.viewWidth / 2) + "px";1462 this.column[1].style.width = Math.floor(this.viewWidth / 2) + "px";1463 this.activeLine = null;1464 this.updateLines();1465 },1466 setBarChartData: function(data, adjust) {1467 // remove old lines1468 this.destroyDots();1469 this.adjust = adjust;1470 this.minValue = 100;1471 this.maxValue = 1;1472 this.minAbsValue = 1.0;1473 // prepare lines1474 this.lines = [];1475 var max_coltext = [0, 0];1476 for (var l = 0; l < data.length; l++) {1477 var line = extend({a: true}, data[l]);1478 if (!line.d || !line.d.length) {1479 continue;1480 }1481 if (!line.c) {1482 var colors_row = l % 4;1483 colors_row = colors_row == 1 ? 3 : colors_row;1484 line.c = colors[(colors_row * 8 + Math.floor(l / 4)) % colors.length];1485 }1486 var r = (line.c & 0xFF0000) >> 16;1487 var g = (line.c & 0x00FF00) >> 8;1488 var b = (line.c & 0x0000FF);1489 r2 = Math.min(255, (r >> 2) + 192);1490 g2 = Math.min(255, (g >> 2) + 192);1491 b2 = Math.min(255, (b >> 2) + 192);1492 line.c2 = (r2 << 16) | (g2 << 8) | (b2);1493 r3 = Math.min(255, r - 16);1494 g3 = Math.min(255, g - 16);1495 b3 = Math.min(255, b - 16);1496 line.c3 = (r3 << 16) | (g3 << 8) | (b3);1497 line.hexColor = line.c.toString(16);1498 line.hexColor = '#' + '000000'.substr(0, 6 - line.hexColor.length) + line.hexColor;1499 line.hexColor2 = line.c2.toString(16);1500 line.hexColor2 = '#' + '000000'.substr(0, 6 - line.hexColor2.length) + line.hexColor2;1501 line.hexColor3 = line.c3.toString(16);1502 line.hexColor3 = '#' + '000000'.substr(0, 6 - line.hexColor3.length) + line.hexColor3;1503 line.minValue = 100;1504 line.maxValue = 1;1505 // make legend1506 line.legend = ce('div', {1507 innerHTML: '<canvas width="20" height="20" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 2px;"></canvas>' +1508 '<span style="font-weight: bold;">' + (( >= 30) ?, 27) + '...' : + '</span>' +1509 '<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; padding: 2px 3px; white-space: nowrap; display: none; background: ' + line.hexColor2 + '; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -khtml-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px;"></div>'1510 }, {1511 color: line.hexColor,1512 position: 'relative',1513 cursor: 'default',1514 paddingLeft: '10px'1515 });1516 line.shown = true;1517 line.legendCheck = line.legend.children[0];1518 line.legendBox = line.legend.children[2];1519 var ctx = getContext(line.legendCheck);1520 ctx.fillStyle = ctx.strokeStyle = line.hexColor;1521 ctx.lineWidth = 4;1522 ctx.lineJoin = 'round';1523 ctx.strokeRect(4, 5, 9, 9);1524 ctx.fillRect(4, 5, 9, 9);1525 if (line.sum) {1526 line.legendBox.innerHTML = formatValue(line.sum) + this.params.yunits;1527 show(line.legendBox);1528 }1529 for (var i = 0; i < line.d.length; i++) {1530 line.d[i].x = line.d[i].x || line.d[i]["0"] || i;1531 line.d[i].y = parseFloat(line.d[i].y || line.d[i]["1"] || 0);1532 line.d[i].s = line.d[i].s || line.d[i]["2"] || null;1533 line.d[i].l = line.d[i].l || line.d[i]["3"] || null;1534 line.maxValue = Math.max(line.maxValue, line.d[i].y);1535 line.minValue = Math.min(line.minValue, line.d[i].y);1536 this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, line.d[i].y);1537 this.minValue = Math.min(this.minValue, line.d[i].y);1538 this.minAbsValue = Math.min(this.minAbsValue, Math.abs(line.d[i].y));1539 }1540 line.stInd = 0;1541 line.enIdx = line.d.length;1542 this.lines.push(line);1543 }1544 for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {1545 var line = this.lines[i];1546 if (i < this.lines.length / 2) {1547 this.column[0].appendChild(line.legend);1548 max_coltext[0] = Math.max(max_coltext[0], getSize(line.legend.children[1])[0]);1549 } else {1550 this.column[1].appendChild(line.legend);1551 max_coltext[1] = Math.max(max_coltext[1], getSize(line.legend.children[1])[0]);1552 }1553 }1554 for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {1555 var line = this.lines[i];1556 if (i < this.lines.length / 2) {1557 = (max_coltext[0] + 40) + 'px';1558 } else {1559 = (max_coltext[1] + 40) + 'px';1560 }1561 }1562 var noData = this.noData || (this.lines.length == 0 && !this.params.multiple);1563 = noData ? 'none' : 'block';1564 = noData ? 'none' : 'block';;1565 this.showEmpty(noData);1566 = 'none';1567 = 'none';1568 = 0;1569 this.viewHeight = this.height - 24;1570 = this.viewHeight + "px";1571 this.zinView.height = this.viewHeight;1572 this.dotsLayer.height = this.viewHeight - 25;1573 this.disable_zoom = true;1574 if (this.params.multiple && == this.mainLayout) {1575 var menu = re(;1576 setStyle(menu, {position: 'absolute', right: '10px', top: '20px', zIndex: 1000});1577 this.zinLayout.insertBefore(menu, this.zinView);1578 }1579 var ctx = getContext(this.vScaleView);1580 ctx.font = '11px tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans';1581 var yUnits = this.params.yunits ? this.params.yunits : '';1582 var maxWidth = Math.max(1583 ctx.measureText(formatValue(this.maxValue + getYStep(this.maxValue, this.params.int_scale) + yUnits)).width, ctx.measureText(formatValue(getYStep(this.minAbsValue, this.params.int_scale) + yUnits)).width);1584 this.scaleWidth = (this.lines.length == 0) ? 0 : (maxWidth + 30);1585 this.scaleWidth = Math.floor(this.scaleWidth);1586 = this.scaleWidth + "px";1587 = this.height + "px";1588 this.vScaleView.width = this.scaleWidth;1589 this.vScaleView.height = this.height;1590 this.viewWidth = (this.width - this.scaleWidth);1591 = this.viewWidth + "px";1592 this.zinView.width = this.viewWidth;1593 this.dotsLayer.width = this.viewWidth;1594 this.column[0].style.width = Math.floor(this.viewWidth / 2) + "px";1595 this.column[1].style.width = Math.floor(this.viewWidth / 2) + "px";1596 this.xstep = Math.floor(this.viewWidth / this.params.bar_chart.length);1597 this.barsWidth = Math.floor(this.xstep / (this.lines.length + 1));1598 this.barsWidth = Math.min(this.barsWidth, 25);1599 // draw window1600 if (this.lines.length == 0 || (this.maxValue - this.minValue < 1e-6)) {1601 this.isNegative = false;1602 this.ystep = 1;1603 this.localTop = 5;1604 this.localBottom = 0;1605 } else {1606 this.isNegative = (this.minValue < -1e-6);1607 this.ystep = Math.max(getYStep(this.maxValue - (adjust ? this.minValue : 0), this.params.int_scale), this.isNegative ? getYStep(-this.minValue, this.params.int_scale) : 1e-6);1608 this.localTop = (Math.ceil(this.maxValue / this.ystep)) * this.ystep;1609 this.localBottom = 0;1610 }1611 this.yfactorIn = (this.viewHeight - (this.isNegative ? 43 : 34)) / (this.localTop - this.localBottom);1612 this.xfactorIn = 1;1613 // redraw zinView1614 var ctx = getContext(this.zinView);1615 var ctxS = getContext(this.vScaleView);1616 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight);1617 ctx.fillStyle = '#fafafa';1618 ctx.fillRect(0, 9, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 9);1619 ctxS.clearRect(0, 0, this.scaleWidth, this.viewHeight);1620 // y scale1621 ctx.lineWidth = 1;1622 ctx.strokeStyle = '#e6eaf0';1623 ctxS.font = '11px tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans';1624 ctxS.fillStyle = '#36638e';1625 ctxS.textAlign = 'right';1626 ctxS.textBaseline = 'middle';1627 for (var gridY = this.localBottom; gridY < this.localTop + this.ystep; gridY += this.ystep) {1628 var cy = this.viewHeight - 24.5 - Math.round((gridY - this.localBottom) * this.yfactorIn) - (this.isNegative ? 9 : 0);1629 if (gridY < this.localTop) {1630 ctx.strokeStyle = (this.isNegative && Math.abs(gridY) < 1e-8) ? '#9fb1c4' : '#e6eaf0';1631 ctx.beginPath();1632 ctx.moveTo(0, cy);1633 ctx.lineTo(this.viewWidth, cy);1634 ctx.stroke();1635 }1636 ctxS.fillText(formatValue(gridY) + yUnits, this.scaleWidth - 6, cy);1637 }1638 // x scale1639 ctx.fillStyle = '#e9ecf0';1640 ctx.fillRect(0, this.viewHeight - 25, this.viewWidth, 25);1641 ctx.font = '11px tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans';1642 ctx.fillStyle = '#36638e';1643 ctx.textAlign = 'center';1644 ctx.textBaseline = 'top';1645 var fontSize = 11;1646 for (var i = 0; i < this.params.bar_chart.length; i++) {1647 while (ctx.measureText(this.params.bar_chart[i]).width > this.xstep && fontSize >= 8) {1648 fontSize--;1649 ctx.font = fontSize + 'px tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans';1650 }1651 }1652 for (var i = 0; i < this.params.bar_chart.length; i++) {1653 var text = this.params.bar_chart[i];1654 var textpos = this.xstep * (i + 0.5);1655 ctx.fillText(replaceEntities(text), textpos, this.viewHeight - 19);1656 }1657 // graph1658 if (this.isNegative)1659 drawBars(ctx, 0, 9, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 43, this.lines, this.params.bar_chart, this.barsWidth, this.xstep, this.yfactorIn, -this.localBottom);1660 else1661 drawBars(ctx, 0, 9, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 34, this.lines, this.params.bar_chart, this.barsWidth, this.xstep, this.yfactorIn, this.adjust ? -this.localBottom : 0);1662 ctx.strokeStyle = '#b8c5d4';1663 ctx.lineWidth = 1;1664 ctx.beginPath();1665 ctx.moveTo(0.5, 9);1666 ctx.lineTo(0.5, this.viewHeight);1667 ctx.lineTo(this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight);1668 ctx.stroke();1669 ctx.strokeStyle = '#6b93b5';1670 ctx.lineWidth = 2;1671 ctx.globalAlpha = 0.25;1672 ctx.beginPath();1673 ctx.moveTo(1, this.viewHeight - 26);1674 ctx.lineTo(this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight - 26);1675 ctx.stroke();1676 },1677 destroy: function() {1678 this.destroyDots();1679 this.endDrag();1680 removeEventEx(this.lHandle, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeHandle);1681 removeEventEx(this.rHandle, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeHandle);1682 removeEventEx(this.zoutWindow, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeWindow);1683 removeEventEx(this.lMask, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeMask);1684 removeEventEx(this.rMask, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeMask);1685 removeEventEx(this.zinLayout, 'mousedown touchstart', this.takeView);1686 removeEventEx(this.dotsLayer, 'mousemove', this.showDots);1687 removeEventEx(this.zinLayout, 'mouseout', this.hideDots);1688 removeEventEx(this.zinLayout, 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', this.wheelView);1689 removeEventEx(this.zoutLayout, 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', this.wheelView);1690 removeEvent(this.column[0], 'selectionstart', cancelEvent);1691 removeEvent(this.column[1], 'selectionstart', cancelEvent);1692 this.graphDiv.innerHTML = '';1693 },1694 showBadBrowserBox: function() {1695 var s = (window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 ? '_2x' : '');1696 var content = getLang('stats_good_browser_box_msg') + '\1697 <div id="stats_good_browsers" class="clear_fix">\1698 <a href="" target="_blank" style="background: url(/images/firefox'+s+'.png) no-repeat 50% 17px;">Mozilla Firefox</a>\1699 <a href="" target="_blank" style="background: url(/images/chrome'+s+'.png) no-repeat 50% 17px;">Google Chrome</a>\1700 <a href="" target="_blank" style="background: url(/images/opera'+s+'.png) no-repeat 50% 15px;">Opera</a>\1701 <a href="" target="_blank" style="background: url(/images/safari'+s+'.png) no-repeat 50% 12px;">Safari</a>\1702 </div>\1703 <style>\1704 #stats_good_browsers {\1705 height: 136px;\1706 margin: 10px auto 0 auto;\1707 width: 480px;\1708 }\1709 #stats_good_browsers a {\1710 float: left;\1711 height: 20px;\1712 padding: 106px 0 10px 0;\1713 width: 120px;\1714 text-align: center;\1715 -webkit-border-radius: 4px;\1716 -khtml-border-radius: 4px;\1717 -moz-border-radius: 4px;\1718 border-radius: 4px;\1719 }\1720 #stats_good_browsers a:hover {\1721 text-decoration: none;\1722 background-color: #edf1f5!important;\1723 }\1724 </style>';1725 cur.badBrowserBox = MessageBox({width: 540, hideButtons: true, bodyStyle: 'padding: 25px; text-align: center;', hideOnBGClick: true}).content(content).show();1726 if (!window.ajax) {1727 var b = cur.badBrowserBox.body();1728 hide(geByClass1('box_title_wrap', b.parentNode));1729 hide(geByClass1('box_controls_wrap', b.parentNode));1730 }1731 }1732}1733window.Graph = Graph;1734addEvent(document, 'touchstart touchmove touchend', function(ev) {1735 globalTouchCount = ev.touches.length;1736});1737})(window);...
...619 error620 })621 .catch((e) => _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('error', e))622 }623 function takeHandle(arg) {624 const handle = globalThis[]['handles'].get(arg.seq)625 globalThis[]['handles'].delete(arg.seq)626 return handle627 }628 function deliverResult(arg) {629 globalThis[]['callbacks'].get(arg.seq).resolve(arg.result)630 globalThis[]['callbacks'].delete(arg.seq)631 }632 function deliverError(arg) {633 const error = new Error(arg.message)634 error.stack = arg.stack635 globalThis[]['callbacks'].get(arg.seq).reject(error)636 globalThis[]['callbacks'].delete(arg.seq)637 }...
...737 require('./scoreTree').scoreHandle(op, bodyObject);738 }739 // OP OWNERSHIP CHANGE740 else if (doOp === 'take') {741 require('./takeTree').takeHandle(op, bodyObject);742 }743 // OP PROJECT CHANGE744 else if (doOp === 'project') {745 require('./projectTree').projectHandle(op, bodyObject);746 }747 // OP SCHEDULING748 else if (doOp === 'schedule') {749 require('./scheduleTree').scheduleHandle(op, bodyObject);750 }751 // OP TASK CREATION752 else if (doOp === 'task') {753 require('./taskTree').taskHandle(op, bodyObject);754 }755 // OP TEST-CASE CREATION...
1// Serves the change-owner report page.2const serveTakeReport = (op, name) => {3 const {4 err,5 fs,6 globals,7 reportPrep,8 reportScriptPrep,9 servePage10 } = op;11 fs.readFile('takeReport.html', 'utf8')12 .then(13 htmlContent => {14 fs.readFile('report.js', 'utf8')15 .then(16 jsContent => {17 const newJSContent = reportScriptPrep(jsContent, '/taketally', [18 'total',19 'storyTotal',20 'taskTotal',21 'caseTotal',22 'changes',23 'storyChanges',24 'taskChanges',25 'caseChanges',26 'error'27 ]);28 const newContent = reportPrep(htmlContent, newJSContent)29 .replace('__takeWhoName__', name)30 .replace('__takeWhoRef__', globals.takeWhoRef);31 servePage(newContent, true);32 },33 error => err(error, 'reading report script')34 );35 },36 error => err(error, 'reading takeReport page')37 );38};39// Handles ownership change requests.40const takeHandle = (op, bodyObject) => {41 const {42 err,43 getGlobalNameRef,44 globals45 } = op;46 const {takeWho} = bodyObject;47 // If an owner other than the user was specified:48 if (takeWho) {49 // Serve a report identifying the new owner.50 getGlobalNameRef(takeWho, 'user', 'UserName')51 .then(52 ref => {53 if (! globals.isError) {54 globals.takeWhoRef = ref;55 serveTakeReport(op, takeWho);56 }57 },58 error => err(error, 'getting reference to new owner')59 );60 }61 // Otherwise, the new owner will be the user, so:62 else {63 globals.takeWhoRef = globals.userRef;64 // Serve a report identifying the user as new owner.65 serveTakeReport(op, globals.userName);66 }67};68// Sequentially ensures the ownership of an array of work items (tasks or test cases).69const takeItems = (op, longItemType, shortItemType, items) => {70 const {globals, err, shorten, report} = op;71 // If there are any items:72 if (items.length) {73 const firstItem = items[0];74 const firstRef = shorten(longItemType, longItemType, firstItem.ref);75 if (! globals.isError) {76 const owner = firstItem.owner;77 const ownerRef = shorten('user', 'user', owner);78 if (! globals.isError) {79 // If the ownership of the item needs to be changed:80 if (ownerRef !== globals.takeWhoRef) {81 // Change it.82 return globals.restAPI.update({83 ref: firstRef,84 data: {Owner: globals.takeWhoRef}85 })86 .then(87 // When it has been changed:88 () => {89 report(90 [['total'], ['changes'], [`${shortItemType}Total`], [`${shortItemType}Changes`]]91 );92 // Process the remaining items.93 return takeItems(op, longItemType, shortItemType, items.slice(1));94 },95 error => err(error, `changing ${longItemType} ownership`)96 );97 }98 // Otherwise, i.e. if the ownership of the item does not need to be changed:99 else {100 report([['total'], [`${shortItemType}Total`]]);101 // Process the remaining items.102 return takeItems(op, longItemType, shortItemType, items.slice(1));103 }104 }105 else {106 return Promise.resolve('');107 }108 }109 else {110 return Promise.resolve('');111 }112 }113 else {114 return Promise.resolve('');115 }116};117// Recursively changes ownerships in a tree or subtree of user stories.118const takeTree = (op, storyRefs) => {119 const {globals, err, shorten, report, getItemData, getCollectionData} = op;120 if (storyRefs.length && ! globals.isError) {121 const firstRef = shorten('userstory', 'hierarchicalrequirement', storyRefs[0]);122 if (! globals.isError) {123 // Get data on the first user story.124 return getItemData(firstRef, ['FormattedID', 'Owner'], ['Children', 'Tasks', 'TestCases'])125 .then(126 // When the data arrive:127 data => {128 report([['total'], ['storyTotal']]);129 const ownerRef = shorten('user', 'user', data.owner);130 if (! globals.isError) {131 // Report progress in the console if requested.132 if (globals.debug) {133 console.log(`Processing ${data.formattedID}`);134 }135 // Change the owner of the user story if necessary.136 const ownerWrong = ownerRef && ownerRef !== globals.takeWhoRef || ! ownerRef;137 if (ownerWrong) {138 report([['changes'], ['storyChanges']]);139 }140 return (ownerWrong ? globals.restAPI.update({141 ref: firstRef,142 data: {143 Owner: globals.takeWhoRef144 }145 }) : Promise.resolve(''))146 .then(147 // When the change, if any, has been made:148 () => {149 // Get data on the test cases, if any, of the user story.150 return getCollectionData(151 data.testCases.count ? data.testCases.ref : '', ['Owner'], []152 )153 .then(154 // When the data, if any, arrive:155 cases => {156 // Change the owner of any of them if necessary.157 return takeItems(op, 'testcase', 'case', cases)158 .then(159 // When the changes, if any, have been made:160 () => {161 // Get data on the tasks of the user story.162 return getCollectionData(163 data.tasks.count ? data.tasks.ref : '', ['Owner'], []164 )165 .then(166 // When the data, if any, arrive:167 tasks => {168 // Change the owner of any of them if necessary.169 return takeItems(op, 'task', 'task', tasks)170 .then(171 // When the changes, if any, have been made:172 () => {173 // Get references to the child user stories of the user story.174 return getCollectionData(175 data.children.count ? data.children.ref : '', [], []176 )177 .then(178 // When the references, if any, arrive:179 children => {180 // Process the child user stories, if any.181 return takeTree(op, => child.ref))182 .then(183 /*184 When any have been processed, process the remaining user185 stories.186 */187 () => takeTree(op, storyRefs.slice(1)),188 error => err(error, 'changing owner of child user stories')189 );190 },191 error => err(error, 'getting references to child user stories')192 );193 },194 error => err(error, 'changing owner of tasks')195 );196 },197 error => err(error, 'getting data on tasks')198 );199 },200 error => err(error, 'changing owner of test cases')201 );202 },203 error => err(error, 'getting data on test cases')204 );205 },206 error => err(error, 'changing owner of user story')207 );208 }209 else {210 return '';211 }212 },213 error => err(error, 'getting data on user story')214 );215 }216 else {217 return Promise.resolve('');218 }219 }220 else {221 return Promise.resolve('');222 }223};224exports.takeHandle = takeHandle;...
1import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';2import Layout from '../../components/Layout';3import Head from 'next/head';4import LeadDetails from '../../components/pocket-listing/LeadDetails';5import Contact from '../../components/pocket-listing/Contact';6import OtherLeads from '../../components/pocket-listing/OtherLeads';7import { Container, Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';8import { parseCookies } from 'nookies';9import { getUserInfoSSR } from '../../actions/auth';10import axios from 'axios';11import { API } from '../../config';12import useSWR from 'swr';13/* const preFetchOtherLeads = async id => {14 return await axios.get(`${API}/pockets/other/${id}`).then(res => {15 if ( && {16 return;17 } else {18 return null;19 }20 });21}; */22const preFetchLead = async id => {23 return await axios.get(`${API}/pockets/${id}`).then(res => {24 if ( && {25 return;26 } else {27 return null;28 }29 });30};31const fetchLead = async (...args) => {32 return await axios.get(...args).then(res => {33 console.log(res);34 if ( && {35 return;36 } else {37 return null;38 }39 });40};41const Lead = ({ userInfo, id, /* preFetchedOtherLeads, */preFetchedLead }) => {42 const { data: lead } = useSWR(`${API}/pockets/${id}`, fetchLead, { initialData: preFetchedLead });43 /* const { data: leads } = useSWR(`${API}/pockets/other/${id}`, fetchLead, { initialData: preFetchedOtherLeads }); */44 const [modalShow, setModalShow] = useState(false);45 46 const [ContactInfo, setContactInfo] = useState({47 uid: userInfo?._id ? userInfo._id : null,48 firstName: userInfo && userInfo.firstName ? userInfo.firstName : '',49 lastName: userInfo && userInfo.lastName ? userInfo.lastName : '',50 email: userInfo && ? : '',51 phoneNumber: '',52 message: '',53 NDA: false54 });55 56 const [alert, setAlert] = useState({57 status: '',58 message: '',59 });60 const [submitProcess, setSubmitProcess] = useState(false);61 /* const [main, setMain] = useState(lead.images[0] ? lead.images[0] : '/property/image-from-rawpixel-id-558306-jpeg.jpg'); */62 useEffect(() => {63 /* setMain(lead && lead.images !== undefined ? lead.images[0] : '/property/image-from-rawpixel-id-558306-jpeg.jpg'); */64 }, [lead]);65 66 const onContactHandler = e => {67 const { name, value } =;68 setContactInfo({ ...ContactInfo, [name]: value });69 };70 71 const phoneNumberHandler = e => {72 setContactInfo({ ...ContactInfo, phoneNumber: e });73 };74 const takeHandle = async e => {75 e.preventDefault();76 setSubmitProcess(true);77 setAlert({ status: 'secondary', message: 'Sending a message...' });78 let body = Object.assign({}, {79 authorId:,80 claimers: {81 ...ContactInfo,82 uid: userInfo?._id ? userInfo._id : null83 },84 pocketId: lead._id,85 leadType: 'pocket-listing'86 });87 return await axios({88 method: 'PUT',89 url: `${API}/claims/update`,90 headers: {91 Accept: 'application/json',92 'Content-Type': 'application/json',93 },94 data: JSON.stringify(body),95 withCredentials: true,96 })97 .then(response => {98 if ( {99 setAlert({ status: 'success', message: 'We will be contacting you shortly!' });100 setSubmitProcess('success');101 }102 return response;103 })104 .catch(err => {105 console.log(err);106 setAlert({ status: 'warning', message: 'Failed to send message!' });107 setSubmitProcess(false);108 });109 };110 /* const mainHandler = e => {111 setMain(;112 }; */113 return (114 <Layout userInfo={userInfo} style={'black'}>115 <Head>116 <meta charSet="utf-8" />117 <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />118 <title>Pocket Listings - Cozmo Realty</title>119 <meta name="description" content="" />120 <link rel="canonical" href="" />121 <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />122 <meta property="og:type" content="website" />123 <meta property="og:title" content="Pocket Listings - Cozmo Realty" />124 <meta property="og:description" content="" />125 <meta property="og:url" content="" />126 <meta property="og:site_name" content="Cozmo Realty" />127 <meta property="og:image" content="" />128 </Head>129 <main className="mt-99px">130 <section id="singleLead">131 <Container fluid className="">132 <Row className="h-100 justify-content-sm-center">133 <Col sm={12} md={8}>134 <LeadDetails userInfo={userInfo} lead={lead} /* main={main} setMain={setMain} mainHandler={mainHandler}*/ />135 </Col>136 <Col sm={12} md={4}>137 <Contact 138 lead={lead} 139 takeHandle={takeHandle} 140 modalShow={modalShow} 141 setModalShow={setModalShow} 142 ContactInfo={ContactInfo}143 setContactInfo={setContactInfo}144 onContactHandler={onContactHandler}145 phoneNumberHandler={phoneNumberHandler}146 alert={alert} 147 setAlert={setAlert}148 submitProcess={submitProcess}149 />150 {/* <OtherLeads leads={leads} /> */}151 </Col>152 </Row>153 </Container>154 </section>155 </main>156 </Layout>157 );158};159// getstaticprops160export const getServerSideProps = async ctx => {161 const id =;162 const cookie = parseCookies(ctx);163 const cookieHeader = `express:sess=${cookie['express:sess']}; express:sess.sig=${cookie['express:sess.sig']}`;164 const userInfo = await getUserInfoSSR(cookieHeader);165 /* const preFetchedOtherLeads = await preFetchOtherLeads(id); */166 const preFetchedLead = await preFetchLead(id);167 return { props: { userInfo, id, /* preFetchedOtherLeads, */preFetchedLead } };168};...
1import React, { useState } from 'react';2import { Container, Row, Col, Button, Modal, Form, Alert, Spinner } from 'react-bootstrap';3import { API } from '../../config';4import axios from 'axios';5import PhoneInput from 'react-phone-input-2';6const Contact = ({ lead, takeHandle, modalShow, setModalShow, ContactInfo, setContactInfo, onContactHandler, phoneNumberHandler, alert, submitProcess }) => {7 return (8 <section id="lead-contact" className="roboto">9 <Container className="border p-4">10 <Row>11 <Col>12 <h2 className="mb-0">{lead.firstName + ' ' + lead.lastName}</h2> 13 <p>Agent</p>14 </Col>15 </Row>16 <Row>17 <Col sm={12} md={3}>18 <strong>19 <p className="dark mb-0">Email:</p>20 </strong>21 </Col>22 <Col sm={12} md={9}>23 <p className="text-right mb-0">24 <a href={`mailto:${}`}>{}</a>25 </p>26 </Col>27 </Row>28 <Row>29 <Col sm={12} md={3}>30 <strong>31 <p className="dark mb-2">Phone:</p>32 </strong>33 </Col>34 <Col sm={12} md={9}>35 <p className="text-right mb-2">36 <a href={`tel:${lead.phoneNumber}`}>{lead.phoneNumber}</a>37 </p>38 </Col>39 </Row>40 <Row>41 <Col>42 <Button className="primary-button" onClick={() => setModalShow(true)}>43 Submit Proposal44 </Button>45 <span className='d-block mt-4'>Want to talk with our agent? <br />We will reach out within 24 business hours to assist you.</span>46 <Modal show={modalShow} onHide={() => setModalShow(false)} centered id="borrower-contact-form">47 <Modal.Header closeButton>48 <Modal.Title>Want more details about property?</Modal.Title>49 </Modal.Header>50 <Modal.Body>51 <Container className="bg-white px-0">52 <form onSubmit={takeHandle}>53 <Row>54 <Col xs={12} className="mb-3">{alert.message ? <Alert variant={alert.status}>{alert.message}</Alert> : <></>}</Col>55 <Col xs={12} sm={6} className="pr-sm-2 pl-sm-3 px-3 mb-3">56 <Form.Control57 required58 type="text"59 name="firstName"60 value={ContactInfo.firstName}61 onChange={onContactHandler}62 placeholder="First Name"63 />64 </Col>65 <Col xs={12} sm={6} className="pl-sm-2 pr-sm-3 px-3 mb-3">66 <Form.Control 67 required 68 type="text" 69 name="lastName" 70 value={ContactInfo.lastName} 71 onChange={onContactHandler} 72 placeholder="Last Name" 73 />74 </Col>75 <Col xs={12} className="px-3 mb-3">76 <Form.Control77 required78 type="email"79 name="email"80 autoComplete="email"81 value={}82 onChange={onContactHandler}83 placeholder="Email Address"84 />85 </Col>86 <Col xs={12} className="px-3 mb-3">87 <PhoneInput88 specialLabel={false}89 country="us"90 onlyCountries={['us']}91 disableDropdown92 disableCountryCode93 value={ContactInfo?.phoneNumber ? ContactInfo.phoneNumber.toString() : ''}94 placeholder={'Phone Number'}95 name="phoneNumber"96 onChange={phoneNumberHandler}97 />98 </Col>99 <Col xs={12} className="px-3 mb-3">100 <Form.Control101 required102 name="message"103 value={ContactInfo.message}104 onChange={onContactHandler}105 as="textarea"106 rows="5"107 style={{ resize: 'none' }}108 placeholder="Your Message"109 />110 </Col>111 <Col xs={12} className="px-3 mb-3">112 <Form.Check 113 type={'checkbox'}114 id={`NDA-checkbox`}115 label={`By marking this Checkbox, I agree to not to disclose any of infromation given by this agent to the others nor to the public. I agree to sign on this NDA provided by Cozmo Realty.`}116 style={{ fontSize: '0.8em', color: '#303030' }}117 onClick={e => setContactInfo({ ...ContactInfo, NDA: !ContactInfo.NDA })}118 disabled={submitProcess}119 />120 </Col>121 </Row>122 <div className="button-wrapper mt-2">123 <Button type="submit" className="primary-button mr-3" disabled={submitProcess || !ContactInfo.NDA}>124 {submitProcess && submitProcess !== 'success' ? <span className="button-inner-text"><Spinner animation="border" /></span> : submitProcess === 'success' ? <span className="button-inner-text">Message Sent!</span> : <span className="button-inner-text">Send Message</span> }125 126 </Button>127 </div>128 </form>129 </Container>130 </Modal.Body>131 </Modal>132 </Col>133 </Row>134 </Container>135 </section>136 );137};...
1// as typelib2function Deploy() {3 val = 123454 console.log(typelib.TakePointer(val))5 console.log(typelib.TakeHandle(val))6 var naming = G.rand.GetAlphaString(4)7 console.log(naming)8 DebugConsole()...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { takeHandle } = require('playwright');2const { firefox } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await firefox.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const pageHandle = await takeHandle(page);7 const childProcess = require('child_process');8 childProcess.fork('./childProcess.js', [pageHandle]);9})();10const { adoptHandle } = require('playwright');11const { firefox } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const pageHandle = process.argv[2];14 const page = await adoptHandle(pageHandle);15 console.log(await page.title());16 await page.close();17})();18#### browser.newContext([options])
Using AI Code Generation
1const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/client/helper');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');8 console.log(await takeHandle(element));9 await browser.close();10})();11const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/client/helper');12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');18 console.log(await takeHandle(element));19 await browser.close();20})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const element = await page.$('text=Get started');8 const handle = await takeHandle(element);9 console.log(handle._guid);10 await browser.close();11})();12const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const element = await page.$('text=Get started');19 const handle = await takeHandle(element);20 console.log(handle._guid);21 await browser.close();22})();23const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');24const { chromium } = require('playwright');25(async () => {26 const browser = await chromium.launch();27 const context = await browser.newContext();28 const page = await context.newPage();29 const element = await page.$('text=Get started');30 const handle = await takeHandle(element);31 console.log(handle._guid);32 await browser.close();33})();34const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');35const { chromium } = require('playwright');36(async () => {37 const browser = await chromium.launch();38 const context = await browser.newContext();39 const page = await context.newPage();40 const element = await page.$('text=Get started');41 const handle = await takeHandle(element);42 console.log(handle._guid);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');2const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');3const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/frame');4const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');5const { JSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/jsHandle');6Page.prototype.takeHandle = async function(selector) {7 const handle = await takeHandle(this, selector);8 return handle;9};10Frame.prototype.takeHandle = async function(selector) {11 const handle = await takeHandle(this, selector);12 return handle;13};14ElementHandle.prototype.takeHandle = async function(selector) {15 const handle = await takeHandle(this, selector);16 return handle;17};18JSHandle.prototype.takeHandle = async function(selector) {19 const handle = await takeHandle(this, selector);20 return handle;21};22(async () => {23 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 const page = await context.newPage();26 const searchHandle = await page.takeHandle('input[name="q"]');27 await searchHandle.type('Playwright');28 await'Enter');29 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });30 await browser.close();31})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { takeHandle } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');2const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');3const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');4const handle = await takeHandle(page.mainFrame(), (frame) => {5 return frame.evaluateHandle(() => {6 return document.querySelector('div');7 });8});9const frame = await Frame.from(handle);10const page = await Page.from(handle);11const elementHandle = await frame.evaluateHandle((handle) => handle, handle);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { takeHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const browser = await chromium.launch();3const page = await browser.newPage();4await takeHandle(page).then((handle) => {5 console.log(handle);6});7await browser.close();8const { takeElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');9const browser = await chromium.launch();10const page = await browser.newPage();11await takeElementHandle(page).then((handle) => {12 console.log(handle);13});14await browser.close();15const { takeExecutionContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');16const browser = await chromium.launch();17const page = await browser.newPage();18await takeExecutionContext(page).then((handle) => {19 console.log(handle);20});21await browser.close();22const { takeFileChooser } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');23const browser = await chromium.launch();24const page = await browser.newPage();25await takeFileChooser(page).then((handle) => {26 console.log(handle);27});28await browser.close();29const { takeFrame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');30const browser = await chromium.launch();31const page = await browser.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Page } = require('playwright');2Page.prototype.takeHandle = async function() {3 return await this._page._delegate._takeHandle();4};5const { Page } = require('playwright');6Page.prototype.releaseHandle = async function(handle) {7 return await this._page._delegate._releaseHandle(handle);8};9const { Page } = require('playwright');10Page.prototype.takeElementHandle = async function(handle) {11 return await this._page._delegate._takeElementHandle(handle);12};13const { Page } = require('playwright');14Page.prototype.releaseElementHandle = async function(handle) {15 return await this._page._delegate._releaseElementHandle(handle);16};17const { Page } = require('playwright');18Page.prototype.takeJSHandle = async function(handle) {19 return await this._page._delegate._takeJSHandle(handle);20};21const { Page } = require('playwright');22Page.prototype.releaseJSHandle = async function(handle) {23 return await this._page._delegate._releaseJSHandle(handle);24};25const { Page } = require('playwright');26Page.prototype.takeFrame = async function(handle) {27 return await this._page._delegate._takeFrame(handle);28};29const { Page } = require('playwright');30Page.prototype.releaseFrame = async function(handle) {31 return await this._page._delegate._releaseFrame(handle);32};33const { Page } = require('playwright');34Page.prototype.takeExecutionContext = async function(handle) {35 return await this._page._delegate._takeExecutionContext(handle);36};37const { Page } = require('playwright');38Page.prototype.releaseExecutionContext = async function(handle) {39 return await this._page._delegate._releaseExecutionContext(handle);40};41const { Page } = require
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