Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...521 */522 toContain: addEnzymeSupport(original.toContain, function(selector) {523 const element = this.actual;524 const isContained = element.find(selector).length > 0;525 const stringSelector = stringifySelector(selector);526 assert({527 ctx: this,528 statement: isContained,529 msg: not => `Expected element to ${not}contain "${stringSelector}"`,530 });531 }),532 /**533 * Asserts a component does not contain a selector.534 * @param {String|Function|Object} selector -535 * A selector your component should not contain.536 * @return {this} - The expectation context.537 */538 toNotContain: addEnzymeSupport(original.toNotContain, negate('toContain')),539});
1// We import this polyfill explicitly because it is used in autoprefixer2// and IE11 doesnt have a native implementation of `Math.sign`. Thanks MS.3import 'core-js/es6/math';4import hasher from 'hash-it';5import {6 OrderedMap7} from 'immutable';8import {9 dasherize,10 when,11 not,12 isFalsy,13 valueAsFunction,14 isObjectLiteral,15 isArray,16 appendAll,17 isString,18 isFunction,19 isDefined,20 isNumber,21 isSymbol,22 isUndefinedOrFalse,23 shadesLog,24 startsWithAny,25 firstItem,26 combineStrings,27 reduceRecord,28 mapMerge,29 getSubstringAfter30} from './utilities';31import {32 config33} from './utilities/config';34import {35 curry,36 compose,37 startsWith,38 anyPass,39 join,40 split,41 pipe,42 unless,43 concat,44 map,45 chain,46 flip,47 defaultTo,48 reduceWhile,49 toPairs,50 reduce,51 find,52 pick,53 keys,54 has,55 merge,56 equals,57 all,58 type,59 prop,60 trim61} from 'ramda';62import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';63import {64 styleCache,65 stylesheetRegistry66} from './registries/stylesheet';67import selectorRegistry, {68 isDescriptorSelector,69 isPropertySelector,70 removePropertySelectorPrefix,71 SPECIAL_TYPES72} from './registries/selectors';73import { COMBINATORS } from './helpers/selector-types';74const asPseudoSelector = (key) => `:${dasherize(key)}`;75const asPseudoElement = (key) => `::${dasherize(key)}`;76const isOneOf = (...availableItems) => (givenItem) => availableItems.includes(givenItem);77const toLog = (...msgs) => (first, => console.log(...msgs, [first,]) || first;78const toString = (value) => value.toString();79const mergeLeft = flip(merge);80const parserLog = shadesLog('Shades:style-parser');81const stopRightThereCriminalScum = (validTypes, givenKey) => (givenValue) => {82 parserLog.error(83 `Shades could not parse the style for ${givenKey |> parserLog.purple} because the provided value type (${givenValue |> type |>}) does not match any valid types (${validTypes |> map( |> join(', ')})`84 );85 // Disabled the type error for the moment due to console inspectors sometimes inadvertently setting this off,86 // so we're just notifying the console and then skipping rules that don't meet the type requirements87 // throw new TypeError(88 // `Shades could not parse the style for ${givenKey} because the provided value type (${givenValue |> type}) does not match any valid types (${validTypes |> join(', ')})`89 // );90}91const isSelector = startsWithAny('.', '#', '>');92const isAtRule = startsWith('@');93const isPseudoSelector = startsWith(':');94const isSelectorOrPseudo = anyPass([isSelector, isPseudoSelector]);95const isBrowserPrefixed = startsWith('-');96const isPseudoElement = isOneOf(97 'before',98 'after',99 'backdrop',100 'cue',101 'firstLetter',102 'firstLine',103 'grammarError',104 'placeholder',105 'selection',106 'spellingError'107);108// Special property selectors typically start with !!, so this removes those109// const removePropertySelectorPrefix = when(isPropertySelector).then(getSubstringAfter(2))110// Ensures content properties have double quotes around them111const wrapContentString = (key) => when(equals('content', key)).then(JSON.stringify);112const whenFunctionCallWith = (...argsToGive) => when(isFunction).then((fnItem) => fnItem(...argsToGive));113// A bit of a hack to give us our own type of "falsy" that includes114// null, undefined and false, but nothing else. Useful in the fallbackTo115// function below.116const falseToNull = (value) => {117 if (value === false) return null;118 return value;119}120const fallbackTo = (fallback) => compose(121 defaultTo(fallback),122 falseToNull123);124// Used for our meta data responder selection system in the parser,125// whereby we find the key of something only when its value is "true"126// or whatever value we are looking for.127const findKeyForValue = (needle, fallback) => (haystack) => (128 haystack |>129 toPairs |>130 find(([key, value]) => value === needle) |>131 defaultTo([fallback, true]) |>132 firstItem133);134const propExistsAndPasses = (name, predicate) => (original) => (135 (original |> has(name)) &&136 (original |> prop(name) |> predicate)137)138// Can iterate over arrays or object literals. Will call conputeFn139// on each item or key/value pair in the data until the computeFn140// returns something other than null, undefined or false (at which141// point it will return that value)142const iterateUntilResult = curry(143 (computeFn, list) => {144 const reduceWhileInvalid = (iterateFn) => reduceWhile(isUndefinedOrFalse, iterateFn, false);145 const iterateObject = reduceWhileInvalid(146 (previous, [key, value]) => computeFn(key, value)147 );148 const iterateList = reduceWhileInvalid(149 (previous, current) => computeFn(current)150 );151 if (list |> isObjectLiteral) return list |> toPairs |> iterateObject;152 return list |> iterateList;153 }154);155const createStyleProperty = curry((key, value) => {156 const ruleKey = (157 key158 |> unless(isBrowserPrefixed, dasherize)159 );160 return {161 [ruleKey]: value162 };163})164const appendWith = (lastValue) => (firstValue) => [firstValue, lastValue].join('');165const stringifySelector = when(isArray).then(join(','));166// type StyleRules = { [Selector] :: { [RuleName] :: RuleValue } }167const combinators = (parentSelector, { props, ...extraCombinators }) => (results) => {168 const mergeWithResult = (additionalRules) => results.mergeDeep(additionalRules);169 const mergeWithParentSelector = (additionalRules) => results.mergeIn([parentSelector], additionalRules);170 const addToSelector = curry((targetSelector, additionalRules) => (171 results.update(172 targetSelector |> stringifySelector,173 when(isDefined).then(mergeLeft(additionalRules)).otherwise(additionalRules)174 )175 ));176 return {177 // addRuleBlock :: StyleRules -> StyleRules178 addAtRule: curry((atRuleKey, nestedMap) => results.update(179 atRuleKey,180 (original) => {181 if (original) return original.mergeDeep(nestedMap)182 return nestedMap;183 }184 )),185 addRuleBlock: curry((targetSelector, givenRules) => givenRules |> addToSelector(targetSelector)),186 // addStyle :: RuleName -> RuleValue -> StyleRules187 addStyle: curry((key, value) => compose(188 addToSelector(parentSelector),189 createStyleProperty190 )(key, value)),191 // extendSelector :: SelectorFragment -> Selector192 extendSelector: (trailingSelector) => parentSelector |> map(appendWith(trailingSelector)),193 // pseudoElementSelector :: String -> Selector PseudoSelector194 pseudoElementSelector: (pseudoName) => parentSelector |> map(appendWith(asPseudoElement(pseudoName))),195 propExists: (targetProp) => has(removePropertySelectorPrefix(targetProp), props),196 props,197 results,198 ...extraCombinators199 }200}201const parseStyleMetaData = (ruleResponder) => {202 const styleParser = ({ parentSelector, props, initialResult = OrderedMap() }) => (rules) => {203 const parseNestedWithResult = curry(204 (givenResult, givenSelectors, givenNestedRules) => (205 styleParser({206 parentSelector: givenSelectors,207 initialResult: givenResult,208 props209 })(givenNestedRules)210 )211 );212 if (isFunction(rules)) return (213 rules |> whenFunctionCallWith(props) |> parseNestedWithResult(initialResult, parentSelector)214 );215 const asNewParser = parseNestedWithResult(OrderedMap());216 // evaluateRule :: ParsedStyles Selector -> StyleKey -> StyleValue -> ParsedStyles Selecctor217 const evaluateRule = (result) => (key, value) => {218 const getCombinatorsFor = combinators(parentSelector, {219 props,220 parentSelector,221 reevaluate: curry((key, value) => evaluateRule(result)(key, value)),222 parseNested: parseNestedWithResult(result),223 parseNestedWithResult,224 reduceNested: (handler) => reduceRecord(result)(225 (accumulated, [key, value]) => {226 const parseNestedReduced = (valueToParse) => parseNestedWithResult(accumulated, parentSelector, valueToParse);227 return handler(parseNestedReduced)(key, value) || accumulated;228 }229 ),230 asNewParser231 });232 const isSpecialSelector = isSymbol(key);233 const isFunctionRule = isFunction(value);234 const hasObjectLiteral = isObjectLiteral(value);235 const hasNestedRules = hasObjectLiteral || isFunctionRule;236 const isPropertyMatch = isPropertySelector(key) && hasNestedRules;237 const isAtRuleBlock = isAtRule(key) && hasNestedRules;238 const isCombiningSelector = isSelectorOrPseudo(key) && hasNestedRules;239 const shouldBePseudoElement = isPseudoElement(key) && hasNestedRules;240 const isPatternBlock = (241 key === '__match'242 && hasNestedRules243 );244 const isInlinePattern = (245 hasObjectLiteral246 );247 const ruleType = {248 specialSelector: isSpecialSelector,249 propertyMatch: isPropertyMatch,250 atRule: isAtRuleBlock,251 combinedSelector: isCombiningSelector,252 pseudoElement: shouldBePseudoElement,253 blockPattern: isPatternBlock,254 inlinePattern: isInlinePattern255 } |> findKeyForValue(true) |> fallbackTo('style');256 const responder = (257 getCombinatorsFor(result) |> ruleResponder[ruleType]258 );259 return responder(260 key,261 value262 ) || result;263 };264 const symbolRules = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(rules) |> map((sym) => ([265 sym,266 rules[sym]267 ]))268 return (269 rules270 |> toPairs271 |> appendAll(symbolRules)272 |> reduce(273 (result, [key, value]) => evaluateRule(result)(key, value),274 initialResult // OrderedMap from the default above275 )276 );277 }278 return styleParser;279}280const functionRulesCallWith = (argsToPass) => (parseFn) => (key, value) => {281 const actualValue = value |> whenFunctionCallWith(argsToPass);282 return parseFn(key, actualValue);283}284export const parseAllStyles = parseStyleMetaData({285 atRule: ({ parentSelector, addAtRule, asNewParser }) => (key, value) => (286 addAtRule(287 key,288 value |> asNewParser(parentSelector)289 )290 ),291 combinedSelector: ({ extendSelector, parseNested }) => (extraSelector, extraRules) => {292 const newSelectors = extendSelector(extraSelector);293 return extraRules |> parseNested(newSelectors)294 },295 pseudoElement: ({ pseudoElementSelector, parseNested }) => parserLog.deprecated('Pseudo-element key names', (296 (pseudoName, nestedRules) => {297 const newSelectors = pseudoElementSelector(pseudoName);298 return nestedRules |> parseNested(newSelectors)299 }300 )),301 blockPattern: ({ parseNestedWithResult, props, results, parentSelector }) => (unneededKey, propsToMatch) => (302 propsToMatch |> toPairs |> reduce((accumulated, [propName, rulesForProp]) => {303 if (props |> has(propName)) return (304 rulesForProp305 |> whenFunctionCallWith(props[propName])306 |> parseNestedWithResult(accumulated, parentSelector)307 );308 return accumulated;309 }, results)310 ),311 inlinePattern: ({ addStyle, props }) => parserLog.deprecated('Inline pattern matching', (key, value) => {312 const {313 default: defaultValue,314 ...matchers315 } = value;316 const pickFromMatchers = matchers |> flip(pick);317 const intersectedMatchers = props |> keys |> pickFromMatchers;318 const computedStyle = intersectedMatchers |> iterateUntilResult(319 (key, value) => value |> whenFunctionCallWith(props[key])320 ) |> fallbackTo(defaultValue);321 return computedStyle && addStyle(key, computedStyle);322 }),323 propertyMatch: ({ parseNested, parentSelector, props, propExists }) => (key, value) => {324 const propName = key |> removePropertySelectorPrefix;325 if (props |> propExistsAndPasses(propName, not(isUndefinedOrFalse))) return (326 value327 |> whenFunctionCallWith(props[propName])328 |> parseNested(parentSelector)329 )330 else`Property not found: "${propName}"`);331 },332 specialSelector: ({ extendSelector, props, parseNested, parentSelector, propExists }) => (333 (specialKey, styleBlock) => {334 const transformers = {335 [COMBINATORS.PROPERTY_OR]: (targetProps) => {336 if (targetProps |> find(propExists)) return (337 styleBlock |> parseNested(parentSelector)338 )339 },340 [COMBINATORS.PROPERTY_AND]: (targetProps) => {341 if (targetProps |> all(propExists)) return (342 styleBlock |> parseNested(parentSelector)343 )344 },345 [COMBINATORS.COMBINATOR_OR]: (targetSelectors) => (346 styleBlock |> parseNested(targetSelectors |> chain(extendSelector))347 ),348 [COMBINATORS.COMBINATOR_AND]: (targetSelectors) => (349 styleBlock |> parseNested(targetSelectors |> join('') |> extendSelector)350 ),351 [SPECIAL_TYPES.ARBITRARY_SELECTOR]: (addedSelector) => (352 styleBlock |> parseNested(353 addedSelector354 |> trim355 |> concat(' ')356 |> extendSelector357 )358 )359 }360 const { kind, value } = selectorRegistry.getDescriptor(specialKey);361 return transformers?.[kind]?.(value);362 }363 ),364 style: ({ addStyle, props, reevaluate }) => functionRulesCallWith(props)(365 (ruleName, value) => (366 value367 |> when(isUndefinedOrFalse).otherwise(368 when(isObjectLiteral).then(369 // For cases when the function returns an inline pattern370 reevaluate(ruleName)371 ).otherwise(372 when(isArray).then(join(', ')),373 when(isNumber).then(toString),374 when(isString).then(375 wrapContentString(ruleName),376 addStyle(ruleName)377 ).otherwise(378 stopRightThereCriminalScum([379 'Object',380 'Array',381 'Number',382 'String'383 ], ruleName)384 )385 )386 )387 )388 )389})390export const generateVendorPrefixes = (options = {}) => (originalCss) => (391 autoprefixer.process(392 originalCss,393 {},394 options395 ).stringify().css396)397/**398 * stringifyRules: takes an object where the key is the selector and the value399 * is the array of rules for that selector. Returns an array of CSS rule strings.400 * @param {object} rules Object of selectors and values401 * @return {array<string>} List of rules to add402 */403export const stringifyRules = (rules) => (404 rules.entries() |> reduce((result, [selectors, styleRules]) => {405 if (selectors |> isAtRule) {406 const innerRuleStrings = styleRules |> stringifyRules;407 const wrappedWithAtRules = rule => `${selectors} { ${rule} }`409 );410 return [411 ...result,412 ...wrappedWithAtRules413 ];414 }415 const createRuleString = ([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value};`;416 const joinedRules = styleRules |> toPairs |> map(createRuleString) |> join('');417 const outputCss = `${selectors} { ${joinedRules} }`;418 return [419 ...result,420 outputCss421 ];422 }, [])423);424const asClassName = unless(startsWith('.'), concat('.'));425const computeClassnameHash = ( => hasher(data);426const computeClassname = (className, => ([427 className,428 computeClassnameHash(className,]).join('-')430export const css = ({ className, props = {}, target, prefixer, showDebug }, styleRules) => {431 const computedSelectorString = computeClassname(className, styleRules, props);432 const createRules = () => (433 styleRules434 |> parseAllStyles({ parentSelector: [computedSelectorString |> asClassName], props })435 |> stringifyRules436 |> when(prefixer |> isDefined).then(437 map(generateVendorPrefixes(438 config(prefixer).orDefaults({439 browsers: 'last 4 versions',440 grid: true441 })442 ))443 )444 );445 return stylesheetRegistry({ debug: showDebug }).getSheetFor(target).insertStyles(446 styleCache.add(computedSelectorString, createRules)447 )...
...209async function getPodFromService(kubeConfig, service) {210 const coreApi = kubeConfig.makeApiClient(k8s.CoreV1Api)211 const { metadata: { name, namespace }, spec: { selector } } = service212 if (!selector) throw buildSentryIgnoredError(`Service '${name}' does not have a selector.`)213 const { body: pods } = await coreApi.listNamespacedPod(namespace, null, null, null, null, stringifySelector(selector))214 const pod = pods.items.length && pods.items[0]215 if (!pod) throw buildSentryIgnoredError(`There are no pods in '${name}' service.`)216 return pod217}218function stringifySelector(selector) {219 const strings = []220 for (const key of Object.keys(selector)) {221 strings.push(`${key}=${selector[key]}`)222 }223 return strings.join(',')224}225function mapServicePort(service, port, pod) {226 let targetPort = null227 for (const servicePort of service.spec.ports) {228 if (servicePort.port === port) {229 targetPort = servicePort.targetPort230 break231 }232 }...
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 value: true4});5exports.Selectors = void 0;6var _selectorParser = require("./common/selectorParser");7var _selectorErrors = require("./common/selectorErrors");8var _utils = require("../utils/utils");9/**10 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.11 *12 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");13 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.14 * You may obtain a copy of the License at15 *16 * *18 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software19 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,20 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.21 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and22 * limitations under the License.23 */24class Selectors {25 constructor() {26 this._builtinEngines = void 0;27 this._builtinEnginesInMainWorld = void 0;28 this._engines = void 0;29 this.guid = `selectors@${(0, _utils.createGuid)()}`;30 // Note: keep in sync with InjectedScript class.31 this._builtinEngines = new Set(['css', 'css:light', 'xpath', 'xpath:light', '_react', '_vue', 'text', 'text:light', 'id', 'id:light', 'data-testid', 'data-testid:light', 'data-test-id', 'data-test-id:light', 'data-test', 'data-test:light', 'nth', 'visible', 'control']);32 this._builtinEnginesInMainWorld = new Set(['_react', '_vue']);33 this._engines = new Map();34 }35 async register(name, source, contentScript = false) {36 if (!name.match(/^[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+$/)) throw new Error('Selector engine name may only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_] characters'); // Note: we keep 'zs' for future use.37 if (this._builtinEngines.has(name) || name === 'zs' || name === 'zs:light') throw new Error(`"${name}" is a predefined selector engine`);38 if (this._engines.has(name)) throw new Error(`"${name}" selector engine has been already registered`);39 this._engines.set(name, {40 source,41 contentScript42 });43 }44 unregisterAll() {45 this._engines.clear();46 }47 async query(frame, info, scope) {48 const context = await frame._context(;49 const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript();50 const handle = await injectedScript.evaluateHandle((injected, {51 parsed,52 scope,53 strict54 }) => {55 return injected.querySelector(parsed, scope || document, strict);56 }, {57 parsed: info.parsed,58 scope,59 strict: info.strict60 });61 const elementHandle = handle.asElement();62 if (!elementHandle) {63 handle.dispose();64 return null;65 }66 const mainContext = await frame._mainContext();67 return this._adoptIfNeeded(elementHandle, mainContext);68 }69 async _queryArrayInMainWorld(frame, info, scope) {70 const context = await frame._mainContext();71 const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript();72 const arrayHandle = await injectedScript.evaluateHandle((injected, {73 parsed,74 scope75 }) => {76 return injected.querySelectorAll(parsed, scope || document);77 }, {78 parsed: info.parsed,79 scope80 });81 return arrayHandle;82 }83 async _queryCount(frame, info, scope) {84 const context = await frame._utilityContext();85 const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript();86 return await injectedScript.evaluate((injected, {87 parsed,88 scope89 }) => {90 return injected.querySelectorAll(parsed, scope || document).length;91 }, {92 parsed: info.parsed,93 scope94 });95 }96 async _queryAll(frame, selector, scope, adoptToMain) {97 const info = typeof selector === 'string' ? frame._page.parseSelector(selector) : selector;98 const context = await frame._context(;99 const injectedScript = await context.injectedScript();100 const arrayHandle = await injectedScript.evaluateHandle((injected, {101 parsed,102 scope103 }) => {104 return injected.querySelectorAll(parsed, scope || document);105 }, {106 parsed: info.parsed,107 scope108 });109 const properties = await arrayHandle.getProperties();110 arrayHandle.dispose(); // Note: adopting elements one by one may be slow. If we encounter the issue here,111 // we might introduce 'useMainContext' option or similar to speed things up.112 const targetContext = adoptToMain ? await frame._mainContext() : context;113 const result = [];114 for (const property of properties.values()) {115 const elementHandle = property.asElement();116 if (elementHandle) result.push(this._adoptIfNeeded(elementHandle, targetContext));else property.dispose();117 }118 return Promise.all(result);119 }120 async _adoptIfNeeded(handle, context) {121 if (handle._context === context) return handle;122 const adopted = handle._page._delegate.adoptElementHandle(handle, context);123 handle.dispose();124 return adopted;125 }126 parseSelector(selector, strict) {127 const parsed = typeof selector === 'string' ? (0, _selectorParser.parseSelector)(selector) : selector;128 let needsMainWorld = false;129 for (const part of {130 const custom = this._engines.get(;131 if (!custom && !this._builtinEngines.has( throw new _selectorErrors.InvalidSelectorError(`Unknown engine "${}" while parsing selector ${(0, _selectorParser.stringifySelector)(parsed)}`);132 if (custom && !custom.contentScript) needsMainWorld = true;133 if (this._builtinEnginesInMainWorld.has( needsMainWorld = true;134 }135 return {136 parsed,137 world: needsMainWorld ? 'main' : 'utility',138 strict139 };140 }141}...
...71 result.push(chunk);72 if (typeof selector.capture === 'number' && typeof result[result.length - 1].capture !== 'number') throw new _selectorErrors.InvalidSelectorError(`Can not capture the selector before diving into the frame. Only use * after the last frame has been selected`);73 return result;74}75function stringifySelector(selector) {76 if (typeof selector === 'string') return selector;77 return, i) => {78 const prefix = === 'css' ? '' : + '=';79 return `${i === selector.capture ? '*' : ''}${prefix}${p.source}`;80 }).join(' >> ');81}82function parseSelectorString(selector) {83 let index = 0;84 let quote;85 let start = 0;86 const result = {87 parts: []88 };89 const append = () => {...
...45// selector: .slds-table > [class=*] ~ tr td.edittable a46const findSelectorChunkInDOM = ($, selector) =>47 parseSelector(selector).find(chunk =>48 chunk.some(c =>49 matchSelector($, stringifySelector(c))50 .fold(e => console.log('BOMBED OUT', selector, e),51 x => x)))52const doesMatch = (selector1, selector2) =>53 selectorToHtmls(selector1)54 .some(html =>55 findSelectorChunkInDOM(cheerio.load(html), selector2))56// String -> [Html]57const selectorToHtmls = selector =>58 parseSelector(selector).map(toHtml)59module.exports = {60 parseSelector,61 stringifySelector,62 doesMatch,63 selectorToHtmls...
...18 }19 = this.context.names[];20 }21 });22 return stringifySelector(ast);23 }24 generateName(name) {25 return (this.context.names[name] =26 "s" + Object.keys(this.context.names).length);27 }28 optimizeAstAndExports(ast, exported, classes = Object.keys(exported)) {29 ast.walkRules(rule => {30 rule.selector = this.rewriteSelector(rule.selector);31 });32 classes.forEach(originName => {33 if (exported[originName]) {34 exported[originName] = exported[originName]35 .split(" ")36 .map(renderedNamed => {...
...10 default:11 }12 return `${key} ${operator} (${values.join(',')})`13}14export function stringifySelector(opts) {15 const matchLabels = opts.matchLabels || {}16 const matchExpressions = opts.matchExpressions || []17 return Object.keys(matchLabels)18 .map((key) => `${key}=${matchLabels[key]}`)19 .concat( .join(',')...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');3const { Selector } = require('playwright/lib/server/selectors/selector.js');4const selector = parseSelector('css=div > span', 'css');5console.log(selector);6const element = new ElementHandle(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);7const selectorObj = new Selector(selector, element);8console.log(selectorObj.stringifySelector());9Selector {10 _root: ElementHandle {11 asElement: [Function (anonymous)],12 _evaluateHandle: [Function (anonymous)],13 _evaluateExpression: [Function (anonymous)],14 _evaluateExpressionHandle: [Function (anonymous)],15 _adoptIfNeeded: [Function (anonymous)],16 },17}
Using AI Code Generation
1const {stringifySelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const selector = stringifySelector({name: 'input', attributes: {type: 'text', name: 'username'}});3console.log(selector);4const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');5const selector = parseSelector('input[type="text"][name="username"]');6console.log(selector);7const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');8const selector = parseSelector('input[type="text"][name="username"]');9console.log(selector);10const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');11const selector = parseSelector('input[type="text"][name="username"]');12console.log(selector);13const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');14const selector = parseSelector('input[type="text"][name="username"]');15console.log(selector);16const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');17const selector = parseSelector('input[type="text"][name="username"]');18console.log(selector);19const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');20const selector = parseSelector('input[type="text"][name="username"]');21console.log(selector);
Using AI Code Generation
1const {stringifySelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const selector = stringifySelector({name: 'div', attributes: {id: 'myDiv'}});3console.log(selector);4const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');5const parsedSelector = parseSelector('div[id="myDiv"]');6console.log(parsedSelector);7const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');8const parsedSelector = parseSelector('div[id="myDiv"]');9console.log(parsedSelector);10const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');11const parsedSelector = parseSelector('div[id="myDiv"]');12console.log(parsedSelector);13const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');14const parsedSelector = parseSelector('div[id="myDiv"]');15console.log(parsedSelector);16const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');17const parsedSelector = parseSelector('div[id="myDiv"]');18console.log(parsedSelector);19const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');20const parsedSelector = parseSelector('div[id="myDiv"]');21console.log(parsedSelector);22const {parseSelector} = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');2const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');3const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');4const { JSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/jsHandle');5const page = new Page(null, null, null, null);6const handle = new ElementHandle(page, null, null);7const jsHandle = new JSHandle(page, null, null);8const selector = parseSelector(handle, jsHandle);9console.log(selector);10const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');11const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');12const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');13const { JSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/jsHandle');14const page = new Page(null, null, null, null);15const handle = new ElementHandle(page, null, null);16const jsHandle = new JSHandle(page, null, null);17const selector = parseSelector(handle, jsHandle);18console.log(selector);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseSelector } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/selectorParser');2const selector = parseSelector('css=div >> css=span >> text=hello');3console.log(selector.stringifySelector());4const { parseSelector } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/selectorParser');5const selector = parseSelector('css=div >> css=span >> text=hello');6console.log(selector.stringifySelector());7const { parseSelector } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/selectorParser');8const selector = parseSelector('css=div >> css=span >> text=hello');9console.log(selector.stringifySelector());10const { parseSelector } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/selectorParser');11const selector = parseSelector('css=div >> css=span >> text=hello');12console.log(selector.stringifySelector());
Using AI Code Generation
1const { stringifier } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2await page.evaluate((selector) => {3 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({4 });5}, selector);6await page.evaluate((selector) => {7 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({8 });9}, selector);10await page.evaluate((selector) => {11 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({12 });13}, selector);14await page.evaluate((selector) => {15 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({16 });17}, selector);18await page.evaluate((selector) => {19 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({20 });21}, selector);22await page.evaluate((selector) => {23 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({24 });25}, selector);26await page.evaluate((selector) => {27 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({28 });29}, selector);30await page.evaluate((selector) => {31 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({32 });33}, selector);34await page.evaluate((selector) => {35 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({36 });37}, selector);38await page.evaluate((selector) => {39 document.querySelector(selector).scrollIntoView({40 });41}, selector);42await page.evaluate((selector)
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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