Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1//DESC : ì»¬ë¼ ë°°ì´, 길ì´ì ë°ë¥¸ 공백 ê° ë§ë¤ê¸°2//param 3// colArr : íì±í´ì¼íë colArr4//return : 5// 6fcolArrMake = async function (colArr) {7 let resultColArr = []; // 8 let spaceLength = 0; // 공백 ê° íì¸9 let colflag = true; // flag ì ì¸10 let maxLength = 0; // 공백 ìµë 길ì´11 let rdoSelVal = common.getRdoValue('rdo_compireType', 'value');12 for (var col of colArr) { // 13 col.replaceAll(" ", ""); // 공백 ì ê±°14 if (col == "") {15 continue; // 공백ì´ë¼ë©´ í¬í¨ X16 }17 let fromCompireType = common.getSbxValue('sbx_fromCompireType', 'value');18 let toCompireType = common.getSbxValue('sbx_toCompireType', 'value');19 let fromCompireTypeObj = {};20 fromCompireTypeObj = await fFromCompireType(col, fromCompireType); // ì»´íì¼ íì
ì ì문ì íì± return , Caseindexëí 리í´21 col = await fToCompireType(fromCompireTypeObj, toCompireType); // ì»´íì¼ ííì ë§ì¶° 문ìì´ return;22 resultColArr.push(col); // ì»´íì¼ ë°ì´í° ë°°ì´ push23 ///////////////////// ê¸ì 길ì´ë¡ ìµë ê³µë°±ê° êµ¬í기///////////////////// 24 if (col.length > maxLength) {25 maxLength = col.length;26 spaceLength = (parseInt(maxLength / 4) + 1);27 }28 }29 return { resultColArr: resultColArr, spaceLength: spaceLength }; // íì±ë ë°ì´í°, 공백 길ì´30};31//DESC : ë
¸ì¶ ë°ì´í° ìì± íì
32 //param 33 // 34 //return :35 fMakeParsingData = async function(colArr, colCmArr, resultColArr, resultColCmArr,spaceLength, tableName){ 36 let resultText = ''; // ë¦¬í´ ê° 37 let spaceString = '';38 let parsingType = common.getRdoValue('rdo_parsingType','value'); //íì± ì¢
ë¥39 40 41 42 43 if(parsingType == 'basic'){//Basic44 /////////////// col + space + colCmt + \n; ìì
ìì45 for(var i = 0; i < resultColArr.length; i++ ){ // col, colcoment 리í´ê° ìì±46 spaceString = ''; // 공백 ì´ê¸°í47 let resultObj = await fGetSpaceLengthAndCmNullCheck(resultColArr[i], resultColCmArr[i], spaceLength);48 spaceString = resultObj.spaceString;49 resultColCmArr[i] = resultObj.resultColCmArrValue;50 ///////////////////// SettingEnd ParsingStart51 52 resultText += (resultColArr[i] + spaceString + resultColCmArr[i] + '\n'); // col + space + colCmt + \n;53 }54 /////////////////col + space + colCmt + \n; ìì
ë 55 }else if(parsingType == 'select'){ // select56 let selectParsingText = '';57 let fromParsingText = 'FROM\n\t\t' + 'TABLE_NAME';58 let sSelect1 = 'SELECT\n';59 let sSelect2 = '';60 let sFrom = 'FROM\t';61 let sWhere1 = 'WHERE\t1 = 1\n';62 let sWhere2 = '';63 64 for(var i = 0; i < resultColArr.length; i++ ){ // col, colcoment 리í´ê° ìì±65 spaceString = ''; // 공백 ì´ê¸°í66 let resultObj = await fGetSpaceLengthAndCmNullCheck(resultColArr[i], resultColCmArr[i], spaceLength);67 spaceString = resultObj.spaceString;68 resultColCmArr[i] = resultObj.resultColCmArrValue;69 ///////////////////// SettingEnd ParsingStart70 71 sSelect2 += ( (i == 0 ? '\t\t ' : '\t\t,')72 + colArr[i] 73 + spaceString 74 + 'AS ' 75 + resultColArr[i] 76 + spaceString 77 + '/*' + resultColCmArr[i] + '*/' 78 + '\n'79 ); // col + space + colCmt + \n;80 sWhere2 += ( 'AND'81 + '\t\t'82 + colArr[i]83 + spaceString84 + '= '85 + '#{'86 + resultColArr[i]87 + '}'88 + spaceString89 + '/*' + resultColCmArr[i] + '*/' 90 + '\n'91 );92 93 }94 95 resultText = sSelect1 96 + sSelect2 97 + sFrom 98 + tableName + '\n' 99 + sWhere1100 + sWhere2;101 }else if(parsingType == 'insert'){ // insert102 let sInsertInto = 'INSERT INTO ' + tableName + '\n(\n'103 let sInto = '';104 let sValue = '';105 106 for(var i = 0; i < resultColArr.length; i++ ){ // col, colcoment 리í´ê° ìì±107 spaceString = ''; // 공백 ì´ê¸°í108 let resultObj = await fGetSpaceLengthAndCmNullCheck(resultColArr[i], resultColCmArr[i], spaceLength); // 공백, ëì²´í¬109 spaceString = resultObj.spaceString;110 resultColCmArr[i] = resultObj.resultColCmArrValue;111 ///////////////////// SettingEnd ParsingStart112 sInto += (i == 0 ? ' ' : ' ,')113 + colArr[i] 114 + spaceString 115 + '/*' 116 + resultColCmArr[i] 117 + '*/\n';118 119 sValue += (i == 0 ? ' ' : ' ,')120 + '#{' + resultColArr[i] + '}'121 + spaceString122 + '/*' 123 + resultColCmArr[i] 124 + '*/\n';125 }126 resultText = sInsertInto + sInto + ')\nVALUES\n(\n' + sValue + ')';127 }else if(parsingType == 'update'){ 128 let sUpdate = 'UPDATE ' + tableName + '\n' + 'SET\n'; 129 let sSet = '';130 let sWhere = 'WHERE 1 = 1\n';131 132 for(var i = 0; i < resultColArr.length; i++ ){ // col, colcoment 리í´ê° ìì±133 spaceString = ''; // 공백 ì´ê¸°í134 let resultObj = await fGetSpaceLengthAndCmNullCheck(resultColArr[i], resultColCmArr[i], spaceLength); // 공백, ëì²´í¬135 spaceString = resultObj.spaceString;136 resultColCmArr[i] = resultObj.resultColCmArrValue;137 ///////////////////// SettingEnd ParsingStart138 139 sSet += (i == 0 ? ' ' : ' ,')140 + colArr[i] 141 + spaceString142 + '= #{' + resultColArr[i] + '}'143 + spaceString 144 + '/*' + resultColCmArr[i] + '*/\n';145 146 sWhere += (i == 0 ? ' ' : ' ,')147 + resultColArr[i]148 + spaceString149 + '= #{' + resultColArr[i] + '}'150 + spaceString 151 + '/*' + resultColCmArr[i] + '*/\n';152 153 }154 resultText = sUpdate + sSet + sWhere;155 }else if(parsingType = 'delete'){ 156 let sdelete = 'DELETE FROM ' + tableName + '\n';157 let swhere = 'WHERE 1 = 1\n'158 for(var i = 0; i < resultColArr.length; i++ ){ // col, colcoment 리í´ê° ìì±159 spaceString = ''; // 공백 ì´ê¸°í160 let resultObj = await fGetSpaceLengthAndCmNullCheck(resultColArr[i], resultColCmArr[i], spaceLength); // 공백, ëì²´í¬161 spaceString = resultObj.spaceString;162 resultColCmArr[i] = resultObj.resultColCmArrValue;163 ///////////////////// SettingEnd ParsingStart164 165 swhere += colArr[i]166 + spaceString167 + '= #{' + resultColArr[i] + '}'168 + spaceString169 + '/*' + resultColCmArr[i] + '*/\n';170 171 172 }173 resultText = sdelete + swhere;174 }175 176 177 178 179 return resultText;180 } 181 182////////////////////////////// 컬ë¼ì ìµë 길ì´ë¥¼ íµí 공백 구í기 ë° ì½ë©í¸ 공백ì¼ë¡ ë§ë¤ê¸°183fGetSpaceLengthAndCmNullCheck = async function(resultColArrValue, resultColCmArrValue, spaceLength){184 let spaceString = '';185 186 for(var j = 0; j <= spaceLength - parseInt(resultColArrValue.length / 4); j++){ // ìµë 공백 길ì´ìì colì 길ì´ë§í¼ 빼주기187 spaceString += '\t';188 }189 if(resultColCmArrValue == null || resultColCmArrValue == 'undefined'){ // ê°ì´ ìë¤ë©´ 공백ì¼ë¡190 resultColCmArrValue = '';191 }192 return {spaceString : spaceString, resultColCmArrValue, resultColCmArrValue};193};194fFromCompireType = async function(col, fromCompireType){195 let charArr = [];196 let gubunCaseNum = []197 let j = 0;198 199 200 for(let i = 0 ; i < col.length ; i++){201 if(fromCompireType == 'snakeCase'){ //snakeCase SNAKE_CASE_TEST -> snakecase,[5,9];202 if(col[i] == "_"){203 j++204 gubunCaseNum.push(i-j+1);205 continue;206 }207 charArr[i-j] = col[i].toLowerCase();208 }else if(fromCompireType == 'camelCase' || fromCompireType == 'pascalCase'){ //camelCase camelCaseTest -> camelcasetest,[5,9];209 if(col[i].charCodeAt() > 64 && col[i].charCodeAt() < 91){210 if(!(fromCompireType == 'pascalCase' && i == 0)){211 gubunCaseNum.push(i);212 }213 }214 charArr[i] = col[i].toLowerCase();215 }else if(fromCompireType == 'kebabCase'){216 if(col[i] == "-"){217 j++218 gubunCaseNum.push(i-j+1);219 continue;220 }221 charArr[i-j] = col[i].toLowerCase();222 }223 }224 return {gubunCaseNum : gubunCaseNum, charArr : charArr};225}226////////////////////////////////////////227fToCompireType = async function(fromCompireTypeObj, toCompireType){228 let charArr = fromCompireTypeObj.charArr;229 let colGubunIndex = fromCompireTypeObj.gubunCaseNum;230 let colText = '';231 let j = 0;232 233 234 for(let i = 0 ; i < charArr.length; i++){235 236 if(toCompireType == 'snakeCase' || toCompireType == 'kebabCase' ){237 charArr[i] = charArr[i].toUpperCase();238 }else if(toCompireType == 'pascalCase' && i == 0){239 charArr[i] = charArr[i].toUpperCase();240 }241 242 if(i == colGubunIndex[j]){243 j++;244 if(toCompireType == 'camelCase' || toCompireType == 'pascalCase'){ //camelCase : camelcasetest,[5,9] -> camelCaseTest245 charArr[i] = charArr[i].toUpperCase();246 }else if(toCompireType == 'snakeCase'){ //snakeCase : snakecasetest,[5,9] -> SNAKE_CASE_TEST247 charArr[i] = '_' + charArr[i];248 }else if(toCompireType == 'kebabCase'){ //snakeCase : snakecasetest,[5,9] -> SNAKE_CASE_TEST249 charArr[i] = '-' + charArr[i];250 }251 }252 253 254 255 colText += charArr[i];256 }257 if(j != colGubunIndex.length){258 console.error('íì±ìì
ì´ ì ììë íì§ ìììµëë¤.' + 'ERR.001');259 }else{260 console.log('íì±ìì
ì´ ì ì ìë íììµëë¤. => ' + colText);261 }262 return colText;263 264 265 ...
1#!/usr/bin/env node2//actual methods3'use strict';4//set month strings object equal to empty object5const monthStrings = {};6let space = " ";7//Returns a string with spaces, the year, and the month, with january = 1, and then returns a new line with the days of the week8monthStrings.calHeaderOutput = (month, year) => {9 const monthArray = [ , 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];10 const fullTopString = `${monthArray[month]} ${year}`;11 const initalSpaces = ((20 - (monthArray[month].length + 5))/2)-1;12 const spaceString = " ";13 return `${spaceString.repeat(initalSpaces+1)}${fullTopString}\nSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa`;14};15//Returns a string with spaces, the year, and the month, with january = 1, and then returns a new line with the days of the week16monthStrings.calHeaderOutputLinux = (month, year) => {17 const monthArray = [ , 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];18 const fullTopString = `${monthArray[month]} ${year}`;19 const initalSpaces = ((20 - (monthArray[month].length + 5))/2)-1;20 const spaceString = " ";21 return `${spaceString.repeat(initalSpaces+1)}${fullTopString}${spaceString.repeat(initalSpaces+4)}\nSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa `;22};23//Returns a string with spaces, the year, and the month, with january = 1, and then returns a new line with the days of the week24monthStrings.monthNameOnly = (month) => {25 const monthArray = [ , 'January ', 'February', 'March', 'April ', ' May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October ', 'November', 'December'];26 const fullTopString = `${monthArray[month]}`;27 const initalSpaces = ((20 - (monthArray[month].length))/2);28 const spaceString = " ";29 if(monthArray[month] === 'March' || monthArray[month] === 'June' || monthArray[month] === 'September' || monthArray[month] === 'December'){30 return `${spaceString.repeat(initalSpaces)}${fullTopString}`;31 }else{32 return `${spaceString.repeat(initalSpaces)}${fullTopString}${spaceString.repeat(initalSpaces)}`;33 }34};35//returns the days of the month from 1 - 31 with spaces for formatting36monthStrings.calBodyOutput = (month, year) => {37 const zellars = require("./zellars.js");38 const totalDays = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();39 let daysNums = [];40 for(let i = 1; i <= totalDays; i++){41 if(i <= 9 ){42 let spacedI = " "+i;43 daysNums.push(spacedI);44 } else {45 daysNums.push(i);46 }47 }48 const getDay = zellars.getDay;49 const prependedSpaces = getDay(year, month, 1) * 3;50 const initialSpace = " ";51 const finalString = `${initialSpace.repeat(prependedSpaces)}${daysNums.join(" ")}`;52 const spacedFinal = finalString.match(new RegExp('.{1,'+21+'}', 'g'));53 let fixedArray = [];54 for(let i = 0; i < spacedFinal.length; i++){55 if(i === spacedFinal.length-1){56 let newLine = spacedFinal[i];57 fixedArray.push(newLine);58 }else {59 let newLine = spacedFinal[i].split("").splice(0,spacedFinal[i].split("").length-1).join("");60 fixedArray.push(newLine);61 }62 }63 return fixedArray.join("\n");64};65//returns the days of the month from 1 - 31 with spaces for formatting66monthStrings.calBodyOutputLinux = (month, year) => {67 const zellars = require("./zellars.js");68 const totalDays = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();69 let daysNums = [];70 for(let i = 1; i <= totalDays; i++){71 if(i <= 9 ){72 let spacedI = " "+i;73 daysNums.push(spacedI);74 } else {75 daysNums.push(i);76 }77 }78 const getDay = zellars.getDay;79 const prependedSpaces = getDay(year, month, 1) * 3;80 const initialSpace = " ";81 const finalString = `${initialSpace.repeat(prependedSpaces)}${daysNums.join(" ")}`;82 const spacedFinal = finalString.match(new RegExp('.{1,'+21+'}', 'g'));83 let fixedArray = [];84 for(let i = 0; i < spacedFinal.length; i++){85 if(i === spacedFinal.length-1){86 let newLine = `${spacedFinal[i]}`;87 fixedArray.push(newLine);88 }else {89 let newLine = spacedFinal[i].split("").splice(0,spacedFinal[i].split("").length-1).join("");90 fixedArray.push(newLine);91 }92 }93 return fixedArray.join(" \n");94};95//output day lines96monthStrings.dayLinesOutput = (month, year) => {97 return monthStrings.calBodyOutput(month,year).split("\n");98};99//outputs full calendar100monthStrings.outputCal = (month, year) => {101 if(monthStrings.getWeeks(month,year) === 4 || monthStrings.getWeeks(month,year) === 5){102 return `${monthStrings.calHeaderOutput(month,year)}\n${monthStrings.calBodyOutput(month, year)}\n`103 } else {104 return `${monthStrings.calHeaderOutput(month,year)}\n${monthStrings.calBodyOutput(month, year)}`105 }106};107monthStrings.outputCalLinux = (month, year) => {108 if(monthStrings.getWeeks(month,year) === 4 || monthStrings.getWeeks(month,year) === 5){109 return `${monthStrings.calHeaderOutputLinux(month,year)}\n${monthStrings.calBodyOutputLinux(month, year)}\n${space.repeat(22)}`110 } else {111 return `${monthStrings.calHeaderOutputLinux(month,year)}\n${monthStrings.calBodyOutputLinux(month, year)}`112 }113};114//get weeks of a certain month of a year115monthStrings.getWeeks = (month, year) => {116 if(monthStrings.calBodyOutput(month, year).lastIndexOf("\n") === 62){117 return 4;118 } else if (monthStrings.calBodyOutput(month, year).lastIndexOf("\n") === 83){119 return 5120 } else if (monthStrings.calBodyOutput(month, year).lastIndexOf("\n") === 104){121 return 6122 }123};124//get total number of days125monthStrings.getTotalDays = (month, year) => {126 const totalDays = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();127 return totalDays;128}...
1function onlyNumberKey(evt) {2 var ASCIICode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode3 if (ASCIICode > 31 && (ASCIICode < 48 || ASCIICode > 57))4 return false;5 return true;6}7function validateInputNumber(value) {8 if (value >= 10 && value <= 40) {9 return true;10 }11 alert('Insira um valor entre 10 e 40')12 return false;13}14function renderLine(n) {15 var array = new Array(n).fill('#')16 var string = ''17 => string = string + e)18 console.log(string)19}20function renderString(n, caracter) {21 var string = ''22 if (n < 0) {23 n = 024 }25 var array = new Array(n).fill(caracter)26 => string = string + e)27 return string28}29//HELPERS30function renderTimeLine(n, column, seg) {31 if (column >= (n / 2)) {32 return33 }34 var string = ''35 var hashString = renderString((n - (column * 2) - 4), '#')36 var spaceString = renderString(column, ' ')37 var spaceCenterString = renderString((n - (column * 2) - 4), ' ')38 if (column >= ((n - 1) / 2) - 1) {39 console.log("#" + spaceString + '#' + spaceString + '#')40 return41 }42 if (column < seg) {43 console.log("#" + spaceString + '#' + spaceCenterString + '#' + spaceString + '#')44 return45 }46 string = "#" + spaceString + '#' + hashString + '#' + spaceString + '#'47 console.log(string)48}49function renderDecTimeLine(n, column, seg) {50 if (column >= (n / 2)) {51 return52 }53 var spaceCenterString = renderString((n - (column * 2) - 2), ' ')54 var spaceString = renderString(column - 1, ' ')55 var hashString = renderString(((n - (column * 2) - 2)), '#')56 if ((n / 2) - 2 == column) {57 if (n % 2 == 0) {58 console.log("#" + spaceString + ' ## ' + spaceString + '#\n')59 }60 else {61 }62 }63 if (column < seg) {64 console.log("#" + spaceString + '#' + hashString + '#' + spaceString + '#')65 return66 }67 console.log("#" + spaceString + '#' + spaceCenterString + '#' + spaceString + '#')68}69function showHourglass(n, seg) {70 let column = 0;71 renderLine(n)72 while (column <= (n / 2) - 1) {73 if (column != (n / 2) - 1) {74 renderTimeLine(n, column, seg)75 }76 column = column + 177 }78 column = 0;79 while (column < (n / 2) - 1) {80 if (((n / 2) - 1) - column != (n / 2) - 1) {81 var valueColumn = 0;82 if (n % 2 != 0) {83 valueColumn = (((n / 2) - 1) - column) + 0.5;84 }85 else {86 valueColumn = (((n / 2) - 1) - column);87 }88 renderDecTimeLine(n, valueColumn, seg)89 }90 column = column + 1;91 }92 renderLine(n)93}94function setTime(n) {95 var count = 0;96 var interval = setInterval(() => {97 if (count < n / 2) {98 console.clear();99 showHourglass(n, count);100 count = count + 1;101 }102 else {103 clearInterval(interval);104 }105 }, 1000)106}107function onClickButton() {108 var inputValue = document.querySelector("#input").value;109 if (validateInputNumber(inputValue)) {110 setTime(parseInt(inputValue))111 }112}113// ####################114// ####################115// # ################ #116// # ############## #117// # ############ #118// # ########## #119// # ######## #120// # ###### #121// # #### #122// # ## #123// # ## #124// # # # #125// # # # #126// # # # #127// # # # #128// # # # #129// # # # #130// # # # #131// ## ##...
1/*2PROBLEM - 13Create a function that takes height as a param and prints tree like shape with given height as illustrated below4 EXAMPLES ::5 6 height = 67 A8 ABC9 ABCDE10 ABCDEFG11 ABCDEFGHI12 ABCDEFGHIJK13 14 height = 315 A16 ABC17 ABCDE18 height = 419 A20 ABC21 ABCDE22 ABCDEFG23 24*/25function drawTree(height) {26 let spaceString = ''27 let alpha = [28 'A',29 'B',30 'C',31 'D',32 'E',33 'F',34 'G',35 'H',36 'I',37 'J',38 'K',39 'L',40 'M',41 'N',42 'O',43 'P',44 'Q',45 'R',46 'S',47 'T',48 'U',49 'V',50 'W',51 'X',52 'Y',53 'Z',54 ]55 for (let i = 1; i <= height; i++) {56 // console.log(i)57 for (let j = height - i; j > 0; j--) {58 spaceString += ' '59 }60 let charString = ''61 for (let k = 0; k < i * 2 - 1; k++) {62 charString += alpha[k]63 }64 spaceString += charString65 spaceString += '\n'66 }67 console.log(spaceString)68}69drawTree(4)70/*71PROBLEM - 272Create a function that returns an array that expands by 1 from 1 to the value of the input, and then reduces back to 1. Items in the arrays will be the same as the length of the arrays.73EXAMPLES ::74diamondArrays(1) â [[1]]75diamondArrays(2) â [[1], [2, 2], [1]]76diamondArrays(5) â [[1], [2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4, 4], [5, 5, 5, 5, 5], [4, 4, 4, 4], [3, 3, 3], [2, 2], [1]]77*/78function diamondArrays(num) {79 // ... your code here80 let arr = []81 for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {82 let firstArr = []83 for (let j = 0; j <= i; j++) {84 firstArr.push(i + 1)85 }86 arr.push(firstArr)87 }88 for (let i = num - 1; i > 0; i--) {89 let secArr = []90 for (let j = i; j > 0; j--) {91 secArr.push(i)92 }93 arr.push(secArr)94 }95 console.log(arr)96}97diamondArrays(4)98/*99PROBLEM - 3100find positive Cumulative Sum of Array.101The cumulative sum of an array at index i is defined as the sum of all elements of the array from index 0 to index i.102NOTE: if possible try to use map and reduce103EXAMPLES ::104Initial Array: [1, 3, 5, 7] => Cumulative Sum: [1, 4, 9, 16] => Positive Cumulative Sum: [1, 4, 9, 16]105Initial Array: [1, -2, 3, 4, -6] => Cumulative Sum: [1, -1, 2, 6, 0] => Positive Cumulative Sum: [1, 2, 6]106Initial Array: [1, -1, -1, -1, 1] => Cumulative Sum: [1, 0, -1, -2, -1] => Positive Cumulative Sum: [1]107*/108function getPositiveCumulativeSum(arr) {109 const newArr =, index, array) => {110 array[index + 1] = item + array[index + 1]111 return item112 })113 const finalArr = newArr.filter((item) => {114 return item > 0115 })116 return { CumulativeSum: newArr, PositiveCumulativeSum: finalArr }117}...
1import React from 'react';2import {3 Avatar,4 List,5 ListItemMeeting,6} from '@momentum-ui/react';7export default class ListItemDefault extends React.PureComponent {8 render() {9 return (10 <List>11 <ListItemMeeting12 isAllDay13 header="ListItemMeeting (isAllDay)"14 anchorLabel="SpaceString"15 anchorOnClick={() => alert('anchor clicked')}16 childrenRight={<Avatar title="NA" />}17 popoverContent={'test'}18 />19 <ListItemMeeting20 time={{ start: '5:00PM', end: '10:00PM' }}21 header="ListItemMeeting (time object)"22 isRecurring23 anchorLabel="SpaceString"24 anchorOnClick={() => alert('anchor clicked')}25 childrenRight={<Avatar title="NA" />}26 popoverContent={'test'}27 />28 <ListItemMeeting29 time={{ start: '5:00PM', end: '10:00PM' }}30 inProgress31 header="ListItemMeeting (inProgress)"32 anchorLabel="SpaceString"33 anchorOnClick={() => alert('anchor clicked')}34 childrenRight={<Avatar title="NA" />}35 popoverContent={'test'}36 />37 <ListItemMeeting38 includeDate={true}39 date="January 24, 2018"40 time={{ start: '10:00 AM', end: '11:00 AM' }}41 header="Finish presentation on focus areas"42 />43 <ListItemMeeting44 inProgress45 type="chip"46 includeDate={true}47 date="January 25, 2018"48 time={{ start: '3:00PM', end: '4:00PM' }}49 header="I'm a flagged meeting"50 />51 <ListItemMeeting52 includeDate={true}53 date="March 2, 2019"54 isRecurring55 isCompleted56 header="ListItemMeeting (isCompleted)"57 anchorLabel="SpaceString"58 anchorOnClick={() => alert('anchor clicked')}59 childrenRight={<Avatar title="NA" />}60 popoverContent={'test'}61 />62 </List>63 );64 }...
1const defaultIndentation = 2;2const addSpace = (spaceCount) => {3 let spaceString = '';4 for (let i = spaceCount; i; i -= 1) {5 spaceString = `${spaceString} `;6 }7 return spaceString;8};9const applyEslintRules = (jsonSelected, indentationCount = defaultIndentation) => {10 let formatedResult = '';11 for (let key in jsonSelected) {12 let newKey = key;13 let newValue = jsonSelected[key];14 if (key.includes('-')) {15 newKey = `'${key}'`;16 }17 if (typeof jsonSelected[key] !== 'number'18 && typeof jsonSelected[key] !== 'object'19 ) {20 newValue = `'${jsonSelected[key]}'`;21 } else if (typeof jsonSelected[key] === 'object') {22 const spaceCount = indentationCount + defaultIndentation;23 let newObjectHowString = '{';24 newObjectHowString = `${newObjectHowString}${applyEslintRules(jsonSelected[key], spaceCount)}`;25 newValue = `${newObjectHowString} \n${addSpace(indentationCount)}}`;26 }27 formatedResult = `${formatedResult}\n${addSpace(indentationCount)}${newKey}: ${newValue},`;28 }29 return formatedResult;30};31const jsonTransform = (textSelected) => {32 const jsonSelected = JSON.parse(textSelected);33 let newObjectHowString = `{${applyEslintRules(jsonSelected)}`;34 return `${newObjectHowString}\n}`;35};...
1/**2 * Reference : */4function staircase(n) {5 // Space Character6 const space = " ";7 // initial pattern string8 let hash = "#";9 // Initialize the space10 let spaceString = space.repeat(n-1);11 12 13 while(n--){14 // print space and character15 console.log(`${spaceString}${hash}`);16 // increase the pattern size17 hash+="#";18 // decrease the space string by 119 spaceString = spaceString.substr(0,spaceString.length - 1);20 }...
1// This file contains helper methods and enumerations2// to be used by the application.3export const WeatherEnum = Object.freeze({4 thunderstorm: "Thunderstorm",5 clear: "Clear",6 snow: "Snow",7 rain: "Rain",8 drizzle: "Drizzle",9 clouds: "Clouds"10});11/**12 * Removes any dashes in strings, replaces them with13 * spaces and caplitalizes the first character.14 */15String.prototype.prep = function() {16 let spaceString = this.replace("-", " ");17 return spaceString.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + spaceString.slice(1);...
Using AI Code Generation
1const {spaceString} = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(spaceString(5));3const {spaceString} = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4console.log(spaceString(5));5const {spaceString} = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6console.log(spaceString(5));7const {spaceString} = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8console.log(spaceString(5));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { spaceString } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const result = spaceString('hello world');5 console.log(result);6});7### `test.fix([name], fn)`8This method is identical to [test](#testname-fn) but the test is marked as9test.fix('test', async ({ page }) => {10});11### `test.describe([name], fn)`12This method is identical to [test](#testname-fn) but the test is marked as13test.describe('test suite', () => {14 test('test', async ({ page }) => {15 });16 test.describe('test suite', () => {17 test('test', async ({ page }) => {18 });19 });20});21### `test.beforeAll(fn)`22This method is identical to [test.beforeEach](#testbeforeeachfn) but the23test.describe('test suite', () => {24 test.beforeAll(async ({ page }) => {25 });26 test('test', async ({ page }) => {27 });28 test('test', async ({ page }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { spaceString } = require('playwright-internal');2const str = spaceString('HelloWorld');3console.log(str);4const { spaceString } = require('playwright');5const str = spaceString('HelloWorld');6console.log(str);7import { spaceString } from 'playwright';8const str = spaceString('HelloWorld');9console.log(str);10Please read our [Contributing Guide](
Using AI Code Generation
1const { spaceString } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');2console.log(spaceString('hello', 10));3const { spaceString } = require('playwright-utils');4console.log(spaceString('hello', 10));5 * @param {string} str6 * @param {number} length7 * @param {string} [char=' ']8 * @returns {string}9function spaceString(str, length, char = ' ') {10 if (str.length >= length) return str;11 return str + char.repeat(length - str.length);12}13 * @param {EventEmitter} emitter14 * @param {string} eventName15 * @param {number} timeout16 * @returns {Promise<any>}17function waitForEventWithTimeout(emitter, eventName, timeout) {18 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {19 const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {20 emitter.removeListener(eventName, listener);21 reject(new Error(`Timeout of ${timeout}ms exceeded.`));22 }, timeout);23 const listener = (...args) => {24 clearTimeout(timeoutId);25 emitter.removeListener(eventName, listener);26 resolve(...args);27 };28 emitter.addListener(eventName, listener);29 });30}31 * @param {EventEmitter} emitter32 * @param {string[]} eventNames33 * @param {number} timeout34 * @returns {Promise<any>}35function waitForEventsWithTimeout(emitter, eventNames, timeout) {36 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {37 const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {38 for (const eventName of eventNames)39 emitter.removeListener(eventName, listener);40 reject(new Error(`Timeout of ${timeout}ms exceeded.`));41 }, timeout);42 const listener = (...args) => {43 clearTimeout(timeoutId);44 for (const eventName of eventNames)45 emitter.removeListener(eventName, listener);46 resolve(...args);47 };48 for (const eventName of eventNames) emitter.addListener(eventName, listener);49 });50}51 * @param {EventEmitter} emitter52 * @param {string}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { spaceString } = require('@playwright/test').internal;2test('test', async ({ page }) => {3 const selector = spaceString('css=div', 'text=Hello World');4 await;5});6### `spaceString( string[])`
Using AI Code Generation
1const { spaceString } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(spaceString(2) + 'Hello World');3### `isDebugMode()`4const { isDebugMode } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');5console.log(isDebugMode());6### `isUnderTest()`7const { isUnderTest } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8console.log(isUnderTest());9### `isDebugMode()`10const { isDebugMode } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');11console.log(isDebugMode());12### `isDebugMode()`13const { isDebugMode } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14console.log(isDebugMode());15### `isDebugMode()`16const { isDebugMode } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');17console.log(isDebugMode());18### `isDebugMode()`19const { isDebugMode } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');20console.log(isDebugMode());21### `isDebugMode()`
Using AI Code Generation
1const {spaceString} = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(spaceString(10));3const playwright = require('playwright');4const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });5To isolate test cases from each other, you can create a new browser context with `browser.newContext()` method. A context can have its own cookies, permissions, and browser cache:6const context = await browser.newContext();7To create a page in a browser context, use `context.newPage()` method. A page is where all actions take place:8const page = await context.newPage();9To navigate to a URL, use the `page.goto()` method:10Playwright can fill out forms for you. To fill out a form, use the `page.fill()` method:11await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Hello World!');12await'input[name="q"]', 'Enter');13To click a button, use the `` method:14await'input[value="I\'m Feeling Lucky"]');15To take a screenshot, use the `page.screenshot()` method:16await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });17To close the browser, use the `browser.close()` method:18await browser.close();19Playwright comes with a set of examples that demonstrate its API. You can find them in the [examples](
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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