Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1describe('taSanitize', function(){2 'use strict';3 beforeEach(module('textAngular'));4 beforeEach(module('ngSanitize'));5 describe('should change all align attributes to text-align styles for HTML5 compatability', function(){6 it('should correct left align', inject(function(taSanitize){7 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align="left"></div>'));8 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();9 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('left');10 }));11 it('should correct right align', inject(function(taSanitize){12 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align="right"></div>'));13 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();14 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('right');15 }));16 it('should correct center align', inject(function(taSanitize){17 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align=\'center\'></div>'));18 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();19 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('center');20 }));21 it('should correct justify align', inject(function(taSanitize){22 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align=\'justify\'></div>'));23 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();24 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('justify');25 }));26 it('should not affect existing styles', inject(function(taSanitize){27 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: red;" align="left"></div>'));28 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();29 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('left');30 expect(safe.css('color')).toBe('red');31 }));32 });33 describe('if invalid HTML', function(){34 it('should return the oldsafe passed in', inject(function(taSanitize){35 var result = taSanitize('<broken><test', 'safe');36 expect(result).toBe('safe');37 }));38 it('should return an empty string if no oldsafe', inject(function(taSanitize){39 var result = taSanitize('<broken><test');40 expect(result).toBe('');41 }));42 });43 describe('clears out unnecessary 	', function(){44 it('at start both', inject(function(taSanitize){45 var result = taSanitize('<p> 	Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');46 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');47 }));48 49 it('at start ', inject(function(taSanitize){50 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');51 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');52 }));53 54 it('at start 	', inject(function(taSanitize){55 var result = taSanitize('<p>	Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');56 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');57 }));58 59 it('at middle both', inject(function(taSanitize){60 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test 	Test 2</p>', 'safe');61 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');62 }));63 64 it('at middle ', inject(function(taSanitize){65 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');66 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');67 }));68 69 it('at middle 	', inject(function(taSanitize){70 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test 	Test 2</p>', 'safe');71 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');72 }));73 74 it('at end both', inject(function(taSanitize){75 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2 	</p>', 'safe');76 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');77 }));78 79 it('at end ', inject(function(taSanitize){80 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2 </p>', 'safe');81 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');82 }));83 84 it('at end 	', inject(function(taSanitize){85 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2	</p>', 'safe');86 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');87 }));88 89 it('combination', inject(function(taSanitize){90 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test 	Test 2 	</p>', 'safe');91 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');92 }));93 94 it('leaves them inbetween <pre> tags', inject(function(taSanitize){95 var result = taSanitize('<pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>', 'safe');96 expect(result).toBe('<pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>');97 }));98 99 it('correctly handles a mixture', inject(function(taSanitize){100 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test 	Test 2 	</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>', 'safe');101 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>');102 }));103 104 it('correctly handles more than one pre-tag', inject(function(taSanitize){105 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test 	Test 2 	</p><pre>	Test 	Test 1 	</pre><p> Test 	Test 2 	</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>', 'safe');106 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p><pre>	Test 	Test 1 	</pre><p>Test Test 2</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>');107 }));108 });109 describe('only certain style attributes are allowed', function(){110 describe('validated color attribute', function(){111 it('name', inject(function(taSanitize){112 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: blue;"></div>'));113 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: blue;');114 }));115 it('hex value', inject(function(taSanitize){116 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: #000000;"></div>'));117 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: #000000;');118 }));119 it('rgba', inject(function(taSanitize){120 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);"></div>'));121 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);');122 }));123 it('rgb', inject(function(taSanitize){124 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: rgb(20, 20, 20);"></div>'));125 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: rgb(20, 20, 20);');126 }));127 it('hsl', inject(function(taSanitize){128 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);"></div>'));129 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);');130 }));131 it('hlsa', inject(function(taSanitize){132 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);"></div>'));133 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);');134 }));135 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){136 var result = taSanitize('<div style="color: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');137 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');138 }));139 });140 describe('validated background-color attribute', function(){141 it('name', inject(function(taSanitize){142 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: blue;"></div>'));143 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: blue;');144 }));145 it('hex value', inject(function(taSanitize){146 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: #000000;"></div>'));147 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: #000000;');148 }));149 it('rgba', inject(function(taSanitize){150 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);"></div>'));151 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);');152 }));153 it('rgb', inject(function(taSanitize){154 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: rgb(20, 20, 20);"></div>'));155 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: rgb(20, 20, 20);');156 }));157 it('hsl', inject(function(taSanitize){158 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);"></div>'));159 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);');160 }));161 it('hlsa', inject(function(taSanitize){162 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);"></div>'));163 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);');164 }));165 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){166 var result = taSanitize('<div style="background-color: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');167 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');168 }));169 });170 describe('validated text-align attribute', function(){171 it('left', inject(function(taSanitize){172 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: left;"></div>'));173 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: left;');174 }));175 it('right', inject(function(taSanitize){176 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: right;"></div>'));177 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: right;');178 }));179 it('center', inject(function(taSanitize){180 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: center;"></div>'));181 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: center;');182 }));183 it('justify', inject(function(taSanitize){184 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: justify;"></div>'));185 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: justify;');186 }));187 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){188 var result = taSanitize('<div style="text-align: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');189 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');190 }));191 });192 describe('validated float attribute', function(){193 it('left', inject(function(taSanitize){194 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="float: left;"></div>'));195 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('float: left;');196 }));197 it('right', inject(function(taSanitize){198 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="float: right;"></div>'));199 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('float: right;');200 }));201 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){202 var result = taSanitize('<div style="float: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');203 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');204 }));205 });206 describe('validated height attribute', function(){207 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){208 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100px;"></div>'));209 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100px;');210 }));211 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){212 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100%;"></div>'));213 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100%;');214 }));215 it('em', inject(function(taSanitize){216 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100em;"></div>'));217 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100em;');218 }));219 it('rem', inject(function(taSanitize){220 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100rem;"></div>'));221 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100rem;');222 }));223 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){224 var result = taSanitize('<div style="height: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');225 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');226 }));227 });228 describe('validated width attribute', function(){229 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){230 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100px;"></div>'));231 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100px;');232 }));233 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){234 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100%;"></div>'));235 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100%;');236 }));237 it('em', inject(function(taSanitize){238 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100em;"></div>'));239 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100em;');240 }));241 it('rem', inject(function(taSanitize){242 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100rem;"></div>'));243 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100rem;');244 }));245 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){246 var result = taSanitize('<div style="width: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');247 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');248 }));249 });250 describe('un-validated are removed', function(){251 it('removes non whitelisted values', inject(function(taSanitize){252 var result = taSanitize('<div style="max-height: 12px;"></div>');253 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');254 }));255 it('removes non whitelisted values leaving valid values', inject(function(taSanitize){256 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: left; max-height: 12px;"></div>'));257 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: left;');258 }));259 });260 });261 describe('allow disabling of sanitizer', function(){262 it('should return the oldsafe passed in if bad html', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){263 var result = taSanitize('<broken><test', 'safe', true);264 expect(result).toBe('safe');265 }));266 it('should allow html not allowed by sanitizer', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){267 var result = taSanitize('<bad-tag></bad-tag>', '', true);268 expect(result).toBe('<bad-tag></bad-tag>');269 }));270 });271 describe('check if style is sanitized correctly', function(){272 it('should translate style to tag', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){273 var result = taSanitize('Q<b>W</b><i style="font-weight: bold;">E</i><u style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">R</u>T');274 expect(result).toBe('Q<b>W</b><i><b>E</b></i><u><b><i>R</i></b></u>T');275 }));276 it('should translate style to tag, respecting nested tags', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){277 var result = taSanitize("Q<i style='font-weight: bold;'><u>E</u></i>T");278 expect(result).toBe('Q<i><b><u>E</u></b></i>T');279 }));280 });...
1/* jshint scripturl: true */2'use strict';3describe('sanitizeUri', function() {4 var sanitizeHref, sanitizeImg, sanitizeUriProvider, testUrl;5 beforeEach(function() {6 module(function(_$$sanitizeUriProvider_) {7 sanitizeUriProvider = _$$sanitizeUriProvider_;8 });9 inject(function($$sanitizeUri) {10 sanitizeHref = function(uri) {11 return $$sanitizeUri(uri, false);12 };13 sanitizeImg = function(uri) {14 return $$sanitizeUri(uri, true);15 };16 });17 });18 function isEvilInCurrentBrowser(uri) {19 var a = document.createElement('a');20 a.setAttribute('href', uri);21 return a.href.substring(0, 4) !== 'http';22 }23 describe('img[src] sanitization', function() {24 it('should sanitize javascript: urls', function() {25 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";26 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');27 });28 it('should sanitize javascript: urls with comments', function() {29 testUrl = "javascript:alert(1)//data:image/";30 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:alert(1)//data:image/');31 });32 it('should sanitize non-image data: urls', function() {33 testUrl = "data:application/javascript;charset=US-ASCII,alert('evil!');";34 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe("unsafe:data:application/javascript;charset=US-ASCII,alert('evil!');");35 testUrl = "data:,foo";36 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe("unsafe:data:,foo");37 });38 it('should sanitize mailto: urls', function() {39 testUrl = "";40 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');41 });42 it('should sanitize obfuscated javascript: urls', function() {43 // case-sensitive44 testUrl = "JaVaScRiPt:doEvilStuff()";45 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');46 // tab in protocol47 testUrl = "java\u0009script:doEvilStuff()";48 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {49 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');50 }51 // space before52 testUrl = " javascript:doEvilStuff()";53 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');54 // ws chars before55 testUrl = " \u000e javascript:doEvilStuff()";56 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {57 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');58 }59 // post-fixed with proper url60 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff();";61 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBeOneOf(62 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();',63 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();%20'64 );65 });66 it('should sanitize ng-src bindings as well', function() {67 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";68 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');69 });70 it('should not sanitize valid urls', function() {71 testUrl = "foo/bar";72 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('foo/bar');73 testUrl = "/foo/bar";74 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('/foo/bar');75 testUrl = "../foo/bar";76 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('../foo/bar');77 testUrl = "#foo";78 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('#foo');79 testUrl = "";80 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');81 testUrl = "";82 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');83 testUrl = "";84 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');85 testUrl = "";86 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');87 testUrl = "file:///foo/bar.html";88 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('file:///foo/bar.html');89 });90 it('should not sanitize blob urls', function() {91 testUrl = "blob:///foo/bar.html";92 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('blob:///foo/bar.html');93 });94 it('should not sanitize data: URIs for images', function() {95 // image data uri96 // ref: testUrl = "";98 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');99 });100 it('should allow reconfiguration of the src whitelist', function() {101 var returnVal;102 expect(sanitizeUriProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist() instanceof RegExp).toBe(true);103 returnVal = sanitizeUriProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(/javascript:/);104 expect(returnVal).toBe(sanitizeUriProvider);105 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";106 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('javascript:doEvilStuff()');107 testUrl = "http://recon/figured";108 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:http://recon/figured');109 });110 });111 describe('a[href] sanitization', function() {112 it('should sanitize javascript: urls', inject(function() {113 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";114 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');115 }));116 it('should sanitize data: urls', inject(function() {117 testUrl = "data:evilPayload";118 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:data:evilPayload');119 }));120 it('should sanitize obfuscated javascript: urls', inject(function() {121 // case-sensitive122 testUrl = "JaVaScRiPt:doEvilStuff()";123 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');124 // tab in protocol125 testUrl = "java\u0009script:doEvilStuff()";126 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {127 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');128 }129 // space before130 testUrl = " javascript:doEvilStuff()";131 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');132 // ws chars before133 testUrl = " \u000e javascript:doEvilStuff()";134 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {135 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');136 }137 // post-fixed with proper url138 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff();";139 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBeOneOf(140 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();',141 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();%20'142 );143 }));144 it('should sanitize ngHref bindings as well', inject(function() {145 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";146 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');147 }));148 it('should not sanitize valid urls', inject(function() {149 testUrl = "foo/bar";150 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('foo/bar');151 testUrl = "/foo/bar";152 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('/foo/bar');153 testUrl = "../foo/bar";154 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('../foo/bar');155 testUrl = "#foo";156 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('#foo');157 testUrl = "http://foo/bar";158 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('http://foo/bar');159 testUrl = " http://foo/bar";160 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe(' http://foo/bar');161 testUrl = "https://foo/bar";162 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('https://foo/bar');163 testUrl = "ftp://foo/bar";164 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('ftp://foo/bar');165 testUrl = "";166 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('');167 testUrl = "file:///foo/bar.html";168 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('file:///foo/bar.html');169 }));170 it('should allow reconfiguration of the href whitelist', function() {171 var returnVal;172 expect(sanitizeUriProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist() instanceof RegExp).toBe(true);173 returnVal = sanitizeUriProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/javascript:/);174 expect(returnVal).toBe(sanitizeUriProvider);175 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";176 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('javascript:doEvilStuff()');177 testUrl = "http://recon/figured";178 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:http://recon/figured');179 });180 });...
1const express = require('express');2const router = express.Router();3const sanitizehtml = require('sanitize-html');4const Board = require('../schemas/board');5/**6 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ëª©ë¡ ì¡°í7 * api function : ì
ë ¥ë ê²ìê¸ì ì ì²´ì¡°ííë¤. ë¨, ìì±ì¼ì를 ë´ë¦¼ì°¨ìì¼ë¡ ì¡°ííë¤.8 * type : GET9 * url : api/boardlist10 * request : None11 * response : {boardlist} set12 */13router.get('/boardlist', async (req, res) => {14 const boardlist = await Board.find().sort({regdt: -1});15 res.json({boardlist: boardlist});16});17/**18 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì¸ ì¡°í19 * api function : ê²ìê¸ì ëí ìì¸ì 보를 ì¡°ííë¤.20 * type : GET21 * url : api/boarddetail/:boardId22 * request : boardId23 * response : {boarddetail} set24 */25router.get('/boarddetail', async (req, res) => {26 const {boardId} = req.query;27 const boarddetail = await Board.find({_id: boardId}) //문ìë ì«ìë¤ì´ì¤ë©´ 죽ëë°; ì´ê±° ì¢ ê³ ì³ë´ì¼ê² ë¤; ì¼ë¨ ëëê¹ ëë¤.28 res.json({boarddetail: boarddetail});29});30/**31 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì±32 * api function : ê²ìê¸ì ìì±íë¤. ìì± ì ë°ëì 모ë ì
ë ¥ ê°ì´ ìì´ì¼íë¤.33 * type : POST34 * url : api/board35 * request : title, regid, password, content36 * response : json({success, msg})37 */38'/board', async (req, res) => {39 const {title, regid, password, content} = req.body;40 // XSS공격 ì·¨ì½ì ë³´ì41 const sanitizeTitle = sanitizehtml(title);42 const sanitizeRegid = sanitizehtml(regid);43 const sanitizePassword = sanitizehtml(password);44 const sanitizeContent = sanitizehtml(content);45 const regdt = new Date(+new Date() + 3240 * 10000).toISOString().replace("T", " ").replace(/\..*/, '');46 // ë¹ ê°ì ì²´í¬íë¤.47 if(!sanitizeTitle.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ì ëª©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});48 if(!sanitizeRegid.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ìì±ìê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});49 if(!sanitizePassword.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'í¨ì¤ìëê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ìììµëë¤.'});50 if(!sanitizeContent.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ê¸ ë´ì©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});51 52 //ì
ë ¥ë ê°ì ë°ì, DBì ëíë¨¼í¸ ì½ì
53 await Board.create({54 title: sanitizeTitle,55 regid: sanitizeRegid,56 password: sanitizePassword,57 content: sanitizeContent,58 regdt: regdt,59 });60 res.json({success: true, msg: 'server message : ê²ìê¸ ìì± ì±ê³µ.'});61});62/**63 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì 64 * api function65 * - ì
ë ¥ë ê²ìê¸ì ìì íë¤.66 * - ë¨, ê²ìê¸ ìì ì ì
ë ¥íë 기존 í¨ì¤ìëì ëì¼í´ì¼ë§ ê¸ì ìì í ì ìëë¡ íë¤.67 * type : PUT68 * url : api/board69 * request : boardid, title, password, regid, content70 * response : json({success, msg})71 */72 router.put('/board', async (req, res) => {73 const {title, regid, password, content, boardId} = req.body;74 const [boarddetail] = await Board.find({_id: boardId})75 // XSS공격 ì·¨ì½ì ë³´ì76 const sanitizeTitle = sanitizehtml(title);77 const sanitizeRegid = sanitizehtml(regid);78 const sanitizePassword = sanitizehtml(password);79 const sanitizeContent = sanitizehtml(content);80 // ë¹ ê°ì ì²´í¬íë¤.81 if(!sanitizeTitle.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ì ëª©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});82 if(!sanitizeRegid.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ìì±ìê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});83 if(!sanitizePassword.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'í¨ì¤ìëê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ìììµëë¤.'});84 if(!sanitizeContent.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ê¸ ë´ì©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});85 if(boarddetail['password'] !== password){86 return res.json({ code: false, msg: 'server message : í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });87 // return res.status(400).json({ code: false, msg: 'server message : í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });88 }89 90 if(![boarddetail].length){91 return res.json({ success: false, msg: 'server message : ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });92 // return res.status(400).json({ success: false, msg: 'server message : ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });93 } 94 95 await Board.updateOne({ _id: boardId }, { $set: { title: sanitizeTitle, regid: sanitizeRegid, content:sanitizeContent } });96 res.json({ success: true, msg: 'server message : ê²ìê¸ì´ ìì ì±ê³µ.' })97});98/**99 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì 100 * api function101 * - ì
ë ¥ë ê²ìê¸ì ìì íë¤.102 * - ë¨, ê²ìê¸ ìì ì ì
ë ¥íë 기존 í¨ì¤ìëì ëì¼í´ì¼ë§ ê¸ì ìì í ì ìëë¡ íë¤.103 * type : DELETE104 * url : api/board105 * request : boardid, password106 * response : json({success, msg})107 */108 router.delete('/board', async (req, res) => {109 const {boardId, password} = req.body;110 const [boarddetail] = await Board.find({_id: boardId})111 // XSS공격 ì·¨ì½ì ë³´ì112 const sanitizePassword = sanitizehtml(password);113 // ë¹ ê°ì ì²´í¬íë¤.114 if(!sanitizePassword.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'í¨ì¤ìëê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ìììµëë¤.'});115 if(boarddetail['password'] !== password){116 return res.json({ code: false, msg: 'server message: í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });117 // return res.status(400).json({ code: false, msg: 'server message : í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });118 }119 120 if(![boarddetail].length){121 return res.json({ success: false, msg: 'server message: ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });122 // return res.status(400).json({ success: false, msg: 'server message : ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });123 }124 125 await Board.deleteOne({_id: boardId});126 res.json({ success: true, msg: 'server message: ê²ìê¸ ìì ì±ê³µ.' });127});...
1// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.2// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.3define([4 'jquery',5 'components/google-caja/html-css-sanitizer-minified',6], function($, sanitize) {7 "use strict";8 9 var noop = function (x) { return x; };10 11 var caja;12 if (window && window.html) {13 caja = window.html;14 caja.html4 = window.html4;15 caja.sanitizeStylesheet = window.sanitizeStylesheet;16 }17 18 var sanitizeAttribs = function (tagName, attribs, opt_naiveUriRewriter, opt_nmTokenPolicy, opt_logger) {19 /**20 * add trusting data-attributes to the default sanitizeAttribs from caja21 * this function is mostly copied from the caja source22 */23 var ATTRIBS = caja.html4.ATTRIBS;24 for (var i = 0; i < attribs.length; i += 2) {25 var attribName = attribs[i];26 if (attribName.substr(0,5) == 'data-') {27 var attribKey = '*::' + attribName;28 if (!ATTRIBS.hasOwnProperty(attribKey)) {29 ATTRIBS[attribKey] = 0;30 }31 }32 }33 // Caja doesn't allow data uri for img::src, see34 // // This is not a security issue for browser post ie6 though, so we36 // disable the check37 // ATTRIBS['img::src'] = 0;39 return caja.sanitizeAttribs(tagName, attribs, opt_naiveUriRewriter, opt_nmTokenPolicy, opt_logger);40 };41 42 var sanitize_css = function (css, tagPolicy) {43 /**44 * sanitize CSS45 * like sanitize_html, but for CSS46 * called by sanitize_stylesheets47 */48 return caja.sanitizeStylesheet(49 window.location.pathname,50 css,51 {52 containerClass: null,53 idSuffix: '',54 tagPolicy: tagPolicy,55 virtualizeAttrName: noop56 },57 noop58 );59 };60 61 var sanitize_stylesheets = function (html, tagPolicy) {62 /**63 * sanitize just the css in style tags in a block of html64 * called by sanitize_html, if allow_css is true65 */66 var h = $("<div/>").append(html);67 var style_tags = h.find("style");68 if (!style_tags.length) {69 // no style tags to sanitize70 return html;71 }72 style_tags.each(function(i, style) {73 style.innerHTML = sanitize_css(style.innerHTML, tagPolicy);74 });75 return h.html();76 };77 78 var sanitize_html = function (html, allow_css) {79 /**80 * sanitize HTML81 * if allow_css is true (default: false), CSS is sanitized as well.82 * otherwise, CSS elements and attributes are simply removed.83 */84 var html4 = caja.html4;85 if (allow_css) {86 // allow sanitization of style tags,87 // not just scrubbing88 &= ~html4.eflags.UNSAFE;89 = html4.atype.STYLE;90 } else {91 // scrub all CSS92 |= html4.eflags.UNSAFE;93 = html4.atype.SCRIPT;94 }95 96 var record_messages = function (msg, opts) {97 console.log("HTML Sanitizer", msg, opts);98 };99 100 var policy = function (tagName, attribs) {101 if (!(html4.ELEMENTS[tagName] & html4.eflags.UNSAFE)) {102 return {103 'attribs': sanitizeAttribs(tagName, attribs,104 noop, noop, record_messages)105 };106 } else {107 record_messages(tagName + " removed", {108 change: "removed",109 tagName: tagName110 });111 }112 };113 114 var sanitized = caja.sanitizeWithPolicy(html, policy);115 116 if (allow_css) {117 // sanitize style tags as stylesheets118 sanitized = sanitize_stylesheets(sanitized, policy);119 }120 121 return sanitized;122 };123 var sanitize_html_and_parse = function (html, allow_css) {124 /**125 * Sanitize HTML and parse it safely using jQuery.126 *127 * This disable's jQuery's html 'prefilter', which can make invalid128 * HTML valid after the sanitizer has checked it.129 *130 * Returns an array of DOM nodes.131 */132 var sanitized_html = sanitize_html(html, allow_css);133 var prev_htmlPrefilter = $.htmlPrefilter;134 $.htmlPrefilter = function(html) {return html;}; // Don't modify HTML135 try {136 return $.parseHTML(sanitized_html);137 } finally {138 $.htmlPrefilter = prev_htmlPrefilter; // Set it back again139 }140 };141 142 var security = {143 caja: caja,144 sanitize_html_and_parse: sanitize_html_and_parse,145 sanitize_html: sanitize_html146 };147 return security;...
1/**2 * By default, React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX before rendering them,3 * but sometimes it is necessary to sanitize the user-generated content of received entities.4 * If you use this data in component props without any sanitization or encoding,5 * it might create XSS vulnerabilities.6 *7 * You should especially consider how you are using extended data inside the app.8 */9const ESCAPE_TEXT_REGEXP = /[<>]/g;10const ESCAPE_TEXT_REPLACEMENTS = {11 //fullwidth lesser-than character12 '<': '\uff1c',13 //fullwidth greater-than character14 '>': '\uff1e',15};16// An example how you could sanitize text content.17// This swaps some coding related characters to less dangerous ones18const sanitizeText = str =>19 str == null20 ? str21 : typeof str === 'string'22 ? str.replace(ESCAPE_TEXT_REGEXP, ch => ESCAPE_TEXT_REPLACEMENTS[ch])23 : '';24/**25 * Sanitize user entity.26 * If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.27 * By default, React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX before rendering them,28 * but if you use this data on props, it might create XSS vulnerabilities29 * E.g. you should sanitize and encode URI if you are creating links from public data.30 */31export const sanitizeUser = entity => {32 const { attributes, ...restEntity } = entity || {};33 const { profile, ...restAttributes } = attributes || {};34 const { bio, displayName, abbreviatedName, publicData } = profile || {};35 const sanitizePublicData = publicData => {36 // TODO: If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.37 return publicData ? { publicData } : {};38 };39 const profileMaybe = profile40 ? {41 profile: {42 abbreviatedName: sanitizeText(abbreviatedName),43 displayName: sanitizeText(displayName),44 bio: sanitizeText(bio),45 ...sanitizePublicData(publicData),46 },47 }48 : {};49 const attributesMaybe = attributes ? { attributes: { ...profileMaybe, ...restAttributes } } : {};50 return { ...attributesMaybe, ...restEntity };51};52/**53 * Sanitize listing entity.54 * If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.55 * By default, React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX before rendering them,56 * but if you use this data on props, it might create XSS vulnerabilities57 * E.g. you should sanitize and encode URI if you are creating links from public data.58 */59export const sanitizeListing = entity => {60 const { attributes, ...restEntity } = entity;61 const { title, description, publicData, ...restAttributes } = attributes || {};62 const sanitizeLocation = location => {63 const { address, building } = location || {};64 return { address: sanitizeText(address), building: sanitizeText(building) };65 };66 const sanitizePublicData = publicData => {67 // Here's an example how you could sanitize location and rules from publicData:68 // TODO: If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.69 const { location, rules, ...restPublicData } = publicData || {};70 const locationMaybe = location ? { location: sanitizeLocation(location) } : {};71 const rulesMaybe = rules ? { rules: sanitizeText(rules) } : {};72 return publicData ? { publicData: { ...locationMaybe, ...rulesMaybe, ...restPublicData } } : {};73 };74 const attributesMaybe = attributes75 ? {76 attributes: {77 title: sanitizeText(title),78 description: sanitizeText(description),79 ...sanitizePublicData(publicData),80 ...restAttributes,81 },82 }83 : {};84 return { ...attributesMaybe, ...restEntity };85};86/**87 * Sanitize entities if needed.88 * Remember to add your own sanitization rules for your extended data89 */90export const sanitizeEntity = entity => {91 const { type } = entity;92 switch (type) {93 case 'listing':94 return sanitizeListing(entity);95 case 'user':96 return sanitizeUser(entity);97 default:98 return entity;99 }...
1const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');2const User = require("../models/user");3const sanitizeHtml = require("sanitize-html");4const Joi = require("@hapi/joi");5const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");6exports.createToken = function (user) {7 return jwt.sign({ id: user._id, email: }, 'secretpasswordnotrevealedtoanyone', {8 algorithm: 'HS256',9 expiresIn: '1h',10 });11};12exports.decodeToken = function (token) {13 var userInfo = {};14 try {15 var decoded = jwt.verify(token, 'secretpasswordnotrevealedtoanyone');16 userInfo.userId =;17 =;18 } catch (e) {19 }20 return userInfo;21};22exports.accountValidation = function(payload) {23 const schema = Joi.object({24 firstName: Joi.string().required(),25 lastName: Joi.string().required(),26 email: Joi.string().email().required(),27 password: Joi.string().required().min(5),28 userType: Joi.string().regex(/User|Admin/)29 });30 let schemaValidation = schema.validate({31 firstName: payload.firstName,32 lastName: payload.lastName,33 email:,34 password: payload.password,35 userType: payload.userType36 });37 if (!schemaValidation.error) {38 return true;39 }40 return false;41};42exports.monumentValidation = function(payload) {43 const schema = Joi.object({44 title: Joi.string().required(),45 description: Joi.string().required(),46 imageUpload: Joi.any(),47 province: Joi.string().required(),48 county: Joi.string().required(),49 category: Joi.any(),50 latitude: Joi.number().required(),51 longitude: Joi.number().required(),52 });53 let schemaValidation = schema.validate({54 title: payload.title,55 description: payload.description,56 imageUpload: payload.imageUpload,57 province: payload.province,58 county: payload.county,59 category: payload.category,60 latitude: payload.latitude,61 longitude: payload.longitude,62 });63 if (!schemaValidation.error) {64 return true;65 }66 return false;67}68exports.monumentInputSanitization = function(payload) {69 let categories = [];70 let images = [];71 if (sanitizeHtml(payload.title) && sanitizeHtml(payload.description) && sanitizeHtml(payload.province) && sanitizeHtml(payload.county) && sanitizeHtml(payload.longitude) && sanitizeHtml(payload.latitude)) {72 if (payload.category) {73 categories = sanitizeHtml(payload.category)74 }75 if (payload.imageUpload) {76 images = sanitizeHtml(payload.imageUpload);77 }78 return {79 title: sanitizeHtml(payload.title),80 description: sanitizeHtml(payload.description),81 category: categories,82 imageUpload: images,83 province: sanitizeHtml(payload.province),84 county: sanitizeHtml(payload.county),85 latitude: sanitizeHtml(payload.latitude),86 longitude: sanitizeHtml(payload.longitude)87 }88 }89 else {90 return false;91 }92}93exports.hashPassword = async function (password, numberOfRounds) {94 let hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, numberOfRounds);95 return hashedPassword;96}97exports.accountInputSanitization = async function(payload) {98 if (sanitizeHtml(payload.firstName) && sanitizeHtml(payload.lastName) && sanitizeHtml( && sanitizeHtml(payload.password) && sanitizeHtml(payload.userType)) {99 let hashedPassword = await this.hashPassword(payload.password, 10);100 return {101 firstName: sanitizeHtml(payload.firstName),102 lastName: sanitizeHtml(payload.lastName),103 email: sanitizeHtml(,104 password: hashedPassword,105 userType: sanitizeHtml(payload.userType)106 }107 }108 else {109 return false;110 }111}112exports.validate = async function (decoded, request) {113 const user = await User.findOne({ _id: });114 if (!user) {115 return { isValid: false };116 } else {117 return { isValid: true };118 }...
1odoo.define('web.bootstrap.extensions', function () {2'use strict';3/**4 * The bootstrap library extensions and fixes should be done here to avoid5 * patching in place.6 */7/**8 * Review Bootstrap Sanitization: leave it enabled by default but extend it to9 * accept more common tag names like tables and buttons, and common attributes10 * such as style or data-. If a specific tooltip or popover must accept custom11 * tags or attributes, they must be supplied through the whitelist BS12 * parameter explicitely.13 *14 * We cannot disable sanitization because bootstrap uses tooltip/popover15 * DOM attributes in an "unsafe" way.16 */17var bsSanitizeWhiteList = $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.whiteList;18bsSanitizeWhiteList['*'].push('title', 'style', /^data-[\w-]+/);19bsSanitizeWhiteList.header = [];20bsSanitizeWhiteList.main = [];21bsSanitizeWhiteList.footer = [];22bsSanitizeWhiteList.caption = [];23bsSanitizeWhiteList.col = ['span'];24bsSanitizeWhiteList.colgroup = ['span'];25bsSanitizeWhiteList.table = [];26bsSanitizeWhiteList.thead = [];27bsSanitizeWhiteList.tbody = [];28bsSanitizeWhiteList.tfooter = []; = []; = ['colspan', 'rowspan']; = ['colspan', 'rowspan'];32bsSanitizeWhiteList.address = [];33bsSanitizeWhiteList.article = [];34bsSanitizeWhiteList.aside = [];35bsSanitizeWhiteList.blockquote = [];36bsSanitizeWhiteList.section = [];37bsSanitizeWhiteList.button = ['type'];38bsSanitizeWhiteList.del = [];39/**40 * Returns an extended version of bootstrap default whitelist for sanitization,41 * i.e. a version where, for each key, the original value is concatened with the42 * received version's value and where the received version's extra key/values43 * are added.44 *45 * Note: the returned version46 *47 * @param {Object} extensions48 * @returns {Object} /!\ the returned whitelist is made from a *shallow* copy of49 * the default whitelist, extended with given whitelist.50 */51function makeExtendedSanitizeWhiteList(extensions) {52 var whiteList = _.clone($.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.whiteList);53 Object.keys(extensions).forEach(key => {54 whiteList[key] = (whiteList[key] || []).concat(extensions[key]);55 });56 return whiteList;57}58/* Bootstrap tooltip defaults overwrite */59$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.placement = 'auto';60$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.fallbackPlacement = ['bottom', 'right', 'left', 'top'];61$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.html = true;62$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.trigger = 'hover';63$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.container = 'body';64$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.boundary = 'window';65$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.delay = { show: 1000, hide: 0 };66var bootstrapShowFunction = $;67$ = function () {68 // Overwrite bootstrap tooltip method to prevent showing 2 tooltip at the69 // same time70 $('.tooltip').remove();71 return;72};73return {74 makeExtendedSanitizeWhiteList: makeExtendedSanitizeWhiteList,75};...
2var util = require('../src/js/util');3describe('util', function () {4 describe('sanitize', function () {5 it('should leave valid JSON as is', function () {6 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{"a":2}'), '{"a":2}');7 });8 it('should replace JavaScript with JSON', function () {9 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{a:2}'), '{"a":2}');10 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{\'a\':2}'), '{"a":2}');11 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{a:\'foo\'}'), '{"a":"foo"}');12 // should leave string content untouched13 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"{a:b}"'), '"{a:b}"');14 });15 it('should add/remove escape characters', function () {16 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"foo\'bar"'), '"foo\'bar"');17 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"foo\\"bar"'), '"foo\\"bar"');18 assert.equal(util.sanitize('\'foo"bar\''), '"foo\\"bar"');19 assert.equal(util.sanitize('\'foo\\\'bar\''), '"foo\'bar"');20 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"foo\\\'bar"'), '"foo\'bar"');21 });22 it('remove comments', function () {23 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo */ {}'), ' {}');24 // should not remove comments in string25 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{"str":"/* foo */"}'), '{"str":"/* foo */"}');26 });27 it('should strip JSONP notation', function () {28 // matching29 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123({});'), '{}');30 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123([]);'), '[]');31 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(2);'), '2');32 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123("foo");'), '"foo"');33 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(null);'), 'null');34 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(true);'), 'true');35 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(false);'), 'false');36 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */ callback_123 ({})'), '{}');37 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */ callback_123 ({})'), '{}');38 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */\ncallback_123({})'), '{}');39 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */ callback_123 ( {} )'), ' {} ');40 assert.equal(util.sanitize(' /* foo bar */ callback_123 ({}); '), '{}');41 assert.equal(util.sanitize('\n/* foo\nbar */\ncallback_123 ({});\n\n'), '{}');42 // non-matching43 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback abc({});'), 'callback abc({});');44 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback {}'), 'callback {}');45 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback({}'), 'callback({}');46 });47 });48 // TODO: thoroughly test all util methods...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.sanitize();7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.sanitize();15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.sanitize();23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.sanitize();31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.sanitize();39 await browser.close();40})();41const { chromium } = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();44 const context = await browser.newContext();45 const page = await context.newPage();46 await page.sanitize();47 await browser.close();48})();49const { chromium } = require('playwright');50(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { sanitize } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/sanitize');2const { chromium } = require('playwright-core');3const browser = await chromium.launch();4const page = await browser.newPage();5const html = await page.content();6const sanitized = sanitize(html);7console.log(sanitized);8await browser.close();9< html > < head > < meta charset = "UTF-8" > < title > Google < / title > < meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" > < style > body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background-color: #fff; } #viewport { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; } #logo { margin-top: 92px; } .gLFyf { margin-top: 24px; } .gLFyf, .gLFyf:focus, .gLFyf:active { border: 1px solid #dfe1e5; box-shadow: 0 1px 6px 0 rgba(32,33,36,0.28); border-radius: 24px; background-color: #fff; } .gLFyf { padding: 11px 16px 10px 16px; } .gLFyf { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 24px; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.87); } .gLFyf { display: inline-block; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; } .gLFyf { margin: 0; } .gLFyf { max-width: 100%; } .gLFyf { box-sizing: border-box; } .gLFyf { border: 0; } .gLFyf { outline: 0; } .gLFyf { height: 36px; } .gLFyf { min-width: 16px; } .gLFyf { text-overflow: ellipsis; } .gLFyf { cursor: text; } .gLFyf { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; } .gLFyf { -webkit-ap
Using AI Code Generation
1const { sanitize } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/sanitize');2const { sanitize } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/sanitize');3const { test } = require('@playwright/test');4test('My Test', async ({ page }) => {5 const title = await page.title();6 const sanitizedTitle = sanitize(title);7 const sanitizedTitle = sanitize(title);8 expect(sanitizedTitle).toBe('Playwright');9});10const { test } = require('@playwright/test');11test('My Test', async ({ page }) => {12 const title = await page.title();13 expect(title).toBe('Playwright');14});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { sanitize } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('sanitize', async ({ page }) => {4 const title = await page.title();5 console.log(sanitize(title));6});7const { sanitizeForFilename } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');8const { test } = require('@playwright/test');9test('sanitizeForFilename', async ({ page }) => {10 const title = await page.title();11 console.log(sanitizeForFilename(title));12});13const { toSafeVariable } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');14const { test } = require('@playwright/test');15test('toSafeVariable', async ({ page }) => {16 const title = await page.title();17 console.log(toSafeVariable(title));18});19const { toSafeTestName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');20const { test } = require('@playwright/test');21test('toSafeTestName', async ({ page }) => {22 const title = await page.title();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const sanitize = require('playwright/lib/utils/sanitize').sanitize;3const sanitizeString = sanitize(playwright);4console.log(sanitizeString('password'));5 const title = await page.title();6 console.log(sanitize(title));7});8const { sanitizeForFilename } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');9const { test } = require('@playwright/test');10test('sanitizeForFilename', async ({ page }) => {11 const title = await page.title();12 console.log(sanitizeForFilename(title));13});14const { toSafeVariable } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');15const { test } = require('@playwright/test');16test('toSafeVariable', async ({ page }) => {17 const title = await page.title();18 console.log(toSafeVariable(title));19});20const { toSafeTestName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');21const { test } = require('@playwright/test');22test('toSafeTestName', async ({ page }) => {23 const title = await page.title();
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