How to use removeInitScripts method in Playwright Internal

Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal


Source:wkPage.js Github


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...715 }716 async addInitScript(script) {717 await this._updateBootstrapScript();718 }719 async removeInitScripts() {720 await this._updateBootstrapScript();721 }722 _bindingToScript(binding) {723 return `self.${} = (param) => console.debug('${BINDING_CALL_MESSAGE}', {}, param); ${binding.source}`;724 }725 _calculateBootstrapScript() {726 const scripts = [];727 if (!this._page.context()._options.isMobile) {728 scripts.push('delete window.orientation');729 scripts.push('delete window.ondevicemotion');730 scripts.push('delete window.ondeviceorientation');731 }732 for (const binding of this._page.allBindings()) scripts.push(this._bindingToScript(binding));733 scripts.push(...this._browserContext.initScripts);...

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Source:crPage.js Github


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...211 }212 async addInitScript(source, world = 'main') {213 await this._forAllFrameSessions(frame => frame._evaluateOnNewDocument(source, world));214 }215 async removeInitScripts() {216 await this._forAllFrameSessions(frame => frame._removeEvaluatesOnNewDocument());217 }218 async closePage(runBeforeUnload) {219 if (runBeforeUnload) await this._mainFrameSession._client.send('Page.close');else await this._browserContext._browser._closePage(this);220 }221 async setBackgroundColor(color) {222 await this._mainFrameSession._client.send('Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride', {223 color224 });225 }226 async takeScreenshot(progress, format, documentRect, viewportRect, quality, fitsViewport, scale) {227 const {228 visualViewport229 } = await this._mainFrameSession._client.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics');...

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Source:page.js Github


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...282 async addInitScript(source) {283 this.initScripts.push(source);284 await this._delegate.addInitScript(source);285 }286 async removeInitScripts() {287 this.initScripts.splice(0, this.initScripts.length);288 await this._delegate.removeInitScripts();289 }290 _needsRequestInterception() {291 return !!this._clientRequestInterceptor || !!this._serverRequestInterceptor || !!this._browserContext._requestInterceptor;292 }293 async setClientRequestInterceptor(handler) {294 this._clientRequestInterceptor = handler;295 await this._delegate.updateRequestInterception();296 }297 async _setServerRequestInterceptor(handler) {298 this._serverRequestInterceptor = handler;299 await this._delegate.updateRequestInterception();300 }301 _requestStarted(request, routeDelegate) {302 const route = new network.Route(request, routeDelegate);...

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Source:ffPage.js Github


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...370 await this._session.send('Page.setInitScripts', {371 scripts: this._initScripts372 });373 }374 async removeInitScripts() {375 this._initScripts = [];376 await this._session.send('Page.setInitScripts', {377 scripts: []378 });379 }380 async closePage(runBeforeUnload) {381 await this._session.send('Page.close', {382 runBeforeUnload383 });384 }385 async setBackgroundColor(color) {386 if (color) throw new Error('Not implemented');387 }388 async takeScreenshot(progress, format, documentRect, viewportRect, quality, fitsViewport, scale) {...

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Source:crBrowser.js Github


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...397 async doAddInitScript(source) {398 for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.addInitScript(source);399 }400 async doRemoveInitScripts() {401 for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.removeInitScripts();402 }403 async doExposeBinding(binding) {404 for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.exposeBinding(binding);405 }406 async doRemoveExposedBindings() {407 for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.removeExposedBindings();408 }409 async doUpdateRequestInterception() {410 for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.updateRequestInterception();411 }412 async doClose() {413 (0, _utils.assert)(this._browserContextId); // Headful chrome cannot dispose browser context with opened 'beforeunload'414 // dialogs, so we should close all that are currently opened.415 // We also won't get new ones since `Target.disposeBrowserContext` does not trigger...

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Source:browserContext.js Github


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...246 await this._channel.addInitScript({247 source248 });249 }250 async _removeInitScripts() {251 await this._channel.removeInitScripts();252 }253 async exposeBinding(name, callback, options = {}) {254 await this._channel.exposeBinding({255 name,256 needsHandle: options.handle257 });258 this._bindings.set(name, callback);259 }260 async _removeExposedBindings() {261 this._bindings.clear();262 await this._channel.removeExposedBindings();263 }264 async exposeFunction(name, callback) {265 await this._channel.exposeBinding({266 name267 });268 const binding = (source, ...args) => callback(...args);269 this._bindings.set(name, binding);270 }271 async route(url, handler, options = {}) {272 this._routes.unshift(new network.RouteHandler(this._options.baseURL, url, handler, options.times));273 if (this._routes.length === 1) await this._channel.setNetworkInterceptionEnabled({274 enabled: true275 });276 }277 async unroute(url, handler) {278 this._routes = this._routes.filter(route => route.url !== url || handler && route.handler !== handler);279 if (!this._routes.length) await this._disableInterception();280 }281 async _unrouteAll() {282 this._routes = [];283 await this._disableInterception();284 }285 async _disableInterception() {286 await this._channel.setNetworkInterceptionEnabled({287 enabled: false288 });289 }290 async waitForEvent(event, optionsOrPredicate = {}) {291 return this._wrapApiCall(async () => {292 const timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(typeof optionsOrPredicate === 'function' ? {} : optionsOrPredicate);293 const predicate = typeof optionsOrPredicate === 'function' ? optionsOrPredicate : optionsOrPredicate.predicate;294 const waiter = _waiter.Waiter.createForEvent(this, event);295 waiter.rejectOnTimeout(timeout, `Timeout ${timeout}ms exceeded while waiting for event "${event}"`);296 if (event !== _events.Events.BrowserContext.Close) waiter.rejectOnEvent(this, _events.Events.BrowserContext.Close, new Error('Context closed'));297 const result = await waiter.waitForEvent(this, event, predicate);298 waiter.dispose();299 return result;300 });301 }302 async storageState(options = {}) {303 const state = await this._channel.storageState();304 if (options.path) {305 await (0, _fileUtils.mkdirIfNeeded)(options.path);306 await _fs.default.promises.writeFile(options.path, JSON.stringify(state, undefined, 2), 'utf8');307 }308 return state;309 }310 backgroundPages() {311 return [...this._backgroundPages];312 }313 serviceWorkers() {314 return [...this._serviceWorkers];315 }316 async newCDPSession(page) {317 // channelOwner.ts's validation messages don't handle the pseudo-union type, so we're explicit here318 if (!(page instanceof _page.Page) && !(page instanceof _frame.Frame)) throw new Error('page: expected Page or Frame');319 const result = await this._channel.newCDPSession(page instanceof _page.Page ? {320 page: page._channel321 } : {322 frame: page._channel323 });324 return _cdpSession.CDPSession.from(result.session);325 }326 _onClose() {327 var _this$_browserType, _this$_browserType$_c;328 if (this._browser) this._browser._contexts.delete(this);329 (_this$_browserType = this._browserType) === null || _this$_browserType === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$_browserType$_c = _this$_browserType._contexts) === null || _this$_browserType$_c === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_browserType$_c.delete(this);330 this.emit(_events.Events.BrowserContext.Close, this);331 }332 async close() {333 try {334 await this._wrapApiCall(async () => {335 var _this$_browserType2, _this$_browserType2$_;336 await ((_this$_browserType2 = this._browserType) === null || _this$_browserType2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$_browserType2$_ = _this$_browserType2._onWillCloseContext) === null || _this$_browserType2$_ === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_browserType2$$_browserType2, this));337 if (this._options.recordHar) {338 const har = await this._channel.harExport();339 const artifact = _artifact.Artifact.from(har.artifact);340 await artifact.saveAs(this._options.recordHar.path);341 await artifact.delete();342 }343 }, true);344 await this._channel.close();345 await this._closedPromise;346 } catch (e) {347 if ((0, _errors.isSafeCloseError)(e)) return;348 throw e;349 }350 }351 async _enableRecorder(params) {352 await this._channel.recorderSupplementEnable(params);353 }354 async _resetForReuse() {355 await this._unrouteAll();356 await this._removeInitScripts();357 await this._removeExposedBindings();358 }359}360exports.BrowserContext = BrowserContext;361async function prepareStorageState(options) {362 if (typeof options.storageState !== 'string') return options.storageState;363 try {364 return JSON.parse(await _fs.default.promises.readFile(options.storageState, 'utf8'));365 } catch (e) {366 (0, _stackTrace.rewriteErrorMessage)(e, `Error reading storage state from ${options.storageState}:\n` + e.message);367 throw e;368 }369}370async function prepareBrowserContextParams(options) {...

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Source:pageDispatcher.js Github


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...144 }145 async addInitScript(params, metadata) {146 await this._page.addInitScript(params.source);147 }148 async removeInitScripts() {149 await this._page.removeInitScripts();150 }151 async setNetworkInterceptionEnabled(params, metadata) {152 if (!params.enabled) {153 await this._page.setClientRequestInterceptor(undefined);154 return;155 }156 await this._page.setClientRequestInterceptor((route, request) => {157 this._dispatchEvent('route', {158 route: _networkDispatchers.RouteDispatcher.from(this._scope, route),159 request: _networkDispatchers.RequestDispatcher.from(this._scope, request)160 });161 });162 }163 async expectScreenshot(params, metadata) {...

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Source:browserContextDispatcher.js Github


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...171 }172 async addInitScript(params) {173 await this._context.addInitScript(params.source);174 }175 async removeInitScripts() {176 await this._context.removeInitScripts();177 }178 async setNetworkInterceptionEnabled(params) {179 if (!params.enabled) {180 await this._context.setRequestInterceptor(undefined);181 return;182 }183 await this._context.setRequestInterceptor((route, request) => {184 this._dispatchEvent('route', {185 route: _networkDispatchers.RouteDispatcher.from(this._scope, route),186 request: _networkDispatchers.RequestDispatcher.from(this._scope, request)187 });188 });189 }190 async storageState(params, metadata) {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({5 });6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await browser.close();8})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({4 });5 const context = await browser.newContext({6 });7 await context.removeInitScripts();8 const page = await context.newPage();9 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });10 await browser.close();11})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({4 });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 await context.removeInitScripts();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });9 await browser.close();10})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { removeInitScripts } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 removeInitScripts(context);7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();

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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({ acceptDownloads: true });5 await context.removeInitScripts();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.goto('

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1require('playwright').chromium.removeInitScripts();2const {chromium} = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();10![example.png](example.png)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { removeInitScripts } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await removeInitScripts(page);8 await browser.close();9})();10const { addInitScript } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 await addInitScript(page, ' = "bar"');17 await browser.close();18})();19const { setNetworkInterceptionEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');20const { chromium } = require('playwright');21(async () => {22 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });23 const context = await browser.newContext();24 const page = await context.newPage();25 await setNetworkInterceptionEnabled(page, false);26 await browser.close();27})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { removeInitScripts } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/injectedScript');2const { chromium } = require('playwright-core');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 await context.addInitScript({ content: removeInitScripts });7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });9 await browser.close();10})();11const { removeInitScripts } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/injectedScript');12await context.addInitScript({ content: removeInitScripts });13const { removeInitScript } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/injectedScript');14await context.addInitScript({ content: removeInitScript('screenshot') });15const { addInitScript } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/injectedScript');16await context.addInitScript({ name: 'my-script', content: addInitScript('my-script', 'console.log("my-script")') });17[Apache 2.0](LICENSE)

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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