Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1//var foxyProxy = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().foxyProxy;23var foxyProxy;4var settings;5var lastTabName;67// listen for settings message from extension8chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function( request, sender, sendResponse) {9 if (request.settings) {10 11 settings = request.settings;12 13 var tabName = lastTabName;14 // onTabShow15 if ('pageQuick' == tabName) {16 $("#enabledQA").setChecked(settings.enabledQA);17 $("#patternTemporaryQA").setChecked(settings.patternTemporaryQA);18 if(settings.enabledQA)19 $('#QASettingsContainer *').each(function(){ $(this).prop('disabled', false); });20 else21 $('#QASettingsContainer *').each(function(){ $(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); });22 $("#patternTemplateQA").val(settings.patternTemplateQA);23 $("#patternUrlQA").val("").change();24 $("#patternNameQA").val(settings.patternNameQA);25 $("#patternProxyQA *").remove();26 $.each(list, function(i, proxy){27 if(! {29 $("#patternProxyQA").append( $('<option value="'+i+'">''</option>'));30 }31 });3233 $("#patternProxyQA option[value='"+settings.patternProxyQA+"']").attr("selected", "selected");34 //$("#patternProxyQA").change();3536 $("input[name='patternWhitelistQA'][value='"+settings.patternWhitelistQA+"']").setChecked(true);37 $("input[name='patternTypeQA'][value='"+settings.patternTypeQA+"']").setChecked(true);38 }3940 if ('pageGlobal' == tabName) {41 if (foxyProxy.getFoxyProxyEdition && foxyProxy.getFoxyProxyEdition() != 'Basic') {42 $("input[name='advancedMenuCheck']").attr('checked', settings.useAdvancedMenus);43 $("input[name='showContextMenuCheck']").attr('checked', settings.showContextMenu);44 } else {45 $("input[name='advancedMenuCheck']").hide();46 $("input[name='showContextMenuCheck']").hide();47 $("label[for='advancedMenuCheck']").hide();48 $("label[for='showContextMenuCheck']").hide();49 }50 $("input[name='useChromeSyncCheck']").attr('checked', settings.useSyncStorage);51 $("input[name='animateIconCheck']").attr('checked', settings.animateIcon);52 $("input[name='showUpdatesCheck']").attr('checked', settings.showUpdates);53 $("input[name='usageOptOutCheck']").attr('checked', !settings.usageOptOut);54 }55 }56});5758chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(function( bgPage) {59 foxyProxy = bgPage.foxyProxy;60 61 foxyProxy.getSettings();62 63 if (foxyProxy.getFoxyProxyEdition() != 'Basic') {64 $("#tabQuick").show();65 }66});6768function saveSettings(){69 console.log("saveSettings");70 foxyProxy.updateSettings({ "settings": settings});71}727374function genPattern(url, strTemplate, caseSensitive) {75 76 var flags = caseSensitive ? "gi" : "g";77 var parsedUrl = parseUri(url);78 parsedUrl.hostport = parsedUrl.domain ? parsedUrl.domain + (parsedUrl.port ? ":"+parsedUrl.port: "") : "";79 parsedUrl.prePath = (parsedUrl.protocol?parsedUrl.protocol+"://":"")+ parsedUrl.authority;80 var ret = strTemplate.replace("${0}", parsedUrl.protocol?parsedUrl.protocol:"", flags); 81 ret = ret.replace("${1}", parsedUrl.user ? parsedUrl.user : "", flags); 82 ret = ret.replace("${2}", parsedUrl.password ? parsedUrl.password : "", flags); 83 ret = ret.replace("${3}", parsedUrl.userInfo ? parsedUrl.userInfo + "@" : "", flags); 84 ret = ret.replace("${4}", parsedUrl.domain ? parsedUrl.domain : "", flags); 85 ret = ret.replace("${5}", parsedUrl.port ? parsedUrl.port : "", flags); 86 ret = ret.replace("${6}", parsedUrl.hostport ? parsedUrl.hostport : "", flags); 87 ret = ret.replace("${7}", parsedUrl.prePath ? parsedUrl.prePath : "", flags); 88 ret = ret.replace("${8}", ? : "", flags); 89 ret = ret.replace("${9}", parsedUrl.file ? parsedUrl.file : "", flags); 90 ret = ret.replace("${10}", parsedUrl.file ? parsedUrl.file : "", flags); 91 ret = ret.replace("${11}", parsedUrl.file ? parsedUrl.file : "", flags); 92 ret = ret.replace("${12}", parsedUrl.path ? parsedUrl.path : "", flags); 93 ret = ret.replace("${13}", parsedUrl.anchor ? parsedUrl.anchor : "", flags); 94 ret = ret.replace("${14}", parsedUrl.query?parsedUrl.query:"", flags); 95 ret = ret.replace("${15}", parsedUrl.source?parsedUrl.source:"", flags);9697 return ret;98}99100function onTabShow(tabName) {101 console.log("tagName is", tabName);102 103 lastTabName = tabName;104 105 if (tabName) {106 $("#" + tabName).show();107 }108 109 chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(function( bgPage) {110 foxyProxy = bgPage.foxyProxy;111112 foxyProxy.getSettings();113 foxyProxy.getProxyList();114 });115 116 chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ trackEvent: {117 "category": "Options",118 "action": "tabShow",119 "label": "tabName",120 "value": tabName121 }});122123}124125$(document).ready(function() {126 127 $(".tabPage").hide(); // hide all tabs until we get settings loaded.128 129 $("#enabledQA").click(function(){130 if(list.length<=1) {131 alert("You must have entered at least one proxy in order to use QuickAdd");132 return false;133 }134135 settings.enabledQA = $(this).is(":checked");136 137 saveSettings();138 139 if (settings.enabledQA)140 $('#QASettingsContainer *').each(function(){ $(this).prop('disabled', false); });141 else142 $('#QASettingsContainer *').each(function(){ $(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); });143 });144145 $("#patternTemporaryQA").click(function(){146 settings.patternTemporaryQA = $(this).is(":checked");147 saveSettings();148 });149 150 $("#patternTemplateQA").keyup(function(){151 settings.patternTemplateQA=$(this).val();152 saveSettings();153 $("#patternResultQA").val(genPattern($("#patternUrlQA").val(),settings.patternTemplateQA));154 });155156 157 $("#patternUrlQA").change(function(){158 $("#patternResultQA").val(genPattern($(this).val(),settings.patternTemplateQA));159 });160 161 $("#patternNameQA").change(function(){162 settings.patternNameQA=$(this).val();163 saveSettings();164 });165 166 $("input[name='patternWhitelistQA']").click(function(){167 settings.patternWhitelistQA = $(this).val();168 saveSettings();169 });170 171 $("input[name='patternTypeQA']").click(function(){172 settings.patternTypeQA = $(this).val();173 saveSettings();174 });175 176 $("#patternProxyQA, #dialogPatternProxyQA").change(function(){177 settings.patternProxyQA = $(this).val();178 saveSettings();179 });180181182 $("#proxyTypeDirect").click(function(){183 if($(this).is(":checked")) {184 $(".proxyTypeManualGroup *").attr('disabled','disabled');185 $(".proxyTypeAutoGroup *").attr('disabled','disabled');186 $("#proxyDNS").attr('disabled','disabled');187 }188 });189 $("#proxyTypeManual").click(function(){190 if($(this).is(":checked")) {191 $(".proxyTypeManualGroup *").prop('disabled', false);192 $(".proxyTypeAutoGroup *").attr('disabled','disabled');193 $("#proxyDNS").prop('disabled', false);194 }195 });196 $("#proxyTypeAuto").click(function(){197 if($(this).is(":checked")) {198 $(".proxyTypeManualGroup *").attr('disabled','disabled');199 $(".proxyTypeAutoGroup *").prop('disabled', false);200 $("#proxyDNS").prop('disabled', false);201 }202 });203 204 205 $(document.body).keydown(function (e) {206 var s, 207 tables,208 dialogs = $('.ui-dialog:visible');209 210 if(dialogs.size()>0)211 {212 tables = $('.dataTables_wrapper > table',dialogs).filter(':visible');213 }214 else215 {216 tables = $('.dataTables_wrapper > table').filter(':visible');217 }218 219 var activeTable = tables;220 if (e.keyCode == 38) {221 s = activeTable.find("tbody tr.selected_row");222 s.toggleClass("selected_row");223 if(s.length && !":first-child"))224 s.prev().toggleClass("selected_row").click();225 else226 activeTable.find("tbody tr:last").toggleClass("selected_row").click();227 }228 if (e.keyCode == 40) {229 s = activeTable.find("tbody tr.selected_row");230 s.toggleClass("selected_row");231 if(s.length && !":last-child"))232"selected_row").click();233 else234 activeTable.find("tbody tr:first").toggleClass("selected_row").click();235 }236 });237 238 $("#proxyModeGlobal").change(function () {239 var newState = $("option:selected",this).val();240 foxyProxy.state = newState;241 });242 243 $("input[name='advancedMenuCheck']").click(function() {244 foxyProxy.toggleAdvancedMenus();245 });246 247 $("input[name='showContextMenuCheck']").click(function() {248 foxyProxy.toggleShowContextMenu();249 });250 251 $("input[name='useChromeSyncCheck']").click(function() {252 foxyProxy.toggleSyncStorage();253 });254 255 256 $("input[name='animateIconCheck']").click(function() {257 foxyProxy.toggleAnimateIcon();258 });259 260 261 $("input[name='showUpdatesCheck']").click(function() {262 foxyProxy.toggleShowUpdates();263 });264 265 $("input[name='usageOptOutCheck']").click(function() {266 foxyProxy.toggleUsageOptOut();267 });268 269 $("#resetButton").click(function() {270 if (confirm("Are you sure you want to reload all settings?")) {271 foxyProxy.reloadSettings();272 }273 });274 275 $("#resetDefaultsButton").click(function() {276 if (confirm("This will reset all settings and remove any proxies that were added! Are you sure you want to reset?")) {277 foxyProxy.resetToDefaults();278 }279 });280 281 282 onTabShow('');283});284285function exportConfig()286{287 var settingsString = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().foxyProxy.settingsToXml();288 chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().foxyProxy.saveToFile(settingsString); 289 290 // chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ trackEvent: {291 // "category": "Options",292 // "action": "export"293 // }});
1/*2 * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.3 *4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are6 * met:7 *8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.10 *11 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above12 * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer13 * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the14 * distribution.15 *16 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS17 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT18 * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR19 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GOOGLE INC.20 * OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,21 * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT22 * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,23 * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY24 * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT25 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE26 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.27 */28/**29 * @constructor30 * @param {string} url31 */32WebInspector.ParsedURL = function(url)33{34 this.isValid = false;35 this.url = url;36 this.scheme = "";37 = "";38 this.port = "";39 this.path = "";40 this.queryParams = "";41 this.fragment = "";42 this.folderPathComponents = "";43 this.lastPathComponent = "";44 // RegExp groups:45 // 1 - scheme (using the RFC3986 grammar)46 // 2 - hostname47 // 3 - ?port48 // 4 - ?path49 // 5 - ?fragment50 var match = url.match(/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+.-]*):\/\/([^\s\/:]*)(?::([\d]+))?(?:(\/[^#]*)(?:#(.*))?)?$/i);51 if (match) {52 this.isValid = true;53 this.scheme = match[1].toLowerCase();54 = match[2];55 this.port = match[3];56 this.path = match[4] || "/";57 this.fragment = match[5];58 } else {59 if (this.url.startsWith("data:")) {60 this.scheme = "data";61 return;62 }63 if (this.url === "about:blank") {64 this.scheme = "about";65 return;66 }67 this.path = this.url;68 }69 // First cut the query params.70 var path = this.path;71 var indexOfQuery = path.indexOf("?");72 if (indexOfQuery !== -1) {73 this.queryParams = path.substring(indexOfQuery + 1);74 path = path.substring(0, indexOfQuery);75 }76 // Then take last path component.77 var lastSlashIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");78 if (lastSlashIndex !== -1) {79 this.folderPathComponents = path.substring(0, lastSlashIndex);80 this.lastPathComponent = path.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1);81 } else82 this.lastPathComponent = path;83}84/**85 * @param {string} url86 * @return {string}87 */88WebInspector.ParsedURL._decodeIfPossible = function(url)89{90 var decodedURL = url;91 try {92 decodedURL = decodeURI(url);93 } catch (e) { }94 return decodedURL;95}96/**97 * @param {string} url98 * @return {!Array.<string>}99 */100WebInspector.ParsedURL.splitURLIntoPathComponents = function(url)101{102 var decodedURL = WebInspector.ParsedURL._decodeIfPossible(url);103 var parsedURL = new WebInspector.ParsedURL(decodedURL);104 var origin;105 var folderPath;106 var name;107 if (parsedURL.isValid) {108 origin = parsedURL.scheme + "://" +;109 if (parsedURL.port)110 origin += ":" + parsedURL.port;111 folderPath = parsedURL.folderPathComponents;112 name = parsedURL.lastPathComponent;113 if (parsedURL.queryParams)114 name += "?" + parsedURL.queryParams;115 } else {116 origin = "";117 folderPath = "";118 name = url;119 }120 var result = [origin];121 var splittedPath = folderPath.split("/");122 for (var i = 1; i < splittedPath.length; ++i) {123 if (!splittedPath[i])124 continue;125 result.push(splittedPath[i]);126 }127 result.push(name);128 return result;129}130/**131 * @param {string} baseURL132 * @param {string} href133 * @return {?string}134 */135WebInspector.ParsedURL.completeURL = function(baseURL, href)136{137 if (href) {138 // Return special URLs as-is.139 var trimmedHref = href.trim();140 if (trimmedHref.startsWith("data:") || trimmedHref.startsWith("blob:") || trimmedHref.startsWith("javascript:"))141 return href;142 // Return absolute URLs as-is.143 var parsedHref = trimmedHref.asParsedURL();144 if (parsedHref && parsedHref.scheme)145 return trimmedHref;146 } else {147 return baseURL;148 }149 var parsedURL = baseURL.asParsedURL();150 if (parsedURL) {151 if (parsedURL.isDataURL())152 return href;153 var path = href;154 var query = path.indexOf("?");155 var postfix = "";156 if (query !== -1) {157 postfix = path.substring(query);158 path = path.substring(0, query);159 } else {160 var fragment = path.indexOf("#");161 if (fragment !== -1) {162 postfix = path.substring(fragment);163 path = path.substring(0, fragment);164 }165 }166 if (!path) { // empty path, must be postfix167 var basePath = parsedURL.path;168 if (postfix.charAt(0) === "?") {169 // A href of "?foo=bar" implies "basePath?foo=bar".170 // With "basePath?a=b" and "?foo=bar" we should get "basePath?foo=bar".171 var baseQuery = parsedURL.path.indexOf("?");172 if (baseQuery !== -1)173 basePath = basePath.substring(0, baseQuery);174 } // else it must be a fragment175 return parsedURL.scheme + "://" + + (parsedURL.port ? (":" + parsedURL.port) : "") + basePath + postfix;176 } else if (path.charAt(0) !== "/") { // relative path177 var prefix = parsedURL.path;178 var prefixQuery = prefix.indexOf("?");179 if (prefixQuery !== -1)180 prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefixQuery);181 prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/";182 path = prefix + path;183 } else if (path.length > 1 && path.charAt(1) === "/") {184 // href starts with "//" which is a full URL with the protocol dropped (use the baseURL protocol).185 return parsedURL.scheme + ":" + path + postfix;186 } // else absolute path187 return parsedURL.scheme + "://" + + (parsedURL.port ? (":" + parsedURL.port) : "") + normalizePath(path) + postfix;188 }189 return null;190}191WebInspector.ParsedURL.prototype = {192 get displayName()193 {194 if (this._displayName)195 return this._displayName;196 if (this.isDataURL())197 return this.dataURLDisplayName();198 if (this.isAboutBlank())199 return this.url;200 this._displayName = this.lastPathComponent;201 if (!this._displayName)202 this._displayName = ( || "") + "/";203 if (this._displayName === "/")204 this._displayName = this.url;205 return this._displayName;206 },207 /**208 * @return {string}209 */210 dataURLDisplayName: function()211 {212 if (this._dataURLDisplayName)213 return this._dataURLDisplayName;214 if (!this.isDataURL())215 return "";216 this._dataURLDisplayName = this.url.trimEnd(20);217 return this._dataURLDisplayName;218 },219 /**220 * @return {boolean}221 */222 isAboutBlank: function()223 {224 return this.url === "about:blank";225 },226 /**227 * @return {boolean}228 */229 isDataURL: function()230 {231 return this.scheme === "data";232 },233 /**234 * @return {string}235 */236 lastPathComponentWithFragment: function()237 {238 return this.lastPathComponent + (this.fragment ? "#" + this.fragment : "");239 }240}241/**242 * @param {string} string243 * @return {!{url: string, lineNumber: (number|undefined), columnNumber: (number|undefined)}}244 */245WebInspector.ParsedURL.splitLineAndColumn = function(string)246{247 var lineColumnRegEx = /(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?$/;248 var lineColumnMatch = lineColumnRegEx.exec(string);249 var lineNumber;250 var columnNumber;251 console.assert(lineColumnMatch);252 if (typeof(lineColumnMatch[1]) === "string") {253 lineNumber = parseInt(lineColumnMatch[1], 10);254 // Immediately convert line and column to 0-based numbers.255 lineNumber = isNaN(lineNumber) ? undefined : lineNumber - 1;256 }257 if (typeof(lineColumnMatch[2]) === "string") {258 columnNumber = parseInt(lineColumnMatch[2], 10);259 columnNumber = isNaN(columnNumber) ? undefined : columnNumber - 1;260 }261 return {url: string.substring(0, string.length - lineColumnMatch[0].length), lineNumber: lineNumber, columnNumber: columnNumber};262}263/**264 * @return {?WebInspector.ParsedURL}265 */266String.prototype.asParsedURL = function()267{268 var parsedURL = new WebInspector.ParsedURL(this.toString());269 if (parsedURL.isValid)270 return parsedURL;271 return null;...
1var conf = require('../conf/config');2var request = require('request');3var rp = require('request-promise');4var Bluebird = require('bluebird');5const url = require('url');6var getMunicipality = require('../lib/utils/municipality');7var objectIds;8var username;9var password;10// Token holder11let token;12let scope;13var proxyUrl = 'lmsearchplacename';14var configOptions;15var srid = '3006';16objectIds = [];17// Doesn't need the async for now18const lmSearchPlacename = async (req, res) => {19 if (conf[proxyUrl]) {20 configOptions = Object.assign({}, conf[proxyUrl]);21 // Get a token from LM22 await getTokenAsyncCall(configOptions.consumer_key, configOptions.consumer_secret, configOptions.scope);23 const parsedUrl = url.parse(decodeURI(req.url), true);24 var kommunkod = '';25 if ('kommunkod' in parsedUrl.query) {26 kommunkod = parsedUrl.query.kommunkod;27 var kommunkod = parsedUrl.query.kommunkod;28 var municipalityArray = kommunkod.split(',');29 if (municipalityArray.length > 0) {30 var lmuser = parsedUrl.query.lmuser;31 var q = parsedUrl.query.q;32 var page =;33 var start = parsedUrl.query.start;34 var limit = parsedUrl.query.limit;35 var lang = parsedUrl.query.lang;36 var nametype = parsedUrl.query.nametype;37 if ('srid' in parsedUrl.query) {38 srid = parsedUrl.query.srid;39 } else {40 srid = '3006';41 }42 if ('matchtype' in parsedUrl.query) {43 matchtype = parsedUrl.query.matchtype;44 } else {45 matchtype = 'contains';46 }47 var searchUrl = '/kriterier?';48 if ( q.length > 0 ) {49 searchUrl = searchUrl + 'namn=' + q + '&match=' + matchtype;50 }51 // Set language for result52 if ( lang ) {53 searchUrl = searchUrl + '&sprak=' + lang;54 }55 // Limit the hits to nametypes56 if ( nametype ) {57 searchUrl = searchUrl + '&namntyp=' + nametype;58 }59 // Get the result based on pages60 if ( limit ) {61 searchUrl = searchUrl + '&maxHits=' + limit;62 }63 searchUrl = searchUrl + '&srid=' + srid;64 doSearchAsyncCall(req, res, municipalityArray, searchUrl);65 } else {66 console.log('Skip');67 res.send({});68 }69 } else {70 console.log('Skip');71 res.send({});72 }73 }74}75// Export the module76module.exports = lmSearchPlacename;77function getTokenWait(options) {78 // Return promise to be invoked for authenticating on service requests79 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {80 // Requesting the token service object81 request(options, (error, response, body) => {82 if (error) {83 console.log('Error token:' + error);84 reject('An error occured collecting token: ', error);85 } else {86 token = body.access_token;87 // console.log('Got token ' + token);88 resolve(body.access_token);89 }90 })91 })92}93async function getTokenAsyncCall(consumer_key, consumer_secret, scope) {94 // Request a token from Lantmateriet API95 const options = {96 url: configOptions.url_token,97 method: 'POST',98 headers: {99 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(consumer_key + ':' + consumer_secret).toString('base64')100 },101 form: {102 'scope': scope,103 'grant_type': 'client_credentials'104 },105 json: true106 }107 var result = await getTokenWait(options);108 return result;109}110async function doSearchAsyncCall(req, res, municipalityArray, urlParams) {111 var returnValue = [];112 var promiseArray = [];113 // Split all the separate municipality given to individual searches114 municipalityArray.forEach(function(municipality) {115 var searchUrl = encodeURI(configOptions.url + urlParams + '&kommunkod=' + municipality)116 // Setup the search call and wait for result117 const options = {118 url: searchUrl,119 method: 'GET',120 headers: {121 'content-type': 'application/json',122 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,123 'scope': `${scope}`124 }125 }126 promiseArray.push(127 rp(options)128 .then(function (result) {129 var parameters = JSON.parse(result);130 var newRes = [];131 newRes = concatResult(parameters.features, municipality);132 return newRes;133 })134 .catch(function (err) {135 console.log(err);136 console.log('ERROR doSearchAsyncCall!');137 res.send({});138 })139 )140 });141 await Promise.all(promiseArray)142 .then(function (resArr) {143 // Save the response to be handled in finally144 returnValue = resArr;145 })146 .catch(function (err) {147 // If fail return empty array148 res.send([]);149 })150 .finally(function () {151 // When all search has finished concat them to a single array of object Ids152 var newArray = [];153 returnValue.forEach(function(search) {154 newArray = newArray.concat(search);155 });156 res.send(newArray);157 });158}159function concatResult(placenames, municipality) {160 const result = [];161 // Check to see if there are multiple hits or a single162 if (Array.isArray(placenames)) {163 placenames.forEach((placename) => {164 result.push(getOrtnamn(placename, municipality));165 })166 } else {167 if (typeof placenames === 'undefined') {168 // placenames is undefined do nothing169 } else {170 result.push(getOrtnamn(placenames, municipality));171 }172 }173 return result;174}175function getOrtnamn(placename, municipality) {176 const id =;177 const namn =;178 let lanskod = '';179 let kommunkod = '';180 let kommunnamn = '';181 let coordinatesNE = [];182 // Check to see if feature has none or multiple coordinates183 if ('placering' in {184 // OBS! If there is a multipoint in the response it only uses the first coordinates185 const coordinates =[0].punkt.coordinates;186 coordinatesNE.push([coordinates[1], coordinates[0]]);187 lanskod =[0].lankod;188 kommunkod =[0].kommunkod;189 kommunnamn =[0].kommunnamn;190 }191 // If the kommunkod wasn't supplied in request get the municipality from the response192 if (municipality.countyCode === '00') {193 municipality = getMunicipality(lanskod.padStart(2, '0')+kommunkod.padStart(2, '0'));194 }195 // Build the object to return196 let object = {};197 if (coordinatesNE.length !== 0) {198 if (coordinatesNE.length === 1) {199 object['geometry'] = {200 coordinates: coordinatesNE[0],201 type: 'Point'202 };203 } else {204 object['geometry'] = {205 coordinates: coordinatesNE,206 type: 'MultiPoint'207 };208 }209 }210 object['properties'] = {211 id: id,212 name: namn,213 municipality: kommunnamn214 };215 object['type'] = 'Feature';216 return object;...
1const querystring = require('querystring');2/**3 * @typedef {Object} AdditionalEntries4 * @property {string[]} prependEntries5 * @property {string[]} overlayEntries6 */7/**8 * Creates an object that contains two entry arrays: the prependEntries and overlayEntries9 * @param {Object} optionsContainer This is the container for the options to this function10 * @param {import('../types').NormalizedPluginOptions} optionsContainer.options Configuration options for this plugin.11 * @param {import('webpack').Compiler["options"]["devServer"]} [optionsContainer.devServer] The webpack devServer config12 * @returns {AdditionalEntries} An object that contains the Webpack entries for prepending and the overlay feature13 */14function getAdditionalEntries({ devServer, options }) {15 /** @type {Record<string, string | number>} */16 let resourceQuery = {};17 if (devServer) {18 const { client, https, http2, sockHost, sockPath, sockPort } = devServer;19 let { host, path, port } = devServer;20 let protocol = https || http2 ? 'https' : 'http';21 if (sockHost) host = sockHost;22 if (sockPath) path = sockPath;23 if (sockPort) port = sockPort;24 if (client && client.webSocketURL != null) {25 let parsedUrl = client.webSocketURL;26 if (typeof parsedUrl === 'string') parsedUrl = new URL(parsedUrl);27 let auth;28 if (parsedUrl.username) {29 auth = parsedUrl.username;30 if (parsedUrl.password) {31 auth += ':' + parsedUrl.password;32 }33 }34 if (parsedUrl.hostname != null) {35 host = [auth != null && auth, parsedUrl.hostname].filter(Boolean).join('@');36 }37 if (parsedUrl.pathname != null) {38 path = parsedUrl.pathname;39 }40 if (parsedUrl.port != null) {41 port = String(parsedUrl.port) !== '0' ? parsedUrl.port : undefined;42 }43 if (parsedUrl.protocol != null) {44 protocol = parsedUrl.protocol !== 'auto' ? parsedUrl.protocol.replace(':', '') : 'ws';45 }46 }47 if (host) resourceQuery.sockHost = host;48 if (path) resourceQuery.sockPath = path;49 if (port) resourceQuery.sockPort = port;50 resourceQuery.sockProtocol = protocol;51 }52 if (options.overlay) {53 const { sockHost, sockPath, sockPort, sockProtocol } = options.overlay;54 if (sockHost) resourceQuery.sockHost = sockHost;55 if (sockPath) resourceQuery.sockPath = sockPath;56 if (sockPort) resourceQuery.sockPort = sockPort;57 if (sockProtocol) resourceQuery.sockProtocol = sockProtocol;58 }59 // We don't need to URI encode the resourceQuery as it will be parsed by Webpack60 const queryString = querystring.stringify(resourceQuery, undefined, undefined, {61 /**62 * @param {string} string63 * @returns {string}64 */65 encodeURIComponent(string) {66 return string;67 },68 });69 const prependEntries = [70 // React-refresh runtime71 require.resolve('../../client/ReactRefreshEntry'),72 ];73 const overlayEntries = [74 // Error overlay runtime75 options.overlay &&76 options.overlay.entry &&77 `${require.resolve(options.overlay.entry)}${queryString ? `?${queryString}` : ''}`,78 ].filter(Boolean);79 return { prependEntries, overlayEntries };80}...
1'use strict';2const url = require('url');3const formatters = {4 forceWww: function forceWww (req) {5 const parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url);6 const host = && !^www/);7 const pathname = parsedUrl.pathname && !parsedUrl.pathname.match(/^www/);8 if (parsedUrl && (host || pathname)) {9 if (pathname && !host) {10 parsedUrl.pathname = `//www.${parsedUrl.pathname}`;11 } else {12 = `www.${}`;13 }14 // generate new url with www15 const newUrl = url.format(parsedUrl);16'Force www url %s', newUrl);17 return newUrl;18 }19 return false;20 },21 trailingSlash: function trailingSlash (req) {22 const parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url);23 // match everything except home page24 if (parsedUrl.pathname.match(/\/$/) && parsedUrl.pathname.length > 1) {25 // remove trailing slash26 parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname.slice(0, -1);27 // generate new url without trailing slash28 const newUrl = url.format(parsedUrl);29'Force url without trailing slash %s', newUrl);30 return newUrl;31 }32 return false;33 },34 forceSecure: function forceSecure (req) {35 const header = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] ||;36 if (header && header !== 'https') {37 const parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url);38 parsedUrl.protocol = 'https:';39 // generate new url with https protocol40 const newUrl = url.format(parsedUrl);41'Force url with https protocol %s', newUrl);42 return newUrl;43 }44 return false;45 }46};47// Handle redirection for case when we want forceSecure, trailingSlash and forceWww48// @TODO - forceWww is not working49module.exports = (options) => {50 return (req, res, next) => {51 const oldUrl = req.url;52 Object.keys(options).forEach((key) => {53 if (formatters[key] && options[key] === true) {54 // call formatter55 const formattedUrl = formatters[key](req);56 if (formattedUrl) {57 req.url = formattedUrl;58 }59 }60 });61 if (oldUrl === req.url) {62 next();63 } else {64 res.redirect(301, req.url);65 }66 };...
1'use strict'2const querystring = require('querystring')3const url = require('url')4const dn = require('./dn')5const filter = require('./filters/')6module.exports = {7 parse: function (urlStr, parseDN) {8 let parsedURL9 try {10 parsedURL = new url.URL(urlStr)11 } catch (error) {12 throw new TypeError(urlStr + ' is an invalid LDAP url (scope)')13 }14 if (!parsedURL.protocol || !(parsedURL.protocol === 'ldap:' || parsedURL.protocol === 'ldaps:')) { throw new TypeError(urlStr + ' is an invalid LDAP url (protocol)') }15 const u = {16 protocol: parsedURL.protocol,17 hostname: parsedURL.hostname,18 port: parsedURL.port,19 pathname: parsedURL.pathname,20 search:,21 href: parsedURL.href22 }23 = (u.protocol === 'ldaps:')24 if (!u.hostname) { u.hostname = 'localhost' }25 if (!u.port) {26 u.port = ( ? 636 : 389)27 } else {28 u.port = parseInt(u.port, 10)29 }30 if (u.pathname) {31 u.pathname = querystring.unescape(u.pathname.substr(1))32 u.DN = parseDN ? dn.parse(u.pathname) : u.pathname33 }34 if ( {35 u.attributes = []36 const tmp ='?')37 if (tmp && tmp.length) {38 if (tmp[0]) {39 tmp[0].split(',').forEach(function (a) {40 u.attributes.push(querystring.unescape(a.trim()))41 })42 }43 }44 if (tmp[1]) {45 if (tmp[1] !== 'base' && tmp[1] !== 'one' && tmp[1] !== 'sub') { throw new TypeError(urlStr + ' is an invalid LDAP url (scope)') }46 u.scope = tmp[1]47 }48 if (tmp[2]) {49 u.filter = querystring.unescape(tmp[2])50 }51 if (tmp[3]) {52 u.extensions = querystring.unescape(tmp[3])53 }54 if (!u.scope) { u.scope = 'base' }55 if (!u.filter) { u.filter = filter.parseString('(objectclass=*)') } else { u.filter = filter.parseString(u.filter) }56 }57 return u58 }...
1// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be3// found in the LICENSE file.4/**5 * @return {!Promise<!ProductRegistry.Registry>}6 */7ProductRegistry.instance = function() {8 var extension = self.runtime.extension(ProductRegistry.Registry);9 if (extension)10 return extension.instance();11 return Promise.resolve(self.singleton(ProductRegistry.RegistryStub));12};13/**14 * @interface15 */16ProductRegistry.Registry = function() {};17ProductRegistry.Registry.prototype = {18 /**19 * @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl20 * @return {?string}21 */22 nameForUrl: function(parsedUrl) {},23 /**24 * @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl25 * @return {?ProductRegistry.Registry.ProductEntry}26 */27 entryForUrl: function(parsedUrl) {},28 /**29 * @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl30 * @return {?number}31 */32 typeForUrl: function(parsedUrl) {}33};34/**35 * @implements {ProductRegistry.Registry}36 */37ProductRegistry.RegistryStub = class {38 /**39 * @override40 * @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl41 * @return {?string}42 */43 nameForUrl(parsedUrl) {44 return null;45 }46 /**47 * @override48 * @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl49 * @return {?ProductRegistry.Registry.ProductEntry}50 */51 entryForUrl(parsedUrl) {52 return null;53 }54 /**55 * @override56 * @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl57 * @return {?number}58 */59 typeForUrl(parsedUrl) {60 return null;61 }62};63/** @typedef {!{name: string, type: ?number}} */...
1import parseUrl from 'url-parse';2export const addOrSetQueryStringParameter = (url, param, value) => {3 const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, true);4 parsedUrl.query[param] = value;5 return parsedUrl.toString();6};7export const removeQueryStringParameter = (url, param) => {8 const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, true);9 parsedUrl.query[param] = undefined;10 return parsedUrl.toString();11};12export const setUrlPath = (url, path) => {13 const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, true);14 parsedUrl.set('pathname', path);15 return parsedUrl.toString();16};17export const filterUrlParams = (url, params) => {18 const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, true);19 const query = {};20 Object.keys(parsedUrl.query).map(k => {21 if (!params.find(e => e == k)) query[k] = parsedUrl.query[k];22 });23 parsedUrl.query = query;24 return parsedUrl.toString();25};26export const removeParameters = url => {27 const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, true);28 parsedUrl.query = {};29 return parsedUrl.toString();30};31export const getCurrentQueryStringParameter = param => {32 const parsedUrl = parseUrl(window.location.href, true);33 return parsedUrl.query[param];34};35export const getPath = url => {36 const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, true);37 return (38 parsedUrl.pathname +39 (parsedUrl.toString().indexOf('?') > 040 ? `?${parsedUrl.toString().split('?')[1]}`41 : '')42 );...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(parsedURL);3const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');4console.log(parsedURL);5const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');6console.log(parsedURL);7const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');8console.log(parsedURL);9const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');10console.log(parsedURL);11const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');12console.log(parsedURL);13const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');14console.log(parsedURL);15const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');16console.log(parsedURL);17const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');18console.log(parsedURL);19const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');20console.log(parsedURL);21const { parseURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');22console.log(parsedURL);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(parsedURL);3const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4console.log(parsedURL);5const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6console.log(parsedURL);7const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8console.log(parsedURL);9const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');10console.log(parsedURL);11const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12console.log(parsedURL);13const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14console.log(parsedURL);15const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');16console.log(parsedURL);17const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');18console.log(parsedURL);19const { parseURL } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');20console.log(parsedURL);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parsedURL } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');2const parsed = parsedURL(url);3console.log(parsed);4 hash: '' }5const { URL } = require('url');6const parsed = new URL(url);7console.log(parsed);8URL {9 searchParams: URLSearchParams {},10 hash: '' }11const { URLSearchParams } = require('url');12const parsed = new URLSearchParams(url);13console.log(parsed);14URLSearchParams { 'version' => 'v1.10.0
Using AI Code Generation
1const {URL} = require('url');2console.log(parsedURL.hostname);3const {URL} = require('url');4console.log(parsedURL.hostname);5const {URL} = require('url');6console.log(parsedURL.hostname);7const {URL} = require('url');8console.log(parsedURL.hostname);9const {URL} = require('url');10console.log(parsedURL.hostname);11const {URL} = require('url');12console.log(parsedURL.hostname);13const {URL} = require('url');14console.log(parsedURL.hostname);15const {URL} = require('url');16console.log(parsedURL.hostname);17const {URL} = require('url');18console.log(parsedURL.hostname);19const {URL} = require('url');20console.log(parsedURL.hostname);21const {URL} = require('url');22console.log(parsedURL.hostname);23const {URL} = require('url');24console.log(parsedURL.hostname);25const {URL} =
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");2console.log(parsedURL);3const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");4console.log(parsedURL);5const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");6console.log(parsedURL);7const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");8console.log(parsedURL);9const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");10console.log(parsedURL);11const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");12console.log(parsedURL);13const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");14console.log(parsedURL);15const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");16console.log(parsedURL);17const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");18console.log(parsedURL);19const { parseURL } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");20console.log(parsedURL);21const { parseURL } = require
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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