Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...54 };55 // Tests56 // -----57 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: Empty Source Strings", function () {58 this.parseError("", "Empty JSON source string");59 this.parseError("\n\n\r\n", "Source string containing only line terminators");60 this.parseError(" ", "Source string containing a single space character");61 this.parseError(" ", "Source string containing multiple space characters");62 this.done(4);63 });64 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: Whitespace", function (test) {65 // The only valid JSON whitespace characters are tabs, spaces, and line66 // terminators. All other Unicode category `Z` (`Zs`, `Zl`, and `Zp`)67 // characters are invalid (note that the `Zs` category includes the68 // space character).69 var characters = ["{\u00a0}", "{\u1680}", "{\u180e}", "{\u2000}", "{\u2001}",70 "{\u2002}", "{\u2003}", "{\u2004}", "{\u2005}", "{\u2006}", "{\u2007}",71 "{\u2008}", "{\u2009}", "{\u200a}", "{\u202f}", "{\u205f}", "{\u3000}",72 "{\u2028}", "{\u2029}"];73 Spec.forEach(characters, function (value) {74 test.parseError(value, "Source string containing an invalid Unicode whitespace character");75 });76 this.parseError("{\u000b}", "Source string containing a vertical tab");77 this.parseError("{\u000c}", "Source string containing a form feed");78 this.parseError("{\ufeff}", "Source string containing a byte-order mark");79 this.parses({}, "{\r\n}", "Source string containing a CRLF line ending");80 this.parses({}, "{\n\n\r\n}", "Source string containing multiple line terminators");81 this.parses({}, "{\t}", "Source string containing a tab character");82 this.parses({}, "{ }", "Source string containing a space character");83 this.done(26);84 });85 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: Octal Values", function (test) {86 // `08` and `018` are invalid octal values.87 Spec.forEach(["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "010", "011", "08", "018"], function (value) {88 test.parseError(value, "Octal literal");89 test.parseError("-" + value, "Negative octal literal");90 test.parseError('"\\' + value + '"', "Octal escape sequence in a string");91 test.parseError('"\\x' + value + '"', "Hex escape sequence in a string");92 });93 this.done(48);94 });95 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: Numeric Literals", function () {96 this.parses(100, "100", "Integer");97 this.parses(-100, "-100", "Negative integer");98 this.parses(10.5, "10.5", "Float");99 this.parses(-3.141, "-3.141", "Negative float");100 this.parses(0.625, "0.625", "Decimal");101 this.parses(-0.03125, "-0.03125", "Negative decimal");102 this.parses(1000, "1e3", "Exponential");103 this.parses(100, "1e+2", "Positive exponential");104 this.parses(-0.01, "-1e-2", "Negative exponential");105 this.parses(3125, "0.03125e+5", "Decimalized exponential");106 this.parses(100, "1E2", "Case-insensitive exponential delimiter");107 this.parseError("+1", "Leading `+`");108 this.parseError("1.", "Trailing decimal point");109 this.parseError(".1", "Leading decimal point");110 this.parseError("1e", "Missing exponent");111 this.parseError("1e-", "Missing signed exponent");112 this.parseError("--1", "Leading `--`");113 this.parseError("1-+", "Trailing `-+`");114 this.parseError("0xaf", "Hex literal");115 // The native `JSON.parse` implementation in IE 9 allows this syntax, but116 // the feature tests should detect the broken implementation.117 this.parseError("- 5", "Invalid negative sign");118 this.done(20);119 });120 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: String Literals", function (test) {121 var expected = 48, controlCharacters = ["\u0001", "\u0002", "\u0003",122 "\u0004", "\u0005", "\u0006", "\u0007", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\u000b", "\f",123 "\r", "\u000e", "\u000f", "\u0010", "\u0011", "\u0012", "\u0013",124 "\u0014", "\u0015", "\u0016", "\u0017", "\u0018", "\u0019", "\u001a",125 "\u001b", "\u001c", "\u001d", "\u001e", "\u001f"];126 // Opera 7 discards null characters in strings.127 if ("\0".length) {128 expected += 1;129 controlCharacters.push("\u0000");130 }131 this.parses("value", '"value"', "Double-quoted string literal");132 this.parses("", '""', "Empty string literal");133 this.parses("\u2028", '"\\u2028"', "String containing an escaped Unicode line separator");134 this.parses("\u2029", '"\\u2029"', "String containing an escaped Unicode paragraph separator");135 // ExtendScript doesn't handle surrogate pairs correctly; attempting to136 // parse `"\ud834\udf06"` will throw an uncatchable error (issue #29).137 this.parses("\ud834\udf06", '"\ud834\udf06"', "String containing an unescaped Unicode surrogate pair");138 this.parses("\u0001", '"\\u0001"', "String containing an escaped ASCII control character");139 this.parses("\b", '"\\b"', "String containing an escaped backspace");140 this.parses("\f", '"\\f"', "String containing an escaped form feed");141 this.parses("\n", '"\\n"', "String containing an escaped line feed");142 this.parses("\r", '"\\r"', "String containing an escaped carriage return");143 this.parses("\t", '"\\t"', "String containing an escaped tab");144 this.parses("hello/world", '"hello\\/world"', "String containing an escaped solidus");145 this.parses("hello\\world", '"hello\\\\world"', "String containing an escaped reverse solidus");146 this.parses("hello\"world", '"hello\\"world"', "String containing an escaped double-quote character");147 this.parseError("'hello'", "Single-quoted string literal");148 this.parseError('"\\x61"', "String containing a hex escape sequence");149 this.parseError('"hello \r\n world"', "String containing an unescaped CRLF line ending");150 Spec.forEach(controlCharacters, function (value) {151 test.parseError('"' + value + '"', "String containing an unescaped ASCII control character");152 });153 this.done(expected);154 });155 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: Array Literals", function () {156 this.parseError("[1, 2, 3,]", "Trailing comma in array literal");157 this.parses([1, 2, [3, [4, 5]], 6, [true, false], [null], [[]]], "[1, 2, [3, [4, 5]], 6, [true, false], [null], [[]]]", "Nested arrays");158 this.parses([{}], "[{}]", "Array containing empty object literal");159 this.parses([100, true, false, null, {"a": ["hello"], "b": ["world"]}, [0.01]], "[1e2, true, false, null, {\"a\": [\"hello\"], \"b\": [\"world\"]}, [1e-2]]", "Mixed array");160 this.done(4);161 });162 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: Object Literals", function () {163 this.parses({"hello": "world"}, "{\"hello\": \"world\"}", "Object literal containing one member");164 this.parses({"hello": "world", "foo": ["bar", true], "fox": {"quick": true, "purple": false}}, "{\"hello\": \"world\", \"foo\": [\"bar\", true], \"fox\": {\"quick\": true, \"purple\": false}}", "Object literal containing multiple members");165 this.parseError("{key: 1}", "Unquoted identifier used as a property name");166 this.parseError("{false: 1}", "`false` used as a property name");167 this.parseError("{true: 1}", "`true` used as a property name");168 this.parseError("{null: 1}", "`null` used as a property name");169 this.parseError("{'key': 1}", "Single-quoted string used as a property name");170 this.parseError("{1: 2, 3: 4}", "Number used as a property name");171 this.parseError("{\"hello\": \"world\", \"foo\": \"bar\",}", "Trailing comma in object literal");172 this.done(9);173 });174 // JavaScript expressions should never be evaluated, as JSON 3 does not use175 // `eval`.176 testSuite.addTest("`parse`: Invalid Expressions", function (test) {177 Spec.forEach(["1 + 1", "1 * 2", "var value = 123;", "{});value = 123;({}", "call()", "1, 2, 3, \"value\""], function (expression) {178 test.parseError(expression, "Source string containing a JavaScript expression");179 });180 this.done(6);181 });182 testSuite.addTest("`stringify` and `parse`: Optional Arguments", function () {183 this.parses({"a": 1, "b": 16}, '{"a": 1, "b": "10000"}', "Callback function provided", function (key, value) {184 return typeof value == "string" ? parseInt(value, 2) : value;185 });186 this.serializes("{\n \"bar\": 456\n}", {"foo": 123, "bar": 456}, "Object; optional `filter` and `whitespace` arguments", ["bar"], 2);187 // Test adapted from the Opera JSON test suite via Ken Snyder.188 // See // The regular expression is necessary because the ExtendScript engine190 // only approximates pi to 14 decimal places (ES 3 and ES 5 approximate191 // pi to 15 places).192 this.ok(/^\{"PI":3\.\d{14,15}\}$/.test(JSON.stringify(Math, ["PI"])), "List of non-enumerable property names specified as the `filter` argument");193 this.equal(3, JSON.parse("[1, 2, 3]", function (key, value) {194 if (typeof value == "object" && value) {195 return value;196 }197 }).length, "Issue #10: `walk` should not use `splice` when removing an array element");198 this.done(4);199 });200 testSuite.addTest("`stringify`", function () {201 var expected = 29;202 // Special values.203 this.serializes("null", null, "`null` is represented literally");204 this.serializes("null", 1 / 0, "`Infinity` is serialized as `null`");205 this.serializes("null", 0 / 0, "`NaN` is serialized as `null`");206 this.serializes("null", -1 / 0, "`-Infinity` is serialized as `null`");207 this.serializes("true", true, "Boolean primitives are represented literally");208 this.serializes("false", new Boolean(false), "Boolean objects are represented literally");209 this.serializes('"\\\\\\"How\\bquickly\\tdaft\\njumping\\fzebras\\rvex\\""', new String('\\"How\bquickly\tdaft\njumping\fzebras\rvex"'), "All control characters in strings are escaped");210 this.serializes("[false,1,\"Kit\"]", [new Boolean, new Number(1), new String("Kit")], "Arrays are serialized recursively");211 this.serializes("[null]", [void 0], "`[undefined]` is serialized as `[null]`");212 // Property enumeration is implementation-dependent.213 var value = {214 "jdalton": ["John-David", 29],215 "kitcambridge": ["Kit", 18],216 "mathias": ["Mathias", 23]217 };218 this.parses(value, JSON.stringify(value), "Objects are serialized recursively");219 // Complex cyclic structures.220 value = { "foo": { "b": { "foo": { "c": { "foo": null} } } } };221 this.serializes('{"foo":{"b":{"foo":{"c":{"foo":null}}}}}', value, "Nested objects containing identically-named properties should serialize correctly");222 var S = [], N = {};223 S.push(N, N);224 this.serializes('[{},{}]', S, "Objects containing duplicate references should not throw a `TypeError`");225 = value;226 this.cyclicError(value, "Objects containing complex circular references should throw a `TypeError`");227 // Sparse arrays.228 value = [];229 value[5] = 1;230 this.serializes("[null,null,null,null,null,1]", value, "Sparse arrays should serialize correctly");231 // Dates.232 this.serializes('"1994-07-03T00:00:00.000Z"', new Date(Date.UTC(1994, 6, 3)), "Dates should be serialized according to the simplified date time string format");233 this.serializes('"1993-06-02T02:10:28.224Z"', new Date(Date.UTC(1993, 5, 2, 2, 10, 28, 224)), "The date time string should conform to the format outlined in the spec");234 this.serializes('"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"', new Date(-8.64e15), "The minimum valid date value should serialize correctly");235 this.serializes('"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"', new Date(8.64e15), "The maximum valid date value should serialize correctly");236 this.serializes('"+010000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"', new Date(Date.UTC(10000, 0, 1)), "");237 // Tests based on research by @Yaffle. See kriskowal/es5-shim#111.238 this.serializes('"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"', new Date(-1), "Millisecond values < 1000 should be serialized correctly");239 this.serializes('"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"', new Date(-621987552e5), "Years prior to 0 should be serialized as extended years");240 this.serializes('"+010000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"', new Date(2534023008e5), "Years after 9999 should be serialized as extended years");241 this.serializes('"-109252-01-01T10:37:06.708Z"', new Date(-3509827334573292), "Issue #4: Opera > 9.64 should correctly serialize a date with a year of `-109252`");242 // Opera 7 normalizes dates with invalid time values to represent the243 // current date.244 value = new Date("Kit");245 if (!isFinite(value)) {246 expected += 1;247 this.serializes("null", value, "Invalid dates should serialize as `null`");248 }249 // Additional arguments.250 this.serializes("[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n [\n 4,\n 5\n ]\n]", [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]], "Nested arrays; optional `whitespace` argument", null, " ");251 this.serializes("[]", [], "Empty array; optional string `whitespace` argument", null, " ");252 this.serializes("{}", {}, "Empty object; optional numeric `whitespace` argument", null, 2);253 this.serializes("[\n 1\n]", [1], "Single-element array; optional numeric `whitespace` argument", null, 2);254 this.serializes("{\n \"foo\": 123\n}", { "foo": 123 }, "Single-member object; optional string `whitespace` argument", null, " ");255 this.serializes("{\n \"foo\": {\n \"bar\": [\n 123\n ]\n }\n}", {"foo": {"bar": [123]}}, "Nested objects; optional numeric `whitespace` argument", null, 2);256 this.done(expected);257 });258 /*259 * The following tests are adapted from the ECMAScript 5 Conformance Suite.260 * Copyright 2009, Microsoft Corporation. Distributed under the New BSD License.261 *262 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without263 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:264 *265 * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,266 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.267 * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,268 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation269 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.270 * - Neither the name of Microsoft nor the names of its contributors may be271 * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without272 * specific prior written permission.273 *274 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"275 * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE276 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE277 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE278 * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR279 * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF280 * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS281 * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN282 * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)283 * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE284 * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.285 */286 testSuite.addTest("ECMAScript 5 Conformance", function () {287 var value = { "a1": { "b1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "b2": { "c1": 1, "c2": 2 } }, "a2": "a2" };288 // Section The JSON Grammar.289 // ------------------------------------290 // Tests thru this.parseError("12\t\r\n 34", "Valid whitespace characters may not separate two discrete tokens");292 this.parseError("\u000b1234", "The vertical tab is not a valid whitespace character");293 this.parseError("\u000c1234", "The form feed is not a valid whitespace character");294 this.parseError("\u00a01234", "The non-breaking space is not a valid whitespace character");295 this.parseError("\u200b1234", "The zero-width space is not a valid whitespace character");296 this.parseError("\ufeff1234", "The byte order mark (zero-width non-breaking space) is not a valid whitespace character");297 this.parseError("\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u30001234", "Other Unicode category `Z` characters are not valid whitespace characters");298 this.parseError("\u2028\u20291234", "The line (U+2028) and paragraph (U+2029) separators are not valid whitespace characters");299 // Test this.parses({ "property": {}, "prop2": [true, null, 123.456] },301 '\t\r \n{\t\r \n' +302 '"property"\t\r \n:\t\r \n{\t\r \n}\t\r \n,\t\r \n' +303 '"prop2"\t\r \n:\t\r \n' +304 '[\t\r \ntrue\t\r \n,\t\r \nnull\t\r \n,123.456\t\r \n]' +305 '\t\r \n}\t\r \n',306 "Valid whitespace characters may precede and follow all tokens");307 // Tests thru this.parses(1234, "\t1234", "Leading tab characters should be ignored");309 this.parseError("12\t34", "A tab character may not separate two disparate tokens");310 this.parses(1234, "\r1234", "Leading carriage returns should be ignored");311 this.parseError("12\r34", "A carriage return may not separate two disparate tokens");312 this.parses(1234, "\n1234", "Leading line feeds should be ignored");313 this.parseError("12\n34", "A line feed may not separate two disparate tokens");314 this.parses(1234, " 1234", "Leading space characters should be ignored");315 this.parseError("12 34", "A space character may not separate two disparate tokens");316 // Tests thru this.parses("abc", '"abc"', "Strings must be enclosed in double quotes");318 this.parseError("'abc'", "Single-quoted strings are not permitted");319 // Note: the original test (`"\u0022abc\u0022"`) is incorrect,320 // as the JavaScript interpreter will always convert `\u0022` to `"`.321 this.parseError("\\u0022abc\\u0022", "Unicode-escaped double quote delimiters are not permitted");322 this.parseError('"ab'+"c'", "Strings must terminate with a double quote character");323 this.parses("", '""', "Strings may be empty");324 // Tests thru this.parseError('"\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007"', "Unescaped control characters in the range [U+0000, U+0007] are not permitted within strings");326 this.parseError('"\u0008\u0009\u000a\u000b\u000c\u000d\u000e\u000f"', "Unescaped control characters in the range [U+0008, U+000F] are not permitted within strings");327 this.parseError('"\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017"', "Unescaped control characters in the range [U+0010, U+0017] are not permitted within strings");328 this.parseError('"\u0018\u0019\u001a\u001b\u001c\u001d\u001e\u001f"', "Unescaped control characters in the range [U+0018, U+001F] are not permitted within strings");329 // Tests thru this.parses("X", '"\\u0058"', "Unicode escape sequences are permitted within strings");331 this.parseError('"\\u005"', "Unicode escape sequences may not comprise fewer than four hexdigits");332 this.parseError('"\\u0X50"', "Unicode escape sequences may not contain non-hex characters");333 // Tests thru this.parses("/", '"\\/"', "Escaped solidus");335 this.parses("\\", '"\\\\"', "Escaped reverse solidus");336 this.parses("\b", '"\\b"', "Escaped backspace");337 this.parses("\f", '"\\f"', "Escaped form feed");338 this.parses("\n", '"\\n"', "Escaped line feed");339 this.parses("\r", '"\\r"', "Escaped carriage return");340 this.parses("\t", '"\\t"', "Escaped tab");341 // Section 15.12.3: `JSON.stringify()`.342 // ------------------------------------343 // Test 15.12.3-11-1 thru 5.12.3-11-15.344 this.serializes(void 0, void 0, "`JSON.stringify(undefined)` should return `undefined`");345 this.serializes('"replacement"', void 0, "The `JSON.stringify` callback function can be called on a top-level `undefined` value", function () {346 return "replacement";...
1/* jshint expr: true */2var expect = require('chai').expect;3var generaterr = require('../index');4describe('generaterr', function() {5 it('should generate error constructors', function() {6 var errorConstructor = generaterr('ParseError');7 expect(errorConstructor)'function');8 });9 it('should create instances of "Error"', function() {10 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError');11 var err = new ParseError('');12 expect(err);13 });14 it('should allow errors to be generated without a message', function() {15 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError');16 var err = new ParseError();17 expect(err.message)'');18 });19 it('should expose message', function() {20 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError');21 var err = new ParseError('Could not parse file due to missing semicolons');22 expect(err.message).to.equal('Could not parse file due to missing semicolons');23 });24 it('should throw an error with message, name and stack trace', function(done) {25 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError');26 try27 {28 throw new ParseError('Could not parse file due to missing semicolons');29 } catch(e) {30 expect(e.message).to.equal('Could not parse file due to missing semicolons');31 expect('ParseError');32 expect(e.stack).to.exist;33 done();34 }35 });36 it('should throw an error without stack trace if turned off by options', function(done) {37 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError', {}, { captureStackTrace : false });38 try39 {40 throw new ParseError('Could not parse file due to missing semicolons');41 } catch(e) {42 expect(e.stack).to.not.exist;43 done();44 }45 });46 it('should allow to pass options only', function(done) {47 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError', null, { captureStackTrace : false });48 try49 {50 throw new ParseError('Could not parse file due to missing semicolons');51 } catch(e) {52 expect(e.stack).to.not.exist;53 done();54 }55 });56 it('should format messages with util.format', function(done) {57 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError');58 try59 {60 throw new ParseError('Could not parse file "%s" due to missing semicolons at line %d:%d', 'input.js', 10, 12);61 } catch(e) {62 expect(e.message).to.equal('Could not parse file "input.js" due to missing semicolons at line 10:12');63 done();64 }65 });66 it('should last argument object to error instance', function() {67 var ParseError = generaterr('ParseError');68 var err = new ParseError('Could not parse file "%s" due to missing semicolons at line %d:%d', 'input.js', 10, 12, { status : 'FATAL' });69 expect(err.message).to.equal('Could not parse file "input.js" due to missing semicolons at line 10:12');70 expect(err.status).to.equal('FATAL');71 });72 it('should copy parameters passed to constructor generator functions to error instance', function() {73 var NotFoundError = generaterr('NotFoundError', { status : 404 });74 var notFoundError = new NotFoundError('Could find resource /api/random/numbers');75 expect(notFoundError.status).to.equal(404);76 expect('NotFoundError');77 });78 it('should create an error with new if not invoked with "new" keyword', function() {79 var NotFoundError = generaterr('NotFoundError');80 var err = NotFoundError('Could find resource /api/random/numbers');81 expect(err);82 expect(err.message).to.equal('Could find resource /api/random/numbers');83 });84 it('should create an error with new if not invoked with "new" keyword with parameters', function() {85 var NotFoundError = generaterr('NotFoundError');86 var err = NotFoundError('Could find resource /api/random/numbers', { status : 'FATAL' });87 expect(err);88 expect(err.status).to.equal('FATAL');89 expect(err.message).to.equal('Could find resource /api/random/numbers');90 });91 it('should override error constructor properties', function() {92 var ExternalServiceError = generaterr('ExternalServiceError', { status : 500 });93 var url = 'http://localhost';94 var err = new ExternalServiceError('Communication with api api "%s" failed due to error', url, { status : 404 });95 expect(err.status).to.equal(404);96 });97 it('should inherit from passed error', function() {98 var SuperError = generaterr('ParentError');99 var InheritedError = generaterr('InheritedError', {}, { inherits : SuperError });100 var err = new InheritedError('Communication with api api "%s" failed due to error');101 expect(err);102 });...
1var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 value: true4});5exports.default = void 0;6var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck"));7var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass"));8var _assertThisInitialized2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized"));9var _inherits2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/inherits"));10var _possibleConstructorReturn2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn"));11var _getPrototypeOf2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/getPrototypeOf"));12var _wrapNativeSuper2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/wrapNativeSuper"));13function _createSuper(Derived) {14 var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct();15 return function () {16 var Super = (0, _getPrototypeOf2.default)(Derived),17 result;18 if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) {19 var NewTarget = (0, _getPrototypeOf2.default)(this).constructor;20 result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget);21 } else {22 result = Super.apply(this, arguments);23 }24 return (0, _possibleConstructorReturn2.default)(this, result);25 };26}27function _isNativeReflectConstruct() {28 if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false;29 if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false;30 if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true;31 try {32, [], function () {}));33 return true;34 } catch (e) {35 return false;36 }37}38var ParseError = function (_Error) {39 (0, _inherits2.default)(ParseError, _Error);40 var _super = _createSuper(ParseError);41 function ParseError(code, message) {42 var _this;43 (0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, ParseError);44 _this =, message);45 _this.code = code;46 Object.defineProperty((0, _assertThisInitialized2.default)(_this), 'message', {47 enumerable: true,48 value: message49 });50 return _this;51 }52 (0, _createClass2.default)(ParseError, [{53 key: "toString",54 value: function () {55 return 'ParseError: ' + this.code + ' ' + this.message;56 }57 }]);58 return ParseError;59}((0, _wrapNativeSuper2.default)(Error));60ParseError.OTHER_CAUSE = -1;61ParseError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 1;62ParseError.CONNECTION_FAILED = 100;63ParseError.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 101;64ParseError.INVALID_QUERY = 102;65ParseError.INVALID_CLASS_NAME = 103;66ParseError.MISSING_OBJECT_ID = 104;67ParseError.INVALID_KEY_NAME = 105;68ParseError.INVALID_POINTER = 106;69ParseError.INVALID_JSON = 107;70ParseError.COMMAND_UNAVAILABLE = 108;71ParseError.NOT_INITIALIZED = 109;72ParseError.INCORRECT_TYPE = 111;73ParseError.INVALID_CHANNEL_NAME = 112;74ParseError.PUSH_MISCONFIGURED = 115;75ParseError.OBJECT_TOO_LARGE = 116;76ParseError.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN = 119;77ParseError.CACHE_MISS = 120;78ParseError.INVALID_NESTED_KEY = 121;79ParseError.INVALID_FILE_NAME = 122;80ParseError.INVALID_ACL = 123;81ParseError.TIMEOUT = 124;82ParseError.INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 125;83ParseError.MISSING_CONTENT_TYPE = 126;84ParseError.MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH = 127;85ParseError.INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = 128;86ParseError.FILE_TOO_LARGE = 129;87ParseError.FILE_SAVE_ERROR = 130;88ParseError.DUPLICATE_VALUE = 137;89ParseError.INVALID_ROLE_NAME = 139;90ParseError.EXCEEDED_QUOTA = 140;91ParseError.SCRIPT_FAILED = 141;92ParseError.VALIDATION_ERROR = 142;93ParseError.INVALID_IMAGE_DATA = 143;94ParseError.UNSAVED_FILE_ERROR = 151;95ParseError.INVALID_PUSH_TIME_ERROR = 152;96ParseError.FILE_DELETE_ERROR = 153;97ParseError.FILE_DELETE_UNNAMED_ERROR = 161;98ParseError.REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 155;99ParseError.DUPLICATE_REQUEST = 159;100ParseError.INVALID_EVENT_NAME = 160;101ParseError.INVALID_VALUE = 162;102ParseError.USERNAME_MISSING = 200;103ParseError.PASSWORD_MISSING = 201;104ParseError.USERNAME_TAKEN = 202;105ParseError.EMAIL_TAKEN = 203;106ParseError.EMAIL_MISSING = 204;107ParseError.EMAIL_NOT_FOUND = 205;108ParseError.SESSION_MISSING = 206;109ParseError.MUST_CREATE_USER_THROUGH_SIGNUP = 207;110ParseError.ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED = 208;111ParseError.INVALID_SESSION_TOKEN = 209;112ParseError.MFA_ERROR = 210;113ParseError.MFA_TOKEN_REQUIRED = 211;114ParseError.LINKED_ID_MISSING = 250;115ParseError.INVALID_LINKED_SESSION = 251;116ParseError.UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE = 252;117ParseError.INVALID_SCHEMA_OPERATION = 255;118ParseError.AGGREGATE_ERROR = 600;119ParseError.FILE_READ_ERROR = 601;120ParseError.X_DOMAIN_REQUEST = 602;121var _default = ParseError;...
1"use babel"2/*eslint-env jasmine */3import parseCode from '../lib/parse-code.js'4import fs from 'fs'5import path from 'path'6describe("makeCache.parseCode", function() {7 it("can parse every file in js-hyperclick", function() {8 const filenames = [9 './parse-code-spec.js',10 '../lib/js-hyperclick.js',11 '../lib/make-cache.js',12 '../lib/parse-code.js',13 '../lib/suggestions.js',14 '../.eslintrc.js'15 ]16 filenames.forEach(name => {17 const fullFilename = path.join(__dirname, name)18 const code = String(fs.readFileSync(fullFilename))19 const { parseError } = parseCode(code)20 expect(parseError && parseError.message).toBeUndefined(fullFilename)21 })22 })23 it("gathers the scopes for a file", function() {24 const { parseError, scopes: actual } = parseCode(`25 // 126 (function() {27 // 228 var noop = () => null // 329 if (noop) {30 // 431 }32 function foo() {33 // 534 }35 }())36 `)37 if (parseError) throw parseError38 expect(actual.length).toBe(5)39 })40 it("Gathers requires", function() {41 const { parseError, externalModules: actual } = parseCode(`42 const foo = require('./foo')43 const badRequire = require( const { bar } = require('./bar')45 import someDefault, { named as renamed, notRenamed } from './other'46 function whatever() {47 const x = require('something')48 }49 `)50 if (parseError) throw parseError51 let id = 052 expect(actual[id].local).toBe('foo')53 expect(actual[id].module).toBe('./foo')54 expect(actual[id].imported).toBe('default')55 id++56 expect(actual[id].local).toBe('bar')57 expect(actual[id].module).toBe('./bar')58 expect(actual[id].imported).toBe('default')59 id++60 expect(actual[id].local).toBe('someDefault')61 expect(actual[id].module).toBe('./other')62 expect(actual[id].imported).toBe('default')63 id++64 expect(actual[id].local).toBe('renamed')65 expect(actual[id].module).toBe('./other')66 expect(actual[id].imported).toBe('named')67 id++68 expect(actual[id].local).toBe('notRenamed')69 expect(actual[id].module).toBe('./other')70 expect(actual[id].imported).toBe('notRenamed')71 id++72 expect(actual[id].local).toBe('x')73 expect(actual[id].module).toBe('something')74 expect(actual[id].imported).toBe('default')75 })76 it("Gathers exports", function() {77 const { parseError, exports: actual } = parseCode(`78 export default function Something() {}79 export { bar }80 export { whatever as baz}81 export const foo = 'foo'82 export function exportedFunction() {}83 `)84 if (parseError) throw parseError85 expect(actual.default).not.toBeUndefined()86 expect( expect(actual.whatever).toBeUndefined()88 expect(actual.baz).not.toBeUndefined()89 expect( expect(actual.exportedFunction).not.toBeUndefined()91 })92 it("Gathers module.exports", function() {93 const {parseError, exports: actual} = parseCode(`94 module.exports = {}95 `)96 if (parseError) throw parseError97 expect(actual.default).not.toBeUndefined()98 })99 it("Gathers paths from imports / requires", function() {100 const { parseError, paths: actual } = parseCode(`101 const foo = require('./foo')102 const badRequire = require( const { bar } = require('./bar')104 import someDefault, { named as renamed, notRenamed } from './other'105 function whatever() {106 const x = require('something')107 }108 export * from './export-all'109 export { y } from './named-exports'110 export default from './base/Component.react'111 `)112 if (parseError) throw parseError113 expect(actual[0].module).toBe('./foo')114 expect(actual[1].module).toBe('./bar')115 expect(actual[2].module).toBe('./other')116 expect(actual[3].module).toBe('something')117 expect(actual[4].module).toBe('./export-all')118 expect(actual[5].module).toBe('./named-exports')119 expect(actual[6].module).toBe('./base/Component.react')120 })...
1Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {2 value: true3});4var ParseError = function ParseError(code, message) {5 babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, ParseError);6 this.code = code;7 this.message = message;8};9exports.default = ParseError;10ParseError.OTHER_CAUSE = -1;11ParseError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 1;12ParseError.CONNECTION_FAILED = 100;13ParseError.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 101;14ParseError.INVALID_QUERY = 102;15ParseError.INVALID_CLASS_NAME = 103;16ParseError.MISSING_OBJECT_ID = 104;17ParseError.INVALID_KEY_NAME = 105;18ParseError.INVALID_POINTER = 106;19ParseError.INVALID_JSON = 107;20ParseError.COMMAND_UNAVAILABLE = 108;21ParseError.NOT_INITIALIZED = 109;22ParseError.INCORRECT_TYPE = 111;23ParseError.INVALID_CHANNEL_NAME = 112;24ParseError.PUSH_MISCONFIGURED = 115;25ParseError.OBJECT_TOO_LARGE = 116;26ParseError.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN = 119;27ParseError.CACHE_MISS = 120;28ParseError.INVALID_NESTED_KEY = 121;29ParseError.INVALID_FILE_NAME = 122;30ParseError.INVALID_ACL = 123;31ParseError.TIMEOUT = 124;32ParseError.INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 125;33ParseError.MISSING_CONTENT_TYPE = 126;34ParseError.MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH = 127;35ParseError.INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = 128;36ParseError.FILE_TOO_LARGE = 129;37ParseError.FILE_SAVE_ERROR = 130;38ParseError.DUPLICATE_VALUE = 137;39ParseError.INVALID_ROLE_NAME = 139;40ParseError.EXCEEDED_QUOTA = 140;41ParseError.SCRIPT_FAILED = 141;42ParseError.VALIDATION_ERROR = 142;43ParseError.INVALID_IMAGE_DATA = 143;44ParseError.UNSAVED_FILE_ERROR = 151;45ParseError.INVALID_PUSH_TIME_ERROR = 152;46ParseError.FILE_DELETE_ERROR = 153;47ParseError.REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 155;48ParseError.INVALID_EVENT_NAME = 160;49ParseError.USERNAME_MISSING = 200;50ParseError.PASSWORD_MISSING = 201;51ParseError.USERNAME_TAKEN = 202;52ParseError.EMAIL_TAKEN = 203;53ParseError.EMAIL_MISSING = 204;54ParseError.EMAIL_NOT_FOUND = 205;55ParseError.SESSION_MISSING = 206;56ParseError.MUST_CREATE_USER_THROUGH_SIGNUP = 207;57ParseError.ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED = 208;58ParseError.INVALID_SESSION_TOKEN = 209;59ParseError.LINKED_ID_MISSING = 250;60ParseError.INVALID_LINKED_SESSION = 251;61ParseError.UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE = 252;62ParseError.AGGREGATE_ERROR = 600;63ParseError.FILE_READ_ERROR = 601;...
...28 }29 return ParseError;30}(SyntaxError));31exports.ParseError = ParseError;32function parseError(message, begin, end) {33 var e = new ParseError(message);34 if (Array.isArray(begin)) {35 e.begin = {36 row: begin[0] - 1,37 column: begin[1]38 };39 }40 if (Array.isArray(end)) {41 e.end = {42 row: end[0] - 1,43 column: end[1]44 };45 }46 return e;...
1'use strict'2const { ParseError } = require('../../lib/sax')3describe('ParseError', () => {4 it('should have name ParseError', () => {5 expect(new ParseError('').name).toBe('ParseError')6 })7 it('should be an instance of Error', () => {8 expect(new ParseError('') instanceof Error).toBe(true)9 })10 it('should be an instance of ParseError', () => {11 expect(new ParseError('') instanceof ParseError).toBe(true)12 })13 it('should store first argument as message', () => {14 const error = new ParseError('FROM TEST')15 expect(error.message).toBe('FROM TEST')16 })17 it('should store second argument as locator', () => {18 const locator = {}19 const error = new ParseError('', locator)20 expect(error.locator).toBe(locator)21 })22 it('should have correct StackTrace', () => {23 const error = new ParseError('MESSAGE')24 const stack = error.stack && error.stack.split(/[\n\r]+/)25 expect(stack && stack.length).toBeGreaterThan(1)26 expect(stack[0]).toBe('ParseError: MESSAGE')27 expect(stack[1]).toContain(__filename)28 })29 it('Error should not be instanceof ParseError', () => {30 expect(new Error() instanceof ParseError).toBe(false)31 })...
1/*!2 * Stylus - errors3 * Copyright (c) Automattic <>4 * MIT Licensed5 */6/**7 * Expose constructors.8 */9exports.ParseError = ParseError;10exports.SyntaxError = SyntaxError;11/**12 * Inherit from `Error.prototype`.13 */14SyntaxError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype;15/**16 * Initialize a new `ParseError` with the given `msg`.17 *18 * @param {String} msg19 * @api private20 */21function ParseError(msg) {22 = 'ParseError';23 this.message = msg;24 Error.captureStackTrace(this, ParseError);25}26/**27 * Inherit from `Error.prototype`.28 */29ParseError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype;30/**31 * Initialize a new `SyntaxError` with the given `msg`.32 *33 * @param {String} msg34 * @api private35 */36function SyntaxError(msg) {37 = 'SyntaxError';38 this.message = msg;39 Error.captureStackTrace(this, ParseError);40}41/**42 * Inherit from `Error.prototype`.43 */...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { parseError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });17 await browser.close();18})();19 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\hp\Documents\GitHub\playwrightTest\node_modules\playwright\lib\cdp.js:69:19)20 at ExecutionContext._evaluateInternal (C:\Users\hp\Documents\GitHub\playwrightTest\node_modules\playwright\lib\executionContext.js:222:50)21 at ExecutionContext.evaluateHandle (C:\Users\hp\Documents\GitHub\playwrightTest\node_modules\playwright\lib\executionContext.js:109:17)22 at Page._pageBindings.get.e (C:\Users\hp\Documents\GitHub\playwrightTest\node_modules\playwright\lib\page.js:1085:63)23 at Page._onBindingCalled (C:\Users\hp\Documents\GitHub\playwrightTest\node_modules\playwright\lib\page.js:1082:14)24 at CDPSession.Page.client.on.event (C:\Users\hp\Documents\GitHub\playwrightTest\node_modules\playwright\lib\page.js:87:57)25 at CDPSession.emit (events.js:315:20)26 at CDPSession._onMessage (C:\Users\hp\Documents\GitHub\playwrightTest\node_modules\playwright\lib\cdp.js:96
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseError } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { PlaywrightError } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/errors');3const { TimeoutError } = require('playwright-core/lib/errors');4const error = new TimeoutError('Timeout', 30000);5const playwrightError = new PlaywrightError('Error', error);6console.log(parseError(playwrightError));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseError } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { TimeoutError } = require('playwright-core/lib/errors');3const error = new TimeoutError('Timeout');4console.log(parseError(error));5{6 ' at TimeoutError (/Users/username/Documents/playwright/test.js:5:9)\n' +7 ' at Timeout._onTimeout (/Users/username/Documents/playwright/test.js:7:13)\n' +8 ' at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)\n' +9 ' at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)'10}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseError } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');2const { TimeoutError } = require('playwright-core/lib/errors');3const error = new TimeoutError('Timeout');4const parsedError = parseError(error);5console.log(parsedError);6{ message: 'Timeout',7at TimeoutError.ExtendableBuiltin (/Users/username/playwright-test/node_modules/playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace.js:20:28)8at TimeoutError.Error (/Users/username/playwright-test/node_modules/playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace.js:12:47)9at new TimeoutError (/Users/username/playwright-test/node_modules/playwright-core/lib/errors.js:12:28)10at Timeout._onTimeout (/Users/username/playwright-test/test.js:5:19)11at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17)12at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)',13 isPlaywrightError: true }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { InternalError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/error');3const internalError = new InternalError('message', 'stack');4const parsedError = parseError(internalError);5console.log(parsedError);6const { parseError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');7const { Error } = require('playwright/lib/utils/error');8const error = new Error('message', 'stack');9const parsedError = parseError(error);10console.log(parsedError);11const { parseError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');12const { InternalError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/error');13const internalError = new InternalError('message', 'stack');14const parsedError = parseError(internalError);15console.log(parsedError);16const { parseError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');17const { Error } = require('playwright/lib/utils/error');18const error = new Error('message', 'stack');19const parsedError = parseError(error);20console.log(parsedError);21if (error.stack && !Array.isArray(error.stack))22 error.stack = error.stack.split('23');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseError } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { expect } = require('chai');3describe('test', () => {4 it('should throw error', () => {5 try {6 throw new Error('some error');7 } catch (error) {8 const parsedError = parseError(error);9 expect(parsedError.message).to.equal('some error');10 }11 });12});13{14 "dependencies": {15 },16 "devDependencies": {17 }18}19 at Context.<anonymous> (test.js:9:15)20 at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21)21 at Context.<anonymous> (test.js:9:15)22 at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21)23 at Object.parseError (node_modules/playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace.js:37:12)24 at Context.<anonymous> (test.js:11:31)25const parsedError = parseError(error);26const parsedError = parseError(error);
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