Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/**2 * what-input - A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse, keyboard or touch).3 * @version v4.2.04 * @link * @license MIT6 */7/* jQuery based CSS parser8// documentation: Version: 1.510// Copyright (c) 2011 Daniel Wachsstock11// MIT license:12// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person13// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation14// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without15// restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,16// copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell17// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the18// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following19// conditions:20// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be21// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.22// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,23// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES24// OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND25// NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT26// HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY,27// WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING28// FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR29// OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.*/30(function($){31 // utility function, since we want to allow $('style') and $(document), so we need to look for elements in the jQuery object ($.fn.filter) and elements that are children of the jQuery object ($.fn.find)32 $.fn.findandfilter = function(selector){33 var ret = this.filter(selector).add(this.find(selector));34 ret.prevObject = ret.prevObject.prevObject; // maintain the filter/end chain correctly (the filter and the find both push onto the chain).35 return ret;36 };37 $.fn.parsecss = function(callback, parseAttributes){38 var parse = function(str) { $.parsecss(str, callback) }; // bind the callback39 this40 .findandfilter ('style').each (function(){41 parse(this.innerHTML);42 })43 .end()44 .findandfilter ('link[type="text/css"]').each (function(){45 // only get the stylesheet if it's not disabled, it won't trigger cross-site security (doesn't start with anything like http:) and it uses the appropriate media)46 if (!this.disabled && !/^\w+:/.test($(this).attr('href')) && $.parsecss.mediumApplies( $.get(this.href, parse);47 })48 .end();49 if (parseAttributes){50 $.get(, function(HTMLtext) {51 styleAttributes(HTMLtext, callback);52 }, 'text');53 }54 return this;55 };56 $.parsecss = function(str, callback){57 var ret = {};58 str = munge(str).replace(/@(([^;`]|`[^b]|`b[^%])*(`b%)?);?/g, function(s,rule){59 // @rules end with ; or a block, with the semicolon not being part of the rule but the closing brace (represented by `b%) is60 processAtRule($.trim(rule), callback);61 return '';62 });63 $.each (str.split('`b%'), function(i,css){ // split on the end of a block64 css = css.split('%b`'); // css[0] is the selector; css[1] is the index in munged for the cssText65 if (css.length < 2) return; // invalid css66 css[0] = restore(css[0]);67 ret[css[0]] = $.extend(ret[css[0]] || {}, parsedeclarations(css[1]));68 });69 callback(ret);70 };71 // explanation of the above: munge(str) strips comments and encodes strings and brace-delimited blocks, so that72 // %b` corresponds to { and `b% corresponds to }73 // munge(str) replaces blocks with %b`1`b% (for example)74 //75 // str.split('`b%') splits the text by '}' (which ends every CSS statement)76 // Each so the each(munge(str... function(i,css)77 // is called with css being empty (the string after the last delimiter), an @rule, or a css statement of the form78 // selector %b`n where n is a number (the block was turned into %b`n`b% by munge). Splitting on %b` gives the selector and the79 // number corresponding to the declaration block. parsedeclarations will do restore('%b`'+n+'`b%') to get it back.80 // if anyone ever implements, we're ready81 $.parsecss.mediumApplies = ( && || function(str){82 if (!str) return true; // if no descriptor, everything applies83 if (str in media) return media[str];84 var style = $('<style media="'+str+'">body {position: relative; z-index: 1;}</style>').appendTo('head');85 return media[str] = [$('body').css('z-index')==1, style.remove()][0]; // the [x,y][0] is a silly hack to evaluate two expressions and return the first86 };87 $.parsecss.isValidSelector = function(str){88 var s = $('<style>'+str+'{}</style>').appendTo('head')[0];89 // s.styleSheet is IE; it accepts illegal selectors but converts them to UNKNOWN. Standards-based (s.shee.cssRules) just reject the rule90 return [s.styleSheet ? !/UNKNOWN/i.test(s.styleSheet.cssText) : !!s.sheet.cssRules.length, $(s).remove()][0]; // the [x,y][0] is a silly hack to evaluate two expressions and return the first91 };92 $.parsecss.parseArguments = function(str){93 if (!str) return [];94 var ret = [], mungedArguments = munge(str, true).split(/\s+/); // can't use $.map because it flattens arrays !95 for (var i = 0; i < mungedArguments.length; ++i) {96 var a = restore(mungedArguments[i]);97 try{98 ret.push(eval('('+a+')'));99 }catch(err){100 ret.push(a);101 }102 }103 return ret;104 };105 // uses the parsed css to apply useful jQuery functions106 $.parsecss.jquery = function(css){107 for (var selector in css){108 for (var property in css[selector]){109 var match = /^-jquery(-(.*))?/.exec(property);110 if (!match) continue;111 var value = munge(css[selector][property]).split('!'); // exclamation point separates the parts of livequery actions112 var which = match[2];113 dojQuery(selector, which, restore(value[0]), restore(value[1]));114 }115 }116 };117 // expose the styleAttributes function118 $.parsecss.styleAttributes = styleAttributes;119 // caches120 var media = {}; // media description strings121 var munged = {}; // strings that were removed by the parser so they don't mess up searching for specific characters122 // private functions123 function parsedeclarations(index){ // take a string from the munged array and parse it into an object of property: value pairs124 var str = munged[index].replace(/^{|}$/g, ''); // find the string and remove the surrounding braces125 str = munge(str); // make sure any internal braces or strings are escaped126 var parsed = {};127 $.each (str.split(';'), function (i, decl){128 decl = decl.split(':');129 if (decl.length < 2) return;130 parsed[restore(decl[0])] = restore(decl.slice(1).join(':'));131 });132 return parsed;133 }134 // replace strings and brace-surrounded blocks with %s`number`s% and %b`number`b%. By successively taking out the innermost135 // blocks, we ensure that we're matching braces. No way to do this with just regular expressions. Obviously, this assumes no one136 // would use %s` in the real world.137 // Turns out this is similar to the method that Dean Edwards used for his CSS parser in IE7.js ( var REbraces = /{[^{}]*}/;139 var REfull = /\[[^\[\]]*\]|{[^{}]*}|\([^()]*\)|function(\s+\w+)?(\s*%b`\d+`b%){2}/; // match pairs of parentheses, brackets, and braces and function definitions.140 var REatcomment = /\/\*@((?:[^\*]|\*[^\/])*)\*\//g; // comments of the form /*@ text */ have text parsed141 // we have to combine the comments and the strings because comments can contain string delimiters and strings can contain comment delimiters142 // var REcomment = /\/\*(?:[^\*]|\*[^\/])*\*\/|<!--|-->/g; // other comments are stripped. (this is a simplification of real SGML comments (see , but it's what real browsers use)143 // var REstring = /\\.|"(?:[^\\\"]|\\.|\\\n)*"|'(?:[^\\\']|\\.|\\\n)*'/g; // match escaped characters and strings144 var REcomment_string =145 /(?:\/\*(?:[^\*]|\*[^\/])*\*\/)|(\\.|"(?:[^\\\"]|\\.|\\\n)*"|'(?:[^\\\']|\\.|\\\n)*')/g;146 var REmunged = /%\w`(\d+)`\w%/;147 var uid = 0; // unique id number148 function munge(str, full){149 str = str150 .replace(REatcomment,'$1') // strip /*@ comments but leave the text (to let invalid CSS through)151 .replace(REcomment_string, function (s, string){ // strip strings and escaped characters, leaving munged markers, and strip comments152 if (!string) return '';153 var replacement = '%s`'+(++uid)+'`s%';154 munged[uid] = string.replace(/^\\/,''); // strip the backslash now155 return replacement;156 })157 ;158 // need a loop here rather than .replace since we need to replace nested braces159 var RE = full ? REfull : REbraces;160 while (match = RE.exec(str)){161 replacement = '%b`'+(++uid)+'`b%';162 munged[uid] = match[0];163 str = str.replace(RE, replacement);164 }165 return str;166 }167 function restore(str){168 if (str === undefined) return str;169 while (match = REmunged.exec(str)){170 str = str.replace(REmunged, munged[match[1]]);171 }172 return $.trim(str);173 }174 function processAtRule (rule, callback){175 var split = rule.split(/\s+/); // split on whitespace176 var type = split.shift(); // first word177 if (type=='media'){178 var css = restore(split.pop()).slice(1,-1); // last word is the rule; need to strip the outermost braces179 if ($.parsecss.mediumApplies(split.join(' '))){180 $.parsecss(css, callback);181 }182 }else if (type=='import'){183 var url = restore(split.shift());184 if ($.parsecss.mediumApplies(split.join(' '))){185 url = url.replace(/^url\(|\)$/gi, '').replace(/^["']|["']$/g, ''); // remove the url('...') wrapper186 $.get(url, function(str) { $.parsecss(str, callback) });187 }188 }189 }190 function dojQuery (selector, which, value, value2){ // value2 is the value for the livequery no longer match191 if (/show|hide/.test(which)) which += 'Default'; // -jquery-show is a shortcut for -jquery-showDefault192 if (value2 !== undefined && $.livequery){193 // mode is 0 for a static value (can be evaluated when parsed);194 // 1 for delayed (refers to "this" which means it needs to be evaluated separately for each element matched), and195 // 2 for livequery; evaluated whenever elments change196 var mode = 2;197 }else{198 mode = /\bthis\b/.test(value) ? 1 : 0;199 }200 if (which && $.fn[which]){201 // a plugin202 // late bind parseArguments so "this" is defined correctly203 function p (str) { return function() { return $.fn[which].apply($(this), $, str)) } };204 switch (mode){205 case 0: return $.fn[which].apply($(selector), $.parsecss.parseArguments(value));206 case 1: return $(selector).each(p(value));207 case 2: return (new $.livequery(selector, document, undefined, p(value), value2 === '' ? undefined : p(value2))).run();208 }209 }else if (which){210 // a plugin but one that was not defined211 return undefined;212 }else{213 // straight javascript214 switch (mode){215 case 0: return eval(value);216 case 1: return $(selector).each(Function(value));217 case 2: return (new $.livequery(selector, document, undefined, Function(value), value2 === '' ? undefined : Function(value2))).run();218 }219 }220 }221 // override show and hide. $.data(el, 'showDefault') is a function that is to be used for show if no arguments are passed in (if there are arguments, they override the stored function)222 // Many of the effects call the native show/hide() with no arguments, resulting in an infinite loop.223 var _show = {show: $, hide: $.fn.hide}; // save the originals224 $.each(['show','hide'], function(){225 var which = this, show = _show[which], plugin = which+'Default';226 $.fn[which] = function(){227 if (arguments.length > 0) return show.apply(this, arguments);228 return this.each(function(){229 var fn = $.data(this, plugin), $this = $(this);230 if (fn){231 $.removeData(this, plugin); // prevent the infinite loop232$this);233 $this.queue(function(){$, fn).dequeue()}); // put the function back at the end of the animation234 }else{235$this);236 }237 });238 };239 $.fn[plugin] = function(){240 var args = $.makeArray(arguments), name = args[0];241 if ($.fn[name]){ // a plugin242 args.shift();243 var fn = $.fn[name];244 }else if ($.effects && $.effects[name]){ // a jQuery UI effect. They require an options object as the second argument245 if (typeof args[1] != 'object') args.splice(1,0,{});246 fn = _show[which];247 }else{ // regular show/hide248 fn = _show[which];249 }250 return, function(){fn.apply(this,args)});251 };252 });253 // experimental: find unrecognized style attributes in elements by reloading the code as text254 var RESGMLcomment = /<!--([^-]|-[^-])*-->/g; // as above, a simplification of real comments. Don't put -- in your HTML comments!255 var REnotATag = /(>)[^<]*/g;256 var REtag = /<(\w+)([^>]*)>/g;257 function styleAttributes (HTMLtext, callback) {258 var ret = '', style, tags = {}; // keep track of tags so we can identify elements unambiguously259 HTMLtext = HTMLtext.replace(RESGMLcomment, '').replace(REnotATag, '$1');260 munge(HTMLtext).replace(REtag, function(s, tag, attrs){261 tag = tag.toLowerCase();262 if (tags[tag]) ++tags[tag]; else tags[tag] = 1;263 if (style = /\bstyle\s*=\s*(%s`\d+`s%)/i.exec(attrs)){ // style attributes must be of the form style = "a: bc" ; they must be in quotes. After munging, they are marked with numbers. Grab that number264 var id = /\bid\s*=\s*(\S+)/i.exec(attrs); // find the id if there is one.265 if (id) id = '#'+restore(id[1]).replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g,''); else id = tag + ':eq(' + (tags[tag]-1) + ')';266 ret += [id, '{', restore(style[1]).replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g,''),'}'].join('');267 }268 });269 $.parsecss(ret, callback);270 }...
1// Dependencies2// =============================================================================3import parseCss from '../src/parse-css';4import { expect } from 'chai';5// Suite6// =============================================================================7describe('parse-css', function() {8 const fixtures = window.__FIXTURES__;9 // Tests: Parsing10 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------11 describe('Parsing', function() {12 it('parses CSS to an AST (object)', async function() {13 const css = fixtures['test-parse.css'];14 const ast = parseCss(css);15 expect(ast instanceof Object);16 expect(ast)'type', 'stylesheet');17 });18 });19 // Tests: Errors20 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------21 describe('Errors', function() {22 it('throws an error when parsing missing opening bracket', function() {23 const css = 'p color: red; }';24 const badFn = function() {25 parseCss(css);26 };27 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'missing \'{\'');28 });29 it('throws an error when parsing missing @rule opening bracket', function() {30 const css = '@media screen p color: red; }';31 const badFn = function() {32 parseCss(css);33 };34 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'missing \'{\'');35 });36 it('throws an error when parsing missing closing bracket', function() {37 const css = 'p { color: red;';38 const badFn = function() {39 parseCss(css);40 };41 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'missing \'}\'');42 });43 it('throws an error when parsing missing @rule closing bracket', function() {44 const css = '@media screen { p { color: red; }';45 const badFn = function() {46 parseCss(css);47 };48 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'missing \'}\'');49 });50 it('throws an error when parsing missing end of comment', function() {51 const css = '/* Comment *';52 const badFn = function() {53 parseCss(css);54 };55 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'end of comment');56 });57 it('throws an error when parsing extra closing bracket', function() {58 const css = 'p { color: red; }}';59 const badFn = function() {60 parseCss(css);61 };62 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'closing bracket');63 });64 it('throws an error when parsing property missing colon', function() {65 const css = 'p { color red; }';66 const badFn = function() {67 parseCss(css);68 };69 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'property missing \':\'');70 });71 it('throws an error when parsing missing selector', function() {72 const css = '{ color: red; }';73 const badFn = function() {74 parseCss(css);75 };76 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, 'selector missing');77 });78 it('throws an error when parsing @keyframes with missing name', function() {79 const css = '@keyframes { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } }';80 const badFn = function() {81 parseCss(css);82 };83 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, '@keyframes missing name');84 });85 it('throws an error when parsing @keyframes with missing open bracket', function() {86 const css = '@keyframes test from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } }';87 const badFn = function() {88 parseCss(css);89 };90 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, '@keyframes missing \'{\'');91 });92 it('throws an error when parsing @keyframes with missing closing bracket', function() {93 const css = '@keyframes test { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; }';94 const badFn = function() {95 parseCss(css);96 };97 expect(badFn).to.throw(Error, '@keyframes missing \'}\'');98 });99 });100 // Tests: Options101 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------102 describe('Options', function() {103 describe('onlyVars', function() {104 const cssVarDecl = `105 :root {106 --color: red;107 background: white;108 }109 `;110 const cssVarFunc = `111 p {112 color: var(--color);113 background: white;114 }115 `;116 it('false (keeps all :root declarations)', function() {117 const ast = parseCss(cssVarDecl);118 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(2);119 });120 it('false (keeps all declarations)', function() {121 const ast = parseCss(cssVarFunc);122 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(2);123 });124 it('true (keeps only :root variable declaration)', function() {125 const ast = parseCss(cssVarDecl, {126 onlyVars: true127 });128 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(1);129 });130 it('true (keeps only variable function declarations)', function() {131 const ast = parseCss(cssVarFunc, {132 onlyVars: true133 });134 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(1);135 });136 it('true (keeps all @font-face declarations)', function() {137 const css = `138 @font-face {139 test: var(--test);140 font-family: system;141 font-style: normal;142 }143 `;144 const ast = parseCss(css, {145 onlyVars: true146 });147 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(3);148 });149 it('true (remove @font-face rule)', function() {150 const css = `151 @font-face {152 font-family: system;153 font-style: normal;154 }155 `;156 const ast = parseCss(css, {157 onlyVars: true158 });159 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules).to.have.lengthOf(0);160 });161 it('true (keeps all @keyframes declarations)', function() {162 const css = `163 @keyframes slidein {164 from {165 test: var(--test);166 height: 50%;167 width: 50%;168 }169 to {170 height: 100%;171 width: 100%;172 }173 }174 `;175 const ast = parseCss(css, {176 onlyVars: true177 });178 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].keyframes[0].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(3);179 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].keyframes[1].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(2);180 });181 it('true (remove @keyframes rule)', function() {182 const css = `183 @keyframes slidein {184 from {185 height: 50%;186 width: 50%;187 }188 to {189 height: 100%;190 width: 100%;191 }192 }193 `;194 const ast = parseCss(css, {195 onlyVars: true196 });197 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules).to.have.lengthOf(0);198 });199 it('true (keeps all @media declarations)', function() {200 const css = `201 @media screen {202 p {203 color: var(--color);204 background: white;205 }206 }207 `;208 const ast = parseCss(css, {209 onlyVars: true210 });211 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules[0].rules[0].declarations).to.have.lengthOf(1);212 });213 it('true (remove @media rule)', function() {214 const css = `215 @media screen {216 p {217 background: white;218 }219 }220 `;221 const ast = parseCss(css, {222 onlyVars: true223 });224 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules).to.have.lengthOf(0);225 });226 it('true (remove unrecognized @ rule)', function() {227 const css = `228 @-ms-viewport {229 background: white;230 }231 `;232 const ast = parseCss(css, {233 onlyVars: true234 });235 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules).to.have.lengthOf(0);236 });237 });238 describe('removeComments', function() {239 const css = `240 /* COMMENT1 */241 p {242 color: red;243 }244 /* COMMENT2 */245 `;246 it('false', function() {247 const ast = parseCss(css);248 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules).to.have.lengthOf(3);249 });250 it('true', function() {251 const ast = parseCss(css, {252 removeComments: true253 });254 expect(ast.stylesheet.rules).to.have.lengthOf(1);255 });256 });257 });258 // Tests: Performance259 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------260 // describe.only('Performance', function() {261 // it('Handles large block of CSS using onlyVars option', function() {262 // const css = `263 // :root { --color: red; }264 // p { color: var(--color); }265 // ${'div { color: red; }'.repeat(10000)}266 // `;267 // console.time('Performance Test');268 // const ast = parseCss(css, {269 // onlyVars: true270 // });271 // console.timeEnd('Performance Test');272 // console.log('CSS:', css.length);273 // console.log('rules:', ast.stylesheet.rules.length);274 // expect(ast instanceof Object);275 // });276 // });...
...239 },240 setItemRect: function (e, r) {241 var isButton = this.isWeirdControl(e);242 if (r.width) {243 r.width -= this.parseCSS(e, "marginLeft") + this.parseCSS(e, "marginRight");244 if (!isButton) {245 r.width -= this.parseCSS(e, "borderLeftWidth") + this.parseCSS(e, "borderRightWidth");246 r.width -= this.parseCSS(e, "paddingLeft") + this.parseCSS(e, "paddingRight");247 }248 if (r.width < 0)249 r.width = 0;250 = r.width + "px";251 }252 if (r.height) {253 //r.height -= $(e).outerWidth(true) - $(e).width();254 r.height -= this.parseCSS(e, "marginTop") + this.parseCSS(e, "marginBottom");255 if (!isButton) {256 r.height -= this.parseCSS(e, "borderTopWidth") + this.parseCSS(e, "borderBottomWidth");257 r.height -= this.parseCSS(e, "paddingTop") + this.parseCSS(e, "paddingBottom");258 }259 if (r.height < 0)260 r.height = 0;261 = r.height + "px";262 = r.height + "px";263 }264 if (r.left) {265 = r.left + "px";266 }267 if ( {268 = + "px";269 }270 },271 getPresenterOwner: function (ctrl, p) {...
...32 assert.deepEqual(result, expected, 'fi.prototype.parseRules : parse css rules, containing duplicate directives' ); //assert 933});34QUnit.test('Basic CSS parsing', function(assert) {35 var expected = $.parseJSON(testData.veryBasicCSS.output);36 var parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.veryBasicCSS.input);37 console.log(expected, parsed);38 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'The simplest css possible, compressed'); //assert 139 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.basicCSS.output);40 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.basicCSS.input);41 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'The simplest css possible, uncompressed'); //assert 242 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.basicCSS2.output); //adding comments should not change output43 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.basicCSS2.input);44 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'Simple css with comments'); //assert 345 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.basicCSS3.output); //a More complex CSS example46 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.basicCSS3.input);47 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'A More complex CSS example'); //assert 448 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.basicCSS4.output); //a More complex CSS example49 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.basicCSS4.input);50 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'Simple css with multi-line value'); //assert 551 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.basicCSS5.output); //simple css with margin value is "*0"52 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.basicCSS5.input);53 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'simple css with margin value is "*0'); //assert 554});55QUnit.test('Advanced CSS Parsing(support for media queries)', function(assert) {56 var expected = $.parseJSON(testData.advCSS.output);57 var parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.advCSS.input);58 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'Basic CSS including only 1 media query'); //assert 1 for media queries59 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.advCSS2.output);60 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.advCSS2.input);61 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, '2 media queries'); //assert 2 for media queries62 //test a very complex css & media query mixup63 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.advCSS3.output);64 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.advCSS3.input);65 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'Complex css & media query mixup'); //assert 2 for media queries66 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.advCSS4.output);67 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.advCSS4.input);68 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'Simple @font-face containing css');69 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.advCSS5.output);70 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.advCSS5.input);71 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'Simple @font-face with multiline value containing css');72 expected = $.parseJSON(testData.advCSS6.output);73 parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(testData.advCSS6.input);74 assert.deepEqual(parsed, expected, 'Media query with a comment above it.');75});76/*77 this tests convert css string to object, then to string, then to object and compares the last 2 objects78 to detect incostincies79*/80QUnit.test('CSS parse&toString equality tests', function(assert) {81 for (var i in testData) {82 var original = testData[i].input;83 var parsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(original);84 var converted = fullInspector.getCSSForEditor(parsed);85 var reparsed = fullInspector.parseCSS(converted);86 assert.deepEqual(reparsed, parsed, 'Test of each of above test cases');87 }88});89/*90 Test Cases for CSS diff tool91*/92QUnit.test('CSS Diff Tests', function(assert) {93 var css1 = $.parseJSON(diffTestData.diffBasic.css1);94 var css2 = $.parseJSON(diffTestData.diffBasic.css2);95 var diff = fullInspector.cssDiff(css1, css2);96 var expected = $.parseJSON(diffTestData.diffBasic.diff)97 assert.deepEqual(diff, expected, 'Basic cssDiff');98 css1 = $.parseJSON(diffTestData.diffBasic2.css1);99 css2 = $.parseJSON(diffTestData.diffBasic2.css2);...
...18var expect = require('expect.js'),19 parse = require('../src/parse');20describe('parseCSS', function() {21 it('should return an empty object - empty', function() {22 expect(parse.parseCSS('')){});23 });24 it('should correctly split global and classList css', function() {25 var css = [26 'a { color: blue; }',27 ' { color: red; }'28 ].join('');29 expect(parse.parseCSS(css)){30 globalCss: ['a{color:blue}'],31 classListCssPairs: [32 [['link'], '{color:red}']33 ]34 });35 });36 it('should correctly handle multiple similar classList css', function() {37 var css = [38 '.link { color: blue; display: none; }',39 ' { color: red; }'40 ].join('');41 expect(parse.parseCSS(css)){42 classListCssPairs: [43 [['link'], '.link{color:blue;display:none}'],44 [['link'], '{color:red}']45 ]46 });47 });48 it('should not split multiple selectors with similar classList css', function() {49 var css = '.link:before,.link a { color: blue; display: none; }';50 expect(parse.parseCSS(css)){51 classListCssPairs: [52 [['link'], '.link:before,.link a{color:blue;display:none}']53 ]54 });55 });56 it('should correctly handle @media at rules', function() {57 var css = [58 '@media screen {',59 '.link { color: blue; display: none; }',60 '}',61 ' { color: red; }'62 ].join('');63 expect(parse.parseCSS(css)){64 classListCssPairs: [65 [['link'], '@media screen{.link{color:blue;display:none}}'],66 [['link'], '{color:red}']67 ]68 });69 });70 it('should correctly handle @fontface at rules', function() {71 var css = [72 '@font-face{',73 'font-family:\'q-icons\';',74 'src:url(\'/static/fonts/q-icons/q-icons.eot\')',75 '}'76 ].join('');77 expect(parse.parseCSS(css)){fontfaceCss: [css]});78 });79 it('should corretly handle @keyframes at rules', function() {80 var css = [81 '@keyframes fadeOut{',82 'from{opacity:1}',83 'to{opacity:0}',84 '}'85 ].join('');86 expect(parse.parseCSS(css)){87 keyframesCss: [88 ['fadeOut', css]89 ]90 });91 });92 it('should corretly handle vendor prefixed @keyframes at rules', function() {93 var css1 = [94 '@keyframes fadeOut{',95 'from{opacity:1}',96 'to{opacity:0}',97 '}'98 ].join('');99 var css2 = [100 '@-webkit-keyframes fadeOut{',101 'from{opacity:1}',102 'to{opacity:0}',103 '}'104 ].join('');105 expect(parse.parseCSS(css1 + '\n' + css2)){106 keyframesCss: [107 ['fadeOut', css1],108 ['fadeOut', css2]109 ]110 });111 });...
...36 }37 if (current.length) out.push(current.join(''))38 return out;39}40function parseCSS(string, obj) {41 if (!obj) obj = []42 if (!string) return obj;43 if (string.charAt(0) === '"') {44 var match = string.match(/("(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*")(?: (.*))?/);45 obj.push([3, match[1]]);46 parseCSS(match[2], obj);47 } else if (string.charAt(0) === "'") {48 var match = string.match(/('(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*')(?: (.*))?/);49 obj.push([3, match[1]]);50 parseCSS(match[2], obj);51 } else {52 var number = string.match(/^(\-?[0-9\.]*)(em|ex|%|px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|ch|rem|vh|vw|vmin|vmax|s|ms|deg|grad|rad|turn|Q)?(?: (.*))?/);53 if (number[1]) { // number54 obj.push([0, parseFloat(number[1]), number[2] || '']);55 parseCSS(number[3], obj);56 } else {57 var func = string.match(/^([a-z\-]*?)\(([^\)]*)\)(?: (.*))?/)58 if (func && func[1]) {59 if (func[1] === 'rgb') {60 obj.push([2, splitSafe(func[2]).map((arg) => {61 return parseInt(arg);62 })]);63 } else {64 var args = splitSafe(func[2]).map((arg) => {65 return parseCSS(arg.trim());66 });67 obj.push([1, func[1], args]);68 }69 parseCSS(func[3], obj);70 } else {71 if (string.charAt(0) === '#') {72 var results = string.match(/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})(?: (.*))?/);73 obj.push([2, hexToRgb(results[1])]);74 parseCSS(results[2], obj);75 } else {76 var res = string.match(/^([a-z\-]*?)(?: (.*))/);77 if (res && res[1]) {78 if (Colors[res[1]]) {79 obj.push([2, Colors[res[1]].slice(0)])80 } else {81 obj.push([3, res[1]]);82 }83 parseCSS(res[2], obj);84 } else {85 if (Colors[string]) {86 obj.push([2, Colors[string].slice(0)])87 } else {88 obj.push([3, string]);89 }90 }91 }92 }93 }94 }95 return obj;...
...20 var hint = $(input).next(".inline-hint");21 $(input).parent().css("position","relative");22 var input_pos = $(input).position();23 //get the hint set up24 var hint_line_height = $(input).outerHeight() - parseCSS($(input).css("borderTopWidth"));25 var hint_css_left = parseCSS(input_pos.left) + parseCSS($(input).css("marginLeft")) + parseCSS($(input).css("borderLeftWidth")) + 5;26 var hint_css_top = parseCSS( + parseCSS($(input).css("marginTop")) + parseCSS($(input).css("borderTopWidth"));27 28 //would like to just add a class but not sure how best to do that yet since so much has to change29 $(hint).css("position","absolute")30 .css("color", "#aeaeae")31 .css("margin", "0")32 .css("fontSize", "12px")33 .css("lineHeight", hint_line_height + "px")34 .css("left", hint_css_left)35 .css("top", hint_css_top);36 return hint; 37 };38 39 var parseCSS = function(property){40 //all this crud is necessary for IE8 to not blow up...
1/**2 * @author monkeywang3 * Date: 2018/5/24 */5const css = require('css')6module.exports = function (source, other) {7 let cssAST = css.parse(source)8 let parseCss = new ParseCss(cssAST)9 parseCss.parse()10 this.cacheable();11 this.callback(null, parseCss.declareStyle(), other);12};13class ParseCss {14 constructor(cssAST) {15 this.rules = cssAST.stylesheet.rules16 this.targetStyle = {}17 }18 parse () {19 this.rules.forEach((rule) => {20 let selector = rule.selectors[0]21 this.targetStyle[selector] = {}22 rule.declarations.forEach((dec) => {23 this.targetStyle[selector][] = this.formatValue(dec.value)24 })25 })26 }27 formatValue (string) {28 string = string.replace(/"/g, '').replace(/'/g, '')29 return string.indexOf('px') !== -1 ? parseInt(string) : string30 }31 declareStyle (property) {32 return `window.${property || 'vStyle'} = ${JSON.stringify(this.targetStyle)}`33 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/utils/cssParser');2const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';3const ast = parseCSS(css);4console.log(ast);5const { parseCSS } = require('puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/CSS.js');6const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';7const ast = parseCSS(css);8console.log(ast);9const { parseCSS } = require('puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/CSS.js');10const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';11const ast = parseCSS(css);12console.log(ast);13const { parseCSS } = require('puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/CSS.js');14const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';15const ast = parseCSS(css);16console.log(ast);17const { parseCSS } = require('puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/CSS.js');18const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';19const ast = parseCSS(css);20console.log(ast);21const { parseCSS } = require('puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/CSS.js');22const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';23const ast = parseCSS(css);24console.log(ast);25const { parseCSS } = require('puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/CSS.js');26const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';27const ast = parseCSS(css);28console.log(ast);29const { parseCSS } = require('puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/CSS.js');30const css = 'h1 { font-size: 10px; }';31const ast = parseCSS(css);32console.log(ast);33const { parseCSS } = require('
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const css = require('css');3const fs = require('fs');4const path = require('path');5const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/cssParser');6const cssFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test.css'), 'utf8');7const cssAST = css.parse(cssFile);8const parsedCSS = parseCSS(cssAST);9console.log(parsedCSS);10body {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const parsed = parseCSS('body {color: red}');3console.log(parsed);4const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');5const parsed = parseCSS('body {color: red}');6console.log(parsed);7const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');8const parsed = parseCSS('body {color: red}');9console.log(parsed);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { parse } = require('playwright/lib/utils/cssParser');3 .foo {4 color: red;5 }6 .bar {7 color: blue;8 }9`;10const ast = parse(css);11const rules = parseCSS(ast);12console.log(rules);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/utils/cssParser');2const css = `#foo { color: red; }`;3const ast = parseCSS(css);4console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2));5const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/utils/cssParser');6const css = `#foo { color: red; }`;7const ast = parseCSS(css);8console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2));9const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/utils/cssParser');10const css = `#foo { color: red; }`;11const ast = parseCSS(css);12console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2));13const {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/cssParser');2const css = 'a { color: red; }';3const parsed = parseCSS(css);4console.log(parsed);5 {6 }7const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/cssParser');8const css = 'a { color: red; }';9const parsed = parseCSS(css);10console.log(parsed[0].rules[0].selectorText);11const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/cssParser');12const css = 'a { color: red; }';13const parsed = parseCSS(css);14console.log(parsed[0].rules[0].style);15CSSStyleDeclaration {16 _style: Map(1) { 'color' => 'red' },17 _parentRule: CSSStyleRule {18 }19}20const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/cssParser');21const css = 'a { color: red; }';22const parsed = parseCSS(css);23console.log(parsed[0].rules[0].style._style);24Map(1) { 'color' => 'red' }25const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/cssParser');26const css = 'a { color: red; }';27const parsed = parseCSS(css);28console.log(parsed[0].rules[0].style._style.get('color'));29const { parseCSS } = require('playwright/lib/server/cssParser');30const css = 'a { color: red; }';31const parsed = parseCSS(css
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { parseCSS } = playwright.internal;3const css = '#id .class { color: red; }';4const parsed = parseCSS(css);5console.log(parsed);6const playwright = require('playwright');7const { parseSelector } = playwright.internal;8const selector = 'css=#id .class';9const parsed = parseSelector(selector);10console.log(parsed);11const playwright = require('playwright');12const { parseSelectorList } = playwright.internal;13const selector = 'css=#id .class,css=#id .class';14const parsed = parseSelectorList(selector);15console.log(parsed);16const playwright = require('playwright');17const { parseURL } = playwright.internal;18const parsed = parseURL(url);19console.log(parsed);20const playwright = require('playwright');21const { parseURL } = playwright.internal;22const parsed = parseURL(url);23console.log(parsed);24const playwright = require('playwright');25const { parseURL } = playwright.internal;26const parsed = parseURL(url);27console.log(parsed);28const playwright = require('playwright');29const { parseURL } = playwright.internal;30const parsed = parseURL(url);31console.log(parsed);32const playwright = require('playwright');33const { parseURL } = playwright.internal;34const parsed = parseURL(url);35console.log(parsed);36const playwright = require('playwright');37const { parseURL } = playwright.internal;38const parsed = parseURL(url);39console.log(parsed);40const playwright = require('playwright');41const { parseURL } = playwright.internal;
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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