Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...31 }32 function parseArray(input) {33 return input.split(',');34 }35 function parseAttributes(element, namespace, attributes, options, parser) {36 var i = 0;37 for (i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {38 var attributeName = prefix + namespace + '-' + attributes[i];39 if (element.attr(attributeName)) {40 options[attributes[i]] = parseAttribute(element.attr(attributeName), parser);41 }42 }43 }44 $jQui = {45 parseAccordion: function () {46 var namespace = 'accordion';47 $('[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {48 var $this = $(this);49 var options = {};50 var properties = ['animated', 'event', 'header'];51 parseAttributes($this, namespace, properties, options);52 var booleanProperties = ['disabled', 'autoHeight', 'clearStyle', 'collapsible', 'fillSpace', 'navigation'];53 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);54 $this.accordion(options);55 });56 },57 parseAutocomplete: function () {58 var namespace = 'autocomplete';59 $('[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {60 var $this = $(this);61 var options = {};62 var properties = ['appendTo'];63 parseAttributes($this, namespace, properties, options);64 var booleanProperties = ['disabled', 'autoFocus'];65 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);66 var numberProperties = ['delay', 'minLength'];67 parseAttributes($this, namespace, numberProperties, options, parseNumber);68 var source = $this.attr(prefix + namespace + '-source');69 var sourceArray = source.split(",");70 if (sourceArray.length > 1) {71 options.source = sourceArray;72 } else {73 options.source = source;74 } //not worrying about parsing callbacks75 $this.autocomplete(options);76 });77 },78 parseButton: function () {79 var namespace = 'button';80 $('[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {81 var $this = $(this);82 var options = {};83 var booleanProperties = ['disabled', 'text'];84 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);85 var properties = ['label'];86 parseAttributes($this, namespace, properties, options);87 $this.button(options);88 });89 },90 parseDatepicker: function () {91 var namespace = 'datepicker';92 $('input[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {93 var $this = $(this);94 var options = {};95 var properties = ['altField', 'altFormat', 'appendText', 'buttonImage', 'buttonText', 'calculateWeek', 'closeText', 'constrainInput', 'currentText', 'dateFormat', 'defaultDate', 'duration', 'maxDate', 'minDate', 'nextText', 'prevText', 'shortYearCutoff', 'showAdmin', 'showOn', 'weekHeader', 'yearRange', 'yearSuffix'];96 parseAttributes($this, namespace, properties, options);97 var arrayProperties = ['dayNames', 'dayNamesMin', 'dayNamesShort', 'monthNames', 'monthNamesShort'];98 parseAttributes($this, namespace, arrayProperties, options, parseArray);99 var numberProperties = ['firstDay', 'numberOfMonths', 'showCurrentAtPos', 'stepMonths'];100 parseAttributes($this, namespace, numberProperties, options, parseNumber);101 var booleanProperties = ['disabled', 'autoSize', 'buttonImageOnly', 'changeMonth', 'changeYear', 'gotoCurrent', 'hideIfNoPrevNext', 'isRTL', 'navigationAsDateFormat', 'selectOtherMonths', 'showButtonPanel', 'showMonthAftrYear', 'showOtherMonths', 'showWeek'];102 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);103 $this.datepicker(options);104 });105 },106 parseDialog: function () {107 var namespace = 'dialog';108 $('[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {109 var $this = $(this);110 var options = {};111 var properties = ['closeText', 'dialogClass', 'hide', 'title'];112 parseAttributes($this, namespace, properties, options);113 var arrayProperties = ['buttons'];114 parseAttributes($this, namespace, arrayProperties, options, parseArray);115 var position = $this.attr(prefix + namespace + '-position');116 if (position !== undefined) {117 var positionArray = position.split(",");118 if (positionArray.length > 1) {119 options.position = positionArray;120 } else {121 options.position = position;122 }123 }124 var numberProperties = ['height', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth', 'minHeight', 'minWidth', 'width', 'zIndex'];125 parseAttributes($this, namespace, numberProperties, options, parseNumber);126 var booleanProperties = ['disabled', 'autoOpen', 'closeOnEscape', 'draggable', 'modal', 'resizable', 'stack'];127 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);128 $this.dialog(options);129 });130 },131 parseProgressbar: function () {132 var namespace = 'progressbar';133 $('[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {134 var $this = $(this);135 var options = {};136 var booleanProperties = ['disabled'];137 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);138 var numberProperties = ['value'];139 parseAttributes($this, namespace, numberProperties, options, parseNumber);140 $this.progressbar(options);141 });142 },143 parseSlider: function () {144 var namespace = 'slider';145 $('[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {146 var $this = $(this);147 var options = {};148 var properties = ['animate', 'orientation', 'range'];149 parseAttributes($this, namespace, properties, options);150 var booleanProperties = ['disabled'];151 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);152 var numberProperties = ['max', 'min', 'step', 'value'];153 parseAttributes($this, namespace, numberProperties, options, parseNumber);154 var arrayProperties = ['values'];155 parseAttributes($this, namespace, arrayProperties, options, parseArray);156 $this.slider(options);157 });158 },159 parseTabs: function () {160 var namespace = 'tabs';161 $('[' + prefix + namespace + ']').each(function () {162 var $this = $(this);163 var options = {};164 var properties = ['event', 'idPrefix', 'panelTemplate', 'spinner', 'tabTemplate'];165 parseAttributes($this, namespace, properties, options);166 var booleanProperties = ['cache', 'collapsible', 'deselectable']; //'disabled', 167 parseAttributes($this, namespace, booleanProperties, options, parseBool);168 var numberProperties = ['selected'];169 parseAttributes($this, namespace, numberProperties, options, parseNumber);170 // possibly problematic due to being the same name as the boolean property171 // var arrayproperties = ['disabled'];172 // parseattributes($this, namespace, arrayproperties, options, parseArray);173 var disabled = $this.attr(prefix + namespace + '-disabled');174 var bDisabled = parseBool(disabled);175 if (bDisabled === undefined) {176 var arrayproperties = ['disabled'];177 parseAttributes($this, namespace, arrayproperties, options, parseArray);178 } else {179 options.disabled = bDisabled180 }181 $this.tabs(options);182 });183 },184 parse: function () {185 $jQui.parseAccordion();186 $jQui.parseAutocomplete();187 $jQui.parseButton();188 $jQui.parseDatepicker();189 $jQui.parseDialog();190 $jQui.parseProgressbar();191 $jQui.parseSlider();...
...14 });15 });16 describe('parseAttributes', () => {17 it('should parse empty string', () => {18 const attrs = parseAttributes('');19 expect(attrs).toEqual({ });20 });21 it('should parse blank string', () => {22 const attrs = parseAttributes(' ');23 expect(attrs).toEqual({ });24 });25 it('should parse double quoted attributes', () => {26 const attrs = parseAttributes('a="one" b="two"');27 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: 'one', b: 'two' });28 });29 it('should parse empty quoted attributes', () => {30 const attrs = parseAttributes('a="" b="two"');31 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: '', b: 'two' });32 });33 it('should parse single quoted attributes', () => {34 const attrs = parseAttributes('a=\'one\' b=\'two\'');35 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: 'one', b: 'two' });36 });37 it('should ignore whitespace', () => {38 const attrs = parseAttributes(' a = "one" b = "two" ');39 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: 'one', b: 'two' });40 });41 it('should parse attributes with quotes within quotes', () => {42 const attrs = parseAttributes('a=\'o"n"e\' b="t\'w\'o"');43 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: 'o"n"e', b: 't\'w\'o' });44 });45 it('should parse attributes with spaces in their values', () => {46 const attrs = parseAttributes('a="one and two" b="three and four"');47 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: 'one and two', b: 'three and four' });48 });49 it('should parse empty attributes', () => {50 const attrs = parseAttributes('a b="two"');51 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: true, b: 'two' });52 });53 it('should parse unquoted attributes', () => {54 const attrs = parseAttributes('a=one b=two');55 expect(attrs).toEqual({ a: 'one', b: 'two' });56 });57 it('should complain if a quoted attribute is not closed', () => {58 expect(() => parseAttributes('a="" b="two')).toThrowError(59 'Unterminated quoted attribute value in `a="" b="two`. Starting at 8. Expected a " but got "end of string".'60 );61 });62 });63 describe('renderAttributes', () => {64 it('should convert key-value map to a strong that can be used in HTML', () => {65 expect(renderAttributes({ foo: 'bar', moo: 'car' })).toEqual(' foo="bar" moo="car"');66 });67 it('should handle boolean values', () => {68 expect(renderAttributes({ foo: 'bar', loo: true, moo: false }))69 .toEqual(' foo="bar" loo');70 });71 it('should escape double quotes inside the value', () => {72 expect(renderAttributes({ foo: 'bar "car"' })).toEqual(' foo="bar "car""');...
...9 it('normal parse', function () {10 let result = new Map()11 result.set('id', 'element')12 result.set('class', 'title')13 parseAttributes('id=element class="title"').should.eql(result)14 })15 it('normal parse single quotation', function () {16 let result = new Map()17 result.set('id', 'element')18 result.set('class', 'title')19 parseAttributes("id=element class='title'").should.eql(result)20 })21 it('with erratic value', function () {22 let result = new Map()23 result.set('class', '{{it.class}}')24 parseAttributes('class="{{it.class}}"').should.eql(result)25 })26 it('start with =', function () {27 let result = new Map()28 result.set('="test"', '')29 parseAttributes('="test"').should.eql(result)30 })31 it('space arround =', function () {32 let result = new Map()33 result.set('id', 'test')34 parseAttributes('id = "test"').should.eql(result)35 })36 it('space arround = ', function () {37 let result = new Map()38 result.set('id', '123')39 result.set('"test"', '')40 parseAttributes('id = 123 "test"').should.eql(result)41 })42 it('erratic value', function () {43 let result = new Map()44 result.set('id', '{{ +}}')45 parseAttributes('id={{ +}}').should.eql(result)46 })47 it('erratic value in double quotation', function () {48 let result = new Map()49 result.set('id', '{{ +}}')50 parseAttributes('id="{{ +}}"').should.eql(result)51 })...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');2const { serializeError } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');3const { serializeResult } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');4const { parseCallArguments } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');5const { parseCallLog } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');6const { serializeCallLog } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');7const { parseHeadersArray } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');8const { parseHeadersObject } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');9const { serializeHeadersObject } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');10const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');11const { serializeSelector } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');12const { parseWaitForOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');13const { serializeWaitForOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');14const { parseWaitForSelectorOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');15const { serializeWaitForSelectorOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');16const { parseWaitForTimeoutOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');17const { serializeWaitForTimeoutOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');18const { parseWaitForFunctionOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');19const { serializeWaitForFunctionOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');20const { parseWaitForEventOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');21const { serializeWaitForEventOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');22const { parseWaitForLoadStateOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');23const { serializeWaitForLoadStateOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');24const { parseNavigationOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');25const { serializeNavigationOptions } = require('playwright/lib/internal/protocol/serializers');26const { parse
Using AI Code Generation
1const { parseAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');2const { attributes } = parseAttributes('css=div[ng-click*="clickMe"]');3console.log(attributes);4const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');5console.log(engine);6console.log(selector);7const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');8console.log(engine);9console.log(selector);10const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');11console.log(engine);12console.log(selector);13const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');14console.log(engine);15console.log(selector);16const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');17console.log(engine);18console.log(selector);19const { parseSelector } = require('playwright
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