How to use overridesFromOptions method in Playwright Internal

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env node2/​/​ tslint:disable no-console3/​*4 * IMPORTANT: the './​postgraphilerc' import MUST come first!5 *6 * Reason: enables user to apply modifications to their Node.js environment7 * (e.g. sourcing modules that affect global state, like dotenv) before any of8 * our other require()s occur.9 */​10import config from './​postgraphilerc';11import * as os from 'os';12import { createServer } from 'http';13import chalk from 'chalk';14import program = require('commander');15import jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');16import { parse as parsePgConnectionString } from 'pg-connection-string';17import postgraphile, { getPostgraphileSchemaBuilder } from './​postgraphile';18import { makePgSmartTagsFromFilePlugin } from '../​plugins';19import { Pool, PoolConfig } from 'pg';20import cluster = require('cluster');21import { makePluginHook, PostGraphilePlugin } from './​pluginHook';22import debugFactory = require('debug');23import { mixed } from '../​interfaces';24/​/​ @ts-ignore Allow importing JSON25import * as manifest from '../​../​package.json';26/​/​ @ts-ignore Allow importing JSON27import sponsors = require('../​../​sponsors.json');28import { enhanceHttpServerWithWebSockets } from './​http/​subscriptions';29import { existsSync } from 'fs';30const tagsFile = process.cwd() + '/​postgraphile.tags.json5';31/​*32 * Watch mode on the tags file is non-trivial, so only load the plugin if the33 * file exists when PostGraphile starts.34 */​35const smartTagsPlugin = existsSync(tagsFile) ? makePgSmartTagsFromFilePlugin() : null;36const isDev = process.env.POSTGRAPHILE_ENV === 'development';37function isString(str: unknown): str is string {38 return typeof str === 'string';39}40const sponsor = sponsors[Math.floor(sponsors.length * Math.random())];41const debugCli = debugFactory('postgraphile:cli');42/​/​ TODO: Demo Postgres database43const DEMO_PG_URL = null;44function extractPlugins(45 rawArgv: Array<string>,46): {47 argv: Array<string>;48 plugins: Array<PostGraphilePlugin>;49} {50 let argv;51 let pluginStrings = [];52 if (rawArgv[2] === '--plugins') {53 pluginStrings = rawArgv[3].split(',');54 argv = [...rawArgv.slice(0, 2), ...rawArgv.slice(4)];55 } else {56 pluginStrings = (config && config['options'] && config['options']['plugins']) || [];57 argv = rawArgv;58 }59 const plugins = string) => {60 debugCli('Loading plugin %s', pluginString);61 const rawPlugin = require(pluginString); /​/​ tslint:disable-lin no-var-requires62 if (rawPlugin['default'] && typeof rawPlugin['default'] === 'object') {63 return rawPlugin['default'];64 } else {65 return rawPlugin;66 }67 });68 return { argv, plugins };69}70const { argv: argvSansPlugins, plugins: extractedPlugins } = extractPlugins(process.argv);71const pluginHook = makePluginHook(extractedPlugins);72program.version(manifest.version).usage('[options...]').description(manifest.description);73/​/​ .option('-d, --demo', 'run PostGraphile using the demo database connection')74export type AddFlagFn = (75 optionString: string,76 description: string,77 parse?: (option: string) => mixed,78) => AddFlagFn;79function addFlag(80 optionString: string,81 description: string,82 parse?: (option: string) => mixed,83): AddFlagFn {84 program.option(optionString, description, parse);85 return addFlag;86}87/​/​ Standard options88program89 .option(90 '--plugins <string>',91 'a list of PostGraphile server plugins (not Graphile Engine schema plugins) to load; if present, must be the _first_ option',92 )93 .option(94 '-c, --connection <string>',95 "the PostgreSQL database name or connection string. If omitted, inferred from environmental variables (see https:/​/​​docs/​current/​static/​libpq-envars.html). Examples: 'db', 'postgres:/​/​/​db', 'postgres:/​/​user:password@domain:port/​db?ssl=true'",96 )97 .option(98 '-C, --owner-connection <string>',99 'as `--connection`, but for a privileged user (e.g. for setting up watch fixtures, logical decoding, etc); defaults to the value from `--connection`',100 )101 .option(102 '-s, --schema <string>',103 'a Postgres schema to be introspected. Use commas to define multiple schemas',104 (option: string) => option.split(','),105 )106 .option(107 '-S, --subscriptions',108 'Enable GraphQL support for subscriptions (you still need a subscriptions plugin currently)',109 )110 .option(111 '--websockets <string>',112 "Choose which websocket transport libraries to use. Use commas to define multiple. Defaults to 'v0,v1' if `--subscriptions` or `--live` were passed, '[]' otherwise",113 (option: string) => option.split(','),114 )115 .option(116 '--websocket-operations <operations>',117 "Toggle which GraphQL websocket transport operations are supported: 'subscriptions' or 'all'. Defaults to 'subscriptions'",118 )119 .option(120 '-L, --live',121 '[EXPERIMENTAL] Enables live-query support via GraphQL subscriptions (sends updated payload any time nested collections/​records change). Implies --subscriptions',122 )123 .option(124 '-w, --watch',125 'automatically updates your GraphQL schema when your database schema changes (NOTE: requires DB superuser to install `postgraphile_watch` schema)',126 )127 .option('-n, --host <string>', 'the hostname to be used. Defaults to `localhost`')128 .option('-p, --port <number>', 'the port to be used. Defaults to 5000', parseFloat)129 .option(130 '-m, --max-pool-size <number>',131 'the maximum number of clients to keep in the Postgres pool. defaults to 10',132 parseFloat,133 )134 .option(135 '-r, --default-role <string>',136 'the default Postgres role to use when a request is made. supercedes the role used to connect to the database',137 )138 .option(139 '--retry-on-init-fail',140 'if an error occurs building the initial schema, this flag will cause PostGraphile to keep trying to build the schema with exponential backoff rather than exiting',141 );142pluginHook('cli:flags:add:standard', addFlag);143/​/​ Schema configuration144program145 .option(146 '-j, --dynamic-json',147 '[RECOMMENDED] enable dynamic JSON in GraphQL inputs and outputs. PostGraphile uses stringified JSON by default',148 )149 .option(150 '-N, --no-setof-functions-contain-nulls',151 '[RECOMMENDED] if none of your `RETURNS SETOF compound_type` functions mix NULLs with the results then you may enable this to reduce the nullables in the GraphQL schema',152 )153 .option('-a, --classic-ids', 'use classic global id field name. required to support Relay 1')154 .option(155 '-M, --disable-default-mutations',156 'disable default mutations, mutation will only be possible through Postgres functions',157 )158 .option(159 '--simple-collections <omit|both|only>',160 '"omit" (default) - relay connections only, "only" - simple collections only (no Relay connections), "both" - both',161 )162 .option(163 '--no-ignore-rbac',164 '[RECOMMENDED] set this to exclude fields, queries and mutations that are not available to any possible user (determined from the user in connection string and any role they can become); this will be enabled by default in v5',165 )166 .option(167 '--no-ignore-indexes',168 '[RECOMMENDED] set this to exclude filters, orderBy, and relations that would be expensive to access due to missing indexes',169 )170 .option(171 '--include-extension-resources',172 'by default, tables and functions that come from extensions are excluded; use this flag to include them (not recommended)',173 );174pluginHook('cli:flags:add:schema', addFlag);175/​/​ Error enhancements176program177 .option(178 '--show-error-stack [json|string]',179 'show JavaScript error stacks in the GraphQL result errors (recommended in development)',180 )181 .option(182 '--extended-errors <string>',183 "a comma separated list of extended Postgres error fields to display in the GraphQL result. Recommended in development: 'hint,detail,errcode'. Default: none",184 (option: string) => option.split(',').filter(_ => _),185 );186pluginHook('cli:flags:add:errorHandling', addFlag);187/​/​ Plugin-related options188program189 .option(190 '--append-plugins <string>',191 'a comma-separated list of plugins to append to the list of Graphile Engine schema plugins',192 )193 .option(194 '--prepend-plugins <string>',195 'a comma-separated list of plugins to prepend to the list of Graphile Engine schema plugins',196 )197 .option(198 '--skip-plugins <string>',199 'a comma-separated list of Graphile Engine schema plugins to skip',200 );201pluginHook('cli:flags:add:plugins', addFlag);202/​/​ Things that relate to -X203program204 .option(205 '--read-cache <path>',206 '[experimental] reads cached values from local cache file to improve startup time (you may want to do this in production)',207 )208 .option(209 '--write-cache <path>',210 '[experimental] writes computed values to local cache file so startup can be faster (do this during the build phase)',211 )212 .option(213 '--export-schema-json <path>',214 'enables exporting the detected schema, in JSON format, to the given location. The directories must exist already, if the file exists it will be overwritten.',215 )216 .option(217 '--export-schema-graphql <path>',218 'enables exporting the detected schema, in GraphQL schema format, to the given location. The directories must exist already, if the file exists it will be overwritten.',219 )220 .option(221 '--sort-export',222 'lexicographically (alphabetically) sort exported schema for more stable diffing.',223 )224 .option(225 '-X, --no-server',226 '[experimental] for when you just want to use --write-cache or --export-schema-* and not actually run a server (e.g. CI)',227 );228pluginHook('cli:flags:add:noServer', addFlag);229/​/​ Webserver configuration230program231 .option(232 '-q, --graphql <path>',233 'the route to mount the GraphQL server on. defaults to `/​graphql`',234 )235 .option(236 '-i, --graphiql <path>',237 'the route to mount the GraphiQL interface on. defaults to `/​graphiql`',238 )239 .option(240 '--enhance-graphiql',241 '[DEVELOPMENT] opt in to additional GraphiQL functionality (this may change over time - only intended for use in development; automatically enables with `subscriptions` and `live`)',242 )243 .option(244 '-b, --disable-graphiql',245 'disables the GraphiQL interface. overrides the GraphiQL route option',246 )247 .option(248 '-o, --cors',249 'enable generous CORS settings; disabled by default, if possible use a proxy instead',250 )251 .option(252 '-l, --body-size-limit <string>',253 "set the maximum size of the HTTP request body that can be parsed (default 100kB). The size can be given as a human-readable string, such as '200kB' or '5MB' (case insensitive).",254 )255 .option('--timeout <number>', 'set the timeout value in milliseconds for sockets', parseFloat)256 .option(257 '--cluster-workers <count>',258 '[experimental] spawn <count> workers to increase throughput',259 parseFloat,260 )261 .option(262 '--enable-query-batching',263 '[experimental] enable the server to process multiple GraphQL queries in one request',264 )265 .option('--disable-query-log', 'disable logging queries to console (recommended in production)')266 .option(267 '--allow-explain',268 '[EXPERIMENTAL] allows users to use the Explain button in GraphiQL to view the plan for the SQL that is executed (DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION)',269 );270pluginHook('cli:flags:add:webserver', addFlag);271/​/​ JWT-related options272program273 .option(274 '-e, --jwt-secret <string>',275 'the secret to be used when creating and verifying JWTs. if none is provided auth will be disabled',276 )277 .option(278 '--jwt-verify-algorithms <string>',279 'a comma separated list of the names of the allowed jwt token algorithms',280 (option: string) => option.split(','),281 )282 .option(283 '-A, --jwt-verify-audience <string>',284 "a comma separated list of JWT audiences that will be accepted; defaults to 'postgraphile'. To disable audience verification, set to ''.",285 (option: string) => option.split(',').filter(_ => _),286 )287 .option(288 '--jwt-verify-clock-tolerance <number>',289 'number of seconds to tolerate when checking the nbf and exp claims, to deal with small clock differences among different servers',290 parseFloat,291 )292 .option('--jwt-verify-id <string>', 'the name of the allowed jwt token id')293 .option(294 '--jwt-verify-ignore-expiration',295 'if `true` do not validate the expiration of the token defaults to `false`',296 )297 .option(298 '--jwt-verify-ignore-not-before',299 'if `true` do not validate the notBefore of the token defaults to `false`',300 )301 .option(302 '--jwt-verify-issuer <string>',303 'a comma separated list of the names of the allowed jwt token issuer',304 (option: string) => option.split(','),305 )306 .option('--jwt-verify-subject <string>', 'the name of the allowed jwt token subject')307 .option(308 '--jwt-role <string>',309 'a comma seperated list of strings that create a path in the jwt from which to extract the postgres role. if none is provided it will use the key `role` on the root of the jwt.',310 (option: string) => option.split(','),311 )312 .option(313 '-t, --jwt-token-identifier <identifier>',314 'the Postgres identifier for a composite type that will be used to create JWT tokens',315 );316pluginHook('cli:flags:add:jwt', addFlag);317/​/​ Any other options318pluginHook('cli:flags:add', addFlag);319/​/​ Deprecated320program321 .option(322 '--token <identifier>',323 '[DEPRECATED] Use --jwt-token-identifier instead. This option will be removed in v5.',324 )325 .option(326 '--secret <string>',327 '[DEPRECATED] Use --jwt-secret instead. This option will be removed in v5.',328 )329 .option(330 '--jwt-audiences <string>',331 '[DEPRECATED] Use --jwt-verify-audience instead. This option will be removed in v5.',332 (option: string) => option.split(','),333 )334 .option(335 '--legacy-functions-only',336 '[DEPRECATED] PostGraphile 4.1.0 introduced support for PostgreSQL functions than declare parameters with IN/​OUT/​INOUT or declare RETURNS TABLE(...); enable this flag to ignore these types of functions. This option will be removed in v5.',337 );338pluginHook('cli:flags:add:deprecated', addFlag);339/​/​ Awkward application workarounds /​ legacy support340program341 .option(342 '--legacy-relations <omit|deprecated|only>',343 "some one-to-one relations were previously detected as one-to-many - should we export 'only' the old relation shapes, both new and old but mark the old ones as 'deprecated', or 'omit' the old relation shapes entirely",344 )345 .option(346 '--legacy-json-uuid',347 `ONLY use this option if you require the v3 typenames 'Json' and 'Uuid' over 'JSON' and 'UUID'`,348 );349pluginHook('cli:flags:add:workarounds', addFlag);350program.on('--help', () => {351 console.log(`352Get started:353 $ postgraphile354 $ postgraphile -c postgres:/​/​localhost/​my_db355 $ postgraphile --connection postgres:/​/​user:pass@localhost/​my_db --schema my_schema --watch --dynamic-json356`);357 process.exit(0);358});359program.parse(argvSansPlugins);360function exitWithErrorMessage(message: string): never {361 console.error(message);362 console.error();363 console.error('For help, run `postgraphile --help`');364 process.exit(1);365}366if (program.args.length) {367 exitWithErrorMessage(368 `ERROR: some of the parameters you passed could not be processed: '${program.args.join(369 "', '",370 )}'`,371 );372}373if (program['plugins']) {374 exitWithErrorMessage(`--plugins must be the first argument to postgraphile if specified`);375}376/​/​ Kill server on exit.377process.on('SIGINT', () => {378 process.exit(1);379});380/​/​ For `--no-*` options, `program` automatically contains the default,381/​/​ overriding our options. We typically want the CLI to "win", but not382/​/​ with defaults! So this code extracts those `--no-*` values and383/​/​ re-overwrites the values if necessary.384const configOptions = config['options'] || {};385const overridesFromOptions = {};386['ignoreIndexes', 'ignoreRbac', 'setofFunctionsContainNulls'].forEach(option => {387 if (option in configOptions) {388 overridesFromOptions[option] = configOptions[option];389 }390});391/​/​ Destruct our configuration file and command line arguments, use defaults, and rename options to392/​/​ something appropriate for JavaScript.393const {394 demo: isDemo = false,395 connection: pgConnectionString,396 ownerConnection,397 subscriptions,398 live,399 websockets = subscriptions || live ? ['v0', 'v1'] : [],400 websocketOperations = 'subscriptions',401 watch: watchPg,402 schema: dbSchema,403 host: hostname = 'localhost',404 port = 5000,405 timeout: serverTimeout,406 maxPoolSize,407 defaultRole: pgDefaultRole,408 retryOnInitFail,409 graphql: graphqlRoute = '/​graphql',410 graphiql: graphiqlRoute = '/​graphiql',411 enhanceGraphiql = false,412 disableGraphiql = false,413 secret: deprecatedJwtSecret,414 jwtSecret,415 jwtPublicKey,416 jwtAudiences,417 jwtVerifyAlgorithms,418 jwtVerifyAudience,419 jwtVerifyClockTolerance,420 jwtVerifyId,421 jwtVerifyIgnoreExpiration,422 jwtVerifyIgnoreNotBefore,423 jwtVerifyIssuer,424 jwtVerifySubject,425 jwtSignOptions = {},426 jwtVerifyOptions: rawJwtVerifyOptions,427 jwtRole = ['role'],428 token: deprecatedJwtPgTypeIdentifier,429 jwtTokenIdentifier: jwtPgTypeIdentifier,430 cors: enableCors = false,431 classicIds = false,432 dynamicJson = false,433 disableDefaultMutations = false,434 ignoreRbac = true,435 includeExtensionResources = false,436 exportSchemaJson: exportJsonSchemaPath,437 exportSchemaGraphql: exportGqlSchemaPath,438 sortExport = false,439 showErrorStack: rawShowErrorStack,440 extendedErrors = [],441 bodySizeLimit,442 appendPlugins: appendPluginNames,443 prependPlugins: prependPluginNames,444 /​/​ replaceAllPlugins is NOT exposed via the CLI445 skipPlugins: skipPluginNames,446 readCache,447 writeCache,448 legacyRelations: rawLegacyRelations = 'deprecated',449 server: yesServer,450 clusterWorkers,451 enableQueryBatching,452 setofFunctionsContainNulls = true,453 legacyJsonUuid,454 disableQueryLog,455 allowExplain,456 simpleCollections,457 legacyFunctionsOnly,458 ignoreIndexes,459 /​/​ tslint:disable-next-line no-any460} = { ...config['options'], ...program, ...overridesFromOptions } as typeof program;461const showErrorStack = (val => {462 switch (val) {463 case 'string':464 case true:465 return true;466 case null:467 case undefined:468 return undefined;469 case 'json':470 return 'json';471 default: {472 exitWithErrorMessage(473 `Invalid argument for '--show-error-stack' - expected no argument, or 'string' or 'json'`,474 );475 }476 }477})(rawShowErrorStack);478if (allowExplain && !disableGraphiql && !enhanceGraphiql) {479 exitWithErrorMessage('`--allow-explain` requires `--enhance-graphiql` or `--disable-graphiql`');480}481let legacyRelations: 'omit' | 'deprecated' | 'only';482if (!['omit', 'only', 'deprecated'].includes(rawLegacyRelations)) {483 exitWithErrorMessage(484 `Invalid argument to '--legacy-relations' - expected on of 'omit', 'deprecated', 'only'; but received '${rawLegacyRelations}'`,485 );486} else {487 legacyRelations = rawLegacyRelations;488}489/​/​ Validate websockets argument490if (491 /​/​ must be array492 !Array.isArray(websockets) ||493 /​/​ empty array = 'none'494 (websockets.length &&495 /​/​ array can only hold the versions496 websockets.some(ver => !['v0', 'v1'].includes(ver)))497) {498 exitWithErrorMessage(499 `Invalid argument to '--websockets' - expected 'v0' and/​or 'v1' (separated by comma); but received '${websockets}'`,500 );501}502if (websocketOperations !== 'subscriptions' && websocketOperations !== 'all') {503 exitWithErrorMessage(504 `Invalid argument to '--websocket-operations' - expected 'subscriptions' or 'all' but received '${websocketOperations}'`,505 );506}507const noServer = !yesServer;508/​/​ Add custom logic for getting the schemas from our CLI. If we are in demo509/​/​ mode, we want to use the `forum_example` schema. Otherwise the `public`510/​/​ schema is what we want.511const schemas: Array<string> = dbSchema || (isDemo ? ['forum_example'] : ['public']);512const ownerConnectionString = ownerConnection || pgConnectionString || process.env.DATABASE_URL;513/​/​ Work around type mismatches between parsePgConnectionString and PoolConfig514const coerce = (o: ReturnType<typeof parsePgConnectionString>): PoolConfig => {515 const port =516 typeof o.port === 'number'517 ? o.port518 : typeof o.port === 'string'519 ? parseInt(o.port, 10)520 : undefined;521 return {522 ...o,523 application_name: o['application_name'] || undefined,524 ssl:525 o.ssl == null526 ? undefined527 : (o.ssl as any).rejectUnauthorized == null528 ? !!o.ssl529 : (o.ssl as any),530 user: typeof o.user === 'string' ? o.user : undefined,531 database: typeof o.database === 'string' ? o.database : undefined,532 password: typeof o.password === 'string' ? o.password : undefined,533 port: Number.isFinite(port) ? port : undefined,534 host: typeof === 'string' ? : undefined,535 };536};537/​/​ Create our Postgres config.538const pgConfig: PoolConfig = {539 /​/​ If we have a Postgres connection string, parse it and use that as our540 /​/​ config. If we don’t have a connection string use some environment541 /​/​ variables or final defaults. Other environment variables should be542 /​/​ detected and used by `pg`.543 ...(pgConnectionString || process.env.DATABASE_URL || isDemo544 ? coerce(parsePgConnectionString(pgConnectionString || process.env.DATABASE_URL || DEMO_PG_URL))545 : {546 host: process.env.PGHOST || process.env.PGHOSTADDR || 'localhost',547 port: (process.env.PGPORT ? parseInt(process.env.PGPORT, 10) : null) || 5432,548 database: process.env.PGDATABASE,549 user: process.env.PGUSER,550 password: process.env.PGPASSWORD,551 }),552 /​/​ Add the max pool size to our config.553 max: maxPoolSize,554};555const loadPlugins = (rawNames: mixed) => {556 if (!rawNames) {557 return undefined;558 }559 const names = Array.isArray(rawNames) ? rawNames : String(rawNames).split(',');560 return => {561 if (typeof rawName === 'function') {562 return rawName;563 }564 const name = String(rawName);565 const parts = name.split(':');566 if (567 process.platform === 'win32' &&568 parts[0].length === 1 &&569 /​^[a-z]$/​i.test(parts[0]) &&570 ['\\', '/​'].includes(name[2])571 ) {572 /​/​ Assume this is a windows path `C:/​path/​to/​module.js` or `C:\path\to\module.js`573 const driveLetter = parts.shift();574 /​/​ Add the drive part back onto the path575 parts[0] = `${driveLetter}:${parts[0]}`;576 }577 let root;578 try {579 root = require(String(parts.shift()));580 } catch (e) {581 /​/​ tslint:disable-next-line no-console582 console.error(`Failed to load plugin '${name}'`);583 throw e;584 }585 let plugin = root;586 let part: string | void;587 while ((part = parts.shift())) {588 plugin = plugin[part];589 if (plugin == null) {590 throw new Error(`No plugin found matching spec '${name}' - failed at '${part}'`);591 }592 }593 if (typeof plugin === 'function') {594 return plugin;595 } else if (plugin === root && typeof plugin.default === 'function') {596 return plugin.default; /​/​ ES6 workaround597 } else {598 throw new Error(599 `No plugin found matching spec '${name}' - expected function, found '${typeof plugin}'`,600 );601 }602 });603};604if (jwtAudiences != null && jwtVerifyAudience != null) {605 exitWithErrorMessage(606 `Provide either '--jwt-audiences' or '-A, --jwt-verify-audience' but not both`,607 );608}609function trimNulls(obj: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any> {610 return Object.keys(obj).reduce((memo, key) => {611 if (obj[key] != null) {612 memo[key] = obj[key];613 }614 return memo;615 }, {});616}617if (618 rawJwtVerifyOptions &&619 (jwtVerifyAlgorithms ||620 jwtVerifyAudience ||621 jwtVerifyClockTolerance ||622 jwtVerifyId ||623 jwtVerifyIgnoreExpiration ||624 jwtVerifyIgnoreNotBefore ||625 jwtVerifyIssuer ||626 jwtVerifySubject)627) {628 exitWithErrorMessage(629 'You may not mix `jwtVerifyOptions` with the legacy `jwtVerify*` settings; please only provide `jwtVerifyOptions`.',630 );631}632const jwtVerifyOptions: jwt.VerifyOptions = rawJwtVerifyOptions633 ? rawJwtVerifyOptions634 : trimNulls({635 algorithms: jwtVerifyAlgorithms,636 audience: jwtVerifyAudience,637 clockTolerance: jwtVerifyClockTolerance,638 jwtId: jwtVerifyId,639 ignoreExpiration: jwtVerifyIgnoreExpiration,640 ignoreNotBefore: jwtVerifyIgnoreNotBefore,641 issuer: jwtVerifyIssuer,642 subject: jwtVerifySubject,643 });644const appendPlugins = loadPlugins(appendPluginNames);645const prependPlugins = loadPlugins(prependPluginNames);646const skipPlugins = loadPlugins(skipPluginNames);647/​/​ The options to pass through to the schema builder, or the middleware648const postgraphileOptions = pluginHook(649 'cli:library:options',650 {651 ...config['options'],652 classicIds,653 dynamicJson,654 disableDefaultMutations,655 ignoreRBAC: ignoreRbac,656 includeExtensionResources,657 graphqlRoute,658 graphiqlRoute,659 graphiql: !disableGraphiql,660 enhanceGraphiql: enhanceGraphiql ? true : undefined,661 jwtPgTypeIdentifier: jwtPgTypeIdentifier || deprecatedJwtPgTypeIdentifier,662 jwtSecret: jwtSecret || deprecatedJwtSecret || process.env.JWT_SECRET,663 jwtPublicKey,664 jwtAudiences,665 jwtSignOptions,666 jwtRole,667 jwtVerifyOptions,668 retryOnInitFail,669 pgDefaultRole,670 subscriptions: subscriptions || live,671 websockets,672 websocketOperations,673 live,674 watchPg,675 showErrorStack,676 extendedErrors,677 disableQueryLog,678 allowExplain: allowExplain ? true : undefined,679 enableCors,680 exportJsonSchemaPath,681 exportGqlSchemaPath,682 sortExport,683 bodySizeLimit,684 appendPlugins: smartTagsPlugin ? [smartTagsPlugin, ...(appendPlugins || [])] : appendPlugins,685 prependPlugins,686 skipPlugins,687 readCache,688 writeCache,689 legacyRelations,690 setofFunctionsContainNulls,691 legacyJsonUuid,692 enableQueryBatching,693 pluginHook,694 simpleCollections,695 legacyFunctionsOnly,696 ignoreIndexes,697 ownerConnectionString,698 },699 { config, cliOptions: program },700);701function killAllWorkers(signal = 'SIGTERM'): void {702 for (const id in cluster.workers) {703 const worker = cluster.workers[id];704 if (, id) && worker) {705 worker.kill(signal);706 }707 }708}709if (noServer) {710 /​/​ No need for a server, let's just spin up the schema builder711 (async (): Promise<void> => {712 const pgPool = new Pool(pgConfig);713 pgPool.on('error', err => {714 /​/​ tslint:disable-next-line no-console715 console.error('PostgreSQL client generated error: ', err.message);716 });717 const { getGraphQLSchema } = getPostgraphileSchemaBuilder(pgPool, schemas, postgraphileOptions);718 await getGraphQLSchema();719 if (!watchPg) {720 await pgPool.end();721 }722 })().then(null, e => {723 console.error('Error occurred!');724 console.error(e);725 process.exit(1);726 });727} else {728 if (clusterWorkers >= 2 && cluster.isMaster) {729 let shuttingDown = false;730 const shutdown = () => {731 if (!shuttingDown) {732 shuttingDown = true;733 process.exitCode = 1;734 const fallbackTimeout = setTimeout(() => {735 const remainingCount = Object.keys(cluster.workers).length;736 if (remainingCount > 0) {737 console.log(738 ` [cluster] ${remainingCount} workers did not die fast enough, sending SIGKILL`,739 );740 killAllWorkers('SIGKILL');741 const ultraFallbackTimeout = setTimeout(() => {742 console.log(743 ` [cluster] really should have exited automatically, but haven't - exiting`,744 );745 process.exit(3);746 }, 5000);747 ultraFallbackTimeout.unref();748 } else {749 console.log(` [cluster] should have exited automatically, but haven't - exiting`);750 process.exit(2);751 }752 }, 5000);753 fallbackTimeout.unref();754 console.log(` [cluster] killing other workers with SIGTERM`);755 killAllWorkers('SIGTERM');756 }757 };758 cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {759 console.log(760 ` [cluster] worker pid=${} exited (code=${code}, signal=${signal})`,761 );762 shutdown();763 });764 for (let i = 0; i < clusterWorkers; i++) {765 const worker = cluster.fork({766 POSTGRAPHILE_WORKER_NUMBER: String(i + 1),767 });768 console.log(` [cluster] started worker ${i + 1} (pid=${})`);769 }770 } else {771 /​/​ Create’s our PostGraphile server772 const rawMiddleware = postgraphile(pgConfig, schemas, postgraphileOptions);773 /​/​ You probably don't want this hook; likely you want774 /​/​ `postgraphile:middleware` instead. This hook will likely be removed in775 /​/​ future without warning.776 const middleware = pluginHook(777 /​* DO NOT USE -> */​ 'cli:server:middleware' /​* <- DO NOT USE */​,778 rawMiddleware,779 {780 options: postgraphileOptions,781 },782 );783 const server = createServer(middleware);784 if (serverTimeout) {785 server.timeout = serverTimeout;786 }787 if (websockets.length) {788 enhanceHttpServerWithWebSockets(server, middleware);789 }790 pluginHook('cli:server:created', server, {791 options: postgraphileOptions,792 middleware,793 });794 /​/​ Start our server by listening to a specific port and host name. Also log795 /​/​ some instructions and other interesting information.796 server.listen(port, hostname, () => {797 const address = server.address();798 const actualPort = typeof address === 'string' ? port : address.port;799 const self = cluster.isMaster800 ? isDev801 ? `server (pid=${})`802 : 'server'803 : `worker ${process.env.POSTGRAPHILE_WORKER_NUMBER} (pid=${})`;804 const versionString = `v${manifest.version}`;805 if (cluster.isMaster || process.env.POSTGRAPHILE_WORKER_NUMBER === '1') {806 console.log('');807 console.log(808 `PostGraphile ${versionString} ${self} listening on port ${chalk.underline(809 actualPort.toString(),810 )} 🚀`,811 );812 console.log('');813 const {814 host: rawPgHost,815 port: rawPgPort,816 database: pgDatabase,817 user: pgUser,818 password: pgPassword,819 } = pgConfig;820 /​/​ Not using default because want to handle the empty string also.821 const pgHost = rawPgHost || 'localhost';822 const pgPort = (rawPgPort && parseInt(String(rawPgPort), 10)) || 5432;823 const safeConnectionString = isDemo824 ? 'postgraphile_demo'825 : `postgres:/​/​${pgUser ? pgUser : ''}${pgPassword ? ':[SECRET]' : ''}${826 pgUser || pgPassword ? '@' : ''827 }${pgUser || pgPassword || pgHost !== 'localhost' || pgPort !== 5432 ? pgHost : ''}${828 pgPort !== 5432 ? `:${pgConfig.port || 5432}` : ''829 }${pgDatabase ? `/​${pgDatabase}` : ''}`;830 const information: Array<string> = pluginHook(831 'cli:greeting',832 [833 `GraphQL API: ${ `http:/​/​${hostname}:${actualPort}${graphqlRoute}`,835 )}` +836 (postgraphileOptions.subscriptions837 ? ` (${ ? 'live ' : ''}subscriptions enabled)`838 : ''),839 !disableGraphiql &&840 `GraphiQL GUI/​IDE: ${ `http:/​/​${hostname}:${actualPort}${graphiqlRoute}`,842 )}` +843 (postgraphileOptions.enhanceGraphiql ||844 ||845 postgraphileOptions.subscriptions846 ? ''847 : ` (${chalk.bold('RECOMMENDATION')}: add '--enhance-graphiql')`),848 `Postgres connection: ${chalk.underline.magenta(safeConnectionString)}${849 postgraphileOptions.watchPg ? ' (watching)' : ''850 }`,851 `Postgres schema(s): ${ => chalk.magenta(schema)).join(', ')}`,852 `Documentation: ${chalk.underline(853 `https:/​/​​postgraphile/​introduction/​`,854 )}`,855 `Node.js version: ${process.version} on ${os.platform()} ${os.arch()}`,856 extractedPlugins.length === 0857 ? `Join ${chalk.bold(858 sponsor,859 )} in supporting PostGraphile development: ${ `https:/​/​​sponsor/​`,861 )}`862 : null,863 ],864 {865 options: postgraphileOptions,866 middleware,867 port: actualPort,868 chalk,869 },870 ).filter(isString);871 console.log( => ` ‣ ${msg}`).join('\n'));872 console.log('');873 console.log(chalk.gray('* * *'));874 } else {875 console.log(876 `PostGraphile ${versionString} ${self} listening on port ${chalk.underline(877 actualPort.toString(),878 )} 🚀`,879 );880 }881 console.log('');882 });883 }884}...

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Source: cli.js Github


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...97 }98 };99 });100 }101 const overrides = overridesFromOptions(opts);102 if (opts.headed) overrides.use = {103 headless: false104 };105 const runner = new _runner.Runner(defaultConfig, overrides);106 async function loadConfig(configFile) {107 if (fs.existsSync(configFile)) {108 if (process.stdout.isTTY) console.log(`Using config at ` + configFile);109 const loadedConfig = await runner.loadConfigFile(configFile);110 if ('projects' in loadedConfig && opts.browser) throw new Error(`Cannot use --browser option when configuration file defines projects. Specify browserName in the projects instead.`);111 return true;112 }113 return false;114 }115 async function loadConfigFromDirectory(directory) {116 const configNames = [tsConfig, jsConfig, mjsConfig];117 for (const configName of configNames) {118 if (await loadConfig(path.resolve(directory, configName))) return true;119 }120 return false;121 }122 if (opts.config) {123 const configFile = path.resolve(process.cwd(), opts.config);124 if (!fs.existsSync(configFile)) throw new Error(`${opts.config} does not exist`);125 if (fs.statSync(configFile).isDirectory()) {126 /​/​ When passed a directory, look for a config file inside.127 if (!(await loadConfigFromDirectory(configFile))) {128 /​/​ If there is no config, assume this as a root testing directory.129 runner.loadEmptyConfig(configFile);130 }131 } else {132 /​/​ When passed a file, it must be a config file.133 await loadConfig(configFile);134 }135 } else if (!(await loadConfigFromDirectory(process.cwd()))) {136 /​/​ No --config option, let's look for the config file in the current directory.137 /​/​ If not, scan the world.138 runner.loadEmptyConfig(process.cwd());139 }140 const filePatternFilters = => {141 const match = /​^(.*):(\d+)$/​.exec(arg);142 return {143 re: forceRegExp(match ? match[1] : arg),144 line: match ? parseInt(match[2], 10) : null145 };146 });147 const result = await!!opts.list, filePatternFilters, opts.project || undefined);148 await (0, _profiler.stopProfiling)(undefined);149 if (result === 'sigint') process.exit(130);150 process.exit(result === 'passed' ? 0 : 1);151}152function forceRegExp(pattern) {153 const match = pattern.match(/​^\/​(.*)\/​([gi]*)$/​);154 if (match) return new RegExp(match[1], match[2]);155 return new RegExp(pattern, 'gi');156}157function overridesFromOptions(options) {158 const isDebuggerAttached = !!require('inspector').url();159 const shardPair = options.shard ? options.shard.split('/​').map(t => parseInt(t, 10)) : undefined;160 return {161 forbidOnly: options.forbidOnly ? true : undefined,162 globalTimeout: isDebuggerAttached ? 0 : options.globalTimeout ? parseInt(options.globalTimeout, 10) : undefined,163 grep: options.grep ? forceRegExp(options.grep) : undefined,164 grepInvert: options.grepInvert ? forceRegExp(options.grepInvert) : undefined,165 maxFailures: options.x ? 1 : options.maxFailures ? parseInt(options.maxFailures, 10) : undefined,166 outputDir: options.output ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), options.output) : undefined,167 quiet: options.quiet ? options.quiet : undefined,168 repeatEach: options.repeatEach ? parseInt(options.repeatEach, 10) : undefined,169 retries: options.retries ? parseInt(options.retries, 10) : undefined,170 reporter: options.reporter && options.reporter.length ? options.reporter.split(',').map(r => [resolveReporter(r)]) : undefined,171 shard: shardPair ? {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');3const { firefox } = require('playwright-firefox');4const { webkit } = require('playwright-webkit');5const options = {6 viewport: {7 },8 userAgent: 'Mozilla/​5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/​537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/​84.0.4147.135 Safari/​537.36',9 httpCredentials: {10 },11 geolocation: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { overridesFromOptions } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​options');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({5 });6 const context = await browser.newContext(overridesFromOptions({7 userAgent: 'Mozilla/​5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/​537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/​91.0.4472.77 Safari/​537.36',8 extraHTTPHeaders: {}9 }));10 const page = await context.newPage();11})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { overridesFromOptions } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​overrides');2const options = {3 viewport: {4 },5};6const overrides = overridesFromOptions(options);7console.log(overrides);8const { createBrowserContext } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');9const browser = await chromium.launch();10const context = await createBrowserContext(browser, overrides);11console.log(context);12const { createPageInContext } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');13const page = await createPageInContext(context);14console.log(page);15const { createPage } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browser');16const page = await createPage(browser, overrides);17console.log(page);18{ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,19 viewport: { width: 1920, height: 1080 } }20BrowserContext {21 _browser: Browser {22 _connection: Connection {23 _callbacks: Map(0) {},24 _promises: Map(0) {},25 _sessions: Map(0) {},26 _eventListeners: Map(0) {},27 _browser: Browser {28 }29 },30 _browserType: Chromium {31 _options: {}32 },33 _options: { headless: false }34 },35 _options: { ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, viewport: { width: 1920, height: 1080 } },

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Playwright } = require('@playwright/​test');2const options = {3 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },4 recordVideo: { dir: 'videos' },5 recordTrace: { dir: 'traces' },6 recordHar: { omitContent: true, path: 'trace.har' },7 proxy: {8 },9};10const overrides = Playwright._overridesFromOptions(options);11console.log(overrides);12"scripts": {13 }14{15 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },16 recordVideo: { dir: 'videos' },17 recordTrace: { dir: 'traces' },18 recordHar: { omitContent: true, path: 'trace.har' },19 proxy: {20 },21}22const { Playwright } = require('@playwright/​test');23const options = {24 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },25 recordVideo: { dir: 'videos' },26 recordTrace: { dir: 'traces' },27 recordHar: { omitContent: true, path: 'trace.har' },28 proxy: {29 },

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { Internal } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserType');3const browser = await chromium.launch();4const context = await browser.newContext();5const internal = new Internal(browser);6const overrides = internal.overridesFromOptions(context._options);7const { chromium } = require('playwright');8const { Internal } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserType');9const browser = await chromium.launch();10const context = await browser.newContext();11const internal = new Internal(browser);12const overrides = internal.overridesFromOptions(context._options);13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14const { Internal } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserType');15const browser = await chromium.launch();16const context = await browser.newContext();17const internal = new Internal(browser);18const overrides = internal.overridesFromOptions(context._options);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Playwright } = require("playwright");2const playwright = new Playwright({3 {4 },5});6const browser = playwright.chromium.launch({7});8const page = await browser.newPage();9await page.screenshot({ path: "google.png" });10await browser.close();11const { Playwright } = require("playwright");12const playwright = new Playwright({13 {14 },15});16const browser = playwright.chromium.launch({17});18const page = await browser.newPage();19await page.screenshot({ path: "google.png" });20await browser.close();21const { Playwright } = require("playwright");22const playwright = new Playwright({23 {24 },25});26const browser = playwright.chromium.launch({27});28const page = await browser.newPage();29await page.screenshot({ path: "google.png" });30await browser.close();31const { Playwright } = require("playwright");32const playwright = new Playwright({33 {

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StackOverFlow community discussions


Jest + Playwright - Test callbacks of event-based DOM library

firefox browser does not start in playwright

Is it possible to get the selector from a locator object in playwright?

How to run a list of test suites in a single file concurrently in jest?

Running Playwright in Azure Function

firefox browser does not start in playwright

This question is quite close to a "need more focus" question. But let's try to give it some focus:

Does Playwright has access to the cPicker object on the page? Does it has access to the window object?

Yes, you can access both cPicker and the window object inside an evaluate call.

Should I trigger the events from the HTML file itself, and in the callbacks, print in the DOM the result, in some dummy-element, and then infer from that dummy element text that the callbacks fired?

Exactly, or you can assign values to a javascript variable:

const cPicker = new ColorPicker({
    window['color'] = color;
    window['result'] = color;

And then

it('Should call all callbacks with correct arguments', async() => {
    await page.goto(`http://localhost:5000/tests/visual/basic.html`, {waitUntil:'load'})

    // Wait until the next frame
    await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame))

    // Act
    // Assert
    const result = await page.evaluate(() => window['color']);
    // Check the value


Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:

Difference Between Web vs Hybrid vs Native Apps

Native apps are developed specifically for one platform. Hence they are fast and deliver superior performance. They can be downloaded from various app stores and are not accessible through browsers.

How To Use driver.FindElement And driver.FindElements In Selenium C#

One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.

Difference Between Web And Mobile Application Testing

Smartphones have changed the way humans interact with technology. Be it travel, fitness, lifestyle, video games, or even services, it’s all just a few touches away (quite literally so). We only need to look at the growing throngs of smartphone or tablet users vs. desktop users to grasp this reality.

Putting Together a Testing Team

As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.

Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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